EXGRTEEW ^ttjrlfrBtrr Eoiming YpaKi A v e n g e Dsl^ Nat Prsss Ran Ths W«atlMir : . ■ , / f> e tha Noirth at Sapiamber. 1S48 hgr ths elsstod. tsprsaisitotivas an nndar S m lanBiHhln at- SCre. that ara axpaotad to slaw tha am- St. Mary’s Clhiirch the 84 parishes ooastttutlng tha W. H. Paahody a sop- Helen Davldson.Lodge, No. 98. hlblta at tha Arm ory tor thraa Hartford Archdeaconry. PM to tha ont-of-town dM gy and Ab AssocUite Product Show daya baginnlAg Monday. 9,676 Daughters of Scotia, will m ^ t • Meeting Toiiig^ Tha Mrvlos win taka tha form Magataa. About Town tomorrpvuvening at 7:46 in tte tt might ha waU to rapaat that o f Kvanlng Prayer, conductod by' Lay dalagatoa froni St KafTa mat Urn AaiH Masonll^Temple. Election of offi­ tha proCaada o f thla Ana affort will tha Rav. A lM d L. WUUama, rec­ alaetod at tha pariah'a annual Opens Monday go into tha charity fund of tha I at OIw ulatloaa cers wlU take place, and Chief The fall maatlng of tha Hartford tor o f the local pariah. Xt wlU ba meeting, ara Btowart R. Kannady Manehe$ter~~-A City o f VUIage Charm Loyal Circla of Kings Daughters Daughter ‘ Mrs. Violet Neddow Sbcchanga . C3ub of Manchaatar, wlU hava a rummags sals In the Archdaaconry will ba bald In tha eoncludad by tha Vaflarabto Henry and ^ -M. PaahodK Altamato. would like a good attendance. A which la sponaorihg tha affair. lobby o f Center Church house, parish house of Bt. Mary's Eplsco- daWoU da Mauriac, Archdeacon dMagataa,- Oaorga Torrance, Br,, social time with refreshments win L o c a l Manufactureitb Tha Ehcchanga Club and ito afforta Tues- point Group to Settle 5ARDINE5 Special 3 c « » 2 5 c j 010,000. for foreign arms aid socialized medicine schemes be­ New York, Oct. 14.—(4V— LANDSCAPING falnt glimmer of hope appeared In fore World Medical convention in Armed l^qrces Row Ghrysanthemums BED W ING and 5167,000,000 for new London, but nearly all agree that A Federal jury convicted II LOCAL the deadlocked steel strike picture CALL militaxv construction.' today. some form of subsidized mefflcal top-ranking American Com­ L T. WOOD Large Bouquet 60c Lg. Dot. 1 5 C 1 The bUl carries-8814,010,000 in aertvee should be made to work. Washington, Oct. 14 -f/T)—Two munist leaders today of con-^ CHILI 5AUCE Lb. cash to help arm friendly nations Peace-seeking government medi-! key congressmen proposed today BILL VITTNER FRESH FOWL 49c atora announce exploratory talks End o f five-months-old Singer spiring to teach, overthrow and 896,000,000 for military proj- Manufacturing Co. strike in Eliza­ that President TVuman n CO. acto la Alaska and Okinawa. In New York with Bethlehem Steel of the U. S. government by 40 Keusington St. Fresh, Medium corporation bad given them beth, N. J., la expected today... civilian board to referee the bitter I I BtaMlI SU Phone 4496 8180 Select 8688,000,000 Contract Authority force. The 11 defendants, all FBESH DRESSED iMtter understanding’’ of the Three-hour conference .of senators row over defense plans has erupted la addiUon, there la 8600,000,- company’s position In the steel dis­ and representatives falls to settle In the armed forces. members of the Communist of contract authority for for­ Used Cart s u g a rj 000 pute. Mrs. Fnuieea L. Ooyd, 88-yesr-«M blende who was named Mrs any part of Coagreaslonal deadlock ’Their suggestion clo.sely '' par­ National board, were re­ BROILERS eign arms and $92,000,000 for the America of 1919 la the annual beauty contest for married women, Is EGGS ’The mediators said they found overprice support legislation... alleled one already o ffe r ^ \Mr. manded to jail to await sentenc­ AH Makes, Models, Prices military projects. This authority ‘basis for further discussion.’’ ’They g m te d by her three children ns she retorm to her home in S u D l^ o , Nationsitot troops desert Canton Truman by the Army-Navy union, ing next Friday at 10:30 a. m. FOR SALE amounts, In effect, to tolling the Cnnf. She has been ea a month-long perMnal nppearaaoe tour, n e and that city expects conquering Open Evenings said they might reaume talks to­ an organization of present and for­ The body of six-year-old Otto T. They face sentences up to 10 Barisow Says ""It's The Truth!" NA11VK RO A8 TINO offlclala administering the pro­ ohlMrea are (left to right) Tommy, 8 ; Patricia Loahe, 8 months, aad Chinese Communists to march in West Center At day. mer service|nen. The lawmakers’ Masoa, who had been mtoslng for years in prison and $10,000 fins 2 Family house of 10 5 Lb grams that they can up debts First Compaay to Confer Terry, 8. Their father aod her husbaad to an aotofneblle mechanle. at any time. proposal cuna on the heeto of the each. Hartford Road rooms, 5 each. Steam heat to that amount and that Congress (AF wlrephoto). British Labor government hunts two days from hto CotosvlUe, Md., Etethlehem, the nation’s second president’s news coifferente atote- Eight Had Been Free on Ball doz. Bag. el CHICKENS w ill pay them. for ways to chop expenses in an­ heme was found at tte edge of a and 2 car garage. Situated largest steel producer—is the flist ment yesterday that he sees no Eight of the defendants had Actual cash In the bill totals 81i- swer to opposition outcries against ereek about a half-mile from hto Sjpeeia! Saie at the Green. One apart­ company to confer with the medi­ ..need to change the ftindamentals . -- . medical examination been, free on $5,000 bail. 4 5 ' 038,606,380. Along with the big Its refusal to call general elaptlOP iJilJK|||BL.4f|l8M^ hsaar^^uL Immediately afterwud. Federal ment vacant. Large well No End To Itaips for foralim aid and military ators in thair currant effort to eaiMe of death. solve tha 14-day-old steel walkout. this fa n .. .Russia Judge Harold R. Medina found NEVER SUCH BUYS landscaped lot. Price rea­ 14 OZ. BOT. HUNTS eonstruettett them are smaller Stalin Asserts Europe liUs appeal to tTN members to op­ —JNEA tetepheto). The Demand For Fresh The concitlatora want to reach -•sliaMMMaafc said Repreaeolpes five of their lawyers guilty of l im i t e d QUANTITY AND TIME sonable for this type prop­ amouato for shipbuilding, boapltal pose YugosUvto's Md for seat on live BrOMte (D -Ls) and M o e (D- criminal contempt during th« Linoleum ooastfttction, veterant’ facilities, a common meeting ground among erty. the struck companies 1 rdrson Security Council., .Tslkstive ni), there to a dlsagreoment and nine-month trial and sent them to TOMATO 5houlders unemployment compenaatlon, atora opposing bill to liberalize it should be settled. The two law­ Asphalt And Robber Tile See "A''GRADE tbe struck companias In order tr Gan Be Kept Peaceful More Atomic Jail for terms varying 'from 30 OR achotda, and public works planning. start new Joint bargaining aeaslor.s. displaced persons law carry on makers are members o f the House days to six months. KETCHUP % 2 For 3 3 c 1 Leaders scheduled the bill for Negotiations broke off tw-> tteir battle. Armed Services committee. Eugene Dennis, a defendant who Stuart J. Wasley House action today. weeks ago when the steel com­ Dispute over rightful holder of Tliey brought up the plan after acted as nis own lawyer,' also drew PLUMP listening for more than a week as Secrecy Need REALTOR 5moked What Truman Wnnted panies refused to m w to demands $9.000-a-yesr Connecticut state a six-month sentence. CAMPBELL’S CHICKEN or BEEF the Navy fired repeated charges JONES Stole Theater Building Ths caah and contract authority of the ClO-Unlted Steelworker ■ sians Fa**™ W o rk er public utilities commlisionership Trial Unprecedented for the arma-ald program is what that the fighting power of the ,TcL 664S Or 7148 for company paid pensions and In­ appears headed for Supreme court Lilienthal Assertion Re­ Thus ended, after seven, hours ot FURNITURE AND 2 c o . 3 3 c 1 FOWL 5houlders President Truman wanted. surance. ’The major steel com­ showdown next month . .. Com fleet is being weakened, while the 50UP Fight ^ as Hard for Jury deliberation that began yes­ Of the total, 81.000,000,000 is to panies insisted employes also pay Crash Victim muni^tions test under slnmlated A ir Force gets funds and favors sults in C^lls for VV^stii^oase FLOOR COVERING Peace as in Warfare and builds B-36s to carry out a terday afternoon, a strife-ridden FRANCO AMERICAN he used for North Atlantic pact some of the cost eroergracy conditions will be con­ trial unprecedented In American nations and the rest for. Greece, The government, which aucceed- ducted by Hartford County Am a kind of warfare that the admlrate Tighter Safeguards 364,

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY. OCTORER 14. 1949 UANUHESTBR KVBNINQ HERALD, MANCUJSffl’BR. GUNN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1949 P A G s i i i Senate, by A oIm vote, refuMO'fo Cannoh Raps back down. Court Upholds ’ Heuaa leaders believe the Sen­ try' to accept the recommenda­ ate wiU back down the House at Flnny’a tobacco farm, was Senate Plan U Rajk Penalty arrsstsd on a technical charge Sees Peace . Ga«st Solobt Faint Glimmer tions of the presidential fact-find­ w o r n refused to accept the atop*gap ap­ Civilian Board ing board." ' FREE PARKING in Keith Lot ^ i d e St«n m H&isi 81^^ propriation bill which would let driving and held in 31,- for.axaiuuiatlon by the Cklla Fight Great Crusade Oenllaued mNB Hag* Om the military run on the Senate fig­ (CoatlBbed from Page Oae> Possible in Europe ' TI_!in«OW FLATUSU — enee said. Of Hope Seen He termed the union's fight ^99 f94^. ures until Jan. 15. I ■mis— wi" V" " ' ' Urged to Act “on#. 0f the greatest crusades of —a cut the House hsa refused to Some aenatora indicated that ment have denied aAy connection ** said the two vehlelea with the plot. WMUKR i n s : J f /c * •• collided hdad-OB with, such fores (Oeattoosd from Page Om ) laboir in the country,” and repeat­ accept. they might bow to the wilt of the ed Ms contention that the steel in- .' The Senate, apparently despair­ House and hope thet Hr. Truman Ctameucy Move Made On Argumeiit that ons of UM injursd was tossed In Steel Row TOMORROW IS a dozen feeL land|w behind a large Uts by Janutoy. - diiatry "forced” the strike. ing of agreement In the near fu­ will Impound the extra House-vot­ - Counael' for - the three defend­ n s x f l M ^ tree. Both vehulto'were exten­ T h ^ aourcea claimed tentative Murray will take the stump at ture, voted last yeeterday to con­ ed A ir‘Force funds. ants sentenced to death 'made one drafts o f such treaties alreajly (Coattnwd from Page One)' Bethlehem, Pa., Siuiday, There he tinue financing- the Army. Navy ; ----- ^ ^ — w __ more attempt for clemency. They CfMtlnned fteni Page Om sively damaged. Lawrence quoted 'SMppey as have been pre{>ared. ' ------will receive a workers’ demand and Air Force on tlic same tempo- | _ _ asked that appeals be sent to the Stalin’s congratulatory msssags C}rrus CMng, announced a new that steel' companies be made to CHILDREN’S DAY rary baaU that has provided th e; ]||0 |,|] J^ai*rOW Hungarian Presidential coimctl, Military and Naval oominltteeq’ saying that although ^ e r e was last night to east Germany’s plan: The conciliators would travel )>ay employes for all the wages three aeiylces With money since i the nation's supreme authority. which now are comblnqp. some fog, a sudden rift pecpiittcd lea. Propident Wilhelm Pleck and around and talk to the various they lose during the strike. July. However, such appeals can be The Navy sent in its top officer. him to see the other car steel companies and the steel- Kk wisn • i m koiiMt > Mun fora the coUision which he v Chancellor (Premier) Otto Orote' Congress is hoping to adjourn Margin Victor transmitted only by the National Admiral Louis E. Denfeld, to wind wpricers. A strike committee, represent­ Council of People’s Courts,, the «YASK FOBCr' Shown A* up its cass yesterday. Hie Marines able to avert woM catted establishment of the ing three locals o f Bethlehem AT BUIHrON’S wltbin a week: the Senate proposal .t ^ le regime a “ turning point Ching and blS aides say they court of appeal which today ruled U , S< , i B take over Monday. Then the big Shippey charged that Ooyette’s Steel company employes, adopted would keep the military in funds (Continued from Psge One) 2 5 48 9 3 le history of Europe.” don’t expect, to settle the strike the sentences were Just Saturday Oowtlnnous Show brass and civilian chiefs of the car was on its left side of the motion that Murray "levy a de­ until the lawmakers return in 1950. highway. declared that the RiuMlan through.the talks. But they hope .1^ Technicallx, the armed forces The Council of People’s courts Army and Air Force, and Store- to find’ s kind of "common de­ mand upon the moguls of steel needed a minimum hacking of 810 probably will not publish its decis. tary of-Defense Joluison, get their Ooyette, the state ppllcemra and German peoples made the for full reimbursement to the t have been without official funds deputlee. SUNt “ HOPE ORSAND” greatesLfacriflces in World war nominator'* to the companies po­ ion on this second appeal until the Vlaat Streeta o f S & FriuMisoo’ chance to sound ol7. - added, had bsen unable to makp a sition. members of USW-CIO for all since last Mondsiy, the expiration Absentee Votes Vital Factor statement because of his in­ II. of the last previous temporary last moment tefore the. sentences Rumors . had floated around About 15 fabricating companies wages lost.” Announcement of the final re­ are scheduled to be executed: | Clapltol MU that Dsnfleld, chief of juries. ■ ' "If both ^apples,” Stalin contln' The combined effect of the steel measure. sult could not be made for almost have agreed to the steelworkers’ No data tor the executions was Naval operations and Navy tepre- AU ths ir^ured tohscco wdrkers, ued, “ will sboW the same deter­ and coal strike dropped business We JUr Force Figure Trimmed three hours after the ballots were mination to fight with the same demands and signed contracts for - KCkiMiUB IHB CHnhSEN f announced. sentative on the policy-making sesaonsl workers. in ConbecUcut free pensions and insurance. That in the Pittsburgh district to its mmmm- Intensity of effort^for peace with The HoiAm on April 13 passed a cast because of disputes ovei the In confirming the Six ssntcnces, Joint chiefs of staff, would eaae up tobacco fields, live at a labor camp lowest level since mld-1938. 'The votes of several deputies. Two ab­ In West Stafford. which they waged whr, then peace follows the recommendations of • ‘You Car+ei^glve in to the Senate on viving for any length of time. He Brankov, 37-year-old Yugoslav C lE e ch s Adopt makes an end to European blood­ Otherwise the strike of 68,000 received the lowest post-war total who had been counaellor in the Yu­ might try to ei)d the strike by a shed, and makes impossible the for several yearii.ln Europe, and the two Iteihs. Subsequently the. '‘bona fide” seizure of the mines steelworkers continued on an even for any premier on a vote of in­ goslav legation in Budapest, and servitude of European oountiiM will take one o f the roles In the course. u ^______vestiture. Usually a government Pal Justus, 44, former member of Church Curbs that would mean diverting the under world Imperialists. Connecticut Opera Association's >•0, e|nrf« « • - anew.' in France commands progressively jiroflta to the people, instead of to "Both these peoples,” the Rus­ Philip, Murray, president of Parliament and vice firesldent of presentation of "Rigoletto” at both the C7IO and the Steelwork­ sniaUer votes in each important 'he mine owners. P ast'seizurer, sian premier declared, "have the the Hungarian radio. (CkintlDued from Pago One) Bushnett Memorial on November ers, has been 'visiting various PppMonul N iillreb teat. If Mocb is to remain in of­ Also confirmed was the nine- Lewis told reporters, have been largest poUntlalties la Europe to . . . so whv not come in tomorrow and pick a fresh packet of these won- -!1 papier mache and make believe 22. steel centers to talk to the union fice he must reverse that trend.. year prison term given Milan einment would tolerate no opposl' complete great actions of world The choir will offer as its Selec­ dcrwear, kay-in-shape baby knits? Left: Carter’s new one piece creep­ Ceasiac gsadairt “ Tfeal W saiwlBl affairs.” The government took con­ significance." rank and file. He told 25,000 In MemotiaiA^ The 56-year-old Moch succeeds Ognysnovle, a H ung^an citizen tlon to them. tion, "Gloria from 12th Maas” by ' \ Henri QueuUle, leader of the mod­ Ofts'•»” Flat, "Bsadtt sb4 the J M s ” trol of the mine “by teleffram,” he The sources who reported the Steelworkgra at Honiestead, Pa., ers. pippsr crotch closing. Bonny blue or maize. 6 mos. to l ’ » years.