THE T S DAILY Where You Read It First Tuesday, October 5,1993 Vol XXW, Number 17 IREADING ON A WEEKEND!?!? I Oxfam in process of moving to new locale by DAVID MEYERS anythingrightnow. Wecould have Daily Editorial Board started up,” said Sharmila Having a tough time finding a Basnayake. “We’re very, very up- healthy snack? That may be be- set because Oxfam America is a cause the Oxfam Cafe has not non-profit organization and we’re opened this semester, and mostly losing a lot of money that could go likely will not do so, according to to other projects and help many Manager Eli Noto. people.” Late this summer, Academic O’Dare met with Associate Vice President Melvin Bernstein Dean of Students Bruce Reitman decided to close the Eaton Hall to discuss the change in locale. He location of the Oxfam Cafe in or- asked for a presentation from the der to provide for more faculty Oxfam people. ‘We need to make office space. The cafe is slated to up a request list and find all the reopen in the basement of Miller costs for the moving and construc- Hall. tion of the Miller basement,” Noto “We had to go check out Miller said. - to see what kind of facilities are ‘We want it to be at least equal there,” said Noto. “It needs a lot, to what we had in Eaton,” she including plumbing and serving added. facilities. The facilities and loca- According to O’Dare, repre- tion are not as good as in Eaton.” sentatives have met with Build- Photo by Anni Recordati According to Noto, she was ings and Grounds to discuss what Why would somebody want to waste such a warm, beatiful day by studying under a shady tree? informed of the move in late Au- renovations need to be made. “We gust by Katie O’Dare of the Stu- walked through Miller in order to dent Activities office, but since get an estimate,” she said. ‘We Studentfinds method to beating that time no renovationshave been have an ASAP on it because they done in either location. “We didn’t are losing money and business.” know anything about [the move] O’Dare said there is a slim campus bookstore’s high prices until it happened,” Noto said. Witte’s Book Matchmaker unites text buyers and sellers “The spice isn’t being used for see OXFAM, page 8 by MARC SHEINKIN puter program, Witte will help sell the books; instead, he says he Daily Editorial Board match up prospective buyers and sells the seller. For example,if you With all the recent controversy se!!ers by examining their differ- want to buy a biology book, call swirling around the high prices at ent book buyingandseliingneeds. The Book Matchmaker and tell the cam us boo Wtte what yau are-- / ti&! preneurins bqq’rs j-qt rn!lr=rtiyg cli-st q*who and kow mxh yo^ xe willing to dl Tufts sI.cdents to have their doii’t want to pay the exorb,lb,it spend. If you want to sell a biology caLe and eat it too. prices at Barnes & Noble, this is book, call him and tell him what junior Todd Witte has decided the perfect opportunity to make or you are selling and how much you to take matters into his own hands a buck. are asking for it. Witte will then by starting his own business, “It’s a win-win situation for study his data base and try to come known as The Book Matchmaker. everyone.What are you doing with up with apossiblematch. The seller His job will be matching buyers the books just lying around your will then pay a small commission and sellers of used books, so that house? Nothing. My business is fee to Witte for the name and phone the buyers pay less than they would matching up buyers and sellers, number of the buyer. at Barnes & Noble and sellers get and my product is the name and Sellers should specify the title, more than the bookstore would phone number of the buyer and edition, author, asking price, ne- pay back. seller,” Witte said. Using a simple database com- Witte said he does not actually see page The Oxfam Snack Bar is in the process of moving to Miller Hall.

Russian hard-liners surrender following;W tank attack MOSCOW (AP) -- Boris ingchallengesinhisefforttotrans- Snipers continued to fire from forms had been continuallyunder- raging. Yeltsin won a bloody victory in form Russia’s economy and soci- the White House and surrounding mined by the Communist-domi- “It was organized by Commu- the battle for Russia’s future Mon- ety. buildings. The search for holdouts nated legislature. nists seeking revenge, by fascist day, his tanks and paratroopers Parliament leaders gave up af- was difficult because the 19-story Yeltsin spent the day closeted leaders and some of the former flushing his hard-line ODDonents ter 1,000 soldiers raked the white parliament building is an often- with his closest aides in the =em- lawmakers. ... There can be no Y *I - froma flaming Russian parliament martie parliament relentlessly with confusing labyrinth of twisting lin, where he had remained over- forgiveness, because they lifted building. Scores died as Yeltsin fire from T-72 tank cannons and corridors and hidden rooms. night since rushing there by heli- their hand againstpeaceful people” crushed the strongest power bid heavy machine guns, but at least The storming of the White copter during Sunday’sstreet fight- in Sunday’s rioting, he added. yet by remnants of the old Com- some holdouts remained at large. House broke hard-line opposition ing. Late Monday, he returned to Authoritieshad no firm figures munist regime. After nightfall, red and green in parliament, but many people his country dacha. on casualties from the 10-hour Themass surrenderof lawmak- tracer bullets streaked across the harbor deep resentmentagainst the He struck back just after dawn battle at the White House, but sol- ers and their armed supporters sky as flames shot up the sides of soaring prices and other painful Monday with the assault on the diers stacked dozens of bodies seemed likely to allow Yeltsin to the parliament, known as the White changes under Yeltsin’s reforms. parliament building. outside the building. move ahead with plans to elect a House. Armored vehicles and The attack also could make mar- “All that was and still is going Russian televisionreported that new parliament in December and heavy trucks rumbled through the tyrs of his opponents. on in Moscow -- was an armed Sunday’sbattle at the TV complex pursue long-frustrated economic city, and Muscovites rushed home President Clinton and other revolt planned in advance,”he said alone left 62 dead and 400 reform$. But he still faced daunt- to beat a new military curfew. Western leaders were quick to sup- on nationwide television, explain- -*. port Yeltsin, but they can be ex- ing the attack while it was still see RussIA9 page l9 pected to closely watch how he treats his foes in the coming days and weeks. 1 Inside Parliament speaker Ruslan Khasbulatov, Vice President Viewpoints ...... p. 3 Alexander Rutskoi and other lead- It’s hard not to be pessimistic about peace in the Middle East. One writer ers of the two-week occupation of offers his take on the issue. the White House were taken from parliament to the high-security A&E ...... P. 7 Lefortovo Prison. Macauley CuEn in a thriller? We Escalating their defiance of knew it would never work! Nor does Yeltsin’s dissolution of parliament Juliana Hatfield on stage. Read up! on September 21, armed hard-lin- ers captured the Moscow mayor’s sports ...... p. 9 offices and tried to take Russia’s Once again, non-baseball fans are main television center Sundav. plagued by the sports editors’ all-too- oailv file phot,, Parliament leaders urged suppo& page two THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, October 5,1993 THETUFTS DAILY Letters to the Editor

