Ev»ry Frlltav ; Cfc-NTS fblK COP\ FRIDAY, APRIL i:t, 1»84

Czinkota Denies Rumors That He Sylvester Palo HTM, FOtt .^-a.. j „ lownAip Republicans Officially WAHH1N0T0N. The Hous-> Democratic 2nd Announce Candidates for Township Will File Suit Against Township Was Husband Of Hanklni; commute* yesterday nv^i legislation to pay oil THIS WEEK depositor!* in closed national Ward Candidate Committee and Tax Collector For Ousting Daughter As Clerk Woodbridge Girl bankR, but limited the amount which may be paid In full to 1 lii.g With Taxes FOKDK.— 1*K< minim rumor* Gern», Madison and Larson to run for re-eAMtion. — Car- PERTH AMBOY. — Sylvester .660 twinn- thbi p»|>T went l» pr»»i», .See Alaska men Zullo, of Port Re*dmf, to be G. O. P. candidate Says that he never donated to RepyWican campaign fund Palo, one nf the two firemen who The bill, known at the Me- nmtp ttial tiwrli^ I \lp\innlcr. 74-Yea.r-Old Heart tn«t death while fighting a fire in L«od Dill, if pased wnuld aid in Third ward. — John Bargon to be first ward candi- and that stories printed in newspaper were absolutely the depoitttnrs of the closed I Iceland'i Old Volcano dates und«r Democratic banner. — Anthony Aquila and unfounded. I'lnti National Bank and Trust John Turk prominently named in' Democratic circles. he Hupretne cnurt decides that Company of Wnodbrldge, and trnment ha* the power to tax a the Kurdn National bank, which _g out of existence. This de- WILL NOT CLAIM SALARY was reopened »\\ unrestricted DEMOCRATS ENDORSE TRAINER Hon came with approval of a 15- bantu recently Tin. provision* in the hill, a» . a pound tu on oleomargarine. WOODBRIDGE.—Vigorously denying the rumors WOODBRJDGE.—With but a few days left for filing _j purpose of that tax Is to make they now stand, provide for that he paid $500 into the Republican Campaign fund in psynii-nt in depositors In all petitions, hoth the Democratic and republican parties in | Imponlble to manufacture oleo- th . Township have practically chosen their candidates Tor order tp obtain a job for his daughter, Mary, Paul Cinko- loiiul, Htatf and private ( • profitably, and thus com- liankH wlilcii wire doBed on or the Primary election to A.>e held Tuesday, May 15. people to eat tmtter, whethsr U, local merchant, said that he had no intention of filing after January I. HIHO. mi to Tin.' Republican organization has officially announced J can afford It or not. a civil suit against tire T&wwahip f<»' the. dismissal of his ,5(10. I Doubtless that Is wise, In (act, It daughter, who i« a minor. Tim $2,500 iKiyment also ap- tin' following slate: be wise. slnc« the Supreme Interviewed by a representative, • phiw to hanks which are now t'oniniitteeman Harry M. Gerns, candidate for re- : says so. of the Leader-Journal Mr. Czlnko-I doBcd. or which have reorgan- I'lictinii, first ward; Committeeman Howard Madison, | But aome dsy, when we hive, as Izw) or renpennl without ;inv- 1 *-w: iGOOD ROADS AND m."in in full. (•unilidatt for reelection, second ward; Cannen Zullo, of l shall have, one thousand million 'I have never donated any motl- candidate for rommitteenmn in the third , In the United States, and ey to the Republican campaign WALKS NECESSARY n"mi -I'lid"*'"'Aliwrt'Lftrson, candidate for reelection to the _[ room for so many cows, It may und and the newspaper that FOR MAIL DELIVERY (iffice of tax collector. I daslrablt to have a good sabstl- printed that story would have itangni t4> Run i for butter, and we msy regret On the Democratic «!««• l^f ij'S hostile taxation. «d. Tliat i—r~ Isefin Resident ican Llub. Avenelite Killed is ,,niy one man whQ h«n ofllclsUly he liberty of printing a mis- coniwiited lo run, John leading story without knowing! • Alaska, and at the same time WOODHIUDGE. Tire rouaons whu will bf candldatp for ftr*l i the whole United States, do thme true factsincm., fo•«r' 1» neve..*.—.-T sai- d -- city delivery Killed by Car As Bike Crashes ward eonimlu<*min. N ...i the Panama cnnal on a big that I was going to sue the Town-j topostar nol t servicobtainine gthroughout lhe - | T 1 i, vM known in Woodbrldg* Ship. t and see what men can do when "It seems that the paper has town were fully explained at a meeting of the First Ward Repub- In Woodbridge Into Local Truck| . ^« ^x°ri* f OH s nation's power. Or trav- been writing my family UP f°r tb* = r rail, studying the cities of th« \rr"^TouM..ueB W I llcln Club, Unit No. , told Wed- the paspost twelve yeayearsr . Hf his _,, or take your esr, which not know What 1 can't un-jnesday nifiht atjhe club roonm on \V(K)1>H!;1IM;K. -John Hinki\ KNI'.l.. ItldtiiK t\ hlpyrle out president of the Board of Hre (11 H'.l.l'N I V1.IA WW.I! 1 _ everywhere and stops where deraliind Is why they make state- Fulton street. The club haa been ! ilrivii\o\ of ihe Maple Tri !' CommlMloners for the past six , ul Da], Tree road. lHelln, wut- 'iirni. Joseph Htet. twenty-seven, vears. Mr. BerRen K »n active »>v ments that are entirely untrue mi- working tor delivery service of . I V'iirni. ichoose, or fly, and see the world fatally injurcii shortly Vt'ore ten >1 l''onls, iiiiKliiluli- I'CII- ennm u employee :il the uirni. WHH in empt fireman at the prwwnt time lens th«y are'' trying to be sensa- mail to all houses lor some lime i above. n'clorlt S;ilurd»y nlRht. when iiHMimii IBKI yi'Hi-, inny !«' lilit" whtirilv utter alHl* serving on the relief committee ot tional. 1 Intend to «ee that the and linitlly Stephen J. Superak, of stunllv klllfd I Alnika, a mrtgnlflrpnt empire Baiulurd avenue, WoodbridKe Dpiiuiirnlir nii\dl for ninuiilt- ninht when lie the Woodbridge Fire Company newspaper that wrote those false si ruck by a car owned by Dor 'rlwk Monday ay In the northweit, See was instructed to write to Wash LCH-liiBit lit lilt- «>nivl H«nl »m«lll nUW nf u Gorton N« 1 He Is also an ex-chief of stories retracts them." eeey Motors, inc., and driven by oraahed lnin t gewsrd bought for the United I.IIIK year. Mr. Alexandra- ami An- • ('n-.iiii ('omiuuiy truck, driven that department. He Is well known Mine Glnkota was appointed an'ingtongton. Thomas tlallant, at. of 7 2 Albert uinonK th» old time™ of Wood- for 17,200,000. A purchase assistant thimy A. Atjutla haVf been moot .... Arnold Jensen. 2M, nf ('hurrh clerk in the Township Treasurer's W. W. Howes, First Illl'lllloillMl ill " bridge, bavlnu been Instrumental was called "Seward's folly." answered treet, Wnodbridge. strpcl, Sayri'vllle. office the first of the year. After Postmaster Ueueral, IMIII wani In DflliiH-ral Ir In forming th« old Citliens nfe r took small change like S7.2OO, : accident occured on Atnhoy Hiuiy sii4lulii>Ml multiple fnif- a. tew months, It was discovered Mr. Superak's communication and An-nrrftau; n> l«rt> nirmini ll i» a and Drum «on> in Culter'ii lane, where Hinko and u tiirost nl tin- skull. HIR body way ._. in thoge days. But It that someone with experience In informed him that delivery Limits question whether » man from avenue, iibout 150 reel, north of ii'iuovi'il to ihii iinilertaktnR e»- Name (Win- CandldateH I profitable "folly." Alaska hai finance was needed for the Office. could not be extended unlesB the companion, Louis Slpos, of Oak l'orclK or lHt'llli »<»< 1 talillaluut'Hi of Coruntr Kilward A. Others irim an> ruworwi to run „ J419.791.00O In jold, more 1'. Wlltam Lauritsen was appoint- territory te provided with im- Tret- road, luelin were walking jciil rnndiduli) Ihis ytm . Finn. A lerlinlcn,! Pharj;e of man- •«fi th# UauocraUr ticket are (ur- 1 fifty tines Alatka'i cost alone. ed to the posttton the flr*t of prov*ro d streets and continuous lone tin1 west Hide of the rflad. April. iUewalksk . thiutiiti-r w;is niailf uKaTnut jpn- mer ConiniHt(*man Anthony A. Empire," which ought to Gallant, Slnki Mine Clnkou, herself, Is highly The complete communication IHIMIl Aquila, aeconHecond ward anadd ppouibly _ w, estimates that Alaska has q Turk, of Hewarai, third indignant over the stories written was as follows: riuddenU tell into the path of Ilia Costume Dance to \iToriHnv i0 intoriuallon Riven John Turk, of Hewa, I worth to the United States J2,- W:IH a former John h Thmas about her. She said that she and Reference is made In your re- car and he could not avoid hltt Hie police, Raiiy ward candidate, although Thomas ., after subtracting the cent letter wliereln you request The I^to Hylvester Palo him Uullum and Michael Klsh, reaidt'iireaidtiii ooff CaiM. His wife is LesJiy non w looma up is the po«p - her lather never had any inten- said .in have died two year* ago k h" It 1B believed rice. The Klf-iupportlng rein- information necessary to obtain 'H'-l Fulton street, rushed the vic- Be Sponsored By ible "dark home". It 1B believed tion of filing suit and that the i t your real ml iln'ir two rhlldrnn ure now IB F*lon« will more than pay for city deliver}' service t0 your real- i tim to the Perth Amboy Genexa that MichaeMicha l Trainerner, (orawr only "hornets neat kicked up" was 1 liome. He liiis been by the "paper that printed a dence. , centthe , Istor, aned oWn , SmitGranhd streeta , Wed hosjiital but he was pronounced il»l»> HHtiitr Township TwMurerTwMurer,, will runn for lovi'il at tli« Ma|)le Trw Parm story bailed only upon malicious "lu accordance with the provi- ne»day morning, was the husband dead upon iirrival. at the hospit; Holy Name Group the oflte« ott tax •colector, having sions of paragraph 14, page 1" ot of a former local woman,~the for-|gipogipoHn was not hurl. Coroner Ed since liist Noveiulier. and already r«e«lved the endorwnieat his poem beginning "Dear rumors." Olfli-ern Sinners. Leldner the current I'oatal Guide, city mer Gladys Osborne, of Wood-; ward A. Finn took charge of Sin WODDl'.IJIii'.l-:. Final plann ; ot the third Ward Democratic club d, thou art lost," Heine raulnds dent. delivery limits will uot be extend- bridge. Mrs. Palo iH a sister of ko's !iody. have been ••t>m1>lftt-il fur the Holy Wednesday nlg.hl. friend that fUenten habw ed unless the territory lo which it Stanley Osborne who is employed Gallant was held on a technical num. S'K'U'iy (liinri* to lit- held i ftOlo, PopMUr Candldatr anne ("princes have long RUTGERS PROFESSOR is proposed to extend servia* 1B at the Woodbridge post office. oi manslaushter. Wednradiiy nii;ln. April IS. at St. FUNERAL SERVICES The new Republican candidate, ). ADDRESSES ROTARY provided with improved strwu, Besides hia wife, the deceased Jiimen' auditorium. The affair will Carmen Zullc, wan bora la Port Insull of laarnt gopd continuous sidewalks, cross is survived by two children, Syl- lie n costume lull! ami elaborate WOODBaiDGK. — Mrs. Marie HELD FOR FATHER 36 yean ago. He attend- rjMl 8am has laag arms also, walks, street lighta, and street vester, Jr., three years old and lotions :ire underway t( tb« (oodbrldpc Township pub- WOODHRIDGE — Howard Hu and the houses am num- Bert, one year old; bis parents, GOMQII. of Tisdale place, assisted make Oi is v'Vi'iii uti o\itsla.ndln(; LANGAN'S m eaa reach out far to get what h«r, head or the Agricultural col uered a&i provided with mail re-lf^v ™" J"*1 "'"• — * . by Mm. J. Boyd Johnsuu, euUr- lic ach^k eraduitlng from Wo«d- W MPU l'l a M^al wUb lU.f wants IJJ«H. yi Uutsen. University, wa «eu»Ml«ti ur slou in the door •-|Mr "* Mrs.* PamuaU Palo, a »\ at & luncheon ••••-'—•• * , •-- Mn:;-M«f> P. _. Haul! femsU Mmttf mtt Once anuin tin. «td litneTs ":u\i\ ill I« flu tliefi ;itten allfiid iiud Ir.ive I'nlv.'rsiiy raeelving a degree in ,*,on n*BeUng or th* Rotary Club will uot b« extended .to any block u lirotlii'r. liniberto Palo, a trach Ilifir fun. I'risses will be uwunleil Rev. ranciK X. Ijin^an. iiasmr nf i in 1 i22. ridtag at anchor under th» walls | lield yesterday noon al the Middle- A St, James1 church, died Mmulay lu wliicli less tliau ttity i»er cent eV«,:";; SOOTR^; «h^r •• * ^^ ^«»»• - »»»-L In]' tbe mom oriKinul, the lumilest Istanbul, on the little strip of ni'Aht al. St, James1 reclory. Tbe following .war Mr. Z"»O sex hutel. The speaker wan intro- of thev mijuuildlni,; lots ure iunirov«d iiiul the l»esl looking costuniex. ri«l Mian Sophie l.enesky. of ir thit tepantes Europe from duced by Judge B. W. Vogel. ami Uuusea occupied. TU..re will also lie waltz uud door Mrs. Donohue was born In Key- mar South \uiboy. The couple have But Uncle 8nm reached out l'rol. Huber spoke of the ac- "At thia time ike duyartmettt vrizfs. poil, tin- ilau^litei of the late l'al- three children; Rob..ri. >*; Edward tivities of Rutgers University aud \\iix liimiil ii necessary t0 limit Board of Health Plans Campaign llliarlefl Kenny is the general riclt and Mary ljingan. She II;UH n-~ Ml long arm. and Mr Insull Is sr tlu: increasing needs of education. carriar deliveries ul all [lost of- I chairman and lie iH being aaninl- •iilfd ;it tilt- rectory^ since P.ither ii and Jime|ill, It- •aaUd by the Turkish government, Ht: aalii it wan uecetiBttry lo touch in urdw to meet hudgebdt t re- il hv Hit; follmvinR committeeH: iiiimiin heoame irastor here. Be- Mr zullo Is a wast cbtef of the unless the Chicago utilities pruple lu gel along w|th each nts. If It is your desire to To Eliminate Nuisance of Dogs sides l-'allier Laiman nhe Is sur- r.irt Heading l-"»r.- Company aj»d Tickets, Miubael C«nol<(, cbuir- re •t* Is able to perform some vived liv a Hi«t«r, Mian Ann 1. UIH- lumlsdloner if " other. city delivery service lo ..uin;- Andrew Deeniond. ] MunU-.. v wonder, his arrest probably -Ill: professor alao spoke of ttit- your result-He, it is suggeetied Kdwurd Hinliorn, chalrmuli, Jus Kan.... ,. -.IIBII uf WoodhridRe. She was: No. 2. He lias ham wl' * i the last active chapter In his experimental station ut Rutgers thu.1. you linut; this matter lo our Running at Large in Township ,-i)b O'Brien, Chris Witting, Henry a mem'.it't'of the IloHury society. lj""."! j1,".""-, , and the grouji meeting which in- utli'iitlun alter July 1, when the Neder. Willinm (ioulden and Vic- Mineral service were held ,es- '" clvlc, and [ra'^1 orde™ ' , f a; Bahway clude n newspaper institute, und Department will be better able to tor (ioley. teniay nuirnitiK a. ten ti'dock'* "*"lb«r °' «**«•»* Council, Insull is seventy-four yean Action Started by Committeemaii John A. Haa»y.- of the Klks, Sons M Italy. man of Interns pride, nour labor confttrenews. grvi! consideration to irequests tor with a srtlemn requiem blsh mwu "'" ( Campbell advises employment of dog catcher to remedy ehu and Increased by success, extension of. service." DBlaney, Bernard Dunit'an, Nov- was in . Josephs cemetery. atlon. At tbe r i years of unquestioned dom- situation. envloytd by the U. S. Metals, Car- BUSINESS GROUP ma,n Lewis', Leo Menard, Joseph p()rt It will b* hard for a heart Hev Lankan celebrated the mass in tbe scrap metal depart- WOODBRIDGE.—Preliminary plans to eliminate the A ray and James Jardot. .r-four years old to stand tha DINNER COMMITTEE Marsh New Head Kefreshmerita, Joseph Dolan. minted by Rev, Fr. BaJftn. of . that will be pot upon htm. nusiaTTcfdo^ running la*e in ttie Township we echairman; Owen Dunigan, Michael yinelaud, deaconileacon; Hev. John Imlepewhnt8 to Hie MEETS TO-NIGHT Of Epworth League nusianee oi aogij rumuuS .ion.MrB Nathan Patten, Mrs, Adam | Klein, of Aven«l, a guard at the ber of persons O & S ! Townlip Clerk B. J. D«-*a. air I Clrka. s thick cap of Ice «or- be held Wednesday night, A.iril the home of Alfred Tyrell, of TIB- E ru'jlicity. Lawrence K. Camp•^'i Snytler, Mrs. B. J. Levi, Mrs. Jos-'l^hway Reformatory and Samuel 25. at the Craltsmen's club will dogs. Health chairman; Norman Le.wia, C M I th« summit, ercry sign of r«- dale place. Peterson. "declared thahat since the reported that there were McLaushlln" " , and' Mrs" . "•—Howr-, FUrrellPurrell., of Edgar Hill. The Ind*lnd»- meet tonight «t ihe home of Mrs. ftm of the month, h~ H»» re- births, 22 deaths and IS mar Blxel and Victor (ioley. eph ' pendents will not have the sup- J old aje. Other officers elected were: first of the month, hhe has re- riages during the month of March. Marthr a Zettlemoyer, of West ave- The judges for the various ev- urd Valentine. port of the regular Republican, or- jbitsnta of Naputad rlllags, first vice president, Stuart Schoon- ceived" reports of dog bites on the Health Officer Peterson was in- entB,will bei Edward Hardinwu. • The honorary Vail bearers were, nueSevera, Sewarenl wel. l known speakers ganization, however. Kby tht peak, In SkaptaMlsbys- over; aecond vice president, Don- average of two or three a day. structed to have the nureea at- James O'Huj;eii, Michael Trainer, Michael Conole. OwenJ-b.^ mini wilSeveral be oln welhanld at the dinner, in- ald Annie; third rice president. MadJaon-AquUa Fight ' t certain that Skeldararjoekull Commenting on the situation, tend the^next Board of Health |D- room starting at 2:ISO; a supper, Leahy Of Mclntosh, South John A. Turk, of Sewaren, who world. If snyone says, "H« ton, of Green striet. Rev. andj j^nta, Rev, Dr. William J. Hlck- may run for th* third ward nom- to be held from fi o'clock to 7; JO may run mr »«•• „_.._-— m_. to spend his money lu Axnsr- MrB. Welles, will leave shortly for ^ o( I'erLh Amboy. h fl&alic ticket o'clock and a program of enter- _ Mediterranean trip. ination ou the t&noeraitc ticket, l)" Mmlnd him tbat Uockefellsr Iselin Girl Sustains 'ThThe « funeral arrangementarg s were is a favorite, in his district, being tainment to be held at 8:00 P. M, The guests included: Mra. Ed- in ctuirae of Edward A. Finn. 1 OU money liss bwen made Mrs. Herbert Masfleld. is gen- very active in politics although a i oT*f tbe ilobt. Broken Leg When ward R. Welles, Mrs. James A. eral chairman; and Mrs. W. V. D. Compton, Mrs. Ada Fullerton, CT I AMCC Dl aVEDC ~ youag "'*"• He is later68le•-' present committeeman, who an- er that the Conquerors aud Athletics (two k^^am^ I way Memorial hospital for treat- Thomas J. Moran, Mrs. Merrill A. Kroup, haa callod nounced two w«eks ago that he RiTLSjiSS: PHPe^a^^^aM Athletic.,(tw. , umbian club. The door prize, 11 MoBlien, Mrs. C. H. HdthfusB, Mrs. | ready and the play is ahaplng «P were ment by Blackford. Motorcycle Of- ttoor'Iani5"waB*won~by"Harry Van | M«»"«»' Mr» l] "• "''"»u™. >•>» would not b« a candidate lor re- and conttrmiug miracles par- awarded the cream put! bat for turning in the first wefl. ficer Carl Sundquist lnvestlKated v...aii » i»aii«i of fruit was) 11- j Hu.tlliT, Mrs. F. A. Si-liuufele. Mrs. election this term. by Don tiiovauni Bosco, tm- 'juseball ganie of the Township season and believe it or the accident. .'asuoll. A .. i..iuiuv iimi ] John W. Kbepliard. Mrs. '"-••-'•- The east of characters Is at) warded to Hugh Quisle) and au To Him ou Merlin his name in tbe caieudar of not two representatives of the teams walked into our of- C. I'lmaii. Mm. L. U. Whltllns, | lt>^': — , tice and demanded the bat Any baker care for the sack of potatoes was won hy J. Miss Laura llrodhead, Mrs. C. K.; Henry DodKe, the leadlnK clti- Commiueemau tiernu tuid Miull- I'. Flanagan. Michael i'alko wiu llrown,. Mrs. (iurrett Ilnidliead, \ zel, 0[ Mwtleld, Joseph aoiners! n upd Tax Collector Larson will L hiunbl* priest of Turin, in MBi- HARWMAN'S latasatrf^iJW. MflJfc ' uudern tlme«, ™ "" ~ And how much did you The following were lover, Mrs. Andrew Keywu. Mrs.| i ter, Frances Hyan: June, Al- people on their nterita «ml i*st PHARMACY lu Hit- H a tell' uttrlarr fellow j] *wk ft. .. , «MfwJ bttot Bwiaan's MitH iwlMT UU Arthur i\ «et(t. b»foi« m I lostm aiylnin u s tuoatte, ..... Wtti'lftOi D»y, «f A***jpmi^r ^u, Wrfini KaoHMii Ooley. voters while MrMr.. MadisoMadi n will Mr. and Mi's. ChriH' «1. Mrs. Irving Huiot-lt. of Knyport, t)ie g^ate butler tu the Dodg« PinochlePluoclile, Mr w»d "w. t«»' ;a Mw,.Mag0WU, ,,, Hteelton. l'a.' uoni»»tesd and the owuer of the euuiueratu the accouiplishmenli of « old strugfls betwuen "tn« PRESCRIPTWNS uun WtttbiKj MM Julius Htooder * Naootoon. Clalp Blxel; the road department uudw his tbat plercss steel armor and ina»r to stop any sbtll" la ds- For and 1 tor tbe uiouMUt lo favor at tlu WANTKO sou, Alls* Hay Bhtrttteld, KogUind, suuiuuaes Oar. Bahway Amtiu Miflteal Palko. meat of the Avwiel PrasbyterlanlKawalsMk1, Phillip MoGrath Nor- knawtadp of _^11 that will pl«rc« a plata ot midm, MloUael JOUsen, Will- and dwreh. Plans will lw nuule to | man Lewis; 8pa»m, Arthur "^°»- •g ttmtfcm mnaor of tb» thlitfcimi turn |"enton, Harry Van Tatasll CaU WasAMi MM*. t tfeM Duffi gun callow tad a* « >aj MW, .and Bin. John C*uflald. lonu a troop tn Jtrenel. , WOOPBRIDGE LE ADER-JOITtSALJTJD A V. APBTtM|,1934 MR VND MRS MOLtWtY . will snt1 rhlldre*. of SouUi Elm. Fight to Own £ Seeks His Lost -ft-,' the «e*li-end rWUnf at Akron Survivor f me horw* of Mr. and Mm. Po- nC'r If in Father, Prince To Head Macon | Heirloom »< . • t • VHS HAHOLD XOrKCET. VN< 1CBNF. TOBIAS OF TOWN •^liter avenn", i* » rorpk*! w»5 a New Brtinwlek to WOODBRIDGE tlcr,' »i thp Perth AmV»y < eral \ tniGHTER. OWYNNE ADD- r d Ep THK MM.MATIC W1I.1. r.y w»« bom TtttnUr U ICr who i» chaplain of i!!i infantry. THth dirt- rarh! ri*anor Place. Woo4brMg*, 1'rior in her marrlat*, Hn. Ro- •etdctm kiHe march with (be utafi > u w>< Mlrni Dorothy Mater, of lrtt 1» th* in the Army D«y ;iar- THK liERMAN • AMERICAN SO- \f.w York City. Satur as r\'v: will hold a public card life . on DT panv at the clobroomf of thr Thf Uisnr* Tim vs. HELEN ANDRO9M OF tnBOunWf ,b«. [orm»tion of a Yoiiny Men's Social club on Oak Tr*. mad FViday. Mw *• Mrs iiroMyn *p*nt the put we*k n:AK ! KKIAR. OF C.TIEEN 'Mtjne at the bone of 'her ly. a Has* ih »oeUl dannnc . i? a iirsiral patient at Martha Wfcrkert if in rbapt^ aMisted h; Mrs. Anna P»vi». Hr'tit.t Mr and Mr*. 8. And- | VOUBE men and * "JH*n r \ml"'v General hwpital • ,-^i cif lown. t * M^e F.llMbeth Honneicirer and l v»>»r« of »**• Thif Haw k» > . * • Tim'- Cmiiium<* I* formed 4>i' *n thf ! K<;OV \\N RAIT. (.»" Mr? \nna Fawar ••14 • -, Ml: AND MRS. I). HBOBDU8 and ol (iDlalninr » liw'ior it . w nhown by the a^enu^. has return-^ dwiehwr, Helen, of tcrwn tpTitly sent oni throutt in Briditeton h''l(l a card party at the head- Jranklln. a ffipy ABvouf. havint a die- Vhool* The claw will m«-t HiartTf on Ctac Tr«» road on • t » • tloiun around the home *hlfh in MonAav ninht at School No J \NF, JERNEE. OF MAPLE Friday. April 10 Miss Harri l J AMKH MPI.LBNR AND BPWARD not bfing used and would Ilk* l« . Wood bride* and anyone ov«r 1 '', has returned home af- Hichs if in charre of amnee- Cerlty of Woodbr1d||«, IjJnt Is nc. Htln o! the late K. C. Wert '-ndinc a w^*k with r»l»- . !., r: '"r th» French the wf«k-t>nd vlilttnx frlndt In kindly call Wood- charted (or instruction at in Yeadon. Pa. at Puad«sa, Calif., hart (on* t TI;. utiEie^ :o «earrti for 1. and someone o( the ' tirre Cla.«« will b<"(sin at ' ••« i' Lient Com Herbert V. Wiley. tc court OTW pOM«wlon ot OJ [AIJ'H REEDY. OF JULIETTE . # • • 4M Tbt clsuu ai Colon U Sch^: h... (tie ciilfd 1'rlnc* rn-Ul wop for U. tale anniTinf! officer when the ftreet I»M r*turn«>d from La- Mil AND MHH M I.RPINHXY of . » nrhirh huf bwn niwtTnr on Unn -/.at (it Itn^iati Armenia, dirigible Akron rraihtd oS th* int of th* St. June*' pUyem town attended » ili»»lre Dirtwrt m rt v iU ro 1 on Tues i<-ar» HKO tbi Prinrt Thf Fnrdt Lihran this *wk IIFF ' «*Mil»e« » «* " Atlantic coast, has keen • glren ! and rained at $10,000. A Lot <-tiroli^J In the Civil Conwrva- K:l< uiin< m JlaJTn IWf, If T, « has been positioned until neit , iinsures and a burltd and in-; ime starting command of the Akron's ulster Tuesday nleht • ' Anf«le»'court ottelal If afcowa tlor. Con«. cnnlly «-vtaihli It eonnitit of i j ntxt week. ahlp. the JJacon. Ht will begin j «xaalnln« th» canraa, wbieh U .... , the (unnleit I'owsll It • * » » »t»>vr with hl« wl(«. riiF;iU> «ho»inL mod- serving in his new post about MR AND MUS HERBERT H aaid te h«« b«« la the Wert WALTER BICHER, OF GEORGE | A DAUGHTER WAS BORN RK- el* <*; Lh vrtlranris.. MMu?ta inicre*! ha* been shcrwn Jane 1. Maifleld, of Grore iraM, tamUT ttnc* HO0. \' strwt, wan reflected president] d'tiily to Mr. and Mri. SUphen «ln raiiE-••« Tin vhooi f-Mldr<-» in in thf first ol the Cboml Groups entertaining Mr. MaxflcM'g of the German-American Socie- Murgml, uf Hormby atreet, l-X)rds art- kw-nly int'TMt^d and to Iw organlwd in th« Townihtp itiiry Aradini and a hutaorou? ty at itf recent meeting held at Ana I>avls; weirure. Mm. KlUn- Ford*. ter. Mrs. C. W. Jobnion, of be played and game* will begin tbf Er<»»--ti|iB trather in (ront of Thi« proup me«U at the Colonta rartoon. Th the Oianl*. the home of Mr. and Mrs. Wln- t>eth Jiinke and WHIIIT Jtticher; • * * • Waynr. Pa , for a few days. propmtiy at 8.30 o'clock. Many th<- lihrarj in r\ai]iinf ifn- r"»-iil from the various Fire For even at regular prices, they're the world's outitand- Complin to in the Township to di«- Protection for Your Furs cuss itif formation of trammar ing coffee values. Each is blended from the finest coffet school !>as<*ball lelKUt-B. The Fire beans but different in flavor to suit your taste exoctly. DURING THE SUMMER MONTHS fjQ Ili DH ft.JtiSi' $L£& 4(Qlti£ tO Dft tuP backers ol those teams throuBB- Remember! . . . more people drink A*P coffee rhon any out thf Tt-wnshii- A complete !wV<*nto' o( eanit-s will be publUh- other brand because there is no better coffee at any price. rtt !u-\t u-»vk. TIK- representatives ori: liuvh hirs au'l -lorti coats will require rftnsidtralilt jip-H-m wen- much iuti-rested with eare aftt-r a lon>- winter s usafre. To properly retain llielr the projct. T!if. first game Is sche- MILD AND Y MELLOW oritinnl lift- and lustre, fur« and cloth 'oats should be plac.-d duled for A .ril ;3rd, and games Eight O'Clock wil! continue to June 5lh. All In a ^-ci-ntific fi:r storage vault during the warm season games will !>• played alter school. Watch tIw- paper for rompiete RICH AND P> allowiiis u." to pn-in\re your furs and doth coat* for their BChi-dulc. Red Circle FULL-BODIED "Siiiiitner Home"—jon are reliev*rd of all anxk>er of Pint Grove No. 10, Wood- EXTRA SrtQALI W.r* offering far iMt • men Circle. Funeral services were A. GREENHOUSE, INC: held yesterday morninp at nine fancy Creamtry BuMer . . . mmd*-1nm imb 'oeiofk from Our Lady of Mt. Car- V '•*- Qt rnlft QfiWCnW pnfitb 195 Smith Strat, cor. McClelUn, Perth Amboy, N. J. •iiu-1 church where a solemn re- 1 quit-iii n;as? was celebrated. Inter-( mem *as in Si. James' cemetery. • Sugar • C PlIlSDUry P^CAKE FLOUR pockoge "C BUTTER • 25 C C Cocomalt ^ 19 \t 35 Fresh Eggs LARGE SELECTH) It Takes Only w0 Wheaties «r 2^ 2V Pabst • :. Malt 3% eon jlw a Couple of Hour: F 1g to Iron Heinz Beans 3 ™:r 25 Lux Flakes ^.^ -pkfl

