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gjSTAGE PRICE 10 CENTS RADIO SCREEN MUSICS Only Theatrical Newspaper on the Pacific Coast


Entered as Second Class Matter, April 29, 1927, at Post- Vol. XII Saturday, Published Every Saturday at 800-801 Warner Bros. Down- office, , Calif., under Act of March 3, 1879. August 2, 1930 town Building, 401 West Seventh St., Los Angeles, Calif. No. 5


BY 1muIRE SALESMAN MATIIVEE BA IV STIRS TROUBLE | f Exhibs in One Style Defiance That Gets Of Order Attention

Health Department’s Some Exhibs Reported Rule Is Claimed Falling for New Interference Sales Method

The infantile paralysis A smart salesman ban invoked by the Los has figured out a nifty Angeles Health Depart- line of subtlety that is get- ment last week on juve- ting him and his product a nile theatre attendance lot of sympathetic atten- aroused considerable i r e tion where he was able among to many local exhib- make slight impression be- itors. fore. Although the regulations were If, when he starts his glib talk drafted at a sympathetic meeting about “product,” the exhibitor says, between health authorities and a “Nawl Your stuff ain’t so hot, If few theatre executives, you get individual a smash maybe I’ll buy it, theatre operators point them out but never mind the output!”, Mis- as “just one more proof that the ter Salesman just nods in an off-' theatre is the target for every hand way and gazes dreamily kind of regulatory officiousness.” across the street. Practically none of the exhibit- “That’s a coupla nice vacant lots ors are paying any attention to the over there,” he says. “Well, I restrictions, it is claimed. gotta be going. I got a sideline “If the authorities are going to brings me in a piece o’ dough—” interfere with -legitimate business,” “Oh, yeah? What is it?” declared one prominent theatre Oh, it’s one o’ these baby golf man this week, “let them not dis- syndicates. They know I get criminate against the theatres. around the country plenty and Our houses are sanitary and sci- know where the folks go for en- entifically ventillated. Let the tertainment, so they get me to re- health officers impose their rules port likely stands— on the department stores as well, “Yeah?” and on the market places, the “Yeah! Well, churches and Sunday schools.” I gotta—” “Say, the reviews speak well “Yes, and the street cars and o’ that team o’ your’n in downtown streets,” chimed in an- Calexico Kate.’ Are you gonna other. “Seventh and Broadway is have some more a stinking like that?” stewpot in the heat of ‘ Oh, ye-e-eh! An’ you should the day. Is the health department see the line-up we got for George going to draw a line around the Nitwit and Vola Volupto. downtown district and require all Why looka these stills— kiddies to be kept a certain dis- “Why don’t tance apart, or barred entirely if you bring your book in and show they have a sniffly nose?” me whatya got? You don’t need It is claimed the health depart- MISS LOMA WORTH to rush away, you don’ — ment has no authority to enforce come around every day The Girl its regulations; that there is no One Band—Sensational Exponent of Musical Ornamentation Another legal backing for such medical au- link in the Fanchon RKO THEATRE—Week August 7th—LOS ANGELES and tocracy, and that this point was Marco circuit is the Pantages (Only theatre, fully proven during the flu epi- Actress Flying Her Own Plane From City to City) Kansas City. “Rose demic Garden” will be the opening of several years ago. Direction: CHARLES A. BIERBAUER, N. Y. Idea on August 8. PAGE TWO INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, AUG. 2, 1930 GOULDING PANS PRESS CRITICS Film Row Hot Battle Over Miniature Golf Cuttings By FRED YEATES OPTIMISM CITY ORDINANCE Sheriff Traeger AIM FIGURES IN NEEDLES A BIG BRUISE NEW RACKET? NOW PREPARING TWISTED; NEWS

Things are more indus- triously optimistic along Film STARTS BATTLE STORIES UNFAIR Row this week.. There is less more following talk of calamity and Bitter warfare broke out this (Editor’s Note : The article Edmund Goulding, prom- work—at least there is more week when the Los Angeles City by Council ordered City Attorney inent film director, discusses some to and fro, from hither walking Werner Tuesday to prepare an phases of the newspaper attitude then on to yon, sober conference, ordinance regulating miniature towards motion pictures. It re- back. The curb convention golf courses here. ceives editorial comment on page six of this week’s issue of Inside has gone into committee. The council’s action was the re- * * * Facts.) sult of a report from its police and exchange is grow- That Columbia fire committee and ordered the By EDMUND GOULDING bill- ing right along. Another new drafting of an ordinance closing What’s wrong with the talkies? start ing clerk was added to the the courses between midnight and What’s wrong with Hollywood? to have this week, and you have 7 a. m., that all lights be ex- What’s wrong with the people send out business before you can tinguished during these hours and who are in, work for, write, di- Dorothy bills. The new girl is no work on the courses be done rect or make talking pictures? scenery is good. pic- Meadows, and the at that time, that all noise-making Everything is wrong . . the | * * * machines be silenced and radios tures, the people, the studios and girl, there In addition to the new shut off and also carried a recom- the men and women who earn a Co- was other excitement around mendation that the city health de- living in the nation’s third largest during the week. “Red” industry. If you don’t believe it lumbia . partment conduct a survey of the the alleged cor- Lentz, the Arizona Wildcat, courses with a view to ordering . . ask some of showed up with a full new set of proper sanitary arrangements. respondents for eastern news- McCarthy gain of their store teeth. M. J. E. The matter had been under con- papers who most with some new parlor information outside of the studio came in . sideration for several weeks, fol- for tricks he had been rehearsing lowing numerous demands that gates. and honest, newspaper man work- the benefit of country exhibs, something be done to regulate the An ing for a legitimate newspaper has the office manager, Klein, came m pony golf lots. he escaped be- the free and welcome access to with a yarn of how Council’s action provoked bitter Catalina by not be- any studio executive office, to the ing wrecked at miniature golf opposition from the man in charge of the publicity ing on the boat. That reminds us promoters, and P. B. Wand, repre- and advertising for the various of how we missed being mixed up senting President L. J. Key of the film studios and to the men who in the earthquake Miniature Golf Owners’. Associa- sit in the high places with the be in Europe. by happening to tion called a meeting for Wed- * * * various organizations operating nesday morning in the Washing- circuits of theatres. Answers to A. Simons, of Needles, Ariz., C. ton and Hill building to formulate their fair questions are fairly of the beautiful new Nee- operator plans for attacking the ordinance given. Theatre in the Shrine building dles and preventing its adoption. The They are shown the pre-views was a visitor on the Row there, Associated Golf Course Owners Sheriff of new picture release, they inter- reported business William S. Traeger, who handles one of the most this week. He was reported joining in the battle. view players, directors and authors. without any baby efficiently conducted departments in the country, covering an as good so far, Hearst newspapers, which have When they inquire from the the- but two courses area golf competition, been devoting considerable pub- of 4159 square miles, with 900 men. During his adminis- atre operating circuit heads as to scheduled to open soon. He are . licity to baby golf as well as stag- tration he has introduced many innovations that have saved business conditions they are given business says if they cut into his truthful ing a series of contests, jumped thousands of dollars answers . . and yet, cer- competition by in taxpayers’ money. “Bill” Traeger has he will meet the into the case with news comment tain correspondents h. ging onto his own. many friends in the show business, having once been a stage putting in a course of favoring the anti-ordinance group, the fringe of Hollywood, repeat- = = * * 1 carpenter. He is still a member of the Porterville and the argument is expected to I. A. T. edly, and maliciously, send to their Fred Daniels says we made a reach bitter proportions by the S. E. He studied law at U. S. C. and Stanford and has been various newspaper offices unfair an- accounts mistake last week when we end of the week. admitted to the Bar, is a veteran of the Spanish and World of studio conditions, the brought him value of picture productions and nounced that the stork Beverly Hills already has a Wars and a native Californian. says it was theatre box office receipts. a son on Sunday. He similar ordinance, while Los An- Saturday. Many of these correspondents a girl, and the day was geles county has one in prepara- have been use their newspapers to vent a That’s funny! We may tion. personal spite against either a day late, but we could almost , Meanwhile the golf course pro- director, producer swear there was a boy in that WARNER HOLLYWOOD IN LEAD or manager. moters were reported hit by a Personalities package the stork showed us. With deserve no place in a shortage in felt, needed for one newspaper . . you can not rectify all these newspaper stories about type of “greens” used for baby an evil with heartless ridicule. mistakes say, Fred, maybe you’d — golf, while sporting goods whole- another look! FOR ; ‘RAFFLES’ BIG No one, not even the most ar- better take reported behind * * * salers were far dent motion picture admirer, claims

on orders for equipment. that the talkies are perfect . . “Polly” Pollock, that classy bru- Warner Hollywood Though careful estimates from Brothers cashed in on the Coleman follow- neither do they claim perfection nette in the Film Board of Trade house led the film box offices with skilled observers state that Los ing by grossing $25,000, eight for the people who play in them office, suffered the inconvenience the Olsen and Johnson stage show and who make them but . Angeles is now over-supplied with grand over average and a big . greater last week of being run down by a and the picture, “Way of All baby golf lots more are being pro- progress toward perfection will motorcycle as she stepped from a Men.” Film was weak but the surprise. be jected every day, with the concen- attained when correspondents- near her home (she re- nut comics slayed ’em, with hold- Greta Barbow in “Romance” at street car elaborate at-large learn that one line of con- was). tration now being on fused to tell us where this out lines the rule. Gross was Loew’s State drew the mob to the structive critcism is and more difficult courses, with worth a news- Afraid of other cars bearing down about thirty grand. First week of tune of around thirty thou, and paper column of side attractions. abuse and ridi- she jumped up, got into the stage shows at the W. B. the picture was put over into the cule. on her, Many courses, which were pack- her brother’s auto and went home, Downtown doubled the summer Criterion for a two weeks’ run. ing them in a few weeks ago are stopping even to see whether average of the straight picture “The Big House” grossed seven- not experiencing a heavy drop in busi- the bike operator was policy, which was running around teen thousand for its fourth and or not' ness and ballyhoo and show meth- PATHE TO MAKE young, handsome and, mayhap, ten thou.# final week, an exceptional show- ods as well as the attendant, con- wealthy. He may have been a Eighth week of Grauman’s pro- ing for the Criterion. STEWART OPUS tests,- prizes, etc., are being modern Lochinvar. Polly had to logue and “Hell’s- Angels” at the Boulevard took a ltitle better brought in to bolster up the draw. Chinese lay a few days, and still wears brought around $27,000, than $5000 for “This Mad World,” “Rebound,” Donald Ogden Stew- up still advanc- Fox West Coast is which is heavy, with a boost a skinned elbow and a big bruise and Hollywood Pantages had a art’s comedy success, has been ing plans -for building a number promised with the some place. addition of the hard time making $10,000 with purchased for immediate produc- of courses, while several other four Hunter * * * Brothers to the stage Maurice Chevalier in “The Big tion as a Pathe special, according circuits are also dallying with the attractions for the ninth week. Pond.” The Egyptian was anae- to an Bill Knotts, who plays the dual here. announcement made yester- idea of entering the field “Dixiana” at the Orpheum mic with less than six thou with of business manager of M. P. day by E. E. Derr, Pathe presi- role Eastern reports stated that Wil- opened big, assisted by a flash “The Social Lion.” T. O. and of Theatre Magnate of dent in charge of production. liam Fox this week intended_ en- premiere, and grossing $22,500. Paramount was low with $18,- his house man- “Rebound” has 'been one of the Covina, has lost tering the game on a national “Raffles” at the United Artists 000 for “Queen High.” Pacific Grove most sought-after theatrical prop- ager to the new scale. and now Bill is having to erties in some time, particularly house, SAN FRANCISCO, July 31.— open and close his own theatre and GETS NEW CONTRACTS SEEKS LOCATIONS following its success at the Belas-, Baby golf is spreading even to count his own money every night. co here, where Ina Claire is por- “ the legit theatres here. Sid Gold- ’Tis most confining,” he sighs. Peggy Taylor, Earle Wallace Howard Higgin, P'athe director, traying the role created on the tree is installing a midget course had his house re-seated this dancer, has just resigned her con- has gone to the Painted Desert of stage in New York by Hope Wil- He on the top floor of his Green week. Bill also owns the Skooter tract with Myer Golden, according Arizona to select locations for the liams. No star or director has Street Theatres. to concession at Ocean Park. He word that was received by forthcoming starring vehicle of been selected as yet. promised us a pass once, but has Earle Wallace this week. Miss William Boyd. The picture will Taylor received all of her be as Painted Desert” forgotten all about that. dance known “The THEATRE MART BILL * * * Hasn’t Any training from Wallace and left for and will be photographed on the Manager Peacock of the Para- New York two years ago under actual locations. John Galsworthy’s “The Pigeon” contract with Higgins mount exchange has his machine Appeal Myer Golden. Since was accompanied by and a dance afterward constitute are that time she has been constantly Tom Buckingham, who is writing running so smoothly there no the offering of E. J. Wenig at coupla wo- busy and is now heading her own the dialogue, and Bert Gilroy, his news squeaks. “Just a SAN DIEGO, July 31.— the Theatre Mart on Friday and he. And, act, “The Kitchen Pirates,” adagio assistant. men on vacation,” says Picture house business here Saturday of this week. Frank as we said before, we don’t know quartet. Under the terms of her Dawson and is good. Baby golf never as- Howard Lorenz head says, “they new contract she is booked for a their names. “Yes,” he sumed craze-like proportions, ROSI STAGES BALLET an all-professional cast, including are pretty square bunch around seven-months’ tour of Europe with a making only a mild impres- Madge Cleveland, Jeffrey Wil- that out. her “Kitchen Pirates.” here.” Figure sion here. G. V. Rosi of the Lon Murray liams, Esther Gilbert, Tom Mil- Miss Taylor will arrive in Los Mike Newman all over the Row Few courses have been School will stage the Crinoline ler, Henry Price, Edgar Sinnott, like tent. doing be- Angels in August for a short va- a “Something built in recent months and Ballet in the prologue to the Harry Nelson and Don Brodie. cation and a few weeks of inten- fore long,” he hints mysteriously, there are practically no new “Birth of a Nation,” which opens sive I’ll a big story for you.” training and rehearsal under in “and have ones in promotion. at the Biltmore Theatre Sep- MYSTERY FILM START Wallace’s personal direction. Robert L. Lippert, whose card San Diegans do not go in tember. Rosi is now organizing says modestly, “Film Service,” is for vest pocket sports like new classes in ballet at the Lon Coincidental with the announce- opening a new office on the Row. Angelenos and others. They FIRST FILM ROLE Murray School. Two classes will ment of the engagement of Helen He also promises a big story on a play the wide range and have Mrs. Pat Campbell will make be limited to ten in each class. Twelvetrees for “The Cat Creeps,” new racket, or a new variation of her first motion picture appear- Other classes at the school filming of this latest Universal the time and money to do it, new an old racket, that will add just ance in “Play this under picture was started on Monday and corner lot loitering has Called Life” which will commence week one more bit of competition to the never appealed to them. Chandler Sprague will direct for the personal supervision of Lon this week, under the direction of already harassed exhibitor. Fox. Murray. Rupert Julian. SATURDAY, AUG. 2, 1930 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN PAGE THREE AL GREEN TOPS DIRECTOR LIST Gene Swift’s Four Legit Shows Running Here Ruminations TECHNICAL DESPOTS STUNNED VISITOR INA CLAIRE IN COMPLETE LIST BUSY SWEEPER SQUEAKY SHOES “AT NINE SHARP” ‘REBOUND’ HAS IN FILM DAILY