Eiin M. Dugan to access theiraccounts. They seem to think has a large Jewish population composing Editor-in-Chief Activities budgets are money budgeted for their organizations is about hrtypercent of its population. Plan- their personal allowapce to spend, rather ning an event that excludes large a popu- Managing Editor: Caroline Schaefer not student allowances as than student activities’ funds. Despite the lation as that is inexcusable. Overlooking Associate Editors: Nadya Sbaiti, Marc Sheinkin To the Editor: Editorial Page Editor: Stephen Arbuthnot rudeness shown to him by some students at this holiday gave me the message that the We attended the Treasury Procedures the meeting, Brinker was very accommo- event was not intended for Jewish students, Production Managers: Michael B. Berg, meeting for student organizationslast ThurS- Leah Schwartz, Ryan Otto dating to their questions and comments. that this group assumed that Jews would day evening. This was not our first choice Brinkercontinuesto put forth a tremendous not be interested in seeing Cornell West NEWS for how to spend our Thursday evening, effort to make the treasury accountable to speak. Editor: David Meyers however we realize the magnitude of the the student body and the university. Ironi- The advertisement for the event in the Assistant Editor: Jessica Rosenthal task facing the TCU Treasury in managing cally, these efforts have been met with Wire Editor: Ashley Burkhart newspaper said that the African American student organizations’ use of funds. For harsh criticismfrom the organizationswhich Center’s goal is “to transform the ideals of this reason, we went to the meeting to will ultimately benefit from his vigilance. diversity into concrete reality on this cam- VIEWPOINTS ensqe that our organizations would be pus, and beyond.” It seems odd that a group Editor: Michael J.W. Stickings operating within the treasury guidelines. Jennifer Fox LA’94 trying to promote “diversity” would ex- TCU Treasurer David Brinker gave a clear Robyn Liebman LA’94 clude any group on campus from partici- presentation of treasury operations and FEATURES (Editor’sNote: Fox is a Trustee Represen- pating (which is effectively what planning Editor: Rachel Levine, Jessica Ruzz demonstrated a genuine interest in cooper- tative.) an event on a Jewish holiday does for Assistant Editor: Sharon Jedel ating with student groups in the utilization Jewish students). Diversity has come to of their funds. His only stipulation was that mean the interests of minorities such as ART dr ENTERTAINMENT the student organizations follow treasury Scheduling was not Editors: Madhu Unnikrishnan, Malt Carson, African Americans, Asian Americans and Megan B~~-White and university guidelines.Despite the com- Hispanics. In practice it does not include ments of sonic students attending the meet- sensitive to holidays To the Editor: Jews, other ethnic minorities, and the rna- WEEKENDER ing, Brinker did not sit home Thursday jority. Diversity should be about appreciat- Editor: John McGuire, Christopher Shipinis afternoon, scheming up these regulations Although I commendthe African Ameri- Production Manager: Jamie Pink can Center for getting a speaker as well- ing the differences and cultures of every- to screw us all out of our money. These one in the population, not just the cultures regulations have been mandated for a long known, intelligent, and insightful as Cornell SPORTS West, I would like to censure them for of those who claim to be the most op- Editors: Doug Katz, John Toma~e, time, and it is our treasurer’s responsibility pressed. I implore this organization to be Jeff Geller to enforce them. being so insensitive as to schedule his ap- pearance on the first night of Rosh more sensitive to the many facets of Tufts’ Several commentswere made to Brinker “diverse” community the next time they PHOTOGRAPHY by members of student groups, expressing Hashanah. Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kip- Editors: ire^ Fayngold, Jennifer McCarthy pur are the two most important religious plan an event to promote “diversity.” Assistant Editors: Tam Kemohan, disdain for these regulations and hostility Matilde Pereda, Anni Recordati towards Brinker for enforcing them. These holidays for Jewish people, comparably to First year graduateSara student Berg members of the Tufts community com- the importance of Christmas and Easter to plained of having to go through the treasury Christians. From my understanding Tufts PRODUCTION Graphics Editor: John Pohorylo Copy Editors: ElmVatsky, Cheryl Horton, Yael Belkind Michel retires as the House GOP leader WASHINGTON (AP) -- House GOP own right as the ranking Republican on the Gingrich has toned down his sharp wit Gizem Ozkulahci Leader Robert Michel’s retirement ignited Rules Committee,is considered a potential Executive Business Director in recent months, many lawmakers say, in a an immediate race for a successor Monday, candidate and scheduled a late-afternoon calculated bid to win over more moderates Business Manager: Phil Ayoub and the combative Newt Gingrich emerged news conference. and has tried to prove his bipartisanship by Advertising Manager: Dan Gendron as the early front-runner. Other Republi- Representative Henry Hyde of Illinois, meeting more with Democrats. Office Manager: Lyle Mays cans jockeyed for position. who heads the Republican Policy Commit- “Newt has changed his sense of direc- Subscriptions Manager: Monika Voellm tee, has built up formidable stature with his Receivables Manager: Melissa Tapply Michel,the easygoingIllinois lawmaker tion,” said Representative Mac Collins, a who Wed-Hmm-Rep~ 1 9 -*e and has voicea an . 6‘TT- I- The Tufts Daily is a non-profit newspaper, published \ ondaythroughFridayduringtheacademicyearanddisttib- years, made an emotional farewellin home- interest in Michel‘s job. Hyde issued a guided his direction away from being more ed free to the Tufts community. The Daily is entkly town Peoria as he announced he would not statement saying he had no present plans to confrontationalto being more diplomatic.” ident-;therearenopaideditorialpositions. TheDailyis inted at Charles River Publishing, Charlestown,MA. seek a 20th term in Congress next year. run, but he noted the contest was 14 months Many lawmakers said they were look- The Daily is located at the back entrance of Curtis Hall The announcement of his departure -- away -- “an eternity in political affairs,” he ing for a leader who could tell Americans Tufts University. Our phone number is (617) 627-3090. which will take effect after the 1994 elec- said. just what it is the House’s 175 Republicans lsiness hours are 900 a.m. - 6:00 p.m, Monday through iday, and 1:00 p.m - 600 p.m on Sunday. tions -- comes at a time when Republicans RepresentativeBill Archer ofTexas, the stand for. Some lawmakerscomplained that The policies of The Tufts Daily are established by the are still groping to mold an effective role ranking Republican on the Ways and Means there has been a leadership vacuum in re- itorial board. Editorials appear on this page, unsigned for themselves now that the Democrats Committee, said through a spokesman he cent months and that the public tends to iividual editors are not necessarily responsible for, or in mment with, the policies andeditorialsofThe Tufts Daily. control both the White House and Con- had been approachedby several colleagues think Republicans are just being nay say- The content of letters. advertisements,signed columns, gress. and urged to run, but had not made up his ers. noons and graphics does not necessarily reflecttheopinion The race to replace Michel is seen as mind yet. The Tufts Daily editorial board. “The worst thing we can do is look like Letters to the Editor Policy both a contest of styles and a battle over Both Hyde and Archer would be seen as all we do is aim torpedoes at the Clinton The Tufts Daily welcomes letters from the readers. The who can best define and develop strategy “old-bull” candidates who would be more White House,” said Representative David ters page is an open fonunforcampus issues and comments out the Daily’s coverage. . for the minority party in Congress. conciliatory in working with Democrats Levy, R-New York. Letters must include the writer’s name and a phone “I don’t know if it will be a fight for a than Gingrich or Solomon. The election to replace Michel, to be mber where the writer can be reached AI1 letters must be soul of the party much as it’s going to be Representative Dick Armey of Texas, rified with the writer before they can be published. as decided among Republicans in the House, The deadline for letters to be considered for publication an issue of perceived style -- the lower-key, the chamber’sNumber 3 Republican, is not will probably be held in December 1994. the following day’s issue is 4flO p.m. more conciliatory style vs. being antago- inclined to run because he is too allied with Michel, in announcing his retirement, Due to space limitations,letters should be no longer than 0 words. Any submissionsover this length may be edited nistic,’’ said GOP Representative Peter Gingrich on conservative issues, said an fondly recalled the old days when there was the Daily to be consistent with the limit Letters should be Hoekstra, a freshman from Michigan. aide in the Republican leadership. more camaraderie in Congress and his sat- :ompanid by no more than eight signatures. Gingrich, the outspoken Georgian who isfaction working under Republican presi- The editors reserve the right to edit letters for clarity. blication of letters is not guaranteed, but subject to the holds the Number 2 GOP job as minority Gingrich starts out as the front-runner dents. He expressed frustration witha “new cretioa of the editors. whip, wouldn’t comment on his intentions both because he’s already in the leadership generation”of public officials who came to Letters should be typed or printed hman IBM or IBM- Monday. But he scheduled an announce- ranks and because of his record an ag- Washington “trashing the npatible computer in leimquality or near-letterquality as institution.” dede.Letters Wntten on Macintosh compum should be mentThursday and told colleagueshe would gressive, articulate spokesman for House “I never went to Congress with the idea nght in on disk - files should be saved in Yext-only” be running for Michel’s seat. -, Republicans. of trashing that institution,” Michel said. mat, and disks should be brought in with a copy of the Gingrich appears to have been groom- ter. Disks can be picked up in the Daily business office the Othercandidates surveyedthelandscape, He did not name individuals, but Republi- lowing day. too. ing himself for Michel’s job and there was cans have reported that he was livid with Letters should address the editor and not a particular RepresentativeGerald Solomonof New speculationhe would challengeMiche1next lawmakers who have aligned themselves ividual. While letters can be critical of an individtds ions, they should not attack someone’spersonality haits. York, aggressive and hard-charging in his year, regardless of Michel’s plans. with Texas billionaire Ross Perot. The Daily will not accept anonymous letters or pen nes except in exwm circumstances if the Exerecutive ml determines that there is a clear and present danger to author. The Daily will not accept letters regarding the Lawyers are feeling pinch of competition rerage of other publications, unless their coverage iself become a newswoahy issue that has appeared in the NEW YORK (AP) -- It’s hard to feel L. Berner Jr., managing partner of the Chi- law firms generally set hourly fees for ser- ily. The Daily will accept letters of thanks, if space sorry €or lawyers. cago ofice of Baker & McKenzie, one of vices; they based their final bills on the rmits, but will not run letters whose sole purpose is to vertise an event. In the 1980s, their profession rose to the nation’s .largest law fms. number of hours spent on a project. When writers have group affiliations or hold titles or such prominence that college studentsprac- A survey by The National Law Journal Under that system, clients didn’t know sitions related to the topic of their letter, the Daily will note tically fell over each other to sign up for the in its September 27 issue found that nearly what they would pay until an assignment it following the letter.This is to provideadditional informa- Law School Admission Test. ended. n and is not intended to detract from the letter. half the nation’s 250 biggest law firms cut . Classifreds Information Even entry level associates earned big their legal staffs this year for the second Now, methods like “value billing” and All Tufts students must submit classifieds in person, :paid with cash or check. All classifieds must be submitted salaries. Those who achieved the more straight year. “alternate billing” have emerged. Those 3 p.m the day before publication.Classifieds may also be senior status of partner were virtually guar- By contrast in 1988, when the legal allow clients to negotiate flat fees, although ught at the Information Booth at the Campus Center. AU there may be variables, said Phil J. Shuey, ssifieds submitted by mail must be accompanied by a anteed wealth and prestige. profession began to realize it was getting :ck Classifieds may not be submitted over the phone. But 1990s competition has brought a too bulky, 11 percent bf the big firms re- chairman of the law practice management Notices andhst& Foundsare free andrun onTuesdays different reality. duced their work forces. section of the American Bar Association. d Thursdays only. Notices are limited to two per week per consciousness is coming into play :anization and run space permitting. Notices must be Pressured by a soft economy, their cor- . Revenue is under pressure, too. Price itten on Daily forms and submitted in person. Notices porate clients using them less often, law The American Lawyer, in a survey pub- in other areas. nnotbe used to sell merchandise or advertisemajorevenu. firms are rethinking they way they do busi- lished in its July-August issue, found rev- ‘The big companies, the big financial The Tufts Daily is not liable for any damages due to mgraphical errors or misprintings except the cost of the ness. They’re cutting staff. They’re bar- enueamongthenation’s top 100firmsgrew institutions, the big service institutions, for don,which is fully refundable. Wereserve the right to gaining over fees. 3 percent in 1992, the same as in 1991. That years they have all been increasing their in- bto print any classifieds which containobscenity,are of some ways, we’re being treated the house legal staffs,” said Baker & overtly sexual nature, or are used expressly to denigrate a “In was down from 23 percent growth in 1988. rson or group. same way as a parts supplier,” said Robert One big change is billing. In the past, McKenzie’s Berner. Tuesday, October 5,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page three VIEWPOINTS Accuracy in Peru This land is my land: the peace process by Gary P. Leupp formation on the war in Peru. He was often described as a “military right there. optimistic mind. What would tis Please permit me a few points chief,” even by supporters, before by Fahad K. Al- I suppose a few more treaties new Middle East be like? I, for in response to the AP article on he was forced out of the eastern Mukhaizeem and several promises by Israel to one, wish to see all barriers be- Peru which appeared in The Daily Amazon region (Caretas, 11141 “discuss” the future of Palestinian tween Israel and the Arab states under the particularlyirresponsible 91). He was in regular contact If yitzhakRabin seemed rather autonomy within say two, three, or removed. If Israel does its part in with the embassy, travelled headline, “Rebels wage war on US to lean Over and shake four years would pave the way for realizing this final peace, it de- Peruvian Indians,” on Sept. 21. about in a US-supplied police he- hand afterthe sign- better Arab-Israeli relations and serves to reap the fruits of stability The article implied that the Com- licopter, and tried to organize ingoftheMiddleEastpeaceagree- perhaps a lifting of the boycott in the region. Arabs would have a munist Party of Peru (PCP; Shin- Ashaninka into an anti-Sender0 merit* I can Only imagine how re- against the Jewish state. Propa- reason to lift their boycott of 1s- ing Path, or Sendero Luminoso) militia. (ThePeruviangovernment luctant he be to hand the ganda-wise, Israel would be seen rael. Trade and commerce in the singles out Indians for attack in its often pressures peasants to form Occupied territoriesOver to , in the light of a peace-maker and Middle East can flourish again. revolutionary war against the Pe- .such militia, or face punishment as tinian The peace treaty was guarantor of children’s future. Everyone will benefit. Israel can ruvian regime. suspected Maoists.) The PCP de- signed, but it is Only the first step Meanwhile, the Gaza Strip, West trade its expertise and technologi- Authorities on the PCP agree scribesMarianoas a“rapist,slaver, in ajourney Of a thousand Bank, Golan Heights, and areas of cal advances in production and that its members are themselves and military chief.” ajourney that may someday bring southern Lebanon would remain other areas such as farming and overwhelmingly Indian and mes- Accordingto the article, Maoist to the Middle East a sense of nor- under occupation. medicine for entry into the greater tizo. This fact has led some com- guerrillas killed 55 Ashaninka malcy and perhaps peaceful coex- It does not matter how long the Arab market. mentators to refer to the organiza- peasants one night in August. istence among its nations. tion as “the Incas’ revenge” or as Maybe. The reports about the epi- At atime of such breakthroughs “Could it be that Israel is hoping to cash an “Inca millenarian movement.” : sode have been very contradictory I dare to ask, “Why?’ Why would I Such characterizations are mis- (for example, Reuters reports of Israel, a country backed politi- in on the benefits of a long leading, given the PCP’s Maoist Aug. 21-22), but apparently, pro- cally and economically by the sole and drawn out peace process?” inspiration.But they acknowledge, PCP forces in Europe have stated leading superpower of the world, if in back-handed fashion, the deep that “a large column of Maoist a nation itself with the mightiest peace negotiations continue, nor In my view, it is Israel that will roots of the Senderistas among guerrillas made up of 200 arsenal of weaponry in the Middle ’ how hard politicians and officials gain the most out of trade with the Peru’s indigenous population. Ashqninka Indians” killed 55 East, including over 200 nuclear work their wheels of diplomacy. Arabs. TouriFm in the Holy Land While the article depicts the people, most of them members of warheads, along with a techno- The Arab-Israeli conflict remains would surely soar. Israel would be Maoist PCP as making war on the a pro-government militia, on Au- logical military advantage above an issue of land and territory; it is the major producer in the area, Ashaninka tribe, a mainstream gust 18. all its neighbors and potential en- a fact we cannot escape. Palestin- saving Arab countries the costly Peruvian publication (La According to this report, there emies, be willing to sacrifice any ians want nothing more than a price of having things shipped over Republica) indicates that 16,000 was an armed conflict that day part of its controlled territory, oc- place they can call home. Lebanon from the industrialized Western of the 24,000 Ashaninkas living between pro- and anti-government cupied or otherwise? Why give and Syria want their territories nations. Kuwait has already lifted around the Tam0 River “are in Ashaninkas in the eastern Ama- away precious land desperately back. Oh, and the killing, that the secondary boycott against Is- Sendero Luminoso,” and that 70 zon region, 25 miles from the needed to settle the masses of Jew- shouldstop,too-frombothsides. rael by not blacklisting companies percent of Ashaninka territory is Mazamari military base, which ish immigrants that constantly Personally, I hate to be pessi- which trade with the Jewish state. now controlled by the guerrillas. coordinatescounter-insurgency in flock to Israel? mistic, so I won’t be. I hope I am It is the first Arab country to do so. The Associated Press story con- the region. It lasted nine hours. Could it be that Israel is hoping wrong and it doesn’t take an eon or I hope this plants the seeds of cedes that at least among some Whatever one’s views about the to cash in on the benefits of a long two for this land business to get economic, as well as social, coop- Ashaninka Indians, the Maoists PCP and its combatants’ tactics, it and drawn-outpeace process rather settled. I know it is not a clear-cut eration in the future. have as a result of ve ’ t- seems amasentthatthey-onjoy than peacci@em4,$lr- issue; though it-might seem that ing poiitical elrort co= significant, popular support. The tinians are fighting amongst them- way to each of the concerned par- “great respect.” Ashaninka, like other groups in selves. Those who are militantly ties, and I am not attempting to The prospects for productive US missionary Mariano Peruvian society, are divided be- opposed to the peace treaty are trivialize the situation. However, peace are endless, but Israel must Gagnon is cited in the article as an tween pro- and anti-Sender0 vowing vengeance. But Yasser one must be realistic and face the pay the price for prosperity. Land authorityontheAshaninka(whom forces. The struggle in Peru is not Arafat has pledged to join forces facts head-on. If the areas occu- is both the issue and the problem. he depicts patronizingly as “inno- between “rebels” and “Peruvian with Israel in combating such op- pied by Israel remain occupied, I pray that these lands of war and cents” who will believe anything Indians,” but between the poor position. I see an end to the peace there will be no Deace. terror will someday be lands of they are told). But Mariano is and oppressed, and a power struc- Let US imagink that Israel does hope and glory. I cannot help quot- hardly an impartial source for in- ture closely linked to the US gov- Fahad K. Al-Mukhuizeem isajun- give up these occupied areas and it ing these last words of prayer: “0 ernment and its interests. ior majoring in economics and is‘ not just another fictitious see- pray for the peace of Jerusalem: Gary l? Leupp is an assistantpro- It should be reported in that chemical engineering. nario created by the dreams of an they shall prosper that love thee.” fessor in the history department. fashion. Drowning in the Dredges of Liberalism The monopoly of morality, of societal visions of right views. impoverished people. But, alas, there can be no debate, and wrong speech, behavior, and thought, currently ap- More impomntly, he is criticized because he dares to only banners, chanting, and the standard liberal dogma of pears to be the focal point af campus liberals. To the defy the prevailing political mentality of the vocal few, of the oppressor and the oppressed. Welcome to the fantasy detriment of open debate and intellectual pursuits, the the student body’s liberal establishment. As such, he en- world of academia, to the monopolization of truth and vocal minority of politically correct students has striven to dangers the morality, the sense of right and wrong, that correctness by a self-righteousvanguard of superficiality take control of this university’s political agenda in a these liberals would have us believe are objective and and hollowness. fashion that is both sim- irrefutable truths. To criticize Israel, to criticize culture It is, however, a world of illusion. On the hill, the Michael J.W. Stickings plistic and, ultimately, houses, is to engage in blasphemy. To point out that there liberals think they have discovered a truth that leaves the childish. may be other perspectives, other views of the way things rest of us in the dark of the cave. But outside these walls, The Reaction I take as an example should be, is to undermine the superficialliberal paradigm. reality is determined not by the whimsical and idealistic the writings and opin- dreams of unsubstantiated opinions, but by the currents of ions of Mr. Naif Al-Mutawa.Over the past couple of years, Academia itself has always been prey to the kind of popular thinking and varying determinations of truth. Mr. Al-Mutawa has sought to bring rational discourse to idealistic and naive liberalism of youth. There has always Ultimately, the search for truth is far more important the issue of the Middle-East and its many conflicts. He has been a sense, as there is now at Tufts, that we occupy some than the dogmatic truth developed by a few vocal students sought to find a middle ground from which he could point special place in society. The light on the hill takes on at Tufts University. Yet, the liberals - the advocates of out the extremities pursued not only by the pro-Israeli intellectual and philosophical connotations. We live up political correctness, deconstructivism, and revisionism student groups, but by the more irrational members of his here on the hill. We look into the sun. We find truth. We - seek to squelch this search by constructing their own own religious and ethnic background. Yet, he has been become guardiansof this sacred knowledge. We prepare to determinations of right and wrong. As such, they are branded an Islamic “fundamentalist”by a prominent cam- descend with this truth into the world now at our feet. denying perspective and convincing themselves of their pus publication and has been labelled an extremisthimself Political correctness forms part of this truth. The “de- own infallibility. If only they realized just how deceived by those very forces he has sought to denounce. fense” of the Cree in Quebec becomes an objective neces- they really are. The issue is one of perspective. Mr. Al-Mutawa is an sity. Hydro-Quebec is evil; the Quebecois and Canadian This university should serve to propagate intellectual intelligent and convincing moderate. However, to the governments are evil. There is no room for perspective or and academic openness. Liberals, ic turn, should get off extremes of political debate, he himself is an extreme. subjective debate. Quite on the contrary, the entire issue is their moral highground and examine the search for truth a Essentially, he is criticized because he is misunderstood. reduced to the intellectualismof simpletons,who refuse to little more carefully. Perhaps that would give them the His remarks, as they should, place people on the defen- acknowledgethatperhaps, just perhaps, other concerns are insight and depth necessary to engage in intelligent give- sive. Yet, the responses are often of a personal and vindic- at stake. Perhaps, just perhaps, some of the Cree support and-take, and not the kind ofridiculously unintelligent and tive nature, and rarely address Mr. Al-Mutawa’s original the project; perhaps it will bring great rewards to an disillusioned rhetoric that saturates their philosophy. I 44Expressyourself, ”said Ms. Ciccone. And you knew right away I 1 what she was talking about. It was Viewpoints. And she spoke truly. I So you called Michael at the Daily office. 62%3090.

I I . Tuesday, October 5,1993 page four THE TUFTS DAILY

I:NOW HIRING! Counter Help @ Delivery Drivers TUITION ASSISTANCE* - $150 EVERY 3 MONTHS Monday - Friday day shifts available. $6 perhour to start. Drivers earn $10 - $11 per hour. '- Apply in person:

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ARLINGTON . ' 'To receive fhe Tuifion Assislance, you musl be a sfudenl of ood slanding and work a ninfmum of four 3 hour shrftsper week, You must also submf a copy of your arnenf transcript or other proof of being a /ul/ time sludenf.

...... the possibilities: ......

Worship Coordinator Come and share your *Discussion plans, your ideas, and Coordinator your presence. *Secretary ...... I::!:... Tuesday October 5 ...... And Volunteer for ...... ::a;:.. . 9:30 p.m. Worship and Discussion ...... 2...... Wyeth House Organizing! ...... (the German House) 21 Whitfield Road

1. Aye you single?

2. LonelyZ. _-- -. - 3. Feel like procrastinating? 4. In the mood to hang out in a . place with friendly ,employees? Monty Python Society

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, Every Wednefdav# YOU are in dire need of a great night at ... A &A Y:NDm 14 Professors Row

Tuesday PUB!!!! featuring

N . $2 to enter sponsored by SAC

Oct. 5 MacPhie Pub 1 Bpm-1 am 2 forms of positiue ID to drink Questions? Call Amy at 629-9651 Tuesday, October 5,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page five FEATURES

