President's Daily Diary, October 14, 1966

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President's Daily Diary, October 14, 1966 calls & Usher checked Datr October 14, 1966 White House ^ fRIDAY Exj Activity (inc!udc visited bv) f t Breakfast with Mrs. Johnson Justice Abe Fortas Robert Kintner (pl) " Secy McNamara William S White (returning his call) Charles Schultze To Oval Office Joe Califano Charles Schultze Signing Ceremony of the Proclamation and Exec Order concerning Beirut Convention - Oval Office ! /^ Robert W. Akers A Frank C. Tribbe ^^a^HtHWHHHHaaH*** Asst General Counsel of USIA A Wilbert H. Pearson - USIA Motion Picture and Television Service \Cong Thomas Curtis of Missouri^Amb. George V. Allen former Amb - Now Director Foreign Svc Institute n^tf October 14, 1966 White House p^ Activity (inctude visited by) c,^ REMARKS by the President British Foreign Secretary, George Brown for a WALK on the South Lawn all Press & Photogs to Rose Garden taking pics of two above walking The President accompanied by British Foreign Secy, George Brown went to the Rose Garden and spoke briefly to Press To South Lawn - for another walk - joined by : Date October 14, 1966 White House . FRIDAY Dav Activity (include visited by) Press office (BM pl) RobertL(Bob) Knous, Lt. Governor of Colorado Marvin Watson To Senate Luncheon at Capitoltook Br. Foreign Secy George Brown .-Senate Dining Boom with him bipartisan l:53p i C REMARKS by the President ATTENDANCE: f ^ LUNCHEON hosted by /*^ Senator George Aiken Senator Hiram L. Fong f Senator Frank Lausche Senator Mike Mansfield Senator E. L. Bartlett Senator Albert Gore ; Senator Edward Long, Missouri Senate r Everett Dirksen Senator Wallace Bennett (stayed only to welcome the ^President, but then left for previous ! engagement) penator Russell oLong, Louisiana ' ! Senator Alan Bible Senator Ernest Gruening Senator Warren Magnuson J F Senator J. Caleb Boggs Senator Fred R. Harris Senator Mike Mansfield i / Senator Daniel Brewster Senator Philip A. Hart ^Senator Eugene McCarthy t ^ , !/ Senator v ^ ^ Quentin ^Burdick ^^ Senator ^ : Vance Hartke — ? -^- \j ^ Senator ^ John ^ McClellan ^ ' — - — ' f^/l Senator Harry Byrd, Jr. Senator Bourke Hickenlooper Senator Mike Monroney ^%. Senator Frank Carlson Senator Lister Hill Senator Wayne Morse ! \ Senator Clifford Case Senator Spessard L. Holland Senator Thruston Morton ; § Senator Joseph Clark Senator Daniel Inouye Senator Karl E. Mundt J J § Senator Norris Cotton Senator Henry Jackson Senator George Murphy i ! Senator Everett Dirksen Senato r Jacob Javits Senator Maurine Neuberger i F Senator Thomas J. Dodd Senator B Everett Jorda t Senator Gaylord Nelson i # Senator Sam Ervin, Jr. ^Senator Robert Kennedy Senator John Pastore Senator Paul J. Fannin Senator Thomas Kuchel Senator Claiborne 3Bexx Pell Senator William Proxmire /Senato/ / r Margaret Chase Smith^ Senato r Ralph Yarborough Senator Jennings Randolph / Senator John Sparkman A^ n Senator Milton Young Senator Abraham Ribicoff /^ Senator John Stennis ^ Senator Stephen Young Senator A Willis Robertson \ Senator Stuart Symington ^ — Senator Donald Russell J Senator Herman Talmadge Senator Richard Russell { Senator Strom Thurmond Senator Leverett Saltonstall J Senator Joseph D. Tyding s Senator Hugh Scott j Senator Harrison Williams Senator Milward L Simpson (greeted the President, but then departed for previous engagemt Senator George Smathers / Senato r John J Williams SerwXtonX7MF,3M?< A^ KKHr^^B?Try^T5y ^4[% To Oval Office (fro m the Capito l mjdr's office Joe Califano (pl Doug Cater (pl) Joe Califano Date-October 14, 1966 White House Dav FRIDAY Activity (inctude visited bv) Secy Robert McNamara Under Secy of State, Nicholas Katzenbach Robert Komer Walt Rostow George Christian Joe Califano Joe Califano photographers (10) in with George Christian PRESS in with Connie Girald The Press joined the President, Secy McNamara, Asst Secy of State Katzenbach, and Mr. Komer in the President' s office to XKpaxkxaaBdsHSx hear a report on the meeting. The Secy mentioned troop deployment, and the President interjected remarks and answered a few questions. Press out at 4:10p n^tf October 14, 1966 White House ^ FRIDAY Activity (:nc!ude visited by) Walt Rostow (pl) -- did not talk, as Mr. Rostow was in the Cabinet Room with Mr. Komer and SEcy McNamara Kintner (pl)) Cissy Morrissey of LIFE magazine Mayor Richard Daley, Chicago (b-1) Doug Cater George Christian (BM pl) Marvin Watson (pl Director Charles Schultze Robt Kintner (pl) Dxtt- October 14, 1966 White House Dav Friday Expendi- Activtty (inc!ude visited by) ture Code Kintner — re Thanksgiving Day Proclamation- -needs more fire, more definite things for which we are thankful — more jobs, higher wages, immigrants bringing new ideas to our shores, better education, etc. Henry Wilson (pl) OFF RECORD: William Springer, head of London office of the Christian