Master Program in Renewable Energy Science and Technology

Ecole Polyyqtechnique / ParisTech Educational objectives and career opportunities

To provide students with the necessary conceptual, theoretical, and experimental foundations in renewable energies to start a career in academia or industry:

~ With a PhD thesis in a state-of-the-art research team

~ As a researcher or project manager in an industry research laboratory, in energy agencies or companies

~ As Projjg,ect Manager, Business Unit Mana g,ger, etc in industry in either the technical or business spheres

~ As sppgyggpecialist in energy strategies for large companies or SMEs in the field of renewable energies Partners

¾ Master’s diploma to be delivered by

¾ Coordinating school :

¾ Contributing ParisTech schools :

¾ Supporting companies : A strong research base

¾ Laboratory of Physics of Interfaces and Thin Films (LPICM, Ecole Polytechnique) ¾ Hydrodynamics Laboratory (LADHYX, Ecole Polytechnique) ¾ Solid Mechanics Laboratory (LMS, Ecole Polytechnique) ¾ Dynamic Meteorology Laboratory (LMD, Ecole Polytechnique) ¾ Applied Mathematics Center (CMAP, Ecole Polytechnique)

¾ Centre for Energy and Processes (CEP, Mines ParisTech)

¾ Institute for Photovoltaic Energy Research and Development (IRDEP, CNRS / EDF / Chimie ParisTech)

¾ Laboratory of Fluid Mechanics (Arts & Métiers ParisTech)

¾ Laboratory of Chemistry and Processes (ENSTA ParisTech)

¾ Laboratoryyg() of Information Processing and Communication (TELECOM ParisTech)

¾ Laboratory of Environment and Arable Crops (AgroParisTech / INRA) Master Program in Renewable Energy Science and Technology

M1 - Ecole Polytechnique M2 - Ecole Polytechnique & ParisTech (Language : English from 2011 on) (Language : English) ¾ Core courses: mainly Physics and Under accreditation by French Ministry of Mechanics Education and Research ¾ Overview of the energy domain Target date for opening: September 2011 (resource, climate, nuclear ¾ Energy-focused courses in the following technology, photovoltaics , fusion… ) domains: Photovoltaics / Energy Vectors and Storage / Energy Distribution Networks / Wind and Hydro Power ¾ General courses : Socioeconomic Issues / Topical Seminar Series / Project Management, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Master Program Year 1 – 1st semester

QUARTER 1 Course Title ParisTech Contributors Faculty Members

Core Courses MEC551 – Plasticity and Fracture Ecole Polytechnique Jean-Jacques MARIGO (Mechanics) PHY555 – Energy and the Environment Ecole Polytechnique Michel GONIN Students choose three (Physics) core courses and one PHY556 – Physical bases of the Ecole Polytechnique Yann LE BOUAR elective mechanical behaviour of solids (Physics) PHY558A – Nuclear Reactors Ecole Polytechnique Sylvain DAVID + Language course (Physics) (English or French as a PHY558B – Photovoltaic Solar Energy Ecole Polytechnique & Chimie Bernard DREVILLON, Jean-François Foreign Language), ParisTech GUILLEMOLES, Joaquim NASSAR Humanities and Social Electives Sciences MEC571 – Climate Dynamics Ecole Polytechnique Hervé LE TREUT (Mechanics) MEC573 – Energetic Potential of Wind, Ecole Polytechnique Alexandre STEGNER,,Philippe Solar and Hydropower Sources (()Mechanics) DROBINSKI PHY579 – Direct Energy Conversion Ecole Polytechnique Jean-Marcel RAX and Storage (Physics) Master Program Year 1 – 2nd semester

QUARTER 2 Course Title Faculty Members Core Courses ECO564 – Economics of the Energy Sector: Introduction Jean-Pierre HANSEN MAP567 – Transport and Diffusion Grégoire ALLAIRE, François GOLSE

Students choose three MEC 561 – Fluid -Struct ure I nt eracti ons Emmanuel DE LANGRE core courses from the six MEC 562 – Inelastic Analysis of Structures Habibou MAITOURNAM offered and one elective MEC 566 – Heat Transfer and Fluid Flow Hervé LEMONNIER PHYS 569A – Thermonuclear Fusion Patrick MORA, Jean -Marcel RAX + Language course (English or French as a Electives foreign language), PHY586 – Nuclear Reactor Technology and the Fuel Cycle Frank CARRE Humanities and Social Sciences PHY588 – Materials Science and Chemistry for Energy Jean-François GUILLEMOLES

PHY589 – Laboratory Course on Photovoltaics Pere ROCA i CABARROCAS MEC569 – Laboratory Research Project Jean-Marc CHOMAZ