Our motion picture studios EXCELLENT BIZ POLL REVEALED are ridden by a technical des- potism. Two openings last week doubled .Alfred E. Green who directed The ancient bugaboo of the legit stage offerings in Los “Disraeli” and “The Green God- mysticism rides the dess” both high over Angeles and Hollywood, and the starring George Arliss, and heads of talkieland. . “The Man From Blankley’s,” four shows were reported doing a starring John Barrymore, All the paraphernalia, dis- has been very fair business. Nine houses selected as the outstanding direc- traction, hokum of “abraca- continue dark. tor of 1929-30 by more than 300 dabra” of the magician First week of “Oh, Judge,” the newspaper, fan magazine and trade are used to clothe the activities new Strong and Wilson musical publication critics, embracing every of the technicians with awesome farce at the Vine Street, grossed section of the country, in the fifth majesty and mystery. $6500, a healthy figure. The house annual poll conducted by . Film In many ways this technical declares an optimistic outlook for Daily to determine the ten best rule works blessings in providing a run, although nervous ones re- directors of the season. additional employment for the peat bearish reports of an early Complete list of the ten best di- thespian army that has invaded close. rectors in the present poll, and and occupied Hollywood, well as Ina Claire in “Rebound” at the the number of votes received by as for the equally numerous army Belasco pulled in a near capacity each, follows: of technicians that has 'been nur- business for the first week. ‘It’s Alfred E. Green 169 tured at the breasts of the pio- a Wise Child” will be the follow- King Vidor 139 neers who started it. in show. Clarence Brown 137 In turn, this greatly increased Second week of “Fata Morgana” Lionel Barrymore ... 134 expense roll has contributed to the at the Hollywood Playhouse, with Ernst Lubitsch 127 income and to the numbers of Elsie Ferguson, brought in a Roy Del Ruth 113 grocers, tailors, dressmakers, mil- gross of $6000, a fine figure. This Herbert Brenon 108 liners, auto dealers, real estate show is scheduled to close Au- James Whale 91 agents, hotel and apartment own- gust 9 and move to San Francisco. Frank Lloyd 86 ers, beauty parlors and bootleggers Nothing definite is set to follow Sidney Franklin 82 in Hollywood and the neighboring immediately. On the roll of honor, which in- suburb of Los Angeles. Glenn Hunter’s second week in eludes directors receiving 25 votes But the fact remains that talkie “To the Ladies” at the El Capi- or more ,are: production costs have been pyra- tan, under the Henry Duffy ban- David Butler, John Cromwell, mided tremendously by the racket- ner, grossed a satisfactory $5500. Harry Beaumont, Luther Reed, eering of this technical hierarchy. This show closes August 2, and Ludwig Berger, Raoul Walsh, John The present severe depression in will be followed next by “Tea for Ford, Frank Tuttle, Dorothy Arz- picture house box office earnings Three.” ner, Edmund Goulding, Frank is due chiefly to the prices charged. Houses dark are: Mayan, Pres- Capra, Hobart Henley, Wesley The picture business was founded ident, Majestic, Biltmore, Mason, Ruggles, F. Richard Jones, Alan and built up upon the principle of Figueroa Playhouse, Egan, Orange Crosland, Victor Fleming, Cecil B. Grove and Hollywood low price. When the talkies came Music Box. De Mille_, Frank Borzage, Henry the tariff was boosted, and for a King, Richard Wallace, Michael time the newness and novelty of Curtiz, Bayard Veiller, Robert Z. talking shadows overcame the ex- Leonard, Millard Webb, Alfred tra cost. MISS MACKAYE Santell and Sam Taylor. But that is over. For the aver- Helene Francis, dainty comedienne, featured with Fanchon Directors honored last year were: age family man on the present and Marco “Modes” Idea at Loew’s State, Los Angeles, this ErnstL ubitsch, George Fitzmau- average income, a picture show is rice, Frank Borzage, F. W. Mur- HERE FOR PLAY week, comes direct a luxury. If the industry wishes from New York where she was a feature nau, William Wellman, Clarence to preserve its leadership it should with her own act for three seasons, playing for the RK0, Brown, Raoul Walsh, Lloyd Ba- reorganize to make its product an Dorothy Mackaye arrived in Loew and Pantages circuits. Helene has been in the show con and Frank Lloyd. easily attainable necessity of the Los Angeles last Monday to begin business just four years and is receiving a very favorable ordinary worker. rehearsals on Lynn Stalling’s new reception at the State this week. The colossal inefficiency of pic- play, “A Cup of Sugar.” “SQUAW MAN’S” ture production stuns the new- Miss Mackaye says she has comer to the studio lots. There read over a hundred scripts in TALKER VERSION never was an industry with such the past few months, and thinks a percentage of paid idlers, and at she has a winner in the Stalling LOCAL LEGIT PLANS AT LOW Cecil B. DeM'ille is completing the same time so many who vehicle. She looks in the pink of the editing of “Madam Satan,” worked hard trying to do some- condition. and starting writers to work on thing that others worked equally William Trumbell will produce his next production, a talkie ver- hard to keep them from doing. the show, with George Sherwood EBB; SIEGE GETS MAJESTIC sion of “The Squaw-Man,” by Ed- The scene resembles nothing so directing, and rehearsals begin win Milton Boyle. much as one I saw some time ago Wednesday in the Hollywood “The Squaw-Man” has been in Ireland, where a bunch of dogs, Playhouse building. Casting of Prospects for new legit shows are the slimmest in years. placed in the hands of Josephine whose tails had been freshly ampu- support roles has not as yet been, Prodctcers are lying low, waiting for the cooler season and Lovett for story, and Gladys Un- completed. er for dialogue. Miss Lovett is tated, were busily chasing the tails for the “good times coming” to cheer them up. that weren’t there. The plan is to open in Santa new to the DeMille organization, The El Capitan continues along its steady way, with “Tea This scene is typical: Barbara about August 29 and then but Miss Unger wrote dialogue for it there 3. Into the maw of a sound stage take to San Francisco for sea- for Three” opening August The three co-stars in both “Dynamite” and “Madam Sa- soning at 9 o’clock some morning pours before bringing it back to this Henry Duffy production will be Gladys George, Tom tan.” Los Angeles. Nothing- definite has No members of the cast have a company of 200 extras, a dozen Moore and Ernest Glendinning. Edwin H. Curtis is directing. yet been decided featured players and a star, a line about a house been set for the film which will here. “It’s a Wise Child” will come to the Belasco from San of 32 dancing girls, 20 show girls, start, in the fall. A great deal of Stalling authored Francisco. The only new produc- 24 dancing boys, an orchestra of “Meet the it will be taken on location, and Wife,” “In His Arms” and tion for the immediate future is 22 pieces, a director, two assistant “Weak CLOSES THEATRE a large number of Indians and Sister,” and is now on the Fox the Trumbell-Sherwood “A Cup of directors, a producer, a script cowboys will be employed. De- lot, writing scenarios. Sugar,” in which Dorothy Mac- clerk and an indefinite number of Fred Miller Mille has made “The Squaw-Man” kaye is to be featured, and which has closed his Cali- supervisors, three cameramen, three twice before. He did it originally is scheduled for an opening at fornia Theatre, Main street, which assistant cameramen, a chief elec- with Dustin Farnum, and later LEE PARVIN IS Santa Barbara about August 29, he refurnished and reopened a few trician and six juicers, various and with Elliott Dexter. going thence to San Francisco. weeks ago. He will open up again sundry carpenters and painters two NOW AVAILABLE The Majestic has just been in the fall in a tie-up with West ~ make-up men, a test-girl for the turned over to S. D. Siegel, San Coast Theatres, and play to a MURRAY PUPILS BUSY star, half a dozen laborers, a Lee Parvin, widely known the- Diego magnate, on a five-year policy of foreign language ver- watchman for the door, and some atrrical manager and publicity In addition lease, who will operate the house sions of American pictures. to the unit of “Bud others who appear to : be on the man, is seeking a new connection on a talkie-vaude policy. With Murray Californa Sunbeams,” now payroll but whose duties are not due to the closing of the Macloon- the President across the street go- playing at Loew’s State, Nelson quite clear. Albertson attractions. Parvin and Thatcher, Bud Murray pro- ing to newsreels it will leave the By 10:30 the extras have been managed “The Desert S-ong,” “Hit Keeps Busy teges, their newer Broadway district without who took first dancing made up and are draping them- the Deck,” “The New Moon” and lesson from Bud Murray, are play- a legitimate house. There is also selves over available seats. All “The Student Prince” during the Schedule ing the gossip to the effect that the Vine at Egyptian Theatre with about is confusion and noise. Car- past three years, as well as acting Max Fisher’s Band, doing Mur- Street will go talkie, but this is penters are banging hammers, the as manager and press representa- without confirmation. Here’s Mrs. Josephine ray routines; while Mae LeRue, electrician is yelling hoarsely to tive of the Majestic Theatre, prev- the cow-girl appearing in the “Subway Express” closes in San Worth’s daily program for his juicers who are up aloft ious to which he was for seven “Wild and Idea, doing a Francisco August 2. her daughter, Loma Worth, Wooly” tinkering with the big inkies. years manager of the Egan The- Lafe Page rhythm dance, and John Hill hints darkly at sensa- who will be at the RKO Cameramen are having the la- atre. He has ait various times han- _ ' Evelyn is playing lead- tional plans for autumn, but re- Theatre, Los Angeles, the Hayes a borers haul their ungainly booths dled the attractions of A. H. ing role Sylvia fuses to divulge their nature. week of August 7: in “Oh, Judge.” into position. Woods, John Cort, Selwyn and Shore, singing and dancing com- _ 6:00 a.m.—Horseback riding. On the stage is a brightly gilded Co., Oliver Morosco, Joseph M. 7 :00 a. m.—Tennis. edienne, opens this week in Pasa- set. camera an- Gaites and other SIGN WAMPAS STAR One of the boys New York pro- 8:00 a.m.— Skating or skiing dena with a Fanchon and Marco gilt is ducers. nounces that the too bright (if in cold climate). Idea. Caryl Lincoln, one of the last to photograph, so a painter be- 9:00a.m. Swimming and crop of Wampas Baby Stars, has — gins to go over it with a liquid SIGN CLARA BLANDICK high diving. NEW CLASSES FORM been signed for the feminine lead that dulls its luster. By 11 o’clock 10:00 a.m.—Driving her auto it Clara in the Trem Carr production, “The another cameraman discovers Blandick, former stage to airport. In addition to the large enroll- Tiff- is still too bright, more actress, will play the role Land of Missing Men” which and once of the 10:30 a.m. Piloting her air- ments for adults in the new sum- any will release. — the set is dulled. Every few min- aunt in Paramount’s production of plane. mer classes at the Wills Studio utes a laborer with a broom “Tom Sawyer.” It’s the most im- 1:00p.m.—Theatre, four of Stage Dancing in Hollywood, sweeps floor. portant grown-up part in this juve- the IN COMEDY ROLE shows daily, playing 18 there are classes now forming for An assistant director begins to nile picture which finds Jackie musical instruments. children in all departments, ac- sort the extras and plant them Coogan returning to the screen as Lloyd Hamilton will play a com- out 11:00 p.m.—Bridge playing or cording to Walter S. Wills, execu- where he wants them. The direc- Tom Sawyer. Mitzi Green will be edy relief role in “New Moon,” ballroom dancing. tive head of the school. Working criticizes Becky Thatcher and Dur- tor takes a look and the Junior Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s version of (Note from Loma) —“After with Wills as his chief instructors arrangement, so they are shuffled kin former child stage actor, is the stage hit, co-starring Law- that they call the ambulance.” during the summer term are Wil- (Continued on Page 5) Huckleberry Finn. rence Tibbett and Grace M-oore liam Ritchey and Buddy Eson. PAGE FOUR INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, AUG. 2, 1930 Picture "Reviews " Previews ~ Shorts

“RAFFLES” Cameron Menzies and Paul has developed it, as well as lesser purse. She made a getaway, the Francis McDonald, Harry Ten- UNITED ARTISTS PICTURE French. Neither treatment nor di- dramatic moments and comedy, for villains pursuing her, and the cops, brook, Phil Brady and Theodore (Reviewed at United Artists) rection is particularly impressive full value. too. She holed up in a bachelor’s Lorch. in demonstrating “Raffles” is a very disappoint- an outstanding EXHIBITORS’ VIEWPOINT: apartment, posing as a cook. She YEATES. grasp of talkie principals. ing picture for one who went with DIRECTOR’S This is a good program booking, fell in love with the bach and he the expectation of getting the thrill CASTING insofar as entertainment is con- with her. Cops and would-be “WILD COMPANY” VIEWPOINT: The role of “Raf- of the printed and stage versions. cerned, moving along with an ef- hubby caught up with her and FOX PICTURE Of course it has drawn a lot of fles,” while a smart, sophisticated fective swing which will send them made it look bad to the bach. Her favorable reviews but this must part, does not seem fitted to Col- out pleased. capture by the bandits, a chase, (Reviewed at Loew’s State) be attributed as much to Sam man’s character, which has been PRODUCERS’ VIEWPOINT: rescue, clinch, and she lives hap- “Wild Company” starts out as built up (on the screen) as that pily after with bach, he, of Goldwyn’s indefatigable exploita- Scott Pembroke shows a thorough ever but another “flaming youth” epic and tion of himself as a “producing of a romantic lover. The star’s course, no longer being a bachelor. grip of talkie direction values, and winds up in its last few reels as merits personal appeal rather than his genius” as to any actual adds another to his list of con- EXHIBITORS’ VIEWPOINT: a moral preachment, warning par- acting abilities seems to 'have been ' of the picture. sistent good work. He never fails Might appeal to some of the wo- it succintly relied upon to put the film over. ents not to let their children run To put bluntly and_ to develop every situation for its men because of the angle from Kay Francis gave an effective wild. Ronald Colman seems miscast, the limit in entertainment, and this to- which it is written and treated. interpretation as the girl, while It’s for story has been ineptly adapted to tals a most effective offering. There is the wealthy suitor, given good advice but the David Torrence characterized the the talking screen and it has been Edwin Johns did the screen the gate because he scorns the most part very poor entertain- Scotland Yard inspector capably. ment, item being produced in very spotty fashion. story, bringing forth everything ennobling influence of work, and the outstanding the pic- Frederick Kerr and Alison Skip- a very fine characterization by Colman walks through there, both in drama and in laugh- there is the successful young bach- worth played Lord and Lady Mel- ture, using restraint to the point of getting possibilities. elor who has risen from messenger Frank Albertson of the rich man’s have rose and the balance of the cast son, who well for some shady woodenness. The adaptors CASTING DIRECTORS’ boy to the heights because of hard loaded the script with meaningless included Bramwell Fletcher, Fran- characters and become involved VIEWPOINT: Jason Robards, work, and so wins her love. Just incidents for what was evidently cis Dade, John Rogers and Wilson in a murder case. adding a pleasing singing voice to what that is worth was not brought intended to 'be production value. Benge. stuff Hence the title, “Wild Com- his always reliable acting ability, out. The chasing and he-man Much of the dialogue is idle GIBBONS. children. pany,” and the story is really turns in a performance which leaves will appeal to some of the chatter. pretty tame and conventional stuff, nothing to be desired, and one fully But it is nothing to rave about. It building up to a court room scene, To those to whom the story of PREVIEW developed from every angle. is none too well acted or directed. where capable George Fawcett the gentleman burglar is familiar ‘THE JAZZ CINDERELLA’ Nancy Welford has a most con- PRODUCERS’ VIEWPOINT: takes the curse off a poorly writ- the picture will be extremely dis- CHESTERFIELD PICTURE genial role the “Cinderella,” and Obviously taken from a woman’s as ten and much too lengthy moral appointing. those seeing it for To Being that happy compound of she handles her dramatic moments play (“Cooking Her Goose,” by be preachment that he is obliged to the first time, it will scarcely an interest-holding story with ease and polish. Of course, Lolita Ann Westman) and adapted advanced give in the character of the judge. impressive. by alternating laughs and drama, her singing is delightful. for the screen by another woman The fundamental weakness of EXHIBITORS’ VIEWPOINT: big are ' furnished (Jane Murfin); not any worse for all most ably directed by Scott The laughs by of produc- the 'bringing of this romantic yarn Not much in the way Pembroke, and with interest well Freddie Burke Frederick and Da- that than a lot of other pictures, anything screen the failure to tion and having hardly to the was couple of youngsters but it explains the situations and sustained throughout, “The Jazz vid Durand, a angle and its include sparkling action, fast-mov- but the preachment Cinderella” is a picture of program whose sparkling and un-self-con- the trend of story thought. Predi- snappy title to put it over. ing incident, and replacement of delight. cated on chance, developed on the class which is certain to please. scious work is a true PRODUCERS’ VIEWPOINT: such much-needed film ingredient milk of human kindness and cli- Pembroke’s direction is highly sym- Dorothy Phillips plays the moth- Film demonstrates nothing much by unimportant dialogue and slow- er the fiancee, maxed on good luck. Direction is pathetic, and this quality finds re- and Myrna Loy but a great regard for the re- paced atmospheric business. none worthy of Donald Crisp; flection in a consistency of able both turning in performances which too cently projected “moral code” and are pleasing. it lacks thoughtful study and finish. EXHIBITOR’S VIEWPOINT: work by the cast, which contains most suffers considerably in an artistic Colman in “Raffles” should spell enacting an Irish Title is o. k. such names as Nancy Welford, Frank McGlyn, way from bowing to the code, plenty of appeal at the box-office, laborer, makes every moment he is Jason Robards, Myrna Loy, Fred- CASTING DIRECTORS’ with the story apparently a con- but don’t be misled into thinking on the screen stand out, while oth- die Burke Frederick, David Durand VIEWPOINT: , the this the “great” picture that it has ers in the cast deserving special and Frank McGlyn. runaway bride, o. k. as to type, but been claimed to be. mention include Murray Smith and For a further "punch,” Jason with some inconsistencies in her A Centralized Music He- George Cowl. PRODUCER’S VIEWPOINT: Robards comes forth with a sing- portrayal, due probably to loose partment at the Dis posal of all Producers From the famous “Amateur ing voice of very nice timbre, a M. L. direction. David Newell was sat- Cracksman” yarns, of E. W. possession of his which was hith- isfactory as the rich young eloper the play Hornung Hornung and by erto unknown to this reviewer. ‘THE RUNAWAY BRIDE’ who got the gate, and Lloyd TTT2TT and Eugene W. Presbrey the di- The story deals with a working RADIO PICTURE Hughes was acceptable as the rection is credited to William girl who is courted by an idle rich (Reviewed at RKO Theatre) bachelor boy who made good. He SYNCHRONIZING SERVICE JlHSOPOlITJN scion. But his mother and des- She was a nice girl, eloping with was “nice” in the womanly sense, SlUDD HCXLYWOOO tined fiancee interfere with the a wealthy young man. They regis- but none too virile for a boy who course of true love so effectively tered at an apartment house, in- could beat up a gang. Natalie mm®* that at length the little “Cinder- tending to get married soon after Moorhead was a combination Zasu Behrendt-Levy-Rosen ella” purposely Special routines, stage puts herself in the (a-hem), but they quarrelled and Pitts-Evelyn Brent, and got away Co., Ltd. toe, and screen. Tap, unpleasant position of a thief in he left her locked in the apart- with it. Edgar Norton, as a but- ballet, musical comedy, General Insurance order to turn the boy’s affections ment. A jewel robbery a double ler, did about the nicest job of act- acrouatie, new ‘Heel-It’ — back into more customary chan- murder—a dead body in her apart- ing in the cast. Paul Hurst was a Insurance Exchange Building nels. This is the big dramatic mo- ment, which had been a gang hang- dick sergeant, and the underworld VA 1261 I747N. IAS PALMAS HOtiYWODD.PHOliEUE 9986 ment of the picture, and Pembroke out, and the “jools” planted in her gang were those old reliables,

EDDIE FOX PEABODY V “The Banjoy After Three Boy of Great Weeks Joyland” in St. Louis V

The Proven Part of a and Tested Series of Special Box-Office Engagements in Builder DeLuxe Houses V Personal Direction: Mrs. Eddie Peabody ——