Science Monitor Bob Fleming -- subject to be Prime Minister Wilson, Britishpolitics, and personal conversation. Mrs. Tom Curtis (Carolyn had called Mary S. snix and he talked briefly. ) from Seaton Hospital, axkx Austin, Texas--following birth of Kimberly Cage Curtis. In mjdr's office talking to Cliff Alexander before going into Cabinet Room for OFF RECORD meeting with members of the National Bar Association. (See page 11) Mary s took in a note that Henry Wilson was reporting that on the demonstration Cities Bill the Republican motion to strike title 2 was defeated by a teller vote of 63-93. To oval office with Marvin WAtson, Jake Jacobsen, Cliff Alexander To Cabinet Room for OFF RECORD meeting with nine incumbent Congressional Candidates. / Gong. Ken Dyal WMay Dee Miller Royce Hanson ^ / Cong. Alec Olson ^h^^ George Rawlings J Ray Blanton ^^ fi)HHC, Pat Harrington gHn^ Joe Varon John Molony ^ 9HHB* Ed Harrington ^E^.( Pat Touchae ] Norbert Blume Date October 14, 1966 - White House Friday Dav ' To East Garden / . To Theater to join the Press Party REMARKS (see list on page 12) , (^ — To apartment with Mrs. Johnson, Mr. & Mrs. Les Carpenter, Margaret Meyer Agent at Doctor's office Doug Cater Doug Cater Henry Wilson Dam October 14, 1966 White House Day Friday Activity (inctude visited bv) /DINNER w/ Mrs. Johnson Lizs & CarpenterLe ^ ^ Margaret Meyer newspaper woman w/ Dallas Times Herald mary s PMG O'Brien Dale Malechek, LBJ Ranch Retired George Christian announced that at 3:40p, the President was advised by Secy of Commerce Connor, Secy of Labor Wirtz, Acting Secy of Defense Cyrus Vance, and William Simkin, Chairman of the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service that the dispute between the General Electric Co. and the Intl Union of Electrical Workers, and other unions, has been settled, and that there will be no interruption of supplies provided by the company that are needed by our troops in South VietNam. NOMINATION SENT TO THE SENATE TODAY: Robert M. Draper , of Ohio, to be U S Attorney for the Southern District of Ohio for the term of four years vice Joseph P. Kinneary, resigned Samuel de Palma, of Maryland, a Foreign Service Officer of Class one, to be an Assistant Director of the United States Arms Control and Disarmament Agency, vice Jacob D. Beam Datr October 14, 1966 - White House ^^. Friday Expen( Acttvity (snc!ude vtsited by) ture t^odf .In his memo to the President, dated Sept 7, 1966, Harry McPherson describes the Natl Bar Association -- m&de up of 4,000-plus negro lawyers. They have asked for a meeting with the President to "discuss their problems." They described their principal concerns as 1) opening up a channel of communications with the President, as have the civil rights leaders, religious leaders, etc; 2) expressing their hope that more negroes might be appointed to the Federal judiciary and other Federal court positions. ATTENDANCE: Berl Bernhard - Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law G. Donald Covington Thurman L. Dodson Lewis Flagg, III - National Bar Association, Inc. Gerhard Gesell of the law firm, Covington and Burling Judge Billy Jones Burke Marshall -Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under Law Judge Mx Thurgood Marshall, the Solicitor General Louis Martin Revius O. Ortique, Jr. , President, Natl Bar Association, Inc., New Orleans, La M. V. Plummer Whitney North Rexnx Seymour, Sr. -Lawyers Committee for Civil Rights Under LaW William S. Thompson - National Bar Association, Inc. Edward B. Toles _ Chmn, Natl Bar Association Committee on Judiciary Mrs. Allie Latimer Weeden .ATTENDANCE at press Party: Kristin Anderson (Liz (Carpenter's ofc) / Bonnie Angelo / Margaret Jones Richard Stolley Robert E. Baskin F Carroll Kilpatrick John Sutherland Betty Beale } Mrs. Robert Kintner Jerald Ter Horst Forrest Boyd J Erwin Knoll Helen Thomas Jack Brooks f ^x Wauhillau LaHay ^^ Robert Trautman Leslie Carpenter J Francis Lara \ Mrs. Cora Lee Hall Valeriani Stanley Carter J Romeo LeBlanc \ Fay Gillis Wells Pye Chamberlayne F Lawrence LeSueur s Hans-Herbert Westermann Ralph Champion / Peter Lisagor \ David Willis Marquis Childs / Lothar Loewe \ Cynthia l^xHx Wilson Mrs. George Christian Roy Macartney \ Frank Cormier / Margaret Mayer \^ Mary Catherine Curran (press ofc) " €br± Mort Crim y^ Rosemary McBride (press office) Saville Davis \^ Dorothy McCardle Sid Davis \ Mayra McLaughlin Philippe deBausset Charles Munp hy Robert J. Donovan Oghda O 'Gulian Mrs. Robert Fleming Frank Reynolds Max Frankley Mark Richards Ernes t Furgurson Walt Rostow Connie Girard (press < fc) Mrs. Walt Rostow Oscar Griffin RxzthKXk Robert Roth Lewis Gulick Vincent Ryder Bernard Gwertzman John A. Scali Reginald Harris Ray Scherer Pat Heffernan Isabelle Shelton Russell Hill Peggy Smeeton Betty Hogue Merriman Smith Jean Hundley Roger Spivak.
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