ename anc the Weeks ' ' Cigarettes Chtsterfiehh Washing Low Regular Prices Uneeda Bakers Sole Quaker Maid Values We are offering a fine detection of "Unoeda Baken" EXCEPT CONSOMME OR CIAM CHOWDBt C product! at speciol (Ovtngs. S«i»ci from rh« lit! below; Rajah Salad Dressing Use the Thor Electric Ironer. It is heated and run by electricity. Heinz Soups 2 c.M 25 C It presses articles beautifully, ironing the week's washing in an Uneeda Biscuits 3 ^ 13 tor * jqr •' |«r A* Silver Dust - c hour or rwo. This ironer is easy to use. You can be seated com- C Graham Crackers Spaghetti &KOK 2 t*«,15 THE SPEED SOAP ^^9 .10 C fortably *hileiyou y/ork. It is fastened to a table o'f its own which c HG MEWTONS. FBUTANAS Social Teas «LORNADOONE$ Rajah Mustard •« 8 Gold DUSt leg. pockog.15 e is easy to movie and easy to store. Do all your ironing on it and Champion Flake Butters 15C Rajah Salad Oil £15< you will be delighted with the fine finish it puts on materials. Crisco . . -to* White House ^"""d. Snow Flake Wafers * Tao Tea WU5S1ANOI4M Ironing attachment (works on the wringer shaft) from Softasilk Cake Flour ^31 John Alden $20 upward. Ironers with tables from $59M cash. c C English Style Assortment 30 Presto CAKE now 27 brg. Use a Pride of Farm CATSUP 12* 13C Assortment de Luxe Mueller's S 2 Chocolate Twirls Good Electric Washer GRANDMOTHER'S FANCY MILK-FED Malted Milk Wafers T2T to Wash Clothes Clean Sliced or Unsliced ROASTING The Thor Electric \\ asher has eighteen cur- rents of water with which to take the din out RYE BREAD CHICKENS of articles. Six of these currents keep the So you may get ocquointed with our fine Rye Krtad, articles from bunching and the other twelve we od«r it rhii week end ot 2c a loaf reduction CHUCK ROAST play direeffy onI tteWdth^Towenlng an3 rS- JiAJMd* of fuuil >n8fd*BU and hwuth bak*d to give it an extro'amount of cn»py taify cruit. moving ttie dirt. 'TWP^asher is compact in Buy oo» w two loam at thtt op<»ortMnil)( fait* 7 BONELESS CHUCK .»• UGS OF LAME CHO.CE The wringer has soft rubber rollers into American Cheese * 2Y SUCED BACON which buttons and fasteners sink. B0CK 0R *Beer »


Ladiei of Auxiliary a»»ittini Pott Members.

