The Inclination Forget' God * Loma Linda and La Sierra Unite

Modern Miracle in Puerto 0

CONCEPCION t CNC Z CNA* Lif II SAME N “.111 Mal HIP NO1111311 F PM N N By J. H. FIGUEROA, JR. President Puerto Rico Conference



Jose H. Figueroa, Jr. (right), the president of the Puerto Rico Conference, hands the shoe box containing $48,802 to Hector J. Brignoni, conference secretary-treasurer.

H e'_ ou MODERN miracle p e(1 ttan, opened t "epac age . t 1)14exto Itieo, oil.. tcsdayt ,April 18. AVe at fifty , and hundred-dollar bills amounting to a total tltv co l'!cit. prq,aredJor.... of $48,802. the surprise (ha opci'ted a pack- There was also a handwritten letter that began: "I age that arrivP.( ,.1. ,iwthe.roaIrdtlt4t' morl'ing. Books are am sending $48,802. This is all that I have available• )34.1c -4 Sonletitliesi-etuzrte d tO the 9 "( 1 Bible flouse,, and, now. When I began to save this, money I thought at *fix st Nse, ,toctk/this- to t. a age of books. it se as about building a house, because the one ;I have is IVA not ittstir not -was :itr r stet' 1. Iltit when we very good. Out (To page 5)

Vol. 144 No. 22 A Study of the Sabbath-1

HRIST declared: "This ,is life The eternal, that they might. know C thee the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom thou hast. sent" (John 17:3). Certainly if God iis the source and sustainer of all life, then a true knowledge of Him and fellow- Inclination ship with Him are vital to meaningful living. If God is the source of all life, then we must be in contact with that Life. But if God be a hard, even venge- ful, being, as some people picture Him, how can we have fellowship? to Forget Cod Again, the Scriptures declare that we should seek to be like unto God in our ideals and ways of life) that, indeed, two cannot walk together un- By FRANCIS D. NICHOL less they be agreed. Hence, if likeness to God is the goal of life, we must have a correct idea of the nature of God. If God be conceived of as gross, then how devastating the effect on the chil- dren of men who use that grossness as the measure and justification of their living. time of the Flood until the time of our steeped in idolatry those words were The long record of sinful mail is a Lord may well be compassed in meaningless. record of conflict between God's en- Isaiah's words that darkness covers the When we come to the Christian Era deavor to reveal Himself in His true earth and "gross darkness the people." we find Christ setting forth as one of light, and Satan's endeavor to cari- The most notable thing, perhaps, con- the main reasons for His coming to cature Him. The conflict began in cerning the very people whom God earth His desire to show unto us the the Garden of Eden, where the ser- chose to be His own during those long Father in His qualities of compassion, pent sought to insinuate that God was centuries was the fact that they so mercy, holiness. But the Christian selfishly holding back something; from frequently "forgat God," and turned religion had hardly been launched man. So successful was the devil soon to idols, even to the point of becoming when the apostles faced a strange to become in turning men away. from worse than the heathen round about heresy known as Gnosticism. It was a God, that we find in the sorrowful them. weird mixture of Greek and other record in the first chapter of Romans God brought Israel into the Prom- Eastern speculative philosophical ideas how rapidly men deteriorated as they ised Land, whose inhabitants were so about God and the universe. At the turned from Him. They "changed the depraved that the land spewed them heart of the speculation was this idea, glory of the uncorruptible God into an out. Yet, instead of driving out the that matter is inherently evil. In other image made like to corruptible man." vile inhabitants, Israel copied their words, the very ground under our feet, From that they sank to the still lower ways, raised