eeeAnd I feel fine Pay attention to those fire drills Okay, suppose it’s Tuesday, October 5th, 1993 (not too hard for by PAUL E. CALDERWOOD to your being able to leave the Police and tell them your exact nost people so far), and also suppose you have to take the GRE tests Contributing Writer building in a safe and orderly fash- location. If there is no heat, open - both general and subject test in psychology -- on an ever more EMERGENCY EXIT DRILLS ion, but if they are clogged with the door slowly and head for the xesently upcoming Saturday, October 9th. Now maybe your atten- When the fire alarm sounds, furniture, trash and other items, closest exit. Take your keys with ion span is a little better than say, mine, but let’s further suppose that that is not the best time to try and then it will take longer to get you so you can retreat back into you have let your mind become find your way out of the building, through. Hallways and stairwells your room if your exit is blocked. Michael B. Berg distracted in the hypothetical especially if it is filled with smoke. are not designed to be storage ar- In many movies and TV shows, world, and you are now contem- The fire drills are designed to ac- eas. Bicycles, mopeds and motor- people are shown going to the roof Stressed Desserts plating all the nasty things that complish two important safety cycles are also are not allowed in to be rescued; this is not the place will most likely happen to you at objectives:to help people become these areas. During the next fire to go. The hot smoke and gases he least opportune moment. A more concrete example might be: as familiar with the exits in their build- drill or fire alarm in your building, travel to the top of the stairwells lou walk out of just finishing the exam, you’ll most likely be struck ing and to test the fire alarm sys- practice using a different way out. first. The doors to theroof are kept lown dead by the Safety Shuttle in a massive fit of tragic irony. tem to insure that all components locked for safety and security rea- Now, you could possibly let this line of thought stop you from are working properly.Most people In the event of an actual fire or sons. If you have any questions aking the exam altogether. On the flip-side, you might quickly (and use the same main entrance and emergency, follow these precau- please contact Assistant Fire Mar- Irvisely) just go back to your studies. If you’re more like me, however, exit in a building. Bu$ what if it is tions. Before opening doors, feel shal Paul Calderwood at Ext. 2745 md you just might be if you’re still reading, then you’ll probably blocked by fire or smoke? Always them with the back of your hand in Medford. :ome up with a neat little package of all the consequences and some know two ways out. for heat; if there is heat do not ielpful tips to follow, should Armageddon coincide with your finish- The hallways and exits are vital open the door - call the Tufts Please be Fire Safe! ,ng the horrid test. Don’t expect any great, obvious signs such as the earth openingup, ir huge black clouds rolling by in a ominous swirling pattern. Don’t :xpect to hear the voice of God or anything too biblical. My guess is The beard and its creepvJ ,cousins: Aat the final sign of Armageddon will be much more subtle: your ea .oothpaste will probably taste a little funny, your television reception will go through slight spasms of good and poor reception, your best women offer their own opinions friend will suddenly decide to pay you back for a bet that you made thought. (Ex-boyfriends, are you more eloquent note, one clean- several years ago. Who knows? You’ll most likely miss it, and it won’t by JESSICA RUZZ Daily Editorial Board listening?) “Every guy feels the shaven young man pronounced, matter. When the end is at hand, sign or no sign, you had best be Lenin had one. Emilio Estevez need to grow a goatee, or some “They are a characteristic feature prepared. grew one. Spike Lee sports one. sort of facial hair, at least once. Don’t let yourself get too persnickety. Wing it. Hey. It’s Armaged- on the faces of dangerous revolu- Yep, folks, like it or not (and most Just to prove that he can. Whether tionaries, terrorists, ecomaniacs, don after all. So what if you make a mistake? Don’t worry too much women say NOT), the goatee has or not it looks good, he leaves it feminists, and other left-wing fa- about details. Except for a few obvious safety measures, most returned from the dead. From a on. Not only that, but he’ll experi- natics.” Hmmm. Jealous much? precautions are as useless sterilizingthe needles they use for lethal as vaguely triangular bit of downy ment with style: muttonchops, In the name of journalistic ob- injections. Take a chance and make a mistake. Who’s going to know, peach fuzz sproutingfromthe chin Luke Perry sideburns, mustaches. jectivity, we interviewed one and who’s going to tell? I’m not encouraging you to be irresponsible, of a 13 year-old facial hair hope- Mustaches are the worst. Only proud, goatee-sportingTuftonian. but hey, if you are ever going to take a risk, now is the time. Call him ful, to the wiry, carefully culti- when enough women tell him it Go on, man. Spill your heart. “I or her up. Ask that special someone to dinner or maybe a movie. Just vated beard of the debonair gent, looks awful will he shave it off. wanted to look meaner,” he said. make sure you do it quickly. goatees are popping up all over to Maybe.” “I looked too cute before. It thins Definitely turn on a radio or television. Finally, after years and separate the men from the boys. Another anti-goatee activist my face out and cuts down on the years of listening to that ear-piercing banshee shriek of a test warning This writer, who prefers her asserted, “Every man who watches morning shave. People play with that all public services run and rarely if ever get to actually use, here’s .. - m&n bien rasee,intervh&aran- -spsrts or movies -- any macho it, it’s soft and fuzzy, and if you’re get to hear 1tTSea for areal emergency. Also, keep that radio or television on. Listen to dom sampling of Tufts men and thing like that -- where their hero bored in class you can twist it. the thousands of local school cancellations. Heed helpful advice like women about their opinions on wears a goatee grows one to be People on the street get out of your “tape your windows” and “mail early.” Hey, it may be the end, but that this charming new fad. The closer to the object of their admi- way, especially if you’re wearing just makes it all the more important to get it right. women’s reactions ranged from, ration. It’s another one of those leather.” Editor’s note: he still Do all the things that you’ve been putting off for no good reason. “If they look good, I love ‘em. If male bonding things.” looks harmless. Have the oil in your car changed. Fix that leaky roof. Visit that friend they look bad, SHAVE!!!” to a The guys were a bit less deci- Does said gentleman have any who lives at that exact distance that is too far to easily just drop in on, rather unkind, albeit honest, “I sive. Most claimed that one needed plans to shave in the near future? but is close enough that you never make a special trip out to see. Pay think they’re disgusting.” to take the entire man into consid- “No way!” Never? ‘Well,” he off all your bills. You might as well go out in style, and the money Some women have apparently eration when evaluating the scuzz amended, “it depends on who I probably isn’t going to be of any more use to you. Heck, pay back your given the matter a great deal of level of a particular goatee. On a start dating.” best friend for the bet you lost several years ago. Not only do you finally get that weight off your shoulders, but you’ve just subtly included yourself in the process of the end at hand. Most stores will probably be closed, so make sure to stock up on plenty of canned soup. Also closed will be most shopping malls, hak salons, and of course, the Post Office. Most bars will most likely be open. Buy everyone a round of drinks. Heck, buy them two. Now that you’ve made friends with everyone in the bar, tell them all your story. I’m sure your new captive audience will be quite sympatheticto your woes of GRE mayhem. Listen to the sighs and the “I hear ya’s.” It’s Armageddon and you just spent the last six or seven hours taking exams that are now of even less use than before. Hug and be hugged. When that beastly-looking guy on the barstool next to yours says, “GRE’s huh? It just figures, don’t it. Just figures,” then mutters something to himself about the 1986 Red Sox, pretend you know what he’s talking about, and nod in silent approval. We all have our private little gremlins. Give him a pat on the back, ask him if he can spare a dime for a phone call, and make your way to the nearest payphone. Call your loved ones. No, not to say goodbye and get all mushy, or anything like that. Call them and ask them if their toothpaste tasted funny, or if their television is acting a little goofy, or if they suddenly got paid back by their best friend for a bet that they had won severalyears ago. Because, hey, who knows? Maybe it’s just your imagination. You’ve been studying a little too hard. Your mind might be a little stressed out. Even if seems like your entire future is lying in the hand of your number two pencil and the flip of a coin between marking “b” or “c,” it’s certainly all Ever 6tt Somebody Tatally Wad! going to be fine in the long haul. And of course, it’s clearly not the end of the world.

Please recycle this newspaper. Thanks. page six THE "B DAILY Tuesday, October 5,1993

The largest sperm bank TUFTS SKI CLUB in the United States First General Meeting is looking for donors.

The goal of the Cambridge California Cryobank, Inc. is to provide high quality sperm for artificial insemination. Requirements include good health, between the ages of 19 to 34, and a 9 to 12 month commitment. Tuesday, Oct 5 Call for more information: 9:30 Dm -7 @ *Eat& 134 \ 497-8646 / For recreational, downhill skiing at any COMPLETE MEDICAL SCREENING level. No experience necessary! (ALL COSTS PAID) AND YOU EARN UP TO $105/WEEK IF QUALIFIED


UNIVERSITY Strictly World Class Global Internships and Language/Liberal Arts

e F m 9 AUSTRALIA RUSSIA ENGLAND -1 Please wlr a3 1.2. aod 3 me programs in which you PIC mc5t imaesul 0 You will mrivc informauon on all of our mepmllramr z Introduction to T'AI CHI - A Mini Corn lnternsbip Rograms Language and Liberal Arts Programs c0 . . . with emphasis on health, relaxation and - meditation. This gentle movement form helps develop awareness, focus energies, and enhance development of a WU WE1 state of mind.

Wear loow comfortable clothing and flat-soled shoes, bring pillow or cushion for sitting * meditation. L

@ .._ DATES: October 5, 12, 19, 26 > TUdE: 5-630 p.m. Y 3 LOCATION: Curtis Lounge 0 INSTRUCTOR: Mary Sturtcvmt 7 4* 0 01 +



55 Talbot Avenue 5? J 627-3027 7S\3213%3 -6:f-i5& =/ZFC As38 .’ Tuesday, October 5,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page seven ART & ENTERTAINMENT

Madder Rose surprisinglyA -- steals the show at Avalon by ANIL MONI & JAY RUTTENBERG by KATHRYN CARTNICK humor. Mark tries to tell Henry’s Contributing Writers Senior Staff Writer parents of his stunts and his sinis- Although they are named the The advertisements for The ter intentions. Of course, nobody Juliana Hatfield three, last Satur- Good Son describe the film as one believes him, because Henry has day night at Avalon, due to the “about evil, pure unexplainable manipulated everyone into believ- numerous stage divers, the popu- 7 -i - ,-7-‘ ,-7-‘ -- 1’ iag that he is a perfect, sweet child, lar Boston band was often forced just out for a little fun and games. to share the stage with up to four or Review : All in all, this becomes really more people at once. Although not ’ frustrating.The audience is forced the most entertaining show, Hatfield’s performance remained consistent with her impressive re- corded works. Become What You Are, the fol- low-up to Hatfield’s solo debut, Hey Babe, offers the ex-Blake Baby’s traditional school-girl vo- cals accompanied with an occa- sional angry edge to her music. With permanent drummer Todd Philips and bassist Dean Fisher, Hatfield no longer has to rotate musicians as she did in her first album. Hey Babe featured ten dif- ferent musicians, including The Lemonhead’s Evan Dando, Firehose’s bassist Mike watt9and Juliana Hatfield should look disappointed -- her show was pretty Englishman John Wesley Harding, lukewarm. all of whom were basically fa- mous session players that contrib- The drums and bass supported of jumping up and down. uted to the album out of friend- Hatfield’s lead well, although there Drummer Todd Philips even ship. As a result of the band’s wasabsolutelynothingredeeming Bring It Down, presented an ex- recent changes, her new album about them. Unlike Hatfield’s tremely Well-PerfOrmed and Satis- soundsmore unified and complete. voice, the rhythm section was sec- fying set. The New YOrk Quartet Hatfield’s set consisted prima- ondary and failed to strike the lis- practically blew Hatfield right off rily of material off the new album. tener in any significant way. the stage before she even entered Opening with “Addicted,” one of Highlighting the set, the med- the building. the many gems from Become What ley of Hatfield’s popular single got involved, diving into the audi-

---You Are, Hatfield_I enerpetically- -“My Sister” andherattack against ence towards the end of “My Sis- bounced to the music, despite the the modeling industry in ter.” Although stage-diving and fact that her guitar was barely au- “Supermodel”weredefinite crowd body-surfing are amusing at some dible. In fact, it was not until the pleasers. These two songs, while harder shows, here they were sim- fourth song, “Everybody Loves sounding poppy and sweet, dem- ply irritating, immatureantics.One j Me But You,” that her guitar made onstrate perfectly Hatfield’s dis- moronic young concert-goer ap- a significant contribution to the turbed lyrics. peared to have more stage time rest of the music. She went on to introduce the than Hatfield herself. Hatfield’s singing, on the other next song, “Dame With a Rod,” as Altogether, Hatfield and her hand, beautifully accompaniedthe ‘‘a little story I wrote up ... a nice band performed well, but they did instrumentalsthroughoutthe show. little ditty.” The lyrics deal with not offer any surprises.The Juliana With a voice degree from the rape, revenge, and murder. Hatfield three’s performance was BerkleeCollegeofMusic, Hatfield The band and the crowd thor- commendable, yet easily forgot- nearly duplicated the studio-pro- oughly enjoyed themselves ten. duced sound of her albums. Al- throughout the show. Many of the Special guest openers Madder praks, which makesMark a little see SON, page 14 though this is an admirable talent, prepubescentmonsterswhopopu- Rose, coming off a tour support- ;uspicious of his strange sense of it detracted from the raw, unpre- lated the front half of the sold-out ing their first full length album, dictable live sound that can ignite crowd appeared even more fasci- a performance. nated than usual with the concept see HATFIELD, Page 14 Moby shouldjust Move on over Technofans have no rave reviews for this New York DJ by ERIC FREEDMAN ing of everything combined is in- slightly annoying. It creates no Contributing Writer credible, but once you extract the real urge to dance. All the sights, sounds and smells other elements, each part of the The title track “Move (You from different directions, add- scene immediately loses its ap- Make Me Feel So Good)” is a sort ing up to a sensory overload. The peal, energy, and ambiance. of atmospheric disco anthem There are so many varieties bringing together the house groove and classificationsof dance music of New York and the soulful bel- these days: techno, house, trance, lows of Carole Sylvan. Honestly, ED Review*Iburn gothic, disco, industrial, etc. One disco went out of style for a rea- of the newest additions to the club son. The disco threat remix of aeep, penetrating bass seems to scene is the producer, remixer, and Move was much better. It had all of pound in sync with the beating of artist Moby. the necessary elements including a heart. The girls next door look On his Elektra debut, Move, the hard techno beat, the rich bass, like they raided Marcia Brady’s the muiti-talented, New York DJ, and the melodic piano hook all wardrobe, while the guy behind Moby attempts to capture and played at a supercharged pace fit has so many piercings in his body’ embrace the dynamic intensity and for the dance floors of the coolest that if he drank a beer he would innovation of the rave culture from club or the most frenzied rave. probably spring a leak. A mal- his loft in New York’s East Vil- The sixth song on Move in- odorous mixture of sweat, beer, lage. Not to be so hard on the guy, ducesre’membrancesof theDoors’ smoke and who knows what else is but Moby did not complete his “Riders on the Storm.” The pelt- pervading the room. The urge to taskon his second attempt at aCD. ing and soothing sound of rain- punch out the sleazy, chain-wear- His first independent release, drops underlies “The Rain Falls ing loser who is starting to hit on Moby, spawned the monster club and the Sky Shudders.” This song your girlfriend is almost over- hit, “Go.” The deep, penetrating, is aquiet andethereal trance piece. whelming as you just keep on danc- techno groove of that song was Unexpected and uncharacteristic ing, and dancing, and dancing... more than enough to intoxicate the describe the haunting and almost This is an interpretation of a souls of ravers. The tracks on Move romantic piano that pervades this night of typical dance club activity had few remarkable or outstand- song. True, the movie was poor, but atleast Macauley isn’t wearing that where the sights, sounds, and mu- ing qualities. On the whole, the “All That I Need Is To Be sic all connect to give one collec- unappetizing “screaming face.” Thank God for small miracles. backbeats were tame, the rhythms seeMOVE, page14 tive sense and emotion. The feel- redundant, and the melodies page eight THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, October 5,1993 Oxfam workers still waiting A better way to buy and sell used books BOOKS find the going rate for certain available at the information booth OXFAM to return the plans today. continued from page 1 continued from page 1 books. Students interested in buy- in the campus center today and “Basically, we’re just caught ing or selling a book should al- chance that the oxfam Cafe may up in red tape right now,” said gotiability (price range): and con- tomorrow only, to make it even dition of the book they want to , ways make sure that the book is in easier to sign on to the service. reouen in Eaton sometime during Noto. the proper edition, and that the this semester but most likely wifi There is a second reason that unload. To avoid confusion and , There is no obligation, and Witte debate, Witte has separated book class still intends to use that par- does not receive any money until a open in Miller next semester. the Oxfam managers are frustrated. ticular book. Witte said he will Robert Reppucci is the Build- conditions into four categories: match is made. The Tufts division of Oxfam merely try to get sellers the most ings and Grounds representative brand new, used, used and high- When Witte has discovered a America made the second largest money for their book because he charged with writing up the pro- donation in the country to the na- ~ lighted, or worn. match, he will contact the seller Witte stresses that he will col- works off of a commission,and he and offer him the prospective posal for renovating Miller. “The. tional organization, beaten only I said he knows he will always be Miller lounge is not set up like lect no money unless he makes a buyer’s name and phone number by Boston College. ‘We’ve built a selling for less than Barnes & Eaton was. I sent some plans over match, and that his commission in exchange for the commission. reputation and name for ourselves Noble because of the store’s con- to Eli but haven’t received them will be a flat 15 percent fee or a Then the seller will contact the and now we’ve lost the opportu- siderable mark-up. back. As soon as I get them, I’ll get nity to continue our work,” said minimum of three dollars. He said buyer on his own and the sale will This whole concept might seem the estimate done as quickly as I Noto. he figures that with enough clients take place. In theory, it should be on his list, soon he will be able to rather obvious, but it’s never been a quick sale, because the buyer can,” Reppucci said. Bernstein and Reitman could tried before. While many students Basnayake said she is planning not be reached for comment. match up many buyers and sellers, will have already agreed to pay a some of whom may find that they and anumber of organizationshave certain price and the seller will already know each other. come up with similar ideas in the have already agreed to ask a cer- “You may actually buy a book past, none have actually gone tain price. We at The Tufts from a friend, but you didn’t know ahead and tried to carry it out. Witte said he will not handle they were selling. That’s because Now, with the dissatisfactionabout any of the books; the sale will be you rarely go around asking all of the bookstore’s prices reaching an left up to the two parties involved. Daily wish you a your friends if they are interested all-time peak, his timing is excel- His job is only to match up buyers in buying your bio book,” he said. lent and the market is ripe. and sellers, and in practice, the Witte wishes to remind all of To contact The Book Match- business stands to save Tufts stu- his potential clients that they will maker, prospective buyers and dentshundreds of dollarseach year. happy day. sellers should call Todd Witte at II II still have to do some research to He said he only asks that clients 627-7625, or Miller Hall residents keep him updated about their can stop by at room 410 for more phone numbers and price demands information. Also, sheets will be if they should ever change. This is wkct fcte REGISTER TO VOTE flight pesple ccll in the upcoming election “f ilI er” On-Campus Voter Registration *for Medford and Somerville residents

TUESDAY, OCTOBER 5th Yearbook portrait 3 to 5 p.m. sittings are October 12-22. in the Sign up outside the Lobby of the Campus Center Yearbook Office 9 (214 Campus Center) If you do not attend a sitting, you If you are unable to register at the above time you may register ’ between 8:30 am. and 4:30 p.n until October 11at: will not be SOMERVILLE CITY HALL or MEDFORD CITY HALL The Elections Department Register of Voters pictured in 93 Highland Avenue - Basement 85 George P. Hasset Drive Somerville MA Medford MA the 1994 625-660 ~4200 396-5500 Ye arb0 o k.

