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10,000 BE8T N1WS HEADERS COVBAGi Ev»ry Frlltav ; Cfc-NTS fblK COP\ FRIDAY, APRIL i:t, 1»84 Czinkota Denies Rumors That He Sylvester Palo HTM, FOtt .^-a.. j „ lownAip Republicans Officially WAHH1N0T0N. The Hous-> Democratic 2nd Announce Candidates for Township Will File Suit Against Township Was Husband Of Hanklni; commute* yesterday nv^i legislation to pay oil THIS WEEK depositor!* in closed national Ward Candidate Committee and Tax Collector For Ousting Daughter As Clerk Woodbridge Girl bankR, but limited the amount which may be paid In full to 1 lii.g With Taxes FOKDK.— 1*K< minim rumor* Gern», Madison and Larson to run for re-eAMtion. — Car- PERTH AMBOY. — Sylvester .660 twinn- thbi p»|>T went l» pr»»i», .See Alaska men Zullo, of Port Re*dmf, to be G. O. P. candidate Says that he never donated to RepyWican campaign fund Palo, one nf the two firemen who The bill, known at the Me- nmtp ttial tiwrli^ I \lp\innlcr. 74-Yea.r-Old Heart tn«t death while fighting a fire in L«od Dill, if pased wnuld aid in Third ward. — John Bargon to be first ward candi- and that stories printed in newspaper were absolutely the depoitttnrs of the closed I Iceland'i Old Volcano dates und«r Democratic banner. — Anthony Aquila and unfounded. I'lnti National Bank and Trust John Turk prominently named in' Democratic circles. he Hupretne cnurt decides that Company of Wnodbrldge, and trnment ha* the power to tax a the Kurdn National bank, which _g out of existence. This de- WILL NOT CLAIM SALARY was reopened »\\ unrestricted DEMOCRATS ENDORSE TRAINER Hon came with approval of a 15- bantu recently Tin. provision* in the hill, a» . a pound tu on oleomargarine. WOODBRIDGE.—Vigorously denying the rumors WOODBRJDGE.—With but a few days left for filing _j purpose of that tax Is to make they now stand, provide for that he paid $500 into the Republican Campaign fund in psynii-nt in depositors In all petitions, hoth the Democratic and republican parties in | Imponlble to manufacture oleo- th . Township have practically chosen their candidates Tor order tp obtain a job for his daughter, Mary, Paul Cinko- loiiul, Htatf and private ( • profitably, and thus com- liankH wlilcii wire doBed on or the Primary election to A.>e held Tuesday, May 15. people to eat tmtter, whethsr U, local merchant, said that he had no intention of filing after January I. HIHO. mi to Tin.' Republican organization has officially announced J can afford It or not. a civil suit against tire T&wwahip f<»' the. dismissal of his ,5(10. I Doubtless that Is wise, In (act, It daughter, who i« a minor. Tim $2,500 iKiyment also ap- tin' following slate: be wise. slnc« the Supreme Interviewed by a representative, • phiw to hanks which are now t'oniniitteeman Harry M. Gerns, candidate for re- : says so. of the Leader-Journal Mr. Czlnko-I doBcd. or which have reorgan- I'lictinii, first ward; Committeeman Howard Madison, | But aome dsy, when we hive, as Izw) or renpennl without ;inv- 1 *-w: iGOOD ROADS AND m."in in full. (•unilidatt for reelection, second ward; Cannen Zullo, of l shall have, one thousand million 'I have never donated any motl- candidate for rommitteenmn in the third , In the United States, and ey to the Republican campaign WALKS NECESSARY n"mi -I'lid"*'"'Aliwrt'Lftrson, candidate for reelection to the _[ room for so many cows, It may und and the newspaper that FOR MAIL DELIVERY (iffice of tax collector. I daslrablt to have a good sabstl- printed that story would have itangni t4> Run i for butter, and we msy regret On the Democratic «!««• l^f ij'S hostile taxation. «d. Tliat i—r~ Isefin Resident ican Llub. Avenelite Killed is ,,niy one man whQ h«n ofllclsUly he liberty of printing a mis- coniwiited lo run, John leading story without knowing! • Alaska, and at the same time WOODHIUDGE. Tire rouaons whu will bf candldatp for ftr*l i the whole United States, do mthe true incmfacts., •«for' »1 ..*.—.