^ /I of Serbian origin described by the Bishops and priests who ' ajl' said. MozarL Organist Cttarence Hcising yesterday: erate Radical Socialist party. Impending peace treaties said the Right: Panti-dress twosome in-pink, blue and buttercup. Six mos. to 2 In Md and lovlnf memory EIlM- government as a Yugoslav spy. tempt to resist these measures WMle Lewis gave no breakdown will play for his prelude, "First "The steel Industry la continu­ / 6eth M. Lipsena. who passed a w ^ nine Queullle resigned as premier egiht would lie "broken as enemies of pacu would bind the new east Movement of Organ Sonata” by years. yeara aso today.-Ocf. 14, 1940. ' . of his 30-to-86-cent ■ demands he German republic to renounce for­ ing this strike in defiance of the days ago, dlimaxlng a growing the' state,” Oepteka declared. has mads no secret of Ms drive Mendelssohn and for offertory, cabinet crisis tracing back to the ever any claim on the former (3er- American i>eople Who want indus­ It Is lonesome here without you. NO HUBUCITUESI NO IN'^EGTSI C T A T f "We .will not tolerate the exist' for' bigger welfare and pencion "Trumpet Tune” by Purcell. British devaluation of th^ pound CestiwIleS hy Aertol DDT 8pray t ■ i HARTFUROBi man territory now held by the So­ iMi.-f... I...... Sad and weary la the way. ence of a fifth coliimn here against payments from the operators, and Emanuel church. In cooperation ■J?ept. 18. / viet union, Poland and Czechoslo­ Life has not been the same to ui the Czechoslovak government,’ a desire for shorter working kourm vakia. with more than 1100 .\ugustana Since you were called away. he added. ' without loss of pay. Lutheran churches throughout SE. CTi Would Cover Reparations Peaceful be your sleep dear. m r* rsd Cepicka claimed that only 10 Speculation Immediately began America will observe Sunday, Oc­ W O i P F U l SPECIAL PURCHASE More Aioniic per :cent of the (JaUiolic clergy They would also commit the re­ tober 16, as Brotherhood Sunday. It’a aweet to breathe youPlovlns name. over how he Intended to spread the public to give the Soviet bloc the We all loved you dearly in life. opposed the church control blU. 30-t6-35-cent additional tonnage Pastor Olson will speak on the -THE NEW ROAD-PROVEN In death we do the same. The Catholic bidhdps however, reparations' It denuinded and to subject: "Christ Touclied 7 ton, Secrecy Need XAVIER costs, if successful in his negotia­ forego ".remilitarization.” have declared that the vast ma- tions with the operators. and a visiting layman, Carl Benson Sadly miaaed by The communist Polish regime’s handi-panti Mother, brothers and aister. jority of their priests have ex­ A possible combination would be of Emanuel Luthera^hurch, HarU (CouttBuMt from Page Oaa) pressed opposition to the measure to boost the present 20-cent royalty representatives In Berlin were es­ ford, will speak bricIWAon the im­ and that hundreds have already on each ton of coal, which finahees pecially enthusiastic at the pros­ portance of BrotheR)8od work. ■uch .a pauion fo f dlzcloaing our been jailed for taking this hand. the welfare and retirement fund, to pect of a treaty putting the Pol­ Ernest Kjellson of Emanuel will MERCURY fflfflOIECIlVE : atoUUc energy formulas and ee- Cspicka lasped into Archblahop 40 cents. That would account Cor ish-German frontier on the Oder be the visiting layman at Tabo Our various Finance Flans ore \ « WCJRin rAMCMIS and Neiaae rivers. East of that orite," ho lald. n n e : M C /% Beran, who says he' baa been “ in­ 20 cenU, There have been wide­ church, Middletown and Bethlehem ■exIMe enoogh to serve year 4>w b O IM SilP COVER Similarly, Senator Hickenlooper n terned” in his Prague palace alnce spread reports that Lewis quietly line, In the former German prov­ church. East Hampton. Indlvldnal needs. Talk It over with LMM-tMOtAMl inces of Silesia, Pomerania and (R., Iowa) said he believes that it June 19 when Communist hecklers has Indicated he wants 815 a day The offering at this service out­ 08. Tour present ear may equal or You’ll acclaim handl- CALL AT is more important than ever, alnce I m w m m m -a m drove Mm off hla throne in St as the basic pay rate instead of East Prussia, six million Poles exceed the reqnlred down psymenL ‘2119 have settled since the war. side of the pledge envelopes will pantl the best news the Russian atomic explosion, 'Yitus cathedral. 814.05, for an eight hour day. be for'Support of Brotherhood DeUvmed In since dikpers. Herer are THE "that we have, not foolish secur­ BUrts Sea. “ Te The Bads Of The According to production figures All political elements in tha al- Immediate Deiivery EeHh” plat "Way Dewa BeatT' MUBREVaR* Cepicka told a hall crowded work througrhout the Augustana Manchester charming pantlas that ity, but real security to protect with deputies, clergymen. Com used by Lewis, that would add be­ lied-sponsored west (German repub­ church. provide mother with not only what w e have but future mimist party functionaries and tween 10 and 18 cents a ton to the lic except the C^immuplsts have • * developmenta.” ^ demanded recently that the Oder- complete social sscur- - newsmen that Archbishop Beran cost of mining coal. Ity, keep baby aweet. FAGAN Hickenlooper is preparing a re- Q i^ BI lUftlM lllftiw siV ydB V i M 11^ 1 was seeking . martyrdom by re­ The operators said Lewis’ charge Neisse frontier be reserved. The Alade of soft nylon tri­ { port dlasentlng with the Senate- maining in his palace. that steel and financial interests major point of the program of cot Jersey, lined with ' Houee Atomic committee’s finding were setting up road bJocks to east Germany’s Communist Prime Chryganthemums that an investigation Into his Minister Otto Grotewohl is _Ger- gentle, pliable water­ i delay settlement of coal strike MANCHESTCR proof vlnylite (llasttc DENTAL charges of "incredible mlamanage- NOW at Farm Worker until after a decision in the par­ man renunciation of these eastern Large Bouquet 60c ment" against Ullenthal and Uia ■with firm gripper faa- L.\B allel steel shutdown was "ridicu­ war-lost colonies. teneri at either aide, so Atomic commission had proved Crash Victim lous.” Tnsist Boundary Temporary easy to wash, Just tub "frultlesB.” *rhe United States, Britain and 40 Keusington St. ^ in audi. rinae and hang FOR YOUR In his minority statement. Hick- France countenanced the expulsion to dry. Boys’ in white, DENTAL PLATE ehlooper is expected to dwell at (CoBttbued from Page One) Drivers Iiivolvecl of millions of German inhabitants blue or maize. Girls’ t r o u b l e Ts length on his contention that tha from the lost eastern territoriesi with imported lace and commission has been lax in keep­ and head lacerations; Lloyd Mose- but the allied powers since have ing A-bomb secrets. In Minor-Crash ‘rRAO m ON AL QUALITT SINCE 1900 adjuatable ribbon tiea. FAST SERVICE ly. 20, contusions; Gladstone Oon Insisted that Germany's present in white, pink, blue or The majority report, approved erie, 29, back and leg Injuries eastern boundary la only tempos FORRENT^ maize. by 10 Democratic members of tha Eric Esche, 67. of Shoddy Mill rary and is subject to change at committee and opposed by six Re­ John Tate. 33, contusions of tha Office At SIS Main Street LOW PRICES chest and abdomen, and back in' Road, Bolton, and Luclen E, Leve- the peace^ conference. Sizes: ' publicans, was made public yester­ que, 32 of 88 Ivanhill street, WID- Pi^-Sovlet sources said the an­ First Floor day in Just about the form indi­ Juries; Wesley Mair 30. contu Fraternal Emblems, small, birth to 12 lbs. SEB SHONTY'S TRIO sions; Joseph C3ark„ 24, back and mantlc, were drivers oif cars in­ ticipated peace treaties would be Inquire Sirs. Anna B. Dart 5 0 % cated earlier by Senator McMahon volved in a minor accident at 7:55 medium, 13 Iba. to IS (D„ Conn,), the chairman. neck injuries; and Paul Wlckteri accompanied by extensive trade Phone 3046 lbs. 30'. back injuries. ' p. m. yesterday on Middle Turn agreementa. he’ll wear 193 TRUMBULL It said the committee's investi­ Fof Your Dancing Pleoiura t pike east, near the Shady Glen large, 19 lbs. to 25 lbs. gations showed no evidence which At City hospital, Rockville: Corner .\sylum Dairy. Patrolman Primo Ameado * with extra large, 26 lbs. to indicated that Russia got any help Olenaford Davis, 23, head and Investigated. 32 lbs. in producing the bomb from any AND FOR GOOD DINING neck injuries; Noel Thompson/24 Kenneth ' Bennett, 26; Everard Police report that Esche had >« Entrance Throiisfh i security leaks permitted by the made a left turn onto' the Turn­ Boys’— 1.00 HOTEL ALLYN j commission. IT'S ALWAYS CAVEY'S (Campbell, 28; Vernon Moore, 29 pike from the yard of the dairy !■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ I 2ND FLOOR ! *Tf any security leaks qpprecla- Leonard Willlama, 26, and Wll and was on the highway when Ms Girls’.-1.00 bly assisted the Soviet, and^roba- llam Goyette, 16, of Sosnera BOYS' AND GIRLS' SNOW SUITS ABOVE RICK'TS FOR FINE FOOD car was struck on the right side BEAT THE bly they did not, the record nnpU«a driver of one of the two vehlclM. by the Leveque vehicle. Both cars ■ SIZES 1-t WOMEN’S! SHOP that all occurred before the Hospital authorities said the eX' full oil ON Y O u R mission assumed responsibility^^ It psSpiB were westbound. One piece snow suits with attached hood, zip-’ HARTFORD ^ tent to which these latter were said. , ■ Injured had hot been fully deter' SHORTAGE FUEL BILL pfer front and elasl^ waist all around. Be- The Army engineers controUed ) mined, but added that Goyette SPECIAL SALE DRESSES of a special fabric thb manu­ Dental Plates the A-bomb projects during tha was still in the operating room at Furirac«‘Man .. .Value to S.98 facturer made thsse .snow suits at their ujii- war, before the commissoln took 1l a late hour. The others were HEAVY ROAS'nNG usually low prir*3. All are made in Dan River Repaired 3 Hrs. over In 1947, THE COMMUNITY PLAYERS thought not to be. critically hurt. .Value to 3.98 “If ■ there has been over-til CHICKENS Rice Cool Is Chffop . . . And Always Plentiful! poplin, sanforized, water repellent and vat ■maladministration’ or •incredlbla iSm other injured taken to .. .Value to 5.98 Present, Under The Sponsorship Springfield, Mass., hospital were Dressed, cleaned and washed. Wp can show you how to burn it afficientty, dyed. Daily 9-6 mismanagement’ It apparently in­ not identified by police. volves taking a vast uiterprisa Wrapped In cellophane and held .. .Value to 3.98 \ Of Gibbons Assembly C. L. of C. Sergeant Lawrence said that In deep freeze for year con­ aconomically...... and without dirt. Q p A llr A 11 which was falling apart at tha young Goyette would be arrested .. . Value to 5.98 J seams and reshaping it Into a for­ venience. No waiting. .. .Value to 6,98 midable deterrent against aggres- on a technical charge of reckleea driving and held in bonds of 85,000 Delivery In Manehesler Y o u can'f beat if! AN ORIGINAL alon,’’ the report said. . . . .Value to 6.98 On the matter of aecurity, tha for hearing' before Coroner Ber­ Fritey Evenings (tt.evt'S refflovsi (li* aslitt sSd gey* far HmH) . Pre-Teen., cans nard Ackerman when he was dis­ • • .C .i* ..* -.••••••• Value to 8,98 report added; “Jenny Kissed Me” GROW-A-YEAR-COAT “NO mobUlzation of guards, charged froin the hospital. The Electric Furnace-Man vaults and fences could aver pror Charles G. Shippey, Jr., 18, of H. A. FRINK Stafford Springs, driver of the Automatic Anthracite Burner BY TRIM-SET c a r n a t i o n tect US so wall—before or after Sullivan Ave. Wapping the Soviet bomb test — as the truck in which the tobacco workers Tel. Man. 7158 After 4 P. M. can be insialled IMMEDIATELY. Convert, to coal now. Were being conveyed to their work powerful deterring American stock­ At long at you live, you'll navar be torryl MILK pile which the' commission baa WHITON HALL striven to accumulate.” UPTON’S VEOETABLE OCTOBER 14-15-16 G . E. W illis and $on , Inc. SOUP 2 MAIN ST. TEL. 5125 UPTON’S Tonight, Saturday Evening, WHEN THIY’ RI LOOKING FOR ■ f KOODLE Sunday Matinee STEERING NdW —: FIRST SHOWING Man’s 10k Gold Masonic Ring^.. . v. • • ...... $40.00 ORANDMOTRiai’S Action! Somnnee! Admission, Adults— $1.00 Tax Incl. George B«H In Important Announcementf! Man’s 10k Odd Fellows Ring ...... $37.50 M IN CE M . Sunday Matinee—Children 50c Tsx Incl. SERVICE “OUTPOST ■ 'i? Man’s 10k K. of C. Ring with Diamond ..., .$60.00 ¥6 Y>c i :a n s p r a y o r a n b INMOROCCO” OPEN EVENINGS! PLUS: *Cn»oked Wny** So_-o-e, we've installed a brand new 14k Gold, Shrine Button ...... $6.00 In response to many requesta the yarn salesroom SAUCE This iSngmgement Only VISUALINER. New you can SEE FOR 14k Gold Elk Button ...... $7.50 Mnt. A t 1:45—Eve. A t 7:16 of the Rooseveil Mills will now Be SPANISH .YOURSELF why you're ruining your tires Hk Gold Masonic Button ...... $6.00 OLIVES and why your cor steers hard. OPEN EVENINGS An Prices Include Tax PILLSBUBY'S w The John Beon VISUAUNER sfwws YOU For your great shopping Convenience. PIE CRUS whether your ecu needs steering service Starting on Monday, October 17th our new . and helps US do a faster, more accurate Btorehour$ will be a$ follows: EASY PAYMENTS INV’ITED 3IABA 8CH1NO TONIGHT ‘ iob of correcthtg the trouble. CHERRIES And Monday Thru Friday a eal|r lekM a fn» ailMna^ sis«s» an. Nw . VISUAUIIII., . . 9 A.M. To 9 P. M. Cnat ' BIG AND LITTLE SISTER SETS , MARSHM littU ^ n tiei for dainty little firla. DANCE in *Jodet>f! These look-alike sets feature ’ the famous Saturday — 9 A. M. To 5:30 P. M. Made of Celanese rayon tricot in heavenly To The Music Of' iBtel shades . . . at a pleasingly low price. trim-.set grow-a-year hidden hems, just pull JEWELERS . . SILVERSMITHS SINCE 1900 ?our little daughter .will be thrilled to have' the magic thread and out come longer .sleeves HO. 3 CAN, ST. LAW B B HENRY MOCARSKY and hem . . . a coat for next year tool They COOK'S 958 MAIN ST...... OPPOSITE OAK such frilly undies. . .'with their lacd-trimmed And His rv ih . to AGtJ»2 __ come in latest fall shades. Made of 100*% pure Service Station and , ela^cked legs and elastic baud top. .White, TENDER Continental Orchestra co-w’*-r—Wm- ' Garaga / RETAIL fSALESROOM pink; blue, maize, Iliac, mint; sizes 2 to 14. wool covert in sizes 3 to 6x and 7 to 10. ______Wine NO^ SH CAN No Cover — No Minimum ' .Manchester GrcM TeL 58 M ROOSEVELT MILLS See Our Display the Manchester ’A - ■9fl .4 DAMS K. HIUIARO STS MANCMtStiR CONN k J U S ALONE.-:., TOMATO Products Show

v. ■ ‘ ‘ i. V ’.* ■v. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY/ OCTOBER 14, 1949 ' '■'“ . . ■ -. - •:< • ' PAOt : ■f j_ ... '