Sponsored by the Ofice of Community Relations and the TCU Senate

*Take with vou to re-&ration an LD.that shows your Sornerw‘Ile or Medford address Tuesday, October 5,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page nine SPORTS New season, new NHL Tennis team gains a needed win Tonight is the night. The National Hockey League kicks off its Tufts bounces back from Brandeis loss to beat Smith, 5-4 77th season, and ESPN will be in the same spot as it was last season at this time. Once again, the Penguins will battle for by BEN MARGOLES 4 in the sixth singles spot. This time they lost their first three Pennsylvania superiority against the up-and-coming Philadelphia Daily Staff Writer At this point the Jumbos began matches when Montilla, Flyers. The world’s greatest sport -- by far -- is back. Thankfully, To say that the Tufts University to migrate towards the center Holcombe, and Sgambati all fell Mario Lemieux will not be in the lineup for the Pens, while the Flyers women’s tennis team needed a vic- courts to watch the drama unfold- in straight sets. Tufts finally moved will have their big man Eric tory against Smith College on Sat- ing in the third and fourth singles into the win column when Rita Marc Sheinkin Lindros in the fold. Lemieux will urday would be a rather large un- matches. The team knew that if Klissas scored yet another three be back soon -- according to derstatement. On Thursday, the both Rita Klissas and Bibiana set victory, 4-6,6-0,7-5. Wide TO The Left hockey guru and editing legend Jumbos watched their record drop Ferraiuoli lost, Brandeis would At fifth singles Ferraiuoli was Doug Katz -- but not in time to to 2-3 as they were defeated 5-4 by clinch victory and the doubles also stretched to the limit, eventu- save the Penguins from the youthful Flyers’ wrath. Mark my words: Brandeis University.This loss was matches would be meaningless. ally downing her opponent, 5-7, the Flyers will be back in the playoffs this year. particularly hard to swallow for The tension mounted as both 7-5,6- 1. In the final singles match And part of the reason why is that the Penguins are no longer in the team not only because they had matches went to three- sets. Fi- of the day, Jessica Reidel gained Philadelphia’s division. This 1993-94 season marks a whole new come so close to winning, but also nally, after a lengthy match point her fourth straight set victory in a world of changes for the ”L,a new season in a new era for the sport. because they had done so without that saw her save two screaming row, prevailing 6-2,6-2. In doing The biggest change is the addition of two new teams, but there are a their number one ranked player, spikes, Klissas came through with so, Reidel raised her singles record number of other major moves that will reshape the league for the rest Alexandra Montilla, who was 3-6,6-3,6-3 win. on the year to a team best, 4-1. of hockey eternity. forced to sit out with tendonitis. Going into doubles, the match First, let’s look at expansion. The Florida Panthers will begin Fortunately for Tufts, their cap- Moments later the Jumbos’ en- was dead-locked,3-3. The second playing games in Miami Arena, a structure that defies logic and tain returned to the lineup on Sat- thusiasm was tempered when doubles duo of Montilla and hopefully will be replaced. Who builds a brand-new arena in a lousy urday against Smith and helped Ferraiuoli was stopped short by Klissas were first off the court as part of Miami and then makes it seat only 15,000people? What were lead the Jumbos to a crucial 5-4 her opponent, 6-2,5-7,6-1. Down they quickly bested their challeng- they thinking? It’s too small, and there’s no point spending a $100 win in a team match that four matches to two, Tufts was ers, 6-0,6-2. The other two doubles million to build something unless you’re going to do it right. Jim Watson called, “an uplifting now faced with the sobering fact matches turned into hotly contested On the other side of the country, the Mighty Ducks of Anaheim experience.” that to beat Brandeis they would three-setters with Tufts needing kick off their life later this week. First, it’s time to vent a little: The For a while on Thursday it have to sweep the doubles’ only one more win to secure vic- Mighty Ducks of Anaheim? Is this a hockey team? If they were going looked as though Tufts was going matches.They came awfully close. tory. At third doubles, the fresh- to take a sports franchise from a movie and make it real, why not the to be completely swept by the As dusk arrived and the lights men tandem of Reidel and Charleston Chiefs (Slapshot) or the LA Stallions (The Lust Boy Brandeis Judges. Because of were turned on, all three matches Goodman got the job done by win- Scout)? It’s downright embarrassing to name a professional athletic Montilla’s injury, everyone had went the distance. Despite the cold ning 6-1,6-7,6-4. Holcombe and team the Ducks, and the league should know better than to listen to been forced to move up on the chill in the air and the mountain Sgambati, who were playing people in Southern California when it comes to ice hockey. ladder. At first and second singles, they had toclimb, the Jumbos were Smith’s number one and number However, since the deed has been done, the NHL has done a Gwynne Holcombe and Melissa not giving up. Although Holcombe two ranked players, played a spir- wonderful job saving face. First of all, with Disney’s public relations Sgambati were both quickly dis- and Sgambati faired much better ited match, but ended up losing 5- the Mighty Ducks should be a windfall even if they don’t win (and patched in straight sets by their in doubles than in singles, they fell 7,6-1,6-3. they won’t). Secondly, the logo is cool. Considering that they had opponents. After these defeats just short, losing 3-6,6-3,6-4. At such a lame name to work with, they came up with a pretty neat logo, however, it became apparent that this point the day was over for the Although the loss to Brandeis bending a goalie mask to look like a duck bill. And finally, it’s hard Brandeis was top heavy in its tal- Jumbos. Still, the doubles pair- was disappointing, it may have not to trust those people over at Disney. They know how to run a good ent. ings of Klissas-Ferraiuoli and served as a wake-up call to Coach business and put on a show, whether it’s an amusement park, a movie Tufts’ first victory came at fifth Reidel-Goodman fought on and Watson’s young team. Saturday’s or a hockey franchise. singles when JessicaReidel walked both teams eventually emerged inspired performances against As the “L, moves towards the sun belt, it is restructuring its off the court with a 6-2,6-2 win. victorious, closing the margin of Smith seem to support this claim. format to appeal to the non-hockey fan. The confusing division titles Reidel’s doubles partner, Melissa defeat to 5-4. Indeed, by triumphing, the tennis Against Smith, the Jumbos once team earned their most important Goodman, was not so lucky. The ._ -- see Wn;; page I2 Eit-yeiiTTayeriVas edged 6-4,6- againstarted off on the wrong foot. victory to date this season.

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Questions about vour local United Wiy?-- Please call our Inquiry line: (61 7) 422-6899. Monday - Friday, 9:OO a.m. - 500 p.m. from now until the 1992 Campaign ends (November 25th). The United Way staff is on hand to provide you with factual information. We hope to hear from you. United Vvay of Massachusetts Bay page ten THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, October 5,1993 1993 PLAYOFFS PREVIEW Experience versus youth will decide An even matchup leaves pure talent to be the deciding factor, but Toronto looks like the leader

by JEFF GELLER Daily Editorial Board ADVANTAGE: BLUE JAYS but this has been his most consistent at the the Plate at age 37 than he was at age 27, and and GREGORY YOUMAN plate. He has stolen just 19 bases,.but his his 22 Stolen bases show that he is still a Daily Staff Writer Third Base .306 average and 16 homers have been a threat to run. The and Chicago Ed Sprague vs. surprise. As the leadoff man, his job will be JacksonandBellaremerelY &dows of White Sox ended the regular season Sun- Sprague, a converted catcher, has also simple: get on base and let Thomas and.._ the Players they used to be. Bell’s MVP moved from a platoon role to a startingjob Ventura drive him in. year is long gone, and Jackson is still lim- with the trade of . He has been ADVANTAGE: BLUE JAYS ited by his hip injury, hitting just .232. The an adequate performer for the Jays, hitting duo is still an occasional deep threat, with j vs. .260 with 73 RBIs. He showed his clutch Center Field 29 combined homers, but unless Jackson side in last year’s postseason and there’s no vs. Lance Johnson goes on a tear, this will be a weak spot in the reason to think he won’t equal that showing White has been moved to the lower part order. Bell has had problems hitting his e of the drama seen in the this time around. Speed is not his forte, but of the order since the Henderson trade, but former team in the past and won’t be a West Division. Both teams in this lineup, he has plenty of help in that themove hasnot affectedhisplaymuch. He factor. were able to coast during the last days of the department. tailed off in the second half, but has still hit ADVANTAGE: BLUE JAYS season, rest their starters and think about Although his average is down from last 15 homeruns and over 30 steals. And of the playoffs. Since neither team is missing year, Ventura still follows Thomas in hom- course, he’s perhaps the best defensive Starting Pitching key players due to injury, this series will be ers and RBIs for the Sox. The team would outfielder in the game. Tracking down line The Toronto rotation was a disaster this won on talent and performance alone. And be hurting without his 90+ RBIs, and he’s drives in the gaps and robbing opposing season, With (19-8) and Juan now the matchups: one of the better defensive third basemen in sluggers of homeruns is commonplace for Guzman (14-3) the only reliable starters. the American League. Ventura could be the White. Hentgen is the biggest surprise of all, after Catcher key to the series. If he does not hit, Thomas Johnson has had a career year, hitting spending most of last year in the bullpen. vs. Ron Karkovice won’t see a pitch to hit the entire series, and over .3 10 with 35 stolen bases and a league Guzman can still dominate, despite his ter- This is not a matchup that’s going to the Sox are left with little run production leading 14triples. Heisoutstandingdefen- rible start. (12-8) and Todd decide this series on offense. Neither man and power. sively, though his is not as strong as Stottlemyre (11-12) were inconsistent all is a tremendous offensive threat, though ADVANTAGE: WHITE SOX White’s. Due to Johnson’s lack of YearandJackMorris (7-12,6.19), who was Karkovice has hit 20 homeruns. They have power (no homeruns shelled in nearly every outing, is done for similar RBI totals, but Borders hits for a Tony Fernandez vs. in over 500 the season. Only the awesome lineup kept higher average. On the defensive side Ozzie Guillen at-bats this group afloat. A best of seven series though, the White Sox have a distinct ad- this helps the Jays though, as they will go with vantage. Karkovice is the best defensive Hentgen and Guzman and hope that Stewart catcher in the league, throwing out over can contribute with his years of playoff 50% of would-be base stealers. Borders meanwhile, gunned down about 33% of Startingpitchingistheclear strong attempted thieves, which is around the point for Chicago. Jack McDowell league average. This will certainly affect (22-10, 3.37) will almost certainly the Blue Jays more, as a key part of their win the Cy Young, and Alex offense is speed. Now , Fernandez (18-9, 3.13), Wilson Devon White, , and Tony Fernandez will not have free passes to second base. The White Sox, whose only true speedsters are Lance Johnson and Tim Raines, will not .he - - affected much on the basepaths. ADVANTAGE: WHITE SOX

