BIC Discount Codes (Last Updated 24/08/2021)

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BIC Discount Codes (Last Updated 24/08/2021) Effective from BIC Discount Codes (last updated 24/08/2021) (if known) A 2DCL 2D Cloud 22/01/2020 A 3DTP 3D Total Publishing 22/01/2020 A 826B 826 Books 22/01/2020 A AAGR AA Grapevine 31/10/2020 A AAPB AA Publishing A AAPR Australian Academic Press 10/09/2018 A ABCC ABC-Clio A ABCP ABC Publishing A ABNG Abingdon Press 16/09/2013 A ABPG Abbeville Publishing Group 22/01/2020 A ACAF Academy and Finance A ACCD ACC Distribution A ACHP Archaeopress Publishing Ltd 31/01/2017 A ACMG Acumen Publishing Limited 01/08/2016 A ACOR Acorn Book Company A ACSP Academic Studies Press 01/07/2021 A ACTD Actar D Inc 16/07/2013 A ADAS American Diabetes Association 22/01/2020 A ADKE ADVENTUREKEEN 22/01/2020 A ADMP ADAMSON PUBLISHING A ADVM Advance Materials A AEON Aeon Books A AGEN Agenda Publishing 21/01/2015 A AGPT Agenda Poetry 23/10/2018 A AGPU Agate Publishing 22/01/2020 A AKBD ACTAR BIRKHAUSER DIST A AKPE AK Peters A ALBU Allison & Busby A ALCH Alain Charles Asia 04/09/2020 A ALCO Alternative Comics 22/01/2020 A ALME Albatros Media 04/01/2021 A ALNP ALBAN BOOKS A ALPH ALPHA INTERNATIONAL A ALPS ALPHA SCIENCE INTERNATIONAL A AMBE Amber-Allen Publishing A AMBP Amberley Publishing A AMBR Amber 05/07/2018 A AMGR Animal Media Group LLC 22/01/2020 A AMME Amherst Media 25/02/2020 A AMMO Ammo Books A AMOS Amos Novelties Ltd A AMUP Amsterdam University Press A ANDE Andre Deutsch A ANDO And Other Stories 25/02/2016 A ANDP Anderson Press A ANEU Angell Eurosales A ANGE Angela Patchell A ANIT Anita Roddick Publications A ANMA Another Magazine A ANPR Annick Press 22/01/2020 A ANSS Anness Publishing 18/07/2016 A ANTH ANTHEM PRESS A ANVI Anvil Press Poetry A APOL Apollo 07/02/2020 A APPI American Psychiatric Publishing Inc A APPL Apple Press A APRI Apricate Books Ltd 01/08/2018 A APSP A Public Space 22/01/2020 A APUB Apostolos Publishing 01/08/2016 A AQUA Aqua Fitness A ARAC Arachne Press 01/08/2016 A ARAW Arawak Publications 05/02/2013 A ARMP MIP University Press & Arc Humanities Press 03/01/2017 A ARPB Arc Publications 01/08/2016 A ARPR Aritifice Press 31/10/2020 A ARPU Arcturus Publishing Ltd 01/01/2021 A ARTP ARTANGEL PUBLISHING 12/05/2015 A ASHP Ashgrove Publishing A ASOP ASSOULINE PUBLISHING INC A ASPR Associated Press 04/01/2021 A ASTR Astral International 01/11/2014 A ATPR Atlas Press A AUAB AUTOGRAPH ABP 12/05/2015 A AUCP AUC Press 01/01/2021 A AUME Authentic Media 01/07/2015 A AUNT Aunt Lute Books A AUPU Augustus Publishing 22/01/2020 A AURO Aurora Press A AUTP Automatic Publishing 22/01/2020 A AVGR Avalon Group A AVOC Avocado Press A AVTR Avalon Travel Group A AVWI Avon & Windrush A AXBK Axis Books 29/11/2012 A AXIS Axis Publishing A AYCP Ayebia Clarke Publishing Ltd A BANI Banipal Publishing 01/08/2016 A BAOP Baobab