7 Master Program Year 2

Master Year 2 (M2): to open in September 2011

- Specialization courses - Cross-discipline courses - Internship SPECIALIZATION COURSES FOR YEAR 2 ParisTech Contributors Faculty Members I – Photovoltaics Thin-Film Photovoltaics Ecole Polytechnique (Physics) Bernard DREVILLON

Photovoltaic Technologies in Industry Total TBD Polymers for Photovoltaics Ecole Polytechnique (Physics) Gilles HOROWITZ II – Energy Vectors and Storage Hydrogen and Energy: Production, Storage, Fuel ENSTA ParisTech Johnny DESCHAMPS, Didier Cells and Economic Issues DALMAZZONE, Patrice PARICAUD BttiBatteries and dE Energy Storage Chim ie Par is Tec h Mic he l CASSIR, Philippe BARBOUX Renewable Generation of Electricity using the AgroParisTech / Mines Benoit GABRIELLE, Didier MAYER Thermal Cycle ParisTech III – Energy Distribution Networks Electrical Systems EDF TBD Energy Transmission Grid Engineering Ecole des Ponts ParisTech / Michel DE LARA, Frédéric Ecole Polytechnique (Applied BONNANS Mathematics) Integrating Off-Grid Energy into Smart Grids Mines ParisTech / Telecom Didier MAYER, Georges HEBRAIL ParisTech IV – Wind and H yd ro P ower Wind Power Arts et Métiers ParisTech Fawaz MASSOUH Fluvial and maritime resources for renewable energy Ecole Polytechnique Alexandre STEGNER, Ramiro (Mechanics) / ESPCI GODOY-DIANA ParisTech Research Project

Research Project All TBD 9 Master Program Year 2 : Cross-discipline courses

V – Cross-discipline courses Resource evaluation Energy P Ptotenti tilfWidSlal of Wind, Solar an d ElPlthiEcole Polytechnique Alexand re STEGNER , Phili ppe Hydropower Sources (Mechanics) DROBINSKI Biomass and Bioenergy Introduction to Biomass and Bioenergy AgroParisTech Benoit GABRIELLE Specialization Course in Biomass and AgroParisTech Benoit GABRIELLE Bioenergy Socioeconomic Issues New Energies and New Markets Total TBD Project Management, Innovation and HEC Business TBD Entrepreneurship School Topical seminars Overviews of Energy Production and All Invited speakers Transmission Technologies

10 Guidelines for the curriculum of Year 2

Goal: allow flexibility, while keeping consistency

¾ Each student is required to take seven scientific courses, with some guidelines: ~ Choice of two specialties among: • Photovoltaics • Energy Vectors and Stora ge • Energy Distribution Networks • Wind and Hydro Power - Within each specialty the student has to take two courses (four total) - The research project must belong to one of the chosen specialties ~ Three electives among remaining scientific courses

¾ One course on Socioeconomic Issues

¾ In addition: ƒ Topical Seminars ƒ Language Course Guidelines for the curriculum of Year 2

September-November December-February I - Photovoltaics Choice of two Thin-Film Photovoltaics Photovoltaic Technologies in Industry specialities Polymers for Photovoltaics II – Energy Vectors and Storage Hydrogen and Energy: Production, Storage, Batteries and Energy Storage Fuel Cells and Economic Issues Renewa ble G enera tion of El ect ri cit y usi ng th e Thermal Cycle III - Energy Transmission Grid Engineering Electrical Systems Energy Transmission Grid Engineering Integrating Off-Grid Energy into Smart Grids Three electives IV – Wind and Hydro Power (according to Fluvial and maritime resources for renewable Wind Power pre-requisites) energy V – Cross-discipline courses Specialization Course in Biomass and Introduction to Biomass and Bioenergy Bioenergy Energetic Potential of Wind, Solar and Hydropower Sources Project Management, Innovation and Choice of one New Energies and New Markets Entrepreneurship Obligatory Topical Seminars – Overviews of Energy Production and Transmission Technologies Language Language Final course selection done with supervisor to ensure coherence of program with career goals International Outreach

E.g. connection to the Sino-European Institute for Clean and Renewable Energy (ICARE) project, led by ParisTech and supported by the European Union

Partners: ParisTech, coordinator (Mines ParisTech, Ecole Polytechnique, Chimie ParisTech, ENSTA ParisTech, Arts et Métiers ParisTech, Telecom ParisTech), Università di Roma I Sapienza (Italy), University of Saragosse (Spain), Northumbria University (Newcastle, UK), National Technical University of Athens (NTUA, Greece), Université de Perpignan Via Domitia (UPVD, ) Huazhong University of Science and Technology, host of the institute (HUST, Wuhan), Wuhan University of Technology (Wuhan), South-East University (Nanjing) Activities: Joint Master Program in Wuhan (targeted time of start: September 2011) Research collaboration Vocational training