First Base vs. Frank Thomas While the catchers probably won’t de- cide the series offensively,the first basemen Belcher, who was nearlyunhittable just might. These two will in all likelihood with the Dodgers in the ’88 World finish 1-2 in the American League MVP Series. voting. Olerud, who spent the season trying dut- ADVANTAGE: WHITE SOX to become the first player to hit .400 since Ted Williams in 1941, has leveled off to a the sea- Bullpen mere .363, along with 24 homeruns and son after Toronto will probably need to turn to 106 RBIs. He did not have a prolonged bouncing from year), their relief corps more than Chicago, but slump the entire season, and improved de- the Padres to the his prior- that’s not necessarily a problem. Closer fensively. His regular season numbers were Mets and picked up ity will be to had no problems moving from asurprise in light of his career statistics, but where he left off four years get on base, steal setup man to closer after the departure of . there is no reason to think he won’t con- ago. In 352 at-bats, he has hit whenever- possible and wait for the big guns Tom Henkey and , , tinue his torrid pace into the postseason. .304, and has solidified the position which to bring him in. and have Thomas is perhaps the most feared hitter could not. Fernandez has ADVANTAGE:BLUE JAYS done the job most of the year. With all of the in the league. Despite a slight shoulder plugged the Jays’ one gaping hole and will Right Field . late-innings heroics for the Jays during the injury the last two weeks, he will finish with be counted on mostly for his defense. vs. Ellis Burks season, this group could pickup some wins. 41 homeruns, 126RBIsanda.316average. After sufferingacareer-threatening knee Though going through some inconsis- The White boast a crew, In addition to the shoulder injury, his back injury last year, Guillen has bounced back tent stretches, Carter has ‘had his typical with Roberto who took Over must be aching from carrying this lineup all to hit .280 and resume his team leadership monster year with 33 homers and 121RBIs. for the and now-departed Bobby year. After putting together three great sea- role. He and Cora form a dependable He obviously has lost nothing from the last Thigpen, as the new Between sons before this with littlenational recogni- -play combination.The Sox will need several years, when he has averaged over Hernandez and the starters, RadinskY~ tion, Thomas is acknowledged as one of the him to get on base more than the Jays will 30 homeruns and 100 RBIs. The Chicago Tim Jeff khwarzand the revital- premier sluggers in the game today. Al- depend on Fernandez. staff mustrespect himas adeepthreat every ized Kirk McCaskill be more than though the advantage is slight, Thomas gets ADVANTAGE: EVEN time up. adequate. However, they may not see much the nod here. Old friend ~lli~~~h has recovered action, due to the quality of the starters. ADVANTAGE: WHITE SOX Left Field nicely from offseason back surgery, hitting ADVANTAGE: Rickey Henderson vs. Tim Raines almost .280 with 17 homeruns and74 RBIs This series Pits two with Second Base Years ago, these two were the premier for his new team. A centerfielder during his differentrecent histories againsteachother. Roberto Alomar vs. Joey Cora base-stealers in the game. While Raines stay in Boston, Burks can cover plenty of The Jays have been in the ALcsfour Whileovershadowedthis yearby Olerud, has lost several steps since his Expo days, ground in right and has an above average Of the last five Years* the White Molitor and the Rickey Henderson trade, Henderson is still one of the top threats, arm. He will certainry be tested against the Seem to have been on the brink for the last Alomar once again put together a tremen- with 53 swipes. In addition, Henderson is speedy Jays, who like to go from first to several seasons. Toronto has the dous all-around year. He raised his average by‘ far the greatest lead-off man in the third on singles to right. Burks will need to Offensive edge, boasting the best lineup in and power numbers, while scoring over history of the game. step up behind Thomas andlrentura as the the game today, while Chicago has the 100 runs, stealing 54 bases and playing his The Blue Jays pulled off what could third big gun to keep the lineup going. Pitching advantage. Chicago won’t get usual sparkling defense. Although he was have been the greatest trade of the 1990’s ADVANTAGE: BLUE JAYS blown out of any games, but the combina- moved around in the lineup throughout the by stealing him from the Athletics for what tion of a devastating lineup and two or three season, he should hit second in the ALCS. amounted to a bargain price. Numbers- Designated Hitter strong starters will be too much in the end Cora, a platoon player for several years, wise, Henderson has not had his best sea- Paul Molitor vs. George BelVBo Jackson forthestill-uP-and-comingSox.Last took over from Steve Sax at second early in son, but his power numbers have returned Through all of Toronto’s recent pick- Series will Prove invalu- the season and stayed there through his with 21 homeruns and 60 RBIs. For years, ups, Molitor, Henderson, Fernandez, and. able for the and even though four Of consistent play. Although not a major of- he has shown his ability to raise his game to Stewart, the former Brewer had by far the the games be Played in corniskey Park, fensive factor, hitting close to..270 with just an even higher level in the postseason, and biggest impact. He finished second in the Toronto be heading to *e Series two homeruns (but 13 triples), he has been this year should be no exception. AL,batting race with a .332 average, as well Once again. solid in the field. The Sox don’t expect him Raines has been the everyday leftfielder as clouting 22 homers, driving in 111 runs, to lead the team, but he fills his role well. for the Sox since his trade from the Expos, and scoring 121. He is more dangerous at PREDICTLoN:BLUE IN SEVEN Tuesday, October 5,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page eleven 1993 PLAYOFFS PREVIEW A couple of ex-losers give it a go in.the.Nationa1League Phillies’ offense is the ultimate key to success Braves try it again with new pitching power Gant hit 16 homers and drove in 59 runs by MARC SHEWKIN inconsistent 1993 season. by JOHN TOMASE Daily Editorial Board The starting staff won’t blow your doors Daily Editorial Board after McGriff’s arrival. The numbers for After watching a full season of Philadel- down, but it is good. Greene and Schilling Any baseball fan not unconscious since Justice were similar: 19 homers and 68 phia Phillies baseball, it’s clear that this is have been particularly strong as of late, as last January must have heard the hoopla RBI. And Pendleton, with all those thebestteamtoplay in theCityofBrotherly Greene shut the Braves out two weeks ago surrounding the dominating pitching staff baserunners on in front of him, rebounded Love in quite some time. They are blessed in Philadelphia. And don’t count out of the . Those in the know to hit 10 homers and drive in 40 runs while with the league’s best offense, a young and Mulholland, who had recently been out fo1 chicly refer to Tom Glavine as Cy Past, raising his average 25 points. surprising pitching staff, and a knack for three weeks with a hip injury. He threw foul Greg Maddux as Cy Present, and Steve What all of this adds up to is the National the impossible. shutout innings against the Cardinals last Avery as Cy Future. Throw in John Smoltz, League’s most potent offense since the all- This is a team that won 97 games just weekend and appears ready to start game who on any given day can be the most star break. What it also adds up to is doom one season removed from a year in which three this Saturday in Atlanta. unhittablepitcherin baseball, andtheBraves for the . they finished dead last with just 72 wins. And now we come to the two mino1 have the makings of a dominant staff,-orso The Phillies simply do not have the There is no question that they are good; but weaknesses, the bullpen and team defense. the logic goes. to contain Atlanta’s 3-4-5 hitters. are they good enough to beat Atlanta? They While the relievers generally have good It’s kind of funny, then, that the Braves’ , a former Brave, has had an were 6-6 against the Braves this season, numbers, especially setup men David West hitters will lead the team past the Philadel- up and down season. Greene did combine showing that even that wonderful Atlanta (6-4,2.92) and Larry Anderson (3-2,2.92), phia Phillies in the National League Cham- to shut out the Braves in mid-September, pitching staff can be beaten. But now it’s their effectiveness has sometimes been pionship Series starting Wednesday. but consistency and endurance have never crunch time, and the veteran savvy and called into question. General Manager Lee How can this be? After all, Maddux led been his forte. Terry Mulholland has battled pitching of the Braves could be too much ... Thomas knew this a month ago, so he went the National League in ERA. Glavine led a recent hip flexor strain, and Curt Schilling E or is it? out and snagged Don Pall (1-0,2.55) from the National League in wins. Avery was in and Danny Jackson had trouble keeping The simple fact remains that no team in the White sox to bolster the bullpen. the top five in both categories. Closer Greg their ERAS below four all year. With the the National League scored runs like the While he has helped, McMichael has been exception of Jackson, none of Philadelphia’s 1993 Phillies. It wasn’t even close. And overall the squad is unhittable since pitchers have postseason experience. This although they don’t have anyone among the inconsistent, the all-star fact is key, especially when juxtaposed league’s top three in batting, homeruns, and that’s break, with the postseason experienceand success RBIs, or stolen bases, their offense is darn why the uith of Mssrs. Glavine, Avery, and Smoltz. near unstoppable. Rib And when Atlanta faces the Phillies’ What makes the Phils’ offense so good bullpen, things should get very interesting. is its balance. From the top to the bottom, The middle relief has been inconsistentat there is no drop-off. While most other line- best all year, and closer Mitch “Wild ups (includingAtlanta’s) have some peaks Thing” Williams seems to find it nec- and valleys, the Phillies can hit and essary to walk the bases loaded be- score runs from anywhere in the bat- fore he retires a batter during every ting order. appearance Obviously,it all starts with MVP The Braves have proven candidateLenny Dykstra,who led time and again that they are the majors in runs scored with baseball’s best come-from- 143.Heis anindefatigableforce, behind team, which does not a never-shooing gnat that can bode well for the Phillies. If beat you with speed (37 stolen Atlanta finds themselves bases), power (19 homeruns), down a run with one out in or neither (130 walks). the ninth, Blauser on second, From there, the onslaught Gant at the plate, and Will- iams on the mound, suffice it continues without a break. ___..- ioratrano Uuncan (.282.73 RBI) to say that Philadelphia GM usually hits second, followed by Lee Thomas will be covering JohnKruk(.316,14HR,85 RBI), his eyes. the switch-hitting Then there are those Dave Hollins cleans up (.273, 18 pitchers. - HR, 93 RBI), and catcher Darren Thomas will run for the Daulton (.257,24 HR, 105 RBI) hits Pepto when he sees the names fifth. Maddux, Avery, Glavine, and This is where most lineups begin to Smoltz penciled in as starters for the -falloff, but not in Philadelphia. Depending first four games of the series. Maddux, upon the opposing , the six-hitter is the winter’s most celebrated free agent eitherrighty Pete Incaviglia (24 HR and 89 signee, has not disappointed. A victim of RBI in just 368 at-bats) or lefty Jim led 19 poor run support early in the season, the Eisenreich (.318, 54 RBI in just 362 at- the league saves in former Cub with a 2.36 ERA has been bats). The seven-hitter is either lefty Milt in complete 21 opportu- damn near unhittable over the final two Thompson (.262) or righty Wes Chamber- games. The team has nities and an ERA months of the season. lain (.282, 12 HR, 45 RBI in just 284 at- not gotten solid pitching from of 2.06. Mike Stanton has Two years ago, the then 21-year-old bats). two other mid-season acquisitions, RogeI allowed one run in 20 postseason relief Steve Avery put forth an amazing display of Finally, the eight-holeis filled by rookie Mason (5-12, 4.06) from San Diego and innings. And on it goes. pitching dominance in the playoffs and shortstop , who is only hit- Bobby Thigpen (3-1,6.05) from the White But take a look at the lineup. Leadoff . Avery didn’t allow a run in ting .324. This is from a guy who never Sox. Nevertheless, those in Atlanta will tell man Otis Nixon stole 47 bases. Phillies the NLCS and then shut down Toronto in batted higher than .250 at any minor league you that the Braves have very similar prob- catcher Darren Daulton has already labeled the World Series. Avery, at the tender age of level, mind you. But his influence on the lems. Nixon and Deion Sanders keys to the se- 23, is now back for his third postseason lineup makes life impossible for opposing Finally, the bullpen all comes down to ries. If either of these two gets on frequently appearance. Avery knows how to win play- pitchers. Don’t youdare walkchamberlain closerMitchWilliams(3-7,3.34,43 saves). at the top of the order, it could be four and off games, Philadelphia does not. to pitch to this rookie shortstop, because He has a lot of saves, and almost every one out for the Phillies. In case anyone forgot, there’s still he’ll kill you. of them has been a heart-stopping, pull-it- From there, shortstop Jeff Blauser hits Glavine. A recent column in The Boston And this is how it works, all throughout out-by-the-seat-of-your-pants type. They second with a .306 average. With 110 runs Globe stated that Glavine is barely the the game. You can’t pitch around the dan- call him “Wild Thing,” and with good rea- scored, he carried the team during Atlanta’s fourth starter in this rotation. That’s poppy- gerous Daulton, because Incaviglia or son (44 walks in 62 innings). To be sure, lean times in April and May. Ron Gant had cock. Glavine used a strong post all-star Eisenreich will burn you. Don’t let Dykstra sometimes he can be very effective, but an MVP caliber season and was arguably break effort to finally ease out from under get on base, because he’ll steal second every now and then his wildness catches up the senior circuit’s best player over the last the enormous chip on his reputation that he before you can say “MVP’ and surely be to him, and this absolutely cannot happen two months of the season. Gant’s opposite can’tpitchinthesecond half. BillericaTom crossing the plate after a Duncan or Kruk in the National League Championship Se- number, right-fielder David Justice, is the best third starter in baseball. RBI hit. Dodt walk Hollins, because ries -- and who’s to say it won’t? smashed a career high 40 homers to go And Smoltz, now that he has finally Daulton has 105 RBIs in just 510 at-bats. As for the team defense... well, it’s a bit along with 120 runs batted in. After a slow realized he’s not Glavine or Maddux, but a It’s amazing that they are ever shut down at of a problem. Stocker’s addition solved a start, Terry Pendleton turned it on in the power pitcher, is the best fourth starter in all -- they suffered just two shutouts the lot of problems up the middle, bolstering second half, and single-handedly swept the baseball. Historically strong in the entire season (both in meaningless games the combination. However, Colorado Rockies over the final weekend postseason, Smoltz’s relatively high ERA last week in Pittsburgh and St. Louis). Hollins has been shaky at third and Cham- of the year. (3.62) belies the fact that his hits to innings Okay, so they can score runs. But base- berlain is always an adventure in right. The most important member of this pitched ratio (244 to 208) is second-beston _- ball is a two-way game, and can this club Kruk is solid at first but he has no range, and lineup, though, is tucked away inthe middle the team. He will come out of the bullpen keep the other guys off the scoreboard?The Duncan has played every position on the of the order. His name is Fred McGriff and for the first two games of the series before Phillies certainly don’t have a pitching staff map; when Mickey Morandini plays sec- he came over as part of Tom Werner’s San opposing Danny Jackson in game four. like the Braves, but it is adequate for their ond the defense is far better, but he only hit Diego fire sale. When McGriff arrived in One saving grace for the Phillies is that purposes. The starting rotation of Tommy .247. Atlanta on July 20, the Braves were 53-41, they have hit Atlanta’s pitching better than Greene (16-4, 3.42 ERA), Curt Schilling To be honest, the Phillies are making a nine games behind the Giants. The Braves anyone this year. Twice, Glavine was i (16-7,4.02),TerryMulholland(l2-9,3.25),mistake by playing Duncan against any then reeled off 16 victories in McGriff‘s knocked out of games before the sixth and Danny Jackson (12-11, 3.77) should right-handed pitching. Morandini may not first 20 games to pull themselves back into inning. And they smacked Avery around prove formidable to the Braves’ batters. hit much, but does the team really need any the race. During that stretch,McGriff blasted for four runs in six innings back in August. Fifth starter Ben Rivera (13-9, 5.02) will more offense? Why not sacrifice the bat- eight homers and drove in 16 runs. More But these are pitchers who rise to the occa- work out of the bullpen, but seeing him is importantly, McGriff took the pressure off see BRAVES, page 12 unlikely in the NLCS after a frustrating and see PHILLIES, page 12 the rest of the offense. - page twelve THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, October 5,1993 Why the Phillies will win the playoffs * Y PHILL-s the left-handed Morandini does. continued.from page 11 field advantage, and one should a rough-and-tumble gang of mal- that the Braves have the advan- We’ll have to. see how manager never minimalize the influence of contents and rejects. They revel in tage, but remember that this ting average points in favor of handles it. a raucous Philadelphia crowd. their ridiculousness and affinity Phillies team has been remark- some much-needed leather? Be- ’ Meanwhile,anumber of intan- Also, the Braves may have ex- for getting dirty, playing the game ably successful this simply sides, Duncan doesn’t hit right- gibles work out in their favor.First hausted themselves in their ef- the old-fashioned way and swag- . in finding ways to win games they handed pitching much better than and foremost, they have the home forts to fend off the Giants in the gering off the field when they’re shouldn’t. NL West race, while the Phillies ione.They’re amodern-day G&h- They had no business even rested a number of starters during ouse Gang with destiny on their winning the division to begin with, the final six meaninglessgames of side. A worst-to-first story needs right? They finished last a year the season. Finally, many expect a happy ending, and their cast of ago and didn’t improvethemselves the Phillies to lose; and thus they characters seems to be able to pull muchduring the off-season,right? are under far less pressure than it off. The Cardinals were going to catch their opponents. Since most ob- And while they may look more them in July, right? The Expos servers see Atlanta as the better like image than substance, don’t were going to steal it from them in team, the Braves will have to work be fooled by all the talk. This gang September, right? harder to prove them all right. can day. and thev have earned the Wrong! And don’t let them

Why the Braves will win the playoffs BRAVES continued from page 11 Stanton closed for the first half of hits like they did in August and the season, and was on pace for 60 September,no amount of cajoling sion. Just ask . saves at the all-star break before by the Phillie Phanatic will be If there is one weakness to this an inexplicable loss of control. able to save the City of Brotherly Atlanta team, it is its bullpen. The Stanton blew two leads of five Love’s entry. The paper’s going to be how late?? problem here has been inconsis- runs or more, including the sur- Give them credit, though. tency on the part of just about rendering ofDerrickMay’smemo- Those Phightin’ Phils have had a everybody, save for McMichael. rable grand slam in a 9-7 Atlanta marvelous season, to be sure. Any loss back in August. Since then, offense that sports a leadoff hitter he has been a no;-factor, serving with 143 runs in the person of only as sixth mopup man behind has to be taken Marvin Freeman and Pete Smith. seriously. It’s hard not to like their Local product Mark Wohlers of down and dirty, scrappy style. Holyoke hasdominating stuff, but They are the Everymen of base- sometimes forgets how to throw a ball. And their worst-to-first story Community ball over the plate. is certainly inspiring. What remains to be seen is if But the fact of the matter is, no McMichael and his stellar circle amount of dirt or scrappiness will change are ready for the rigors of get them by Atlanta. The Braves Health Program the postseason. The Indians cast- are a team of destiny. They’ve off who was out of baseball at the overcome seemingly insurmount- beginning of the season did not able odds to post the best record in buckle during the thrilling pen- the majors and continue on into Open House nant race. He also led all Atlanta the postseason for the third con- relievers in with 89. secutive year. They wonbaseball’s - - -- _-_- wo is series will not be de- last great pennant race. They have Monday, October 4 cided by Atlanta’s biiQEi?-p w ill, Nay, this series will be decided by and they have the determination. - 11:45 am - 12:45 pm the bats of Gant, Justice, McGriff And Cy Past, Cy Present and cy Tuesday, October 5 and Pendleton. If the foursome Future don’t hurt either... 4:OO - 5:OO pm NHL saves some face WTL many fans have had to be eniight- continued from page 9 ened to such complex hockey (Patrick, Adams, Norris, Smythe) terms as “icing” and “cross-check- have been dropped in favor of ing.” Whoa, slow down ... you’re more obvious geographicalnames going too fast. (Atlantic, Northeast, Central, Pa- Of course, there will be many cific), with the same true for con- more moves to come. The league ference names (Eastern and West- is still hunting for that elusive ern, instead of Wales and network television deal (a real Campbell). one), and it will simply have to put Freshmen and Sophomores: Furthermore, the league has a team backin theMinnesota area, shifted franchises in and out of hopefully playing in the Target Are you interested in acareer in the divisions to make them more geo- Center downtown. health field? Then add the Community graphically consistent, such as Fans should not be so quick to moving Pittsburgh to the North- blame Minneapolisans Health Program to your major. east and Tampa Bay to the Atlan- (Mineapolisers? Mineapolisites? tic. The NHL has sacrificed long- Mineapolites?) for the losing the Think about: time rivalries (i.e. Penguins-Fly- Stars -- it had more to do with their ers) but hopes to create new ones dilapidated arena in Bloomington .Exciting internships - work in a community on (Lightning-Panthers). and their owner, Norm Green. a health-related problem of your choice Sure, Green is free to make a buck .Flexible and innovative curriculum - as technical To the traditionalist this is all however he wants, and it’s okay or historical or humanistic as you Hike blasphemy, but to the practical that he moved the team... as long *Supportive environment and small classes hockey fan this is a smart move as the league gets another one for .Increased job opportunities upon graduation that will simplify the game and the area. It’s only the most popu- make it easier for new fans to pick lar hockey area in the country. But up the game. Besides the new fans that’s all for the non-so-distant Meet program students, faculty and staR and in expansion cities, an old fran- future. refreshments, too! chise is moving south as well, as So we behold the dawn of a the Minnesota Stars set up shop in new era in ice hockey, with a new For additional information or for an application, please Dallas. Many have been skeptical playoff format for its new divi- call or come by our office. Application deadline is about Dallas’ ability to support a sions for their new teams with Wednesday, October 13, 1993. hockey team, and these changes - their new arenas all covered by a -while seeminglyinsignificant and new TV channel, ESPN2. Hope- annoying -- will make life easier fully, it won’t be too confusing, Community Health Program for them as they attempt to learn and hopefully, it will all work out. 1 12 Packard Ave. the gcime. In the end, it’s all for the good of The Stars have to make a quick the game. 627-3233 impact in Dallas if they want to And did you see that Eagles stick, because many people in that game on Sunday? area have loyalties to teams in And how about the Phils in the. other sports (the Cowboys). So NLCS? far, the response in exhibition And where have you gone, Pete games has been encouraging, but Peeters? page thirteen Tuesday, October 5,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY -

Pentagon orders more troopsA as deaths rise in Somalia From the beginning of the Per- The fighting came a$ United WASHINGTON (AP)-- The officialssaid. aerial gunships have night-vision sian Gulf air war on January 17 Pentagon ordered fresh infantry, The Army company will be scopes that will allow them to op- Nations forces launched a new until the end of the ground war aerial gunships and top-of-theline equipped with heavy armor, in- erate at all hours. attempt to destroy Aidid’s mili- against Iraq on February 28, the tary command structure in tanks to Somalia Monday to bol- cluding four M1-A1 battle One of the military officers said US military counted 148 troops * the reinforcements were needed Mogadishu. Ster us forces after at least l2 and 14 Bradley fighting vehicles, killed in action and 458 wounded. Americans were killed, 78 which are armored troop carriers, because Aidid’s men have become The fresh troops will come from The Iraqis scored a direct hit wounded and others captured in Aspin said. more capable after honing their the 24th Infantry Division (Mecha- with a Scud missile attack against nized),- based in Fort Stewart, the fiercest fighting since the miS- Aspin said the Pentagon also guemlla-type tactics against the a. US-~~~ Armv barracks in Dhahran. sion began. was sendingtwo AC- 130 gunships, UN forces. Georgia. The casualties, inflicted bY the replacement helicopters and 200 fOr~sofwarlordMohamedFarrahother troops to replace the Aidid, were themost forthe United wounded and others due to leave. States in such a short period since There are about 4,700 us troops the Persian Gulf War. The battle in Somalia. began late Sunday and StretChed At the State Department, into Monday. spokesman Mike McCuny said OnCapitol Hill, somelawmak- the administration remained ers called for US withdrawal, but “firmly committed” to its mission President Clinton insisted her& in Somalia, which began last De- Can forces would remain until or- cember as a humanitarian venture der was restored. but took on a more military style Reinforcements were being as the became determined to sent, he said, because “I’m not arrest Aidid. satisfied that the folks that are A official in New York said there now have the protection that thetwomenwho weremost wanted they need.” after Aidid were captured in the Disturbing pictures of dead and battle. captured American soldiers fil- Clinton expressed his condo- tered back fromMogadishu. Tele- lences for the families of those vision footage showed a fright- Elled and his determination to see ened, wounded soldier being ques- the mission through. tioned by his captors -- prompting ‘neywere working to assure a warning from Clinton. that anarchy and starvation do not If any US soldiers are mis- return to a nation in which more treated, he said, “the United States than 300,~oopeople had lost their -- not the United Nations -- will lives, many of them children, be- view this very gravely and take fore the United States led the appropriate action.” UnitedNationsmission there start- Pentagon officials declined to ing last year,” he said of the US specify the number it believes are soldiers. ‘mey were acting in the being held. best spirit of America.” The captured soldier identified Senior military leaders, brief- himself as Army Sgt.MikeDurant, ing reporters on the condition of a Blackhawk helicopter pilot. anonymity, said most of the US A gruesome photograph casualties occurred when &= -mais drag- Americans came under heavy fire ging by rope the body of an uni- from several hundred Somalis af- dentifid American through the ter they raided a meeting of Aidid streets. supporters at a hotel. Two to your United Way donation, families who were Defense Secretary Les Aspin Blackhawkhelicopters attempting once without places to live, now have places to grow. announced at the Pentagon that a to aid the soldiers were shot down mechanized company Of dYand surrounded by opposing @uk”EDwIW soldiers with an armored platoon forces. OF MA!3SACHlEErTS Bw It brings out the best in all of us‘: was being dispatched ta for the new mor being ?boLiberty Square, Boston, Ma. 02109-3966,Tel.(617) 482-8370 Mogadishu to reinforce the us sent in, the officers said the tanks force there. The Platoon Will be will be used to clear roadblocks, I Composed Of about 220 soldiers, while the armored vehicles and MlDDLf €AST STVDY GROW “FlRST” MffTlNG TV€SDAY, OCT, 5th 1993 BARNVM 1

