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2018 CORESTA Congress Kunming, China, 22-26 October AGRONOMY & LEAF INTEGRITY and PHYTOPATHOLOGY & GENETICS 11/10/2018 2018 CORESTA Congress Kunming, China, 22-26 October AGRONOMY & LEAF INTEGRITY and PHYTOPATHOLOGY & GENETICS Sun 21 Monday Tuesday 23 Oct Wednesday 24 Oct Thursday 25 Oct Friday 26 Oct Abbreviations Oct 22 Oct SGTF Agro/Phyto Agro/Phyto Agro/Phyto Agro/Phyto GENERAL Chair: MEGER Chair: FISHER / JACKSON Chair: GUO Chair: BERGER Chair: NAKAYAMA SG Sub-Group PLENARY WORKSHOP CROP PROTECTION BIOTECH LEAF CHEMISTRY CPA 2 TF Task Force 8:30 - 8:50 INVITED SPEAKER - CAO Peijian APW01 - PRAT AP30 - HAMANO AP35 - KOIKE AP40 - TATENO CoSec Coordinators & Secretaries 8:50 - 9:10 IG01 - JACK APW02 - GANNON AP31 - SHEN Yanxin AP36 - M.-KROUMOVA AP42 - BAILEY SC Scientific Commission 9:10 - 9:30 CVAR TF Report APW03 - LEGLEITER AP32 - LI Wei AP37 - CUI Hong AP43 - FUKAZAWA AGRONOMY & LEAF INTEGRITY STUDY GROUP 9:30 - 9:50 IG02 - MORTON APW04 - KANE AP33 - ZHANG Yuning AP38 - JIN Jingjing AP44 - MU Wenjun AA SG Agrochemical Analysis 9:50 - 10:10 ACAC Report AP34 - DORLHAC AP39 - SUN Fushan PSMST SG Report GMO SG Proficiency Testing for Detection of Transgenic Tobacco Discussion 10:10 - 10:30 CORESTA Report (2-year plan) - MEGER TBO TF Report / TAG TF Report PSMST SG Pest and Sanitation Management in Stored Tobacco 10:30 - 10:50 COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE RFT SG Agrochemical Residue Field Trials Chair: MEGER / SCOTT Chair: MORNET Chair: XU / CAO Chair: DIMBI TSNA SG TSNA in Air-cured and Fire-cured Tobacco WORKSHOP SCIENCE & INNOVATION CPA 1 WORKSHOP GENOME APPLICATIONS DISEASE PHYTOPATHOLOGY & GENETICS STUDY GROUP 9:00-12:30 10:50 - 11:10 APSTW01 - VANN APW05 - JIN Jingjing AP45 - SHINJO APIC TF Agro-Phyto Information Collection SG TAG SG AP19 - BRAECKMAN Outgoing BOARD Outgoing 10:30-11:30 11:10 - 11:30 APSTW02 - DIMBI AP20 - LEGLEITER APW06 - LEWIS AP46 - BARGIACCHI BIO SG Efficacy of Biological and Eco-Friendly CPAs 11:30 - 11:50 APSTW03 - THOMPSON AP21 - INMAN APW07 - JULIO AP47 - TAKAKURA BKS SG Collaborative Study Black Shank 11:50 - 12:10 APSTW04 - ERKKILA AP22 - CLAPP APW08 - STRICKLAND AP48 - HUANG Changjun IPM SG Integrated Pest Management SG TBO SG 12:10 - 12:30 11:30-12:30 Discussion RFT SG Report / AA SG Report Discussion AP49 - KORBECKA TAG TF Tobacco Alkaloid Genetics 12:30 - 14:00 ACAC LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH Out / Inc. SCIENTIFIC