Alumna Dances Her Way Into UMBC's Heart to Explore the World of Dance
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RETRIEVER Highlights FEBRUARY 9, 1993 PAGE 7 Alumna dances her way into UMBC's heart to explore the world of dance. 1989, uses whole wheat dough The source for a'l of these Scott Forbes This freedom has allowed her to and fluffy white dough as the dances is McMahon's imagina- Retriever Staff Writer continue to develop new ideas in symbols for the kneading which tion. "All of my works come dance—the ideas she will bring takes place between two worlds, directly from what's going on in Imagination is the essential with her to the UMBC stage People's interpretations of this my personal life," she admits, component needed to under- tomorrow night. piece are very diverse, according adding that she hopes to trans- stand Karen McMahon's style of After graduating from UMBC, to McMahon. Some people see late these personal experiences dance. So tomorrow at 7:30 p.m., McMahon moved to Philadelphia it as representing a contest into universal experiences that bring your imagination to the to enroll in Temple University's between the working class and audiences can identify with. To UMBC Theatre, where McMahon Master's of Fine Arts Program, the non-working class, while help interpret that active imagi- will continue the 1993 Progres- While in Philadelphia, she disco- others see it as dealing with the nation, two other dancers will sions series with a solo dance vered that the area gives financial problems of rape. Karen hopes perform with her on a couple of concert. support to many artists' projects, that the dance speaks like a numbers. "I'm excited to come back to This discovery gave her the poem, without causing an urge Judging from her long, impres- the theatre," McMahon said, after means to complete her Master's to strangle meaning out of every sive resume, many people and explaining that her former Degree at Temple. Now, she gesture. "Just take what you organizations have already iden- instructor, Professor Liz Walton, instructs children's dance work- can," she says, stating the main tified Karen McMahon as an invited her to perform in this shops that concentrate on crea- aspect of performance art. outstanding artist. In 1992, she series. tive movement. Another of was chosen as one of six Phila- Professor Walton instructed This s le of McManon delphia artists to be promoted McMahon when the dancer was danceM will.!l be ,theh "Vm not doingo formance 'sart p«-pie- nationally in the city's Project STRETCH. The Community Edu- tember 1982-May 1986. "Karen '"> "" " ■•■'«'■«' "Early Snow," cation Center awarded her with was one of the best students we theatre. McMa- Vtf\\\) hjnh T prill anc* tne exPe" a third year performance grant, ever had," Professor Walton hon spoke of the how"t/rv highMg'i I* canClf#! rience is akin to as part of the Center's Intimate recalled. She also shared her differences npf rn\J lt>0 " watching an Space Grant for 1990-92. enthusiasm about McMahon's between her per- Sget my'*%7 leg."'*'£>• abstract film, Another gift came in 1991, when success as a Philadelphia-based formances and "You watch the she was awarded a one-year independent artist. the many traditional styles of images and take what you want fellowship for the development of McMahon is equally enthusias- dance you see in productions like without figuring out what it all new work from the Pennsylvania tic about her alma mater. "The the musical 42ndSheet. Her work means," she said. The piece is Council on the Arts Fellowship. great thing about UMBC," she focuses on states of energy. about relationships and vulnera- exclaimed, "is that the dance "It's like looking at a modern bility, and was conceived last So that viewers can understand department is small, but the painting. You get used to seeing year. "Between Blue Rock," McMahon's style and personality facilities are beautiful." Many of it and being open to it," she crafted in 1991, deals with frus- more thoroughly, an informal the dance departments instruc- explained. McMahon hopes that trations and the way a person question and answer period will tors were big influences on her, people will come with an open may try too hard to achieve in a occur immediately following the and she remembers being able to mind, without any expectations certain field. Finally, the person concert. Following it will be a y work comfortably alongside as to what may or may not occur, gives up and releases his anxie- reception where audience other artists in the Fine Arts "See if you like it," is her response ties into another space. Balti- members can speak with Karen Building. For