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Governmentgazette ft “ : qin Qe GOVERNMENTb GAZETTE Published by Authority Vol. XCII, No. 18 21st MARCH,2014 * Price US$2,00 General Notice 113 of 2014. Dated at Harare this 25th day of February, 2014.—Bright STATE PROCUREMENT BOARD Mugomeza, c/o Mugomeza & Mazhindu LegalPractitioners, Fourth Floor, Coal House, 17, Nelson Mandela Avenue, Harare. 291588f Tenders Invited CHANGE OF NAME TENDERSmustbe enclosedin sealed envelopes, endorsed on the outside with the advertised tender number, description, closing date and must be posted in time to be NOTICEis hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before sorted into Post Office Box Number CY 408, Causeway, or delivered by hand to the me, Tafadzwa Ralph Mugabe,a legal practitioner and notary public, Principal Officer, State Procurement Board, Fifth Floor, Old Reserve Bank Building, Samora Machel Avenue, Harare, before 10.00 a.m. on the closing date. on the 7th day ofMarch, 2014, came and appeared Pauline Rabecca C. NYANHETE. Chitambo who changed her name to Rebecca Pauline Chitambo. 21-3-2014. Principal Officer, State Procurement Board. Dated at Harare this 5th day of March, 2014.—Brenda Matanga, Tender number legalpractitioner, c/o BMatanga IP Attorneys, 15, Downie Avenue, Belgravia, Harare. 291719f ZPC/HO/102014. Supply and delivery of220 economizer tube banks complete with support systems: Hwange PowerStation.Site visit date, 9th April, 2014, at 10:00 hours. The closing date CHANGE OF NAME is 29th April, 2014, at 10:00 hours. TAKE noticethat, on the 26th day of February, 2014, before me, ZPC/HO/04 2014. Supply, delivery, install and commissioning of John Ndomene,a legal practitioner, conveyancer and notary public, programmable LED display board: Hwange PowerStation. appeared Talent Mandizvidza(I.D. 47-190286 N 47) (born on 17th Site visit date, 10th April, 2014, at 10:00 hours. Theclosing November, 1987) and changed his nameto Talent Mangwende (born date is 29th April, 2014, at 10:00 hours. on 17th November, 1987), so that, henceforth, for all purposes and ZPC/HO/04 2014. Supply, delivery, install and commissioning of occasionshe shall be known by the name Talent Mangwende (born closed loop compressor cooling system: Hwange Power on 17th November, 1987). - Station. Site visit date, 11th April, 2014, at 10:00 hours. The closing date is 29th April, 2014, at 10:00 hours. Dated at Harare this 26th day ofFebruary, 2014.—John Ndomene, c/o Machaya & Associates, legal practitioners, Third Floor, Electra Interested bidders are requiredto obtain the tender documents House, cnr. Samora Machel Avenue/Jullius Nyerere Way, Harare. that consist of the instructions and scope of work from the 291645£ Procurement Manager, Zimbabwe Power Company Head Office, Eleventh Floor, MegawattHouse, 44, Samora Machel CHANGE OF NAME Avenue, Harare, upon payment of a non-refundable fee of US$10,00, per tender. TAKE notice that, on the 14th day of January, 2014, appeared John Makuya, before me, Nomusa Hazel Neube,a legalpractitioner Your submission should reach the State Procurement Board and notary public, and changed his nameonhis behalf and behalf notlater thanthe closing date as indicated. Late submissions of his minor child Tafadzwa Sandra Makuya,so that they shall be will not be accepted. knownas John Mtisi and Tafadzwa Sandra Mtisi, respectively. Note: Dated at Bulawayo this 7th day of March, 2014—NomusaHazel : Security clearance for site visit is two weeks before site Ncube, notary public, c/o Lazarus & Sarif, legal practitioners, visit date. Herbert Chitepo Street/ 9th Avenue, Bulawayo. 291650f * Site visit forthe tenders, as indicated is compulsory,failure to attend the compulsory site visit meeting will lead to CHANGE OF NAME automatic disqualification. TAKE notice that, on the 5th day of March, 2014, before me, CHANGE OF NAME Chengeto Somerai, a legal practitioner and notary public, appeared Langton Sibanda (born on 2nd of August, 1980), who changed his NOTICEis hereby given that, by notarial deed executed before name to Langton Mgcini Tshabalala, so that, henceforth, for all me, Bright Mugomeza, a legal practitioner and notary public, on purposes and occasions he shall be known by the name Langton the 25th February, 2014, Josephat Mauto Munyambiri (hereinafter Mgcini Tshabalala. referred to as the appearer)in his personal capacity changed his name Dated at Bulawayo this Sth day of March, 2014.—Chengeto to Josephat Munyambiri Mautoandshall henceforth be known on Somerai, c/o Legal Aid Directorate, Second Entrance, Block C, all occasions by the name Josephat Munyambiri Mauto. Fifth Floor, Mhlahlandlela Complex, Bulawayo. 