COMM. TBO TF Tobacco Biotechnology and Omics 9:00-16:30 Chair: LUSSO Chair: JACKSON Chair: FISHER Chair: VIZÉE Chair: VIZÉE VIR SG Virus Diseases LOW NICOTINE GAP 1 TSNA 1 PLENARY POSTERS PLENARY XDES SG Extended Diagnostic Expert System 14:00 - 14:20 AP01 - HIATT AP06 - LI Xiang AP23 - DEWEY PRIZE OTHER 14:20 - 14:40 AP02 - YUAN Ling AP07 - VANN AP24 - GOEPFERT GENERAL ASSEMBLY Presentation 2019 & 2020 events ACAC Agrochemical Advisory Committee SG IPM SG 14:40 - 15:00 14:00-15:00 AP03 - KUDITHIPUDI AP08 - PEARCE AP25 - LUSSO POSTERS STDS TF CORESTA Standards BOARD ELECTIONS 15:00 - 15:20 R AP04 - CHEN Xi AP09 - VANN AP26 - KEENEY HEATED TOBACCO PRODUCTS - Open discussion PMO Project Management Office Committee 15:20 - 15:40 E AP10 - CAMPANONI AP27 - ZHOU Jun WEB TF CORESTA Website SG TSNA SG 15:40 - 16:00 15:00-16:00 G TEA TEA TEA TEA I Chair: XU Chair: SCOTT Chair: LUSSO Chair: GUITTON S GENETICS GAP 2 TSNA 2 PLENARY T 16:00 - 16:20 AP11 - NA WH AP15 - SHI Hongzhi AP28 - WANG Jun R 16:20 - 16:40 AP12 - WANG Jing AP16 - VANN AP29 - ZHANG Mengyue SCIENTIFIC COMMISSION A POSTERS 16:40 - 17:00 T AP14 - JULIO AP17 - CHEN Fenglei TSNA SG Report ELECTIONS SGRFT 17:00 - 17:20 16:00-18:00 I GMO SG Report AP18 - WAREK XDES SG Report SGGMO 17:20 - 17:40 16:30-17:30 O IPM SG Report Incoming BOARD N 17:40 - 18:00 17:00 - 18:00 19:30 ~ 19:15 ~ Welcome Closing Dinner Reception Medal Presentations 11/10/2018 2018 CORESTA Congress Kunming, China, 22-26 October SMOKE SCIENCE and PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY Sun Monday 22 Oct Tuesday 23 Oct Wednesday 24 Oct Thursday 25 Oct Friday 26 Oct Abbreviations 21 Oct SGTF SGTF Smoke Sci./Product Tech. Smoke Sci./Product Tech. Smoke Sci./Product Tech. Smoke Sci./Product Tech. GENERAL Chair: MEGER Chair: HU Chair: STEVENS Chair: WAGNER Chair: EITZINGER Chair: HARP Chair: BLUMENSTOCK SG Sub-Group PLENARY EVAP METHODS / PROD 2 PRODUCT ANALYSIS METHODS PROCESS / QUALITY BIOMARKERS AEROSOL SCIENCE TF Task Force 8:30 - 8:50 INVITED SPEAKER - CAO Peijian RAC SG Report PTM SG Report BMK SG Report CoSec Coordinators & Secretaries 8:50 - 9:10 IG01 - JACK ST43 - EHLERT ST47 - ZHANG Wenjun ST59 - NEWLAND SC Scientific Commission 9:10 - 9:30 CVAR TF Report ST18 - HIGGINS CSM SG Report ST44 - CUI Huapeng ST48 - SU Dandan ST60 - MASON ST64 - PRASAD K SMOKE SCIENCE STUDY GROUP 9:30 - 9:50 IG02 - MORTON ST19 - GILLMAN ST23 - WAGSTAFF ST45 - EHLERT ST49 - ZHOU Bing ST61 - PLUYM ST67 - ZHU Ruizhi BMK SG Biomarkers