Volume 14 2010 The United Automobile Workers General Motors which began on celebrate their 75th anniversary in The UAW at 75 December 30, 1936. Forty-four 2010. Since 1935, the union has days later, GM recognized the been a powerful force within the American automotive industry UAW and signed a contract. By the end of the year, Chrysler and American society at large. Over the years, the members of Corporation also recognized the UAW, and membership soared the UAW have raised their standard of living, secured improved to 375,000. work environments, and helped shape modern America as they In the 1940s, the UAW had two major successes: organizing fought for social justice and economic equality for all. Ford Motor Company and providing war material for the Allies To commemorate this anniversary, the Reuther Library opened in World War II. After a strike was held at Ford’s River Rouge a retrospective exhibit on June 13, 2010: “75 Plant in 1941, the company finally agreed to Years of Solidarity: A History of the United recognize the UAW. When Pearl Harbor was Automobile Workers.” The exhibit features attacked on December 7, 1941 and the photographs, images, and artifacts from the United States entered World War II, automo- Library’s UAW collections and was on display tive production shifted to making war materi- through October 2010. al. The UAW adopted a no-strike pledge for The exhibit tells the story of the founding of the duration of the war. Soon, UAW mem- the UAW through its recent history, including bers were manufacturing tanks, jeeps, planes, the nature of the automotive industry before the guns, and bombers.
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