-€kctioms will be hela -ARABlC FOOD page fourteen THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, October 5,1993 --. Report says that US poverty rate reaches 36.9 million

I SUITLAND, Md. (AP) -- The plan, the goveinment said 37.4 nomenally,” Wynn said. ‘We find welfare in 40 states, and to ben- description,” Rector said. number of poor Americans grew million Americans, or 14.7 per- services for them, tell them how to efits for the elderly in 26 states. As The Census Bureau said black by 1.2 million in 1992, the govern- cent of the population, lacked get there. Some do, and some aresult, he said, some poorpeople and Hispanic Americans were ment said Monday in a report that health insurance in 1992, an in- don’t.’’ who had been buoyed above pov- about three times more likely to be paints a portrait of an underclass crease of 2 million. The median household income erty because of welfare slid back poor than whites. that is disproportionately young “Obviously the administration last year was $30,786, a statisti- into it when the services were cut. Thepoverty rate forblacks was and without health insurance. is saddened but not surprised by cally insignificantdeclinefromthe “The safety net is weaker to- 33.3 percent; for Hispanics, it was Analysts blamed stubborn un- those figures,” White House $31,034 recorded in 1991, the day,” Greenstein said. -“Some 29.3 percent. Both were slightly employment and declining social deputy press secretary Lorraine government reported. people got lower benefits, some higher than 1991. services in the aftermath of the Voles said. “It underscoresthe need Daniel Weinberg, the Census couldn’t get benefits at all.” People living in the South were recession. for health care reform in our coun- Bureau official in charge of the But Robert Rector, senior poorer than in other regions. the The Census Bureau said there try.’’ poverty numbers, said the income policy analyst for the Heritage south, fie poverty rate was 16.9 were 36.9 million poor Americans Forty percent of the poor were figures left some room for opti- Foundation, a conservative think percent, to 14.4percent last year, accounting for 14.5 per- children under 18, even though mism. tank, disagreed. He said.when in- in the West, 13.1 percent in the cent of-the population. That was they comprised only 26 percent of “We know, if the poor got flation is considered, spending on Midwest, and 12.3 percent in the up three-tenths of a point from the U.S. population. Their 1992 poorer, they didn’t get much welfare is up. Northeast. 1991 and the highest poverty rate poverty rate, 21.9 percent, was poorer,” Weinberg said at a news “For most Americans, poverty since 15.2 percent in 1983. higher than for any other age group. conference. “After this recession, means destitution, an inability to The 1992 poverty line for a Those numbers rang true for I suspect you’ll see adecline in the provide a family with nutritious Throughout the thePov- family of four was $14,335. For Carol Wynn, foster care director poverty rate.” food, clothing and reasonable shel- erty rate hovered between 11 Per- someone living alone, it was for Ada S. McKinley Community Robert Greenstein; executive ter. Only a small number ... fit that cent and l2Percent. - $7,143. Services in Chicago, a govern- director of the Center on Budget Overall, the number of poor ment-funded center that provides and Policy Priorities, a Washing- people was the most since 38.6 care for 400 children. ton public issues group, said pov- Headliner worse than opener million were counted in 1962. But In the past year, the center has erty rose because of a drop in HATFIELD featured Cote’s tremendous guitar because ofpopulation growth, last been overwhelmed by walk-ins, wages, high unemployment and continued from page 7 work. Also notable was “Altar year’s poverty rate remained well mostly parents who need drug increased long-term joblessness. cote’s driving lead guitar, pro- B~~,”with Todd philips of the below the 21 percent figure of treatment, food, medicine or an Unemployment last year aver- ducing a superb sound during fast Juliana Hatfield three joining John F. Kennedy’s days. escape from an abusive home. aged 7.4 percent, higher than the songs as as Ones- Johnny Kick on drums. The thun- And in a report sure to provide “Typically, what they come here 6.7 percent in 1991, the ye= the Standouts included ‘‘Swim,” derous noise of both drummers ammunition for the Clinton for is not what we’re here for. In recession ended. from which the group derived its playing simultaneouslycarried the administration’shealth care reform the past year, it’s increased phe- He also cited reductions in name, and “BeautifulJohn,” which song to a new level. C Despite their reputation as a slow, quiet live band, Madder Rose relied heavily on loud guitar and over-amped drums. Mary Lorson’s outstanding vocals wonderfully blended with songwriter Billy “Althoughthe audience seemed oblivious to Madder Rose and re- sponded enthusiastically to Hatfield, the opening performance rior to the headliner’s. Madder Rose proved themselves an even better live band than they Gamble Divisi6n de Eatinoam6rica / herto Rico are reputed to be. Their perfor- mance was the surprising high- Te invita a: light to Saturday night’s show. “A World of Opportunities” Good is bad SON 27 de octubre de 1993 continued from page 7 urge to see The Good Son, wait 6:OO - 8:OO P.M. until it comes out in video. Don’t The Westin Hotel waste $7 on one hour and twenty minutes (this is not a typo) of hor- Copley Place Boston rifying incidents. You can watch 10 Huntington Avenue, Boston Coyote and Roadrunner for that. ESSEX BALLROOM SOUTH / CENTER CD needs help Ejecutivos de Procter & Gamble Latinoamkrica hablarh de AS MOVE continued from page 7 oportunidades de crecimiento en una de las compaiiias Loved” is the second track and is de productos de consumo miis grandes del mundo. easily the standout piece on the CD. The rhythm of this song ex- ProcGr & Gamble estii en busca de estudiantes plodes with precision and power, even causingsome hapless reporter interesados en Finanzas, Ventas, Mercadeo, Ingenieria, to dance in his car while driving Sistemas de Informacih, Recursos Humanos, etc ... south on Route 3. However, rep- Ven a conocer tus oportunidades en pdses como: Argentina, Brazil, Chile, etition and consistency seem to be the downfall of this track. The Colombia, Guate’mala, Jamaica, Mexico, Ped, Puerto Rico, y Venezuela need for a wait-for-a-breakbeat, a para posiciones permanentes y de verano. rhythm variation or something to goose the listener goes unfulfilled. This unfulfillment character- Lleva tu resume (SIN FALTA) antes del 15 de octubre a: izes the entire CD. There is so much room and capability in this music style for innovation, cre- ativity, glitter, andglam, but all the FLETCHER SCHOOL TUFTS UNIVERSITY tracks seemed to drag on with the same repeated riffs and tribal beats. Mr. John Mattson Ms. Kerry Santry The pieces were driving, unyield- Career Planning Center ing and fresh for about 30 seconds Office of Career & Students Services each; three minutes of listening, nevermind dancing, to this mind- less music was too much. There is no problem with waiting for a club Estaremos seleccionando estudiantes para entrevistas del 1 a13 de noviembre. trip to hear Moby’s next full al- bum which is due out next year. Patron0 con igualdad de pportunidades en el empleo MIWFN Maybe Moby should take the ad- vice of his own song titles: “Go” and “Move” and “Make Me Feel So Good.” page f*n Tuesday, October 5,1993 THE “%S DAILY World Trade Center bombing trial began on Monday

NEW YORK (Ap)-- Four Muslims or Jews. The defendants Salameh,he said, rented a ware- men bombed the World Trade are Muslim fundamentalists. house locker to store the chemi- Center, launching a “war of terror- Calling the bombing “part of a cals, the apartment yrhere they ism’’ that shattered Americans’ self-proclaimed war of terrorism” mixed chemicals and the van that senseof security,aprosecutor said against Americans. the prosecutor brought the bomb to the trade ten- Monday at the opening of their slowly paced in front of the four ter. trial. defendants -- Mohammad Assistant US attorney Gilmore Salameh, 26, Ahmad Ajaj, 27, If convicted, the four face a Childers saidtheFebruary 26 blast Mahmud Abouhdima, 34, and maximum penalty of life in prison “would mark for dl time the single Nidal Ay~ad,25 -- pointing at each withoutparole.’ILvo other suspects most destructive act Of teKOriSm as he described his alleged role. are fugitives; a seventh has been ever committed here in the United Several of them shook their heads severed from the trial for reasons States.” during the presentation, but other- that remain unclear. “From that point forward wise they showed no emotion. The trial is expected to last the heriCanS knew that ‘this Can. US District Judge Kevin Duffy rest of the year. happen to me, here in the United told the jury, “‘There are four sepa- States,”’ Childers told the anony- rate trials about to occur in front of mow JUrY in a CO~rtrOomPacked you.Eachdefendantisto betreated with US marshals, prosecutors, totally separately.” investigators and a handful of Yet Childers was quick to link friends of the defendants. them as he described each man’s The blast o~~~edas tens of alleged role and his ties to the thousands of people in the world’s others: how the defendants bought second tallest buildings were go- and mixed chemicals to create the ing about their business at 12:17 bomb and carried it into the trade p.m., “unaware that one minute center. later, at 12:18, their lives would He cautioned jurors that there change forever,” Childers said. would be no witnesses testifying The blast killed Six People: a they saw any of the defendants locksmith, two maintenance SU- making the bomb or hiving it into pervisors, a dental supply sales- the center’s underground parking man, a pregnant woman and a res- lot. taurant manager finishing lunch. Robert Precht, a defense law- More than 1,000 were injured. yer for Salameh, said outside the The emotional scus left by the courtroom that it was a “stunning tragedy were seen when the first admission” that there were no wit- witness, World Trade Center Di- nesses to those key events. rector Charles 3. Maikish, repeat- Inside, Recht was slapped on edly became choked UP as he !e- the back and kissed by his client called the blast, including “a heav- after he told jurors “truth is some- ing in the tower itself’ as the 110- times an elusive thing” but they story building shook while he would find Salameh innocent. worked on the 35th floor. Atiq Ahmed, defense lawyer He said he was signingbise for Ayyad, said he wouId show his / on a contract and had just finished client was a victim of “guilt by his middle initial when he heard association.” - the explosion.He wiped tears from The prosecutor said aletter sent his eyes and strained to regain his after the bombing to The New composure after he described be- york Times “put America on no- A Public Service of the USDA Forest Sei‘vce ing told ‘‘four members of my staff tice that it w~ they who catried and your State FMster. ONLY YOU CAN PREVENT FOREST FIRE had died.” out this heinous crime and they The Manhattan trial opened in would do it again if their demands acourthouseringed by federal and were not met.” It II city Police, before a that in- The letter, which protested US cludes six blacks and six whites, aid to Israel, “can undeniably be 11 Please recycle this newspaper eight womenand four men, and no tied to this defendant: Nidal /I I’ I1


Cowerinn Behind fh e First Amednitnt Since 1989 .. oin Tuft’s Humor newspaper: Writers, Photographers, Illustration, Production First Meeting is Tuesday, October 5th Eaton 333 9:30pm . ve questions or answers, call Amy at 6298651 page sixteen THE ‘I”TS DAILY Tuesdav. October 5.1993

4 Clinton defends NAFTA before organized labor group

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -- keep skeptical California voters in support of the trade accord with American workers. has a trade surplus with Mexico, President Clinton told organized his court and promote health-care Canada and Mexico, but empha- “I am pleading with you to help would get new markets under labor Monday that the North reform, was overshadowed by sized the interests the White House me pass this bill,” Clinton said. NAFTA, by reducing or eliminat- American Free Trade Agreement political turmoil in Russia and the and labor share: health care re- “No matter how good your health ing tariffs on American goods go- is notperfect but will producejobs killing of United States soldiers in form, tax credits for the working care is now, don’t you believe for ing to Mexico and Canada. Side and is not as bad as unions and Somalia. poor, medical leave for families a minute that you can’t lose it,” he , agreements he tacked on the pact other opponents claim. Speaking just before Clinton, and the proposed rehiring of air said, drawing more applause. will force Mexico to improve en- “I would never knowingly do AFLCIO PresidentLane Kirkland traffic controllersfired in 1981 for vironmental and wage standards. anything to cost American jobs,” said the NAFTA agreement was striking. When he turned to NAlTA late “Is it a perfect agreement? No. Clinton said at the AFL-CIO’s “among the poison pills left be- in his speech, the audience settled But I don’t want to make the per- His election ushered in an era annual convention. hind by George Bush.” down. fect the enemy of the better,” of “replacing a government that His amearance, designed to Clinton briefly defended his Clinton said. for years worked labor over for a Slowly walking the cr.owd government that works with la- Kirkland remained through a detailed explanation of unconvinced about NAFTA, say- bor,” the president said in alengthy his position, Clinton said he was ing: “Regrettably, the president has speech that drew three standing making the argument “not so that concluded that he has no choice ovations. you would agree with me, but so but to pursue it and we are of a USE A LITTLE you know .that I would never deeplyheld contrary opinion.” ... His pitch for health carereform knowingly do anything that would The president continually ad- was well received by an audience cost a job. That’s not the business justed his schedule Monday to fit that has fought for some of the best I’m in.” in briefings on Russia and Soma- health coverage available to HesaidtheUnitedStates, which lis. YOUR KIDS. Police have their hands full with growing popularity of marijuana ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) -- With previous year. Emergency room sweeps tor manjuana nave relied the popularity of marijuana on the cases involving marijuana in the on heat-sensing devices to find the . rise, state police said Monday that city were up 48 percent while ar- indoor crops. more people across New York rests involving the drug went up 7 Freseniussaid state police have appear to be growing the crop ille- percent, according to state figures. performed 100 fly-overs to sight gally. Drug treatment providers said crops. August and September are The state police narcotics unit Monday that marijuana use also generally the best months to spot had helped in the seizure of about appears to be increasing in upstate marijuana crops because they’re 10,000 marijuana plants by the areas. full-grown sometimes more than tail end of the growing season in “There’s definitely more use six feet high and ready to harvest, September. The unit seized 8,400 and abuse of marijuana,” Darryl he said. plants all of last year, said spokes- Martin, executive director of the Also, many growers hide their man Thomas M. Fresenius. Homer Perkins Center in Albany, crops on state land in rural areas, “It’s easy to grow and cheap to said. especially in the Adirondacks and cultivate. A grower can spend little Critics have contended the in the Finger Lakes region around money and reap a pretty big profit higher visibility of “pot culture” Canandaigua, L‘ he said.

and thd+vm+in tkhw- has helped- push along- a resur- ~ -- Thas is a lot of marijuana than if they made cocaine or gence in the drug’s use. A number growing. We aren’t gettlng aiiTfnp------heroin,” Fresenius said. of rock and rap groups have re- because the bad guys are getting The increase in state police cently taken to promoting mari- smarter,”said Captain Gary Yaple confiscationscomes at atime when juana and images of the plant’s of the National Guard counter- Sometimes you just gotta put kids in their place. marijuana use appears to be up in thin, five-fingered leaf have been narcotics detachment in Ithaca. And when you’re on the road, that place is buckled in their New York and across the nation. popping up with frequency on T- In Otsego County, deputies own safety belts, and firmly Do this, adyour kids will While there are no statewide shirts and baseball caps. found an earthen bunker with a be more than ready for the long road ahead of them. figures, the state Office of Alco- Fresenius said‘ferreting out the hydroponic marijuana crop. Po- holism and Substance Abuse Ser- illegal crops has become more dif- lice found marijuana growing in a YOUCOUUlWAIMROMAWMMY. Tioga County basement inside a 4 Rorc SLMce Of ficult lately as growers are increas- P’ us ceoamntnl, vices said treatment admissions hSRA@Kdlla( commercial gasoline tank buried fam mmnunm m me 8 atm .wty m-42+~ OfTran-~ for marijuana went up 20 percent ingly moving their crops indoors. in New York City in 1992 from the State police units making aerial in the ground.