TF CROM 9:50 - 10:10 8:30-10:30 ACAC Report ST20 - LAUTERBACH ST24 - MORTON ST46 - LI Qiaoling ST50 - QIU Changgui ST62 - LIU Gang ST68 - LI Weiling IVT SG In-vitro Toxicity Testing 10:10 - 10:30 CORESTA Report (2-year plan) - MEGER ST21 - ZHANG Jianqiang ST51 - MOSTOVOJUS ST63 - LIU Gang SMA SG Smoke Analytes 10:30 - 10:50 COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE COFFEE PUB SG Product Use Behaviour Chair: MEGER / SCOTT Chair: CAHOURS Chair: WAGNER Chair: YOSHINO Chair: BLUMENSTOCK Chair: HARP PRODUCT TECHNOLOGY STUDY GROUP SG IVT SG SMA SG TTPA 8:30-12:30 8:30-12:30 8:30-12:30 SG PUB WORKSHOP SCIENCE & INNOVATION PRODUCT USE BEHAVIOUR ANALYTICAL METHODS 1 RISK PERCEPTION ANALYTICAL METHODS 2 WORKSHOP BIOMARKERS CSM SG Cigar Smoking Methods 9:00-12:30 9:00-12:30 10:50 - 11:10 APSTW01 - VANN PUB SG Report TTPA SG Report ST52 - SHIFFMAN SMA SG Report STW05 - SARKAR CVAR TF Cigarette Variability Outgoing BOARD 11:10 - 11:30 APSTW02 - DIMBI ST25 - VERRON ST29 - BROWN ST53 - SHIFFMAN ST55 - JI Huihua STW06 - BLOUNT EVAP SG E-Vapour 11:30 - 11:50 APSTW03 - THOMPSON ST26 - SHERWOOD ST30 - TAYYARAH ST54 - ADAMSON ST56 - HU Yonghua STW07 - SCHERER PTM SG Physical Test Methods 11:50 - 12:10 APSTW04 - ERKKILA ST27 - EDMISTON ST31 - LI Peng ST57 - SUMITRO STW08 - McEWAN RAC SG Routine Analytical Chemistry 12:10 - 12:30 Discussion ST28 - PRASAD K ST32 - JI Huihua Discussion TTPA SG Tobacco and Tobacco Products Analytes 12:30 - 14:00 LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH LUNCH Out / Inc. SCIENTIFIC COMM. CROM TF Consumer Reported Outcome Measures Chair: YOSHINO Chair: STEVENS Chair: STEVENS Chair: VIZÉE Chair: VIZÉE OTHER IN VITRO EVAP METHODS / PROD 1 WORKSHOP RISK ASSESSMENT PLENARY POSTERS PLENARY 14:00 - 14:20 IVT SG Report EVAP SG Report STW01 - SANTAMARIA PRIZE ACAC Agrochemical Advisory Committee 14:20 - 14:40 ST01 - CHEN Hongyu ST05 - MELVIN STW02 - LI Xiang GENERAL ASSEMBLY Presentation 2019 & 2020 events STDS TF CORESTA Standards 14:40 - 15:00 ST02 - SHIN HJ ST06 - DALTON STW03 - ERKKILA POSTERS PMO Project Management Office Committee BOARD ELECTIONS 15:00 - 15:20 R ST03 - ITO ST07 - MELVIN STW04 - EHMAN HEATED TOBACCO PRODUCTS - Open discussion WEB TF CORESTA Website 15:20 - 15:40 E ST04 - McHUGH ST08 - HIGGINS Discussion 15:40 - 16:00 G TEA TEA TEA TEA I Chair: MEGER Chair: HU Chair: CAHOURS Chair: EITZINGER Chair: GUITTON S SG RAC SG PTM SG EVAP HEATED TOBACCO PROD CLINICAL STUDIES RISK ASSES./POPUL. STUDIES PRODUCT