Hamarsbon̈-Raaen Genealogy
■ . .. • • •.*.*,.• -.- ' • .• .. • V/v/V.',Y. '.V -■ /•, Mill mm® t-lpJJjWAVY*/V' PM® •tYlPv’ , mm ■MB jfflwvvv'Vt® sraiMflsw V . .}l i •. ■iVj.i'V'-’1 Vi . HHg HWmmi l|§|||f| > v> v«-v ^ ,* WfflM I* IIwm IMpi m:' . , \ ,. ..,, ,•• ■ \ v /'.'.V.'Wr. < 'V* V/;V» >#»>•*■•*• x x*;*:®* ,%. ; . ■ : v " ■■ ■:■■:■ o : ' : . v.;x: ■■■■-■;.:•■ :■ vvvr.—.. 'Xv/.XyX'.y, . \.v -XyX . -.v.v... ■ . .•.yyviv.v.V'■'-'■/ HAMAHSBON-RAAEN GENEALOGY by AAGOT V,RAAEN--- Dedicated to the memory of my father Thomas Tostenson Eaaen 1954 Reproduced by DUO PAGE process io the United States of America MICRO PHOTO INC. Cleveland 12, Ohio V 7 ** JUN 2 7 1960 4^ RW ' 1492442 o m v . ■ * •(>' ' ■' l. r t FOREWORD The time came when I began to wonder if the passage in Pontoppidans Forklaring "Gud skal hjemsbke feedrenes onskap paa bornene intil tredie og fjerde led" did not mean the curse of inherited negative tendencies. As the years passed and I became acquainted with Mendel’s Law of Heredity, I be¬ gan to apply it to all branches of the animal kingdom, I naturally also noted that the inherited good qualities were transmitted, and I applied the rest of the passage "og gjor miskundhed i tusind led mod dem som elske mig og holde mine bud." I noticed, too, that environment can work wonders, but that we have yet to see a scrub calf made into a Jersey pure¬ bred. In the well-organized public library of Los Angeles where a certain section is set aside for the study of genealogy, I became much interested in the family record of Thorstein Veblen.
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