and I'U'ld unit of Mie W'ICHI- e lout. American Lesion will hold a public curd party tonigM at :ln> fire house In School street The unit In being assist*! by the following nrMnhem of the post's fluxirrhry: Mm. John Van flecker, chair- man; Miss Ethel Campion, Miss Audrey Paiwnan, Mrs. James Fil- er. Miss Helen DevRen, Mrs. H II. I'uieinan. Mrs. Edward Trost, Mrs. William Messick. Mrs. T. Kmh, Mrs. Lester franv, Mrs. J. Katon and Mrs John Hurster. TnP incmbnn nf the ntm unit Leon E. McElroy. Axel 0. Jensen, Thomas Kalh. H. 11, Pair- man, (V Y CoiirtwrlRht, C. Wil- VVDOIiliRHKiK llnrnliani Gard- liam V. Mrnwn. John Van Pecker ,liul e II. W Vogel ner, a member of the senior class 1>IIU.LI:IS Winters. K nf ill,. Wnodbrtdge High school, Lester J Crane, Norman Max- will lie one of the leads in the well, Karl Wendell. Charles An- r.ni of "C.lrl Shy", a three act nesi, James Scheidcr, rVank Mon- eoniwly which will be presented (ecalvn, K. J. Flp.nagan, John Her Judge Vogel to ai the high school auditorium, ger, Kd ward, Trent, Russell Me Friday night, April 20 Klmy. John Kalen, Stephen Blsh The cast, which 1B being coached n|i, Charles Kullman Michael Lan Be Toastmaster hy Miss Allda Van Slyk^ ot the WOODBRIDGE.- Mr*. Emma l.cvi, who resides with her daugh- u;ui and Lewis Zebrer. Kntllnh department, is u follows: i.r. Mrs. William C, Danncr, uf SI. OciirRc avenue, qulrtly eiMebrati'd Tom Aradak Hurnhaju (iardner; II.T eighty-fifth birthday. Tuesday, by entertaining many of her at Dinner-Dance OVe Stlniaon, Harry Howell; Caro- irienda who called dilrliiK Ih- duy. She received many sifts, llowera ERNIE NIER CLUB line, Tom's Aunt, Josephine Schrimpt!; Anthony Arsdale, :.tid cards. Large Crowd expected to DANCE MONDAY ".JO n k u ~, ;To:us father, Robert Dlsbrww; Mrs. Levl was born In Palmyra, hut has bwn a resident of attend Press Club Honor-. HylvU We,Jgteri Oertrud< oiao- WOOimitinc.H. - Th> Em I Woodhrldge for over sixty yearn. ary Membership Night, |one; i>eai, Marlow, Arthur GUI; Nier Republican chili will hold April 21. |l'eachrt Carter, Jean Decker; Aa- card party and dance at the Crafli 'ma, a colored "wash lady", Cliar- ini'M's ilu'i. Monday nlRhl, A?r WOOUUKllMiK An exception- lotte Brooktteld; Birdie Lavern*, MISS JELLYMAN IS Hi. Music will be furnished b> ally large crowd nt newspaper Elisabeth Fair; Barbara Sanfotd Seventy Students BRIDE OF HERLUF Iiert Stroller and his Hollywood writers uml th,lr nucats from ,oui«e Lengyel; Alfred Tenuyson 1).nee orchestra. Mvrgatoyd, Warren Geigcl; Cbutk Photos Courtesy S»llj Let Dr«n Shoo, New Tor* • Middlesex l'nlon and Hudson couu KELDSEN OF FORDS Miss Clara Cahill, f'i'.merly ties are expected ti> attend the Mayo, Gustavo Hutteman. On Honor Roll Ronnd patch pockeU and white plqne facing on the wide refer* Hit- Keith Vaudeville circuit, wll Honorary Membership part)' to be Music, betwxen the acts, will be lend feminine tonchei to the simply tailored Jacket fillt In mm entertain during the intermission WOODBRIDGE- Miss Marga- given hy the Middlesex County provided by the Woodbridge High ieiween dances. The Ways atl( ret Jellyman. daughter of Mr. and bine ribbed woolen, ihown above. The modified iw*g|er wit at 1'resa Club, Saturday night, April School orchestra. At St. James' right li of toft basket-weave woolen In warm rose red. Note the Meain committee, Stanley llrook 21, at the Outside Inn, Super- Mrs. Alfred N. Jellyman, of St. I. chairman, will be In churn Georges avenue, and Herluf 0. Interesting (earning. ' lilghway, liaritan Township. WOODBUIDGE.—Seventy stu- KeldsHi, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Iliuuer will be served |iromptly SodiHtyCtrd Party [ltiit« were placed on the honor J. Keldsen. of Fords, were united BY HARRIET too. and some are belted at tht Jacket suit that features temtnint MISS BJORNSEN WEDS at eiuht o'clock followed by a roll at St. Jame*' school for high in marriage, Saturday night In normal waistline. touches In the round patch pock- slmrt Hpeaking anil eiilertainnii)r crocheted ot nary and white cot- Charles, III., at a beautiful spring Jean Hooban, George Krock. The bride's attendants were her llnss right now. Tbey coma In made b> calling the secretary, Mrs. Timothy Sullivan, and a swept manner - they look, but wedding in the Methodist Episco- Joseph Arway, Joseph McLaugnlln Bisters, Miss Dorothy Jellyman interesting plaids, as well at In ton thread with a nary linen bow. Miss Huih Wolk, ut Woodbridge thirtjt-two piece dinner set, do- they don't buy. pal church, Sunday afternoon. John Kerr, Florence Coley. Char- and Miss Florence Jellyman. monotones. After tiffeta, there The model wears nary blue kid- 8-MOll. nated\hy Miss Alice Bergen, wu And, tht« year, It's pretty eaij Carl C. E. Mellben;, pastor of tho lea Htipatrlck, Mary McDermott. Stanley Keldsen was bin broth- are laminating cottoni of all •kin oxfords and white washable awarded to Miss Margaret Ann to find an ensemble that pleases church, performed the ceremony. 'Eleanor Kllroy, Muriel Johnson; er') best man. types and colon. glores. Grace. Non-players priKs went to even the fussiest tailor-minded Mrs. Charles Acker, orpanist, ^Helen Kennek, Audrey Orady, El- Mr. and Mrs. K«-ldsen are now Interesting seaming on SIMTM Eastsides To Hold Mrs. Frank Uader, Jane Geritj, Linen Is another favorite ud presented a musical pruKram dur- jjen Connollr. Rulh Elnhom. Man on a wedding trip to Washington. woman. Mr a. Thomas Somers, Carmelite so It wool ohallls, that grand eld ana hlp» highlights a modified ing the arrival of the giu'Bts anil Jlalen flMekM I), C., and on their return will There are boi tacket suits In First Annual Dabce Scully, Mrs. E. A. fmn, Cella B»- fabric that grandmother loved iwifftr salt ot a soft basket- at the entrance of the Imdal pro- — make their home In Fords. profusion, with slim, straight der and Mrs. Charles Parr. when she waa a girl. wetTe woolen In warm rose red. gram pl-.iyetl tho wedding mard Florence Arway, Elliabeth Ccu- ___ skirts t and nice little tailored WOOUlHUD(iE--Th<< East Side Prhes In the games wen a- Composition buttons In the tame from "Lohengrin". DurinR the 'liak, Ruth Blum, Veronica Sanaa, 3rd Grade coats shorter this year. If you Athletic Club, Inc., will hold its wanlsd u follows: ribbed woolen U rich color fasten the round tab' ceremony Mrs. Albert R. Heron, Marian Olnrlck, Matilda Haydu, Eleanor Stacherska, Joseph please And the tilled lickets- AVY blue Hist annual dance, Saturday night,- Brldg?. Mrs. K. Thornton, Mm. a simply tailored st neck and wrlsta. Bang, "I Love YCti Truly." Helen L&wlo, Anthany Behany. French, Mary Sullivan, Blanch don't miss them! They're shorter, used (or Aiirii 21, at the Hungarian Parish J. Keating, Mrs. Alfred J. Coley SUt Grade Kroll, John Boyle, Francis Mc- The bride was attired in an Iv- hall on Schqirt street. Mrs. Maurice Sullivan, Mrs. Ray- Lawrence McLaughlln, Anna Shea, Ethel Simon, Anna Mecslcs, ory satin gown. She wore her Mustc wHl be furnished by Jack mond Anderson, Mrs. Michael P, mother's wedding veil and carried Krock, J. WlUard Herron. Wll- Rita Ryan. HOI'EMWN DANCE KASLER-IUVEl/EY. Janderup'B new nine-piece orches- Schubert, Mrs. J. F. Baunun, Hel- Junior Women Admit a colonial bridal bouquet of wliiti 1am Rya», Fr»n*w WlthrldKe, 2nd Grade tra. Dancing will start at eight en O'Brien, Helen Van Tassel, John Schlckcr, Mary Kensek, roses. o'clock and will continue until a Mrs. John Moll, Mrs. Joseph Pow- Olorla Araenault, Adella Machln- HOPELAWN —A dance will b» FORDS—Miss Anna Riveley, of Nine New Members kiewlci. William Jaeger. Ethel Lewis, Car- Mrs. Vincent Wilhborg, of New- late hour. Ticke place In Princeton last October. The bride's traveling outfit was CALLED FOR Week Day Miua i**- BenedlcUoo 4:00 P. M. TSI.NITY CHOBCH WE CALL FOR a pink crepe dress, blue coat ani AND DELIVERED Saturday Cimfessluus.. 4 Ju 6 P.M. IM AND hat and accessories of blue. On 7:30 to 9:00 P.M. Kmllj a. QnybiU their return from thtiir wedding Sunday Baptlsm^^.. 11:15 A.M. ^J» ^ , and DELIVER ALL ORDERS g d worshir tmv p a trip, M,r. and Mrs. Smith will re-

METHODIST EPISCOPAL Bim(iay Bv&ligellstlc service ^. at 65 North 18th street, East Ave. ud Grwn St. Tel. Wood. 8—0554 Orange and will he home to their •>>, Cul C. K. MtUbcrg q,indav School 9:45 AI M.j Do You Often 88 Main Street Woodbrhlge friends after May 1. TeL8-40M Woodbridge Chtt£fl*M .( - i:tS A. M. fSSwflSe Studan*Q ,.7.41 ~ "* The bride is a graduate of Morning Worship 11:00 A.M. I™"" p Woodbridge, o^ the at&rriage u( Epworth Leafue ™>° .M. 1930. She recently completed a evening Service 7:16 P.M K1BST PBESBVTKBIAN \ course in nurses' training at the Wish.., TttlNlTV KFISCOrAL WwdbtUge Ur. Robert I. M"~I i?"r~«. J JACK'S RADirSHOP Presbyterian hospital in Newark. FORDS PHARMACY K«v. Kd«ud E.W«U»s,AJs.,8.T.B, Sunday Morning Service y:00 A. M.; Holy Eucharist and Short S«rmon Sunday Evening Worship J P. M.i for Beautiful Home Grounds? 9:00 A, n. Telephone The RcxoUDrif Store .Sunday Schod 10:W A. M.; Church School »:« A. M. jChrlstlan Endeavor •.. 7.16 r. a.; Wood. 8—0865 TEL P. A. 4—20&8 Church School Service. 10:30 A. 11. Holy Eucharist and fcnnon or 8T ANDBEW8 CATBOUC | 41 Main Street, Woodbridge BM Mew Bwuwlck Av«., Furds Morning Pr»y«r and SensonlU.lL Atnel = Holy Euchnrlst, Holy Days 9 A. It. B.». Fnwcls X. L»gw, Partot I RICH GREEN GRASS Holy Euctorlst, Fridays ...8 A. M. Sunday Mass ••« A. M.; ll^fflffl ih^irrf I In^n I ffiifri \tiii\n\ rrrrrn I hirni I in'- Sunday School l°:00 A. M.: SHADES TREES FIBST CONUBKGATIONAL AVENEL FRANK R. DUNHAM, he W*»«brU|« Ml!. AND MRS. ROLL AND LUND SHRUBBERY Kcv Wni V U- Strouc, Fwt<" EDWARD REGAN anil daughter, I>ols of Blir- Real E$tatt • Insurance Horning Worship 11:00 K M. 1 OR HARDY PERENNIAL PLANTS? Kvenin* Service ...... 8:00 P. M. Hewireii nt-lt airw't, havi returned from t Rruich of The Mother Church.- 62 OBOHQE 8TBBKT Washington, D. C, where they Christlsji Endenvor 8»rvl« Th^K Church of Christ, 8cl«.t-| TEL. P. A. 4—3288 o>UU * * •*•• 1st In BuBton, Mass. a AVBNEL aijtnt the Kaster Holidays with ew Brunswick Ave., Sunday Service U j» A. M. MiK. Lund's jiarenU, Mr. and WE SPECIALIZE IN THIS WORK Wuadbriilge Sunday School «••* * Mm. Harold Parr and they also r AND CAN GIVE YOU THE Bev. Esil M. D«v»»»y, V«t«' , IT HiTnl I nTtfli ivTITIn i nVfflilliWVtilhiii'fii F^ftTTI I IIIVi attended the annual egB rolling Thurs. Reading BENEFIT OF OUR 60 YEARg TeL Wood. 8—1143 Sunday Morning Worship ..ll A.M. i Compliment/) at event at the White House. Sunday Evening Service ••':«•*•"• ST. JOHN KMSCOPAL * » * * EXPERIENCE Sunday School .• »;« *• {}• 8ewn»» 1IKNUY KKNNEDV AND ELMER HY-WAY DINER Junior C. E. .. £J» »,• »• Eev. 1. F» THE L 6. GRAND Iiit*jrttMisjsVsj| I a ft' • •'' p Dragonit have returned from « .* TrriWMb"* « Sr. laterwikittC. E. • • »^»ft »• 8c, 10c, me to 91.00 Stum Cainp HOMB-HADK PU» Young People's Choir. . 4:00 P. M. 6 Oower A«bo, Are. A »Uln »t. HI C. B i, ,w, B «' LUTHKBAN MAIN ST., WOODBKUKIB MK. AND WT19. JOSEPtt TStiCBT YuUIIJ PminlB'H Society ..7:UU r.M- L OKACE PAW8H HOU8E f and family of Melnwr street, Bone Mtd OUK LADV OF M?! OmMKL **• visited relatives Hi New York, Biibert ScWW . , •"•f»afdwi, but w thiii Nk Woo4krt4g« ,'a Sunday Senltce J: lo*d, delivered PUIUI3SR ic«l Sunday Clan it BARNEY'S 265?" * VAyGHAN1? ERSEfW , 9:00 A. E Woodbridge's Lwdlng Low Mass OIIE IAUV W^PBACW ». C. "HO, UP No, 269." High Mass 10:30 A. M. UNITKD BBftTiOK OIWX'IMW CUT - BATE DRUG STOKE Fords Benediction . 8:00 P. M. Kev John K. UM*. fc«t«* A little light' on your many friends tor their kllianeSB Pretcrlptio»i Called For CkHHtouiy and Hervko during our recent bereavement lu (Ol.OtttCU BAVT18T Sunday Uaawa 8:00 and W:MI A- house rmmbei will save and Delivered Sunday S.-hool follows 8 o clock M the death of our wife and sister PHONI WOOD, »—O«W Wtt* lel uclock M Ureen Street, I*>U» many embarrassing mo- Moruing Sermon lj'OO A. M.Benediction ^ ^° the late Mrs. Anna Klely, of t, Wpodbrldge Sunday School mentqjot you: gussts, your Woodbridge. Wa uarticularly wish neighbors and yourselt. to thank the Rev. brands X. Lan- BERGER'S •How »o«r Ukmlnattoa gan, the Rev. Ohnrles' A. Duetan, 'vwSip' :::•.: •.•iSS/ZK.g Dr. C. II. Kothfuiu, Dr. I. T. Spen- John R. Baumann NKWSPAPKKfl. TOBACCOS i»~«o ctat SAM'S PUCE CIOAK8. CIOAWDTTE8 i cer, Funeral Director Joeeuh Coa- 633 ST. GEORGE AVE., RAHWArY tello and the yail lie&reru for their Morning Bertloe lljjp AM. 9TATIONBEY ANB SODA Pkooet R»hw.y 7-0711 - 7-0712 8AM H0D18, PWIL^ »» W«snip 8:00 P.M. service*. Bsv. W. VUk Michael J. Klely, hualmnd, School A-1DI iselsi THL, P, A. 4—tUO id I Sunday John Brady, brotbe-r. Aw* Awb FOUR WOODBRIDGF LEADER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 13, 1034

