Reference and Book List
Reference and Book List The Reference section of the Notices Upcoming Deadlines and for AMS scholarships. See http:// is intended to provide the reader with October 10, 2003: Applications for or frequently sought information in AWM Collaborative Research Grants contact Math in Moscow, P.O. Box 524, an easily accessible manner. New for Women. See the AWM website, Wynnewood, PA 19096; fax: +7095- information is printed as it becomes 291-65-01; email: For available and is referenced after the collab.html. information about and application first printing. As soon as information October 15, 2003: Proposals for NSA forms for the AMS scholarships, see is updated or otherwise changed, it Grant and Sabbatical Programs. See will be noted in this section. mimoscow.html or contact Math in msp/grants.html. Moscow Program, Membership and Contacting the Notices October 15, 2003: Applications for Programs Department, American The preferred method for contacting spring semester of Math in Moscow Mathematical Society, 201 Charles the Notices is electronic mail. The editor is the person to whom to send Where to Find It articles and letters for consideration. A brief index to information that appears in this and previous issues. Articles include feature articles, AMS Bylaws—November 2003 p. 1283 memorial articles, communications, AMS Email Addresses—November 2003, p. 1266 opinion pieces, and book reviews. The AMS Ethical Guidelines—June/July 2002, p. 706 editor is also the person to whom to AMS Officers 2002 and 2003 (Council, Executive Committee, send news of unusual interest about Publications Committees, Board of Trustees)—May 2003, p.
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