MANCHESTER E V E N Pta HERALD. MANCHESTER. OONN^ FRmAY, OCTOBER 14, 1940 a JOUR Seaion to C ^n S^f ^Ddh^'for. CofhenH 6tte Guest of Houor v ^ A t MAnchestet Products Show At Shower Party Don't Pan This Up! lo] For Coon Hunters Kites at Verpianck School No Monoy Down—As Little As |5 For Month Mis* Major la Lautenbach, 'IV)morrow at sunset the coon daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Max AMESITE DRIVES Here on Honeymoon hunters can sUrt their season’s ' .The commlltteo in charge of ar- ( Music wiU be furnished by the Lautenbach, of I I I Mairia atraet, sport, but bird men wip hav, to rangements for the laying of the High Bchpol Band and a chorus of waa guaSt Of honor at a mtscel- WORK GUARANTEED—FREE BSTIMATB8 fe - 1 D «_jlth*y took with them Uei AprU. wait a few more days before their cornerstone of the new Verpianck Grade Six pupils. Rev. Watson lanaoua shower, Tuesday evening, S -M e m b e r of Local BandndT U ^ ' ^ homesteading m Homer, game - season opens, ^ w n Clerk school has decided upon Raturday Woodruff, a former member of the October Iltta, givan by Mrs. How­ ^ w ra .1 1. 'I V . va1«w1 t o about 280 miles from Anchorage. Samuel J. Turkington said today morning, October 22 at 11:15 Board of Education will give the ard Flavall at her home at S3 Whicfa Traveled to J^ ^ e e n the lodge and the saW' that there has been some mlsun» o'clock as the official date for this invocation. The benedlotloh will Packard atreat About SO guests THOMAS D. COLLA Alaska, Badk AfterlmUl, they have been kept very derstwiding evident as to the open­ occasion, weather permitting. If be pronounced by Rev. James Tlm- attandad. PHONE ^8219 settlers who ing of various seasons. a storm should make postpone­ mina Faatal sbadaa ware usad in dec­ 23 Hour Plane ^ ------, Woodcock may be hunted from ment necessary, the ceremony will AU Manchester citisens are In orating the room where the bride- - ■ havenave asked••■sw them to— build—-— home# . October 20 to November 18, pheas­ take place on the following Mon­ vlted to attend this ceremony in to-ba.waa saatad under a decorated the new school building program. whits umbrella, filled with con­ ^ e first member of the Alas-,___ for them, but the season is so short ant from October 22 to November day afternoon, October 24 stt three home that they were unable to accom- 26. grouse the same length of time. fetti. As ahe opened her-m any ir«ti caravan baa arrived o'clock. . ' modate i l requests. The boys Quail from October 22 to Novem­ Charles House, chairman of the Ansonia Has n rst roQa Case lovely gifts the confetti was re­ \p o n ald McCabe, son of Mr. and have applied under the GI Bill for ber 5 but In New HaVen, New Lon­ Board of EMucation will act as leased and completely showerHl Utnsonia, OcL 14—( d ^ ^nsonU’s her, Mrs. Bldred McCabe of 115 Rua- land which must be settled and don and Mlddleisex counties only; master of ceremonies. A box first case of potlomyelitls was le- ' tth street landed in Manchester culUvated before they become perj^ ducks and geese Iw eraber 4 to containing papen and documenta ported today to Dr, John M. Rene- .During the evening, Mika Lautan- Attention Girls!f \ Tuoidfly Jift^rnoon AftBP a twenty* manent owners. They are required December 13. of |»resent day Interest will be im­ han, health officer.' The paUent is bach was doubly aurprieed' by a '^ e e hour Oylng trip from to put a building on the land and Squirrels may be hunted from bedded in the stone. Saul Silver- telephone call from Fort Deveoe, Have you unsightly and nnwanted hair on yonr face, one-year-old John SEeppegna, Jr., arms or legs? May be removed safely and peraianently Storage. Alaska for an extended homestead for 10 months before October 22 to I?ovember ,26. rab­ stein, chairman of th? building son of— Mr. ami Mrs|, JohnZei< eppagna Maas., where her fiahea, Corp. | 'honeymoon with his bride of three gaining complete control of the bits from November 1 to Decem­ commlttqe will rend the list of the of 75 Factory atraet. He waa ad­ ad- Howard Flavell is atatlon^ and' by multiple electrolysis. weeks. Vera. They were married property. » », ber 31, which also marks the close contents of the box. ■ It Will bo mitted- to New Haven taoaplt.l by receiving a beautiful pink and in McGrath, Alaska on September This is the second trip to A i ^ of the’coon season opening tomor­ sealed into its resting place by white pompon corsage, that he had Wednesday aftarnoon. wired down to her. > S4 and made immediate plans to ka for Turkington and the first row, , 1 former superintendent of schools, MARY CROSSEN R.N., Prop. Jt > ■ come back home. for his wife, Engle and Anderson. The trapping season on skunas, Fred A. Verpianck, for whom the Refreshments were served buffet 8. Howaril C. Wed. Aftemoona and Eveniflgs By Appointment Washington, eleven hours flying Russell street. Storm Veers Mayor Harold Turkington will as­ to tell the direction and speed of Flavell, Saturday, November 12, • • R-. time. They changed and flew to sist. The three regulation ma­ wlnde at high alUtudea. at SL James’s church. Minneapolis in hlne hours and then From Florida son's trowels which will be used to New York in three hours, ar- Sales Decreasing to spread the mortar, will event­ ■ riv l^ at lA Guardis Field Tues­ (Continued from Page One) ually be plated. One trowel will day afternoon where they were At Auction Mart be presented to Mr. Verpianck, the lARVEST TIME, SAVE U|TTo |400^HARYEST TIME SAVE Up To $400—HARVEST TIME SAVE Up To $400 / met by McCabe's parents. For the second trowel will be presented to \ younger Mrs. McCabe, it was her storm developed in the southeast­ ern Bahamas from a broad, flat the town officials to be placed in ■/ • ■ /• first trip to the states, having ToUl sales-at the daUy session squall condition that prevailed the Municipal building. The third , lived her entire Ufe in Alaska. The of the auction market sponsored will be placed in the office of the couple met soon after McCabe and by the Manchester Fruit and Vege­ over moat of the Bahamas Wed­ . the other four local youths arrived table Growers Association have nesday night and Thursday mom- Verpianck school. y ^ h ife Save up to in Anchorage last April. steadily decreased since the ing. “ . „ . Difference in Climate session opened on August 7. To­ Military “hurricane hiuiter air­ Vera was pleasantly surprised matoes, which has been the main craft planned to ride into the dis­ at the difference in climate here, item, is nearing the end of the sea­ turbance area today, forecasters as the temperature read 19 when son. only 127 half bushel baskets said, which should give a clearer TWIN they left Alaska, and .the first being brought to the market yes­ picture of the storm. snowfall had started. Slhe is ad­ terday. The tomatoes went for a justing herself to her new living VALUES high of $1.45 and a low of 81. Lot's Take A Ride conditions and says that she haj There were 235 crates of cauli­ grown to love this country al­ ARE COMING flower sold at a high of 81-80 and In That though only here two days. 'The a low of 81.06. Totol sales for the YOUR V/AY couple plan to remain in Manches­ day were $482.65. \ ter until the Spring and then will \ decide between staying here or re­ / ■ / *...... turning to Anchorage. New 1950 PACKARD Good Beporta Brought Back Dr. A. p . Moran will resume Good reports were brought back U Deli-crs Foi S2.299 by the couple returning concern­ part time practice beginning In MANCHESTER ing the four who remained in Alas­ ON A ka. They are Mr. and Mrs. Robert Monday,’ October 17th, at his 1 1 9 4 9 k a i s e r Turkingtoil, Earl Engle and Don­ office at 211 North Main Street. 1,1... 11-. 1. i. |.l„. V ald Anderson. Turkington is en­ Ill • ' .. .i. I. rolled at the University of Alas­ A Few Demonstrators^ Cars Like New, ka for the on-the-job extension ■ Patients will be seen by ap­ course in agriculture. Andersen • BIG TRADES These Cars are Guaranteed 7 was employed on a salmon flshlsg pointment only until further • LOW p a y m e n t s POLATRON* TUBE / vessel during the fishing season,, TRADES ACCEPTED IMMEDIATE DELIVERY CAMHART TONf as a cook and will return with the notice. • TRADE TODAY / same outfit next spring as a me- • PHONE 5191 NOW USED CAR BXRGAIN NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED •RINOS BRINGS NEW CLARITY dhanleal technician. PINE The group also built a tourist Telephones 4427 Or 6338 fViaON TO UFE I TO EVERY IMAGE! lodges with a portable saw-mlU PHARMACY / \ H cre—combirfec^ with the finest picture BRUNNER’S PACKARD ’pr’v-rsTri'Y'''*'' '■'"'X. ■* \ i->U » 4 i M I l< 664 Center Street Tel. 2-9814 • »/-.. . U rW Aft f Mtil r G. GiU Motor Sales yet produced—is &e tone that brings 171 UNION ST., ROCKVILLE, CONN. i " television to life. The tone only the world- • TEL. 1995. OPEN FROM 9 TO 9 DAILY ..... N ______$ ; T " Boston Terrier HARVEST TIME, SAVE Up To |400—HARVEST TIME SAVE Up To |400—HARVEST TIME SAVE Up To 1400 fgmous Capehart provides. Special Show Listen to Capehart with eyes closed. Appreciate its magnificat beau^^and American Legioni Home SUNDAY, OCT. 16 fidelity of tone. / x

JUDGING STARTS AT 1 P. M. Open your eyes! See the cjfep, brilliant Governor’s Foot Guard Trophy image, .'.admire the au^entieperiod styling To The Best Dog In The Show , Trophy Will Be Presented By World’s and rich cabinet work. / Featherweight Champion Willie Pep Exhibition Between Judging ' • Open your ey^ wider! Note the ADMISSION: Adults 50c—Children 25c new, modest prides. Starting at $269.50 and available on convenient terms, ■/ .

WITH THE EXCLUSIVE CAPEHART POLATRON* TELEVISION tube \ CAPEHART'S MAGNIFICENT TONAL BRILLIANCE enables you to h a r Gapeharj>delevision is now within the every word in a lively lyric».. every whispering note... every high pitthcd or glare and fuzziness of’otdinary television screens are eliminated. Polatron* tube deep-throated instrument in its fullest musi'cal expression! Gnhedy,’ spores, news pictures have greater depth and detail in dark or daylight, with no adjustment means of all! ...entertainment of every sort comes vividly to life through the magic of required. They are clear, steady, undistorted. A whole new world of'television FIRE PREVENTION worid-tamous Capehart tone. listening and seeing uniblds ibr you! »r. ai a., c«». AMERICA’S FINEST TELE VKION

This week has been marked “Fire 3 Big Reasons Prevention Week.’’ A good time to Why You Should Buy T elevision at Cliff's clean up the home and the yard for 1. BUY FOR LESS MONEY the long .winter ahead. 2. INSTALLATION BY EXPERTS i 3. SERVICE PROMPT AND EFFICIENT It is smart to make every week

“IF YOU DONT know furs, you bet­ Fire Prevention Week- -Let’s be ter know your FurriePi” Blair’s furs tops in value, style careful all the time. and beauty. You can buy with safety, knowing Blair’s will guarantee your THE CAPEHART Piwluil* — the famous Capehart THE CAPEHART Ov«rtur«-tt*

tlltJH 4:; ^ ‘ ‘ ,x , ■ ■ ■ . • ' • » X THE 111 9111111 T he C onnecticut PowEH C ompany

r . •V r v i ExelusivB Capehart Dealer In Manchest'er -■ Buy From A Television Expert and Have Your Set Gorrpetly Installed

ll? ' ’ ’ - r- .

V... -'A m a S o t e s t e r e v e n in g h e r a l d , Ma n c h e s t e r , rRiPAY, Oc t o b e r 14. m o SIX BIANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHEBTEB, CONN., PRIDAT, OCTOBER 14, 1949 PAGE SEVEN'.: Woronleeki, 38 yaara paator ot Bt. will hold a Fire Prevention jw w together with Police Captain P. J. tMwgewics attended the funeral Joaeph’a church, repraaentlng'tlM a|. occurred gives, in itself, the basic demonstration this to•iaIlB'^tart-^ City of RdekviUe. HUmrti^strr (ssaon why a Labor Party iS in R o c k v i l l e lag a t 7 o^riodc with ■iwfvleee for Rev. Sigiamund power In Britain, ent of Fire Aldtmq^ .. I f rra U k ''BDundlBff an alarm from Box 35 rsi PRESCRIPnONS Lord Beaverbrook’s controver- at the hotel comer, one round be­ •Isl proposal was this: that Oon- Call Special . ing sounded. The fire apparatus M U 2 - 9 9 4 6 u w imU strX ” will respond, going to ths ll«neh«tUr. O o ^ eervaUve Party policy favor a guaranteed ‘ naUonal minimum htion Field where ladders will be THOMAS ralUJOTOK. ► Town Session raised and an opportunity will be inapt • frit M m i wage in Britain of six pounds a 9V>ttnd«d October ^ IW** given to inspect the apparatus. week,' which would have been $84 Fire Chl^ William Oonrady re­ i p«btlth«d * « iy a week before devaluaUon, and Vernon Residents to ported that during the week fire ■nr* * r *nS HoIld*jrf. CnteMd «t th« drilla have been held in ail of the oSioe »t MdnchMttr. Conn., •• which would now represent |17 a Meet Next ' Tuesday S^BC cum M*U M*tur. ____ _ schools. week. I ■ ■ Evening; The Purpose DecIsloM Bessrvod 'OWN PHARMACY : SUBSCIUPTIOM BAT*8 This, ssys a London correspondr, Dscision was reservsd in two ent, “is not a princely wag:e, but 4B9 BARTfORO BOAD ear. MCKHT im E E T On* T*M by MAll ...... -f®®® RoekVflls, OcL 14— (Special)— civil actions in the Tidlsnd Cioun- it is higher than a large part of ty Oiurt of Common Pleas on 9 On* month by M*lt ...... * ^ ®® A special town msstlng has been 'muraday. In the first case; Jo­ /V Hnfl* Copy ...... '••••! M the populaUon now !■ earning." called by the Bslsetmm of the • • • • * '• B9BB99BB9 •••• •••• ••••» • W*«Wy. by Juoo seph Buiy of RockviU# brought tab*. d*JI»er*d, On* T*m ...... “ In that fact, we think, there is Town of Vernon to bs hald next action against Charles Worthing­ W**t ot MU*, romlin a basic, fundamental, realistic ex- Tuesday svmlng at 7 o’clock, at ton of Somera, tha reault of m» ms* planaUon of why the people of the Recreation Field. The first cldent a t -Somsra, Dec. 83, 1947, ' MBMBKR O r ^ Z — Save for Hard Play TH* A880CIAT*D P n * ^ , , Britain, in their post-war detsf^ artiels in the warning calls for the when cart driven by ths two men new featufes Th* A**ocUt*d Pre** U **cJj^**ly minaUon to improve their own appropriation of 1600,000 for the were in colUsUm and damaged* •BtltMd to th* use ot r*publle«Uli Lord Beaverbrook’s "me too" adusols" for the town; second, to Rlvkin of Hartford, was tha m- ‘-’■I •ad «Uo th* local new* publl*h«d h*rt. have the voters authorise the Ver­ suit of AU ftcddont Sopt* 7* IvWi Kali-sten-iks AU rUhU of republlcatlon of *p*cl*l proposal gets a verbal veto from dUpateh** herein are aUo reaerved. non School Building committee or in Rockvins whan it waa allegad Mr. OuirchlU. He, for hU part, its nominee to enter into any and SIMPLIFilD CONTROLS: an auto operated by Mr. Rlvldn ■ WowM You Rather Drive A MAGIC FOCUS PICTURE4 STABILIZER ' *■ Full aerrlce client of N. B. A. Serv- would hive the Conservattve Par­ all agreements in relation to ths struck a wagon, being driven by le*. tnc._____ ty have nothing to do with such construction of the schools: to em* Mif. G rant rine Kali-sten-iks shoes for children, hoys sn d jji^ NEW 1949 PONTIAC? . . . most Motorola receivers have only ..^. keeps picture sharp over the entire . . . keeps picture steady and shiarp . . ^ower the Board of Selectmen to Burineae Meeting * FttblUher* EepreeenUUre*: Th* soft promises to the people. He xirrow a sum not to exceed 3600,- featuring bulb shaped heels, with seanleas backs that m o dual controls. Most tuning adjust- Burflce of the tube . • * right up to die improves picture resolution. jfullua Mathew* SpecUl Agency — New doesn,’t think such promises can 000 through ths issuance of bonds; Frank Badstuebner Poet VFW, REASONABLY EARLY DillVERIES yorh. Chicago. Detroit and Bo»ton. will hold a busineaa meeting this can't rip or hurt. be soundly kept; he thinks Brit­ Artids'’ Four concerns interim * meats are made automatically in the new edges. financing by borrowing on short evening at eight o’clock In the W riB OR W rraOlJT TRADES K dlB IR AU6iT BtJRBAO OF ain's soimd policy is to^ttghten its GAR haU. AUTOMATIC PICTURE SIZE CONTROL daRC01.AT10N8.______term notes; Article Five is a gen­ Motorola circuits. . . so that even a child belt and embark upon an econom­ eral item to authorise "and other LegloB Social . ic effort of "blood, toil, teanl and acUon"; ArUcls Six empowers ths The American Legion will hold can operate these miraculous new re­ SUPER SENSITIVITY . . . minimizes piaure "flutter" due to Th* Herald Printing a aocial thia evening at 8'o’clodc BALCH PONTIAC, Inc •anime* no flnanclal reaponalbll ty for sweat" He thinks that's the selectmen to purchase the desired typographical error* appearing In ito- land for the proposed Vernon site at the Legion Home wrlth shrimp, OPEN EVENINGS ceivers. . . , new "sensitizer" circuit gives peak airplane ignition overhead—and pro­ SrtUament* and other t ^ 'n * only honest thing to promise the a t a cost of some 310,000; Article steamed clams and steak sand­ rP.HOUSESSON 1S5 CENTER STREET MANCHESTER la Ths M»ncheiter Brentaf HerRlu people of Britain. / Seven will authorise the selectmen wiches being served.« operation at greater distances from trans­ vides simple means of changing picture Yob Csi* Always Do Batter At Bsleh’s This division in Britain is close­ to exchange a part of the land to Conndl Pays Respects BRIGHTER THAN EVER PICTURES FriiUy, October 14 be purchased for other land need­ Mayor Frederick Berger and mitter / , . even in "weak signal" areas. size without changing proportion. ly parallel to the division be­ ed, so aS to make the boundary members of the Common Council, tween the Hoover-Taft and the square in the rear of the land, and . . . through Motorola's new Hi Voltage Realistic Peace Champiofi Dewey-Stassen wings of the Re- the final article would authorize the selectmen to set aside, land on circuit. TARGET TUNING FURNITURE STYLED CABINETS pubUcan party in this country. The 1949 •ward of the Nobel Bast street, part of the Town . . . guarantees "on the beam tuning" of . . . beautiful cabinets — acoustically' Peace Prlae ta, we believe, excel­ We will see whether the BriUsh Farm land, for the proposed Rock­ ConservaUves can resolve their ville school. ' . ■ BROADVIEW SCREEN lent among all awarde of record Opposltoin is expected to the both sound and piaure with a matched to the speaker and chassis. There have been tlmee when the own division more aucoeesfuUy in \ proMsal to build two schools, as M .. . gives up to 2^% more picture area. . • control... a single operation. award haa gone to repreeenUUvtie an ClecUon te s t group which states it is Intw w ^ of caueea and prlndploa almoit In the welfare of the Town of vs^ without distonion. non is suggesting that purely Idealletlc. And there have FUibnstcr be built on a location to bs deddsd BILT-IN-TENNA , been other tlmee when It hae gone The proposed liberallutlon of upon to the duly elected school to the sponeore of eeemlngly board; that the proposal bo voted AUTOMATIC GAIN CONTROL . . . eliminates need for antenna installa­ TABU MODIt the Displaced Persons BIU now upon through the Voting machines. 