example, while to people who do not understand more film maker and former McMahon and her associates. choreographing a few pieces, what she's doing on stage. UMBC instructor Boots Shelton. Tickets for the Dance Concert she sought the assistance of "My work also has natural who has worked with director campus musicians, and found pedestrian gestures. I'm not John Waters, collaborated with are $15 and $10 for students and them eager to help her. The doing tricks, it's not how high I McMahon on yet another piece, senior citizens. Because seating dance department, she said, can get my leg. (My work) is not a 1988 creation called "Frames of is limited, reservations are photo credited to PATENTED PHOTOS PATENTED PHOTOS 215-238-9192 encouraged her, as well as all of spectacle," she said. One piece, Mind." Boots also filmed Karen's strongly recommended. For Karen Mahon performs "No Wonder We Knead," one of her its students, to experiment and "No Wonder We Knead" from version of this dance. more information call 455-2476. many original dance creations. In the face of fiscal disaster, Hollywood puts excellence Theatre Dept. shoots for the stars more expletives of course!) when I more on the thespians, the audience first with Sommersby heard the term. gets more "into" the plot instead of A "studio production" is a play being distracted by superfluous that stresses less of a demand on scenery. Pete Fitzpatrick the technical aspects of theatre and Retriever Staff Writer concentrates more on the actors. King Lear This type of production doesn't The second feature of the semes- Jack Sommersby has returned demand a large budget, which will ter, a William Shakespeare classic, to Vine Hill. sooth the fat cats at this institution will be a mainstage production, After five years of fighting the known as UMS. Hey Frank which in a nutshell means that it long and bloody Civil War, and Perdue! will receive the full treatment. "King being held in the horrid conditions One of the positive aspects of a of a military prison, he has come studio production is with the focus (see PREVIEW, page 8) back to his wife, Laurel, and a son he hardly knows. His plantation has been ransacked by Union Brian Lehrer soldiers, and his fields left fallow Retriever Staff Writer Community Calendar because all the slaves have been Coming off a brilliant and trying Off-Campus Activities set free. first semester, UMBC's theatre The town is elated over the department is catapulting into the return of their favorite son. Mrs. new year with high hopes that the Feb. 10 — "Will Intellectuals Go by Enoch Pratt Free Library. For! Sommersby is not quite as happy. spring will be as successful as the the Way of the Dinosaurs?". A more information call 396-5494. j When she last saw her husband, fall. Last semester is a hard act to lecture with Benjamin Solomon he was a drunkard who was cruel follow, considering that the depart- Carson, the director of Pediatric Feb 13 — The Baltimore Museum and often abusive toward her. ment's production of The Tutor has Neurosurgery at the Johns Hop- of Art Honors Black History! Believing her husband dead, she received national recognition and kins University and Hospital. At Month with a gallery talk about i had begun to make plans to marry three of its actors competed indi- the Johns Hopkins University artist Alma Thomas. 1 p.m. at the] Orin, a man who has been helping vidually in the Irene Ryan Compe- Homewood Campus, in the Gar- Baltimore Museum of Art. Onj her tend the farm. tition. rett Room of the Eisenhower Feb. 14, there will be a second! It soon becomes apparent that The Theatre department is also Library. For more information gallery talk about African Art,] Jack is not the man he once was. facing what may prove t,o be an even call 516-7157. also at 1 p.m. For more informa- The townspeople attribute his bigger challenge than putting on tion call 396-6300. change to the war. After all, one of its excellent productions. At Feb. 12 - Exhibits of African and almost everyone lost someone or the end of last semester, the UMS African-American Culture. Day- Feb 13 — Origins of Women's! was somehow affected by the war Board of Regents slated the theatre long event in the Glass Pavilion Oppression and the Family as af — why should Jack be an excep- major as one of many to be cut from of the Homewood Campus of Pillar of Class Rule, a seminar! tion? And much to her surprise, UMBC, stating that it was a dupli- Johns Hopkins University. For hosted by the Socialist Worker's! Laurel begins to fall in love with cate department (to those offered more information call 516-7160. Party. 2905 Greenmount Avenue.! the man she once resented bitterly.