SATURDAY, AUG. 1930 2, INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN PAGE FIVE STANDARD RELEASE PRINTS SOON Gene Swift’s Greater Movie Season Plans Told Ruminations In Hollywood'»Now (Continued from Page 3) SPECIAL PLANS ACAD. READY about. A girl, dressed in an imita- By BUD MURRAY tion of the star’s costume, stands up on the set while comeramen TO BE HANDLED FOR NEW MERIT make tests. Just as things appear A Musical Comedy, a Picture Premiere and Nite Baseball all to be acquiring some semblance in one evening, IN HOLLYWOOD—NOW—so naturally, be- of order it is lunch time and BY COMMITTEES ing interested in musical comedy, we fell for the opening of AWARDS VOTING everybody leaves, with the direc- “Oh Judge !” at the Vine Street Theatre, tor’s admonishment “be back by — and we mite add “Oh, judge not, Holly- 1 :30, sure,” ringing in their ears. Fox West Coast Theatres Standard release print prac- When the director and star re- wood, by this play”—the dance numbers plan a smashing Greater turn at 2, after driving several were great, considering the small group of tice, worked out by the Acad- miles away for lunch, the juicers Talkie Season Campaign to eight girls—and so Eddie Prinz deserves the emy of Motion Picture Arts start experimenting with the lights. include all the highlight fea- most credit for this “what The extras are shuffled about have you.” and Sciences, over a period of some sit the terrific tures publicity We noticed two dinner jackets in the more, then in of and exploi- six months with the co-opera- heat and glare of the lights while whole audience, of some very select person- tation for the Los Angeles tion of studio technicians they are adjusted and readjusted, ages—evidently, dinner jackets were rented and shifted about and juggled, until division. en masse for the “Dixianna” premiere the special committees, is almost everybody is cooked. At a recent meeting of Finally the electrician says, “Is same nite—the two “Odd-fellows” who were set for general adoption. managers of the division, plans that all right, Mister So-andSo?” wearing the “soup and” were B. B. B., who Results of the six-month inten- were formulated and discussed, and “Yeah, thass all right,” says the didn’t have the trousers to go with them, sive study of the release print situ- director. active committees were appointed ation is expected and the dapper Billy Gould of that marvel- to result in adop- “Save ’em!” yells the electrician, to attend to specific phases of the tion of the approved methods by ous team, of many moons ago, Gould and the lights are killed, but only campaign. & Suratt—Walter Cat- all important film organizations for a moment. There must a One of the biggest stunts will eets Gallagher in earnest conversation, with big savings be , and A1 and great im- be a parade of studio floats, which Lohnru blew in rehearsal, under about half light. as a guest of Jimmy Starr, Cinematters writer. proyemerat, both for producers and The orchestra strikes up and will cover every part of the city lom Kennedy, our friend exhibs. from , Noo Yawk, now here in plays a few bars. The mixer (I and wind up in Hollywood. Com- pictures, and as The a side line managing fiters—Tom wasn’t a bad leather- Academy is -now preparing forgot to mention him) raises his mittee in charge of this includes: pusher, back a to send out few years—a couple of honest-to-goodness juveniles, nominations ballots plaintive voice. orchestra Ray Deusern, chairman; H. B. Paul Trawler for this year’s The and Freddie Santley—Max Sheck, now at Fox Studios Academy Merit Wright, Hal Neides, Rodney Pan- directing leader has squeaky shoes, and the dances—and our old friend A1 Christie with Mrs. Fern Awards this week, which will be piccolo is too loud. tages, Speed Borst, Harry Bailey Christie— speeded up considerably another oldtimer, Harry Clay Blaney, of the old “meller- under a This goes on and on, first one and Tom McDonald. drammer days —Harry Green, the new system of choosing the Paramount -player, all shaved and _ One of the features of the cam- thing and then another, while hun- looking very juvemlish—Met an A-l musical director whom we were “bests” in different branches of dreds of people and thousands of paign, will be an airplane display with many the industry. years ago, and who is now at Warners’ Studios, Ernie and distribution of 1000 passes, in dollars fidget and consume. About Grooney, the man with that perpetual smile. Two new awards appear on this 5:30 they seem to be ready to charge of “Rasty” Wright. Then over year’s list: First, a merit to the Brown Derby for a “snack”—and noticed in a award shoot at last, just as every- The committee in charge of pub- corner for the best recording; and Georgie Stone, who took us back to the “farm vacation days” sound sec- thing is ready the electrician licity and advertising tie-ups, has Georgie ond, a special award for outstand- had the “grease” on, so he must be doing “nite work”— shouts: Mel Riddle as chairman, with Bob Mervin ing achievement in technical and Le Roy, that youthful F. N. director with a very hilarious “Wait a minute! They’s a shad- Doman, George Brown, Emil laugh, scientific research or discovery. which would have come in handy across the -street (“Oh Judge”) der on that curtain where them Umann, and Walter Schuler, as- “•° t Neither Song-writers nor Musi- u ® ?r Collier, very serious and quiet. What a gang—IN HOLLY- two thousands don’t lap right. sisting. WOOD—NOW. cal Directors are included in the Hey, Smith! Hey, up there! A Star Doubles contest will be At the Beach a most pleasant list of those to be honored for . surprise visit from Elisa Cansino, Wher’are yuh? Run in that five “outstanding” work during the held to determine the closest re- sister of Eduardo, who runs a very good dancing school, too these _ — hundred an’ put it on that shadder ‘ current year. semblances to famous motion pic- are the two Original Cansinos,” if you know what we mean. line!” However, both the tunesmith ture stars. Winners will parade in Once again to the Olympic and a few words with Jack Haley who Something that would never and baton-wielders, under a new the studio floats sitting next to the took us back to the company of “Good News” Jack has be seen by an audience in the signed^ — arrangement now being worked star they resemble, in addition to for another year with Paramount Joe Phillips, the mite of a brief moment this scene would be — out, will be admitted to member- being awarded prizes. The com- comedian who just finished a few shorts with Tom Patricola, our on the screen, especially with mov- ship, the themie boys to the mittee includes, Fred Cruise as garlic and oil” pal—And a few days later into the “Sepia Iron Hat” ing figures, music and dialogue, Writers’ Branch and the maestros chairman, with Ralph Blank, Mar- for lunch—which is_ run very intelligently and by the intelligentcia and must positively be fixed, at a cost to the Directors’ Branch, with the vin Park, and Lew Clark, assisting. that s why a certain class “eat” there, so we noticed Mrs. Eduardo of about a thousand dollars while understanding that they will get Studio props that have been Cansino and Mrs. Bud Murray, both a couple of regular . wives—they hundreds of people wait. used in famous pictures, will paid their into the honor list for the next be own checks—we were at another table (no foolin’) —we only The company is perspiring placed in theatres, and every thea- see the wife Saturdays and Sundays. through its make-up. Half of them tre will be elaborately decorated Dick Powers figures on going back to Noo Yawk, as well as Red- jump up and seek powder puffs. with Greater Talkie Season pen- mond Wells, Sam Kramer, Andy Rice, Sr., and many others—the Six o’clock. It is case quit _ a of nants; and drug stores and cafes Siamese Doubles, Sidney Claire and Oscar Le Vant, two young RKO now and come back tomorrow, or PASADENA will feature advertising badges and Themie writers—are they always writing songs?—Grant Clark, who PLAY work overtime. The orchestra gets napkins. The committee arrang- took us back to 1914, when Bustanoby’s was the place—also Harry up and leaves. They have played ing for these items, includes Ray Akst and Charley Mosconi, who, with his brother, takes us back to the eight bars of music and they are Deusern, chairman; Fred Cruise same year when we were all in “The World of Pleasure” in the N. Y through. The director tells the as- IS SET FOR N. Y. and Walter Schuler. Winter Garden—all IN HOLLYWOOD—NOW. sistant directors, and the assistant Billboards, throwaways, paper, Friday Nite, to Tom Gallery’s Hollywood Legion Fites, and for directors tell the extras, to come and posting, will be under the su- a lot of poor fites, noticed a very elite crowd, amongst whom we Following its premiere showing back tomorrow morning “at 9, pervision of the same committee. saw several married couples, including Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Santley at the Pasadena Community Play- sharp.” contests Two to climax the (Ivy Sawyer), Mr. and Mrs. Sid Algier (our former boss at the Mavan house where it opened on Thurs- campaign Practically every bit of this are being arranged for Theat) —and the man who stood up for us eleven years ago in Noo day, “The Man Saul,” a new and preparation could have been done by J. J. Franklin. Both are mer- Yawk, Joe McCarthy, now at Fox Studios—Joe’s charming wife gabbed fantastic drama, will be taken on all. chandising tie-ups include without calling the cast at and such a few minute swith our Mrs., and it’s such a surprise to meet people so to New York by Paul Muni its course, expected to get astounding prizes as in Of they $5000 cash far away from the home town—but we imagine that’s all wearing off— star, under the management of prizes, one some shooting done, and did not Cadillac car, and ten we have been out here two years, and it looks sure for many more Arthur Lubin and Richard Kra- know they were going to be held Chevrolet cars. and then Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gribbon, who took us back about 18 keur. up this way. They never do. But years, when we did straight for Harry in Trenton Stock companies Among the professional mem- they are always delayed. By to- SAN FRANCISCO, July 31.- and the World’s Greatest Entertainer and our old boss, with his cute bers of the cast in addition to ambitious morrow afternoon, by the time the An campaign on Great- Mrs., none other than Mr. and Mrs. A1 Jolson—you know A1 takes the Muni who plays the title role, are er Talkie technicians have made mysterious Season gets under way writer way back to 1911, when hoofing in “The Whirl of Society”—and Marion Clayton of the Civic Rep- tests, adjustments, used outlandish this week, with A. M. Bowles, last but not least, rite next to us, Mr. and Mrs. Macklin Megley ertory Company; James Eagles, mystic phrases and discovered all Cliff Work and Ed Smith, divi- Mack is one of the real bosses we have had, when staging presenta- stage and screen juvenile; Mike sorts of other adjustments to be sional managers for Fox, RKO tions at the RKO Theatre last year. Donlin, former outfielder with the made, they may have as much in and Paramount Publix, respective- Capt. Irving O’Hay, whom we trouped with, in “Doing Our Bit” Giants; Jacques Vanaire, a Pari- will run minutes ly, named the can as three as chieftains of the an- in 1918, and who made some great sacrifices in many wars, is IN sian actor; Robert Griffin, who provided film nual stunt. on the screen, the HOLLYWOOD—NOW. Allan Prior, the ideal “Prince” in the writer’s s c or e d in the lead in “Goin’ editor does not clip it out or the Other committeemen named at pet show, “The Student Prince,” got in amongst a mob of back-fire- Home” at the Music Box; Alex- retake. a meeting this producer demands a week included Dick sure-fire comedians at the fites—“Uke Ike” Edwards, whom we trouped ander Lockwood and Ben Hall. thing. Spier Perfection is a fine But and Maury Foladare, who with in a musical, “Tattle Tales,” in 1917; Harry Green, that Arabian Recruited from the Pasadena will in the uproar of jazz music and contact the papers; Charles dialectician; B. B. B., the rug weaver, and Joe Frisco, who also “cooks Players^ are some of their best Thall, dancing feet, the faint squeak of heading a committee of five a mean heater,” which reminds us that there has arrived IN HOLLY- talent, including Samuel S. Hinds, an orchestra conductor’s shoes is exploiteers; Bob Harvey, who will WOOD another “cigar comedian,” Eddie Bruce. Thomas Henry, Murray Yeats, only detected by the super-sensi- be in charge of all advertising and Louis Hall, Paul Maxey and On- We had a very happy reunion with our old boss, Harry Carroll, tive ear of a technician, certainly bill boarding, and George Rush, slow Stevenson. _ who has the best and fastest revue we have seen in some time—one not by an audience intent on who will handle street and mar- Gilmore Brown plans producing thing about Harry, he didn’t guess his rite comedians for his revue movement, and none but a studio quee decorating. the mystery play “Dracula” fol- last year, which we directed, but Harry does know Vaudeville and technician would ever detect that Theatres in on the campaign low the premiere of “The Man what the public wants—He also has an “eye” for peachy girls, and that faint shadow on a drape. are the Fox and Warfield of the Saul,” which closes August 9. clever cute Maxine Lewis, whom we had with us in “Le Maires Af- Well, it keeps a lot of worthy Fox West Coast group; Orpheum fairs,’ has improved marvelously, and is great—our idea of a song- people employed. And excessive and_ Golden Gate of the RKO FAST LOCATION TRIP stress, and how, and the whole gang IN HOLLYWOOD—NOW cost is the producer’s business. chain; and Paramount, California Oh, yes, we forgot Ben Carroll is acting rite out loud—and we talkt And whether the public wants to and St. Francis of the Paramount Tay Garnett and a crew of as- with Mrs. Carroll, who is a peach back-stage, and we brought together _ pay 65 cents a head to see the Publix unit. An invitation has sistants’ have left Los Angeles in Harold Atteridge and Harry Carroll, and they -talkt of the days when show, or stay home and listen to been extended to the W. B. Wag- a specially chartered tri-motored Atteridge was at their wedding, and they are all still married, IN the radio or read a nickel maga- non Theatres — the Embassy plane and H O LLYW O O D—N OW. bound for Cuba to film zine, is the' public’s business. Davies—but a reply has not yet street scenes of the Havana under- been given. And then for a snack at Henry’s, and you must meet Joe, as he is world and waterfront shots for Lynn Cowan will join Fanchon A healthy advertising budget al- known to all the cash customers—we never have to worry about a Pathe’s -special, “Her Man.” They Marco circuit is the Pantages ready has been laid and out for the table, or go to Gittleson’s for a couple of chairs at Henry’s, because will be back at the Pathe studio Idea at the Fox Theatre, St. campaign, which officially opens with the required film within six Joe never fails to take care of us—and we noticed Jackie Fields, our Louis. the middle of August. days, only stops necessary for re- best referee and boy friend, and Abe Roth, our pupil and the state’s — fueling will be made en route. Henry himself buzzing around, and over in the corner Charley Chaplin looking great—and our old friend, Glenn Tryon (brother Masquer) EARLE WALLACE and a charming gentleman and fine director, Wm. Beaudine—Morris Always Busy Developing Dancing Stars but Never Too Busy Black who sure plays tough parts in pictures, but a poor dancer Geo. T. Hood to Create and Produce as we found out when we staged the Masquers Public Revue— in walks THEATRICAL MANAGER Original DANCE ROUTINES and REVUES That our old friend, Frank Moran, now a “boxing commish” Sell Address: Belmont Theatre Bldg., First and Vermont here and in a booth Abe Lyman, that aristocratic bandster, who also — Inside Facts, Phone Exposition 1196 Los Angeles, Calif. 801 Warner Bros. takes us back to the Chicago company of “Good News”—and all these Downtown Bldg., Los Angeles m Henry’s, and rite in the heart of HOLLYWOOD—NOW. ... : ——— —— — — — — —— —

PAGE SIX INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, AUG. 2, 1930 Letters From LA-PHONEY Facts Readers S<3S?(g®W, ftj) JAMES MADISON These discussions do not necessarily re- flect editorial opinion this news- Published Every Saturday the of paper. If you disagree with us, say it Hello, Joe Schenck. Hello, Maxine Lewis. One Year $4.00 Foreign $5.00 anyhow. Hello, James Madison. Hello, James Madison. Advertising Rates on Application LONG BEACH— I have noted What makes bank vaults Why -do they have daylight As a bi-monthly publication : Entered as Second Class Matter, No- with great disappointment that the so cool in summer? saving in Chicago? vember 1924, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under 17, vastly entertaining feud between the Act of March 1879. 3, Mr. Lloydwell Mr. Tenney and The frozen assets. To give the gangsters an As a weekly publication: Entered as Second Class Matter, April Mr. Moore has subsided. extra hour of -shooting time. 29, 1927, at the Post Office at Los Angeles, California, under the Act That is too bad, really. Here of March 3, 1879. we had a hero, a villain and a Hello, Monte Carter. lumbering comedian in a perfect Hello, Elsie Ferguson. Published by setting for drama. I had furtively Hello, James Madison. hoped that it might end up in Inside Facts Publishing Company, Inc. Ziegfeld chorus Hello, Messrs. Tenney and Moore killing I know a James Madison. 800-801 Warner Bros. Downtown Bldg., Los Angeles, Calif. girl already divorced one another in a duel, and in Mr. who has Telephone TUcker 7832 four husbands this year. In a theatre why do Scotch- Lloydwell destroying all orches- men prefer to s-it in the front tral conductors and putting over- JACK JOSEPHS - - President and Editor “The Follies of 1930.” row? ailed whitewashers in their places. ARTHUR WM. GREEN - - Vice Pres, and Counsel Secretary and General Manager Then we common herd might WILLIAM C. OWENS Because it enables to have had some genuine excuse for them be close. going to what is now humorously Hello, Norma Shearer. Vol. XII Saturday, August 2, 1930 No. 5 termed “Vaudeville,” or for hav- Hello, James Madison. ing our corns mercilessly squashed in your American taxicab dance The names of most senators Hello, Mayor Rolph. ED GOULDING’S OUTBURST ' halls. do not appear in the telephone If, peradventure, our friends are EVERYTHING’S wrong- with the newspaper folk, who directory. Hello, James Madi-son. incapable from exhaustion, ask say anything’s wrong at the studios, is what Director Ed- them to ring me up and I shall The public have their num- Why do you think you will mund Goulding tells you in a signed article, on page two of have much pleasure in providing ber just the same. be the next governor of Cali- this week’s issue of Inside Facts. Director Goulding says them with refreshment of the good fornia? old kind that will restore their “CERTAIN correspondents, hanging onto the fringe of juvenile tendencies. Hello, Lew Kelly. Because every fanatic, every Hollywood, repeatedly, and maliciously, send to their various Yours in anticipatory anxiety, -bigot, every enemy of person- newspaper offices unfair accounts of studio conditions, the H. BARCLAY-SMYTHE. Hello, Madison. James al freedom is opposed to me. value of picture productions and theatre box-office receipts.” LOS - ANGELES — I wish to I want a good slogan for a charges are interesting but rather vague GOULDING’S withdraw all I said in previous divorce -court. and general. His article refers to “some of the alleged cor- letters to your paper about clumsy “We specialize in exchanges.” Hello, Reginald Denny. respondents for eastern newspapers.” What’s the matter conductors who didn’t know how beat time. I was newcomer with considering some of our home-grown chiselers? to a Hello, James Madi-son. to California and did not know EVIDENTLY the much-publicized versatility of the emi- matter was. I what the Now Hello, B. P. Schulberg. First we had sight ,then we nent Director does not extend to a comprehensive knowledge know—they have fleas. added sound, and now odors MI STER LLOYDWELL. Hello, James Madison. of simple reporting, for he falls into the very error of those are about t-o be introduced as whom he intended to castigate. What touch of philosophy part of a motion picture. DANCERS -can you inject into the day’s proceedings? That means theatre patrons . MUCH MIS-INFORMATION Nineteen dancers and nine show will hesitate about sitting in THE FACTS of the matter are that a great deal of the girls of Pearl Eaton’s chorus at It’s all right to rack your -the front row for fear some Pictures were given new brains, mis-information broadcast about the studios and studio per- Radio provided you don't for- of the film stars will have contracts this week. get where you racked -them. halitosis. style, sonalities is the result of the rambling sloppy work The dancers are Lillian Aaran, and extensive generalities and vagueness of a great many of Bernice Bond, Virginia Carroll, the so-called newspaper correspondents, to whom Director Ruth Davis, Ivy Dee, Evelyn Eag- Goulding has taken such an intense dislike. er, Mildred Frizell, June Glory, Blanche Gonzales, Bernice Graves, Snacks WE’LL GRANT that there are certain instances of posi- George Ann Garnette, Ann Karina, tively malicious persons, in some cases, fit subjects for psy- Charlotte Lee, Dorothy Ray, Va- Of Facts chopathic study, who take a fiendish delight in ruining repu- letta Rey, Helen Shepard, Marion Weldon and Alice Jans. tations, a saddistic pleasure in “panning” those who do not The show girls are Alice Adair, advertise in their publications, and demonstrate a positive Nancy Lee Blaine, Nadine Dore, Fritz Tidden, newspaperman and p. a., is playing a comedy part genius for mathematical juggling in reporting box-office Estelle Etterre, Mary Jane Hal- in “The Great Day” at M-G-M Amos and Andy are infecting the results. sey, Dorothy Phillips, Betty Reek- yes-men—sho thing—Pat, Grayce Hampton’s Peke, gets on the U. A. law, Dorothy Simms and Irene sound stages because he knows enough to keep his mouth shut—that’s THINGS BALANCE UP Thompson. a tip Laura Durward, lyric soprano, has arrived here from the east under the management of L. E. Behymer—Behymer has also taken BUT THESE instances are not any more particularly out- OSTERMAN’S TOUR over the management of Esteleah, 18-year-old prima donna—she’ll make standing than the studio hired help who take an equally her local debut here shortly. Jack Osterman, who is known in * * * positive delight in making things as difficult as possible for the east as “Broadway’s Playboy,” Fern Dale, who is playing a leading part in “The Road To Glory” “in” with those newspaper people, who don’t happen to be is soon to start on a lengthy RKO at the Theatre Mart, got up in the part in one day and gave an excel- -their particular little clique. tour as a feature of one of the lent performance—George K. Arthur, strolling along Hill Street look- Intact Shows. This glib young ing for a place to eat Kearns to San DIRECTOR GOULDING continues to state that: Jack Francisco by ’plane on a comedian has a smart routine and mysterious trip, to be back Saturday A1 LeClaire nursing an injured “AN HONEST newspaper man working for a legitimate finds favor with most audiences shoulder Rudy Wintner entertaining some friends from Bakersfield at newspaper has the free and welcome access to any studio who appreciate sophistication as he Wilson’s Ballroom Wilbur Cushman interviewing prospects for the sophisticates. new season Laura LaPlante drinking a coke between executive office, to the men in charge of the publicity and acts of “Oh, Judge” Ralph Welles gathering up angel feathers Jim Sams doing a advertising of the various film studios, and to the men who GETS LONG ROUTE rave over his new miniature golf course in the ballroom at Casino sit in high places with the various organizations operating Gardens. theatre circuits.” Booked for a long RKO tour is * * * Anatole Friedland’s “Twentieth Junior Coghlan, former young Pathe star, and pupil and protege FOR example, we would like to take Mr. Goulding JUST Century Revue,” a song-and-dance of Bud Murray, has returned from a location trip to Sacramento with out (in disguise, of course) and have him attempt to pene- unit with a company of fourteen. the Warner' Brothers’ “River’s End” company Hugh McDowell, trate the icily impregnable barriers of the haughty publicity Friedland is not with the produc- Radio Pictures technician, has perfected a system for eliminating organization of the Corporation. tion, as his activities demand his “ground noises” in talker recording that is said to be a great advance being in New York, but he is using step—Besides playing a featured role in Pathe’s comedy short, “Som% DETAILS Irving Edwards, master of cere- Babies,” Bob Carney wrote the original story — Ann Harding asked LET’S HAVE SOME monies, to head the cast. Creighton Hale if “this is your first picture for Pathe?” while work- GOULDING states that “answers to fair questions are ing on “Holiday”—Hale’s first picture work was with Pathe—seven- teen years ago— fairly given,” yet Los Angeles newspaper men can without NEW RKO ACTS * * * list instances in which im- much difficulty recall a lengthy of “Pat” and Terry Kendall, who Little Billy indignantly denies he thought up miniature golf and portant stories have been positively denied, only to break were featured in “Great Tempta- disclaims any responsibility for the new peanut cars—the new Austins within a few days or weeks. tions,” are a new RKO act, called bother the Dummy Newsboy at Henry’s—every time he runs out into “A Step, a Song, a Story.” The the street to hand a motorist an Examiner, he stubs his toe on one . IN SHORT, the learned Director doesn’t seem to be on Shaw Sisters and Joe Holmes, like- of the things—Newspapermen flocked to Warner’s call for aid on exactly familiar ground as a critic of critics. However, should wise, are offering a new skit for story ideas Jacob Wilk, story department head, will announce selec- he be interested in presenting a more specific discussion of RKO Varieties. tions from the Fourth Estate contributions the first of August * * his pet peeves against the press, the columns of this publica- ARLISS PREMIERE Ole Olsen and Myrtis Crinley talking over “Monkey Business”' over tion are always open to him. Warner Bros will permiere “Old a coke at Joe Miller’s—with Jerry King and George Riley—the whole IT WOULD be nothing more than fair to take the onus English,” with George Arliss, at gang bumping Max Sbagrin off the curb in front of Warner’s Holly- wood Max’s smile tells the state of the b. o. The radio guy who away, from a great number of competent and honest writers, the Warner Theatre, New York, — — Thursday evening, August 21. says “You’ll sure have a great audinece ready when you follow me” reputations and. past activities hardly match up with on whose —Whatever became of the all-talkie bills?— the very vague and general remarks of the distinguished megaphone wi elder. LETTERS ON LOCATION TRIP BACK FROM CHINA WHAT’S THE SHOUTING FOR? Warner Baxter and other mem- William Adams Universal cam- There are letters at the Los SO MANY committees, political, social and business big- bers of the cast of “Renegades,” eraman, has just returned to the Angeles office of INSIDE story the French Foreign Le- studio after having completed a wigs, candidates for office, public meddlers, and just plain of FACTS for the following: gion, are -at the desert country of trip to Hong Kong, China, for the citizenry that all’s well and busy-bodies have informed California, near Santa Barbara, to the purpose of obtaining a number Bros. everything’s going great, that ninety per cent of the populace BIDMEAD make outdoor sequences of this of atmospheric “shots”: of the CULVER, Emilie has more or less decided to let George or somebody else do it. picture. Victor Fleming is di- waterfront, -for inclusion in “East Kirke M. ” DECKER, is West. THESE CHEER-UP boys are proceeding on the theory DOWNING, Harry recting. that the cart goes before the horse,. Ticker-tape snow-falls FRANCO, Antone IN “DARK STAR” TOGETHER AGAIN Lindbergh, Bvrd. Bobby Jones and GEORGE and Florence greeted the RETURN of GRANSTEDT, Greta cho- Cliff (Ukulele Edwards and a flock of other conquering heroes AFTER they had shown HEYFRON, Frank Dorothy Jordan has -been Ike) sen as “the girl” in “Dark Star,” Edward Brop-hy are teamed to- stuff not before. MILLARD, S. S. their — in “Those Three PARSONS, Ruth Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer’s forthcom- gether again more pertinent theme song right now seems to filmization of Lorna Moon’s French Girls” in which Reginald A MUCH PEDRO, Milly ing that novel, which George Hill is to di- Denny and Fifi D’Orsay are fea- be “Where Do You Worka, John?” And the answer to SHARLAND, Fred C. tured by Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer. one will not be arrived at satisfactorily by a lot of cheering. rect. SATURDAY, AUG. 2, 1930 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN PAGE SEVEN