Economic Highlight* GETTING READY FOR THE BIG SEASON eafrer S lournal Banter nan come tnd gone again Instead of THE ANVIL SPARKS peace »n earth and good will toward all, there la unreal, clam hatred and actual revolution n many PAT MALOHEY, Proprietor parts of the world, Politics has become the ""jlggwil C O M A IN 1 N (I Th, VMdbiMfe Umdot dMI) business." It bids (air to consume Ravings and cap- got to th' houBe, shuro and he Th* Iwlte J«ml .... (1KI) ital of many countries. Taxation (rows tnd the "Ol wenl to the Hand Hills to Tk« Wtadkttilt* Junrntl (1IM) found eight husky dogs. Shure, constant fear of wars drainB the public treasurers K-l inn a job, 01 met Hilly Harny, He sent and here the family was askln' to prepare for war. ni« to Hob, fer relief and afeedln' eight dogs. I every Frtdky it 104 Main StrMt, Woodbrldw, With growing talk of faclsm, communism, and If Jioii doesn't give It, OI'm "How, About utayin and hetvrtn* shure that How will »s iKrnnrt dan mall matter nut its a job dlgRln' clay Ye can't, ftut ye must promts* to nation, should not lose night of one outstanding! on the Dreary Hand Hlli.' come to it. Ye will. That's foine. in fact, namely; that we, the people of the United » » • Wai, good flay to ye. States, are the government. No other form t>f gov- There's a Butcher in Metuch- An Independent Paper ernment ever gave «uch complete control to "the en, Sells mfttn by th' pound people" aa does our own constitution. He'll sell you the sirloin, the BKFBK8F.NTAT1VK8 chuck or the round, Will Rogers Picks NATIONAL ADVEUIStDO We hare no ruling class here that It Is neeeft- Where beet l» the cheaper, Amorleui Tnu AuxUMok sary to revolt against In order to protect ourselves. we're still atln pork A Story For Newark Sibirlxa Ncwiytprn, I»c By the "ballot* we, the people, hare the power to [•'or It's a job tliggln' clay on express our views In a more emphatic, orderly and the Dreary Sand Hill. This Spot * • * But*: tl.M P«r Vcat la speedy manner than can ever be accomplished by force. There's ould Bob Agan as keeps the Bee-Hive, By WILL ROGERS Telopfcau Wwdbrtdgn In these days of unrest and discontent we should He'll sell you the rum that'll CINCE Americans got interested remember these facts. Wo should appreciate the keep you alive, 13 in battlefields, from visiting great government that we have. We should get He'll sell you a quart, a ;ilnl France, they say our own battle- or a gill FOR WOODBKIDGE TOWNSHIP down on our knees and offer a pWyBTOT lllanftful- fields in this country are getting a And trust you till pay (lay on little IMM oi the twist track. Thi ness that our ancestors, through trial and suffering th(> Dreary Sand Hill. people that go to Prance get taken created a constitutional form of government that Wall si minute, byas. Ol think out to the battlefields, and they ••• 1. Elimination of all grade crossings. gives each and every one of us the greatest liberty 1)1 hoar someone acomln. Shure everybody else going, and they get 2, Mori< industries. and equality of opportunity of any people in tin1 an' it's me reporter friend from a notion that going to see battie- 3- Athletic stadium. town. Welcome to th' high hills world. me lad. Ye are jest In toime fw 4- New Pennsylvania Railroad station. Our constitution is the poor man'B greatest heri- we are uprncticin' some o' the 6. Sewage disposal system. tage und the rich man's protection. ould verses of the Dreary Sand 6. Y. M. C- A. Organization. Hills for Ihi' ould'fashion sing wo One of the most startling statements of th* year, 7. Outdoor swimming pool. an' aplannin'. Of nuirse, in,, bye, whether It be comedy, error or tragedy, came from >v ure a. inoiti- too young to be «. "White Way" street lighting. Dr. Wirth, superintendent . Is a carryin1 friendship "Jt sure is. My grandfather lort where something must be done to remedy the sit- government. Congressmen Bulwinkle of North Recovery ton street, died Monday night at!a molghl too far whin they bolt* a leg here." Stanitlaw'i "Now, ain't that a coincidencet uation and remedy it immediately. Too long have Carolina, hag demanded an nvestigation. In reply BY the New Lisbon hospital. He is!our chlldern. survived by his mother, a sister, Ye know, one o' thlm relief It must be a terrible place for lot- alf-sava^e and starved dogs been allowed to roam to interviews Dr. Wlrt says In regard to his com- MARY PATTI8ON OwnOpiniot Mrs. George Sedlak, and two!workers stopped in here t'other ing things. I lost ray vanity caw large, biling children and grown-ups without the ment, "I mean every word of it and I'll hav^ more brothers, Stephen and Robert. Fu-|da> fer a bit of a chat and lie was out here yesterday, and my aunt least pruvicatlon. to nay if I am called before an Investigating com- Editor's Note: FTom time neral services were held Wednes- atellin' me thet hi' was sent to in- lost her umbrella today, and here's mttee In Washington," Also he stated he is willing time, Mrs. Pattison, ot Colonia day morning at the house. Inter- vestigate a family, thet claimed your relative losing something toot A check-up at the Township Clerk'a office shows to he a "sacrifice to get the people to thinking will discuss the recovery program, ment was In St. James' cemetery, thay didn't have anythin' to ate, Was it always that wav'" \iif that only tour persons have obtained licenses in the both Nationally and locally, Woodbrldge. money to buy coal. And whin he iunnton Ntwi hutsnt, lac about what is going on." Comment is impossible I'm wuz seen on yu Township where there are hundreds of dogs. Each this column. For this week's art- 1 until an official investigation has developed further cle we have asked Mrs. Pattison papeor 1<;H wlk Sum dope.. doap dog owner should be compelled to license his dog. flsh paddleer in wuz hev les facts. to state a 10 point recovery plat- All unlicensed dogs snould be picked up Immediate- form as she sees it. name Esq. wuz Iv tu me de geez- ly. Out in spite of national and international prob- barraez. ".. Oh! That's Grand . . it's lems, business must RO on. It is my idea to emphasize the Say, lessen, Mr. Haditur, i tink A glance at the police records is convincing proof i no wuz ken rite such a gud Automobiles: Incomplete reports indicate pas- organicss more thain&n thure mwiwutva.Bmechanics U I ••" ""•• *^" •**" ° i 30-minute drive ... Theo that there are altogether tu0 many cases of persons of Industry, the many values m- bpt wen i wui seen hla lattur, it Ijciug attacked by dogs. Since the first of the month senger car sales for March exceed combined Janu- ther than the monetary. This, 1 wuz tek me tu daze befor i kud there are reports of at least two cases a day. ary and February totalB or a gain of 86 per cent believe, has been neglected at tlw reed it, end eftur 1 wui reed it i over March 1933. expense of industry itself. Al- no wui no $yot he wui rite bout, Several years ago, the Township employed a dog Steel: Trices are being advanced along with wage though, others may not agree with haxpekt coi)pta"|fleces ware he wuz catcher and conditions were much better than they say dot mine lattur eboslutel hez increases In steel and bituminous coal Industry. me. and I hope thoy will say so, are now. But the dog catchers made a "racket" out after a study of the situation, in no sants, end ware dare wuz no Retal Trade: Spring buying satisfactory. Easter of their Job and even went so tar aa tu take dogs my humble opinion, I believe the sants dare wuz no hoomer. Now, shopping throughout larger part of country added following ten points may be set up yu leesen on dls, wen mine Kum I getierously to upward trend of consumer buying as the basis of local recovery pro-1 ma reed mine lattur '" coopl••a municipalities, charging il to the Township. wika he wui laft such a much dot that has been in evidence for several we,eks. In- gram: he wuz net tu put on notter soot crease in retail trade has not been jhatched by any 1. A more Progressive Manage- ment of Human Interests. (Em- (he wu« tareed de sims in da men out of work at the present time, we are sure proportionate gain In the activity of basic ndus- kote> heb. heh). that it will not be difficult to engage a man who ployment, a community necessity and opportunity). End bout dot konstrukshun will be entirely reliable. krltlzism, i wuz newer say dot i Freight: CarloadinK for Wfek ending March 24, 2. Our Interdependence In social The Doard ot Health la planning to look into wuz gonnat build a howl or yenny showed drop ot 2.8 per cent but the total was still existence. (The free, democratic tink ( i wuz luk on dikshunaree several applications now on lile so it might be wise 26.8 per cent above like period in 1933 and 8.4 Individual the only true social end i wuz no wot dot word meen) unit). (or dog owners to gel their license immediately. per cent above 1932. end den he wuz say dot 1 dont 3. The Organics of Production wuz no ken spalling en I no wuz Lumber: Total number of employes increased and Consumption. (In society, Conserving Resourcei ken gremmur. 2.82 per cent in February over January and In- home and self the moat important Say mr. Haditur dot harring crease in payrolls amounted to 2.38 per cent. Last factor). rasslur wuz gorret big norve tu Xhat industrial codes of fair competition afford year there was a 4 per cent decline in these items. 4. Building a Better Communi- meke tunses frum mine lattur he the means tor conserving the Nation's natural re- ty (for self-interest, self-help and wu* rl\e, I tink so he wuz battur While disappointment has been expressed In sources was a hope held out ;>y President Roose- self-support, as well as local val- go bek to Sidilkove. in Russian, some quarters that the government's recovery pro- velt when he signed the National Industrial Ke- ues). end lurp battur da Hingllsh lent- gram has not brought about a greater degree of wige. eovery Act, which has been realized. As child labor 5. The new idea of control. (In business revival, such an attitude should not be Industry, education and govern- End eftur in da lattur he wuz ' in cotton mills "went out Jlke a flash" with the taken too hastily, states the Guaranty Trust Co. In say somting bout mod pize on da President's signature of Uie code for the cotton seeling. Leesen, if i wuz hev dot its monthly survey. Remarkable improvement that 6. Our Need of personal Re- • textile industry, BO, after four nionthB of concan- sponsibility in public affairs, (for mod pize now 1 wuz iuk for him has taken place is a matter of record. %• trated effort, the purpose of the 30-year campaign enlarging personal and public end hit him rite on face wjt it. "Thus far,-the New peal as a whole can hardly perspective-. I dont tink so dot 1 kud wuz meke to preserve the forests On 400,000,000 acres of hit faice werry moch durtee big- be said to have succeeded or failed The crucial 7. Ethics, Philosophy and Re- 'privately owned, lands was accomplished with hla ligion ot Industry (the co-opera- horse eftur yu wuz reed him lat approval of amendments to the code for the lumber point will arrive when the Government ceases to tive law of human needs now out- tur yu wuz ken see dot be ownee and timber products industry. Publicly owned tim- pump huge quantities) of public funds into the strippipg the competitive la-w of wuz talk bat bout wunce on i yeer. ber Is confined to about 100,000,000 acres, most of economic system and business is left to sustain it- supply and demand. 8. Simplicity the Basis of all ac- ! End aay mr. Haditur, wen dis it lying within the national forest. self • complishment, (based in funda- Mr. Esq. wu» make dot P. S. krek Conservationists assert that tbie program em- "The value of the Newt Deal In the long run will mentafprlheiples of art, science (pully slk) bout him wife wuz I i 'bodied in the lumber-code amendments accomplish- depend on its capacity to meet maturing and ability-. j tink so dot mine lattur les coopla gallons without restoring to ruinous taxation or to 9. Co-ordinated activity the wlks wus luk like jig sore pozzle es what they have fostered since the turn of tpe only Real self-interest, (a plan-j1 no ken bleme her fur dot, big- paper money IBSUOS, and on its ability to regulate, century. It is effective June 1. 11134, and provides ned, organized, self supporting, horse 1 wuz hum dot she wuz gor- rigid rules for private operators in protection in the public interest, the vast and complex econ- self expressing community). j rat krosseyes, end she no wuz ken against tires and other destructive agencies und omics forces that it has undertaken to bring under 10. As the great-so the small, Been yennytlng dlffurents. Yennyway, mr. Haditur, I dont preservation of young growth during ahd following centralized control." community (why not demonstrate in Woodbrldge Township). wuz wannit talk yenny more room logging, which shall be selective; cooperation ui Thoughts on un-eraployment as on yu papeer so i wuz gonnat say- j,torebt-i>wning groups with public authorities in ex- Efficiency in Business. a community responsibility will be now dot i wuz hope dot fish guy [tending systematic protection; methods of restock- the subject of next week'B discus- wui gat. kremps in his bat tob Efficiency in business is not only encouraged sion, including the Bimple outline da nex time he wuz talk bat, [ after tutting and sustained-yield forest manager which. i'OL tink W..WUJ KODoat be through operation under NRA codes of fair fompe- of a plan tor community recovery. at. The bearings on the amendments revealed Something to make us all think. sumtime nax-yeer, despite widespread sentiment within the in-1 tulon bul u '" rendered highly necessary. Manufac- Goom-bl pleez, •v in tavuj- of forest conservation, divergent turers were tne flr8t lo Prepare for setting up re- Subscribe to the Leader-Journal Stanislaw Boleslaw DroMezgewlci were never able lo agree upon details, search councils to determine (Sources of supply of Your, ne 1", read a suteinent issued by the National raw materials, transportation, and all other forms nber Manufacturers' Association, "will be a red- ot cost. Wholesalers and retailers are fortifying ar day in American industrial hlBtory, because themselves with the same agencies, and. with each Laughing Around the World mark the beginning of sustained check on the others (or its protec- First Aid 0,000.000 ucres of land. tion, the ultimate consumer cannot fall to be bene- With IRVIN S. COBB in trouwe- declaring that "the oil industry was the first fited. m, benelH ot operation under a NRA. code", An illustration Is afforded in the .creation of a canbeipur r. S. Hose review of petroleum, conditions says: statistical research bureau by the controllers, con- savings ier Government control the industry has been gress of the National Retail Dry Goods Association. The Patience of a Traveling Man to achieve results that even ttte largest com- In explaining its purpose, Alfred Henry, chairman aocount eould not bring about. The big units were ot the congress and controller ot Glmbel's In New By IRVIN S. COBB . Jofooursavers I to prevent the 'racketeer' from wrecking York said; '1'HIS one used to be a classic around the newspaper offices. A n- Be structure. Now it is generally recognized It will serve as an economic clearing house as porter who was covering the hotel news for his paper, gathering :..*start one now,' production under control has not only such nil a long-felt want in retail distribution. It up gossip of new arrivals and the like, returned to the shop with a a belter price utructure and renewed will supply retailers throughout the country with story. 1 butted ibto three traveling-men talking in the lobby," he said but also has prevented the napping ot data Hit the utmost value as to buying operations Without the strong liana of 'Kttff forecasts brew) on tive ia^f tigatie ua. > ot Europe have continued to flow and For example, study of price trends and production tue costs will disclose whether prices of blankets for > next fatj-nav* wwfcmjln V">tifUaUon. COUOH for. I.SW tt serious lreMhW tnw hlghwt vgaw* «rty ia»t «mt*i Bums."' A» / which Have been have shown this erratic movement was due to the National B*nk pountry's natural rHOttroes are enabled to desire to avoid the cotton tax, but was not likely "One of them, «n underwear salesman said the hot weather had pot i 4b*m Ufl4«r tbe fovvrnmeEtal control pro- him almost out of biuinesa. He acted like he wanted to cry about It" RAHWAY, N. J. to continue. Such studies in many lines that vitally ! tor tin U» luwb«r u& petrokuut eoden. The other two listened to his complaint for a while. Then the affect jMallers will indicate the best time for them second one said: be to uij«» commUmsat*. "You've got no kick coming. Look ajt me, cheery and bright I f9 or aa «aril. But b* overlooks the- havent made a sale since last February ^d yet here it Is the middle of August." i a f«P«V WAV prefer tff ha tfle boJIow.. m&E THOUGHT FOR TODAY "Rotary snow-ploughs." ' T!»e lyiartiKa t«*rd that the people niurnmral Up to. thU point the third fellow hadn't said a wo(i Now he such things coaearning him and the Pharisees und w mi The other two turned on him: , MEMBER FEDERAL RESERVE SYSTEM te''brato'truat" hasbwn the chief priests wot officers to take him. get an order," Tb«n said Jesus unto thus, Yet a little while am •TTAt tareed on Mm: I with you. and then I go unto him that sent w>- 1 St. John; O&apMr 7. 31:S3. fiy ** * *—• ^ 7,-:.\'?:'-'i


Great Atlantic & Pacific Tea Co. MICHAEL SWETZ, Manager Home Trade Week BARNEY'S, U. S. GROCERY —QUALITY SERVICE— ISELIN APRIL 16 TO 21 Green Street, Iselin T QUALITY AUTO REPAIR SHOP J^ HERE is nothing unusual about a merchant advertising his wares but, when his customers—'the Berkley Terrace Service Station A. Nothnagel, Prop. CONSUMER—initiates a campaign in his behalf, that IS news. The ISELiN^OMMUNITY ASSOCIATION, a non-professional, non-commercial organization, be- EKHARD DREW1EN, Prop. BRAKES — IGNITION — STARTERS — MOTORS lieves that the «nen and women who serve the Community faithfully, summer and winter, giving long hours of labor and thought to supplying the manifold needs of its citizens, writing-off from 10 to 20% GREEN STREET & RIDGELY AVENUE, ISEUN Oak Tree Road fc Marconi Avenue, lselin annual loss to altruism and in many other ways performing a vital social, as well as economic service, deserves the unsolicited tribute of the Itelin consumer such a unique campaign signalizes. WHY BUY AT HOME? E. J. GROSSMAN PARK INN BEER GARDEN A pertinent question that might best be answered in that old habitually American spirit, with: "Why THE TWO FRANKS live at home?" —GROCERIES VEGETABLES & MEATS- sufcittSE SUPPERS SATURDAYS You have selected Iselifi as the place to make your home; to rear your children; the place where you return at night to enjoy the comfort of the fireside—in safety, at peace with the world. FREE DELIVERY Oak Tree Road lselin "Young men and fools go to sea" is an old salty maxim to large extent true, but, that vast majority who are tied by the loving bonds of family and friends t0 a spot called HOME, cannot yearn for distant Wilson Avenue ISELIN shores and greener fields when the town is up and doing. The money you spend for articles and services in your own HOME town cannot possibly do it any harm. Then why take the chance of depreciating your own nest by buying elsewhere? It is not solely the immediate, insignificant saving as between the local price and the out-of-town National Grocery Company bargain that divert* your contribution from local welfare and improvement. Rather it is that you do not stop to consider the hidden indirect costs which should be added to that foreign Bargain price. R. J. RETTKWA ALAN C. NETCHEL, Manager The cost of getting there; the inevitable contribution to the depreciation of your own locality; the lack of appreciation of these faithful and considerate servitors, who work long hours to anticipate and -FINE GROCERIES- OAK TREE ROAD, ISELIN fill your wants; the assured loss to your HOME town of every single cent you spend elsewhere, are but a few of the concrete tosses insured by your shopping rambles thru the far provinces of so-called Bar- CORREJA AVENUE, ISELIN gain-land. DO YOUR PART by shopping in Uelin AND DO IT NOW! ISELIN BEAUTY SHOPPE DO SOMETHING FOR ISEUN MARCELS — FINGER WAVE — PERMANENTS ART'S SMOKE SHOP JOIN WITH HUNDREDS OF YOUR FELLOW TOWNSFOLK, WHO HAVE PLEDGED THEMSELVES —NEWSPAPERS, CIGARS & STATIONERY TO A CONSISTENT, PRACTICAL IMPROVEMENT OF THE COMMUNITY! Oak Tree Road & Correja Ave. ISELIN Lincoln Highway & Oak Tree Road, Iselin

t Become a member of the ISEUN COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION and learn why and'how! ;, COME UP AND SEE US SOME TIME COOPERS DAIRY HOMETOWN CYCLE SHOP j F. E. COOPER, Prop. PROGRESSIVE NON-PARTISAN CIVIC SERVICE —TIRES, REPAIRS, ACCESSORIES- Pure Milk from our own tuberculin tested cow*. BICYCLE, VELOCIPEDES, BABY CARRIAGES MIDDLESEX AVENUE, ISELIN * - WARR COAL and SUPPLY CO. The Pennsylvania R.R. Lincoln Highway, Iselin CINDERS — MASON MATERIALS it offering lower fares and new forms of tickets from Wood- TEL. 8—0724 «OAL Prompt Delivery SCANK SIGNS bridge to all points in New York ROBERT SCANK, Prop. ISELIN DELICATESSEN WOODBR1DGE T and Newark effective May 1st.