7VT8 pracUcal poUclee for peace, only before the Senate would not add The group claims that with ths in­ Save on everything . . . for NO FADE pictures . . . keeps tion in "good signal" areas. T' SROADVIEW to have time bring reallaatlon to Ute number of persons eventu­ creased cost of town government that the practical policy wju built and the Increased cost of city picture values coostanu screen showing ally admitted to this country irovernment that the combined tax ele»r-focus pic* on ahlfUng and treacheroiie world from the countries in question. As rate In a few years would reach PRO-TEKT-O-SEAl cures. New simpli* ^ •n d . 60»4 mills with 81 per cent Of ^ ft (xl controls. Light* many can come in, eventually, un­ you buy at Watkins AUTOMATIC BRIGHTNESS CONTROL p But the new award, to Lord der the quota system, and those Town tax being for property with­ . . . foam rubber gasket protects picture wei|ht(weigh$2^'/i Boyd Orr of Britain, goee to an in the city limits. lbs.).Smart mottled whom the bill would admit now Football Saturday . .. keeps the "light level" constaot. . . from jarring . . . keeps dust, lint and • Ideallat and to a realist, In one \ mahoganyot ebony will be charged against that The Rockville High school foot­ Bakehce cabinet. .and the same man. And, through quota system. The main thing the ball team will play Enfield High eliminates picture "flicker." moisture from face of tube. on Saturday at Henry Park with ’um. It goes to a policy which la bill would do is perm it 134,000 of at once the age old dream of the game starting at two .’clock. these homeless Europeans to It 1s hoped that many Rockville rpoeU and the pracUcal poUUc» of come in during the next three rooters will turn out to cheer the »119n oiur own Ume years. improved Rockville team on to Lord Boyd Orr flret came to victory. It would also remove some of District MeeUng prominence in the past-war world the un-American restrictions on te Fourth District, American as a nutriUoh expert, !a whldi ca­ selection of adnUttefs which the ion and Auxiliary will hold 3 pacity he became director general 80th Congress wrote into its bill. thetlvOctober meeting this eve- of the United Nations Food and the Legion Home in Staf­ But it does not change the re­ ford S^nga starting at eight TABU MOOR [ Asrteulture Orgai^Uon. There quirements that those to be ad­ (^clock. ^ ^ v e r a i Department of­ V ANNIVERSARY ♦VTl be rtiarpened his awareness that mitted to this country should be ficers are Nsxpaoted to visit the 7 / n entirely NEWi • food production and hunger are Auxiliary atHhls time. and OUTSTAND-' carefully screened, and that there B’nal IsrsVl Congregation 1 one world problems, only to be should be, in each case, a good l(X)8 ING "BUY." 8Vi'i This evening W 8ri5 p.m. there polved through recognition of that BROADVIEW- guarantee^ that these new immi­ will be Friday ev^ng aervices at screen. Handsome :*‘fact and ^plication of one world grants to this country should not the Synagogue withNMr. and M ra CELEBRATION . „i, a* riso •*''*' all-wood mahog-: prindplee. A. Brooks as hosts ^ honor of become'a public charge or burden. the wedding annlversai^ of . Mr. any cabinet. When he left that organisaUon. Againstthis bill there iA'now a Bedding and Mrs. Morris Brooks. • olghteen months ago, he had filibuster in progress, a filibuster On Saturday at 10 a.nv^izkor I planted the seed of the idea which designed to kill the bill by talk at Memorial services will be ^eld The Junior (?ongregatlon wlll\(ot ’ aw recently dowered in the FOA’e a time when'msmbers of Congress meet. At 5:46 p.m. there ill ^ with IfOOS Springs! 149n propoeal for a arorld dearlng are known to be anxious to ad­ a Children’s Simehas Torah parly, t house for farm products, which journ and go home. Those who y Reception Tonight could operate to cure the present are against the bill make their at­ A reception will be held at the 10 to SOTo OFF First (3ongregational church of each — mattress *>'9,.'***'*9*999 ''.'T 'ff-TE ' penalty for over-producUon in S titude pretty plain. They don't Vernon Center this evening start­ Iworld w ^ is dlU hungry, and want "foreigners’’ coming to this ing with a pot luck‘supper at 6.'.O or box spring rWuch oonld take the food the country. It would make no im­ p.m. for the pastor, George B. Hig­ Excepting a few Nationally Advertised Priced-l ixed items 3975 world produces to those who need pression, we suppose, to ask them gins. All in the community are invited to attend. It. We have, previously referred where their own ancestors came t Mother’s Circle 504 tiny springs in each full aize mattress! ‘ to thto proposal as the possible from, or to point out to them that The Mother’s Circle of the Sacred TAHI MOOR TAMI MOOR. CONSOU MOOR 504 larger coils in each box spring! Over a I0VK83 ^soluUon of the American farm the only people in this country Heart church of Vernon will meet 7 lo v n e 10VT10 ♦ thousand springs to the outfit bring you per­ Full sized console, I problem. You never know, in who are not ’’foreigners” are* the this evening at eight o’clock at the BIG 10' BROAD­ Strikingly original home of Mrs. Dorothy Huelsman fect posture comfort aided by Finritex insu­ cabinet design in at an ideal low-: - ffact, how many, separate prob- VIEW aaeen. Just Indiana; or that if there is any­ of Dobsonville. lators: 36 lbs. of fine white cotton felt; extra two dual controls handsome hand budget price! 10'■ llems can be felled with one prcH thing realjy ’foreign" to this Demonstration Tonight felt aerpss the center. Metal eyelet pre-built do everything. nibbed mahogany BROADVIESrf ; gram when that program Is based country iyls their^ own narrow The' Rockville Fire departm'ent border provide hundreds of ventilators. Regu­ Coed-looking ma­ or limed oak. 10' screen. Only two- i on a b i t ^ world vlear. bigotry, teeir own denial of the larly |49.75. ' hogany cabinet- A ^BROADVIEW dual controls. ,AU tg / 1 When Sir Boyd ^ Orr left the TV VAUiB SENSA­ ’ctnre. "Golden wood mshogany traditional American liearU Cabinet. / . PAO, he did so in order to devote TION A T... bitt" sound. Just two'dual controb. ^■bis time to the World federalist PRESCRIPTIONS movement And it is primarily This Pizza . Earth CALLED'VOR for his work in. this cause that he Dr. Gerard P. Kulper, a Neth^ 18911 >22911 baa now been selected for the erlanda astronomer who is now,at AND Nobsl Peace Prise. the University of CSiicsgo, has DELIVERED / I World federation—the institu- fine theory for the origin of the Ab Osaditloaed . t tion, of a limited world govern- earth shd other planets. About 2 pcs. 1 9 8 *^ ' | ment—^has long been the dream three billion years ago, he says, PINE ! of the pure idealists. Now, in there was a fist pancake of gsa PHARMACY MASHRMICt f:' I our times, it is also the down to and dust revolving around the CONSOU MOOR CONSOU MOOR 664 J>nter Street I0VK18 . laVKII CONSOU Conunon stmse of world pol- sun. As it grew to be a bigger TaL 2-9814 Lawson lounge groups • Itics. Breathtaking Fur­ Large UVi'BROAD. ‘The "Raeburn" pancake, it began to break up Large ISVl'BROAD.' It deserves a peace award if niture VIEW screen gives under Its own whirling. The dis­ ty in mshogany photo-sharp con­ VIEW screen—tevo- anything ever haa deserved a WATiClNS QUALITY . . . lutionary new chas-' integrated pancake re-forn%ed to' which means deep, low, lounf- or- limed ogk. K r trasts... 29% mote ' peace award, for it represents the to a series of great globules, still 18OA DVIEW picture arcs than sis develops the world’s sharpesLI . political cssenttm of peace. It Is revolving, and these became the Chicken A La .Cacciatore ink comfort! Laytex foam screen. Two dual fore. Two dual /'the one thing withottt which ScaOopina al Marsala seat cushions! ' Full spring controls simplify controls. Stunning Steadiest piaurestl earth and'the. other planets, with Two dual controls.. peace cannot he had. It stands Broiled Chicken edge on both pieces! Divided hand tubbed ma­ the gas condensing .and the solids elecirodynsfflTc hogany or limed make tuning "a ataric and alone as the only real Pickled Mushrooms back on sofa! Made to your, snap"! Hand rub­ sticking to form the present solid Antipasto order in a limited selection of speaks. oak caoii route there is to peace. It is the tenants of the skies. bed mahogany cab-, cause in, which men of vision, men Ravioli discontinued Goodall textured Salem rockers inet. These planets each had various frieze covers! Quality from of good will, Md men of the most sateUitea. It took a few thousand ' Phone In Your Order elemental realism all now belong, inside frame to the fine cover­ years for a planet to condense ing. Regularly 5278.50. together. For once, the Nobel and form Itself. A asteUlte could 18” •wurd has coincided with the real, COMOLLO'S ‘3951^ take' final shape in a mere stellsr WATKINS FAMOUS QUAL­ true hop. ■ V . -■ " * )• mm /■ X IIANCHESTEB EVENING HERAU), MANCHESTER. CONN,, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1949 P A O l N D ^ MANCHS8TBR EVBNINO HBBALD, NANUiUBSI'Elt, OONll. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1949 3r.. at East Hartfbrd told the Dia­ for the poor, sick, maladjuatod, pleted in the state under 1949 mond Jubilaa convention o f the fnutrated olooboUe in orded to di­ With others, honesty and trust­ Infitalled as Executives [Urges Chureh Women's Chrlstlgn Tsmparance vert attention from the. central worthiness, . eonsideratton of legislation,” he said. " '. . . it in­ Warning Given Waste Rapped union in a.prapared < addraaS that problem, which la drinking, ex- Keeney Street others, and many other things dustrial leaders bad fumbled and bogged down on rearmament in the Dapartmant of Education ceoslva drinking, and the. parvaoiva Here Are Your Baldwin Happy Even which are aa Important later as Support Plan \ ■ . V, they go out Into the world. They By Forester 1948, the way we have on housing e b u r s e ! To Taxpayers “ plana to work cloaely with sU In­ effect o f the beverage alcohol bus­ ; PTA Meeting are Uught to be better eitlseaa In this sUta, we woujd terested organisations,’’ and 'add­ iness In American life. °- and to lit themselvea Ipto things. looking over the'fences of concen- ed that . “ certainly thp church “ lA t the church cry aloud and Naturally there la a proaenbad You can buy a new Oldsmobile East Hartford Minister ohould ba one of them." spars not In taUlng^the world that * K Trouble Brewing Assertki People H ave tnitton CAApf.** Assesflor State* Only 10 iPlans Discussed for the course of study to foUow but there He asserted that the anti-segre­ Advocates Backing Al* Aaaertlng that th e church la addition to all other factors, are many Interesting detours along gation biU was an example o f Per Cent of Perfional ohould ragtatar Its conviction out and baoie all, only drinkers ba- Manchester be mentioned haa been former Lott Control - of CU>v« $ 1 ; 9 0 1 e to Fall and Winter Activi­ the way,' ^ 4-Door Sedan for (Plus loud,” Mr. Hutebinaon, a Demo­ come alcehoUcs,” ha declared. |l«piiblican State Chair* “ downright incompetence and poU- Property Declared cohol Question Setup Oov. Jamea C. Shannon, who ioat Mrs. Oorlnae Fookett’s room emment by Default tlcal quackery. crat and a former state repraeen- the poet lalt year to Oov. CSieater ties of Gub again won the attendance prise. man Sees People ”Thls was trumpeted In press tative, deelared that the church Bowlea by 2.5WO votea. Many con­ The first and geeond grade room slate tax). Visit us todaye Hartford. Oct. 14 —(O— The Should oontlnua its work of “ raa- releases as something only slight­ than 10 per cent of Man­ Thinking in Terms of tend that Ma 194t defeat waa by The October meeting of the hold the banner for another month Waterbury. Oct. 14—(»>— SUte chester's owners at personal prop­ prasldent o f the ITaltad 'Tampar- cue of the alooboUe” through co- too narrow a margtn to eaae him at leaot TIm donteat for room Senator Richard A. Fbrester (D., ly less than epochal than freeing LEARN TO DRIVE Products Show operatkm with social aganeiaa. Keeney Street Parant-’TsaCher ^ slaves in ’64. This great step erty have declared the extent of anoa society o f Oonnectlcut today Change in 1950 Voting but of the 1960 ploture. la usually very dose. State agencies, hospitals and AIOO'^ Dual Control Safety Oar Waterbury) says that government forward when cut down to size, re­ thair holdings as la required by Club waa held on Tufeaday evening Mrs. Ralph XurU vohintaered to law, according to Aapeaaot Henry urged the church to “ give full sup­ hoUca Anonymous, “ aa well aa Meat nragoantly la Filat “haa turned Into a monster of veals that 117 Negyoes have joined aajaa Par van Hoar By Ouf a. utmau at the Keeney Street school. New help on the Publicity committee M anchester Mutrie. In this town town It Is not port” to the state Dapartmant of through its own efforts. Moat frequently in print during waste, graft and stupidity” be­ the 8,000 white members of the TCI. 4393 Or 3-9969 Exhibitors JUrUord, Oct. 14—( « —■*. » * * • members were Introduced and for the coming year. a requirement that elthe? real es­ Elducatlon’a alcohol education pro­ recent weeka have been two for- Mrs. Anthony Mannella, Mrs. cause '^srs have lost control of It Guard. “ The church,” ha stated, "must MANCHESTER or trouble may be brewing for Ooo- Hartford mayora—Edward made welcome by President Har­ tate of automobilea be deelared by not be taken In by the technique mer old Geer. Carl Gutbrod and Mro. Ernest by default: “ But 10,000 colored hnen and gram. DRIVIMO ACADEMY Mcticut Rtt^Ucane, but 4t leeit Alien and William H. Morten- ownera, but other pcsaonal The Rev. Charles X. Mutebtnaon, o f the Uquor builneea which cries N. Flans were discussed for a mod­ diapman served cake and coffee “InteUlgant, successful business women are left to silently sUffer Motor Sales one O. O.>. P. lender saye be’a hep- aenl ' ^ t ' a because they are the , Uke furniture, jewelry, cat- Who Will Di$play Their Ware$ em and old-fashioned dance to be at the close o f the meeting. men of both parties,” he said, “de­ In the sordid S’qualor o f the X mr about i t only ones thus far to announce WEST CENTER AT HARTFORD ROAD tig and merchandise '^nave to be held at the City View D ^ c e haU vote thslr spare time to the wel­ wretched slums they ora forced to H io prdblem ia thla: mhltcly their interest in the nom­ fare of clubs, lodges, eharltlM, etc., Hated. A t The Armory Some time in 19B0-in Auguat on October 31. live In.” - ination. but look the other way rather I f this Is not done by October 81, September—the party muat The cliib.wUl also sponsor a Hal­ or Scout Executive than acknowledge the sordid po­ the aaseaqor ib required to add 10 nominate a aingle peraon for gov­ In the list too are three college lowe’en M ity for the pupils at litical thing they h a v{ spawned, per cent to the aoseased valuation ernor. That can mean a lot of presidents—Charles Seymour of Keeney Street school, and their Mondoy, Tuesday and As Speaker Here through neglect and Indifference.’’ of tbs property, and the taxpayer feaadachaa when the choice haa to Yale, O. Keith Funaton of trinity younger brothers and sisters. The An advertising man and retail bib to the mill rata appUed be made from two, three or four and A. N. Jorgensen of the Uttl- party wUl be held at the City View VerMty of (Connecticut Dance hall on the 28th of October. merchant. Forester went to the Want m MORE agklfiat the penalty Valuation. ^ Wednesday Next Week aandldatea. * Harmon Smith executive assist­ Thus, In Mancheatef last year, From one soutm or another Several prlxes will be given as cos- General Assembly aa a first-termer Thomas Daabar Mra. Thomas Dnabar Increaae the number of potential one person who neglected, to Hat have also come the names of tiime awards. Mr. and Mrs. Olin ant of (Tharter Oak Council B. 8. last session. A fter it waa over, oandldateB to a doaen or more, and personal holdings ^mounting to Clare Boothe Luce, alao considered Grant, Mr. and Mrs. Wilmer Kee­ A. win be guest speaker at the he broke with the Democratic ad­ Visit The Show and you get a rough idea of what Uea 850,000, bad 10 per cent, or 85,000 Mr, and Mrs. Thoinaa W. Dunbar by some as a possibility for a Sen­ ney, and Mrs. Ghartes SmaU wlU Father and San Banquet tonight ministration of Oov. Chester ehasUr aaoembly No. 15, Order ahead for Republlcana in 1990. added to hie taxable property on of Phoenix street, Vernon,. wore ate seat In Ooqgreas as well as the act as judges. A very complete Bowles and began writing a Rainbow for Oirla, and her hus­ Hardly a day haa gone by in re- at 8:80 at the Emanuel Lutheran which ha had to pay 35 mils or an Installed by Mrs. Oraea B. G b ld ^ , govemorahlp; Rep. John Davis program has been planned, includ­ ries of critcal articles. • band os master of cemnonlas. Oent montha that aomeone, aome- ing games, movies, aiid ,refresh- church, additional tax of 8139. supreme inepector and supreme Mr. Dunbar la past patron of "Know Your Manchester w lx>dge of the Fourth (Congressional Sees Tax on Wage E a ^ r ' where haan't come up udth a new ments. For those whose property comes servlco, as membera o f the state Temple Chapter No. 03, Order district; Former U. 8. Rep. Joseph Mr. smith having had extensive In his second article, released name. p Teachers Speak BrIeSy to more moderate sums, forget- executive committee of the order of Eaetem Star and past preetdr.nt Talbot; Herman W. Stelnkraus, experiences In 'Boy Scout work la Better" Tea, he had noticed that, aald The teachers, Mrs. Osrinne yesterday. Forester contends that fu ln e » can coat them an ex­ Rainbov.’ for the second year. o f Fellowifraft Club of Manchester. Bridgeport industrialist- and presi­ wsU* qualified to, speak to both etui Republican SUte Chairman Clari> Pockett, Mrs. Frances MUler, and the wage earner “will be asked to " p o r t ' tra 910 or 830, ssassor Mutria Mrs. Dunbar served aa mother Their appointments last year dent of the United States (Cham­ fathers and aonsX Adventure and Uke up the slack of declining tax - dnee F. Baldwin. Miss Dorothy O'Meara spoke brief­ point out. advisor for three years for Man- were the first from Mancheatar to ber, of Commerce; State Supreme oome^ movies ar^ expected to returns from business and mdus- Tee, he did conaider It “unuaual ly to the parents present on what make a big hit w M the boys. be made by the atate body. EXHIBITOR (Court Justice Arthur F. Ellis, who try, in the form of a continued a r a o e iip to have ao many naraea mentioned we should expect our children to Group singing with (jtarence Hel- Offers is due to retire Soon from the sales tax jdus an income tax.” BERCREN DAIRY. # 0 early, he amlUngly eonunented know as they progress through the sing at the piano will also be en- bench; State Rep. George C .Con­ He called the legislative process aa he aat in hU office at Republl' various grades. Pictures drawn joyed Ivar Jozus, recentljK arrived BUSH HARDWARE CO.- can atate headquartera. way, majority House leader; and by the pupUs were shown Ulus- a "politically bloated anarchrom- House Speaker John R. Thlm. \n this country from Latlva will Well, what did it mean? Weren’t trating the different levels each speak to the fathers and Erie An­ Ism” whose cost "can only be B R O W N & BEAUPRE, INC be and hla oolleaguea dtaturbed Can Expect lis t to Grow child Is on. The value of kinder­ derson past president of the matched by its incompetehes.' — STATIONERY — over the proapecta of a party Party leaders ia y they expect garten training could be plainly Two specific examples were TUPPERWARE. F. A G . B R O W N seen in most cases. The work of Brotherhood will reply. wrangle over the nomination T the list to grow, but they empha­ The Brotherhood executive com­ mentioned housing legislation the students who had attended I s H FOR OFHCE, HOME AND SCHOOL BURTON’S (Cancer Fund Booth) Oontenda Situation Oood sise that it’s aUll much too early and the National Guard anti- kindergarten was much more de­ mittee which haa arranged this In a word, Baldwin contended to speculate how many of those banquet la hoping for a record at­ segregation bill. I CASE BROTHERS that the Bituatlon was good. mentioned will see their candidac­ tailed and far superior, with a few Housing was a “ shambles,” he -Ru s t c r a f t g r e e t i n g c a r d s exceptions, to those who had not tendance and urges all men inter­ Doesn't it signify that the peo- ies seriously, pressed when conven­ said, after "one month of ‘j’i- - ' CHARLIE’S SERVICE STATION attended kindergarten. ested to come and bring a son, or Ble are thinking In terms of a tion time roils around next year. borrow one for the evening. Tick­ promises” and "11 months of S t a ^ T ^ H T quietly Inquired Character Building CHENEY BROTHERS \ There have been times In recent It was brought out that today’s ets may be obtained from William alibis. DEWEY-RICHMAN CO. "Not one house haa been com­ 1 aomwrhat In the nianner of a pe^ years when the OOP gubernatorial teaching methods differ greatly to Orr or York Strangfleld. JEWELERS—STATIONERS . for your CUFFS TELEVISION A R A D IO nomination has almost gone beg­ aon thinking out loud. teaching In years past The im­ Extnmaly LOW P R IC E ! ' 767 MAIN STREET “The very fact that people are ging. In 1932, for example, Repub- portance of character building was COBURN & MIODLEBROOK even now wondering who our can­ Ucans had to go into the ranks o f stressed. In schools today the Exceptionally DELICIOUS didate is going to bo indicates to retired leaders to find one. 'They teacher ia more Interested ih the >.rstiH.MUH3n CONN. NATIONAL GUARD me that they feel we can win finally drafted Former Gov. John child as an individual. I f Johnnie L. DOBKIN (Public Nurses Booth) ^ next year." „ - « H. Trumbull, who was defeated is quarrelsome and not his usual He himself, aald the O.O.F. that year by Oov. Wilbur U ChOaa. self—why? Has he had some emo­ FALL DRY CLEANING ELITE STUDIO leader, haa received several oug- Six years later, RepubUcana ex tional upset at home, does he not fcstions as to whom RepubUcana perleneed trouble also in finding feel well—just why is he acting ‘as TM^ BEST IS NONE^ GOOD EATING FIBER EQUIPMENT CORPORATION Should run for govenior. None, he a caifdldate willing to buck Gov­ he does? The reason is ferretted TOO 6 0 0 0 FOR HEAT, la the Beat Part o f Living for a limited time FBVDELL MANUFACTURING CO. aald with a chuckle, haa been sug­ ernor Cross. Raymond B. Baldwin out. The teacher doesn’t just drill 0U6TTRV OUR OIL^ gested by Democrats. But they finally agreed to tackle the job the pupils day in and day out with Let your doctor pat poo on a diet becaaae yoa' have To gain new customers, GAMMONS-HOAGLUND too, he said, have asked him—and and won the governorship for Re reading, writing and arithmetic. AWO HtX/LL REPEAT.' over Indalffcd and not because you have missed It. Starting Friday, Oct, 14 iiot always In Jest—whom the Re­ pubUoans for the first time In They are taught many things al­ and to afford our many W. G. GLENNEY CO. publicans have in mind. decade? though they do not realize that Stressing the theme that the And what about the Demo­ they are being taUght them. They J GOOD^FXN more canmdatea the bettor, Bald­ crats? No one has seriously dis­ learn to work together in groups, o f o/f permanent patrons an op­ win aald; . ^ puted yet that Governor Bowlea learn to get along, to cooperate COMOLLO'S EPICURE GUNVER MANUFACTURING CO. *Tt means that ws will have wUI again be their candidate in ' *T!atcran With Taste and Fineasc** In SoNb at • vlfi. HOLLAND STOkES portunity to freshen their ° (Hosp. Booth) more people going around talking 19S0. The governor elected then 85 OAK STREET TEL. 2-4108 to various groups. . This can only will serve four Instead o f I two TbNfk jnt a kiilMtr J. W. HALE CORPORATION result In more party activity and years under a new 'constitutional BABY-SITTER? SaiH OID MONASnUY WINE wardrobes, HOLLAND more interest. amendment FULL COLOR Magazine HAMILTON STANDARD, UNITED "D el the people see and hear WM putt CMM U M tf. makes this attractive offer AIRCRAFT them (the candldatee) and then Yes, Ma'am! let’s see where It crystaUlaes." Laymen’g Sunday A. HARRISON A SO N S TWvesu N e EVERY SUNDAY Periodically, rendering the Baldwla emphasised one point Just Phone 7882 ' H A R T F O R D G A S CO. F or the time being, at least he At Center Church I la finest in QUALITY service said, he favored no candidate over ------^ C E. HOUSE A S O N another. « lAyman’a Sunday will be cele­ I — — " ■ 'V and saving you more than HOUSE OF HEAT Did that mean that the candl- Americo*! S m a r it t i Walking S h oal d a t« would be chosen at a free brated this week at Clsnter Con- The Beat in Hardy JARVIS REALTY CO. (Cheney Tech Booth) and open convention? gregattonal church, at both the • PUkc Your Order Now/ thirty cents per article! “Where there ore ao many can­ 9:10 and 11 a. m. servicet, which Don't go from or. i uioe to * E. A. JOHNSON PAINT CO. anotber because < ( impix>per fiti Old didates mentioned, remarked will be la the handa of laymen of Chrysanthemum Baldwin, “it U difficult to have See one of our Elnna jx m e x G. E. KEITH FURNITURE CO. the church. M o n a s le r f anything but a free, open conven­ Fitmaetera and be itted ~ KEMP’S, INC' tion.” Harold Johnson, chairman for Bouquets whb your coerect elsa The sources from which names tk » occasion, wtU open the a e ^ b ^ beigbt and laet. CSiooae J. LAPPEN, INC o f potential G.O.P. gubernatorial Ices with the Invocation. A ra- . from a wealth of pretty candidates have come are almost aponalve reading will be gi-yen by style, at really mod- ete prices. MANCHESTER AWNING A C A N V A S as varied' and numerous as the Bmeat. Weitlich, the prayer by e P R O D . CO . names themselves. ’ William Steckel, offertory by Er­ HOLDEN'S \ twMtNNAMTTICKtlylM The suggestions have come in win Whltham and children’s story IS IT FACT or FICTION? 61 Washington St. MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD lettera to party leaders. Political presented by David McComb. . vWSaAAAAAcHI writers have speculated about The sermon, based on the T«L 8748 Illy *9** OON£ rO T H B MANCHESTER LUMBER & FUEL CO. acme. Party workers have come theme, "Am I M y Brother’a Keep­ er?” will be given-jointly by Ken­ US£D CAR SALE A T MANCHESTER MODES, INC up with othere. • "s for only Inevitably, among the first to neth Btroble, PTed , Moore and' MANCHESTER PIPE & SUPPLY CO. Christie McCormick. ^COLUMBUS DISCOVERED .Rev. Olfford O. Slmpaon will ’39 DodgCf New ’39 Ford, 2 Door Beautifully Dry Cleaned MANCHESTER TRUST CO. add to the elmple dignity of the MODEL IN N A JltTICKS fH baHar hoemse they « • beilar fiffad School Togs servloe by pronouncing the bene- NORTH AMERICA? X Point . . ^ . $495 $215 and Expertly Reshaped MANCHESTER TIRE & RECAPPING CO. dletlon. AIRPLANES T H E ' 19$9 Mercury Convertible Coupe .... $295 McCLURE AUTO CO. BOATS SHOE SALON. *40 Plytnputh Sedan . . . .. >. «...... $325 "Tafra I uifiiir," nM M*f, . NONE HIGHER McGILL-CONVERSE, INC Lovable Lamb M cK i n n e y LUMBER CO. CARS . **CXclu$iv^y Youra** *40 Oldsmobile Sedan $675 ill bt nn Mr iigmn. >allf wfiR fa a a a a d fi n a fi$faimiifi||)M m enpum eBp 474 M A IN ST. ACROSS FROM TH E POST OFFICE 1940 Packard Club Coupe ...... $5 9 5 "OtO MONASnirr lam tny MICHAELS JEWELERS HOBBY SHOPPE 1949 Chev. Sedap, 2700 miles *49 Ford Aai ifi 98 tan ti piiasir ' ' If the quality of our service ia not aa fine MtfNSON’S CANDY KITCHEN Six Gri^woM SL 3238 aa any you have hadr-^Regardleaa o f Price NICHOLS-BRISTOL, INC EASY TERMS TRADES Open Evenings “r“YouDon*tPay ! You Be the Judge. OILPURE REFINER CO. ^ ORFORD SOAP CO. (Polio Booth) ' B. D. PEARL, IN C B runnehs Packard Holland Laundry Special! POTTERTON’S 3U3 EAST CENTER ST- MANlR£STER‘I^^0\E5'R/ Men’s ar Boys’ . P R A T T A WHITNEY, UNITED AIRCRAFT: k Ba(Jc' i > Plans' ' . * OHEM MONDAY' WEDNESDAY’ FRIDAY EVENINGS Til LM PM H olla n d 's 7 V BaUavad by proper om oft. ROGERS CORPORATION ' Tour phyaMan aaa toB pM SCHIEBEL BROTHERS about our expert oapBaafia fitting aervica. Wbaibar H y ' SHIRTS SHIPSHAPE WOODWORKING CO. be Back Pains -r- Boptiua — Main Plant and Obesity — Ptosta — wa have the • Beaudfolly Laundered SILVER LANE PICKLE CO. proper support. • Expertly Droned ST. BRIDGET’S SCHOOL FUND BEAUTIFUL, WASHABt^ MUMS Retail Store • ' Siaed or no starch STANDARD AI^UANCE A FURNIURE CO. (Chrysanthemums) ^ as requested STANEK ELECTRONIC LAB. TIMKEN OIL HEATING C olum bia ^ D P STANDS FOR Is Conveniently Loeqted at n r ” - ii%bii .qFpm iidfbm F. V IC T I ‘Tbn H CNNi t9 ag bWpt Regularly 18e * T o I n s u r e P r o m p t n e s s " BOUQUETS $1.00 VILLAGE CHARM STORE WINDOW SHADES Han't tniii idm... WNff I f .IM4 IpM Rll IMVI WATKINS BROS., INC Here’s ihe window shades yoa’va been waiting for. HERES ATIP: L O W E S T ^ MONASTOY W M I J. A. WHITE GLASS CO. Beaatifnl shades that can actually be acrubbed, yet re­ ’msw m s PLANTS 75c $1.00 i 5 0 3 3 LONG DISTANCE RATES s tm ■ F M T JABE WHITE/(Pihe Pharmacy) 8210 tain their original brilliance of color. Thanks to Colum-. 3-8 yrs. bia. See our large selection of colors-in these new waah- A f^ l IN EFFECT A FTE R GEO. WILUAMS ASSOCIATE 1. Fklion. Irwiaod.'tlie explemr'figlrted ihe bland 6 RM. AND ANYTI/AE By Sue Barnett able shades. E A C H < > WILLIAMS OIL SERVICE Here’s a delightful UtUa pair for Come in today JO N S U N D A Y TIME TO PLANT FRUIT TREES, ^ Mrs. Anne Oabot colled Ouenobani In the Wait IndlM e« Fridcfif, Street school wear. Tour young daughter This phacloua crocheted lamb October 1^ 1492. ' Old will adore thla elmple jumper with EVERGREENS and PERENNIALS (Near Comer Maple St.) Make A Try l^or The It scalloped trim, the matching makes a perfect take-to-bed toy tor the email fry ! Easily made AKRON SACRO-ILLAC drawstring blouse. Both easy sew­ PYROXYLIN 2. Fiction. HWodopt toy'rfiot b probably da~ ing for mother. from step by step instructions, in SllPFORt f\m-to-do loop stitch, this little rivod from on old EnglUh verb to tip-meaning "to VALUABLE Pattern No. 8310 U in sites 8, 4, We arc pruud ot our fitting Laughs at steam and dampness. It’s the Snest 5. 6, 7 and 8 years. Sise 4, jumper, lamb was m-^e in white knitting give." And hero's o good tip for you. Simply look Monasten Availabla every day wbfated and finished off with -a department and aarriee. Thla washable shade; with a fine cambric base for long )% yards of 35 or 39-inch; blouse, aervloe Is unequalled In this intida the bock cover of your talaphona b ^ . So# '. except ^tuiday DOOR PRIZES 1 yard; 1 yard rie rae. perky ribbon bow. wear. Clear, translucent colorg can be scrubbfid WOODLAND community. Private Fitting how low long diitonca rotas actually ora — any­ BRAND A Boadnal extra ■ For this pattern, send 29 cents, Pattern No. . SO’iS consists of Rooms — Lady and Men A t­ clean. Up to 72” wide. To Be Given Away In Coins, address, sise complete crocheting instructions, tendants — Goaranteed Fitting. where. bn't there someone whose voM you'd low charge is made for desired and m Pattern Number stitch -iUOstratlons, material ^ to heor right now? HOUR ■■ GARDENS this service Each Night to. But Burnett (th e Manchester quirements, step by step illustra­ Evening Herald) 1150 Ave. Ameri­ tions and making and finishing uf cu/uuMS um nci cas. New ToHt 19, N , Y. » directions. 168 Woodland St. Tel. 8474 SEE THEM ON DISPLAY The Faq and Winter Fashion la Send 20c in Qjins, your name, QUINN’S WINES address and tbs Pattern Number Johnson Paint Co. ■ "A AND RA.M.-6P.M. ' a complete guide la planning t IH f .OUTMtH'; NtVV fUU . to - Anne (Tabot, The Manchester Open Days alid Evepiiigis INTHEARMOI^Y wearable fall wardroM. New—ak- MANCHESTER ai amaai aafea Thurx. 8 A. M.-9 P. M. kiting—infortaativa. Free pattarn Evening Herald, 1^60 Ave. Amer- PHARMACY 699 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE QUARTS SHIRT LAUNDERING SERVICE wfintod Insldgtha book. 35 eantsT ieas. New York 19. N. Y. tpksi--' ; i ■ y .‘4 MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN., FRIDAY. OCTOBER 14, 1949 FAOESUtflQf...... MANUHEiSTBR BVICNUNG HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN,. FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1949 quisette and Mack lapa gown, she, necUcut milk prices arose tMs >B1EN Says Soviet Ships reached quickly for a towel each Milk Price Cut sVeek following cuts in milk prices Tbero’s NetMag Batter Than larly in connection with the adop­ WKMIl — w T ic lane moment she was off stag*. in th* New York area. At present, the committee in charge of the Local Engineer tion of square tips for p ro p te r >PU B U C Moat of Mim Truman’s pro­ class A. or "family grads” milk Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. TunWr. Coiiimiiiiists Seen Extended Foredisl WUX) m v Go to Antarctica To Be Discussed the Misses NelUe P. and Dorothy projects Her wwiitahti are Mr». blades. Is well known In the indus­ -Z. Toddfs Radio'Z:: gram waq weU tailored for her now costs 28% cents a quart In UlUan Hamilton of Andover SETBACK PARTY WIHK)i«.l88t • ■ . voice—simple and aedate drawing South Coventry L. Wolfe. ■ ^ - To Make Address try, Deyfiget runa WHAV — ttta Bridgeport, and 22% cents else­ Mr*. Willard Orden has returned Grange, Mrs. Alice Fogll of He­ Having No Ethics Boston, O d. 14.