Harold J, Bock KRESS BLOG. Manager SAN FRANCISCO 935 Market St., PHONE DOUGLAS 2213 Office Suite OAKLAND — SACRAMENTO — SAN JOSE 504 CONTRACT COST HOGARTY JOINS PICTURE HOUSES IN S. F. DO Market St. $25,000, REPORT It is reliably reported this week EBEY INTERESTS Gleanings FAIR BIZ; GARBO HEPS FOX that the contract of Gilbert and Baer, song-writing team, of the De Sylva, Brown, Henderson com- OAKLAND, 31. July —The the- SPOTLIGHTS SAN FRANCISCO, July 31. — Although 'no house was bination, have been bought by Warner Brothers atrical and realty interests of spectacular, most of the picture palaces held up to a pretty for $25,000. One The Flying Bartletts penning a of the clauses of the new contract George Ebey were augmented this pace, the being outstanding missive from Utica—Harold Peary good Fox with Greta Garbo in calls for ten releases during the week by' Edward Hogarty, J. who “Romance.” California, with Ronald Colman in “Raffles,” coming six months, it is is doubling from the NBC studios was said. has joined Ebey as a partner in more than satisfactory, while “Dixiana” to .his golfette course in Oakland was disappointing at his various East Bay enterprises, the Orpheum. —Loma Worth, RKOist, is the chief of which is the Fulton The- Garbo in Metro’s “Romance,” with Walt Roesner and only gal in vaude who makes her TO REBR’DCAST atre. concert orchestra and Fanchon and Marco’s “Cadets” idea, jumps in her own plane—Lillian Hogarty, associated with bank- took the satisfying figure of $48,--*-- Rich was in town for a few days ing circles for a number of ye'ars, 500. William Haines in “Way Out was once a box-office boy under —Mister Earl Fegan, Walkathon West” followed. Loew’s Warfield RAD. PROGRAMS Ebey’s wing and later managed in the stanza of “Big m. c., has a new way of combing deuce WARNERS BDSY the Franklin and Vitaphone the- House” continued its excellent his hair—thought it up out of his atres. His present capacity is that business, grossing $29,000. SAN FRANCISCO, July 31— own head—two more years at his of business manager of the Ful- Publix houses were okay, Cali- At least seven programs originat- present rate and he won’t have to ing ton, with Ebey remaining as stage fornia leading the trio with an in- ON PRODUCTION in the British Isles will be re- worry about combing it—Goodwin supervisor. Hogarty and will broadcast in this country during Ebey Goldie has become an afternoon take of $23,000 on Colman in U. leave for the month of August, if atmos- Hollywood this week tea hound. A.’s “Raffles.” Paramount with Production continues capacity pheric where they will look over the the- its best stage show to date and at conditions permit fulfillment Bob Harvey has returned from atre situation in planning the com- a good enough picture but one on the Warner Brothers’ lot with of the elaborate schedule arranged a vacation—and is plunging into — by the National ing season’s schedule. that failed to draw “Queen High” “Illicit” has started, “Children of Broadcasting greater talkie season with a ven- Fulton this week slashed its with Charles Ruggles did a fair Company in conjunction with the geance Gene Rose breakfasting at Dreams” and “The Man In the prices to a 75-cent top for Sun- — enough $18,000. St. Francis with British Broadcasting Corporation. 2 p. m. the Walkathon is taking Sky” in rehearsals. day, Monday and Tuesday nights. — Barthelmess in “Dawn Patrol” Dance music, orchestral con- a lot of biz away from downtown moved in from the California after “Illicit,” modern problem drama, certs, special groups and a mili- night spots Richard Foster REID STAGES — de- two weeks, drew $8000. from the play by Edith Fitzger- tary review have been included in SHOWS mands, and herewith receives, a “Dixiana” was given a benefit ald and Robert Riskin, will offer the series of short wave relays break—Andy Anderson is the new Barbara Stanwyck in the leading which NBC will attempt to pick SAN FRANCISCO, July 31 — premier on Friday night but didn’t publicity pilot for the Rolph cam- role up for transmission to American Harry Marquad has named Bob draw such good comment. Film with James Rennie playing paign in Northern Cal. opposite her and listeners during the first three Reid producer of floor shows at did a fair enough $12,000 on its with Ricardo Nancy Weiford, Fred Johnson, Cortez, Charles Butterworth, weeks of August. All of the pro- his Geary street cafe, beginning first week and is to be followed Na- Lloyd Thompson, Walter Rivers talie Moorhead, Blondell grams will be heard during the this week. Reid, who has been shortly by “Rain or Shine.” Joan and and Frank Percy were glimpsed in Claude Gillingwater in afternoon hours, when engineers in as vocalist for five or six weeks, supporting the Curran lobby on the opening roles. The adaptation is by Har- have found interference to be at continues his singing duties as AT MARK HOPKINS of “It’s a Wise Child” Jack Reid vey a minimum. At least three of the well as putting on the shows. — Thew and Archie Mayo is di- has an ailment—Lewis Lacey hur- recting. broadcasts will fee released on the Jean and Jacqueline, ballroom SAN FRANCISCO, July 31 — rying up Market St.—A1 Sather “Children of Dreams” is the Pacific Coast. dance team, have been added to _ Julanne Johnston and Danny hurrying down Market St.—Bob second original screen feature from The series will open on Monday, the Marquad personnel, augment- Dowling open a short engagement Pearson hurrying across Market Sigmund Romberg, composer, and August 4, when an orchestral con- ing a crew that includes Reid, this week as a ballroom dance St.—Ken Whitmer having a pair Oscar Hammerstein II, librettist. cert from Manchester, England, Patricia Joy, prima donna, and a team at the Hotel Mark Hopkins. of shoes rubber soled—Dave Rich- It will be ready for actual pro- has been planned. line of six girls. They will leave here for the ards breaking loose on a sham- duction early in August with Alan Lido, New York, and the Kit Kat poo—Zizz Black dropped in town Crosland directing and with Paul Club, , where future en- BROWN ON TOUR USE LARGE SCREEN for a few days to visit his family Gregory and Margaret Schilling gagements await them. in —The St. Peters sisters, daughters the leading roles. SAN FRANCISCO, July 31 — SAN FRANCISCO, July 31— of Joseph St. Peters of , First Jerome Kern and Otto Francisco its Hiram Brown, RKO head, was in Paramount gave San are vacationing in San Francisco. AT DANCE SCHOOL Harbach original screen extrava- first glimpse a magnascopic town this week conferring with of * * * ganza “The Man In the Sky” has house’s Cliff Work, divisional chief. screen this week when the Famous Lies of Show Business: SAN FRANCISCO, July 31 — Irene Delroy and Jack Whiting new installation was put into “And believe me, I told Sam Katz Dorothy De Vere, recent arrival featured. Alfred E. Green will working order. Magnascopic ef- where to head in.” from New York, is now in charge direct, going into production the fects were used with organ solo, of the Howard Ross dancing first half of August. trailers introduction newsreel, and P. A. SHIFTINGS school. She was featured in the Five other pictures are prepar- feature picture, with okay to 'the “Under the Sea” ballet at Roxy’s, ing which will complete the War- RESULTS! success. SAN FRANCISCO, July 31— New York, appeared in “Good ner Brothers’ program for the cur- . . . are the only things - Boy” and for the past two years Paramount P u b 1 i x is bringing rent season. that count in advertis- assisted with unit production at . Andy Hervey up from the United LITTLE . . “A SMILE” ing . and a success- Artists Theatre in Los Angeles to Publix Theatres, Chicago. Words and Music by NEW MANAGER ful advertising medium act as press agent at the St. Fran- GEO. B. L. BRAUN demands live, interested cis. Jack Gault comes into the PAYNE ON TOUR OAKLAND, July 31. — Willard readers (A Fox Trot Sensation) for results . . . California in similar Welch is the a capacity. new manager of the that’s the kind of cir- CONCORD PUBLISHING CO. Bob ‘Pearson will be Hervey’s as- Orpheum, here, succeeding Clem SAN FRANCISCO, July 31 — culation you get in . . . 1179 Market St. San Francisco sistant while George Fisher will Frank Payne, editor of The Quill, Pope, who resigned this week to be Gault’s right enter hand man. Para- official organ of the Theatrical the advertising field. mount-Publix is planning to bolster Press Representatives, was here up these INSIDE houses as much as pos- this week in behalf of a national MANAGER HURT sible. campaign in favor of the spoken GAMBA SAN FRANCISCO, July 31— FACTS drama. Since 1905 MIDNIGHT SHOWS Ralph Pincus, Columbia manager, . . . THE REAL COAST Theatrical Footwear ROLPH ON STAGE is from suffering an injured knee, THEATRICAL NEWS- SAN FRANCISCO, July 31 — sustained when he slipped and fell and Accessories _ PAPER . . . SOLD ON This city reached the peak in when alighting from an auto. N E W S T AN D S midnight shows on Saturday night Mayor James Rolph will make his 150 Powell St. EVERYWHERE . . . when eight theatres featured the theatrical debut this week when he FAVORS TAX CHANGE San Francisco SUBSCRIBED TO BY 12 o’clock opera. Fox, California, bows on the Capito lstage in a LEADING EXECU- Phone DOuglas 8268 Paramount, St. Francis and Capi- “Rally Revue” to be staged by the Revision of legislative control of TIVES O F A L L tol continued their regular policy burlesque house under the aus- special tax assessment laws with BRANCHES OF SHOW of late shows, while the Green pices of the Theatrical Industries suggested changes for a more even BUSINESS AND BY Street, Milano and Orpheum Rolph for Governor Club. distribution of this burden was THOUSANDS OF EX- WHILE YOU’RE added the extra feature. urged by W. H. “Bud” Lollier, HIBITORS. . . VACATIONING ON LOCATION Republican candidate for Assem- this summer CHARGE DISMISSED bly, District 57, at a recent meet- WHY NOT LEARN SACRAMENTO, July 31— ing here. to write, read and execute SAN FRANCISCO, July 31 — Jackie Coogan, heading a company dances the scientific way, The manslaughter charge against of featured players and extras, is and save weeks of toil Mrs. Ward Morris, wife of the here this week filming scenes for ONLY THE BEST IN DANCING SHOES preparing new stage rou- Rialto manager, was dismissed last Mark Twain’s “Tom Sawyer” for AND ACCESSORIES week by Police Judge O’Brien. Paramount. The case arose through a recent 'Ianceograph auto accident. Dance Art Shoe Co. pupils execute the most Theatrical Footwear Specialists difficult and intricate BACK FROM TRIP movements with perfect ANN HOFMANN WARFIELD THEATRE SAN FRANCISCO, BLDG. ease. July 31— DANCE STUDIO San Francisco Thais O’Rourke, manager of BE PREPARED the NEW YORK PRICES for the coming trend in O’Rourke Dancing School, has re- Announces That professional dancing. turned from a three, weeks’ vaca- Productions of Any Size Outfitted tion. Andrew McFarland DANCEOGRAPfl Is Now Teaching Advanced HITS PICKETING Acrobatic and Tumbling at her studio, 1151 Market Street, DANCE ART San Francisco. - SAN FRANCISCO, July 31— HIRSCH ARNOLD (Incorporated) Nasser Bros, this week were Phone Underhill 1122 BALLET MISTRESSES 555 Sutter Street granted a citation prohibiting the For Appointments created and costumed all dance numbers now en tour Musicians’ Union from picketing Fox Circuit with San Francisco F. & M.’s “Brunettes” Idea Schools in , the. Royal, Castro and Alhambra STUDIO—545 SUTTER ST. SAN FRANCISCO Newark, N. J., Chicago, Indi- theatres, Nassers and the union anapolis, St. Louis, San Fran- in cisco, and Salt Lake are court on .charges that the City, ... union is directly responsible for a recent bombing of the Royal. G. & M. HOTEL GOVERNOR GIRLS WANTED TURK AT JONES Experienced Chorus Girls With Good Specialties ATTRACTIVE THEATRICAL Send photos and details CARD SIGNS SAN FRANCISCO CHARLES and DAWN THE HOME OF ALL THEATRICAL PEOPLE STAGE ARTS STUDIO 510 Kress Bldg., 935 Market St. PLAYING SAN FRANCISCO 1141 MARKET ST. SAN FRANCISCO San Francisco SPECIAL RATES TO PROFESSIONALS PRODUCERS, CAPE MARQUARD JACK WOLFENDEN, Prop. BERT HENDREN, Asst. Mgr. — —


San Francisco RADIO STATION Pickups and Viewpoints GREAT EXPOSE Radio Notes IS PLANNED BY OF DEEP LAID SAN FRANCISCO, July 31.— IT*S A TRICKY BUSINESS When Amos ’n’ Andy started their One of our best announcer friends has taken us to task for dialogue Thursday night, got MEXICAN GROUP calling announcers, in our last week’s issue, “doormats.” It PLAN BY PAIR through several lines, and then started again, NBC was worried. broke his heart, he said, to find that after all the influence he Afraid that listeners would think Two sons of old Mexico are in had brought to bear on us to see announcers as they should One afternoon this week, while Los Angeles this week picking up the b. f. pair nothing less than be seen, and espouse their cause, that we should so betray the Don Lee orchestra were in re- electrical transcription, statements pointers for a new radio station them. hearsal, Ray Paige, general di- by Vice-President Don Gilman to be erected in Sonora, Mexico. The visitors are Genaro Lar- We did not say that announcers actually were doormats. rector of KHJ, asked Elvia All- were issued to the press. _ riva Francisco Repetition of the lines was due and Elias, the lat- We said they were “executively classed with doormats.” man, ballad crooner, and Wesley ter the son of the governor of Tourtelotte, to the break in phone wires be- Which is true, and which he admitted. have many times organist, to come into Sonora and nephew of Calles. We tween Hollywood and Chicago, ac- _ the studio to hear a “special num- Permit has already been issued espoused their cause. As a class they are mighty nice boys, cording to Gilman. Amos ’n’ Andy for the station by the Mexican with tricky in ber.” broadcast over two circuits from jobs that require a great deal more education Government, but wave length has The entire staff of the studio Hollywood, one to Chicago and and ability than station executives are wiling to pay for. not yet been allocated. While seemed to have been invited also. the other to San Francisco. Both In that respect, radio is just like the newspaper business. here the visitors are under the As soon as the couple entered the circuits operate simultaneously. * * * wing of Ted White, radio door the orchestra struck up the The Chicago wire failed and the KHJ star,_ who formerly knew them in Bridal Chorus, and then segued continuity was repeated for the FAN MAIL AND ENERGY Mexico, and who has been initiat- into The Prisoner Song, while the eastern audiences. ing them into the technical my- Fan mail is a peculiar thing. In view of the laziness of most gang gathered round and offered * * * steries of KHJ. Jose Rodriguez people when it comes to writing letters to friends and relatives, it is congratulations. A1 Pearce’s Happy - Go - Lucky has also given them open sesame remarkable that so much mail pours in upon radio performers. The couple affected to be com- Hour over the Don Lee network to the innards of KFI and KECA. Up at KFI this week, Jose Rodriguez figured out for us that 87 pletely mystified until they were is drawing such a capacity studio The pair declare that as the re- per cent of the mail comes from women. Two examples were taken, shown a copy of a San Bernar- audience that A1 is getting wor- sult of their visjt here many of Virginia Flohri and Robert Hurd, and the percentage was the same in dino newspaper, in which their ap- ried. There were almost a thou- their plans have been changed. both cases, proving that the feminine listeners are equally loyal to men plication for a marriage license sand in the studio the other day They contemplate a thousand watt and women. was listed. when the crush became so dan- station. Another peculiar revelation was the fact that for the past eight The two had thought that by gerous that a youngster almost While. much of the entertain- years Virginia Flohri has received a fan letter from a woman in Long journeying to the foothill city they had his arm broken. That proves ment will be offered in Spanish Beach immediately following every radio appearance, and the two have would be able to keep their mar- language, the Pearce draw in this. city. a proportion of the pro- never met. This is said to be the only case of its kind in radioland, riage plans secret, but an eagle- will * * * grams be in English, as the and is overshadowed only by the correspondence between Tschaikowski eyed fan had spotted the names state of Arizona will be largely and Madam Merck, which continued twenty years without the parties and mailed a copy of the paper And speaking of the KFRC, covered by their broadcast. ever meeting. to the studio. most important event of the week * * * Date of the impending marriage happened right in the family of The contents of some of the fan letters are queer. A common has not yet been set. that station’s manager, Harrison KFI STATION TO _ stunt is to copy an ancient gag out of a joke book and mail it to the Holliway. A 9-pound baby boy, station without any explanation as to why or wherefore. Others con- DEMAREST IN SHORT tagged Harrison Holliway II, cried GET WATT JUMP tain clippings from the radio pages, and furnish the artists with a his first “Baw” at the Children’s pretty good clipping service for nothing. Sometimes they contain William Demarest is starred in hospital. It took the combined ef- “So He Took the Fifty Thou- checks, gifts and orders on retail stores for merchandise. And some- “Seeing Things,” two-reel mystery forts of 19 Jam'boreeadors to pre- sand Watts.” times they contain a terrible castigation for the performer. farce, directed by Harold Beau- vent Holliway from telling all Arthur F. Kales, general man- * * * dine on the Vitaphone Varieties listeners about the blessed event ager of stations KFI and KECA, program. In the cast are Florence when the Blue Monday Jamboree who has been in New York since AN EXCELLENT IDEA Auer, Bernard Randall, Edward was on the air Monday night. May 12, returns to Los Angeles Fielding and Audrey * * * this week end. While there he We deeply appreciate the courtesy of the Microphone Club Berry. secured for KFI a power increase Among the excellent classical in electing us to honorary membership. There is room for _ from the present five thousand ROTH BUYS PLAYS and semi-classical musical con- such an organization, and under watts to fifty thousand, and brings proper guidance and man- certs emanating from are KPO the new permit back with him. agement it can do a great deal to further and protect the Murray Roth, director - in - chief the Masters of Music and the interests of radio artists. Equity made provision for includ- of Vitaphone Varieties, has pur- Aeolian Trio conducted by Cy chased three one-act plays by Paul MIKE CLUB MOVES ing radio talent under its wing some time ago, but the Mike- Trobbe. Gerard Smith, well-known play- * * * The studios and headquarters of robes may prefer to handle their own problems, and this may wright and novejist, the Microphone Club of America for immediate Walter B. Neill and Lloyd prove to be the of the here. production. “The Gob,” have moved to the Hollywood- germ movement “One on Peck, manager and commercial * * * the Aisle” and “Compliments Plaza Hotel in Hollywood. Larg- of manager of KFSD, San Diego, the Season.” er club rooms and dropped in to see Don Gilman, the fact that MOLINARI THE the new location MASTER NBC head, this week. Shipley L. is in the center of the studio Our well-known opposition to the practice of playing down to the MAKE TALKER SHORT Burton of KSL, Salt Lake, also district were the rea- sons for moving, according public in “popular” symphony concerts received vindication at the was in town. And there’s no for- to Helen Jack Parker, president. Hollywood Bowl last Saturday night, when thousands in the Bowl Broderick and Lester getting Ed Cullen, NBC staff en- The new went wild with enthusiasm over the high-grade offered Crawford, featured comedy team gineer dub rooms will be open this week, program by at New York, who chose of “Fifty Million Frenchmen,” are but the grand opening will take Molinari, and scores of letters poured in to KFI in appreciation of the California as his honeymoon lo- starred in place in broadcast. One letter characterized the concert as “a breath of “For Art’s Sake,” Vita- cale, he and his bride spending about ten days. heaven.” plane Varieties comedy, directed a week at the home of A. H. Sax- by Harold Beaudine. Helen Eby ton, Pacific division The conductor from Rome showed himself to be no time-beater. chief engineer. CRIME SERIES Rock, Jimmy Barry and Philip * * * Apparently such things were disposed of in rehearsal, leaving him free Lord are in the cast. to concentrate entirely upon dynamics. George Taylor of KYA is tak- A series of crime novelettes are A comment of Announcer ing a two week’s vacation seven being experimented with over KFI Carl Haverlin was particularly apt. “Molinari now raises his baton,” days of which will be spent in Los on Thursday nights and netting he said, “to weld the 102 men of the orchestra into one man—and that KENNETH Angeles and the remainder at the heavy returns in appreciative mail man a greater Molinari.” Russian River. and phone calls. The current ve- An unrehearsed performer was a cricket, who chirruped persistently RUNDQUIST * * * hicle is “Circumstantial Evidence,” on the lawn between the announcer’s booth and the orchestra, and was Baritone Freeman Lusk is the latest ad- in six episodes, handled by Jimmie picked up by the microphones. A technician flitted about in the dark LEIGHTON’S CAFETERIA _ dition to KJBS’s announcing staff. Regan. Three scrip writers are in an endeavor to find and silence the bug, but the little chap never Market at Powell kept busy preparing material for missed a beat. San Francisco AMOS AND ANDY these yearns. * * * HOLD EVERYTHING! A special radio booth has been GIRLS MADE GOOD WM. DON installed in one of the sound The Boswell Sisters, vocal trio We have to make a correction in our story of last week ENGLISH COMEDIAN stages on the lot which will starred for some time on RKO KFWB, about the lady critic who used the Bowl broadcast to adver- Creator of the Famous be used by Amos and Andy in appeared on the “California Mel- tise Character, “Dr. Oojah” odies” program this week, a piano school. We said she was run in by a Bowl digni- their daily broadcasts, one at 3:30 which National Broadcasting Co. is released tary. This the case. p. m. for eastern states, and again nationally by the was not She was introduced by a prom- San Francisco at 7:30 p. m. Columbia network. The hometown- inent manufacturer of brassieres. ers in made it a * * * special Boswell. night and stayed Bill Ray, manager of KGER, Long Beach, decided that home to listen in on the girls who his Ho- kum Revue and Frolic was too lowbrow and issued made good in Hollywood. an order that every HAVE YOU HEARD artist start off his act with a bit of verse. To set the style he wrote Herman WRITING STAFF BUSY” this one himself: BILLY VAN? “The poor benighted Hindu, He does the best he Writing staff at Christie head- Kin-do. At KFWB, Hollywood sticks to his caste Schnitzel quarters in Metropolitan Sound He . From first to last, Studios is busy preparing produc- Famous radio artist of Station tion. Jimmy Starr and Harry And for pants he makes his Skin-do.” and columnist of the Los * * * KNX McCoy are now at work on the Angeles EVENING EXPRESS, first Charlotte Greenwood story, Barks from the Office Dog: Elvia Allman driving to San is a yearly subscriber to my Says: which will be released by Educa- Bernardino Wesley Tourtelotte driving to monthly publication, — San Bernardino Mayer and Evans In town THE tional under the Tuxedo banner. COMEDIAN, which contains great activity in the license bureau of San Bernardino—Elvia Jack Haley and Bay Mayer Walter DeLeon and Neal Burns putting on the Ritz for Leon- only new laughs. Three num- Allman and Wesley Tourtelotte returning are at work on the second Chris- from San Bernar- ard Stevens—Lou Enderly, fe- bers are now ready at ONE male baritone, back from tie Vanity. At the Educational dino—Dick Creedon in hiding—Ted White convoying the en- Chi. DOLLAR each; or $10 by the cage—Bee Jackson coming to Studios, John Lockhart and voys from Mexico Ken Niles in a reversion to the coast song pluggers year. It’s small but good and — knee pants — story George are busy on a mystery by Gene Swift In Inside Facts sold with a guarantee of “money June Parker sticking her blonde head out of a door—Ray story with a decidedly new twist last week sure great — A1 back” if it does not measure up Paige looking soberly serious Leigh Harline Herman on the opposish list which E. H. Allen has assigned — with that win- 100% to your comedy require- ning smile “Oh Judge” opening — so Stephen Roberts to direct. —Lindsay MacHarrie holding an audition—KFI what! ments. • • technicians playing cricket—Jack Quinn having a long silent • • Send orders to the publisher “SET TIGHT” CAST period—he believes no news is good news—Charlie Gabriel Oosmo Boulevard being mistaken for Monte Blue at a Hollywood premiere . . . between Vine Complete cast of “Sit Tight,” and Oahnenga . . . the phone Warner comedy, featuring Winnie Wedgwood Nowell at the same premiere^-Jose Rodriguez and numbers are GRanite 8 8 8 3 and Hollywood 8 15 9 . Lightner and Joe E. Brown, in- his sewer-fed peach tree—he doesn’t think he likes peaches . . parking is free at tha lot cludes Claudia Dell, Paul Gregory, any Carl serose from the WALTER LONDON more— Haverlin dictating his own fan mail (inside CELLAR . . . Lottie Loder, Hobart Bosworth, — the OHRTSLER and SAM- P. O. Box 139, Vine St. Station stuff) —Kathryn Harms exhibiting her dirty hands Roland SONS Frank Hagney, Snitz Edwards and — are tnere. HOLLYWOOD, CALIF. Foss shaking hands with the press—he had just washed ’em Edward George. The picture is under the direction of Lloyd Esther Goldstein greeting the press on the street—Ho, hum Thank You. Bacon. it’s a dog’s life. —


