COMMUNISM: ITS IDEOLOGY, ITS HISTORY, and ITS LEGACY Third Edition Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation© 1 2 Communism: Its Ideology, Its History, and Its Legacy COMMUNISM: ITS IDEOLOGY, ITS HISTORY, and ITS LEGACY Paul Kengor, Ph.D. Professor of Political Science Grove City College Lee Edwards, Ph.D. Chairman Emeritus Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation Claire McCaffery Griffin, MA Claire Griffin Consulting, LLC PUBLISHED BY Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation 300 New Jersey Avenue NW, Suite 900, Washington, DC 20001 Third Edition Copyright ©2021 Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation Victims of Communism Memorial Foundation 300 New Jersey Avenue NW, Suite 900 Washington, DC 20001
[email protected] Printed in the United States 4 Communism: Its Ideology, Its History, and Its Legacy Table of Contents Introduction .........................................................................7 Karl Marx and His Legacy .............................................................9 Lenin and the Bolshevik Revolution .................................................. 27 Stalin and the Soviet Union ......................................................... 39 Independence, Occupation, and Deportation in the Baltics ..............................51 Mao and China .....................................................................81 Kim Il-Sung and North Korea ........................................................ 93 Pol Pot and Cambodia .............................................................103