Press 22/01/2020 A BAPR Bailiwick Press 22/01/2020 A BARP Bard Press 01/09/2021 A BARR Barrytown Ltd A BART Barton House A BATH Bath Publishing 05/07/2018 A BATT Mark Batty Publisher A BBBO BenBella Books, Inc 22/01/2020 A BBCP BBC Books A BBCW Frank Cass Publishers A BBGR Brisance Books Group LLC 22/01/2020 A BCBF Backbeat (Breslich & Foss) A BCDP Bristol Cultural Development Partnership A BCED Booth Clibborn Ed Ltd A BCUK Backbeat Books (UK) A BCUS Backbeat Books (US) A BDPR Blue Dot Press 22/01/2020 A BEAC Beacon Press A BEBL BENNETT & BLOOM A BEEB Beehive Books 22/01/2020 A BELA Bella Books, Inc A BELL Bellew Publishing Co A BELP Bellevue Literary Press 22/01/2020 A BEMA Believer Magazine 07/02/2020 A BEPR Beginning Press 22/01/2020 A BEPU Belt Publishing 22/01/2020 A BERG Berghahn A BERK Berkshire Academic Press A BERL Berlitz A BERP Berbay Publishing 29/05/2021 A BETZ Betz A BFIN British Film Institute A BHAW Boosey & Hawkes A BIBK BITEBACK PUBLISHING A BIBL Biblioasis 22/01/2020 A BIBS Bible Society 13/08/2018 A BIFC BIBLES FOR CHILDREN A BIFC THE BARBIROLLI SOCIETY A BILD British Institute of Learning Disabilities A BIOS Bios Scientific Publishers A BIRD Birdcage Books A BIRT Birthday Books A BISP BIS A BITT Bitter Lemon Press A BKPA Bookport Association A BKPU Book Publishing Company A BLAC Black Dog Press 31/10/2020 A BLAD Bladon Medical Publishing Limited A BLAI Blair 22/01/2020 A BLAP Blue Apple Books (Chronicle) A BLBO Blast Books 22/01/2020 A BLBR BLUEBRIDGE 22/01/2020 A BLHP Blue Hills Press 07/02/2020 A BLIB Blue Ibex A BLIE Blizzard Entertainment, LLC 22/01/2020 A BLPU Brick Lane Publishing 01/06/2015 A BLSO BLAIN SOUTHERN 12/05/2015 A BLSP Black Ship Publishing 22/01/2020 A BLUE Bluemoose Books 02/07/2018 A BOAE BOA Editions Ltd 22/01/2020 A BOAT Boatwhistle Books 01/08/2016 A BOLC Bolchazy & Carducci A BPPL BPP Learning Media Ltd (Medical) A BPSP British Psychologcl Soc A BRCD BRITISH COUNCIL DESIGN 12/05/2015 A BREP BREPOLS A BRFB BRF Books A BRFE Bible Reading Fellowship 15/12/2015 A BRIG The Bridgettine Sisters of Syon 14/07/2015 A BRIL Brilliance Audio, Inc A BRIN Brunswick Institute 22/01/2020 A BRKH Berkley Hills A BRKP Brooklands Publishing 22/03/2017 A BRLP British Library Publishing 21/05/2018 A BRNS Brown Skin Books A BROK Brookings Institution A BRPI BREADPIG 22/01/2020 A BRSN Brain Sync Corp. A BRSO BCS Learning and Development 02/07/2018 A BRVA BRITISH COUNCIL VISUAL ARTS 12/05/2015 A BRVW Broadview Press A BSEN Black Sands Entertainment 01/02/2021 A BUBO Buno Books 07/02/2020 A BULL Bull Publishing A BUPU BURKE PUBLISHING A BURL Burleigh Dodds 02/03/2016 A BURN Burning Eye Books 01/08/2016 A CABI CABI(Centre for Agricultural Bioscience International) A CADO Cadogan A CAED Cadmus Editions 22/01/2020 A CAEN Callaway Arts & Entertainment 22/01/2020 A CAFE Cafe Publishing A CALI Calisi Press 25/04/2016 A