291705 212 ZIMBABWEAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE, 21sT Marcu, 2014 CHANGE OF NAME LOST CERTIFICATE OF REGISTRATION TAKEnotice that, on the 27th day of February, 2014, Newton NOTICEis hereby given that the under-mentioned certificate of Masike in his capacity as legal guardian for Sean Mlauzi (born on registration, issued in the name of Gwadzi Chipare, has beenlost or 13th April, 1998) appeared before me, Brighton Ndove and changed mislaid andthatapplication will bemadeto the MiningCommissioner, the minor child’s name to Sean Simbarashe Mlauzi Masike. Masvingo,at the expiration of 30 days from the date of publication of the notice, for the issue of a duplicate thereof. : Dated at Bulawayothis 4th day ofMarch, 2014.—Brighton Ndove, cfo Ndove, Museta & Partners, Seventh Floor, Pioneer House, cnr. Registration number Name of block Fife Street/Eighth Avenue, Bulawayo. 291714f 11355 Germenia 40 Gwadzi Chipare, applicant. 291858 CHANGE OF NAME LOST DEED OF TRANSFER TAKE notice that, on the 10th day of January, 2014, at Harare, Moondisi Runganga (born on 31st January, 1985) appeared before NOTICEis hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified me, Blessing Tafadzwa Mudhara, a notary public, and changed copy of Deed of Transfer 9422/2004, dated 3rd November, 2004, his name to Lawrence Mqondisi Ncube, by which namehe shall wherebycertain piece of land situate in the district of Salisbury henceforth be known. called Stand 5990 Highfield Township, measuring 2 019 square metres, issued in favour of Phineas Mandaza. Dated at Harare this 13th day of February, 2014.—Blessing Tafadzwa Mudhara, notary public, c/o Mundia & Mudhara Legal All persons having any objections to, or wishing to make any Practitioners, 6, Mold Crescent, Kensington, Harare. 291720F representations in connexion with,the issue of such copy, are hereby required to lodge same,in writing, with the Deeds Registry, at Harare, CHANGE OF NAME within 14 days from the date of publication of this notice.—Hute & Partners, applicant’s legal practitioners, 15, Buckingham Road, Eastlea, Harare. 291628f TAKE notice that, on the 10th day of May, 2013, Thabani Ncube appeared before me, Sampson Samuel Mlaudzi, a legal practitioner LOST DEED OF TRANSFER and notary public, and changed his minorchild’s name from Mbonisi Keith Magumura to Mbonisi Keith Ncube. NOTICEis hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified Dated at Bulawayo this Sth day of March, 2014.—-Sampson copy, in lieu of the original, Deed of Transfer 6246/70, dated 4th Samuel Mlaudzi, c/o Samp MlaudziandPartners,legal practitioners, November, 1970, passed in favourof Stansfield Investments (Private) Suite 213, Lutheran House, Herbert Chitepo Street/Leopold Limited, wherebycertain pieceofland situate in district of Salisbury Takawira Avenue, Bulawayo. 291725f being Lot 6 Chisipite Townshipof Chisipite, measuring 8,115 square metres, was conveyed. CHANGE OF NAME All persons claiming to have any objections to, or wishing to make anyrepresentations in connexion with, the issue of such copy, NOTICEis herebygiven that, by notarial deed ofchange of name are hereby required to lodge same, in writing, with the Registrar of executed before me, Mikias Gwamanda, a legal practitioner and Deeds,at Harare, within 14 days from thedate of publication ofthis notary public, at Chipinge,on the 24th day of January, 2014,Freeman notice.—Tim Tanser Consultancy, applicant's legal practitioners, 16, Bothwell Chiqapuna (born on 10th October, 1995) appeared and did Fleetwood Road, Alexanndra Park, Harare. 291630f abandon and renounce the name Freeman Bothwell Chiqapuna and assume the name Freeman Bothwell Sithole, which nameshall be LOST DEED OF TRANSFER used in all records, documents andin all transactions. Dated at Chipinge this 13th day of March, 2014.— Mikias NOTICEis hereby given that we intend to apply for a certified Gwamanda, c/o Bere Brothers Legal Practitioners, Stand 131A, copy, inlieu ofthe original, Deed of Transfer 103 13/97, dated 2nd MoodieStreet, Chipinge. 291856f December, 1997, passed in favour of John David Westbrook (born on 26th November, 1954) and Bryan Godwin Westbrook (bor on 10th February, 1956), whereby certain‘piece of land situate in the CHANGE OF NAME district of Salisbury being Stand 34 Adylinn Township 2 of Lot 1 of Bluff Hill, measuring 4 081 square metres, was conveyed. NOTICEis hereby giventhat, by notarial deed ofchange of name executed before me, Mikias Gwamanda,a legal practitioner and All persons claiming to have any objections to, or wishing to notary public, at Chipinge, on the 21 st day of February, 2014, Rashai make any representations in connexionwith, the issue ofsuch copy, Matandana (born on 13th May, 1974) appeared and-did abandon and are hereby required to lodge same,in writing, with the Registrar of renounce his surname and the surnamesof his children, namely: Deeds, at Harare, within 14 days from the date of publication of Phainas Brighton Matandana (born on 6th April,
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