—COLLEGE TOWN FOOD STORE- .i —COLLEGE Expert Lettering — Advertising Signs ALL GOGOOC D THINGS TO EAT ISELIN ' OAK TREE ROAD, ISEUN PAULUS DAIRY Established 1890 SHEFFIELD FARMS QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS Main Office: -189-195 New St. Tel. 2400 • New Brunswick, N. J. WESTFIELD, N. J. MEMBERSHIP -~\ HOME TRADE PLEDGE "For Rowy Cheek* One Wisely Seeks Tel. WRstlield 2—1990 PAULUS' MILK" YOUR LOCAL GROCER CARRIES THEM For the benefit of humanity and the improve- YOUR LOCAL GROCER HANDLES IT ment of my town, 1 hereby register my member- ship in The Iselin Community Association of I Jiereby pledge to Wake every possible pur- Iselin, N. J. chase in my home tovrn of Iselin. W00DBR00K FARMS KRUEGER BREWING CO, Name: -.» Signed: METUCHEN, N. J. Brews that make NEWS Address: ..- Date ™ ^Address: .....„_ .....Date - QUALITY DAIRY PRODUCTS '•EXPERIENCE TELLS" Mail or deliver to any Association Officer. I Mail or deliver to any Association Officer YOUR LOCAL GROCER CARRIES THEM Nwark —* N*w JLeisey...... ~k Sponsored by Progressive Non-Partisan Civic Service WOODBRITOE LKADER-JOURNA FRltfAY, APRIL 13,

of the. UnlnlBtiire of New Jersey, en I NOTIOB TO Court of Common | i li ttmby flwm (tint the roi We. th" undersigned, legal of tho HurrnRftlp of thn County of IMP™ of the County of Middlesex nt | xmdment to thr- Building Zone of thi- State of New Jersey, haling re thp. Court House, In New nninuwkk, | sided thi'reln. continuously more than Midrtlenfix, licroby give* notlw tn y State legislature, Nnwmber !Mvlfl. "Hill Billy" Orchestra Every Saturday Night • Memorial Municipal Building, Wood- 20th. IM give not Ire of our intwtlon oath or nfllrniatlon, within HIX IIAFtRY DAVIDOWITZ. jbrtOK, New Jersey ,on April 16. 1934. Mi> make implication to the prnfer nu- ltiR from thin date or they will 43 State Street, I'Yoo Supp«r Si\turd:iy Nijrlit-s 'it wfbt p m. In the evening, nt which Ih'.rHI'i of the Township of Wood- Him and place objection!* thereto may hrldge in Ihn County of Middlesex. be forevtr barred of any action Pert Amhoy, N. J 4» Metwnted l>y the owners of lot* In- I Stale of New Ier»y fur a plenary rc- thn Raid AdmlnlitratnrR. Ditert: Mnrch n. 1934 Ford., N. J. clutted In Ihe propound change or l>y ititll niii^iiniption license. Dated March 28th, 1»?4. Alirnm Wolpln. 582 New Brun»wick thnat, owners Immediately adjacent In j Premise* knnwn as Joan's located on At tiirnfy nt Law the-rear thereof. .extending one hun- I Snpei-Hiehwny Route No. 2T>, Wooil- nenwrd W. Vog«l, 28(1 llolfcrt St. dred feet, or by those directly opposite ln-ldge, N. J. ' William V. Horer 1 > thnretn. extending ono hundred feet .IKNS KNUDSEN » OTTO HANSEN AdmintBtrntnr rerth Amfiny, N. J. NIIIINCTIIX to Ilk" lx iulcr-,l»l from th|> frontage of such opposite lola. Super Highway Route No 5(1. March 30, April fi, 1.1 20, 27. Any nbjctioiia to the propound chnngn Woodbrldge, N. J imiftt lw* in writing find signed by at least twi'nty I*1' I1'"' "f those in tic nf feete.l iiml MIII'II iilijui'iiniiK nny l>e HI ed with ih'1 T'lwi'iniii rlerk prlnr' to LEGAL NOTICE April 111, I!KM. B, J. DUNIOAN NOTK'i: TO CRKIMTORH Township Clerk. AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND AN OR- | Perth Anihoy Siivlngs Institution of DINANCE ENTITLKD AN ORDI- j I'crth Atnhoy, N J , Executor of Cur' NANCE LIMITING AND RESTRICT 1 i c. Peterson, deceased, by direction of INC. TO SPECIFIED DISTRICT. ) j the Siirrognte of the County of Mld- AND REGULATING THEREIN i (lle.ii-x hereby, gives notice to the cred- I'.UII.DINGH AND STRUCTURKS itors nf the »a|d Carl C. Peterson, to Al'CORPIM: TO TIlEIR CON- lirinfi In their debts, demands and STRUCTION AND THE VOLUME ilalmK ngainst the estate nf the said TO AND EXTENT OF THEIR USE. (lci:i;niril, under onth or affirmation .. REUUL\T1N<; AND KEKTRICTINC, within six months from thin dtte or M RESCUE THE HEIGHT. NUMHKH OF STOR- Thin Isn't Ihn lennlnR lower nf they will be foreveforver barrebr d ol IES. AND SIZE OF HtllLDINGK AND OTHER STRUCTURES. RBli- It'* n phnlogrnph, Inkc-n nrllon therefor aRalpit the said Exec ~ ' rji.ATisr. ANF> fHwritKJTuw; THK Bt till atlElo, of l< tnwfr of nil)- PBRCENTA(;E OK LOT OCCUPIED, I'erlh Amboy Savings Ttmtltiitlun THK SIZE OF YARDS, COURTS her tiros. This was >mo of III" I of Perth Amboy, N. J., I AND OTHER OPEN SPACES, THE features nt a spring fair In | 1". 21, 30: 4m, 6, 13. Executor. DENSITY OF POPULATION: REG- Prague, ULATING AND RESTRICTING THE LOCATION. USE AND EXTENT OF No Botanist USE OF BUILDINGS AND STRUC- he wniiid ili'srrlbed course. 109,Hi TURES FOR TRADE, INDUSTRY, i-et to Die point or place of beginning. FINNEY OF THE FORCE WEAL PRETTY WHUT AK6 J6Z. RESIDENCE AND OTHER PUR- OH ic HOUNDED westerly by lot No, 1, I WAS OH-iTWAS OH, WHAT A Mice PORKS ESTABLISHING A BOARD northerly by lot No. 20, easterly by lot ARE THOUSHT I'P LIKE OF ADJUSTMENT: AND PROVID- No 3. and southerly by Avenel Street, AMSWERIN6- ME To C3IT PLAMT ING PENALTIES FOR THE VIOLA- ill n.-i shown on said map, In said Y SHOULDN'T HA^B A FEW TION ['HEREOF"--Proved June 8, ilnck. "THE VOOR.— I WAS HAVE SLEPT A PLAMTS IN POOR SH THE 0ES-OUIA 1931. Being the premises commonly known I WAS JUST Be it ordained hy the Township iind designated as No. 60 Avencl Street, A LITTLE LiTTLE LOOK \NHAT I Commute.' >if iln' Township of Wood- Woodhriage. N. J, A liridKr: The approximate amount of the de- HAVE OVER HERE 1, Xnli! nrdinance Is hereby am- cree to he satisfied by said sale Is the UT1XE r3EAUTY ended, hy adding thereto a new spctlon sum of One thousand nine hundred to he designated'Sen Ion XXIV, to road thirty-nine dollars and eighty- three NAP a.i follows: cents (Jl.939.83), together with the 11) that ull property having costs of this sale. trontnge on the north side of May Together with all and singular the Street westerly Irom Tlort- rights, privileges, hereditaments and ila Orove Road to Herbert Street In the appurtenances thereunto belonging or Hiipeluwn *>.tion of the Township of in anywise appertaining. •A'ri-tdtiridge he changed from Us pres- ALAN H. HLY, ent classification under the ordinance Sheriff, (onimnnly referred to as the Zoning GEORGE J MILLER, Onlirmiw from "B" residence to that Solicitor. if a hustnens classification; $28 98 2. This ordinance shall take effect April 6. 13, SO, 27. after Its approval and publication as reunited by law. AUGUST F. GREINBR, SHERIFF'S SALE Commltteeman-at-Large, Attest. B. J. DUNIGAN, —In Chancery of New Jersey, Between Township Clerk. John Pazsitka and Mary Paisltku, To be advertised April 6, 1934 ani Complainants, and Gabriel Dragog and April !3, 1934. Hearing on April 16 Mary Dragon, his wife, Defendants. FI ;«:« at 8:00 P. H.. at the Memorial FH for sale of mortgaged premises Municipal Building, Woodbrldge, N. J dated March 21, 1934. By virtue of the above stated writ to ne directed and delivered, I will ex- pom to wla at publk vendue on SHERIFF'S SALE WEDNESDAY, THE 2ND DAY OF MAY, A. D., 1934 TUBBY Open for Business. IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSE at two o'clock daylight saving ttimei . In —Between ANNA DIETRICH GAUB ththe afternooft n of tthhe snlld dday,, at.the Complainant, nnd GEORGE PLAKAS Sheriff's Office in the City of NeN w Defendant. Fi. Fa. for the sale of Brunswick. N. J. mortgaged pnejnjaci dated March 13, OH OH, 1934. All Ihe following tract or parcel of By virtue of th« above stated Writ, land and premises hereinafter particu- BACK! HE COOl OfST STAV WAS A SWELV. IDEA larly described, situate, lying and be- 1 to me, directed and delivered, I will ex- ing In the Township of Woodbrldge A\WAV FROM ME- AO( t OF SOOQS C0MIM BIVCK pose to sale at public vendue on In the County of Middlesex and State WKDNKSDAY, THE SECOND DAY of New Jersey, GOOD OLE HA UK FOR: STILL GOT THE HOME. AFTEfi 1 SOLD OF MAY, A. D., NINETEEN D"8ignated by the lot numbers one GOTTfc SCHEME TOR HUNDRED THIRTY-FOUR (1), two (2), thiee (3), four (4), and V-OOU.M2.T0O!-GOOD at two o'clock Daylight Saving Time five (fi>, In Block number forty-fi™ V COlM MOMEV In the afternoon of tho. said day. nt the 145), on a map entitled "Map of lots OLE " Sheriff's Office in th' City of New situate in the Town of Woodbrldge, N. WkD HIM BACK Brunswick, N. J. J., property of William Zlegler, Esq., All of thn following Irnct or parcel of ind known as Demorest-on-the-Hllltops land and premises hereinafter partlcu* larly described, situate, lying and be- surveyed January, 1891, bby J. M. TC ing In the Township of Woodbrldge, in Trowbrldge." and filed In tthe office of the County of Middlesex and State of thhe ClerClk of MiddleseMiddl x CCounty, on the j v 2(tli day of September, 1891, as map New Jersey. number 196. BEING known and designated as, The. approximate amount of the de- I10Q Block 859 B, on a map of prop- cree to be gatlslled by said sale Is the erty entitled "Map of Avenel Gardens, sum of two thousand eight hundred sitiiiited in Woodbrldge, Middlesex sixty-eight dollars and eighty-one County, N<>w Jersey, November, 1921." cents ($2,868.81) together with the costs Bfi(iINNING (it a point in the south- of thia-sale. > east corner of Lot No. 1, &J shown on Together with all and singular the said map, running thence' (1) easterly, rights, privileges, hereditaments and I along Avciiel Street, 26.12 feet; thence appurtenances thereunto belonging or \ (2) northerly, in a lino parallel or 1 in unywise appertaining. nearly so with Cornell Street, a dis- ALAN H. ELY. Sheriff. tance of 117,24 feet; thence (3) wo»t- SCHUVLER C. VAN CLEEF. erly, :it light unRle.s to said last men- $20. 16 Solicitor. ^^. , tinned line, 25 feet to a point; thence (4) southerly, in a line parallel with April 6, 13, 20, 27. CHEST COLDS LEGAL NOTICE TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: ByOtboru Farewell, Foliage I. the undersigned, a legal resident THE FEATfoERHEADS Rub on Musterole. Used if the State of New Jersey, having re- by millions for 25 years. ided therein continuously more than EXCUSE ME- llvii years prior to December 5th, 1933,. WHETHER. EM JOY THATlS WMAT c^f TEEPLF NOT just a salve, but a lo hereby, In pursuance of an Act Con- i LL ME&T Hbl) AT rolling und Re.guluting the sale ot Al-1 TO WALK WiTM SF^oi) "counter-irritant." All •ohtilic Beverages, adopted by the STAREP DO IS MY 1HE P^U^ STORE- New Jersey State Legislature, Nov-' WANTED TO RAISE A BEARD \ [ druggists.Three strengths. •mber 29th, 1933, give notice of my In-1 OR NOT- eution to m.ake application to the proper authoritlesof the State of New IS STARING To HIDE « W|AK £HlM «y, for a N, J. State Wholesale IT SHOULDNJT Distributors License, AMD THOSE OF VoUR'S/ HE Dll L.i.nted at 388 Central Avenue, Wood- O3K1CERM ANYOME\ iriilsc, N. J, HENTON COHN ELS6 388 Central Avenue. Woodbrldge. N. J.

DDELICIOUS in ensp salads.., with crack- ersand jam for dessert . . . with marmalade and toast for break- fast! "" Brand Cream Cheese Got is pure, wholesome— and always jrtsh. a COLD? THE GREAT AMERICAN HOME MAC by Munch At the first sign of a


USB Night and Morning VCBCKEVi-l'M mm Promote a Clean, Healthy Condition For Eyes irritated by exposure to Sun, TO SPRlMKLE Wind, or Dust, apply a few drops oi NOW TrlESE FELLOWS I TH006HT I'D PLM h I TWS ft MurtTK. It Rests, Reireahes, Soothes, 0ITE, W THI?> rNF 'Rl JUST \H "TIME TO Safe for Infant or Adult. At all Druggists. HUJ? l WriUforPmEyt Book MurineCompany,Dc(tt.II- S SPRING Cll^NINGT Dorsey Motors WOODBRIDOE LEADER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL 13. PAGE SEVEN (iCome On, Marines!" Tomorrow, At Roky Theatre *Me' 'Jimmy the Gent' 'Nana' 'Cat and the Fiddle' 'Bombay Mail' 'Beloved' AT LIBERTY THEATRE, Elizabeth—Tomorrow AT RAHW AY THEATRE TACE AND SCREEN Hollywood Highlights

