Street Names of Ecstasy-Country Specific
STREET NAMES OF ECSTASY-COUNTRY SPECIFIC Crystalline Methamphetamine MDMA Precursors used Methamphetamine Tablets Australia Ice, crystal meth, Meth, meth tabs Ecstasy, E, Ephedrine/Pseudo- crystal, shabu pingers ephedrine/ ephedra/Phenyl Acetic Acid Cambodia Ice, ya ba chakk, ya ya ba, ya ma, ma thnam krovee --do-- ma kbai (shake- chakk, ma chakk head drug); (chakk = injectable); some young also ya ba, ya ma, ma people say “ecstasy” China bingdu (ice) bingdu pian, ma yao tou ubin --do-- ku (head-shaking pill) Indonesia shabu XTC --do-- Lao PDR ya ba, ya ma ya-E --do-- Japan shabu, “S”, ice, speed; “X”, ecstasy --do-- anpon (particular to Kyushu region); philopoon (liquid methamphetamine) Malaysia Crystal, syabu, ice Meth Ecstasy --do-- Myanmar ya ma, seik kwya Seik kwya say --do-- say, myin say (head-shaking pill) New Zealand "P", crystal, ice Meth tabs Ecstasy --do-- Philippines shabu, bato, sha, XTC, love drug --do-- siopao Thailand ice ya ba ya-E, ya-Love --do-- Viet Nam shaking pill --do-- OTHER STREET NAMES Adam Ecstasy, Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Batmans Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) B-Bombs Amphetamines; MDMA A capsule containing drugs; MDMA Bean (methylenedioxymethamphetamine) Bens Amphetamine; MDMA Bibs MDMA Blue Kisses, Blue Methylenedioxymethamphetamine (MDMA) Lips Bumping up MDMA combined with powder cocaine Candyflipping The combined use of ecstasy and LSD Caps Heroin; psilocybin/psilocin; crack Charity Methylenedioxymethamphetamine Chalk MDMA Chemical Ice MDMA Cloud nine Crack cocaine; MDMA Club Drug MDMA
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