CARC Carcanet Press A CARD Cardiotext A CARP Cassava Republic Press 01/07/2020 A CASG CASTLEFIELD GALLERY 12/05/2015 A CATA CATAPULT 22/01/2020 A CAUB Carus Books 01/06/2021 A CBED CB Editions 10/04/2018 A CBPR Catalyst Book Press 22/01/2020 A CBSP CBS Publishers 05/08/2015 A CDLZ Cuento de Luz 22/01/2020 A CECA CENTRE FOR CONTEMPORARY ARTS (CCA) 12/05/2015 A CENT Century A CEUP Central European University Press/CEU RT A CGPB Coordination Group Publications A CGRE Columbia Global Reports 22/01/2020 A CHAM Chambers Harrap A CHAP Charco Press 24/07/2017 A CHAR Charlesbridge A CHBO Coach House Books 22/01/2020 A CHBP Children's Book Press A CHCL Choc-Lit A CHCO Children's Corner A CHHI Cherry Hill Publishing, LCC 27/11/2014 A CHHO Chapter House 04/01/2021 A CHOP Chouette Publishing, Inc. 22/01/2020 A CHPR Children's Project A CHRI Christian Focus Publications Ltd A CHRL Chris Lloyd Sales & Marketing A CHRO Chronicle Books (Children's) A CHSE ARNOLFINI PUBLISHING 12/05/2015 A CHSE ART EDITIONS NORTH 12/05/2015 A CHSE ARTS CATALYST 12/05/2015 A CHSE ASPEX 12/05/2015 A CHSE AYE-AYE BOOKS 12/05/2015 A CHSE BLUECOAT 12/05/2015 A CHSE CENTRE FOR CHINESE CONTEMPORARY ART 12/05/2015 A CHSE CORACLE 12/05/2015 A CHSE DE LA WARR PAVILION 12/05/2015 A CHSE EDITIONS REVUE NOIRE 12/05/2015 A CHSE ENGAGE (NATIONAL ASSOC FOR GALLERY EDUCATION) 12/05/2015 A CHSE FORMA 12/05/2015 A CHSE LEN GRANT PHOTOGRAPHY 12/05/2015 A CHSE MAC 12/05/2015 A CHSE MANCHESTER METROPOLITAN UNIVERSITY 12/05/2015 A CHSE NATIONAL MUSEUM LIVERPOOL 12/05/2015 A CHSE NEW ART GALLERY WALSALL 12/05/2015 A CHSE PHAROS ARTS FOUNDATION 12/05/2015 A CHSE PICTURE THIS MOVING IMAGE 12/05/2015 A CHSE SAINSBURY CENTE FOR VISUAL ARTS 12/05/2015 A CHSE SALON3 12/05/2015 A CHSE SITE GALLERY 12/05/2015 A CHSE SPIKE ISLAND 12/05/2015 A CHSE THE CARAVAN GALLERY 12/05/2015 A CHSE THE LOWRY 12/05/2015 A CHSE UNIVERSITY OF HERTFORDSHIRE GALLERIES 12/05/2015 A CHSE WELLCOME TRUST 12/05/2015 A CHSE WITTE DE WITH 12/05/2015 A CHUP Church Publishing Inc 26/06/2021 A CIGU City and Guilds 12/05/2015 A CILT C.I.L.T A CIMI Cider Mill Press A CIMT Centre for Innovation in Maths Teaching 01/05/2014 A CINE Cinestate 22/01/2020 A CINN Cinnamon Press 01/08/2016 A CIPA CIPAC (Collaborative International Pesticides Analytical Council) A CIPD Chartered Institute Personnel & Development A CJAR Candy Jar Ltd 26/06/2013 A CLAR CLARITAX BOOKS A CLAS Class Publishing (London) Limited A CLAT CLARITY PRESS A CLAV CLAVIS 22/01/2020 A CLCR CLOVERCROFT 07/02/2020 A CLEP Clerisy Press 28/02/2020 A CLIN Clinical Publishing A CLNC Clinic 15/02/2018 A CLPK Clinical Pocket 29/11/2012 A CLPR Cedar Lane Press 07/02/2020 A CLPU City Lights Publishers 22/01/2020 A CLSK Clinical Skills A CLSS Class Publishing 05/04/2018 A CMOO Chris Moody Sales 05/07/2018 A CMPR Chin Music Press Inc.
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