1 LIBERTY THEATRE Eliiabeth. 'l'rlmllf ;ilns|i nl rMimlnallonH nt tin '.lnlimil Mars of the mo- hrliiK out *)iiu' Ititi'i-i-qtliiK hattpentuuR. TIIA liU»>at was tin- WINNING Saturday, for three dayn at the Liberty Theatre, l unnunl exitmlnutlnn ot Oscar, It took twrnly mpn to hnld B Elisabeth, a new star of the nlniflrmaiienl will appear in nr whili> the Auimlnnllou win, In progress. Oscar In a twenty "Nana" Anna Slen, the latest Russian Importation makes her I M.I python. WMIKIIIIIR 3liO poundn who has been sleeping flrnt appearance in a picture which has been given more publici- 'C'IIIH Uni appenrunrc In "Murders In the Zoo." ty than any of the past few years. Reviewed In all the New York papers, critics agreed that Anna Sten Justly deserves the tre- mendous applause which has greeted her in der Initial sorRPii ileiiiKo Itafl, star uf Uuvel'B "llolero" has JuM finished a appearance In this country. The scene Is laid In Tarts In 1H7 0, H ri'sl utter making "The Trumpet Blows." The. locale of and had ai a background the Franco-Prussian war. Nann, tiio i he hiuiy is piared In the bull rlnKs of Spain and demanded a toant of Paris music hulls attains the heights of stardom, only mil rourso In bull-llKliting for Ilalt, which was taught by Pep* to drink the 4w|» at dotpalr aa a reaiiLLolJier affairs with the urn/. Mexico's 'mil fighting champion. DanKerous scenes were many gallants that are attracted to her. A tragic endlim In no mtt ttihrn'wtth • «t««W» in W*tt'» part, Jrat »<»r« Ulwn wUli. way mars the enjoyment of a truly sensational film. On the uta^e Itatt hlumoir in action. Ortli say* that Raft has real talent (or five actd of vaudeville complete the program, including Orlbern iiiill-nVhtlnK -anil Hhould desert the scret'n for the arena. Need- Oddities, Borgan and Stone and their Girl Friend* and three le»H in uny, Hut I [«•>!» that Its safer and saner to stay In Hol- other Acts. lywood . * • * « ALL OF Ml • • * * * RiTZ THEATRE.—Elizabeth. fcXHNNJNG Saturday at the Itita Theatre. Elizabeth for four ;iKTiss:>rs anil' it i-i e\pecictl thai The autograph market is staging a comeback, Judgltg by B days will !* presented one of rlie outstanding revues of the Hahway Theatre I lir r inaiuiim inicH will In' i>((uiilly the latest market prices reported from Hollywood. The auto- "i iiimiiliir with the Hahwny Th«- graphs of r'Vederic March, John Barrymore. Wallace BeWy, entertainment world titled "Let's Cheer". Featured In this ex- utri' piitruns. travaganxa Is Marie Marian, the Inlernatlonl cominedtenne, who Charles Laughion and Norma Shearer are $17.60 a copy. The is well known on the musical comedy and vaudeville stages and Sponsors Baby four Mnr.x Bros. slRnaturea are worth 110 each and 150 on one also tor her many Warner Bros, comedies. I'rank Cubby, the Broadway Interlude sheet of paper. Rudolph Valentino autograph* bring $75 In clever ventriloquist addfl his bit In making this one of the out Beauty Contest At Forrest Theatre the current market—the highest priced autograph on record is standing revues of the season. Th«cast includes thirty entertain by George Bernard Shaw and is valued st $1,000. erg of every description und Is sure to please the most critical UMIVVAY. A Ilaby 1'npuliirlty NKW VOHK - Aiiuu'K the of audiences. On th<< screen will be shown the latest excltliiR ontest is Ix>ir,g Biionsored by ttic important theatrical opening* of and humorous comedy "Coino On, Marines". Richard Arlen, aa Railway theatrre with the cooper- tin? eiiriy Spring season on New REGENT THEATRE,—Elizabeth. tion of the Railway merchants a soft hearted but ambitious lwttherueck gets In the good graces. Yurk's Klaltp will be the premiere llvAHIOl.'S eom..K\ie punctuate James Cagne.y'u lateBt starring vehicle Forrest Theatre, W«Bt 49lh street, of school girls In the Phllllplneg. Troublo starts Immediately H in ;ui(Uiio,ii to a huge silver lov- on Thursday nvenlnK, April tilth. MORRIS DEUTSCH and continues through a series of hunioroua and thrilling Boenes "Jimmy The Oreat" which o,)en» at the Resent Theatre today. ng cup which will be awarded to Ar.hmed Abdullah, foremost a- RESTAURANT AND BEER GARDEN which bring the picture, to n surprise climax. The story a nov.:l one, di'iils in a highly hunvorovs vein yfHh hi» mostt popular baby in Rahway r.innB thn current crop of maga- tin- racket of distil!; i>P lost lioirs to cash In on vast tnn'llrltanc- and vicinity, 100 prize* of mer zine writers, and author of the * * * •> • year's best seller "The Gat Had Assorted Liquors and Cordials es for which then- are no claimants. Tl\e blonde beauty Bette chandlse will be awarded. Tlu STATE THEATRE.—Woodbrid*e. prizes will lie given to the winner!" Nino Lives," adapted "Droadway Davis, has the feiiiub lead opposite Cagney a-nd In the support- at the Wednesday mutiny, May -. Interlude" from the popular novel DAY and tomorrow at the State Theatre, Woodbridge, will Green Street, ltelin, N. J, ing roles are Alice White and Allen Jenkins. The associate" feat- Every Monday matinee during hf I ho' same name l>y l'^lth Bald- r be shown for the lost tlinss the smash musical hit of the ure tnrlnRs together again those two dramatic screen stars •who e month of April the manage- win and Mr. Abdullah. HKUHOn "Flying Down to Rio." Hero Is a musical comedy that gave such good account of themselves in "Merrily "We Go To 1B HponsorlTiK a Baby Beauty knows 11 o bounds an to talent and la Justly known an the hit Hell", In ft new picture "Good Dame''. Frederic March and'Syi- Uevue. The first two revues have already proven to bo outstanding I'.KAI) Illl l,Ki\l)KIUIO( UN 11, of the season. Co-featured to Chester Morris and Helen vlfi , in this fast moving picture are supported by Rus- Twelvotrees In "King for a Night," Sunday and Monday, U>« sel Hopton, Jack La Rue and Noel 'Francis. A comedy, and the Tracy appears In the hilarious comedy "Advice to the Love- latest news r<)fl complete the program which will run for the' • IN "DESIGN FOR LIVING" RAHWAY, N. J lorn' and Edmund Lowe appears in "Bombay Mall." In the entire week. PHONC former, Lee Tracy, as a news reporter who has slept thru an RAHWAY 7-1250 earthquake, Is demoted to the agony column by his Hate boas, In answering the questions of the lovelorn, Tracy is at his Did you know that the movie has lost the BIB round of her suit against her par best. In "Bomliay Mall" Bdmund Lowe give* a aterlinK per- magnates are sponsoring another T44CATRE beauty contest which liass all the ents who are suing her for main formance in a story which centers around the intrigues, both earmarks of the last "Search for tainence. Tending the setUemen political and social which develop on board the Bombay Mail Beauty'. The box office receipts of of the suit she haB to pay her par- ents $100 per week. After it de- train, the crack flyer of the Orient. Tuesday brings t0 the the "Search for Beauty" were so pends on the discretion of th screen "Yes, Mr. Brown" a comedy of unsual entertainment tremendous that profits were shown on the production, even judge. It might interest some o and the co-feature "H«r Secret" starring Sari Marlua and my readers to know that Mar Baby Popularity Contest though the unkindest of critics Win, Collier, Jr. Wednetfay aiyi Thursday, Paul Muni appeurB claimed that the contest was a Astor's raal name Is Lucille I.angt in that screaming eomedy^'Hl, jjtyHe," and the co-feature "Ue- ^allure. Contestants will be chosen hanke, and that she will eventu ally win h#r suit against her par loved" in which the tenet"Jblin/BOles is co-starred with Gloria'" •from all over tie United States as in former contests. ents. BALLOT FOR 25 VOTES Stuart. . WITH EVERY ADMISSION TICKET ROKY THEATRE.—Perth Amboy. HE wildest rowdy comedy of the season comas to the Rok} T Theatre, Perth Amboy, Saturday, for a run of three days. Every Mon. and Thurs. Mat.& Eve. Richard Arl«n, Ida Luplno and Monte Blue and Toby Win* are the principal actors and leaders of an axpedltion of Marines to the tropics to rescue a party of shipwrecked girle. Arlen GABY OOOFER FREDKRIO MARCH SUNDAY — MONDAY — TUESDAY plays the role of a fearless sergeant who has been sent to uis troplcB an a result of an entanglement ashore with a cabaret At Roky Theatre, Perth Amboy — Today Only dancer. As leader of the expeditionary force he runs into plen- ty of grief In effecting1 the rescue. As an added attraction "Pon- On* offcrtd .,. tht othtr h«r Bye the Sailor" will be shown In his latest vehicle "The Man h«r lipt... htarl TO LOVE

on the Flying Trapeze". Indications are that the success of Tuesday and Wednesday performance, at which are given fret- to every l«dy attending, a valuable and practical piece of glass AMBOY tibloware. An extra piece hs been addod to the original^ and Will be given away In theusual manner. It consists ofii special SATURDAY - SUNDAY - MONDAY GOld-cyt platter divided into compartments to meet the need of UJIB platter of many uses. THKCALLTO AUMS! * • • • RAHWAY THEATRE.—Ral»w»y. 7 • A/I- • (J )DAY and Saturday at the Railway Theatre, following tho MARCH • HOPKINS • RAI*T rusual program of two features will be shown Paul Muni in the hilarious comedy "HI Nellie" and Clark. Gable and Claudet- i rma/ntH




^^. •_ _ A MM __ •_ _ _ _ I* _ llf.u.una.jM 111 ' «L 4» 4* 4» V T T******* • lllvVvlvtll W V Echoes + + + at Grove Street Diamond And Losing Eight Horton Smith, Last Man to Beat Bobby Jones Before His Retirement, Does By Windsor J. Lakit. Sports Editor • It Again to Show He's Still in the Running ;V Wh.'ii Mnyor AUKUHI F Greiner ith nl p ht,ll lliiM Sumlity iifLcrnoon at the Urove WOODBRIDT.K. W " - tosses out Ih KIRKLESKI HAS PLENTY OF MATERIAL teen ganms posted on th" win BY PHILIP MARTIN Willmm-MonV'Mowck'.Amenc-jiUj side of the ledger and only eight HORT putts from tte golf strt'i'l < on the Ions side, and by having S world: (;ioii In Arlington A. F the m-w or only partly lined hawliall talent blottoming defeated some of the better teams . Bobby Jones' failure to win tt« O forth at Woodbrldgi' Hi^h thin year. It in noteworthy that In central Jersey, the Brooknldeg' Marten' Tournament, sUffd over virtually (h<- entire crop connlsts of Inflelders. ;>iiHKetball club of thin plai-». his own eoum at AnpuU, Oa., Iclaims the mythical championship doein't mean that Jonei It Out o( (he aMonlnhlnfr number of 110 baseball candidates lot Wqodbrldge Township. through io much ai It lndiatH J "Moose" Kenna and H. Keat- (»r the '34 team, only a mem handfull put in a bid for out field that one Horton Smith, Joplln, 1'lnvliiK with tlie north Jersey P»«t» It may be (hut a lot of creaking arms and bafkV lt«» d.1- ing, two of the Brooks flashy for- wards, sparkled during.the hectic Mo, pro, li back on bl» wmi combine will be R. I^lborn, who vcloped slmultanpouily among the old guard or It may b« a fine again. It Ii Interettloc to not* «•„„ die Imttlng championship Iwt campaign, the former Arnerlng a 1 Weflt vintage year for youthful Inflelderp. total of 180 points and the latter tint Smith, wbo won th* AufOiU Rutgers to Defend venr In H" Hudson County ollertlng a turn of 127. The ver- tournament In which Jonei tried i^anuc. Tal borne Is one of the So, you can -well Imagine the poult Ion Frank Klrkleski halt satile center and guard, "Chat" a comeback after belnt Idle since 3 Track Titles In moHt (laiiRcroiiK hitting ball pl»y- In trying to juggto around a hundred prospect* and eventually F«rr, f«How«4 with a total of 121, ; 1930. was the last man to beat I.IK In north Ji-rsi-y. K. Hoed, who post tola starting team for April 21. And with the opening date Much credit Is being given to Bobby before the sonthtrner'i re will urobal)ly do the el.bowins for (hi. An. l« ii former 3«tnh Hill a week oft, 1 had the utter audacity of anklnR Kirk to pick his "Rusty" Dunn, coach of the or- tlrefflellT. Penn Relay Events ganization, and Manager James Shortly after hh victory ovei 111111111(1 !>!'•'. Initial nine men. Mtcsics for the fine manner In "Emperor" Jones ID the Savannah damn tinm for Sunday'* battle which they handled the quintet Open or 1930, Smtth was injured NI'.W BlirNSWiCK. It Kirk wan, of course, prepared (or this and the following Is kl IH id for Ihren o'clock, and It Is during the season. lie spent a long time recovering, linn M| a I'.iui relay i-rown, the <.x|icoit>il Hint «<'veral hundred what ho claims t0 ;>e his "H starting diamond lineup, and if 1 w !1 on ni TKAH BBCOHD a nit a longer time letting back Middle TIIHT chiuii|iioiiiihl|) "I" you're not a«ctiBlomed to Jln-saw puzzle* try this one for a be- ii'iwiishlp l»>ll fai>» ' to *" * BrooluldM, 42: St. Josephs, Carteret. <>n.&)i! game. Bnt he proved con Miildli- Atlaiillc- SlllteB title to wllnesi tho shindig M w«U ai ginner. the uoiil of the Kutgers Trolana, Curteret, 42; Brooksldeii, 10. eluslvely that ht wae in ehape will view Coach MesHick's 1934 edition f truck team which opens At the backstop, we will have Karoas, last year's sensa- Bniokildn, 43. St JoMph'n. Carteret. again when he turned In a card or ihii soldiere. or 284 during the Masters' Tour tion, and the fellow win kept the opposing halters at a bolllnu Brooksldm. 47; St. Joseph's. CarterM, MnenfM nament, to lead the field, one KIMI'III, l':i', ni'xi Friday after- point by virtue of his aEKrevatlng Jibes. In cane he should hop, Sewiren A A . M; Brooksldes, 28. stroke ahead of Craig Wood, tec „,',„„. r,Mi lftti-viin-ii havr r.'turn- Arlington A'» Kirk has a ROCK) wcond In Scuttl. Brnokfldeii, 37, Fords R«liibl«i, 26 and place winner, and ten itrokea ,.,l i,, make 1!»' 1'1"1 r, Wukovets, Balog, Ktuj, Blylhe BrookniiJea, 38; Port Beading TroJ«n«, Johnny Goodman'! National Open Only three iiii'iiiht'rs n( till' ,1. Zllal, »h -TTPWhoni, If V Diiiiham, :>b tijorknee. 3b and JoBt. And did you Ret that last name. Well, this newly Brookaides, 27; Young Boys, Fordu, 22. crown tbli year since, In winning ,!i:uii|)imiHhl|i miuad have Iwen found pitcher. Jost, intercmted me a great deal, as the lad has BrookJides, »4; Liberty* P. A. 20. Ue Auguita affair, he beat the 'lust llirouKli Kriiduatltui. The loss il. On*, rf llatson, li Brookaldes. 16; Port Reading Cyclonea, L. I,ukanluk, If Capo«i, 2b best pros and araatenri ID the MI CiiiitHln Art HoHBfiilopp, c«»l- done about everything relative to sport that can be done, hav- g ; K. Delaney, cf Tesko, lb BrooioildeB. 32; Latal'n Corner, 10. country. i,.i,,. record holder In the broad ing ntared on nil major sport teams and In many distinct posi- Brooluldea. 18; Hilltop, A. C, 14 | jinnii. will he most keenly felt an T. Murtagh. p E. Heed, p tions as well Brookulden, 22: Chrintlan Endeavor, 12. RE doctoring up th* goli 'U,e,v is no outBtandlnK randldate J. Iiartos, p Swnnson, p BrookBldM, 46; Hungarian C C.. 34. C. KuBinak, ;i Kirk seemed enthused over Jost as a twtrler, and 1 gather- Brwknldea. 34; Hungarian C. C.. 24 * ball now to mak* It more io replace him. Ezru Upplncotl Brookalde*. 54: Eagles A. C 12 lively—Jutt ai they did with the liinil Norm IVrrara, li-adlnn dls- ed this bit of IK'WS from him on the point. The coach believes Brooksldea, 40; Forda Reliables, 14. be major league baseball. tiinee men last Sprlnn, were Rrad-j Victor MjcLaglen seems to St. Laudislaus, 34; Brookuldea. 14. making an unusual hit in the that Krankle will eventually be the best hurler In his (lock. He lurookaldfa, 29; Fords Reliables, 21. The new balls have a liquid ! iiutcd Inn I heir IOSB will bo more, added, that Jost has his heart and soul In flinging the leather iBrooksldes, 37; P. A. Speedwayj, 11. center Into which li forced, b> ;tlian offset liy Danny Smith soph- "Last Patrol" which Is playing the ; Bruokaldes. 42; Maurer A. A, 32 and has already developed a number of curves that will leave means of a hypodermic needle, a 'more, and Charlie Jtister, d ami-, Uroadway theatres at the present Employed BUVB, 31: Brooksldea. 18 I lor wuosi} surprising improvement I time. It won't be long before the Brooksideii, 29; Maurer, A. A., 26. pressure as high ai 800 pounds to tho batters flounderins with the willow. Idurlnii the winter cani|i:itRn lewis picture is shown right here In the iSt Laudislaua, 36; Brookoldea, 33. the square Inch. Thli added Thin Jost may become the pitching star this coining season I Total scoring: Brookslden. 908; Op- ' io the 'belief that he will net a new vicinity; Judging by the advance pressure Is laid, to increas* the eollese record for the two-mile; publicity it would be a picture but, nevertheleHB, I believe he'll have to do some fancy flinging ftOOHINO distance of drives from eight to s F.O. F. worth seeing. ten yardB. un in tin; coming campaign. to best that old warhonie, "Percy" Wukovets. J. Kenna. t 84 n B. Ki-ating. t .... 55 127 Golfers have been testing It on Bobby Jones, unbeatable Just before his retirement :ievi"rnl ji-nrs Smith was undefeated In mile Hrst base presents its usual annual problem. It seems that 55 121 C. Farr. f various course* this year, and the ago, is shown coiurratnlating Horton Smith, Joplln, Mo., pro, winner 'ompolitlon as u freshman last a coach conflnCincinnati, scene of the Middle Atlantic States nu'et last B. Simonsen and Eddie Ilalog. In a very minute seeding, Bur- 3 turer, it Is said this type of c*n- r O LWBC g Foremost among these young- 193S National Amateur. year with a lirsl in the javelin and ger holds a shaky lead. L. Skelly. f 1 tf-r will not be so apt to eon- seconds in shot put and discus. sters are Marlon Miley, of Lex- Miss Robinson won the wom- frAV NEVI ORttt 8EF0K. And here's the key to the crossword puzzle at shortstop i.ract and eipand under varying Against Columbia he hurled thu n GOT OUT OF STftEr weather conditions u other liquid ington, Ky., and Lucille Robin- en's western tournament In 1933, Jevelln 1DU feet 2 inches to hang If, Jost pitches, then Burger will cover this torrid spot. But. if defeating Virginia Van Wle, pres- renters. ton, of Den Molnes, Ia. u|> a college record. Jost isn't hurling, then it will be Jost at ehort with Burger at Elizabeth Nine to » • • The former, jutt out of her ent women's champion—and that Saul Hue, holder of the college second. '[MiE old guard of women'* golt teens, reached the final rounds of is something, also. high jump murk of 5 feet 11 7|8 Their records make it easy to Inches, and Hilly Sperling, M. A. Kirk's pet, "Mooney Sweeney" Kurutza, the Russian with ' -Virginia Van Wle. Maureen the Florida Women's champion- Meet Pernamen in ship by defeating Helen Hicks— predict that these two lassies H. C. A. A. champion In the high the Irish name, will roam the "hot corner" section, unless "Jig- (ireutt, Helen rllckf, Oval S. Bill, 1 et al.—are due for sots* surprises and that's something. She holds stand a good chance of winning hurdli-s an ' oilier standout per- gers" Covlno, can put over his act In better form. six women's course records, one major tournaments this year. formers. Other letlermer return- Practice Tilt Sun. from an up-and-coming group of ing are Ujjl Clover in the sprints The outfielders will be Bill Golden, Uarcellona, Jimmy and broad jump; Bill Verway in Lpckie, and the pitchers who aren't pitching at the time. And AVBNEL,.— l-'or the past two thu 880 and mile; Scoop Updilu that, my friends, Is ypijr '34 Woodbrldgo High diamond com- weeks, Bill l'erna's Avenel A. A., in thu shot put; Ked Grower In ,'btte. ball club has been in tralnin$ for Motorpaced Event 28, He Inherits Auto Race Classic the javelin and shot put; and Dun one of the toughest diamond cam- ny Whitman in the high jump and Getting away from that promising line-up, but keeping in paigns in its history. Althflush $25,000,000 discus. Red Deinarest, football GUILTY line with high school baseball, I want to call to your attention the Parnamen will not get under- To Be Featured at Opens Langhorne star wh0 Placed fourth In the M. Are you guilty of misrepresen- that the Frosh this year will be represented by an able team way until Sunday, April 22, a A. S. C. A. A. shot put two yearB ting your character as including ago hut was unable to compel? by driving a dirty. that might perhapB embarass the varsity later in the season. practice tiff has been arranged untldyness for this Sunday at the Steel Equip Nutley Bike Races Track On April 28 last spring because oi an appendi- dutsy car? If so, you had better Head baseball manager and frosh coach, Jimmy Zllai, 1B en- ment fleld. with the South Eliza- citis operation, will also be avail- rectify your mistake by taking ad- deavoring to schedule 15 games for the youngsters. He will al»0 beth A. A. NUTLEY.—Harry Mendel, man- abl vantage of our expert washing, PHILADELPHIA. April 13. _j «- polishing and aimonizlng service. act in the capacity of handling the destinies of the first year To date, twenty-five game* have ager of the Nutley velodrome, American speed talent from all been booked by i'erna. Of these, has arranged the most atractive all &i>d'U liiivn^ nut,. w» To assure a bright, gleaming car, men all on his owq hook. points of the compasa will move! Katherine Hepburn haB return- only one Is slated to be played card of races of the season (or tho ed but has remained strangely sil- drive in at regular periods. Rates into Pennsylvania this month for are reasonable. away from home, that being the Nutley Velodrome bicycle saucer tht, 100 mile auto racing classic ftnt about her European junket. RED GHOST SCHEDULE IS TOUGH Oliver Byron contest which will for this Sunday afternoon. The j that is scheduled to inaugurate a There seems to he conflicting re- H be played at Long Branch. bike aeason opened with a bans j revival at Langhorne Speedway, ports that it was just a shopping Included in the setup of the and another big crow Iiraricrv.lmirnfll St. Benedict's, as the opener with another game later in ss; Marty Thullesen, p; Pred Hed- cided at thirty miles with five 'turn of Ralph A. Hankinson, dir- the season, is alomt one team that no one can scoff at. The eman, 2b; Jimmy Mulllni, lb; Jo« starters. Gerard Dehaets, of Bel- ector of Hankinson Speedways, 'as l.anflniniH Imprttosario, Graybtes are credited with having two all-state men on their Zak, lb; "Ylt" Ruddy, rf; James gium, one of the outstanding pace Concoran, p; R llama, rf; Tom j followers In the game will make Under hia guidance, the famous TOBter ready to exhibit their prowess to local fandom. And, wt Lockie. 2J and c, and M. Hopper- his Initial appearance of the sea- ei'dway achieved national eml- can forget all about them and still know that the Saints am watts, BR. son and will ride against Alfred lence in Its ;>eak years of 1930 "First in Fashion noted for their exceptional baseball clubs. The list of games booked so farLeiourner, the motor-paced chamu mid Kt;t2. Promotions since that IH an follows: of the United States and holder of lime huve bogged down badly, but South River and Hlllbld* offer n0 set-upa and never have In title for the last two years; Franz Besides hia trotting horsea m* BASEBALL SCHEDULE he s7 acre plant was purchased the diamond guiiie. Saint Mary's and Carteret can be counted BUn April 22—Peerless A. A. Deulberg, of Germany; Victor and family, the main interest oi ly Hankinaon during the past upon to endeavor recouping for their football defeats at the Sun. April 29—Arlington Ramblers. Hopkins, of Davenport, Iowa, who Richard J. Reynolds, above, will winter and he has mapped a defi- Foremost in Quality" Sat. May ^-Lithuanian D. C. r hands of Woodbrldge lust fall. rode so well last Sunday and Tino be the management of a $25,- nite plan for rebuilding which will Just lvctMvcd a shipmont of Spring Styles in Shirts Sun. May 6-lWville A. C. Heboli who has won both motor- Sat. May 12-Em press A. A. 000,000 fortune which came to start with the AAA sanctioned and NiTkw,.;,r JOHN B. STETSON'S in the new Dwight Morrow high school, of Englewoori, with i record 8un. May 13—Relher A. A. paced races decided to date at the him on his 28th birthday. He meet April 28. _of having won IS out of 19 contests last y