Behind The Mike BALLROOM CUTS The first of the Vitaphone Vari- Olsen and Johnson will have Burlesque eties to be filmed in both English featured roles in “Fifty Million With The and Spanish at the Vitaphone stu- Fernchmen,” which goes into pro- dios in Brooklyn is “Where There's duction shortly at Warners. In IN HEAVILY ON a Will.” The cast includes George addition, William Gaxton, Helen CAPITOL Microphone Club Hassell, Mabel Grainger, Joe Bo- Broderick and Lester Crawford, SAN FRANCISCO nomo, Martin Berkeley and C. W. of the stage production, will be in (Reviewed Secrest. In the Spanish version, the cast. Following the picture, July 24) The board of directors of the CONCESSIONS titled “Quieres Es Poder,” the Olsen and Johnson pick up their Once again we say that San Mike Club last week voted Fred leading role is taken by Eduarzo RKO bookings, opening at Cin- Francisco likes its burlesque. Yeates an honorary member of the Arozemena. Roy Mack directed cinnati. Microphone Club. Welcome, Fred. Beach concessionaires at Ocean This week’s show had a Span- both versions, assisted on the Park are plenty peeved over heavy . ish set for the opening with Babe * * * Spanish version by Henry Da- Sherman, Ginger competition from the Casino O’BRIEN LOCATION Ann Allison and Frank Vallen, formerly of the Gar- gand. ON Britten singing a Spanish ditty. National Broadcasting Co. in New dens Ballroom, operated by Jim Melene Chorka and Casey Jones George O’Brien is now in the York City, has been elected assist- Sams and Jess Kramer, who are had the outstanding spot, singing -TITLE IS CHANGED High Sierras near Bishop, Calif., ant vice-president of the Micro- using showmanship tactics from “Playboy of Paris” has been to make the outdoor sequences of “It Happened In Monterey’’ with phone Club. Frank resigned as an- all the girls draped in Spanish all angles to pack the big place chosen by Paramount as the final “Fair Warning,” Max Brand’s out- nouncer for KFI-KECA to accept shawls and parading around on nightly. release title of Maurice Chevalier’s door drama. Louise Huntington his present position as manager of the runway. Beirne Sisters Latest gag is a novel miniature new starring picture which has is appearing opposite O’Brien. The the radio department of the Cali- did golf course built been called “The Little Cafe.” Alfred Werker is directing. a specialty that clicked and fornia Advertising Agency. around the bal- the scene closed cony of the ballroom, indoors, and with gals posing * * * minus shawls in the background. using animals from the old “Noah’s We want to extend a welcome Ark,” formerly on the Venice pier A cafe scene—and there seems to all new members to visit our as. hazards winding up with to be one in every week’s a show miniature GEORGE and new club rooms and studios in the volcano on the last hole, FLORENCE here—followed with all the princi- Hollywood-Plaza which, when a ball is sunk, BALLET pals working and netting plenty Hotel in Holly- pops MASTER AND MISTRESS wood, and out with a fire and smoke effect. Formerly 68 Successful Weeks Producing of laughs. Again the hot looking we want the members Weekly Change* to make the new location Sams, a former showman, was in Australia’s Largest Theatre but unidentified red head, did their headquarters. owner and operator of the Rose- “Puttin’ On the Ritz,’’ backed up THE STATE, * * * mary Theatre at Ocean Park, with the chorus. Another skit fea- which he sold out to Fox West Producers Desiring Originality WRITE or WIRE turing Joe Yule and Harry Kelly Carl Lamont, West Coast man- Coast, and features numerous at- Permanent Address; INSIDE FACTS, Los and then Ginger Britten, looking ager of Angela* the music firm of Shapiro- tractions in addition to the ball- like million a dollars on next, sing- Bernstein and Co., has joined the room with Lou Traveller’s Orches- ing “If I Had a Talking Picture.” Mike Club, and can now be called tra. Rather antiquated, but again a real MIKEROBE. Glad to have served the purpose of bringing on you with us, Carl. “CIMARRON” CAST the chorus to grace the runway, * * * WIRTHMAN TWINS which is, after all, what the cus- Eddie Vine and Brother ('the Already assigned to parts in “HOW THEY CAN DANCE!” tomers want. brother part is Joe) were featured “Cimarron,” which is scheduled to Just Completed Orpheum Theatres, San Francisco and Oakland Billy Fields, Joe Yule, James last week on the Mike Club Frolic. start August 1 at RKO, are Rich- Per. Address: 4816 10th Ave., Los Angeles—Phone VErmont 9472 Yoman and Casey Jones followed We were indeed glad to have Ed- ard Dix, the star, Estelle Taylor, in a comedy quartette, dressed as die and Joe with us, and we want Junior Johnson, Donald Dilloway, street cleaners. This number paid them to make the Mike Club their Edna May Oliver and Roscoe off to plenty of laughs. Little home while on the coast. The Ates. WALTER S. WILLS Babe Sherman next, singing “My boys will be seen at local theatres, and STUDIO OF STAGE DANCING Fate Is In Your Hands.” This radio stations of this city will ATES GETS CONTRACT 7016 HOLLYWOOD BOULEVARD GLADSTONE *6U gal has a plenty good blues voice, broadcast their stuff during the PROFESSIONALS TAUGHT BY PROFESSIONALS but waxes just a little too dra- next few weeks. Roscoe Ates of vaude has been _ . Enroll Now—New Summer Classes for Adults Tap, matic. The line on again in "Hap- * * * signed to a long-term contract by Acrobatic, Soft Shoe, Eccentric, Waltz Clog, Musical Comedy, Ballet py Days.” Melene Chorka fol- We were happy to have Miss William LeBaron, vice president Also Children’s Classes SPECIAL lowed this with “Memories” in a Ann Warren, the stage and con- in charge of production of Radio SUMMER RATES very sweet voice. Another skit cert star, with us on the frolic last Pictures. and then Ann Allison singing week. The beautiful voice of Miss , r» pr^TM! “Freshman Hop.” She has plenty Warren comes over the air in ROSCOE GETS PART irnT"i|nn"i vm of looks, figure and personality fine shape. * D and hoofs and sings in a cute * Alan Roscoe has been assigned U BljVD., SCHOOL -for SCREEN & STAGE ^ * manner. Blanche Ballagh, well a part in 1 known RKO Radio Pictures' YS - 20° ll Illil jMV/aaViMTIiK-l'iiG-l-liCOOL IN OUR SCHOOL’ COOLE R THAN OUTSIDE A comedy Bowery scene was club woman and radio speaker, “Half Shot at Sunrise.” ~ « # 0 has been elected next with all the principals work- to the board of Associates—Gladys Murray, Lafe Page Ballet Dept.—Mary Frances Taylor ing and Casey Jones vocalizing directors of the Mike Club. Miss MYSTERY FILM CAST PRACTICAL “The Kind of a Girl Men For- Balagh is also president of the DRAMATICS — and — STAGE DANCING get” to Babe Sherman, who por- West Coast Painters’ Club. In the cast of “The Bat Whis- Tap, Off-Rhythm, “Modernized Ballet” and Acrobatic * trayed the gal who has gone the * * pers” at U. A. are Una Merkel, “THE ORIGINAL MURRAY SCHOOL” primrose path. Kelly portrays Cinders Schalbe of the Sound Gustav Von Seyffertitz, Grayce OF NEW YORK, CHICAGO AND LOS ANGELES “Tony the Spider,” and was okay Craft Studios in Hollywood, is Hampton, Maude Eburne, Wil- in his comedy as well as a dra- now a member of the Mike Club. liam Bakewell, Ben Bard, Charles matic scene after he had killed If you want a treat, tune in the Dow Clark, Spencer Charters, every one on the stage. Casey on Frolic over KGFJ each Wednes- Hugh Huntley and S. E. Jennings. next HARVEY singing an old musical com- day night at 11 p. m., PST. VALLIE edy number which brought on each * * * IN SCREEN OPERETTA of the girls in very good looking Jimmy Dupre and Ernie Rus- KARELS show costumes. Some more pos- sell, who wrote the songs for Ben May Boley and Marion Byron ing and parading and one of those Bernie’s short, have landed their have been signed for “Children of SCHOOL OF DANCING big finales. new song, “Under the Dreams,” second Romberg-Ham- Blue With 7377 Beverly Blvd. A1 Beatty and his Orchestra is You,” with the firm of Shapiro- merstein screen operetta, at War- OR. 2MS in the pit, and a big improvement Bernstein & Co. The boys have ner Brothers. in the music is noticeable. two contracts to finish the songs BEN. for the “Beggers of Love.” They will be heard from the Microphone NEW PRISON ANGLE Club in the future playing and Warner Brothers will produce a singing their tunes. Ben Bernie screen play dealing with life in a wrote the tunes while Dupre and prison for women, written by Mel- Russell wrote the lyrics. Jimmy DIRECT FROM NEW YORK ville Grossman. and Ernie will be with us Wed- nesday night to sing all their new IN “ILLICIT” CAST songs. Neil Hamilton, Lew Cody,' Charles Butterworth and Natalie Bob Cannon, of the California, Moorhead have been signed for San Diego, was a visitor on Film featured roles in “Illicit.” Row this week. DOROTHY HERE HE COMES! DE VERE HARRY NOW IN CHARGE OF THE FOSTER HOWARD ROSS DANCE STUDIO MISS DE VERE GIVES HER PERSONAL ATTENTION TO ALL BRANCHES, WELCH INCLUDING BALLET, SPANISH, ACROBATIC, TAP, NEW YORK RHYTHM, ECCENTRIC AND MUSICAL COMEDY



SIGNED FOR THE NEXT THREE YEARS—RKO 555 SUTTER ST. SAN FRANCISCO Phone Sutter 6239 Management: Carlton M. Hub 1674 Broadway New York City — s


VANCOUVER, B. C. SEATTLE, WASH. A. SC. MacMartin Roy Oxtnan REPRESENTATIVE REPRESENTATIVE NORTHWEST 630 People Bank Bldg. | | 618 Homer Street Main 0799


Brock Pemberton’s SEATTLE, July 31.—Purchase SEATTLE, July 31.—Not since the days of the Jensen- "Strictly Dishonorable” opened at the Van- of the Egyptian, Neptune and Up- Billie Landers calling on Paul Von Herberg. regime when those parties had control of the couver Theatre July 28 for a town Theatres by the Fox Pacific Spor—and returning a borrowed theatre situation in Seattle has theatrical business become so week’s run. This is the first at- nickel to his manager Tiny Bur- Theatres, a subsidiary of Fox — active. Every stand in town has been flourishing and the traction at the legit house for West Coast, was announced this nett, E. C. Bostwick and Joe reason has been somewhat of a mystery. It just seems that many weeks. Cooper indulging in barbecues at week. The price was not dis- everybody is show hungry. closed. Marie’s— tiheir wives also present The Fox, showing a flicker, Richard Barthelmess and his to see that everything went well two-a-day “Hell’s Angels,” led All three are prosperous subur- wife are in British Harry Reed relieving Stan Ma- the town with a gross well into the figure of $20,000. Per- Columbia wa- ban show houses. The first two ters on their yacht “Ne-sbit” where lotte—and doing a worthy job of sonal appearances of the star, Jean-*-' are in the Univeristy district and they expect to spend some weeks it. Harlow, and heavy exploitation the Uptown on Queen Anne Hill. cruising. Their first stop Harry Mills, Bobby Armstrong will be The change of ownership will aided tremendously. Comox Bay, Vancouver Island, and a friend conversing—Jean FOX PUNS NEW not affect the management, it was The Fifth Ave. came a close where they will join Clive Brook Harlow and Link Quarberg on . announced. A1 Rosenberg and A1 and his party, now vacationing in Fifth Avenue—enjoying the win- second with $18,000 safely laid _ Finkelstein, their former owners British Columbia. dow displays—Pete Salvus down away in the coffers. The picture and managers, will continue in * * * to the station—railway to see FOREIGN managerial capacities. The two — was “Good Intentions” and re- FILMS Harry Givan off. Alfred Heather and his light theatre men already were execu- ceived good word-of-mouth ads. Gordon Richardson, Stanley opera company are going over tive of the Fox Pacific organiza- All-French and all-Italian fea- Humble, and Jack Jones in a hud Fanchon-Marco’ “Brunettes” aid- big at Banff, Alta. On their open- tion which operates a chain of the ture productions die—looks like they were conspir ed the business. There is an ab- will be produced ing performance at the Banff theatres in smaller cities through- ing about the press—Owen Swee- by the Fox Film Corporation, it Springs Hotel they took five cur- out the Northwest. sence of an m. c. at this house ten and his boys being hounded tain calls. The bill was “Trail and one could be injected to the was announced this week by -Win- for an ad—looks like “It Pays To By Jury,” and the audience taxes delight of many patrons. field Sheehan. Production will be- Advertise” for the gentlemen the big ballroom to capacity. The Paramount with the “Dawn gin immediately at the Jim Clemmer smiling—and why corpora- Practically every prominent city in rosestic¥ng Patrol” brought in $17,500, one shouldn’t he?—lines at the 5th is tion’s studios in Hollywood. the United States and Canada was of the best numbers this house has the reason. All-Spanish represented in the -big gathering had since the return of the stage feature pictures and Lee Jaxon with Bebs Malloy short subjects of fans. show. Personal appearances of already are being WITH S, D. SHOW at the State—lucky Bebs—George made by this company. Barthelmess on the first of the Main recovering from an elevator All these pictures DUAL APPEARANCE week added to the jingling of the will be made shaft fall—take the strairs, George by the cash register. The stage shows Fox foreign production unit The Original Jimmie “Bubbles” —-Earl Cooke in the President’s with John Stone in charge. SEATTLE, July 31.—TheKOL’s with the aid of Paul Spor also At Rose denies rumors that he is to lobby Dick Sharp listening to leading tenor is doing double — helo considerably. present, foreign picture production duty open at the Capitol Theatre, San auditions over KXA—and look- will be centered in this week by performing for radio The Orpheum came in fourth Hollywood. Francisco, for Warren B. Irons, ing like he’s contented—Tommy The first and theatre folks. He is playing but near the leaders, grossing two productions to be and declares his intention of re- $16,- a Parker now in the A1 Franks nrade entirely in French and Ital- successful, engagement at the 000 for the week’s tally. Bebe maining for the present at least, company—and winning well-earned ian are “Common Clay” Coliseum, assisting Katherine Beas- Daniels in “L awful Larceny” and “The with the burlesque company at the applause—This week’s prize the- Last of the Duanes.” ley while the latter presents a helped to chalk up this amount. Liberty, San Diego. atre manager: E. C. Bostwick In addition to the songologue. Bill Ross is the name The Music Box with “Czar of Spanish, Following is the line-up of the for congeniality. French and Italian productions, and was formerly the singing Broadway” flopped and was re- San Diego company: William Po- the foreign “doorman’ ’at the Fox. He was placed after the production organiza- litzer, Scott, pro- week’s intake of manager; Bert NIGHT BASBEALL tion will continue to make silent first introduced by Joseph Sampie- $6,000. Not so good for this house. duced and straight man; Bob and synchronized tro there. The Blue Mouse with “Tempta- versions of its Johnston, juvenile; Dollie Davies, SEATTLE, July 31.—Night . domestic program, tion” took in a measley prima donna; June Rhodes, in- baseball broadcasts over KJR have $4,500, which is also not so good for DIXON TO WED genue; Bobbie Ruth Smith, sou- met with huge response, accord- _ Hamrick houses. DIRECTORS ACTING SEATTLE, July 31. — Sidney brette; Myrle Fields, characters; ing to Thos. Smart, manager of The Met featuring Dixon “killed two birds with one principal comedian, Jimmie Bub Helen Kane, the station. Ken Stuart, the sta- Four former well-known motion stone” last week hoop pooo a dooed the fans into . when he left for hies Rose; second comic, Fritz tion premiere announcer, handles picture directors are playing paying $4,900 for this light opera with San Francisco to fill an engage- Fields; third comic, Orville Gal- the broadcast in great shape, and Gary Cooper of the northwoods. in Paramount’s new ment as program director for land; Charlotte Galland, wardrobe as a result the studio is building special production of “The Spoil- Kk A, As Club Victor is closed for the taking his newly-wedded mistress, and 12 girls. up quite a fan response. Games ers.” They are Lloyd Ingraham, bride, summer and possibly for several Miss Guinevere Borgford, on which are played away from home Oscar Apfel, James Kirkwood and a honeymoon. summers, there can be no news as Dixon was on the GALLAGHER IS DAD will be covered by wired reports George “Slim” Summerville. Northwest to business. Coffee Dan’s is still Broadcasting System also to be handled by Stuart. flourishing, staff here.. He came to KJR from Skeets Gallagher became the but as Sam Gore is on his vacation there might be HONOR CHEVALIER KOMO when the American Broad- proud father of a seven-pound boy RADIO LIGHT OPERA slight let-down on business con- casting Co. was organized. on Sunday night. The youngster Maurice ditions. The Roger’s dance team 'Chevalier has just been came into the world at the Le- SEATTLE, July 31.—Radio ver- elected an honorary member of . is there now. The Venetian Gar- banon Cedars hospital, Los An- sions of popular light operas are L’Academie du Cinema Francais, dens is still holding its own main- Artistic Scenic geles, shortly before midnight. being broadcast over every the French Advertising KJR ly because summer events require Academy of Motion Mrs. Gallagher is the former Sunday morning, taking the place Picture Art, which has lately Curtains the use of the ballroom. The Tri- been Pauline Mason, stage actress, who of regular church services. A founded in Paris under the chair- By Far th. Best in anon leads all ballrooms, but even America m’arried the Paramount comedian string orchestra, and Betty Ander- manship of that isn’t anything to write home Louis Lumiere, Euro- CURTAIN PRIVILEGES last year. sen, soprano, with George Mad- pean film pioneer. about as most of the dancers have A gold medal, BOUGHT FOR CASH dox, tenor, are the featured units emblematic gone on their vacations. McEl- of his election to mem- OR SCENERY DIRECTOR RETURNS on the program. bership, is roy’s follows a close second. being sent to Chevalier in Hollywood. Chas. F. Thompson Raul L. Stein, Pathe director, GOES ON KJR WILL STAY OPEN has returned to Hollywood from SEATTLE, July 31.—Carrie A. WARNERS BUY PLAY a Continental vacation during Andrew arrived this week from Scenic Co. SEATTLE, July 31.—The Vene- which he studied the talking pic- Spokane to fill a vocal spot on _ 1215 Bates Avenue tian Gardens, scheduled to close Warner Brothers have purchased ture situation in leading European KJR. He also aids children’s pro- Phone OLympia 2914 its doors this week, will remain “Illicit,” a comedy drama by Rob- countries. grams. Hollywood, Calif. open because of the events planned ert Riskin and Edith Fitzgerald. for Fleet week. August 9 it will close and be redecorated for the SHIP AHOY fall trade. Everybody! CONTEST GAG [Sweet Songs 5 Are Coming O They’re SEATTLE, July 31.—The Pub- lix Paramount is sponsoring a Not Only Sweet, But popular office girl contest which provides for a free trip to Chi- They’re Hits • cago. According to A. W. Baker, the manager, it has been stimu- lating quite a bit of trade as each Artists- 9 ticket gives the patron 100 votes Watch For These. to place on their favorite. “Oh, Mother of Mine” CENSOR BOARD CUT Waltz A New Mother SEATTLE. July 31.—The Se- Song attle Censor board has been cut And Different — Also from nine members to five. Dave Himeloch, manager of the Coli- seum, is chairman of the board. “If You Could Be a STAR RETURNING Sweetheart to Me All SEATTLE, Tuly 31.—Jean Har- Alone” low, -star of “Hell’s Angels,” who has been making personal appear- A Knockout Fox-trot ances at the Fox, left yesterday Hit for Hollywood, where she is to resume her picture work. While here she has had one continual PAUL SPOR round of social and civic tribute. “SKIPPER OF CEREMONIES” and STAGE CONDUCTOR MYSTIC AT ORPH Alice Lou Sweet, Inc. aboard the good ship Seattle “Sing Now Paramount SEATTLE, July 31 The Or- Sweet Songs” the Fourth Year for Puhlix On pheum has gone in for the “mys- Played 1 1 507 Seattle Theatre Studios Ports I’ve — Yr. Omaha; Yr. 2 Mos. Toledo tery man” type of entertainment, Pittsburgh — presenting ladies’ matinees every SEATTLE, WASHINGTON morning and featuring “Marjah,” a mystic. SATURDAY, AUG. 2, 1930 INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN PAGE ELEVEN