—Extended Mr. Rosen is a member of a sub­ ,v r w Homo, Manehsatar WuKfi — lU d New York, Oct. 14—<*V-R«ar room song*. New Haven, Oct. Con- where in the state. UttteT.. . to her home In North Coventry bron Grange, Mrs. Blanche Tones forecast for aU Hew England: committee of the Aircraft Indus­ ANIIERHON-MHBA AUX. Admiral Richard E. Byrd says She was recalled for six en- iwctlcut milk dealers will discus* Ex. nmmMSS>W1 from Windham Community Me­ of Columbia Grange, and Mrs. George Rosen, o f 14 Gerard tries Association .which hM been Primal Retnahmeatal 410:40— / Russian ahipa recenUy have gone, oOre*. the possibility ot a price reduction Agnes RoberU of .Marlboro Gran^. Washington, OcJ. , 14.—UP)— The temperatfire in kU of New ROASTING CHICKENS morial hospital where she under­ stm t, chief aero4ynamlclst of the designated to standardise, methods' Admiaalaa 88 (herta ' WTIC—Pro snd Con. to Antarctica and aent planes on at a-meeting her* thla afternoon, The first degree team work to be President Truman believes Com­ England during’ the next i days, Wt>RC—Haws; Optry Moore but a spokesman for dairy farmers T x f i a n t PMt 57 liM, a record went two-v#eeks of treatment for munists have no ethics. of propeller perfornvmee calcuta- WHAT—’Time, PlsCe, Show. exploration missions ever tha froz­ WOODLAND ju d g ^ was that at Wapplng Saturday through next Wednes­ Hamidton Standard Division, UMt- Show. WUrih—slack’s Waxworks. said he doubted if thl^'d agree to ••rollinent of 18 ScouU to date. J. arthritis. She has extended thanks -He told a news conference so ed Aircraft Corporation, will ad­ tlon throughout the country. WTHT—Oalen Drake, en continent Jewish War Vets for her many remembrances from Grange Tuesday evening. On day, will average n*ar the season­ The public is Invited to attend IlOO— •'Whather they war# looking for 7 We have them ready at all timea, indading Sanda;^ c s . X M a y Scbweyer h u offered the Wednesday night The judges will yesterday after being questioned dress the Hartford Section, Amer­ w n c—Baokataga Wile. The Executive committ4a.of the Cleared ready for build­ friends and Auxiliary of local about h|s own philosophy. al normal with no Important day the dinner and meeting. Reserve* WKNB—News: Request Mati­ News on all atsUoim. uranium or not, I cannot say.** We are offering 10% off on orders of 10 'o uaa of hU buUdiiif on Mason street judge this work tw Ellington ican Society o f Mechanical En­ Byrd added. "The Russian ships Leader Is Dead Cmuiecticut Milk Dealers asSocia- American Legion. i to day changes. gineers; at the City Club on Al- tions for the dinner, which will PRESCRIPTIONS Iltl8>^ ing with a Disston chain just across from the Old Mill In Mrs. Grant H. Vance, co-presi­ Grange. Monday, Andover Grange His philosophy, he said. Is based Some normals for the period nee. WDRC—Woria Tonight are rspqrted not to have had any. Uoh will' meet this, afternoon at the wrapped for freezing if preferrH. lyn street, on October 1|. Mr, start at 6:80 p. m^ may be made 4:18— South Ooventrr for the group’s dent of PTA reporU the 3800 don' team will be Judged. Three more on the Sermon on the Mount are Boston. 88| New Haven and with Mias H. M. Wobnus, fiacre “ Save WHh Safety” WTHT—Joe haael. names to Identify them.” Hartford, Oct. 14—(P)—Albdrt Hotel Taft. Joaepb F. Nladermeir, The president told reporters they Rosen’k subject will be “Design­ WTIO—Btelle Dellas. aaw operated by meetlrg place. Hieir present quar­ ation from Cltlsens of Nantucket 84, Providence 52, tary-Treaaurar of the Hartford. >V, •WTHT—BandStMd. WHAY—MoonUght Matinee, The veteran polar explorer, who A. Reich, 43, foi^ er state com­ Jr., president, said the meeting WE DELIVER FRIDAY MORNING ters In Crane’s Nathan Hale Soda Association has been used mainly and judging date and names Will be could learn all about it In 20 min­ Portland 80, Concord, N. H., and ing Propellers for Sonic and Tran­ w n c —News. spoke at ceremonies in hi* honor mander of the Jewlab War Veter­ was called “ to get a cross-section sonic Aircraft.” Section, ASME. Those who are un­ Artlmr Dnig Storefi WOCC—Junior Dleo Jockeya Shop are now too small to conven­ for purchasing of dishes, silver­ announced. utes by reading the Bible. Burlington 49, Eastport 47, and WONS—Jack’s Waxwork*. at the Hayden planetarium last ans, died last night at Hartford of dealer opinion to see how thejr- Prizes are being offered the win­ Karl E Peller, vice president of able V* attend the dinner are In­ 4:88— * iently accommodate the group. ware and kitchen equipment for A reporter then asked his opin­ Green'^le and Presque Isle 44 de­ IIM— night, did not dlsclos* where he hospital after a short illnesau feel about a price reduction.’’ ners Of the best New Haven Coun­ ion of a proposal to set up a gov- Hartford Empire Company, will vited to hear Mr. Rosen, wh<^ WDRC — New England Nota- ED. WRUBEL Members will furnish heat, line the school lunch- program. More grees talk wUI stmrt at 7:48 fk be. ' book. w n c —Dance Music. obtained his information. He was a native of New York Doubt that dairy farmers would ROGEKOLCOTt the Inside with wall board, make such supplies are to be purchased ty Pomona Grange committee. The etnment department of ethics to be the Section's Guest of Honor, Iltl8 city and a grasuate th* Univer­ take a lower price for tbelr milk 24 North Street committee 'Will meet Oct. 28, ac 8 Rainfall amounts wilt be mod­ 5: 'W nC—X-oranzo Jona*. < a t a dark room, put. in tables and due to unexpected large number of resist Communism. erate with totals averaging three and wifi introduce the speaker. Mr. WTHT—Journey in Jazs. sity a t Peiuisylvania. In 1927 while at the present time was expressed .403 'West Center Street, Tclephono 7858 p.m.i at the Nathan Hale Commu- Mr. Truman said he’d , never Peiler holds over 200 patents In Te Teach E tq ^ an Bidding WHAT—ChaaUr. the Curious TeL 2-2970 Or 4028 • benches for hobby and craft work. meals being served each day. Mrs. to seven-tenths of an Inch and iirrors^ Glass Camel. 18:00— serving in th* Navy be waa deco­ by a Bpokeaman for the COonecti- Anyone having a suitable stove Raymond B. Fowler, chairman - o f n l^ Center. Mrs, Florence U. heard of the proposal, but , that the field of glass, and la the recip­ Sellout Crowd cut Milk Producera aasodaUan* Grady, chairman will give a report occurring principally during the HarUbrd, Oct. 14—(dV-Connec­ WCCC—News; Mualcal fimilc:. W 'n o —News; Dance Orcheetra. rated for bravery beyond the call for heating that can be donated the lunch program says about 880 ethics have nothing to, do with latter half of the period. ient of the Modern Pioneer Award Furniture Tep*. Window WKNB—Request Ijotlnea. o f duty In the second Nlcarauguan U* said, however, that "posaiblUty on results of drive for funds for Communism --- Communists have of the National Association of ticut manufacturers gM a chance Attends Concert to the group may contact Post Ad­ meals are served daily. Wellwood’s end Plate Glass, Auto Gtam 6»4B— w n c —Lennle Herman Quintet. campaign, some cut In prices would ba con­ visor Albert 3 . Booth, telephone Store has donated a hardwood Uie permanent war memorial. no ethics. Manufacturers for his contribu- today to learn th# -ABCTs. of get There is to be a discussion of ting government. ooottnqtiB-rvdW WTTC—Young Widdar Brown. Fraqmney Modulattoa Ha leaves his widow, thro* sidered In January.” Wllllmantic 1871W1, or Assistant chopping board for use at the tlpna to the glass-making art daughters, hi* mother and a slater. Th* question a t reducing Ooa- methods of raising funds for this out a five per center. The ,9tats Tot Tunes. IV D R C -k il 08.7 MC. Atlanta, Oct. Id—iP)—A eaU- Post Advisor Albert H. Boudreau, school. The refrigerator authorised Trade Relations Mr. Rosen has been with Hamil­ . ficorebbard WVHA— 108.7 MC. by local Board a t Education was project. A tentative goal of 3t,800 ton Standard’s engineering depart­ Development commission's White Glass ,Co. out crowd of 8,600 attended the telephone 1547J3. had been set by the committee. Trinity Reports 'Varieties; WTHT—FM 106.1 MC. Kow.. .Malcli aiy ctlar scheae la niaales Among projects getting under­ Installed Tuesday. ment since his graduation from contract procurement ,dtvlM6n is opening of the AUanU concert . Auxiliary to Green-Cl'.obot Pbst, Expert Is Dead holding a conference In thCyCapitol 24 Birch St. Manchester WCCC— Big . Brother Bill Show, 3:00-0:00—Same as WTHT. way are hunting trips. Assistant Emory Hill and Mr. and Mrs. the Massachusetts Institute .of 8 :00—BhodrUma. season last night by Margaret AL, Coventry and Manifield Dis­ 'Technology in 1987. Mr. Rosen’s to teach Industrialists the/Topes on 8:00— Post Advisor Boudreau gave in­ Thomas D. MqJKlnney were m 918 EnroUnient Opaa Umiy 8 A. M. fa 8 P. M WDRC—The Old Record Shop. 6:80—Sersno QammeU; Weather ot tko MARTIN-SENOUR charge of Coventry Grange-spon­ tricts, voted Monday night to have , S tratfo^ Oct. 14—(F>—Ernest work in ; propeller design, particu- government bidding pm edure. , iMiieltaie Satantay.. Truman. ^ structions on the care and use of as delegates to tte Prealdent’a WKNB—Sports NSWareel. 6:48—Concert H ou r.^ Srearms a t. the Monday evening sored set-back parly Tuesday night C. Ropes, 72. who retired in 1947 / ----- .J------Music lovers and Just about NU-HUE COLOR lAR Parley luncheon Nov. 5, Mrs. Fran­ Hartford. O ct 14.—tfiV-’Trlnlty Plenty Of Parking i WHAY—Story Queen. 8:00—Baaeball Game.^.-. everybody who Is anytx>dy in the meeting. Target practice was held at the hall in North Coventry. cis W. Perkins, onli president, anif after serving with the U. 8. Com- T . WTHT—Challenge of Uie Yu W T lC ?-m 98A MC. Prises were awarded the follow­ college reported today an enrow- On Premisea top-fllgfat social bracket* of this at the Archie MacDonald gravel Mra Eugene W. Conner, unit sec­ ment of 918 undergr^uates from meree department as an expert kon. WDBC—FM On the air I p. m.- ■> . * ' . baqk in the Lower Village, South ing: Women's 1st, Mrs. Edward old time Confederate stronghold retary. Also attending will be 27 states and five foreign coun on trade relations With the Soviet w n c —When a Olrl Marries. 11:25 p. m. were on hand to greet the presi­ Idoo COLORi IN FAINT.•• Coventry, in preparation for these Skilton; 2nd, Mrs. Winfield J. An Mrs. Richard C. Snow and Mrs. WONS—B-Bar-B-Ranch. Same a* WDRC. drews of Wlllimantic; 3rd, Mrs. tries. Reporting the same experi­ union, died here yesterday. Be dent’s daughter With warm ap­ that’s what you’ll find at ths thrilling Nu-Hue tripa Raymond I*.,-Pender. The school ence as nearly all collegea, ’M nl- was the author of many articles 5:15— WFBA Mrs. Floyd N. Wiley was re Nettle Lamb, of Stafford. Men’s RAYMOND T. plause. Color Bar! In just a mattsr of minutes, you can find of instruction begins at 10 a.m. at ty said the number of war Veter­ on b lu in g and trade in Russia, WTIC—Portia Faces Life. P. M. elected president of Coventry Gar­ 1st, G. Richard Dimon of Chest Edward P. Soling It was Mihs Truman’s firat large the Hotel Bond in Hartford. Unit an students was dropping. Only and in 1946 made a trip to Moscow WHAY—Meet the Band. 6:18—SpoHs; Weather; Sports. scale appearance aa a lyric so- tbs perfect shade to match, contrast or hannonizo den Club for her second year, nut Hill; 2nd, ,WlUUm E .. Brbe; membra voted 35 toward the an­ to talk with Soviet officials about 6:48—840 Vartetlas. 3rd, Richard J. Neff; specials, in the senior class ace a majority ACCOUNTANT WCCC—Sign Off. piwto. ^ srith naerly any color aample. That means you now Tuesday afternoon. Other officers nual Community Children’s Hal­ of the students ex-GIs- boosting Russian exports to the Builder •jr 8:00—Sam* as WTHT a. m. elected are vice president Mrs. Amos Richardson, Mrs. Edna Ken- 8 :10— Unfortunately for Mias Truman, havs aity color scheme you want... the loween party. Mrs. Eva Palmer The college's total enrollment United States^ WCCC—Tom Mix. W T H T -4M On the air 8 p. m .-ll the night waa warm and sticky John H. Westland, her second niaon. There will be another party of Mansfield was appointed chair­ He leaves his widow, the former Weekly or monthly aeivlce p. m. color edieme from a fabric, a picture, a piece there Tuesday, Oct. 18 at 8 p. m. including graduate students and Nathalie Wierum, and 6 son, John REMODELING ADDITIONS ■WTHT-Jack Armstiwng. and the audience sought \rallef year; new corresponding secre. man in charge of a Halloween for tiw amaU bualaeu mea. w n c —Just Plain Bill. Sam* as WTHT. of china r Each Nu-Hue Color is cuatom-iqixed A First Aid class will begin Party follo'wing the October 24 those tidcing extenrion courses, is C., both of Stratford. from th* oppressive heat In th* tary, Mrs. Charles E. Nyack; WONS—Toiq Mix. WTIC—FM On the air 3:25 a. m.- non-alrcondltioned auditorium by to a aeientifle formula, dries on tha wall to Monday, Oct. 17, at 7 p. m., at meeting. 1,298. Funeral services Will be held W e SpeeialiMC in ^ m a ll H ornet treasurer, Mrs, Andrew C. Nlssen, 1 a.' m. fanning vigoroualy with program*. Jr., her second year; recording seC' the Coventry Grange hall at Saturday at 11:30 a. m. in St. Meraantilo or manufacturinf. 5:48— ^ th* exact ahad* you aelect. So make the Nu-Hu* North Coventry. The 18-hour Fourth'District, AI-, aessloh will Haaonond Beads Parks Group WDRC—Curt Massey and Mar­ Same as W nC . Though Mlsa Truman appeared retary, Mrs. Ralph M. Bums,.^ her take place today at 8 p. m. at the John’s church, Bridgeport. 218 PARKER STREKt TEL. 6446 Television Color Bar first stop on your next shopping trip. second year. Committee ap{>olnt- standard course will be taught by Financial Reporta— tha TUton. ^ to be quite cool In her pink mar- Legion hall In Stafford Springs. Waterbury, O ct 14—(ff)—Wll P. M. ments by Mrs. Wiley Include Mrs. Shirley Gledhlll of GledhlU Emer­ Tax Returni^—Audita WHAY—Sports, Hwrs't a Swpaiior’n, O ct 14—((f) — Em­ New and Used o f food resldenU may call Mrs. sale, which Included all farm ma­ Printing e Folding e Addressing e Mailing ployes of the Windham county jail . Bickford at telejihone Manchester chinery and 2^ head of tested cat­ Xfte Arm y and Navy 8:48— • here have voted to form a union. BLRCRST0N€ Paper Collection 8680. or Mrs. WUfred Hill. Man­ tle, was negotiated through Eu­ Multigraphing • Multilithing • Addressograph Plate WDRC—Lowell Thomae. All nine employes of the jail joined Hom es o f America's Finest chester 8644. Proceeds are to be gene F. Healy,\WiUimantic real­ Got a Furnace? WHAT—AlrUne Melodigk last night in deciding to aeek a used for Inside recreation equip- tor. \ Embossing • Personalized Letters e Mailing Lists WTHT — Hartford Taxpayers local charter from the American Outstanding Values IN THE SBant for the new school on Cross The engagement of Nellie P. d a b Aasoc. Federation of State, County and street in South Coventry. Wolfe of South \Coventry, to Maintained • Photo Offset • Mimeographing W ant a B urner? w n c —Three Star Extra. Municipal Employes. Is vartom eecttoss ot MAN­ OUbert Wittmann, Rockville, R. Nicholas J. Carchldl\of Willlman- WONS—Evening Star. Arthur Tanner of Willtmantlc, CHESTER. offered by JAR- Come to the Products Show where We are displaying V ia Tom aopply m* sritk TS>^ has been appointed prosecut­ tlc, has been announced by her YeM^ an organizer for the AFL union, The Price la Right TOUT needs, well sapi'l.v vuu the washer and where one7s^heing given away as a door ing grand Juror by Trial Court parents, Mr. and Mrs.^Willlam A. , PHONE 2-8406 WDRC—Beulah. said it waa the first local formed Justice John E. Kingsbury, Sr. A. Wolfe, Mason street, ^ u th Cov­ WHAT—Symphony Hall. by county employes In’ the state. with the home «fMi dipalre. Harry W. Olsen, R.F.D., South Safety Tested BIMG 0 7 Save Some Dollars Seek-From JARVIS and T* prize. entry. \ Prompt Efficient Service Our Business j WONS—Pulton Lewie, Jr. Coventry, wlU be Mr. Wlttmann’s "Board of Finance members will Shall Find and Be Happy. Northeast Section Used Cars WTHT—Rad Ryder, Named Senior Isspeotor altemate. meet Monday, Oct. 17, at 8\p. m., To Suit Your Pocketbook Every Saturday Night Its Common.Sense w n c —Light Up -hme. Nathan Hale Community Cen­ at the Town Office buildlng\The 1:18— Hartford, Oot 14— (FI—Thad- Jarvis Realty ter organisation committee is appointment of a chairman and Taste. WONS—TaUo-Tast. deus H. Borak, of Windsor, has again sponsoring a Community be among business to be Open Evenings STARTING AT 8:15 SHARP CaU WTIC—News. been appointed senior inspector Company Chlldren'a Hallowe’en party. They care of. „ West Center at Hartford W DRC-^ack. Smith Show. of soil conservation work In the 1 7 i a .Manchester, tlnnn. O ctober will have the backing, both flnan: The annual 4-H Leaders’ anct 700— State FaroM and Markets depart­ -Villas* ®<*5S. Road 1 . 