DESIGN PLENARY SG CVAR 14:00-18:00 14:00-18:00 14:00-18:00 14:00-18:00 T 16:00 - 16:20 SG BMK R ST09 - LI Jingjing ST14 - LIU Jianmin ST33 - LIU C. ST38 - MÜLLER 16:20 - 16:40 14:00-18:30 ST10 - LIU Shengyi ST16 - KUDLACEK ST34 - LIU C. ST39 - CHEN Cai SCIENTIFIC COMMISSION A POSTERS 16:40 - 17:00 T ST11 - YUN JH ST17 - McEWAN ST35 - CURTIN ST40 - WANG Xiaoping ELECTIONS 17:00 - 17:20 I ST12 - EHLERT ST36 - CURTIN ST41 - LINDNER 17:20 - 17:40 O ST13 - HUA Qing ST37 - PITHAWALLA ST42 - WEN Jianhui Incoming BOARD N 17:40 - 18:00 17:00 - 18:00 19:30 ~ 19:15 ~ Closing Dinner Welcome Reception Medal Presentations 11/10/2018 2018 CORESTA Congress Kunming, China, 22-26 October Sunday Monday 22 Oct Tuesday 23 Oct Wednesday 24 Oct Thursday 25 Oct Friday 26 Oct Abbreviations 21 Oct SGTF SGTF Agro/Phyto Smoke Sci./Product Tech. Agro/Phyto Smoke Sci./Product Tech. Agro/Phyto Smoke Sci./Product Tech. Agro/Phyto Smoke Sci./Product Tech. GENERAL Chair: MEGER Chair: FISHER / JACKSON Chair: HU Chair: STEVENS Chair: GUO Chair: WAGNER Chair: EITZINGER Chair: BERGER Chair: NAKAYAMA Chair: HARP Chair: BLUMENSTOCK SG Sub-Group PLENARY WORKSHOP CROP PROTECTION EVAP METHODS / PROD 2 PRODUCT ANALYSIS BIOTECH METHODS PROCESS / QUALITY LEAF CHEMISTRY CPA 2 BIOMARKERS AEROSOL SCIENCE TF Task Force 8:30 - 8:50 INVITED SPEAKER - CAO Peijian APW01 - PRAT AP30 - HAMANO RAC SG Report PTM SG Report AP35 - KOIKE AP40 - TATENO BMK SG Report 8:30 - 8:50 CoSec Coordinators & Secretaries 8:50 - 9:10 IG01 - JACK APW02 - GANNON AP31 - SHEN Yanxin ST43 - EHLERT ST47 - ZHANG Wenjun AP36 - M.-KROUMOVA AP42 - BAILEY ST59 - NEWLAND 8:50 - 9:10 SC Scientific Commission 9:10 - 9:30 CVAR TF Report APW03 - LEGLEITER ST18 - HIGGINS CSM SG Report AP32 - LI Wei ST44 - CUI Huapeng ST48 - SU Dandan AP37 - CUI Hong AP43 - FUKAZAWA ST60 - MASON ST64 - PRASAD K 9:10 - 9:30 AGRONOMY & LEAF INTEGRITY STUDY GROUP 9:30 - 9:50 IG02 - MORTON APW04 - KANE ST19 - GILLMAN ST23 - WAGSTAFF AP33 - ZHANG Yuning ST45 - EHLERT ST49 - ZHOU Bing AP38 - JIN Jingjing AP44 - MU Wenjun ST61 - PLUYM ST67 - ZHU Ruizhi 9:30 - 9:50 AA SG Agrochemical Analysis TF CROM TF 9:50 - 10:10 8:30-10:30 ACAC Report ST20 - LAUTERBACH ST24 - MORTON AP34 - DORLHAC ST46 - LI Qiaoling ST50 - QIU Changgui AP39 - SUN Fushan PSMST SG Report ST62 - LIU Gang ST68 - LI Weiling 9:50 - 10:10 GMO SG Proficiency Testing for Detection of Transgenic Tobacco Discussion 10:10 - 10:30 CORESTA Report (2-year plan)
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