director of the Theatre Mart, of a difficult role. Bock held up ] valiantly attempts to offer a criti- his end nicely, getting his punch Legitimate Theatres cal professional audience an eve- lines over. ning brimful of entertainment. The enthusiastic two hundred Picture For the past sixteen months, and fifty patrons were satisfied this charming ‘THE MOULTING ANGEL’ Things were in quite a mess. spot has been the with no less than eight curtain mecca of budding authors who TROUPERS’ GREEN ROOM Young brother discovered the calls on this one, with a couple showman was on a shoe-string have found a restful haven for Reviews HOLLYWOOD more for the author. Credit Harry their brain child, together with Before a simultaneously indul- and needed an angel who would Webb Keedy and Frances professional cast made possible Josef gent, and super-critical audience, moult. Brother-in-law, too, was Hickson with an elaborate and in business through the philanthropic activities Ralph Welles, juvenile, presented a jam and needed appropriate setting. Hickson also (Continued from Page 4) of this charming matron. his own original play and aston- help. Thinking to help every- directed. “Pierrette. Buys a Hat,” by ference affair. Direction and treat- ished himself no less than his audi- body and get the showman out oi The evening was topped off with Howard F. Palmer, is the first of- ment were extremely conventional. ence with his instantaneous suc- town before sister fell for him a comedy chock-full of laughs, fering, with Blanche Hedlund as CAST UN G DIRECTORS’ cess. again, which threatened, the “The Land of Manana,” by Jimmy youngster million- Pierrette, De Witt Bodeen as VIEWPOINT: Frank Albertson Mr. Welles proved to be at promoted the Mac. A casting office was the set- Pierrot, and Mary Jane La Verne stole the show with his very fine once a finished actor and a gifted aire. The result was a worse en- ting. Vivian as the as Just-A-Little-Fame. Emory phone work as the boy, while Kenneth playwright. He betrayed a talent tanglement than before, but ironed girl, wise-cracking with the “ex- logically Directed by Guy Hedlund, in an Thompson, H. B. Warner and for the human touch, a delightful out to everybody’s satis- tras” foils the laughs nicely. D. appropriate setting at Pierrette’s Claire McDowell were the out- humor and a sense of fitness. faction. L. Brodie, who directed, plays lodging rooms, the story revolved a standing members of the balance “The Moulting Angel” turned out The actress sister was played by ham actor to perfection, while around the purchase of the hat by of the cast. Sharon Lynn was to be about the most genuinely Jean Reno; the married sister by Maury Gilbert, the typical extra Pierrette through the sale of fairly good as a night club singer, entertaining evening we have spent Violet Neitz; her husband by Les- shiek, wise-cracked his lines like a Pierrot’s masterpiece. The two While Bela Lugosi contributed an in many months. lie Thomas; the showman by vet, and, in a specialty at the youthful were rather in- effective bit as the night club His story involved himself as Bram Nossen, and Kathleen Phil- piano stopped the show. clined to over-play their parts, Helen owner. a whimsical, dreaming youngster lips handled a dizzy blonde role Gillan as a hard-boiled extra girl, with Mary Jane La Verne, a MEARS. in a small town on the edge of who had a good deal to do with looks very promising, while charming youngster of eight years Jer- New York, where he subsisted, the final settlement. aldine Devorak as an escaped nut or so, walking away with the GRAPEWIN SIGNED wfith an out-of-work actress sister, While in some elements a back- put across her lines very nicely. honors, her poise and diction doing on the bounty of another sister stage story, it is staged entirely Elinor Webber as a serious girl, credit to one of more mature Charles Grapewin, Christie com- and her none too well-to-do hus- in normal home setting, full of Henry F. McCann as the a years. Incidental music composed agent, edy star and a vaude and stage band. All refused to take him and interest. It has Orville Emory homely flavor and played by Charles Arthur as “Dustin Round,” player, has been chosen by Para- seriously, which sharpened his wits real laughs, a furtive tear, and al- and Nan Dorland as “Sadie Ridgeway, used in a dance by the Mc- mount to play the part of Mary and stirred his ambition. together is delightful dramatic Gork” handled their parts with couple that lacked finish, was Brian’s father in “Social Errors.” fare, either for stage or pictures. ease. The efforts of the extra While playing in a show at St. worthy of a better spot. Louis, sister had attracted the eye George Gerwing directed the gang to break past the barriers The second offering, “Venetian BOASBERG AT W. B. of a wealthy young man, and there production, and considering the to the director’s office furnished Glass,” by De Witt Bodeen, fea- the material had been correspondence between cramped quarters of the Green for the plot, which A1 Boasberg has been added to limitations, did tured Mary Worth, Allan Wardelle shows plenty of promise. them ever since. She had never Room and other the Warner Brothers’ staff of writ- fine and George Frenger. Wardelle met him, but today. h£ was to pay a job throughout. The cast JEAN. ers and will do the comedy di- seemed uncertain of his lines, as them a visit. Out;«fjf work for a cooperated nobly. alogue for “Fifty Million “Nigel” the son of “Alfred,” played French- year, sister had aliout made up Surprisingly little polish would CHANGED TITLE men.” by George Frenger, who recog- her mind to play her cards for an be needed for regular theatre nizes in “Clementina” (Mary engagement. Brother, temporarily presentation. The first act ran The name of Warner Brothers Worth), a former sweetheart about a reporter at five-a-week, antici- about seven minutes too long, and outdoor special “The Gay Cabal- to marry his son. The material is pated the event by printing the the second act minutes too lero,” has been changed to “Cap- a few smart throughout, but drags con- LEE PARVIN announcement. short; easily adjusted, and in a tain Thunder.” siderably towards its close, the AT LIBERTY love scene between the actress and For a young millionaire of to- glass breaking scene being entire- Manager-Press her old sweetie there was needed “VAUDE” DROPPED Agent day to turn out to be a man who ly unnecessary, as was her sing- a little more careful handling. But 746 South Coronado St. had never kissed a girl, smoked ing. A little pruning here and on the whole, the Los Angeles Radlo-Keith-Orpheum this week a cigar or driven an automobile, there would make this a nice of- Tel. DR. 5931 or VA. 5570 stage has seen nothing better this dropped the word “Vaudeville” in may seem to be a bit far-fetched, fering for vaude. A smart setting, favor of “Varieties.” even if he did come from St. season of the home-grown variety. YEATES. together with elaborate lighting ef- Louis, but really he was an awful fects, helped to put this one over. ass, and James Nudeen did a The dramatic hit of the evening priceless job with the role. Sister THEATRE MART was "Mata Hari,” taken from the just about passed out when she LOS ANGELES life of the famous spy, conceived JUST FINISHED MY MOST PLEASANT WEEK saw him, and things were compli- (Reviewed July 24) and produced by Alice Pike Bar- cated for her when an old sweetie In presenting a series of four ney, and featuring Luz Alba as IN SHOW BUSINESS AT turned up and offered her a job one-act plays, by various authors, “Mata Hari,” Edward Bock as in a show. Mrs. Alice Pike Barney, general “Dr. Bralez,” and Eily Malyon as “Sister Leonide.” The story of PANTAGES THEATRE, HOLLYWOOD the spy’s futile attempt to coerce her lover’s influences in a desper- VILLAGE INN ate attempt to evade the firing HOTEL squad, is laid in the death cell in MODERN THROUGHOUT the Prison de Saint Lazarre. Here LEE WILMOT is an admirable offering for vaude. Special rates to the profession—Acts playing Pantages, Hollywood—and The lines carried heavy dramatic STILL IN LOS ANGELES the Egyptian—will appreciate the comfortable atmosphere. punches with the principal, Luz Alba, walking away with the hon- 5724 SUNSET BOULEVARD THANKS TO SHANLEY AND FURNESS ors, though Eily Malyon, as the WRITE, WIRE, PHONE for Reservations — HO. 4735 nun, showed years of dramatic training in her admirable portrayal JACK LESTER Assistant to LARRY CEBALLOS FEATURING


Just completed two pleasant weeks at Warners’ Hollywood Theatre. My sincere thanks to LARRY CEBALLOS, GEORGE OLSEN and BEN BERNIE m l 1111 1 i 1:1



Hot Licks of Music Song Accidentals By JACK B. TENNEY By RALPH KOEHLER Leaders DANCE SITUATION SERIOUS We have often wondered why so many ambitious orches- tra leaders will trust their chances a brilliant future It looks like a break for theatre musicians—or rather, they of to are coming back into their own. Throughout the country we LOS ANGELES “breaks” or luck. To create popularity is one thing, and to be able find one pit band after another returning to work. It looks A bit of excitement this week to cash in on it is another. Too many depend entirely darned good—for theatre men. with the sudden appearance of a on word of mouth advertising to carry them on, but this The dance men had cause to feel hopeful. With the legits new number from the Olsen and has caused many to fade out of the picture much faster than they were ushered in. back on the job, it appeared that competition in the field of Johnson show. “When Love Terpsichore and kindred endeavor would be considerably less- Comes In the Moonlight’’ jumped There is an old story about the man who, having built a better mouse-trap than his neigh- ened. It was an occasion for whoopie. It is well founded, into the swim without stopping to bor, caused the world to beat a’ "Your Arms.” The words were because there is little doubt that theatre orchestras are re- undress. Very little change in the path to the door of his workshop. written by Ted LaFay, the well- rest of the line-up, which is: turning to the pits. The moral of the story ideally fits known lyric-writer. The number 1. “I’m Dancing With Tears But—things are not stacking up so forte for the rhythm the conditions of that time, but has considerable merit and will be In My Eyes”—Witmark. in these days of keen competition, in around the first largest city in California. The shortly published by one of the boys and 2. “You Brought a New Kind the mouse-trap manufacturer is major publishers. toe and heel business isn’t clicking as hot as it was wont to Of Love To Me”-—Famous. forced to take his product to the * * * click. The reasons are varied and the solutions hypothetical 3. “It Happened In Monterey” buyer, there being so many others Feist. Dropped in for chat with and vague. — clamoring for his attention. a Abe 4. “When Loves Comes In the Meyer, head of the Meyer Syn- * * * And so it is with bands. Your Moonlight” Service, of- —DeSylva, Brown and music must go over, of course, but chronizing Ltd., whose Henderson. you must keep your name before fices and sound studios are located GOLF HURTING BALLROOMS 5. “Absence Makes the Heart the “powers that be” continually on the Metropolitan lot. There I Grown Fonder”—Remick. had the unusual opportunity to In the first place, there are the ping-pong courses and the gigantic and consistently. You’ve got to 6. “Singing a Song To the view for the first time one of the tiddly-wink race-tracks. They are cutting in on the ballrooms about as place yourself before the man who Stars”—Robbins. most complete music libraries ever much as they are on the Cinema Palaces. S. A. works on the putt-putt may hire you—he is your buyer. 7. “So Beats My Heart For assembled for picture purposes. fairway nearly as well as it does on the polished floor of the gilded Fame means much more than just You”—DeSlyva, Brown and Hen- Catalogued and filed under ap- palaces of the Dance. Hence one cause of the lull in the racket. steady employment. It will, with- derson. proximately two hundred classifi- There are other causes, of course. Radio, gin and the direct-action out a question of doubt, bring you 8. “I Remember You From cations, referenced and indexed for processes of the mind of modern youth account for some of it. Sophis- more money as well. Somewhere”—DeSylva, Brown and quick accessibility, the collection tication and the over-exploitation of amusement has resulted in surfeit Ben Bernie, Anson Weeks, Jesse Henderson. comprises everything and any- and boredom. The present crop of Young America is not so dance- Stafford, Earl Burtnett, George 9. “Reminiscing”—Remick. thing. American and foreign pub- minded as it might be. Olsen, and hosts of others got 10. “My Future Just Passed” lications, manuscripts of rare and The older generation is not flocking to night clubs as formerly. where they are, not through sheer —Famous. out-of-print compositions, and nu- They are having nearly as much fun at their homes, or somebody else’s ability alone but through fame, Others clamoring for recognition merous unpublished original works, home, with the radio and home-brew. It is more private and offers all and fame was acquired in a big are: “Moonlight On the Colora- make this library outstanding in the possibilities of the night clubs without the risks and expense. measure through advertising and do” (Shapiro, Bernstein), “Dan- itself. * * * publicity. These men are all gerous Nan McGrew (Famous) I also famous strong believers in printers’ ink. was shown the and “Swinging In a Hammock.” bass drum, said to be the largest Paul Whiteman is said to expend Records in the world, hundreds PARTYING DONE AT HOME from twelve to fifteen thousand as well as 1. “Dancing With Tears”—All of other devices and instruments dollars a year in this way. If it Consequently many of Los Angeles’ “gay and wicked” recordings. used for sound recording purposes. is necessary for the “name” band 2. “11:30 nocturnal resorts have closed their doors, gone into the red Saturday Night” * Of Of to advertise even after it has ar- Victor and Okeh. and bankruptcy, and otherwise folded up. (More diminutive rived, what of the lesser known The Mandarin Ballroom at Re- 3. “My Guitar and You”—All are due to adorn the hitherto despised vacant unit? dondo Beach has brought to the billiard courses recordings. I think a very conservative fore the Westwood Villagers, a lots.) Those places that are endeavoring to survive are cut- 4. “My Future Just Passed” amount which all bands could nine-piece combination under the ting down on the overhead. The overhead invariably is the Victor. spend on advertising is about five co-direction of Walt Robison and slash salaries. 5. “It Happened In Monterey” band. They don’t cut men—they per cent of its income. I know Harry McHenry. Robison is —All recordings. The Musicians’ Union finds itself in a pickle. It faces the of some who go in for more, but well known locally, having pre- 6. “Wah Wah Gal From Agua I think the expenditure should be viously been with Ray West and alternative of pulling union orchestras off of jobs that are Caliente”—Victor. sufficiently flexible to meet the others, while McHenry was for- paying, or attempting to pay, underscale wages or creating 7. “Stein Song”—All record- band’s own individual conditions. merly associated with Guy Lom- first ings. emergency scales to take care of the situation. The Unless one thoroughly understands bardo. Featured with the band is 8. “Singing a Song To the alternative has in its wake the menace of non-union organi- how to do it, however, the general George Penberthy, billed as the Stars”—Brunswick and Victor. wholesale desertion union practice is to retain a publicity “world’s flashiest drummer,” and zations or perhaps the of members 9. “My Pretty Quadroon” — man who' is from, what I saw and heard, he who are starving to death. Brunswick. an expert in his line of work. certainly does know his calf-skins, 10. “Give Yourself a Pat On The second alternative does not offer a permanent solu- not to mention his singing, clown- the Back” Victor. * * * tion. Any discrimination in prices may result in a complete — ing and general nonsensical capers. Max Fisher’s Band finishes a revision of scales and thus lower the standards we have SAN FRANCISCO Musically, the band is plenty two-weeks’ engagement this week hot, and the neatness with which fought so long to establish. By simply sticking to the letter “So Beats My Heart” and “Sing- at Grauman’s Egyptian. Max’s their tunes are dispatched, is par- ing a Song to the Stars” jumped of the constitution and by-laws of the Federation we face future plans are rather indefinite ticularly noteworthy inasmuch as to the fore for the past week in both non-union orchestras replacing union organizations, the but he says that present negotia- the band was organized but two a mediocre session of sheet music desertion of starving impoverished musicians, re- tions may end up in taking him months ago. Among the novelties and and a sales. An accurate list of song back East. It looks very much in which they go in for are such visal of our scale of prices. leaders, in their order, follows: as if the Egyptian will discontinue ideas as “Floradora” “Lady in the * * * 1. “So Beats My Heart”—De- stage presentations and will adhere Shoe,” “To the Steins,” a circus Sylva, Brown and Henderson. solely to a sound picture policy, stunt, and many others. 2. “Singing a Song to the FACE DANGEROUS CRISES for the present at least. The brass section consists of Stars” Robbins. — * * * Jimmy Whippo, Red Pullman, There is little to be gained by kidding ourselves. The situation is 3. “New Kind of Love”—Fa- Kenneth Archibald; rhythm is by acute and the end is not yet. We face more serious crises than we mous. Tom Waring, who is co-featured Harry McHenry, George Penber- have passed through, and though we have passed many with honor, we 4. “Swinging In a Hammock” at the Egyptian with Max, is lin- thy and Dale Curtis; reeds, Frank- have not had much of the spoils. In Los Angeles, particularly, the —Berlin. gering in California primarily for ie Shoemaker, Bob Madson and chief menace to unionism among musicians is the unemployed. The “Dancing With Tears In My his health, and he reports that his 5. Walt Robison. (Continued on Page 13) Eyes” Witmark. stay here has proven very bene- — * * * 6. “I Remember You From ficial. Fred and his famous ag- gregation are back in Somewhere”—DeSylva, Brown and now New Another beach band in that vi- York, but will not rejoin Henderson. Tom cinity is Berni McClintock’s Or- them until he is completely recov- PLAYING TO THE LARGEST 7. “It Happened In Monterey” chestra at The Hut, Hermosa ered. Previous his appearance —Feist. to Beach. The Hut, you’ll remem- PAID-ATTENDANCE IN at the Egyptian, fea- LOS ANGELES 8. “My Future Just Passed” Tom was ber, used to be a sort of semi- ley. tured with Milton Charles at the Sant open affair, but it is now well en- Tears In Paramount. 9. “Dancing With My closed, and if the place continues Witmark. * * Eyes”— * to pack with patrons as it has FALLON 10. “With Guitar” Sher- OWEN My — been doing, the And while we are mentioning management plans Clay. man, Tom Waring, we might add that to. enlarge the place as as to per- mit AND HIS NORTHWEST his song hit, “So Beats My Heart a bigger floor area. For You” is still going over big McClintock’s Band is an eight- 1. “Dancing With Tears In My piece combination that seems Eyes”—Witmark. as evidenced in our “Song Lead- to ers” column. The standings of satisfy the crowds. The personnel 2. “New Kind of Love”—Fa- includes Joe Welder, saxes and CALIFORNIANS mous. the various hits as lined up in that column are arrived at by the violin; Rudy Brandenburg, saxes 3. “If I Had a Girl Like You” actual sales sheet music and and guitar; Gene LaFreniere, NOW IN —Feist. of records over the retail counters. trumpet and violin; Joe Lange, 4. “Singing a Song To the * Of Of trombone; Gordon Collins, drums Stars”— Robbins. Nick Pontrelli, leader at the and vibra-harp; Bill Watt, string THIRD YEAR ,5. “Swinging In a Hammock” bass and sousaphone; Berlin. Rose Room, has just written an Earle original waltz number entitled “In 6. “Bye Bye Blues”—Berlin. (Continued on Page 13) AT 7. “Anchors Aweigh”—Robbins. 8. “Tonight”— Cross. 9. “It Happened In Monterey” —Feist. ’ GUS ARNHEIM 10. “Ro-Ro-Rolling Along” WILSON’S Bernstein. AND HIS ORCHESTRA SONG TRIED NEW After their International Tour, are repeating their tremendous BALLROOM SAN DIEGO, July 21.—A new success at the Ambassador Cocoanut Grove and via Radio KNX. nightly favorite selections are fox-trot ballad by Joe Manaois, Among the the M-G-H Hits: (Formerly Cinderella Roof) “Your Love,” was originally in- “SINGING A SONG TO THE STARS” — IS troduced by the Venecia Orches- “MOON Los Angeles tra at the Salon Venecia, rendez- LOW”—“CHEER UP, GOOD TIMES ARE COMING” vous of American tourists in En- “JUST A LITTLE CLOSER” senada, B. Cfa., Mexico. Judging from the way this tune went over with the crowds and the encores ROBBINS MUSIC CORP. it received, Joe claims it is going 799 SEVENTH AVE. NEW YORK CITY to be a sure winner. —



