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proposals 111th Year, No. 51 ST. JOHNS, — THURSDAY, APRIL 13, 1967 2 SECTIONS - 34 PAGES 15 Cents A sprinkling of voters went to the polls in St. Johns Tuesday and flatly rejected two H

If you are a housewife who pliance with our legal standards. If the foster home is In the coun­ The licenses, Mrs DeCarolis baby sits in your home for other Communities are also assured of try and without city water, the pointed out, are for the home and Si children, are you licensed? more adequate care for their well must be tested to make sure •M not the people In them. Thus, if There has been a state law to children.* it Is safe; the Department of a family moves to another home that effect since 1944, but only Social Services has the Mid - even on the same block, the Si since last August has the state WHEN MRS DeCAROLIS goes Michigan Department of Health license would not be valid in the Department of Social Services calling at a prospective foster do this testing, Mrs DeCarolis new home'. Obtaining a new one I had a child social worker basqd home or one in which other said. would not involve all the work in Clinton County to help imple­ children-are already being cared Mrs DeCarolis has very little of the first time, however, and ment the provisions, of that law. for, she isn't looking for a spot­ contact with the parents of the neither does a license renewal I ' She's Mrs Louis (Francesca) less house. children who are being left in Which comes every year. I H. DeCaroliswho lives in Okemos ul just look for the ordinary, the foster homes, Financial ar­ but who spends herworkinghours normal type of house," she said. rangements between the child's Mrs, DeCarolis has been the in Clinton County. Mrs DeCarolis "And I don't go snooping in clo­ parents and those' of the baby children's social worker In Clin­ explained the general provisions sets and under beds either. I'm sitter are strictly between those ton County since last August. of Act 47 of the Public Acts of more likely to disagree with a two parties, and the Department When she came there were 12 1944. spotless home than another, be­ of Social Services does not con­ homes licensed for day care; now Any private home in which one cause It would probably mean cern itself with that. there are 27 licensed or In the EUGENE SIMON or more minor children of other that the children couldn't play Mrs DeCarolis asked that per­ •process of being licensed. families are given care and su­ as they should." * ,. sons who are caring for children pervision for four or more hours She interviews all members in their homes and who are not "Most people are very cooper­ City hires new a day for iour or more days a- of the foster home family If licensed contact her at the De­ ative when I call on them and ex­ week for two or more consecutive possible in order to get a good partment of Social Welfare office plain the program arid the law," weeks Is termed a foster home MRS FRANCESCA DeCAROLIS general picture of the conditions on South Oakland Street in St. she said. While It is not exactly accountant by the Department of Social Ser­ and atmosphere of the home. She Johns. She will send a pamphlet a new law, most people have Eugene Simon, a native of the vices. Minors include all children involve some red tape — the f111— not heard of It and It has come gets most of her information on explaining the law and application ,l Fowler area, was recently em­ under the age of 17. t ing out of some forms, a visit the first visit, but she also checks forms and will make an appoint­ as a surprise to a Iot bf them. ployed as accountanWor the City from Mrs DeCarolis, and a med­ at the schools, and the church and ment to visit the home, She expects to make many more of St. Johns, replacing Donald FOSTER HOMES must be li­ ical examination to be sure all with persons listed in the license i contacts with homes that are Betterly who resigned effective censed. are free of communicable dis­ application as references. caring for children. March 15. i eases. IT USUALLY TAKES two to "Foster homes for baby sit­ three' months for all the contacts Simon attended Fowler schools ting have the same rules and 'Requiring alicenseforahome THEN THERE ARE'things to be made and forms completed, Besides the day care services, and Lansing Business University. regulations as full foster glomes,* is for the protection of the chil­ others- must do. A medical exam­ Mrs DeCarolis said, so that a Mrs DeCarolis handles referrals He has been employed in business said Mrs DeCarolis. dren," Mrs DeCarolis said, fit ination form must be filled out recommendation can be made to to 'the boys and girls training and Industrial accounting since Obtaining a license for the day is also for the protection of the for every member of the house­ her supervisor In Lansing. Mrs schools, full-time foster homes, 1961, most recentlywith the Lan­ care of other children in your families providing foster care hold over 12 years of age. This DeCarolis' recommendations, state wards, adoptions and sing Co. * 'home doesn't' cost any money, Services because there is an Jnvolves usually only a quick however, are | usually accepted special services for the Depart­ Simon, 28, presently lives at Mrs DeCarolis said, but it does official record of their com­ check-up by the family physician. and the licenses granted. ment of Social Services. 5202 S. Airport Road. He and his>- wife, the former Lynda Heinlen of St. Johns, have three children, Brent 4, Curtis 3, Tamra 2. Mom held Ruling brakes districting (Continued from Page 1-A) which requires the reapportion­ ment of counties on a population Immunization in shooting 'of Appeals this week to blockthe basis—have this to say about the reapportionment of Clinton formation of districts: ofr husband County on the basis which the ("d. No township orpartthere­ clinic April 19 county board approved last week. of shall be combined with any city Reed claims the supervisors' The young mother of two chil­ or part thereof for a single dis­ Next Wednesday, April 19, is dren who is charged with mur­ approval of the 11-man county trict, unless such combination board last week violates the state the day for the monthLy free dering her husband with a shot­ is needed to meet the population immunization clinics in Clinton gun last Thursday morning statute In that the districts cross standard. precinct lines in St. Johns and County , sponsored by the-Mid- southeast of Bath is being held (*e. Townships, villages and Michigan District Health Depart­ without bond in theClintonCoun- split the city into two districts. (Paragraphs d, e, and f of Sec­ cities shall be divided only if ment. ty Jail this week. necessary to meet the population -The clinics will be held from She l is Mrs Linda, K. Storey, L tion 4 of enrolled House bill No. 2774—the one-man, one-vote law standard. \ 1:30 to 4 p.m. in the basement 23, who police say killed her ("f. Precincts shall be divided of St. Joseph Catholic Church husband, Sterling Sanford Storey, only ifnecessary to meet the pop­ in St, Johns. 26, with a single blast from a ulation standard.") Immunization shots, including .410 gauge shotgun during an ar­ measles v a cc I n e, vaccinations gument at 4:30 a.m. last Thurs­ Carter NEW SUPERVISORS WELCOMED REED SAID PART of the ap­ and tuberculin skin tests will be day. The shooting took place at (Continued from Page 1-A) peal, if made, would be the In­ given to persons of any age. their home at 8485 E, Coleman New supervisors who were welcomed to the don't need a dance floor now," clusion of a plan for a seven- Children must be accompanied by/ Road, Just south of M-78. an adult, because signed permis­ board of supervisors Tuesday were Reginald Nel­ he said. Shinabery agreed with man county board to show that The two children of the couple, that and said, "They don't need the, redisricting of the county sion for each child is mandatory. lawns James 6, and Robert, 3, were son (left) of DeWitt Township, and Earl T. to move their feet, just every- could be done without crossing Records of past immunizations • staying at the home of,grand-! 2 wv <-"1 J (Ok. Uriirig'"elsei "^ noa C ,Y^< S parents, Mr and (Mrs yfilliam! ^p;rpl;&JJY\rT6Wp'shi p • BaV^s ''had. fcfr^ de,d" X Supervisors,thanked Shinabery Storey, about a mile {away, at the f * thesprevious board meeting a week^ag'o while r- time of the shooting.' '<