-neveT sai- d -- city delivery Killed by Car As Bike Crashes ward eonimlu<*min. N ...i the Panama cnnal on a big that I was going to sue the Town-j topostar nol t servicobtainine gthroughout lhe - | T 1 i, vM known in Woodbrldg* Ship. t and see what men can do when "It seems that the paper has town were fully explained at a meeting of the First Ward Repub- In Woodbridge Into Local Truck| . ^« ^x°ri* f OH s nation's power. Or trav- been writing my family UP f°r tb* = r rail, studying the cities of th« \rr"^TouM..ueB W I llcln Club, Unit No. , told Wed- the pospast twelve yeayearsr . Hf his _,, or take your esr, which not know What 1 can't un-jnesday nifiht atjhe club roonm on \V(K)1>H!;1IM;K. -John Hinki\ KNI'.l.. ItldtiiK t\ hlpyrle out president of the Board of Hre (11 H'.l.l'N I V1.IA WW.I! ! ilrivii\o\ of ihe Maple Tri1!' CommlMloners for the past six _ everywhere and stops where deraliind Is why they make state- Fulton street. The club haa been , ul Da], Tree road. lHelln, wut- 'iirni. Joseph Htet. twenty-seven, vears. Mr. BerRen K »n active »>v ments that are entirely untrue mi- working tor delivery service of . I V'iirni. ichoose, or fly, and see the world fatally injurcii shortly Vt'ore ten >1 l''onls, iiiiKliiluli- I'CII- ennm u employee :il the uirni. WHH in empt fireman at the prwwnt time lens th«y are'' trying to be sensa- mail to all houses lor some lime i above. n'clorlt S;ilurd»y nlRht. when iiHMimii IBKI yi'Hi-, inny !«' lilit" whtirilv utter alHl* serving on the relief committee ot tional. 1 Intend to «ee that the and linitlly Stephen J. Superak, of stunllv klllfd I Alnika, a mrtgnlflrpnt empire Baiulurd avenue, WoodbridKe Dpiiuiirnlir nii\dl<lnh> for ninuiilt- ninht when lie the Woodbridge Fire Company newspaper that wrote those false si ruck by a car owned by Dor 'rlwk Monday ay In the northweit, See was instructed to write to Wash LCH-liiBit lit lilt- «>nivl H«nl »m«lll nUW nf u Gorton N« 1 He Is also an ex-chief of stories retracts them." eeey Motors, inc., and driven by oraahed lnin t gewsrd bought for the United I.IIIK year. Mr. Alexandra- ami An- • ('n-.iiii ('omiuuiy truck, driven that department. He Is well known Mine Glnkota was appointed an'ingtongton. Thomas tlallant, at. of 7 2 Albert uinonK th» old time™ of Wood- for 17,200,000. A purchase assistant thimy A. Atjutla haVf been moot .... Arnold Jensen. 2M, nf ('hurrh clerk in the Township Treasurer's W. W. Howes, First Illl'lllloillMl ill " bridge, bavlnu been Instrumental was called "Seward's folly." answered treet, Wnodbridge. strpcl, Sayri'vllle. office the first of the year. After Postmaster Ueueral, IMIII wani In DflliiH-ral Ir In forming th« old Citliens nfe r took small change like S7.2OO, : accident occured on Atnhoy Hiuiy sii4lulii>Ml multiple fnif- a. tew months, It was discovered Mr. Superak's communication and An-nrrftau; n> l«rt> nirmini ll i» a and Drum «on> in Culter'ii lane, where Hinko and u tiirost nl tin- skull. HIR body way ._. in thoge days. But It that someone with experience In informed him that delivery Limits question whether » man from avenue, iibout 150 reel, north of ii'iuovi'il to ihii iinilertaktnR e»- Name (Win- CandldateH I profitable "folly." Alaska hai finance was needed for the Office. could not be extended unlesB the companion, Louis Slpos, of Oak l'orclK or lHt'llli »<iul«l IR- III*' "><»< 1 talillaluut'Hi of Coruntr Kilward A. Others irim an> ruworwi to run „ J419.791.00O In jold, more 1'. Wlltam Lauritsen was appoint- territory te provided with im- Tret- road, luelin were walking jciil rnndiduli) Ihis ytm . Finn. A lerlinlcn,! Pharj;e of man- •«fi th# UauocraUr ticket are (ur- 1 fifty tines Alatka'i cost alone. ed to the posttton the flr*t of prov*ro d streets and continuous lone tin1 west Hide of the rflad. April. iUewalksk . thiutiiti-r w;is niailf uKaTnut jpn- mer ConiniHt(*man Anthony A. Empire," which ought to Gallant, Slnki Mine Clnkou, herself, Is highly The complete communication IHIMIl Aquila, aeconHecond ward anadd ppouibly _ w, estimates that Alaska has q Turk, of Hewarai, third indignant over the stories written was as follows: riuddenU tell into the path of Ilia Costume Dance to \iToriHnv i0 intoriuallon Riven John Turk, of Hewa, I worth to the United States J2,- W:IH a former John h Thmas about her. She said that she and Reference is made In your re- car and he could not avoid hltt Hie police, Raiiy ward candidate, although Thomas ., after subtracting the cent letter wliereln you request The I^to Hylvester Palo him Uullum and Michael Klsh, reaidt'iireaidtiii ooff CaiM. His wife is LesJiy non w looma up is the po«p - her lather never had any inten- said .in have died two year* ago k h" It 1B believed rice. The Klf-iupportlng rein- information necessary to obtain 'H'-l Fulton street, rushed the vic- Be Sponsored By ible "dark home". It 1B believed tion of filing suit and that the i t your real ml iln'ir two rhlldrnn ure now IB F*lon« will more than pay for city deliver}' service t0 your real- i tim to the Perth Amboy Genexa that MichaeMicha l Trainerner, (orawr only "hornets neat kicked up" was 1 liome.