. Tuesday, October 5,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page seventeen Former priest pleads guilty to abuse charge NEW BEDFORD, Mass. (AP) children had complainedto church -- A former Roman Catholic priest officials, who moved Porter from admitted Monday to molesting 28 parish to another in the diocese, children at three southeastern but apparently took no other ac- Massachusetts parishes in the tion. 1960s in one of the largest child sex abuse cases of its kind. “This is not an indictment of Prosecutors said 125 people thecatholic Church or of any other had come forward and were will- church,” said Walsh, whose juris- ing to testify that James R. Porter diction is predominantly Catho- had molested them when they were lic. “I’m not going to venture an children. They said several had opinion on the church’s propriety complained to church officials at in this matter. I don’t think it’s Sornerville House of Pizza the time, without results. something that’s within the pur- view of the district attorney.” But several victims, who have “I hope that every victim of formed a group called Survivor m sexual abuse someday in their or- Connections, demanded that the 1157 Broadway deal can have a day like this,” said church adopt a policy of immedi- Somenrille, MA 02144 John Robataille, one of Porter’s ately investigating any sexual victims. “From that perspective, abuse complaintsinvolving clergy; 666-8232 it’s a good day, but it’s a sad day remove the perpetrator if the that it ever happened.” charges are true; report the com- When Bristol Superior Court plaints to civil authorities; and Judge Robert Steadman asked him encourage victims to come for- why he pleaded guilty, Porter, 58, ward. said: “Because I am guilty, your “I don’t expect we’ll ever get honor.” an apology from Father Porter,” Monday - Saturday The former priest was later said Fitzpatrick. “That would do 10:30 a.m. until 12:OO a.m. hustled from the courthouse, sur- no good whatsoever. I would like rounded by police, and did not an apology from the Catholic Sunday respond to questions. Church.” His attorney, Peter DeGelleke, 1:00 p.m. until 12:OO a.m. said Porter felt “tremendousguilt.” The Diocese of Fall River, “He’s obviously very nervous. which was responsible for Porter He feels that he’s reached a posi- in the 1960s, has since adopted tive decision, a decision that will such a policy. Also, last year it allow him to proceed with the rest settled claims with 68 people who f re€ Ddivwy of his life.” accused Porter of molesting them. But Frank Fitzpatrick, one of Financial terms of the settlement Porter’s victims who was instru- weren’t disclosed, and a diocese mental in making the case against spokesmanhad no additional com- him, scoffed: “If I were him and I ment Monday. - wm-kekg-ncirig7 would I feel a great deal of remorse and iqI /2 LARGE I fear perhaps.” Prosecutors said Porter mo- bqI $1.00 OFF I One at a time, Porter pleaded lested his victims in his church I ANY LARGE I I guilty to 27 counts of indecent office, rectories, sacristies, a I I PIZZA I FEE assault and battery on a child un- changing room beside the altar, a I I FOR $9.99 I der 14, seven counts of unnatural summer camp and a junior high actsonachildunder 16, sixcounts school locker room, and threat- of abominable and detestable ened them by telling them “God crimes against nature and acharge would get them” if they informed of assault and battery. on him. He faces a maximum sentence Porter was accused of fondling of more than 200 years imprison- the children’s genitals and rub- ment. bing his penis against their but- Porter remained free on bail. tocks, sometimes while wrestling He was scheduled to be sentenced with them. In other cases, Porter December 6, and prosecutors said forced the children to masturbate they planned to seek “substantial” him, to perform oral sex or to prison time, and treatment. They submit to anal sex. also said they would ask that Por- Porter, who is married, has four ter be prohibited from having con- children and lives in Oakdale, tact with children, other than his Minnesota, also was convicted last _--- -- own. year in Minnesotaof molesting his children’s babysitter. He received Some of Porter’s victims, now a six-month jail sentence. in their 30s and 40s, sat in the Porter was assigned to St. courtroomand cried softly as court Mary’s Church in North Attleboro, officials read the names of one where he served from 1960 to child after another in a litany of 1963; Sacred Heart Parish in Fall IN D: Porter’s crimes. River, where he was assigned in “I’ve done my 30 years and 1963 and 1964; and St. James now it’s his turn,” one, George Church in New Bedford, where he Hardie, said later. was transferred in 1965. Porter previously had pleaded In 1967, Porter left Massachu- innocent, and his attorneys had setts and entered a treatment pro- sought legal mechanisms to evade gram for pedophilia operated by the charges. Five counts involving the Order of the Servants of the THED~~’~MISSIONS four alleged victims were dis- Paraclete in Jemez Springs, New missed because they exceeded the Mexico. statute of limitations. He was assigned to a church in ANNE COYLE DeGelleke said, “It is impos- Bemidji, Minnesota, but left in sible to defend 30-year-old alle- 1970 and quit the priesthood alto- gations. It is impossible to sort out gether sometimebetween 1971 and precisely where someone was and 1974. what they were doing.” “I feel like I’ve been listened But District Attorney Paul to, and now I can forget about the Walsh said, “We had an over- past,” said one of Porter’s victims, whelming case against Mr. Porter, Steve Merry of Wilmington, as he and that’s why he decided to plead left to tell’his 9- and 10-year-old guilty.” son and daughter that the former Among other things, Walsh priest had pleaded guilty. said, investigators had found evi- “I’ll tell them that we all won dence that parents of molested our freedom,” Merry said. page eighteen THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, October 5,1993 - Catholic encyclical revives issue of mortal sin and evil ROME (AP)-- Pope JohnPaul church’s moral standards high. Nations lacking transcendent Bishop Donald Trautman of the For conservative groups, the II is drawing a sharp line separat- “If abortion; euthanasia, artifi- values can easily be manipulated, Diocese of Erie, Pennsylvania,said encyclical is a godsend. ing the Catholic Church from mod- cial contraceptionand homosexual the pope says in his loth encycli- the encyclical will put the issue of “It very much vindicates those em morality, claiming in a new activity are intrinsically evil, then cal. “As history demonstrates, a mortal sins backon“center stage.” people that have been defending encyclical that certain acts are al- they are always and everywhere democracy without values easily “There are moral absolutes in the church‘scontroversial norms,” ways evil and endanger the salva- , wrong, independent of the judg- turns into open or thinly disguised the Roman Catholic faith tradi- said James Sullivan, vice presi- tion of the church’s 900 million ment of the individual,” said totalitarianism,” according to the tion,” he said. “For many in the dent of Catholics United for the followers. Bishop John J. Myers of the Dio- encyclical entitled “Veritatis Americanculture,moralabsolutes Faith. In the 59 million-member cese of Peoria, Illinois. Splendor” (The Splendor of are countercultural.” George Weigel, president of the church in the United States, some Six years in development, the Truth). Lisa Cahill, a theology profes- , Ethics and Public Policy Center in Roman Catholics are concerned 179-page encyclical scheduled to But it is to internal dissent and sor at Boston College, said some , Washington, said no one is being the encyclical limiting dissent in be formally released Tuesday is a the “genuinecrisis” in moral teach- of the encyclical’s goals seemed “read out” of the Catholic Church areas of sexual morality and other powerful theological treatise ex- ing that the pope devotes much of to be contradictory. 1 by the document. church teachingsmay have a “chill- pressing John Paul’s concerns over his attention in the document writ- She applauded the encyclical’s “It’s a bold challenge to some ing effect” on theologians. Others moral relativism in the church and ten to the bishops of the world. desire to counteract the tendency dominant currents of thought in call it a bold challenge to keep the society. Most encyclicals, which are papal in Western culture to address is- the American academy that has teachings, are address& to all sues such as abortion, surrogate worked its way into the culture: Catholics. motherhood andeuthanasiapurely namely that you really can’t know The pope discusses mortal sin in terms of individual freedom out the right thing to do,” he said. in one section of the document, of fear “we can’t come to any more How will the average Catholic and throughout the encyclical re- substantiveagreement on the com- react? fers to the dangers of individuals mon good.” “I suspect the pews are going to separating themselves from the But she also is concerned that‘ . split. Some are going to say, ‘Thank promise of salvation by commit- in the end the search for objective God, it’s about time,’ “ said the tingevil acts in opposition to God’s values would always be defined Reverend James L. Connor, direc- law. by the church hierarchy, an ap- - tor of the Woodstock Theological There is no direct list of mortal proach that would be rejected in Center at Georgetown University. sins, but the encyclical condemns public policy debates. “You’re going to find people on acts “hostile to life itself,” includ- Lm~enceCunningham, chair- the other side saying, ‘Oh God, ing genocide, abortion and eutha- man ofthe theology departmentat he’s closing down all kinds of pro- naia and acts that offend human Notre Dame University, said some gressive” developments. dignity such as slavery and pro&- moral theologians also are con- But neither side will be right, tution and trafficking in women cerned the document will have a Connor said. What he thinks the and children. “chilling effect” on theological pope is really doing is discussing Among the scattered references inquiry on controversial issues. an issue on the cutting edge of the to sexual sins, contraceptiveprac- “It ~eemsto be SO cut and dried church and American culture: how tices are specifically labeled an from the Point of the encyclical,” to balance human responsibility intrinsically evil act. he said. and freedom.

feelsOmethiRffte- good a out

United Why of Massachusetts Bay

tu esday october at 5t, : .. h 7’?, e 00 PM invites all in the interested students to campus attend its first center general room 0 meeting 207 Tuesday, October 5,1993 THE TUFTS DAILY page nineteen American marine became a victim of the violence RUSSIA The army struck the White dents stayed home to watch live the White House. He was in stable Troops loosed one last barrage continued from page 1 House with deliberate and over- television reports on the assault. condition after surgery. About400 of heavy fire on the parliament, wounded. whelming force at 7 a.m. At least Hundreds of others rushed to the embassy employees took shelter and lawmakers and their support- In comparison, only three 10 heavy battle tanks,seven light scene to for a first-hand glimpse or underground. ers began trickling from the build- people died during the failed Au- tanks and 25 armored personnel scoop up battle souvenirs, ignor- During a lull in the fighting, ing at 450 p.m. Soon a steady gust 1991 coup attempt that led to carriers fired on the building while ing authorities' effortsto push.them Defense Minister Pave1 Grachev stream of hard-linersfiled between the demise of the Soviet Union. paratroopers and commandos out of danger. pulled up in a black limousine and rows of soldiers to buses and Yeltsin at first told Russians stormed into the lower floors. Soldiers and civilian medical met in the middle of the bridge trucks. and the world he would not to use Papers floated out of windows personnel dragged dead and with a group of hard-liners. They force to break the deadlock with shattered by explosions, and wounded away from parliament came out of the White House wav- Yeltsin closed several opposi- the Soviet-era parliament, which flames and thick clouds of black while machine guns blasted from ing a white flag. tion newspapers, including the for 18 months has stymied his free- smoke soon gushed from several a neighboring hotel and apartment Russian TV said Grachev former Communist Party daily market reforms. He changed parts of the building. house. handed the parliament supporters Pravda. Parliament sympathizers course after the hard-liners rioted The heavy boom of the tank A US Marine was hit in the a piece of paper, believed to be an retaliated by firing guns at pro- Sunday and tried to seize the tele- attack could be heard throughout neckby asniperbulletatthe Ameri- ultimatum to surrender or face government newspapers, leading to street fighting in the evening. vision center. central Moscow, and many resi- - can Embassy, across the street from destruction. IIClassifiedsClassified! Classif iedsclassifieds ;lassif ieds ;lassifieds