654 CeMler RtraH dally and phjrslcally, of local clubs town committee party will be 20 REGULAR GAMES 3 SPECIAI5 WONS-Oabriel Haattar. ment. He Buccceds Wlnthrop Pear- j and organisations^ Rev. John F. held . tomorrow at 8 p. m., M anchester WTHT—Lons Ranger. son, who resigned. last spring, in I • TeL 4112, 7278 or 845 MAIN STREET Thhan has accepted 6halrmanshlp at Coventry Day school.' Guests BENTZ W D R O -a u b Fifteen. th* poat, which pay* from 33,240 t o , ■ Enterprise 8306 If you live on any of the streets in this section have your paper out on Oscar Miller will be treasurer of will be husbands and wives. 1 Sheet Metal Works W n c -O u a s t Star. 39A60 a year. i taffafffliOBaBO the project. Mrs. Albert-H. Booth, East 'Central Pomona fifth de­ Phone 8966 1:48— Monday. Proceeds from these collections of paper serve to buy new secretary, has called a special gree will be conferred on a clays Johnson CARPET CENTER WDRC—Edmoad R. .Murrow meeting tonight at 7:30 p. of candidates tom orrow at Nays. 'equipm(ent for the Manchester Memorial Hospital. m., at the CenUr. Each parUcipat- 7:30 p. m. at Church Community tulfry Form w n c —Alcobdllea Anonymous. • ing, organisation is requested to House in North Coventry. All v/ho Capons, Fowl, Broilers, * **The Special Shop for Rugs and Carpets** WONS—I Love a Mystery. ;■ send a representative. All regular wish to join at that time may ob­ 8:00— Magazines. Paper imd Paper Cartons Picked Up If Put Out at the Curb, tain applications from Mrs. Waiter Notice committee members are also re- FryeV and Roasters, TELEVISION ? WDRC—The Ootdbergs. , LoWjfir Prices Make It Too Costly to Pick Up Chherwise. ' quested to attend. On October 20 a S. Haven or Mrs. Harold M. Tur­ S tart^ Capons and Pullets WONS—Rum Morgan Sbew. regular orgenlration committee ner. The Home Economics Com­ ALL TYPE - ALL SIZES mittee of the local subordinate We Deliyer Thursday INVESTIGATE OUR .Zoning Board of Appeals W HAT—Uuate from Hollywood. meeting will tak- place there at w n C —Haniy Morgan Show. 8 p. m. grange with Mrs. O., G. Anderson, andXFriday Please Note — Collections Will Be Made As Scheduled chairman, •will serve refreshments NEW M F E R PLAN! In aecordaneo with tke-requlro- WTHT—Time for three Quarter f l . O* SaM Ousan Mrs. A. Harry W. Olsen, will be Fresh Dremed At The A LL GRADES menta of the zoning regulation* Time. chairman of a Nathan Hale Com­ following the degree work. Farm Friday a ^ Saturday Cin* Cm**. A degree team contest is being of the Town of Mancheater, tha WTHT—Thl* U Tour FBI. Rain or Shine ^ Unless It Rains in a Dowhpour munity .Center Association-spon­ WaO-To-Wfill Installations Zoning Board of Appeala will hold w n c —Dean Martin A Jerry sored chicken pie supper Monday, sponsored by East Centml Pomona 847 West Middk Turnpike throughout Granges In Its jurisdic­ No Down Payment a public hearing in the Municipal Lewie. Show. Oct. 17 with sittings at 5 and 7 Tel2-0i WDRC—My Favorite Husband. p. m. Mrs. John M. Tj'ler will be tion. Mrs. Haven la cnalrman rest of the week here. HUNTING BOOTS $5.98 Zoning Board of Appeala, w n c —Life of RUey. a t Robert Tliomaa Wolfe observed (By Martin X. Alvord, OtIO— • ' III s his second birthday Tuesday at the SLEEVELESS KHAKI BENSON’S Chairman. WTHT;-Sheriffi Roll Call, Complete Line of home of his'uncle end, aunt, Mr. FURNITURE AND APPLIANCES "Be Wise ^ . James H. McVeigh, w n c ^ i m m y Durante Show. 6/8 and Mrs. G. Raymond Johnson ■ of SWEATERS 100% WOOL Secretary. WDRC—Breakfast -with Bur­ 713 MAIN STREET TELEPHONE 3.535 Bearings rows. The Very Best In Auto z-.- High street. Mrs. Johnson enter­ Economixe" p mmm tained at dinner In the evening Bearing Mains' and Rods WQNS—Meet the Pres*. H Mr. and Mrs. William A. Wolfe, Bny imd Ride On Assessors’ Notice 10:00— o C LE M raT Connecting Rods - -—r: WDRC—Young Love, Body Repairing and m Each pereon liable to pay w n c —Dr. I. Q. Ok G l Clatehes PROPERTY t a x e s in this town ' WTHT—Fight*. . c RECAPS la hereby notified that he. is re­ WONS—News Onhmeatsry. SURPLUS STORE Floor Mats quired by ' law to return tq. the Painting 10:18— Aaseasora on or before the first DEPOT SQUARE, NORTH END Front End Parte ’ ■ 600 z 16 •WTHT—Csfroen CsvsUsro. bualneas day of November of thia 1 Fuel Pnmpa Low Ae tOOO— year, a written or printed liat WTHT—Ameriesn Sports PsgS. -< Fram Oil Filters properly signed and sworn ■ to^ on w n c—BIU sum. O MATTza T»hat car you uuy hava thoud>t gpBj| J a form suppUeu by the Aasemore WDRC—Cspltol Closk Room. buying...tee thi* wohderfid De Soto before you Vtm Free Wrecker Service Gaskets $ and approved by the Tax Com­ N • * V- 1 5*45 missioner of all the TAXABLE deckle. Wn will sheqr yOu why it e im you morn 1 Ignition Parts On Your Own Casing PROPERTY BOTH REAL AND . f - PERSONAL belonging to him and r i. D. Sm* CiuMHi comfort, conveaiecen and value for your money than 1 1 We Specialize In Qievrolets Mafflera One Day Service subject to taxation in said *pown Emr-fW SoJsn any other oar . . . regardleu o f priet. Strong Trardi. i Terms May Be Arranged! G i Tail PipM " on the firat day of October. But we’re ready ,to prove them to youl >• ■ NEW .Satisfaction Guaranteed It will be necessary fqr all ‘ Ezhaost Pipes * or your money back. place* of BUBIW 8S to file javen- 1- A ■ 3 Come in and see “ Tha Car Deeigned with YOU in ENGINE OVERHAUL toriek/rtlN PER CENT win be ■ . f ■ ' ' _ < Perfect Circle Rings Mind.'- Come in and lee a cor that U truly modem , Firestone Tires addM to each list not given in and flZ ’ • * Raybestos Brake Lining sworn to according to law, on or without being freakuh . . . that givea you more head Any 1941-48 Chevrolet Paseen- before said firat bualneas day of O i OLDSMOBILES room,, leg room and arm room ...not Ut$. Come in Spark Plugs, Champion Wholesale and ReUtil November. LDVILt IH ger Gar or Truck (only ezeep- The Board of Aaseasora of the and tee what nal vuibBity mean*. And tee hew *eot Rocket Engine 88 and 98 Models, Also 76, * $ 5 7 - s 4 Seat Corsrs Get Our Prices Town of Bolton, Conn., will meet •pringi con be tailored te wei^t. K ' s on calhover Engine Tracks). on the following dates to receive CQVIL'8 your Big Six Models. A complete line including Shock Abaorbers Machine Shop Work tax lists on the'aMesament of Come in and diacovor the miracle of De Soto’a Z' Parts and labor...... October 1, 1949: Ul Startcra end Genaratere Quick Service Tij^Toe Hydraulic Shift and gyrol Fluid Drive. Lei ua thie famous Holiday Coupe. ' AT COMMUNITY HALL t U B m t K E m FOOD . Tuesday, October 18, -Thursday, ■how you the dozen* of extra-value features that no c 7S 0«MU>ber 20, Tuesday, October 25. Lets you drive without shifting! other car con match, llien decide! o n *e 5 p. m. Thursday, Orto- <- her3n, Taeaday, November 1, 1 p. AUTO b o d y WORKS S A LE V Y our DoUart Have More Centt iU Your Used Car Mgy Be Uaed As A Down Payment na to 7 p; m. CAMPBELL PLEASE NOTX! NOVEMBER ROY MOTORS, Inc. 166 Middk Tornpiko, West Plum»7048 f i t : . B f O n m e Center Chnreli 1 18 THE LAST DAY. 1 ,'b UsU must be filed during the >41 NOmn MAIN STREET, MANCHESTER , , OPEN EVENINGS DNTn.»i>» 1 SERVICE MANCHESTER MOTQR SALE$ month of October, Bolton Board a t Aaaeaaora, QOIHN'S Built o n INTEGRITY— -Growing on SERVICf J. W.HALI^CORP. OPEN EVENINGS AUTO SUFPLy D E SOTO-PLYMOUTH SALESc AND S E R.V I C E STATION V '■ , ___ Edson P. Herrick, VAN’S A Chairman. p h a r m a c y TOMORROW 9 A.M . 427 HARTFORD ROAD PEL. 3866 W'EST CENTER AT H.VRTFORD ROAD - 29 SISSELL ST. PIWNE 5187 MANCHESTER , . Everett JrMcKlnnev. Wward.., A. JehniMii. ■ \ MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRn)AY,, OCTOBER 1949 TWBLVB MANCHESTER BVENINQ HERALD. MANCHESTER. CONN.. ERfbAY, .OCTOBER/l4, 1949 PAGE sold at higher levels than at iny TSi- All Sent to Jail time this week. - Snap beans* sum­ Safety Talks House on Vernon SL . mer squash and tomatoes were Land Control To Await Terms short of trade needs and were high­ er in price. Potatoes in hcAlK By Fire Chief Onjfwo Persons^Land supply moved slowly an simmons property. , Obviously, with the party a top y^rteties cleared alowly with EARL W. Tidal Areaa Stand ty Une on^he land of another..The ! It appears, from the records, leadera convicted of gonspiracy,) buyer, preferring top quality fruit Series Melon the verdict would affect the par- present levels, Chief John M en of the Man­ •I < ^ d iti^ was brought to“ light that some years ago W, Harry chester'fire department baa been YOST, Seen Hot Stove Boiling Hai^ord; Oct. 14— I England divided a 10 acre tract ty'a future gravely. li To Turn Back Tulane yesteruy wheh a notice of pend­ McGohey Silent On Efteet spending a good part of Fire Pre­ Sports Editor B«y Wimajn U ing kctlon was filed at the office ' a halt of which was sold to Sim­ vention Week lecturing to the World Champs Receive Several. Teams Anxious !«■» diaclosed that h* and Gov. U. S. Attorney John P. X. Mc­ of yn t town clerk in. regard to the mons. Subsequently the remain­ building' Permits children on safety. His reasons? day — in tparklhsg new pattsena ChoaUr Bowlea doij’t aee eye-to- ing half was again divided and the Gohey would not comment on Here's one of thr famous features Green Ware M«y CRve $206,159.45; Happy To Get Scarborough; Nobody More Surprised I i»th .are wo^^derfui feOowa and i ptftperty at 597 Vernon street. "Child fire deaths show S: need for every room, in rug$ and by- eye on the Uaue of control of tidal part adjoining that sold to Sim­ that make Gold Seal Congptcum High Mentor MoMiy Hurt Rad .aperformert," claims M ick^ Owen, a ^ A !.• rm. I thought they did a fins job *or us. /' It was then revealed that one Issued to Churches for instructing the children,” he nigs the world's most popular low- the-yaid — at y*ur flooi covering Irish Busy Afterhoon; Minner to Chicago At Action I nan LMS* \ But toe board of directors dseidofi lands. of the persons named defendant in mons came into the title of Addis. Releases Final Figures Falluro of the Boston 1.. Chicago Cub catcher. "That . la. The Democratic chief executive, A house was built and the Dan­ Richard Gladsteln, one Of the de-I ______says. "Records show that more priced floor covering! C^goleum dealer's. Look for to win tha American Laagua with the exception of Bobby Doarr, m ia o e x l Mi»M • S e a t t le * * Without them and the action la in the picture because than 2.090 arb killed annually by the Gold Seal that Cornell Over Yale; m i s s e a m e n , ^caiue | ^ Issued a statement earlier this of his claim, that the houiw, on ielson bank held the mortgage. Three building p e ^ t s ^today gives you k sscar-laycr of heat- Cincinnati, O ct 14 — (jer— Tha nant last saaaon was due to m DiMagglo and Birdie 'Teb- New York, Oct. 14—(65—Unless week saying he favored continued Simmons has claimed that the fires, burns or scalds. The fire tougbraed paint and baked •&- guarantees satisfac­ Army Over Harvard many bucks. At least thdt’s the b^ all signs foil, there are going to be Offers Brucker Job | the bail dub.” which foreclosure action is being will be depends upon the American wera Issued to Mam .streot church- depaitments and the school teacbr Naw Tork TSnkaaa’ fast of wii; Federal control of tidal oil lands. started, is built partly oh his land. house'goes over his line. He has amel equal in thickness to 8 coats tion or your money assumption of vatoran Boston '"Bdt^ you don't win ball games some whotesole changes In the ------• I Hie dllrectors ora Mock's thns Hadden, a Republican, disclosed people.”, one of them for basement re­ era arik, continually teaching the badcl 0 1949, Con- nlng tha Amarlcan Laague oham According to Information gaiined engaged surveyors to prove it. of the best floor paint applied by MOW .York, Oct. 14— Notra baaabaU writer, John Drohan. On individual perlormaneaa. It's player peraobnel of most major Philadelphia. Oct. 1 4 -(6 5 - The i sons. Earle, Roy and Connis, Jr„ yesterday he has filed a brief, on Now that the bank has had to WlllUm Z. Foster, national pairs, one for the cutting of a children sftfety, and It. is up to hand. That means fiiore wear lor ,$ol€um-Nairn Ine,, plonihip on the last day of the Drohan, writing In The SporUng teamwork that wina,” Owen adds. - V . . ; Robert Schroeder and Benjamin today, the notice of action being psu^nts to do their part -also. We Dime-h|n been 4 life saver for league clubs. behalf of the state, with a con­ taken by the Danielson Federal start foiWlosure action the major chairidan of the party, Id cu trial j doorway and stairs to get into the your moneyl See Congoleuni Uv Kearny, N. /• regular saaaon and then drubbing News, claims owner Tom Yawkay And he’s right/Tlie Red Box draw surptrse firing of coaches Al Sim- MacFartknd. Schroeder at one gressional committee contending problem 'seems to be to establish later dn the same charge. He was must protect 'itvir Children from football forecaeters througboOt its tbe Brooklyn Dodgers In the World __ __ ...... roll down too much IdboeyWbney and - havd Still, smarting over their 1949 mons and Earl Brucker by toe : time sold hot dogs at Shibe ‘Park. , that tidal lands ought to be re­ Savings and Loan company basement, and one of a 22 by 15 accidents in the ' home, because against Beulah M. Addis .and who does own the house. Indicted with, the 11 otherq but was foot utility building for the storage current unbeaten streax et 31 Series was worth $6,566.64 to the and aalong aa his athlatea are paid very little incentiveJve toto^play play in the disappointments,, big league club Philadelphia Athletics haa start­ MacFarland la a grandson of toe turned to state control. granted a postponemeht because that is the leading caiuse o f death high salaries the Red Sox will be World Series for an exthkfour or owncra are prepared to discard late John Shibe. of tools and equipment. among children. Parents, should -ganfig iiind^ there ts no Indication team's fuU-tltua members. ed baseball'a hot stove league boil-i The attorney generdl decUned to of a heart condition. That was the figure announced in tha also-ran elaaa. five thousand dollars for xaaeh the sUnd-pat p ^ c y that has pro-1 Ing In toe Quaker City much earl­ comment on Governor Bowles’ will be played on Wednesday The Nazarene church has been also Instruct baby-sitters ori 'v;baf ^ e habits—either those of the Connie Mack, Jr., sold: 'Tt Was House Committee - No DemonstratleB granted a permit for $500 of work Irish or that of the forecasters— today by Baaebatl Oommlsaloner The Borion writer wys, "Ynw- man, Branch Rickey's ayateni' vailed since the war years dating ier than usual. done for the best Interests of the stand, which conflicted with that night, October 19. to do in an emergency. Always.; key is probably wondering why a back to 1942. Mrs. Anthony Fiano, chairman A dead, shocked silence greeted in basement alterations. The need changing. ^ ' A. B. Chandler after his office Keep ’em hungry," means tlij^ "What does it mean ?” aak'ed club. We decided a change In of the three Republican governors give a telephone number where i club with the groatoet meetwo low-salaried players are anxious ''''O u b presidents like Fred Solgh the A’s fans as they pondered yes­ of the Ladies of St. Maurice an­ the verdict. There was no demon­ Sduth Methodist church has been you can be reached during the eve-! Tulane, smtirtlng from a 59 to 6 force had finished figuring out who our coaching aet-up would prove who preceded him, Raymond E. Supports Truman gets how much from the World punch in baaabaU—^Ted WUliama and eager-to play in the fall claosic of the SL Louis Cardinals, Lou terday’s dismissal by , the club's Baldwin, the late James L. Mc- nual semi-formal dance to be held stration. 