*»>*• WOODBRIDOE LEADER-JOURNAL, FRIDAY, APRIL IS, 1934 PAGE NINE IIAMI Fords Recs Are Arranging St. Benedict's, Englewood and South SPLITS «i MISSES Series of Sporting Events TOPNOTCHERS by KP.T Sewaren Shell FORDS. Tho FIIHIM Itecri'iilion Side of Newark Replace Vacancies on Club, nt a rownt inefitliiR, made Loses Cup Contest Hwe'i One For Ripley plann for n series of sports BS, believe It or not, or whal of li, II anytime, m what? Never durlnp, tho coming senaon. An Slate Formerly Held by Weaker Clubs 1 means of financing theso nfTalrs, a. to NewYork Quint Y theless, here's something worth msmtloiilni . In the Civic nnd In contest will be held for a trout nuBlrial leagues bowling at the Craftsmen alleys this week, all the pole and reel which will be held W()OI>BRII)(;K.—When the Rod (Ihoats of Wood- WOODIIHHX'.K. MthniiKh ,11m winning teams defeated their opponents by complete nweeim. Not on lliuli open their 1934 baseball eampiuKn next zation on April 16. CAamfitoTi illv l,e<> mid Schubert trli'il tu KO of the match contemn remitted In a two-to-one win, all were thrce-to- w Satimliiy, April 21, nt tho Grove street diamond, th«y The committee'1ft charge con- nnrtnnt bunlnpsn in vnln RB their team, the This year will l\nd three new- , rive, the Shell Oil bowlers were given a kick in the punts na the win- will be discussed. Refreshments 1)11 Civ, li'U hi'fore the (•(•infra on the men it. To take the ners won three straight games. Slmonnan was the bent -with 215 and will be serftd. inintilt' attiu-k •>[ the visitor*, place or some of th<> weaker when Ire Is Anally decided, thai 2;i6. KobertH was the only other to hit high with his 200. aehoolg, St. Ilenwllct'a, I>wtght the Red (ihosta will inarch out on 21! to 24. Einhorn Rolls Best Morrow HIKII of Eni*lewood and the Reid with nn<> of themost swel- Joe Concannon to Appear The home club was on to;» moat South Side HlKh of Newark, have dubs In thn state. With both teams off color, and especially "BUI the Barber" Per- At Nolan's Sat April 21 if the'way, hut-coulil not chock W» hooked for comhnt. Along j The near-c^mpMed whetlule for na (or WM he In form), when the Woelpers sneaked away with a lhe coucludinK rally in the llnal with thew Institutions will 'oe 1934 In aa follow* trio of tiff* from the Avencl A. A., alley men. Double century scores minutes. Scliulcr roglntt-red a to- found such tentna an irvlnRtori,' IH4 BA8KBAI.L HTHRDDLR were registered by 1'. Einhorn, 215 and 220; Mundy, 208; l.urmin, ciinnon, brilliant billiard lul of nine polntH. whllo I.PB rack- South Hlver, Onrteret, Hillside Sat. AprA SI—at. B, Horn*. mid HI. Mary's of IVrth Amboy. 201, and SwetltB, 205. will gtw an Btfttbtttnn and In u tlu sum of seven. Lowcry Thura, ADrll »-South Rlnr, Away. w;is high (or the wlnnorsj with a With bonking of the Brat three, Frl. April 77—Hillside, H6IM Fleai Run Amuck Again structton in fancy trick Hhots at j ^t. April 28-Opcn. Nolan's Pool Parlor on total of ton polnlR. will encounter three Tue». M»y 1—St. Mary's (P.A.> Kny. U. Einhorn blnglng 211 and 212, "Hed" Deter clipping 231, Mike evonlng;, April 20, at 8::i0 o'clock. In the preliminary BO, tho Var- of til • toughest hall teams In the W«l. May 2—81 B«nedlct'i. A«»» 3tt. May 5—South Slds Newirk. Horn* Hchubort spearing 211. and C. Einhorn garnering 211 and 221 ac- Concannon will also play the win- HKV Cluli downed th<> Dux brigade Ktttte Last year. Knglewood won Hi\l,' counted for the lAeas' e»By triumph over th« Craftsmen lads. In los- ner and runner-up of In wlnnlnK this tilt, the 'ii nut of nineteen Rame.n Horn.. Tournament. Vurxlty luils claim the champion- playt-d. St. llenedlctn, this sea-1 Sat! l«iiy la-Enrlewowi, Homf. ing the three gamw, the Craftsmen boyn showed very little ability, In their chiHH. son, will havr a pair of all-mate Thurs. my 17-Kevport. Hrnw l M ry (P Scliwenwr being the only one to reach 200. He hit a 205. bull toftwrs In thellneu;> that will T^, pa >?ay^^Ov*** " '*'' ""*"*' Plenty of Low Scores IiOMONKX) FIVK (!I) Sewnren (24) Certnluly cnuse plenty (>[ bcnrt-lsnt Miy 26-Open. M. aieklwka 17 9 1S1 iichi'H tu ar.y of U» ojiponenta. ,Tw». May 29—Illtlatdf. Away. l'lenty of low scores were tallied In the McLeodH l'arkwayn (i. ,K. 1" J 3 I W. Zysk 139 214 AllhnURh Mentor Klrklimki la Tjfe(, ™n« 5- -Cart?r«' kVi mutch which terminated with the former team winning all three H. Chomick 1118 167 hnvluK a heckuvu lime in forming Tuf«' Jtinc '8—South Hlvsr. liorn*. 1 FORD V-S ON DISPLAY guinea. BulllVan's 202, C.rogs 201, Smlther*' 21',! and Jaeger'!) 213 h. Zysk 188 169 I his varsity lineup, It In espected Sat. June 9-Op«r. U. Oalranek 222 201 AT DORSEY MOTORS were the top figures. Heating's 117 and Kovacli's 118 were low. window in raised to the top, find De MoUy Fails in Three Totals 926 936 889 the window back, The I>e Molay pinners fati««l to do anything agalnBt the Indus- WAYSIIH-; NOCIAI, CI,l'H (0) vertlcle opening K. Boka .164 22 Totals 24 dial Trucking lads In the Industrial League, loBint u trio of tirfR. The l-brd V-R Victoria, newest through which stale air Is drawn. J. Kovacs and smartest of the 1934 Ford 'I |L.' only close contest took place In the ttrst g&me which the Truck- N«V Vork CJfl) W. Shay Ifi5 u>o 157 body typeB, Is on display today at era i>|w>d by only twelve pliiH. High point getters were: J. Scliwen- Ot'o. Jelllcks .149 197 the showrooms of DorBey MotorB Itonald Colema^i hM been ab- 1 204 Ci, r. I . /ri', 202, w\ Tunlson, 21fi. (r«!O. Deter .21)3 155 Inc., local Ford DealerB. Sfint from the screen for somej 3 4 10 187 189 Lowery, f TEACHERS N. Schubert ] Asld i from its attractive stream time. The re2 161) 138 The Interior Is unuaually spacious. RUMMKP/WOKK AND SCHOOL YKAR POSITIONS Itcil with thru- wins over the A. & V, Condors. Tiw hlgheHt count 1 The new front seat Is especlal- Totals .7 Hi 1C0 138 i iy comfortable, and has the most nulhtcred In this "no interem" affair was by N. Hanson, who hit tin- A. & IV I desired features both of the full 1. MANN & SON CONTINENTAL wood for 193. Forfeit width front seat of the Fordor OPTOMETRISTS Steel Not Tough Enough Sedan and the Individual front TEACHERS AGENCY, INC PUItlTAN DAIKV (;i) seats of the Tudor model. The Hours' Dally, 10-12. 2-5, 7-8 80 SMITH 8TKEKT, Tlio Sti'el Eiiuipment alley busters were toucher on tho Hollendcr 172 20217H;', front passenger seat may be tlp- Wednesday 10-12 Only l'KUTH AMBOY, N. 18S0 Downing St., Colo. than on the l'urltun Dairy boys, an a result the milkmen walked oft' 168 153 187 ped forward to provide access to BG5SII9E vdlh three victories. HollemUr'n 202 and Kuiini'i 201 were high Sanbar 137 139 189 the rear. counts foSHKLr tb«L meleeOIL , (0) Kuznia 201 148 130' Baggage or other articles may Covers the ENTIRE United Stdet 200 I 156 171 137 be carried In the luggage com- KoberU 6 " 182 183 149 It. Slmonaen .166 166 —-.partment with the compartment Sullivan I!)1.! 205 194 160 136 Totals 834 8T3 8211 door closed, or, when occasion re- (Lomond 188 177 LOOP INN BEER GARDEN A..Levl Turner 137 162 17* UQUl'MKXT (O) quires, the compartment can be "Tliiiulis [or SICIUIIHK mi' »'i iiuiny i;ood ;ioflltl<)ns to apply for, Haffner • .' 16 7 Corey 148 189 146 left open to provide added space, llmdy 19 \ Perth Ainlioy (J. Levl - 169 198 Jiarii .. 138 154 which in built into the body. In 184 L. Tuulaon "... 138 164 Kovach 13fi 118 dividual control is provided foi 236 Al Slmunun . .115 Nagy 128 165 198 Lorch 155 194 Notchy 127 173 Deak -.. 192 180 846 8 0 959 Totals 721 790 AVKNKL A. A. (O) Mc'LBODB (3) 142 131 112 Sullivan 202 149 SwotlU —U5 1*2 203;GfOM 169 177 -Hanson 1»6 137|Ke*tlnE -121 117 Unwu 154 miSmltherB 191 213 Jaeger 164 173 TutalB „ 771 75u 778 WOKM'KKH (8) Totals .847 829 DemareBt Ig5 156 124 114 NO INCREASE Woelper „.- —1*8 166 IHDU8TMAL TKtJCK. (8) Krobne - lt»8 Uo 132 J. Schwenter 125 169 Recently Announced I'. Etuuonr - 162 216 220 208 O. Levl 1521 171 M»ndy L..178 166 F. Sthwenier 193 187 New, low DeliveredPrices TuniBon 216 183 Totals ...792 787 798 ACCESSORIES Lorch 161 173 186 Also Remain In Effect. FLHA CLUB (8) Totals .... 8*9 883 938 in E. Elnhorn 2211 212 k Phone Call FORD V 8 PRICES Qaborne. 167 196 DE MOLAY (0) FOtTH ^MBOY, April 12.—Tte Motor Company has annoinced that H. Deter ....231 171 O. Lee -....- .168 14G "ITS" H1U0... tben will be no Immediate Rdvanea In Schubert 173 211 171 P. Demarest ....177 163 198 Call Woodbridge 8-0865 Pord V-B prices. Recently announced C. Einhorn -.-211 221 181 C. Bohlke 179 132 167 lower dtllvered prices also continue N. Bernstein 180 166 125 (or immediate and ex- without change. Totals - -962 992 941 J. Bernstein .133 132 181 pert radio repair. Train- intAFTSMRN (0) ed mechanics who know Ttali decision Is ot vital Importance to Write in DELIVERED prices of any An, Slmonsen .180 157 174 Totals 837 729 849 thousands of people who are considering all there is to know the purchase ol a car tills Sprint. '• about every make of means that the Ford car (already occu- radio. Nominal charge. pying a unique position aa tbe only car other car—and make your own • under la.OOO.W with a V-type, i cyl- inder engine) now becomes an even more outstanding investment In transporte- 1 comparisons — prices in Perth Amboy JACK'S UOQ and in motoring pleasure. Known already to thousands as "Ito Oar Without a Price Class." the For* V-« STANDARD DE LUXE RADIO SHOP now moves, further tfaan before, Mo • 1 MODEL 112 In. WheelbaM 41 , MAIN STREET class by ltseU. Whetlbaw 11% In. WOODBRIDGE Nationwide telegvaphic mpsost hon» • « Clf»t-llfhter »nfl *»h reoepUeles • * FLOWER SKEDS • «' Two, »«Jii»Ubl« sun-vbor. • • Fender, that m»t«h the bodj ' • Cotoied whe«l« CABRIOLET $694 VEGCTABLE SEEDS USED CAR BARGAINS- Due to the large sale of the lord V-8, Ford dealers have taken in trade BULBS OF ALL KINDS an unusually-great number of good used oars. These oars are being PHAETON $653 moved rapidly at low prices to keep floor space free. If you want a VEGETABLE PLANTS used car, your Food dealer offer* you the buy of a lifetime. Healthy and sure to grow t ROADSTER 5687 Fertilizer wm—mmMM •Mi Alt hinds for all purposes. Institution Inc. Woodbridge Maple and Fayette Sheet*, Perth Amboy, IV. J. "A miTUl SAVMS BAM" Flower Shoppe RAHWAY AVENUE N. J. 777 St. George's Avenue DALTON BROS. 11* Irving Strwt fUhw»y, WOODBRIDGE COOK AVENUE, CARTERET, N. J. TEL. RAHWAY M800 RAHWAY, N. J. Tel. Wood. 8-1212 Inly IS, 1918,' and flit') In ?m iin- Oik's Office •inn nf one Thouiwnil Four Hundred AND HIS MA Drawn for Chri»ten»en Bros. Kifhty-thren Dollnro Mid NlMty-thrf* Feeds 'Em ContB (11.488.93) tnRMIwr with the "ntH "t this nnlcv 'hor with all and singular the i, privileges, hfrwllUmfntii and pnnni^s thTPunto blotiRlnjC or wiw appertaining. FARM ALAN H. El.1t, Sheriff. CHOROK 1 MILLER, MARKET tlR.rt; Sollcltur \pi 13. 20, 27, May 4. ..^e SMITH ST. PERTH AMBOY SHERIFFS SALE We Accept Baby Bonds IN CHANCERY OF NEW JEHBBY •Ri-twwn CONRAD OAUB, Com. ic plninant. »nd OEOROB BODNAR I C AkMOUR'S SUGAR CURED nnd GRACE BODNAR. his wife. »• SKINNED GURL SEZ :- feti'lnnls Kl. FV for tha Mil* of III i' is ripe to buy your Spring 1M4. SMOKED HAMS . My virtue ot tin* above stated writ, lluy :il- Christcnscn's whore n to me directed and delivered, 1 will reputation for reliability protects your I'Xpufte In aa,le at pupllc vendue on WEDNESDAY, THE NINTH DAY OF purchase. MAY, A D. NINETEEN HUNDRED Milk Fed THIRTY-FOUR it two uflwk Daylight Saving Time Breasts ,n tl\e aftern/Hin of the mid day, at the 'Ib EW DEAL SUITS...! Sheriff'i Offlc« in the City of New of Veal Brunnwlfk, tracN,t Jo.r parcel of land and |) 111 .M.I. thnl tract or parwl of land and For Stuffing the fine woolen mid the custom H, hereinafte1 i«-«orr particularlnnrtloiilarly de«de.»- inols rihf-M, situatituate lying and beinngg In tthe these garments from such leading makers as Townshiip of WoodbrldgeWoodd , In the Coun- Genuine Stern, B-uldyserge, griffon and Middjade. of Middlesex, and 3tate of New icy, ami tnorP particularly deicrlb- |! Sprine ( PRICED AT $22.50 TO $29.50 Stewing I'.l-.INi; kiiown ami dealgnated an part !b Manhattan, Arrow and Van Heujen . ,f Lot No. 2«t and part of Lot No, 800 mi a map entitled "Map of property SHIRTS, si« 14 to 17 @ $1.50 & $195 k an Fordf* Park, altuatea LAMB. Plain and fancy patterns ^ WooillnidKf Township, Middle > . County, New .lerney, belonging to Jol.. k c ^ST ARRIVEDI-Complete line of Men» Ilimmin," surveyed by Morgan F. Lar l J whlte son, NnMPmhe/zTard, 1909, filed for rec- s_r i A pXFORDS, alt ' - ""'' * urd in the Olcrk's Office for Middlesex County. Nefy Jersey, and more particu- 'Ib 6 to 10V2 — larly described as (ollow»: Beef Pot 1 U IK MM» Tim (llnni'r hell has rung for HEOINNING nt a point in the west- tlw"