FOR SALE: 22 YR. OLD FEMALE SPRiNG BREAK ADVERSE REACTIONS TO Personals Full-sired GE refrigerator,just 2 yrs Looking for roommate(female only) 7 nights (ram $299. Indudes: Air, FOOD ADDITIVES used,perfect condflion. great for 2- to share great 2 bed apt. Mod kit + Services Hotel. Transfers, Parties. and ml If you have adverse readions tc 3mommatestoshare.andthisMdg9 bath. yard, lii. din, 2 porches. On NASSAU - PARADISE ISLAND - food additives such as. colorin( Yo Tanya K win last for decades. $275. call Mystic River near Tufts. VI00 +I12 CANCUN - JAMAICA-SAN JUAN. agents, monosodium glutamate. a What's the deal? Do we havs Meiani, 646-6105 ail. call 628-1672 ?iganizeasmallgmp-eam FREE presewativesandmightwishtopas beef,lamb what? Call IW 8 dis. PIANISTS md tnp plus commission1 1-BwGET- ticipale in a study conduded at Thc cuss peace negotiations. Outly. N. MINI REFRIGERATOR MALE GRADSTUDENTS OR SUN-1. Children's Hospital. call 1800-633 Rico INSTRUMENTAUSTS For sale. Best offer. Call Rachel at OLDER Lessons and accompanying avail- 2497. .#6668638 Forrent inSglefamilyhome.On2nd by pianists Bonnie Anderson. Onkere,Organizations, Artisla flr, 2-1 4 rms wl decent daws- able 2x1 rained at TIW JUII~~schod and WANTED. & Dreamers: MOTORCYCLE Ige. Bthrm-refrig. kit. privileges- Babysitternutor 2 schm Wam free publicity?Want yourevenl Boston unimrsily. Anderwwr Stu- needed by 1986 SUZUKI GS 550ES washerdryer in house driveway do. near Pwer Square. 776-3174. aged ldds in Medford. Help wifb included in a program dslributedtc SPORTBIKE RED 8 BLK. RUNS parking+sidestr-furnisMorunfur- homework. piano, make dinner thewholecampus?Thensendlbring GR-MT.F895 or BIO. 11 interested nished4300 mon. per each. Call Wednesday alternoon. 2-6. $7hr. your event information to the Stu. call JOOrdan at 623-0781 395-6070. Lea- message. Relerences required. Please call dent AdiVities Office for indusion ir Don't mach for th. MacH?mmev Cathy, 5233663 (days). the Special Events Calendar1 It's 100% PURE CASHMERE APARTMENT FOR RENT Alleviate your Madntosh computer free1 Blankets and Shawls. Shawls $95, TeeleSq.,Somerville,2ndflr, $675. woes the easy way. Save time, Twin blankets $195, Queen Size monthly utilitiesnot incl. 2 bdrms;liv money, & headache and call the Cristlna Garces, My LMle Sh..p $250, Kingsize$295. today money rm. kitchen;hAlbath;backporchcon- MacWizl 0ver-h-phone help or CRUiSE SHIP JOBS1 Youaresowarmandwooly,I'IInevei back Guarantee. Great gift for the venient to7:Laundromat; Johnnie's house calls. 391-5477. Students needed1 Earn $2000+ shear you, my lile lamb chop. Yot holidays. Calll-EW-428-7825.x303 Foodmaster; contact Dora monthly. Summerholidays/fulltime. make the sweetest Baah,Baat Fgueiredo, 668-3300. World travel. Caribbean.Hawaii, noises. Love, Your Shepard BEAUTIFUL GRAD SCHOOL APPLICATIONS Europe, Mexico. Tour guides. gift Lovingly-wed rugs: two 6x9Indian Looking for female nonsmoker EXPERTLYTYPED shop sales, deck hands, casino CHICA- Dhuries. wool. rose and grey, $100 to sublet my room starting spring (hw, Medkal, Bus&s) workerqetc. No experience neces- Hey babe! You're the one for me. m396-1124m each semester. 3Bdrm apt. basically on Sary. Call (602)680-4647, XC147. hope you can swim1 Low-Your fa (orig. $400). Roomsizebraided rug, campus wllargekt., bthrm, Iv. rm. w/ Are your grad school applications writeSupemunkSpin-thesottlwl teal and purple, $50. Two 3x55, teal d and cable. Parking in driveway. piled high on your desk? Are you Counter Help & Delivery Drhrers and green, $25 each. Melani 646- Please call 6287319. wndering how you're going to ffl all 8 mins. from Tufts at D'Angelo's in Julie,Lauren and Jill 81 05. your info in those tiny spaces? Are Arlington. Starting rate66hour. Driv- Or should I say Erica,Heather B Apsflment for Rent you concernedwhere you'll find the ers earn $8-lO/hour. $150 tuition Dena. Looking forward to many othei NAKAMlCHl Clean, bright, safe 6 room apan- timeto do it all before the deadlines? Wanted reimbursementavailable forstudent crazy nights likeSaturday.I think I'm Car Stereo, AMlFM Cassette, 12 ment. 4 bedrooms, Ig. eat-in kitchen, Are your PersonalStatement 8 Re- who worlcs 4 three hwr shiftslweek still hungover! Love, Carolyn-or Am) Presets,Seek, Dolby, Auto-reverse, front 8 rear porches. 2 min. walk to sume professionally'typeset & laser *e mgr.. Denisefor detaikTypical 4 channel preamp jam. Like new. campus (Curtis Ave.) Available im- printed on high quality paper in a MAGAZINE EDiTORIAL shikl1 :30-230,11:00-2:00. 12:00- To Snony,Belch,Pooh,Ehem Great deal for only $110. Call 629- mediately. Call 617-862-7435. type style that's attractive? No need OPPORTUNITIES 3:00. Call 643-111 0. snd Snot Rags (aka 45 Mason)- 7881. $1300. to fret - CALL FRAN AT 396-1 124, a BOSTON IMPACT, a new lullcolor, Thanks for a special 21st. Sorry spedalist in making your applica- glossy magazine for Boston area CRUiSE SHIPS NOW HIRING puked all over the festivities. Yo1 CAR FOR SALE Room in private home tions, personalstatement,8 resume college looking to fill the Earn up to $2,WO+/month + world guys,are as awesome as peas ant '86 MAZDA 323 2-door HE!; v.good in W. Medford. $280/mo.. indudes as appealing as possible. -eT -eT folbwing positions: advenising di- travel (Hawaii,.Mexico, the Carib condition; 59sttlck, original AM/ utilities. Furnished. hugeroom.Third rector, art director, marketing direc- bean, etc.). Summer and Career FM Stereo Cass.. A/C. new brakes. floor privacy, share refrigerator, mi- mRESUMES'H tor, copy editor, departments edi- empbyment available. No experi- Great gas mileage... Great liI' car for crowave, etc. On bus line. Call 396- LASER TYPESET tors. Send res:ime to: BOSTON IM- ence necessary. For more informa- the big cilyl Among recommended 7005 before 9 pm. $25.00 - 306-1124 PACT, Staffing qepartment,POBox tion. call 1-206-634-0468, ext. used cars by Consumer's Guide. ImpresiveLaserTypesetResumes, 41, Medford. MA. 02153. Advertis- c5035. Birthdays Asking$22000.6.0. ~al1628-1489. Seeking for a Roommate featuring wmputer storage tor fu- ing, art and marko'ing directorsonly Fmle. NS. grad, stdnt eking for ture updating. Your choice of please also call. 617-695-8055 SPRING BREAK '94 Ludovlca GiBSON LES PAUL STANDARD the same to live in a beautiful hs in typestyles, ind. bold. italics, bullets. Deadline Oct l11W3. Sell trips, earn cash, 8 go free!ll (Cherry Sunburst) Winter Hill, Somenrille. 2 bedrms. k etc on Strathmorepaper. Have your Happy binhdayl Many happy return cover letters done to your Student Travel Services is now hir- 01 the day Your Loving AA, Mikey Wflh case 8 Sperzel locking tuners rom, dn rm, mod. Idchn. dhv. back & match MAGAZiNE FREELANCE ing campus reps. call @ 800.648 on sale. For inlo please call 617- front porch, dean pink bathrm. wall Resumel 1day service avail. 5 min. OPPORTUNITIES 4849. Casey 395-6580. paper, shiny wood flr. off St. Park from Tufts. (Member of PARW: Pro- Wanttowriteabout!hedubscenein May you encounter many wonderfu (Noneed permit). $300.Nolease, no fessional Assoc. of Resume Writ- Boston? Know of any romantic Call for FREE 'ResumeEover res- splendorsontheanniversaryolyoui MODEM FOR MACS security dep. 5 min. drive toTults or ers. taurants that everyone raws about? f entranceintothlsworld. Happy Binh. e-mail. send and receive faxes in take one bus (m).2 blocks from Letter Guidelines.? Thought about using your photo or day. Mikey your dorm room1 9600 baud. less Star MM. Avail. 10/1. Call Yanti M- Also. word processing or typing of artskilktoshow peopleanotherway than 1 year old, perfed cond.. all F 9-5 349-2301 or else 4944163. student papers. grad school appli- of looking at college life in Boston? LlZZlE software included. $180 neg. 629- cations, personal statements, the- Become a writer. photographer or Happy 20th birthday from your favor. 8308. ses, multiple letters. tapes tran- artkt for the fastest growing maga- ite suitemates Have a GREAT day, Large and small apts. available scribed, laser printing, Fax Service, zine for college students in Boston. and we love you1 SOFA BED Great condifllon. within walking dis- etc. CALL FRANCES ANYTIME AT Writers send resume vvith writing Love, the 180s Fullsire,comfortable. bluefloralprint tance to campus. Rents are very. 396-1124. sample of no more than 1500words, with end pillows. $100. call 625 reasonable. Call day or night. Ask @otographers and artists send re- 91 26. for CamiUo or Lina 625-7530. 011 "'TYPING AND WORDm sume and call for interview: BOS campus living is the best. PROCESSHG SERViCE TON IMPACT, Staffing Department 306-1124 PO Box 41, Madford. MA 021531 Events Student papers. theses.grad school 617-695-8055. Deadline: Od 8, applications. personal statements. 1993. tape transcription, resumes. gradu- alenacU&y prqieas. multiple leners. UNiCEF MEETING AMCASfonns.Thomugh knowledge €xtra Cash General Meeting TONIGHT at 8:30 of APA. MLA and Ch- Manuals p.m. at 360's Hillside. All are wel- Caterer seeks prep. function, and of style. All doarmems am Laser help. Days. evenings, week- come!! Housing Printed & spellchecked using sales WordPerfed5.1.ReasonWeRates. ends. Experience helpful but not Quicktumarwnd.Serving Tufts stu- mandatory. Be responsible.Rexble. Notices LCS BLOOD DRIVE dents h faculty for 10 years. 5 min. energetic. salary $6 and up. de- Volunteer meeting for the fall drim. from Tuk. CALL FRAN ANYTIME, pending on expieme. lmile hom rAi CHI-A mi coum Oct 7,EatOn 208,Bpm. 3981124. (,M?mber of NY& TuftsonDavisSquarebusline.666 Wear loosecomforabledhngand ROOMMATE NEEDED TO 3663. SHARE tionalAssocmm of secretanal ser- flatsoledshoes. bring pilloworcush- MNORITY JUNiORS AND vicas) AAA WORD PROCESSING ion for sitting meditation. Oct Two floor, 4Wrm apt w/kit, din. rm.. WANTED ~ SENIORS 5,12.19.26. 5-6:30pm. Curtis 1 MinorityCareerForumDec.2. Hynes liv. nn.. 1.5 bathmom. wood llrs. TSR AEROBICS Former member of a cuk who k Lounge. ConventionCenter, Boston 1o-4p.m. fronVback porch. storages, back- in Hill Hall has started. Pidc up a willing to share experiences, even Meet, interview w/50+ employers- yard, oltst. pke. avail. with two grad scheduleat the Campus Center Info anommouslv. with interested bur- BLAME SOCIETY AT TUFTS Mcldnsey, Merclc. Memll Lynch1 students. 3 min walk to campus and Desk or call TSR at 627-3224 for naliid. Cont&t Lewis Taylor &= WEEK 3 SCHEDULE FREE. Registration: send resume nearbus.S32OpluslL3ofutil.Avail. times. 9897. 5306:15:Oinner w/lmam (MacPhie by Oct. 22: Crimson & Brown ,1430 now. Call3Q5(M32. Dining He11);6:~:553ndMdualmtg Mass,W1003, Cambridge, MA02138. TUTORING BABYSI'ITING w/lmam (209Campus Cmer);7:00- Indicate 3 professional preferencas ROOMMATE NEEDED TO help with Chemistry (EXC. Responsible individual sought for 8:OO:lmam'sDiscussion (209 Cam- Need occasional evenino care of ener- on back. ??? call 617a68-0181. SHARE Organic). Math(lnd slats). Physics pus Center);8:15-9:15:Aqeeda Clean furnished3bdrmaptwlkit.hmg or Thermo? MIT Chem Eng Grad getic 10-yearold. &r preferred (15 Class w/lmam (Islamic Center) MINORITY SENIORS rm and dinig rm. Laundry on pre student avail rwnd for tutoring minutedrivefmncampus). exl.3843 mises. Offst plg avail. near tufts year or 662-2973. Multi-Industry Information Session on Tufts campus. Call Mike at 395 Contact Improvfsation Dace with The Boston Consulting, Merrill and bus. $325 and 113 utik. Call 0723. ElOhr. GNP 393-0847, Healthy peopio agd 16-30 Tuesdays 8lOpm.Jackson Gym Lynch and Pfizer. Charles Hotel, needed for drug-freestudy on circa- Back Catntry Excursions Tour Danca Studio. Gymnastic and mar- Cambridge, MA- Wed Oct. 26,6:3& CHEAP SINGLE ROOM OFF- dian rhythms and sleep at Brigham tial arts principles of 9:30p.m. Free. Send resume with NYC knterhdge CAMPUSI Guided daylong adventures: Mtn md Women's Hospital. Stay in lab balance,momentum, extension and company prelemnce Two New Yorkers heading home for lor 11 or 33 days, up to $2300. Call Justforfirstsem. Furnished. Nextto Columbus Day week-end would like Biking. Cycling. Canoeing, X-Skiing, release are used to develop a lan- (BCG. ML. or, PF) on back by Od. fletcher Field1 Rentnegotiable. Call Johnette 7324311. guage of movement in which the 22: Crimson & Brown, 1430 Mass a ride. Want to leave Friday and Hikjng-WhiteMtns. 2 Day Padcage- Todd @ 627-7625. Breakfast,Lodging,Snacksonly$65 dancer giws and supports weight. Ave,#lOO3. Cambridge, MA02138. returnMonday. will help pay for gas. Childwe Needed PI- call Isabel at 629-8571. pprson. RentalsandStudent group Beginners welcome. ROOMMATES WA.NTED ratesavailable.Just2hrs.fromTufts 3-1 6daytimehounlweakfordelight- uI boy (3) and sometimes also girl 6 rm, 4 bedrm. w/eat-in M,refrigera- RUTGERS Info 207-625-8189 or write B.C.E. fan 9). Ideal for child study major/other --1 tor, liv. rm w/ ceiling and light, I need to get therell Iyou give RFD 2 BOX 365LIMERICK. ME C.T. Bath w/w and off st. parking or can audent. Flexible, can M yoursched- me a ride there and/or back, please 04048 del Car necessary. Winchester, Lost and For 3 min. walk to campus. Avail now. call Alex at 629-9320. I'm willing to 350 inc. heaf and hot water. 776 iear Tuffs. $6.5O/hour. Please call pay gas S. Any weekend would be danin 7291660. 3847 great11 GET OFF FOR LESS at Found II KEYCHAIN PEPPER SPRAY Fly as a courier to EasW& Eu- APARTMENTS FOR RENT Pianlrt/accompanlst FBI approved- used by 1.100 law 2 $650,3 bdrm $750 Heat I'M STILL GOING SOLlTHll rope from $199 RIT South America occasionalrehearsals with teen- TI81 Calculator Lost enfoment agencies. Quick bdnn and 'm willing to share moa expenses if Far East from $395 or au- hot water incllll8min. walk to cam- from $220 RIT. ~wdinist,topreparerecitalpie. Somewhere around Halligan or En- ingl Immediately stops anackerl IOU are going anywhere past NYC. R/T,Mexico$l99 R/T.Super-Chqy iaydn concetio in CMajor first. pus avail. immed. Call Herb or standby flights to West coast and For gineering buildings. Has Steve writ- DNnMDNgsKqp- for 1/2 hour. 'm going to D.C. Pleasecall me. I'm ten on it underthe power bulton..Call Superiortomaa,andteargas.NOW Armand. aniceguy. PleasellCallDan@6629 more. Now Voyager (212)431-1616. Funeration. bien sur1 Please call lethal. non-toxic. non-flammable. Days 396-8386 Eve:483-1045 or 321 4. 1. Soos. x2692 or6284634 Steve 629-8747. Call: 666-4025 391 -6053 page twenty THE TUFTS DAILY Tuesday, October 5,1993

Doonesbury BY GARRY TRUDEAU Around Campus Today Health Education Program UNICEF T’AICHI: AMini Come. Bringacushion jeneral Meeting. or a pillow dillside 360’s. 8:30 p.m. Curtis Lounge, 5-6:30 p.m.

Culture Exchange Circle FacultyStaffLesbian, Gay, &Bisexual 3roup meeting. PUP Eaton 204, 8:OO p.m. Discussion Meeting -- Open To All Campus Center, Rm. 218. 12-1:30 p.m. Community Health Program 3pen House for students interested in Fr. Michael Hunt ioining.l12PackardAve, 2nd fl. 4-5p.m. Tuesday Topics: Religious Bigotq & Prejudice Islamic Society at Tufts South Hall, 7 p.m. Week 3 schedule (Imam’s discussion & agenda(s) Call Arsalan for details: 396- Hispanic-American Society 6997 General meeting. Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson Large Conference Room, 9:30-10:30. SADDBACCHUS 1st General Meeting: all interested Tomorrow t CAN ALWAYS GET BY students are welcome. ON MY GOOD LOOKS AND Eaton 208,9:30 p.m. Speech & Debate Society CHARM .’ General meeting-all welcome. WEST (Women Exploring Sexuality Mine&, 7:OO p.m. at Tufts) All women welcome to come and discuss Programs Abroad women’s issues Study Abroad geneal information Women’s Center, 55 Talbot Ave, 9-10 meeting-Rep from Beaver College. p.m. Eaton 201,3:30 p.m.

Middle East Study Group English Department Reading Series 1st Meeting (Elections and food) Poet Deborah Digges. Braker 1, 8 p.m. East Hall Lounge, 4:30 p.m.

Asian Christian Fellowship (ACF) Society of Women Engineers Come for fellowship and fun! Pizza party. Lincoln-Filene Center, 7:30 p.m. Large ConferenceRoom, Campus Center, 5:OO p.m. by Bill Amend The Tufts Ski Club FoxTrot First General Meeting Tufts Friends of Israel WHAT’S KIRK, SPoCK uM,SWFCT YouTRT Eaton 134,9:30 p.m. ’ Come listen to Israeli music,discuss an WH ATCH A THIS 6E A PAiNTir46 article, and organize! HERE P JUMP” BACK I LITTLEMORE VULCAN €413 I Japanese Culture Club Room 218, Campus Center, 8:30 p.m. GOT ME GREKT DFfRESd Meeting: Elections Pearson 106,9:30 p.m. Monty Pyhton Society Fun with the Flying Circus. Career PlengCenter 14 Professors Row, 9:30 p.m. Information Session: Cornell MBA Program,Career Planning Center, 3 p.m. Meditations: A Time for the Spirit “Spiritual Development,” Prof. George Amnesty International Scarlett of CS Dept. General Meeting: Write a letter, save a Goddard Chaple, 12-1:00 p.m. life. Eaton 202,9:30 p.m. Weather R epmt----- DILBERTB by Scott Adams TODAY TOMORROW

l3E AOLETO USE Sunny Sunny High:58; Low:43 High:58; Low:45

The Daily Commuter Puzzle

ACROSS 1 Criticize 5 Applauds 10 Kind of surgeon 14 - over (help) rnE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON 15 Lawful THAT SCRAMBLED WORD GAME 16 Birthplace by Henrl Arnold 17 Blue-pencil 18 -ego Unscramblethese four Jumbles. 19 Harmful one letter to each square, to form 20 Drum four ordinw words. 22 Scorpions have them 24 Garage service 26 Maple genus . 27 Free 31 Instruct 34 Writer Levin 35 Cranium 37 3937 TwofoldThin covering

41 Moves slowly 43 Cleveland’s waters WHATA VOCTOR 44 Abstract being PUTS ON BEFORE 45 - beaver HE STAKTSWORKING. 47 Eisenhower’s I nickname 81993 Tribune Media Services. Ice. 1DID5193 ,. J 48 Zenana All Righls RE SENE^ Now arrange the clrcled letters to 51 Hungry Yesterdav‘s Puzzle Solved: form the surprise answer, as sue 53 Intend 8 Michelangelo gested by the above cartoon. I 55 Jay of TV work “ ” 56 Snail for eating 9 Exacting Print answer here: 60 Stirred up 10 Make - (succeed) (Answers tomorrow) 64 Persian fairy 65 Daughter of 11 Wander Yesterday’s Jumbles: IGLOO AORTA PAUNCH DISCUS Tantalus 12 Arab VIP Professor Big Mouth, we’ve all chipped In. Answer. They contract to give you a comfortable nde- 67 Strong wind 13 Morays “OK, 21 Yours and mine Here’s the hundred bucks, but remember SP R I N0 S 68 Provoked - 69 Customary 23 Wedding you gotta kiss her on the Ilps!” 70 Diva’s offering announcement 71 Cries like a word crow 25 Musical 72 Festive composition Quote the Day 73 Part of a 27 Kind of jacket of wedding cake 28 Hibernian 29 RaW wood DOWN 30 Enalish“ “A citizen of America will cross the ocean to fight for 1 Proofreading composer 10/05/9: democracy, but won’t cross the street Bo vote in a word 32 Novelty national election.” . 2 ltalianjsland 33 Japanese verse 46 Nevada city 57 Antitoxins 3 Take - view of 36 Statutory 49 Poet’s word 58 Gang 4 Spirit 38 Dregs 50 Wine bottle 59 - de force -- Bill Vaughan 5 Relative of a 40 Fabled 52 A candy 61 Eastern garmen cookout creatures 54 Din 62 Writer Wiesel 6 - Abner 42 In a serious 56 The “Iliad” is 63 Costly La& Night at the. Daily 7 Performs way . one 66 Exclude