SAN FRANCISCO, July 31.— The Hall Johnson Choir of 20 Newton Kelly, Cross music repre- Accidentals voices will be heard in “A Synco- LICKS sentative, has left for Reno where pated Sermon,” HOT which Roy Mack By RALPH KOEHLER By JACK TENNEY he begins an indefinite engagement has directed for Vitaphone Varie- at the Willows. ties. Willard Robison, conductor of the Maxwell House radio hour, (Continued from Page 12) makes his screen debut in this pic- (Continued from Page 12) Dearth, piano; Berni McClintock, NEW BOW STORY ture and introduces his new tune, wise ones in the Walled Duchies of Cinema know that a proclama- violin and director. “The Devil’s Afraid of Music.” tion to the troubadours that stand dejected and starving beneath the * * * “Her Wedding Night,” story of frowning embattlements would bring them flocking to their standards the adventures of a red-haired HANDLES COUNTER Some of us seem to he able to by the hundreds, be the remuneration ever so unscalish and non-union. An impoverished movie star who tries to escape stand than and hungry man will work for fifty dollars a week if just so much more men, and a song writer whose Isabelle Gillis, for some years he can get it, even if the scale is sixty dollars a day and he can’t others and no more. Matt Kres- numerous friends life get it. lady make associated with Mrs. Johnson’s sich, Jr., that congenial reed ma- * * * miserable for him, has been se- Arcade Music Shop and for the lected as ’s next screen past year at the Kress music nipulator, who is now married vehicle. Acquisition of the Avery counter here, was this week placed about three months, found that ELIMINATE JOB HOGS Hopwood force that forms the ba- in complete charge of the music out when the Mrs. decided to bob Therefore sis of the picture was announced counter at this store. She relieves her hair. Result: the inevitable the crying need before Los Angeles union mu- this week. Harry Walker. first quarrel, but what could be sicians is WORK. The job-hog MUST be eliminated and quite so nice as the making-up something must be done to relieve the unemployed. Distri- part? bution of * * * work is imperative. Cliques must be busted up and every man must have a chance to knock out three squares a Of all the cool places one could JEJTE nAFfCCD think of working these warm sum- day. It is no longer a question of fraternity and brother- And His San Francisco mer nights, I must say that the hood—it is the pressing necessity of self-preservation. PALACE HOTEL ORCHESTRA ice-skating rinks certainly take The handwriting is on the wall—the time to act is NOW. Featuring His and Gene Rose’s Song Hit, "Tonight” the cake (frosting). At the Palais It will be too late tomorrow and the work of twenty years de Glace I found A1 Sanderson in and his Orchestra attired in a building up a strong musicians’ union will have been collegiate get-up, including heavy thrown to the four winds. maroon sweaters—and comfortable. They’ll tell you that no place SPRIGG could be more ideal to work in JACK except maybe an igloo. MAKING BID FOR A Jubilee MUSICAL DIRECTOR But seriously, with the boys in R-K-O ORPHEUM SAN FRANCISCO new costumes, a new stand to Themie work in, and a legion of custom- ers to play for, the band can work NIGHT CLUB BIZ comfortably and satisfactorily. The In Memory of You” has names in the combination are: been picked by Warner Saxes, Henry Mailman Code Making a concerted effort in a Brothers from a number and . PETER PAUL LYONS submitted as the “theme Morgan; trumpet and trombone, bid for the night club business in AND HIS CONCERT ORCHESTRA Ralph Rothenstein and Jimmy Hollywood, the Montmarte Cafe, song” for their Silver Jubi- lee. Johnstone; piano, Dick Coombs; through A] Bernivici who is fea- Song was chosen by a LOEW’S WARFIELD SAN FRANCISCO bass, “Susie” Milliken; and A1 tured there with his orchestra, the committee and was written Sanderson, drums and leader. management has instituted a series by Dubin and Burke. * * * of special nights, featuring the All Warner organizations, This Week’s Great Reading various celebrities of stage and theatre, radio, music and ORCHESTRA Marathon: “Susie” Milliken hunt- screen. phonograph, will get behind the number for ing through back copies of Inside The Mosconi Brothers bring a big plug WILL PRIOR CONDUCTOR Facts for a “mention” he received their offering together with 16 that is expected to set it in STATE ages ago, and which he has just specialty dancers on July 30, fea- as a number one hit tune. NEW THEATRE SYDNEY, AUSTRALIA heard about. turing after their show, a tap The Warners’ Silver Ju- RETURNING TO THE U. S. A. IN OCTOBER dancing contest. bilee will be held during NEW ACTS BOOKED A1 Herman, together with Lou August, featuring the “big,- Handman and Florrie LeVere, are gest and best” from the slated Warner, First National Among new RKO acts are: The a week later. and Marshall Sisters, singing steppers Substantial prize offerings fall Vitaphone Varieties studios, from the South; Alfred Butts and to the lot of the various winners so they say. Joseph Hadley, as “Mr. Simp and of the contest, which are in ad- TED HENKEL Mr. Sap,” offering comedy dances; dition to the usual Wednesday and VISITS IN S. F. Florence Gast and her Four Boys, Saturday contests which have been the for MUSICAL PRESENTATION in Song vogue some time past. “A New andDance Pat- SAN FRANCISCO, July 31.— tern”; Gloria Lee and the CONDUCTOR and DIRECTOR Lane Mrs. Josephine Orton, sister-in- Brothers, with Four SONG TEAM HERE Southern Step- law of George Marion, picture pers, in a dance act called “Knick player, and niece of the Civil War CIVIC THEATRE Knacks,” James Dyrenforth and Carol and the Silver-Freed days star the Gibbons, noted as England’s out- by same name, ar- Foursome, offering acrobatic and rived Auckland, New Zealand standing composing team, arrived here this week to visit Lou rhythmic dancing. Emmel, DeSylva, Brown and Hen- in Hollywood this fill a Pit n : m (Continued on Page 11) week to Orchestra of 30 Stage Band of 2t derson representative, is special contract signed recently in who a New York for M-G-M. The youth- Cousin. ful team whose recent successes That Sensational Dancer are “Peace of Mind” and “Garden in RUDOLPH and CHIQUITA “Peg Leg” the Rain,” wrote the music of “Sylvia,” which was produced at OPENING “BUSS” McClelland the Vaueville Theatre in London. Idefirsite Engagement While no assignment at for the boys PARIS INN CAFE The Original Organ Talking Personality BATES has been made by Irving Thal- Friday August 1 berg, it is understood that their AT initial bow into films will be spe- cial material for Jack Buchanan’s SAN FRANCISCO’S MOST BEAUTIFUL AND coming flicker. EMIL BRILLIANT ORGAN YEARS IN SHORT RESIGNS STURMER 2)6 CONCERT ON MARKET ST. Musical Director RKO ORPHEUM THEATRE A1 Short was reported to have Paramount Theatre resigned this week as musical di- San Francisco San Francisco rector at the Tiffany Studios.


it i rp— Hollywood Phone 0Lympiat2914 A - __ DROP CURTAINS e Effects^ settings »» the modern stage The Only Act Ever Held Over PICTURE SCREENS the Second Week at Loew’s State. Los Angeles PROLOGUES UNUSUAL FABRICS I DRAPERIES NOISELESS NOW FEATURED IN CINEMAS STASe TAPESTRIES -WALL HANGINGS CURTAIN TRAVELERS Fanchon and Marco’s CYCLORAMAS OPEBATED BY “Green Devil” Idea REMOTE CONTROL ASBESTOS CURTAINS MURAL DECORATION5A This Week—Wilson, Fresno Next Week—Fox, San Francisco My Sincere Appreciation to Marco ¥ PAGE FOURTEEN INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY,. AUG. 2, 1930 Vaudeville and 'Presentations

RKO THEATRE dancers, featured soloists, and finish was fast, and act went over Lights and Shadows, in the trey, FOX EL CAPITAN LOS ANGELES how they can play. Their medley very nice. was obviously cut at this first SAN FRANCISCO Metcalf in spot night show, but contained some (Reviewed July 24) of 1920 song hits and their fea- Jean deuce (Reviewed July 27) tured number, “Man From the opened with a talking song. This exceptionally fine work by the Kanazawa Boys, Japanese Business this Sunday night was (1) South,” were arranged and played was followed by another song, with fern member of an adagio trio equilibrists; (2) Harry Foster at its highest level in several in such a manner as to command a Russian number to close act. and a smash dramatic closer by Welch, one-man band; Harry weeks. The reason: the O’Neill (3) a big hand. Ernie and Dolly Burke, in full the entire nine members of the Carroll and Maxine Lewis; (4) Sisters’ kiddie revue—a favorite Picture was “The Way of All stage. Man entered and while tell- group. Harry Carroll’s Revuette, with Ed- stage concoction in this town—Vic Men” (Warner Brothers). ing some gags tied many different Sylvia Clark closed the show die Bruce. McLaglen in Fox’s “On the OKAY. knots in rope. Lady entered and with her familiar routine of clown- presented in a routine Level,” and the clever Jay Brower, Although each offered some different rope ing and comic songs. Bobby Kuhn of tried and true gags, Eddie Bruce, m. c. spinning tricks. Both do a blind- was in the pit for her act. new comedy juvenile with the HIPPODROME THEATRE far fold and some jumping through Claude Sweeten and RKOlians, These O’Neill kid shows are Harry Carroll act, proved to be thing of LOS ANGELES rope. This was followed by man as a weekly overture, had another better than the average artist enough to put them over (Reviewed July they don’t 27) spinning many ropes at same time comedy offering, this a novel ar- their type. It’s a cinch with such telling effect that even doting and Nolly Tate. Opened show in for finish. rangement of “Around the Cor- have to rely on mamas the press row laughed out loud. applause re- full stage with a tramp makeup, Russell Paul came next with his ner,” with Walt Sullivan again prespiring papas for the ostrich gag, the two intelligently put There was different than last reviewed. uke and song. Then put over a taking the featured spot in a funny turns; as they’re friends from Chicago gag, the together clever kids doing the Opened with some comedy with good parody song. This was fol- version of the tune. with “gave her wine and nectar” gag; long big rope and little dog at lowed by some imitations of gui- A welcome addition to this entertaining. in fact the cream of the favorites end. Nolly then offered some tar and banjo with throat for fin- house’s equipment would be a new In addition to the kids’, offer- of twenty years or so, but Eddie comedy acrobatic tricks. This was ish. Fair act. drop. The present curtain is quite ings Brower and the capable for big returns, dished them up followed by comedy with little dog Earl and Kay, next to closing. antique and isn’t at all neat to house band hadan other comedy and how. jumping in and out of basket. Two men wearing afternoon look upon. novelty to offer. This was “To Carroll first opened in one at the Nolly and one dog offered acr-o clothes put over a nice song and “Once a Gentleman” with Ed the Steins,” during which Brower piano, running through a medley batic tricks for finish. Good, fast dance. This was followed by one Horton was the picture. and several of the muisekers of his own numbers, Maxine Lewis opening act. with dance, the other then offered HAL. donned beards and black caps for furnishing the vocals. Miss Lewis Katherine Farrar, in deuce spot, song and tap dance. Then double their version of this Jewish com- has a better than usual pop-singing offered a violin solo, then offered tap dance. This was followed by ORPHEUM edy tune. Plenty of laughs voice and she puts all she has into “Indian Love Call” on violin. For some comedy talk and dance for throughout, but that’s a weekly every SAN FRANCISCO number. finish a medley of numbers. finish. These young men dress custom with Brower. Revuette with six line girls (Reviewed July 26) The Jean Darling Revue. Eight girls nice and put over a good fast act. BOCK. in an opening chorus, then intro- and one boy. Man enters and an Agatha Brown and Dancing This was a midnight premiere of Radio’s “Dixiana,” heavily billed duced solo dance specialties, Car- nounces Jean Darling, after which Girls, with Verna Gordon. This as another of P.’s Titans, but FOX roll and Bruce in gags, winding up she enters and offered song re- act closed the show, with eight R. in South- which didn’t get such hot word SAN FRANCISCO with a song-hit revue a garding each one in act, as they line girls in a very nice routine ern setting, featuring Carroll, Max- of mouth comment, and doesn’t (Reviewed July 25) entered, and all sing. This was of tap dancing. Verna Gordon fol- look set for a very long run. Show bird’s-eye view of Fanchon ine Lewis and a colored Mammy; followed by boy singing and girl lowed this with a Sis Hopkins A was for the benefit of the Call- and Marco’s “Cadets Idea” and then all on for the payoff dance. doing a toe dance. After which make-up and offered a very good in the open- Bulletin’s kiddie farm, all pro Walt Roesner’s concert from the The Kanazawa Boys all offered different specialties eccentric dance. Line girls in routine of ceeds going to that newspaper for of the Fox balcony—270 er delivered a smooth which consists of tap, toe, and change offered another good dance. top row juggling, scoring the fund. House was quite full, feet away, or a good ten minute’s unusual body other dances, with many different Verna Gordon then offered a very with the tariff. noticeable thing about very heavily. songs. Jean Darling offered “My nice Spanish dance, followed by $1 walk. A In the deuce spot, Harry Foster customers up on the top shelf is Big Moment” in great style with another dance. Then the line girls Seven acts of vaude from the singled in vocal imitations that they’re plenty unreceptive. Welch dance. One girl put over a good in change put over a good tap Golden Gate and Oakland Or winding Probably per cent of them of band instruments, up operatic number, and one offered dance for finish with Gordon on pheum and a concert by Jack 90 with a grand opera performance in the don’t applaud. And the other 10 a very good Hula dance. Jean for bows. This was a good little Sprigg and iRKOlians made up took the parts of con- per cent have friends in the show. which he also did m. c. all through the act flash act and went over very good. show. three sing- they roost up on this top ductor, orchestra and in great style. With a little more Picture was William Boyd in Sprigg’s musical contribution When they’re actually getting the ing principals. Not all at once, work will be a nice act. “Officer O’Brien.” was in keeping with the flicker, row oral end of the show by broadcast however. The crowd liked him, Pee Wee Le Beau followed with BOB. “Evolution of Dixie,” and was system of wires and he took four bows and a cur- some comedy with rope in one. played by the combined bands of means, through a microphones wisely installed tain speech. in which he missed all risks in the Golden Gate and the Orph and Screen offering was Radio’s “The MILLION DOLLAR when the house was built a little good style. This was followed by LOS with Sprigg conducting. Nicely ar- Runaway Bride.” some comedy talk with telephone ANGELES ranged and presented this one over a year ago. (Reviewed July 24) YEAXES. ringing when he got so far in each drew pleasing returns. Speed is Cadet’s first name. M. gag. Then a quick change and (1) Brachard Three, acrobats; Since Claude Sweeten had c stuff is curtailed throughout and Rano and at an STATE THEATRE some rope spinning for finish. (2) Tosk, street musi- played all acts at the Golden Gate the entire unit zips along LONG BEACH Jenks and Hartford. Man and cians; (3) Ferris and Ray, re- he stepped into the pit to conduct astonishingly speedy rate. Some closing, both in vuette; (4) Bibibs and Babbs, ensuing vaude excellent acts, nice scenery, nifty (Reviewed July 23) woman next to the group for the Rube character, offered some very tramp comedians; (5) Luis Ar- acts, which were m. c.’d by Roy costumes and good ideas make this Curtain went up with Flo Mayo good comedy talk. Lady then ex- nold Revue. Rogers and included Loma Worth, one of the F. and M.’s best units. coming on to do some trapeze girls its and man puts over good com Opening act was a couple of Lights and Shadows, Pressler and -Stock line of a dozen work. Her acting scored better ; edy talk regarding lady. Lady then gymnasium boys and their contor- Klaiss, Lane and Osborne, Sylvia started the show by entering from than her gags. MiSs Mayo has offered a comedy song. This was tionist papa. Their evolutions and Clark and Geraldine and Joe, the side of the house and then lots of personality and a big smile followed with more comedy taik were fairly well received. Nothing the applause palms going to the joining the Idea’s six girls and to back it up. Her slow motion _ and a good comedy song and an sensational, not overly smooth and last named pair of 8-year-old six boys in a military number, stunt closed her first appearance eccentric dance for finish. Good no showmanship. youngsters. cleverly done. Two boys, Wallin with a good hand. Later on she act. The deuce spot offered Rano, Another feature was the first and Barnes, in a tap routine were appeared to give a tap dance Dexter, Webb and Dyas. Two baritone, with a fair voice but local showing of a new Radio well received, and then the Millee while her body was hanging in an boys and girl closed show. All needing tone 'support, and Tosk, short, “Humanettes,” a Bert Levey Sisters, in outstanding dance work, position. inverted violinist, erratic into camp. entered and offered a good banjo as to tempo and creation, with Benny Rubin fea- took . the entire .house Jean Spence pleased the crowd number. Followed by two boys not much of a tone producer. They tured. To one where Rognan and Trig- 'toe dancing. with her remarkable playing banjos while girl put over offered light classics and an imi- BOCK. (Continued on Page 15) was on her toes Miss Spence a good tap dance. Boys then tation of Italian street musicians got throughout her entire act. She played another number. Girl in getting a fair hand. fair her rope jumpirlg a hand for change then offered a good acro- Ferris and Ray in trey offered better one for her and a much batic dance while boys played. a song and dance routine. Miss toe tap dancing. A nice act to Ray registered ACTS fairly in EVILLE Boys then played some more, well some VAUD help bolster an all-girls’ bill. while girl in change played violin kick dances, and an unbilled tap the blues singer, Next came while dancing. This was fol- girl soloed. Ferris sang “Spell o’ Barrie. Miss Barrie is DESIRING ENGAGEMENT IN AUSTRALIA Grace lowed by boys playing and girl the Blues” and “Broadway Mel- young, a good singer, and a cute dancing for finish. Nice, fast act. ody” but was no panic. He an I HAVE INTERESTING PROPOSITION girl. Picture was “Three Live nounced he sang the blues num- SEND PHOTOS AND PUBLICITY The best till the last—that A-l Ghosts.” ber in George White’s “Scandals.” comedy team of Grace and Marie BOB. They paid off with a breakaway, INDIAN ARTISTS Eline, and Babe Egan and her getting fair returns. versatile girl band. The two com- Next to closing presented Bibbs SINGERS, DANCERS, ETC., CHIEF LITTLE ELK, WRITE their goods in HIPPODROME THEATRE and Babbs in ediennes presented LOS ANGELES burlesque uniforms, a lively manner that made their performing on tin whistle, bicycle L. AYRES MANTELL, R. F, D. 1, HARTFORD, WASH. (Reviewed act a knockout. July 23) pump, handbells and other con Speaking of liveliness—they don’t Gardner and Donovan opened traptions. A fair hand, come any snappier than Babe and the show full stage. Two men in Luis Arnold Revue offered the her band. Versatile red heads ex- clown make-up offered some very Spanish language vaude featured plains it; a splendid quartet, cute good comedy tricks on bars. Their by this house. Opened with vocal trio singing in Spanish. A Span PATRICK and MARSH ish dance team and a blonde Acts Suitable for Vaudeville, Picture House (AGENCY) WANTED— finger-cymbal dancer offered spe Presentations, Clubs and Talkies cialties. Act well costumed, and VAUDEVILLE—ORCHESTRAS THEATRICAL the Latin- Americans in the audi ence went for it. WANTED! AL WAGER AGENCY Film offering was Maurice Chev- (Artists’ Representative) alier in “The Big Pond.” ACTS SUITABLE FOR PICTURE HOUSE PRESENTATION 221 Loew’s State Bldg. Phone VAndike 3619 Los Angeles, Calif. YEATES. AND CLUBS WRITE—WIKE—CALL RKO GOLDEN GATE 607-8 Majestic Theatre Bldg., 845 South Broadway, Los Angeles Phone SAN FRANCISCO Phone TUcker 2148 (Reviewed July 23) AL LEICHTER GLadstone 3404 These four acts of average RKO vaude were started by Loma Theatrical Enterprises and Booking Agency Worth, versatile girl instrumental- 6912 Hollywood Blvd., Suite 325 Hollywood, Calif. ist, who played 13 instruments, EDDIE BROWDER and MAX MILLARD, Associates netting nice returns for her varied efforts. Looked mighty nice from Walter Trask the front, this gal, and proved to and ENTERTAINERS for be proficient on the many instru- WANTS STANDARD ACTS WANTED—Acts for Theatres, Fairs and Productions. THEATRES, CLUBS, LODGES and SMAROFF-TRASK ments. PRESENTATIONS CAN ARRANGE—Routes for Standard Acts and Per- Deuce held Pressler and Klaiss. Pressler’s comedy makeup and Appearances for Motion Picture Artists Going East WALTER TRASK THEATRICAL AGENCY sonal mugging were the highlights of 1102 Commercial Exchange Bldg. THEATRE MANAGERS and FAIR SECRETARIES:— this turn, which also had Miss Klaiss singing several songs and 418 West Eighth Street Los Angeles Before Making Your Booking Arrangements Consult Us Pressler -doing some hot piano Telephone TUcker 1688 work.