of Poplar Street dlntnnt and simtberly 7!i feet from the southwest R0ML__—- ninl thi'V'ro himy at Inn free ornei formed by the Intersection of huii h roilntr>r -in thlfl ciiRp, a plnr Streit and Plpmsn AventUf. Stewing 4 i\ II) inUK Mini ml>li«r Rlovo with I'lninin' thence westerly and parallel with tln> southerly line of Plpman Ave- Milk Fed Imli's in the fingertips. l.lttU nue 100 fret; thence southerly and par- V fcAL • i/u l Marilyn lii'ftwn is the allel with the westerly lire of PoplPoplaar Stn.pt 75 ffct'll: thence easterly In a lln* TROOP 33 RECEIVES parallel with the nrsfirstt ontimdescribeid course awarded to Seoul Willliini l.andl WO fwft t to thr westerly lline of Pop- iCHQES_- Armour'* ... Prizes Ki'rilinund Lynch, Koberl J. l.itts lar Street; thence northerly along the Sugar Cured m CHARTER AT and Cllflord White, all of the Hea- —• .•--:< rlv line of Poplar Street 75 feist Tend«r _. __. Ill At G. 0. P. Party PARENTS' ver Patrol, mukinK that entire pa- the point or place of beginning. Chuck trol, Second Class Scouts. Malcolm Thirteen symbolizes luck here, for these 11 lucky slam ran tlianK IWHR Hie premises commonly known . ' WOOIiJIIIIIViK. Twenty-six theirs that they won the coveted Wampas honor for 1!H4 Lett tc • MI il.'si'nhted ns No, 100 Poplar Street tables of players were ineHent ul The eigM an-jifut,,,, Wan installed as a Junior Kurds. N. J. nual charter was presented to Assistant ScoutinaBter. A Court of right, a^ove, arc: Betty Bryson, Hollywood: Iiorothy Drake, Sutitn Th<> appn ijlmate amount of the de- •>:. a card party held Monday night Monica. Calif.; Ann Hovey, Mt. Vernon, Ind.. J™n Curmen. Port- ITM to be s»tl»ned by Bald wile Is the Tioo;> 33 Woodbvidge. at a very j Honor was conducted with District «um n( Two thousand six hundred , by the Women's I'nlt of the Kirat land, Ore.; Lu Anne Meredith, , Tex.p Helen Cohan. New York successful I'arenl's Night, Friday. • n,,i,i twenty-thre* dolliirs and ninety-seven 'StyWard U'sniijllcan flub at the ns City; Jacqueline Wells, Denver. Below, left to rltlit. nrti cipi Par- ents (t2.623,97), toother with th« ; "^raftsmen's Club, in (Ireen street The local Troop accompanied awarded a» follows: rlsh, Cambridge, MaBs.; Judith Arlen, Hillywood. Lucille I.IIIHI Mta of this sale. ;\,vPriMfl were awarded to the tol 1 by ihi Troop Committee aajawarnetrch, Haiulicrafu aa im..t . an,. „.,... Buckley, Wash.; Katherlne Williams, , Je.au Gale, San l'rau ToRether with all and Rlngular the Rowing: rights, privileges, hereditaments and sembled;l In thtne basemenuuncu.u,,t -o.f tlwliTChHruc,e HandicrafClendinningt ,an Williad Carpentrym Kuz, Cisco, and Hazel Hayes, La Crosse, Kan. appurtenances thereunto belonging or . 'V Auction bridge, Mrs, J. H. Still |.'i"irsrBti I'resbyteria' • -'-•n • Churcf'hurph and mlak, Music. Handicraft and Car- nnywlae appertaining. lApell, Mrs. (.:. Hraun, Mrs. L. B marched upstairs where the par-pentry, lturneit Leonard. Carpen- 1HERIFFS SALE ALAN H. ELY, legers, Mr. and Mm. George F. MltS. ANNA K1KSCHMAN t ents and friends of the Scouts, try, Music and Handicraft, Ken- 81511 fc Sheriff. :bweller, Mrs, Sadie M. BuBsln- FOHDS -Mrs. Anna Klrech- IN CHANCERY OF NEW JERSEY- "f^ HETJSER, over a hundred in attendance were neth Peterson, Carpentry, Music 08 m .t-Mrs. Arthur Dunham, Mrs. F. an, widow of the late John Between Elih*"""u• Z*. LambertsonT.»mbertson, CoComm- ^i. ,, m „ my f» ™<» 1 plalnant. ami Peter ColombotU «ac .Spencer, Mrs. Irving Martin, hirachman, of Woodland avenue, Theresa Colombettl. Defendants, Ft. Marie Heller, Mrs. Donald idled TVsday, at the home of her Fu tor thi' sale of mortgaged prem- •on, l.e Uoy Collins, Mrs. Wll- ises dated March 24. 1934. 1/1 ~-v- .sister, in Hudson, N. Y. Surviving By virtue of the above stated Writ, Swedish Peat Moss $2.00 i Heller, I.eBter Wlegers, MFB. Weinhelmer, |her are her mother, Mrs. Eliza- Scoutt Executivee weiuiitrinid, ., lo me directed and delivered, I will lam (lilliam, Frederick A. )Ilei MIJ m expose to sale at public vendue LARCK BALK _.. __ : . then iiresente.1 to Leland V. Rey-|heih Vargo;"four""chiidren, Mrs WEDNESDAY, THE NINTH DAY OF Mrs. Wallace Hofleld, BllU "nolds, ^inifhalrinau IIU.InI ..«.' v^ Troo- p Com jAnAnn na Tangoian^u,, EvelynDIV,;,,,. Joh»-.-.n. and Al- HAY A. D. 1934 uieiu: Martin, Mrs. Albert R. 1 IIIJ MivitieB He mentioned that -.-..I fi,.rt D|a ASTOR mittee, the Troop Charter, wh ac- bert; one Krandchlld and five at two o'clock Daylight Saving Time M- mflpwuDirtln., Willia«..»..m Thurston--•;,,, , Ann,a Troop 33 was organized under the 0 in the afternoon of the said day, at rr001> cepted it on behalf of the Men's ters, Mrs. Stephen Kardos, Hud- the Sheriffs Office Hi the City of New m, WK& Hansen, Mrs. K. M. Hall, I. d9hl orth 8 Trinity Eptoco- FERTILIZER I> .., 1sj . 'Hrotherliuod of Woodbridge Town son; Mrs, C.eorge Miller, Fords; Brunswick, N. J. #" K-igciberR, Mr8. Charles Harned, P" ", ,, on February 10th, 8 r Mrh. How Lal'olla, Mrs. Helen All the following tract or parcel of life- iWi!! I JOn McElroy, Mrs. William | pal.>>"J927. Afte.?.i. th,Ke. disbandinHiahandlmg: ofoi ghlp, After this the Scout Exeeu- land :ind premises hereinafter partic- ,«'.: PHOSPHATE—100 lbs. and Mrs. Paul King- roop 31, formerly Troop 1 and 3 live presented the President Roose Maziot and Miss llcrtha Vargo, of ularly described, situate, lying and be- I'rOOp ,il, 1U11UC1.; . . ••-•« ...nv. iua ii'imt Presbyter volt Streamer for the Troop Flag Perth Amboy. ing in the Township of Woodbridge. «rry. connected with the Klrst Presbyter'von Mieaoif. .... >.,^ . Funeral services were held this in the County ot Middlesex and State Ian Church, the Charter of Troop |In recognition of advancement in of of New Jersey. ^Contract bridge, Konrad Stern, morning from the home " "• — 33 was transferred to this church,'the National 'Pen Year Scout Pro- 480 i , Perth Being known and designated ta lot *. Julian Grow and Mrs. Gar-In March 1933. Mr. Tetley pu gram, ITOUP J.> .U W- and 148 on map entitled "Map of Ideal Park SHEEP MANURE" J2.00' ,ln March 1 ftoa. Mr. Tetley publlc-lgram. Trooii 33 is one ot two at R:: o Troops in the Raritan Council, situated in the Township of Wood- i iW^wman and. Mrs. Anna Walsh. every Scout may spend at least PROMPT, INEXPENSIVE Shrubbery and Trees—100 LB. BAG ^«| '"•;'. Nou-Dlay«rsJohn W., BoosMrs,. JameMrss . ABheFilerr one week in camp this summer. MTU. JOUll y*. uuuu, The United States Civil Servict fto Randolph, Mrs. Harry GernB.I — SERVICE :5 were Commission has announced """open" - »~ Made Gorton. «eor e Luff4 underway. Semaphore B Demonstrations In Semaphore ™competitive examinations as fol- Try and James Held, '1 SignallingTienionstratlon, Fire s making by ulnt.com* WITH OUR GUARANTEE i, large bag 50c ws: "lift door prlie was won by Mrs and Hteeatiell and bow and drill, aann d lows- 1 Messlck, and an award ot a Scout game provided amusement Storekeeiief-GaugerStorekeenef-Gauger, DureuBureau ofDe- OF SATISFACTION ' j electric table lamp was made for thejuience. The outstanding Industrial Alcohol, Treasury f Mrs. Fred Greisheimer. idemonstration was .provided by partir.ent, $2,000 to $2,500 a year. m in. iiv-u v..^—.. 75c — Clothes Dry Cleaned and Pretted — 75c FREE DELIVERY f-i'Mra. A. t\ Randolph was gener- ' Mr. Terrell through the coopera- Applicants Will be rated on the tlon of McCullough's in Perth Am- subject of mental tests, including I Chairman and Mrs. Arthur Dun- joy, and tjie Sweet-Orr Mrg. Co., questions in elementary physics. Un headed the refreshment com ftttee. makers of the Official Scout Uni- Junior Forester, $2,000 to |2,- MINOR REPAIRS FREE OF CHARGE fortn. A pair jrf regulattfin Scout 500 a year, Junior Range ExaminV'or-- '..» PETER JIKOZOZOW^KI breeches out of stock\ werrronaee used «rer. T2,t)0fii.Wfl^J tctio (2,60 (2,6000 aa y«ar .,^,u V'or- R Agri- ICEASBEY.—Peter Brozowoski. and six of the strongest boya or « > Service, Department of Commercial Stationery ty two yeart old, of Highland the Troop engaged in a tug of war cultureRubbe, r Stamp Maki-r, $1.1180 a Joseph Klein Co. y^nue, Keasbey Heights, died which lasted until one side drop- RubOfficb e of National Parks, Office Equipment SNAPPY CLEANERS & DYERS «nday night at the l'erth Amboy ped exhausted, but ththe '—-*""• FEED AND COAL lieral Hospital. Survivinj; him and tteservailona, De- 100 MAIN STREET, WOODBRIDGE, N. J. did not rip. Had they done so, Buildings, and ReservatiInterioro, Wash- ¥ his wife, Stanislawa, six child- leach of the six boys "would have PaMment of the Interior, MAIN ST.—NEXT TO P. R. R. TRACKS in, John, Steve, Peter, Jean, Stet been awardeddd a "p"a7pirr off breeches InfitonIngtori., I'D-. C,. ApplicantApplican s must , Eleanor; oue grandchild and jfree of charge • nave lla('a t Cll!tt two i'eara °' tiX' WOODBRIDGE, N. J. [>er and sister in Europe. Fu , ' , perlence in maliinf; and mounting Typewriter pwral services were held yesterday A tenderfoot investiture cere- ,tampa Telephone: Woodbridge 8—0021 gPMornlng at St. Stephen's3 churcchurcnh. mony followed and George Wjatt ' , j above ar« : ruai A11 salarll s mime( p.;,':Interment in St. Stephen'i sH cemeceme-- was Initiated Into the Scout move- gubject {Q a 10 n deduction " tety. went. Second Class Badges ware unt(1 June 30| mi< andt oa ,, duction of not to" exceed 5 percen\ Exchange thereafter, as a measure of ocon- Typewriters sold, rented omy. in addition t0 a de^tuctlon of 3 1-2 percent toward a retirement and repaired Statler Toilet annuity. All States except Delaware, lo- Wii, Maryland, Vermont, Virginia All Repairing Don" on and the District of Columbia have Tissues received less than their share of Premises by Expert appointments in the apportioned " 'parunental Bervice at Washingr Mechanics ID. Full information may be ob- :aine S'^oi'lt at, UIK NEWEST SPRING MODELS IN mid tbfM. u'(4*M!k nt Iku Hi...... THE LATEST SWAGGER AND in ileform church. Interment was WhM yon hwtd n Hie lfahway cumetfry. adjef; when Neu- FITTED STYLES! ralgia tortures you; - . MHS. ANNA KlfciLV when Uiucular Pains make you Hahmay miserable—take a Dr. Miles' WOODBIUDGE.—Funeral s«>- Anti-Pain POL vices for Mrs. Anna Kiely, wife of Mr. Smith is one of millions Michael Klely, 84 Albert street, «iu> bjive found this easy way to were held MoDdwy utpmlug utst prompt relief, He say*.— Jainei,' church Trtore a solemn re- "I keep Dr. Mtks' Anti-Pain quiem maw was celebrated. Rev. Member Fedtral Aeserve Syitom PtIIi in my pocket and when I A. Greenhouse,, Inc. Francis X. LaDgan, pastor, wan ..••nit i i llbAV kl tho celebrant. Interment w«us in get a^duH heavy/ feeling in my SMITH STREET, PER™ AMBOY, N. J [St. James' cemetery. The boai-ers head,' I tale* a. Dr. UHet' Anti- CORNER McCUELLAN D. Desmond, Andrew Oerity, Sr., PainPtlJan4tJw pain pau«« of." werej Owen 3. Dunlgan, Andrew John Campion, Joseph Doolan and B. J. Dunigau,