Artists and Acts Register For 206 Majestic Theatre Building Theatrical Bookings, Orchestras and IRA F. GAY AGENCY 845 South Broadway Club Entertainment FA 3421 Los Angeles aatmpg! —


novelty by Paul. A versatile young FIFTH AVENUE man. SEATTLE An Irish jig routine by the girls Vaude and and then a comic adagio team (Reviewed July 24) billed Fanchon as Finn and Haddie. A riot. The “Rose Garden” Idea was and Marco Arthur Turrelly followed with an elaborately colorful unit, fea- Presentations a good whistling and harmonica presentation. Riley back doing turing three separate routine pre- Route List of “Ideas” “Oh, Georgie,” some gags and sentations pertaining to the sub- “Dancing With Tears in (Continued from Page 14) My Eyes” ject, with diversified specialty acts to nice Following ger, comedy acrobatic team, drew returns. sprinkled thorough. is the Fanchon and Marco CHICAGO (1) Ideas route schedule, with the opening the The finale was an international opening Avalon Theatre laughs with some very fine The ensemble was an dates, all of the current month, in paren- number. Always a good fadeout. “Box of Candy” Idea work. Full stage where Mabel effective rose garden scene with theses beside the name of the town: But the success of the show goes Jones & Hull Frank Hamilton and Marcia, in background, the girls in pastel costumes doing PASADENA the (31) Reeves & Leu Marie, Lucy and Irene i entirely to Paul Spor and his boys. harmonized on “Monterey” while some clever stepping. Again fea- Colorado Theatre Paul is a great bet and a winner. “Busy Bee” Idea MILWAUKEE, WIS. (1) the Millee Sisters did another of tured, the line came on for a me- Arthur Clausen and his orches- LOS ANGELES (31) Wisconsin Theatre their dances. Entire lineup in chanical dance number in brief Loew’s tra used a group of Johann State “Goodfellows” Idea white outfits went through a good white and rhinestone costumes, “Modes” Idea Strauss melodies for his concert Sylvia Shore jucille Page Bud Averill Helen Burke routine to close the sequence. while the finale found the girls on and Helen Moore and Stanley Malotte at the con- Harry Smirl Phil Arnold Harrison and Elmo In one again Johnnie the stage as huge roses going into Dunn sole offered some clever and inter- Helene Frances Sunkist Ensemble came for a tap routine topped fast DETROIT, MICH. (25) on a fast dance while esting interpretations of Herbert’s by some SAN DIEGO (31) Fox Theatre Fox Theatre strumming the ukulele, followed “Kiss Again.” aerial acrobatics with swings. Me “Wild and Wooly” Idea * by a song, and a two-uke effect .As to the specialties: Harold ‘Bells and Belles” Idea GIVAN. Hart’s Krazy Kats Bud Carlell Eddie Hill Thornton Tommy Harris Stanton Eva number, closing with another fast opened the show singing Aussie and Czech Davis and LaRue Dunbar Bell Ringers dance while uke-ing. Took heavy “Take Thou This Rose” and came Ray Angwin Bud Murray Girls Frances, Ted and Byron Loretta

PARAMOUNT : applause and then introduced Born SAN FRANCISCO in later for “01’ Man River. and Lawrence, misfit comedy duo, Each was sung with good feeling (Reviewed July 24) who went through their paces in and got across well. Paramount Publix did an about - •> “Sally” and “Mill Stream” with Billed as Three Jacks and face on this show, giving Harry SEYMOUR and CORNCOB gestures, some chatter with Dunn, Queen was an adagio team which That Sensational Comedy Pair in F. and M. “SMILES” IDEA Gourfain a little money to spend a few gags, a little dancing and was good but not exceptional. And for his talent. As a result, quality plenty of applause. Full stage then came Hall and Essley, of the show was boosted 200 per HOLLYWOOD (31) NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. again for a military number with couple of comic acrobatic dancers cent, making this frolic one of Pantages Theatre Strand Theatre the Millees copping the spotlight whose act was fast and clever and the best since the house reverted “Gems and Jams” Idea “Miniatures” Idea and then finale, scored a heavy hand. Joe and to stage shows. Jane McKenna Will Cowan Featuring Singers Midgets Show was titled Maxine Evelyn Walt Roesner gave the custom- Helen Petch was next, offering Jimmy Penman UTICA, N. Y. “Rhythmodix” and was punchy en- LONG (2) ers Scotch for this week’s offer- a snappy tap' solo that clicked. BEACH (31) Avon Theatre tertainment. Fox West Coast Theatre

ing. Used a cleverly arranged A fur fashion show was inserted ’ “Gyp, Gyp, Gypsy” Idea Opened in one with Ted Leary “Green Devil’ Idea medley here which tended to slow things Peg Leg Bates Duponts Comedy Jugglers of the Scots’ tunes with a creating Harvey Karels an atmospheric setting Miles Frank Evers and Greta Jack Vlaskin vocalist singing in the pit. Rising up a’ bit, but following was Red & Kover Nee Wong and then the girls in a frog dance Jeanne Alexandrea Ruth Leavitt stage held a dozen girls in plaid Donahue, blackface, with Uno, his FRESNO (31-2) WORCESTER, MASS. with Dave Hacker tossing in some (2) outfits doing a Highland Fling, spunky little mule, and A1 Wheeler Wilson Theatre Palace Theatre stellar eccentric work which got “Victor Herbert” Idea and a bagpipe player also did his assisting. This was an excellent “Changes” Idea the show off to a good start. To Walter Powell Buddy Howe Doc Baker and Art Hadley Cofeatured stuff. Smash closer came when act and a good laugh-getter. full stage where Ken Whtmer put Victor Herbert Quartette Walzer & Dyer Muriel Gardner three more Scottish musicians, The film offering was “Let Us Electric Duo Ernest Belcher Dancers Sunkist Beauties the band through a medley of atop the organ console, rose into Be Gay.” rhythmic numbers, featuring Jack view. GIVAN. Petty, trumpet, and Saul Sieff, pi- Joaquin Garay, continuing his ano. Spotted throughout the show LEE HALL and ESSLEY CHARLINE indefinite engagement as singer of was Ted Leary who worked with LOEW’S STATE DANCERS COMIQUE F. AND M. “ROSE GARDENS” IDEA pop tunes, contributed “Dancing Whitmer in some excellent gags LOS ANGELES With Tears In My Eyes” and not one of flopped. (Reviewed July 25) which The SAN JOSE, CALIF. (3-6) SPRINGFIELD, MASS. (2) took one of the nicest hands of the Fanchon an d Marco’s “Wild crowd, though cold, thought California Theatre Palace Theatre evening. and Wooly” Idea was one of the “Broadway Venuses” Idea Leary plenty funny and treated “Victor Herbert” Idea Mel Klee Aerial Bartlets him accordingly. best seen here in some time, with (Same Cast as Screen fare featured Greta Gar- Above) 16 New York Beauty Winners bo in Three Society the exception of its very familiar “Romance” and the house Steppers, neat ap- SAN FRANCISCO (1) Wells and Winthrop Freda Sullivan “burning forest” finale. was packed for both night shows. pearing hoofing trio, followed with Fox Theatre HARTFORD, CONN. (2) Entire action was in a mountain 1 BOCK. precision hard shoe work of qual- ‘In Blue’ ’ Idea Capitol Theatre setting with the house orchestra Renoff and Renova Mitzi ity and took a healthy hand. Then Mayfair “Skirts’ ’ Idea Webster and Marine Whitmer brought on Misha Miloff playing the show in the pit. Sunkist Ballet McDonald and Dean Julia Curtiss PARAMOUNT Ruth Silver Up in the Air Girls and Alla Moscova, the latter a Opened with a large company on OAKLAND (1) SEATTLE NEW HAVEN, CONN. (2) looker stage while Ray Angwin vocalized Fox Theatre who went through her Palace Theatre . ! (Reviewed July 26) paces in a Russion song and then “Springtime in the Rockies” with “Cadets” Idea “Marble” Idea “Contrasts” unit opened with Born and Lawrence The Harris Trio went into a dance joined by Mil- the whole company joining in for Miles Sisters Roy Smooit Paul Spor and his Paramounters Rognan and Trigger A1 and Jack Rand off and the line. harmony on the chorus, a pip in the pit and house line girls on Mabel and Marcia Georgene and Henry Frahcia As his weekly musical contri- opening. Wallen and Barnes Hector and His Gang the stage doing a background bution Whitmer trotted out the The Idea featured some re- BRIDGEPORT, CONN. while Paul sang “Ladder of SALEM, ORE. (2-3) (2) alto sax and gave ’em “Dancing markably effective line work by Palace Theatre Dreams” very effectively. Elsinore Theatre “Sunshine” With Tears In Eyes.” Bud Murray’s California Sun- Idea Then came Robin and Hood, My With “Country Club” Idea Vince Silk Barton and Young most versatile beams, who effectively demon' Leonora Cori Masters and Grayce comic pair. Robin, the masculine instrumentalists you Arline Langan and Norman Selby can expect strated the Murray touch jn a Louise & Mitchell Ray Samuels Mary Lou half, in a crazy costume doing tonal quality and sales- Richard Wally unique Derby number, a rope- some pantomime that rated with manship in two or three instru- skipping ensemble and a clever the matinee youngsters but which ments, but with Whitmer you can it dummy idea, wherein the girls WALTER seemed rather expect on all of them. This POWELL pointless. The pair Following sax solo was plenty worked in pairs with a dummy My Brother Jack Powell’s Footsteps was good, however, on unsupported sweet and Featured in Fanchon and cowboy between them for a very Marco’s “Victor Herbert” Idea ladders and got a nice hand. drew an encore. Next George Riley and Paul Auriole Craven followed, vocal- good effect. Angwin handled the vocal as- PORTLAND, ORE. (31) NEW Spor before the curtain in a com- izing “We Love Us” in nice voice YORK (2-5) signment acceptably, working with Broadway Theatre Crotona Theatre edy telephone skit. returns. and then doing a medley of violin Good “Seeing “Eyes” Idea number while the impressive Ranger vocal en- Double” Idea Curtain up to find the band on she went through Stroud Twins Six Candreva Brothers Don Carroll semble also clicking with at- Featured the stage offering a group of old a high kick dance. Leary then and And the Twins: Paul Olsen Bob & Eula Burroff _ St. John, Elga, Clute, hits including “Vagabond Lover,” joined her and the pair ducted mospheric vocal interpolations. Kane. Falla, Maltby, Holly, Keo, Yoki and Toki featuring The unit utilized a series of BROOKLYN, N. Y. (1) a sax quartet with Spor “Swinging In a Hammock” and SEATTLE, WASH. (31) rox Theatre taking patr. “Sweeter Than Sweet” clicked. fast-moving specialties, which in- j Fifth Avenue “Trees” Idea cluded some nifty rhythm dancing Theatre Terrell and “Just Around the Corner,” Finale was “Cheer Up” with all and Hanley Naynons Birds Ted Reichard the latter sung by Spor. “Old hands on deck. by May Larue of Davis and La- “Romance” Idea and Christel Levine Mavis and Ted Fawcett Folks at rue, the spectacular whip and axe- Castleton and Mack Jerome Mann and Thurston Home” with Paul again, Louis Flint made his 'bow as Esther Campbell at the routine of Aussie and Czeck, Mary Price Three Bricktops xylophone this time; and solo organist, doing a musical , PA. (1) _ Robert Cloy in snappy “Anchors Aweigh” with a drum treatise on song piracy in which Hart’s Krazy Kats some Mack Bisset Dancers Fox Theatre tumbling, and Bud Carlell in some “Coral” Idea he featured some mighty clever Maurice and Vincent neat eccentric stepping. YAKIMA, WASH. (2-3) Oscar Taylor counter melody work. Screen had The Royal Samoans La Petite Marie Entire unit remarkably a shifting color background with was Fox Capitol WASHINGTON, D. C. (1) GRACE BARRIE “Rose Garden” Idea Fox a magnascopic effect, giving the fast-moving, even for stage presen- Theatre Red Donahue and Pal Harold Stanton THE BEST BLUES tation style, and this combined “Peasant” Idea SINGER solo a different appearance. Flint’s 3 Jacks and 1 Queen Helen Petch June Worth Johnson with a well-mixed selection of and Dyket IN MANY A BLUE MOON returns on this offering were heav- Hall and Essley Deihl Sisters General Levine ier than the usual specialties, sufficient comedy, rate Aerial Girls Belcher Dancers Playing R-K-0 Circuit console solo ap- plause. the Idea as an outstanding pro- Screen attraction was Charles duction. DOROTHY IPSWITCH MEARS. LEONA SANDERS Ruggles in “Queen High” and ELECTRIC THREE business fair. DUO BOCK. FOX Acrobatic Dancers Featured in F. & M. “Victor Herbert” Idea SOCIETY STEPPERS SAN DIEGO OPENING AT THE In returning from to BUTTE, MONT. New York PANTAGES (31) ATLANTA, GA. (2) PARAMOUNT THEATRE Fox Theatre the Pacific Coast, Doc Howe, Fox Theatre San Francisco, Week July 24 “Brunettes” Idea Fanchon and Marco head booker, HOLLYWOOD “Manila Bound” Idea Thanks to HAREY SANTLEY and Three Slate Brothers HERBERT RUBIN will visit practically all cities “GREEN DEVIL IDEA” Chirot and Mercado Lloyd Brice Romero Family Stella Royal playing Ideas en route. There’s a reason for the twin Ali Ben Hassan’s Bluestreaks Samuel Pedraza Hirsch Arnold Dancers heading on this F. and M. unit re- NASHVILLE, TENN. (2) DENVER, COLO. view. It seen twice in one (31) Princess Theatre was Tabor Grand SALES “Overtures” Idea RENTALS week, in two cities, in San Diego “Smiles” Idea Edison and Gregory Toots Novelle with George Breece and his band Seymour and Corncob Jack Goldie Hfuff and Huff on stage, and in Hollywood with Walter Bradbury Dorothy Neville Helen Hille Louise Manning Lamberti SCENERY Slim Martin and his orchestra in ST. (5-7) the pit. LOUIS (1) STAGE PRODUCTIONS Fox Theatre Orpheum Theatre In San Diego Breece is gaining “City Service” Idea “Desert” Idea great favor as m. c. At Holly- Shapiro & O’Malley co-featured with Eddie and Morton Beck Muriel Stryker Seb Meza PRESENTATION SETTINGS wood, the only addition to the unit Laddie LaMonte Cropley and Violet Chief Eagle Feather George Jager Frank Sterling Clara Torney was Lee Wilmot, in for the week, Girls COMPLETE STAGE EQUIPMENT and well placed. Slim Martin and FABRICS — RIGGING — SCREENS his music in the pit, and selling the SYLVIA SHORE and HELEN show in great style. MOORE FEATURED AT LOEW’S STATE—LOS ANGELES—THIS WEEK Reta Lane opens the show sing- J. D. MARTIN STUDIOS ing an introduction, with Eddie Kover and Harvey Karells doing 4110-18 Sunset by Lee Wilmot for big laugh re- Robt. Boulevard Kover and Harvey Karrels doing Montgomery and Chester; turns. HOLLYWOOD, CALIFORNIA good effect, and planting the line Morris. Business was capacity. Then Peg OL. 1101 girls’ entrance for a well-staged Leg Bates, who tied Poly Wag number, with Miles and up proceedings, not once but three CHEVALIER NIGHT Kover and Harvey Karrels, fol- times.^ The finale features Miles A “Bon Voyage” night will be lowed by an unannounced appear- and Kover and Harv.ey Karrels in tendered Maurice Chevalier inter- ance of Lee Wilmot, does who his some beautiful single, double and national idol, on Thursday, Au- eccentric comedy dance and stops triple work with a tom-tom rou- gust 7, just prior to his departure SHOW the show. tine the girls, by and a flash finish on a European trip, in the Blos- Next, Bobby Gilbert, comedy vi- with flames and sparks flying from som Room of the Roosevelt Hotel. ilinist with Slim Martin, doing a a giant devil. All in all, one of It will be in the nature of a testi- ;orking straight from PRINT the pit. An- the most flashy and punchy ideas monial and benefit for the French; other girl number led by by Reta in long ALLES a time. On the screen, hospital, with proceeds to be MA. 1681 -224 E. 4th St., Los Angeles- MA. 1682 Lane and featuring a travesty dance “Big House” with Noah Beery, turned over to that institution. PAGE SIXTEEN INSIDE FACTS OF STAGE AND SCREEN SATURDAY, AUG. 2, 1930 r '

For Even-Handed Justice IELECT

m -~Ti


Judge of the Superior Court Office 3Vo. 8 a at the PRIMARIES, AUG. 26







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