7710 defendants and their given a permit for $700 of work to nlng. ' Show how to call the fire i Orange Hall Bingo drubbing two yasra ago, may be beneficial to the team. So we and Vern Stephana — and two Perini Of toe Boeton Braves, Frank board of directors of two men of­ Oonaughy arid James C. Shannon. at the Rainbow Club on Friday, lawyers leaned forward eagerly, cut in a south side door and ^uiid depaitment and explain that in j -Notre Dame’s aternest teat of the Series "gate" of $1,129,627.88. for the extra cash and glory, and made the changes." On Arms Aid Siun a stairway leading to the church season, but by nightfall Saturday The Yankees cut thalr $206,- — Mel Parnell and Eilia it pays off. M cK inney^ Pittsburgh and Clark ten highly, praised hy Connie He referr^ questioners, how­ November 18, has annotmeed that then aat back. Impassive, when the cAse of fire,' the children should > Kinder — who won 4S games be­ "You know there was some tickets are now on sale. They may word "guilty” was pronounced. basement.. the Irish will have gone 52 games 169.45 into a total of 36 full One note Is certain, the high Griffith of Washington already Mack.. ever, to his brief. In it, Hadden betaken from the house to safe- [ tween them failed for the second have announced they ore prepared friction on our club toil year," be obtained from any member df Defense Attorney Harry Sacher In another perrnit for $8,000, the EveVy .Saturday — 7 :4 5 P. M. without a setback. aharos but the oommiasloner would salaried an() indiriduallsto Tom ■ Were Simmons and Brucker let said another member of the beaid contended that Federal control of (CODtiboed from Page One) South Methodist church is given ty.” — ! consecuitve year to win the Ameri­ to clean house, if necessary, in or­ the tldkl lands Is an infringement the society or . the committee demanded and got a poll of the And wouldn’t you Uka to ha In not announce tbe names of play- Yawkey keeps in luxury have fold­ out to enhance the position of who preferred hla Identity be with­ the right to erect the utility Over south Chief Albert . Foy i can League pennant under Joe der to strengthen their teams for Earle Mack as when his on state's rights, would result In which includes Mrs. Henry LapoUa, jury for the verdict against each happily reports that the women i South Bend to watch Tulane’a Ed­ are aharing in the division—either ed repeatedly under pressure. The held. "Bv this move we figured Mrs. Hugo Broda, .Mrs. Alfred Bar- strong deterrent to Russian ag­ i building. Thomas W..Vennaid is e g u l a r g a m e s as to full shares, or part ahares, McCarthy, the moat aticcesaful Sox have failed their supporters 1950. 86-year-old father deddea to step flpr^nrlal loss to the sUte through gression and that the natiima re­ defendant. , are showing a greater Interest in ! 20 R ’* die Price and Notre Dame's Emil we eould eliminate It.” bero, Mrs. Richard Morra and ' the contractor for all of the work. I SItko battle It out for the bead- The Yanks took $2,200 of their manager, according to the book.” twice in as many years in gaining Only two player transoctione of down?' curtailment of taxes and oyster ceiving aid would quickly agree on The walnut-packed Federal fire-safety than ever before. ' He "However, If Tom will look at Mrs. John Albasl.. Tony Obrlght’s courtroom, scene of many a jang­ UnesT ahara for aoparata grants. the flag; both any import have been completed Does It mean that Jimmy Dykes. flshlng license fees and would con­ mutual defense plans. 'Ihe appro­ says: the payroll of hla athletes, he'll thus far, but if only one tenth of Boeing fuse equity and ownership titles. orchestra has been engaged to fur­ ling outburst since the trial began 5 SPECIALS, PLUS SWEEPSTAKES (Lost week's average; 64 cor­ The Dodgers, who could win only times bv jiut one game. Athletics coach lost aeason and nish the music. One of the fea­ priation for Atlantic pact natloni ''Women’s organizationa Incress- ’ find the reason. The boys are the rumors materialise, it figures one-time Chicago White Sox pilot, , Hadden's brief said that Connec­ Igist Jan. 17, was crowded and Public Kecoriis ingly are putting fire prevention | rect, 15 wrong for .810; season's one game in the World Series, cut 9hate Here and There tures o f the evening will be a is contingent upon the develop­ totals: 167. correct, 39 wrong AlO: overpaid.” to be a busy winter. One deal in­ will step Into the grand old man's Laurel, Md.—A dally double of ticut had exercised ownership over tenra when the eight women and on their agendas for discussion Walker Brigga up $187,439.64 into a total of 86^i The Sox owner has been panned Pflfho Cain’era, former world's drawing for a television set. Mrs. ment of such plans. Minnesota pver Ohio Stats: Min­ Shares. That meant each player heavyweight boxing champion volved Boston and Philadelphia shoes ? $3,527.80 was paid when Devoted­ the tidal lands since 1662 when Fiano has requested all members Speaking of Ruaaia, Webb aald: four men on the jury hied in at Warrantee Deeds and action. It is only right that from time to. time in the Boston ly ($34.80) and Diane Lae ($49) Charles H of England gave the nesota's only early-season fault ‘^Manchester High's footballers who.received a full share earned and now a top-flight wrestler, will with the Red Sox acquiring catch­ None of the Mack family would selling tickets on the drawing to "Specious profeaaiona of a lova 11:28 a. m. (e.s.t.). J. Douglas Dumas et al to Arehi- they should be so Interested, be­ ptdaa for hie genefoalty with green er Buddy Rosar in exchange for commenL Dykes was enroute to won the first two races. An un­ colony its charter. A boundary be­ was a lack of speed. The Gophers iil be on the road again tomor­ $4,272.78 for hsl part in the aeries. headline the mat card Wednesday make returns to her as soon as the for . peace no longer deceive the Speaklng firmly, the foreman— ; bald E. Morse, Jr., property on cause they are around the stoves, TODAY IS THE DAY. ^ \ found It last Saturday In little backa. Tom has replied whe.. inflelder Billy Hitchcock. In the his Los Angeles home. identified holder of a $10 ticket tween Connecticut and New York tickets are sold. Posters adusrtis- furnaces and using matches all the | Division of the World Series openly asked on the aubject, “Itli night at the Hartford Auditorium clvilixed world. AcUona apeak Mrs. Thelma Dial, a Negro—an-1 Cambridge street, Dick Gregory. The Buckeyea will row, sUIl searching for the first Holy O osa will play all its other Bnxdclyn sold Paul On' several occaalona, however collected $17,639. in Long Island sound was approved ing the dance were made at Bolton louder than words.' The bard facts nounced: "We find each and every ! Allen Realty Company to Thom- time in the home. Fire costs to i money also extended down through my ball club and Pll pay. my play­ by Congress in 1881. 8 P.M. THE TIME " x. miss Vic Janlwlcx. score of the^ season when they the fourth place finishers on this home basketball games this sea­ Miiuier and first baseman Preston Connie haa said that when (and If) New York—Jockey Orvle Scur- Elementary school by the seventh of international life today, for us, one of the defendants guilty.” I as A. Murdock, property on Middle every man, woman and child have j ers whatever I feel like.” Ward to Chicago. he decides to retire as manager Turnpike, east. California over Southern Cali tangle with 'kaat Hartford’s Hor. basis: Drohan writes, “This largeness son at the Worcester Hemorial lock rode three winners at and eighth grade students of Mrs. for the nations of western Europe, Other Defendants more than doubled, in the p a st! that' Earle will take over. In toe Jamaica, including both ends of a Daniel Halloran and are on display and even for such of the Soviet Permits eight years. The ,hous«wlv,gs are , WH.4T? WHERE? HOW? fornla; there's little, if anything, nets. Game time is 2;30 at the Second Place: In Red Sox salaries had a deleter: Auditorium. Last year the Grusad- Even before toe winter league in various places in town and Man­ Besides Dennis the defendants Cheney Brothers, transformer to choose here and so the home neighboring school’s field. Boston Rad Sox—$36,814.19 Into ous effort on the players them- ers performed at the Boston Gar­ meetings roll around in December, last few years, Earle has shared $115.90 dally double. union's more recent allies aa Yugo- now realizing that safety begins ! a good deal of the field responsi­ chester. in the trial were: vault ■ on Pine street, 12 feet 4 team is the choice. 34 .shares of $1,082.77 each; St: eelves. Aa ona who travelled the den and Boston Arena .. The the rich clubs wilt be falling all Bolton alavla, stand forth in stark real.ty in the home.” ^ CHA4IPION BOXER PUPPIES The Red and White griddera will bility with his father and ran the Calumet’s Coaltown wears piano In observance of Fire Preven­ Jacob Stachel, 48, director of inches by 10 feet, $3,347. Cornell over Yale; The Ivy Louis OartSnala— $S6l814.19 into firit half o f tha season with the Meriden entry in the Eastern Pro over themoeives trying to pry loose from the record, of U. S. S. R. , enter the game a decided undar- club during the closing days of the cloth under his shoes to lessen the Doris Mohr D*ltaUa tion Week, the Bolton Volunteer the Propaganda and Education Carl J. Nygren, garage, 303 L«ague Champa are the pick of ^ »~ in . two local players will Millionaires and saw them dr;p Basketball League have, signed pitcher Roe Scarborough from Broken promises,' threatened ag A monthly average of 14,000 To Be Given Away At 31H shares of $1,165.58 plus' on past season when Ckmnle was side­ sting of the track surface when Tel. Haachester 5645 Fire Department sponsored a sur­ gression, and aubversive . fifth division. I Oakland street. $850. Gbltunbla rv..»hCoach Lour„». Little. That'S I including Frankie Vozzolo. game after game with calm l '.dif­ Colby Gunther, Dick Fitzgerald. Washington and outfielders Roy American Red Cross volunteers $100 grant. lined by illness. he's ruiming. prise fire drill at Bolton Elemen­ column activltlea on every cont n Gilbert Green, 43. Illinois chair- Catherine Greenough, altera- i gave 1,010,000 hours of service to good enough for this selector. who broke a bone above tha knee Third Place: Cleveland Indiana ference or the shrug-off 'We’ll get Aud Brimley, Earl Shannon and Sievers and Dick Kokos from the Bolton Grange will initiate a tary school bn Wednesda yat ap­ ent and in every country.” man. tions, 9 Hazel street, $1,000. 1 BANTLY’ S SERVICEINTER Army over Harvard: Harvard ‘qm tomorrow,' we could note tbe Bruce Gehrke, all former out­ SL Louis Browns. Dykes, who like Simmons was I members of the armed forces last in the Middletown game last Frl —$24,542.79 Into 89 shares of a member of the great Athletic class of ten candidates at its reg­ proximately 1:30 p. m. The build­ The United States, Webb said, John Gates, 36, editor of The , Grover Mitchell, six-room dwell­ .‘1.3.3 MAIN STREET made it tough for the Cadets a $629.80 each; Philadelphia Phils— •elf-sk^iafaction and content that standing college and Basketball Scarborough, a talented right­ ular meeting tonight at the Oom- ing was cleared 40 seconds after ing, Chambers street, $8,000. 1 year. day night, and Cliff Hawkes, junior teams of the late 1920's and early “unquestionably” would be the ul- I Daily Worker. year ago and likely wll) again fullback, who has been forced to $24,542.79 hut the Phils have not too much money produces. Association of America stars ... hander with a weak club, is toe munlty hall at 8 o'clock. The can­ the sounding of the alarm, the chil­ timate Urget of aggression by any | Benjamin Davis, Jr., 46, New Frank > Lombardi, four-room Double Coupons The Rest Of The Week - this time. But the Army winning There was nona o f that team Stock car driver Hank Tatro of young man who knocked'toe Red 30’s, returned to Philadelphia this didates will receive the First and dren making their exists in a very I dwelling, breezeway and- garage, give up football. Moose Finnegan yet advised Chandler of the num­ year after, managing HoUyw'ood 100 LAP RACE major power. Strengthening o f . York city councilman. With All Purchases Of A Dollar Or More 'streak will go marching on after a has returned to the squad and adds ber of players sharing in the split. spirit and- hustle that, character­ HazardviUe joined the benedict's Sox out of two straight pennants Second degrees tonight and on Oc- orderly manner. Assistant Chief I Otis street, $13,000. ' rugged afternoon. It likely will be ized the Yankeed, Athletics and ranks last Saturday. Tatro has by defeating them in tbe final in the Pacific (?oast League In Paul Maneggia and James L. our friends, be added, “Is not | Gus Hall, 39, Ohio chairman. TVDOL G.4S—PRESTOI.ITE B.4'TTER1ES—U. 8. TIRES weight on the line. “Ape” Arcari Fourth Place: Detroit Tigers— - featuring toter 28th, will receive the Third charity” but "it is common sense.") Irving Potach, 46, CIO Fur Nazarene church, alterations, closer than you think. Indians, the clubs the Red Sox bee'n the top driver at (Jherry Park week of the 1948 and 1949 aeasona. 1948. He is well liked by the and Fourth degrees which include Rogers were stationed at the Fire­ Main street. $500. FOR SA LE takes over at fullback but Coach $12,271.40 into 32 shares of $383.48; Bate of Six to One Workers union official. i Michigan over Northweatern: knew they bad to beat in order t Speedway this season .. . Cornell Sievers and Kokos, toe players and popular with the fains. the traditional harvest supper. house in preparation for the drill. South Methodist church, altera- Briggs must coma up with a mlrs' Boston Braves-7$12,271.30 into 37 Nobody was more surprised The committee was told that! Robert Thompson. 34, New York BANTLY'S SERVICENTER The Rose Bowl champs have lost cle in finding a replacamant for shares of $331.66 each. win the pennant. If you mentioned has scored 99 points in three games hitting twins, are valued at $250.- STO CK CA RS Since the Grange degree team At the sounding of the alarm they tions. Main street, $700. j !^IEN’S REBUILT and two in a row. With Michigmn’a that they weren’t winning, the boys than Simmons and Brucker over will put on the First and Second drove the apparatus onto the approximately $6 is being put up ; state chairman. , South Methodist church, 22 by ; . QUALITY .MERCHANDISE • the team's ace ground gainer, Voa for a 33 point per game average. 000 Xpiece by Brownie boss Bill by other nations for every dollar Chuck Ortmann recovered they’ll Tha commlssioner’a office recelv would stiffle a ys'wn and say, ‘Lo<4c their dismiasal. Simmons, a great of degrees at Andover Orange on school grounds where the children John Williamson, 45, labor sec- . 16 foot utility shed. Main street, 1 Winners Must Be Present To Claim The Dogs xdto. The Big Red rolled over Niagara, DeWitL provided by the United States in RELASTED SHOES take a third atraight licking. ed $169,444.18 of the series re­ at the average.' ” Tlie Boston Saigh, toe 44-year-old Card boas right-handed hitter In his playing American Hot Rod Monday night, the second game in were given an exhibition o f Bre retary. . ' $8 ,000. I East Hartford has won a game Colgate and Harvard. Saturday, the mutual defense program. Navy over Wisconsin; Bob Zas- ceipts. The office averages, among the reg'jlar.s, wete disclosed recently he had talked days, re-joined the A’s in 1943 as the weekly setback tournament fighting equipment followed by a Henry Winston, 38, organization- j GOOD ENOUGH FOR DRESS while losing two. They handed the the American League office and Cornell meets Yale at New Haven Racing Gub The goal of the program, Brad­ trow, aophomore quarterback of ijood but in the clutch the team .. . Judge Joseph Manfreds will trade with four clubs—the Giants, a coach and in late years directed demonstration of various extin­ aJ secretary. OR WORK locals a setback last year In ~ the Yankee" and Dodger clubs guishers. The children were al­ ley said, is "reasonable'' cecurlty. Carl Winter. 43. Michigan chair-1 the Navy team, taaila from Wls- togged down, especially during the run the Wallingford entry in the Dodgers, Cubs and Pirates. H* ts traffic at third base. Brucker, "The. alternative — absolute se­ oonaln. He Isn't going to aiaap-1 hiflh scoring contest at Mt. Nebo themselves each received $117,- last week of the season. former catcher with the A'a, has Sunday, 2:30 p. m. lowed to ask questions at this time man. { REASONABLE PRICES Eastern cage loop this fall seeking a catcher, a rightbanded which were readily answered by curity - is unattainable,” he added. point hla relatives ■ ■■ on the only 231.97. During tha last four games, of A 100-lap stock car race Is sched­ hitting outfielder and iiuurance for been battery coach for nine years. Dennis is 44 years of age. CMun The commissioner explained the In 1948 Connie signed tbe old Mr. Rogers and Mr. Maneggia. The Appropriations committee, chance they will get to see him York Univaralty. Boston U over the season, only ona player batted Marty Marlon, the brilliant but Clasnfied Gates. Hall, Thompson and Win- | money divided did not Include uled Sunday at Thompson Speed­ The drill was arranged by Chief in a report drafted by Representa­ play this season. West Virginia, Temple ot er Buck- over .300, Bobby Doerr at 100. way. The event Is open only to brittle shortstop. catcher’s son—Earle, Jr.—for a CHERRY PARK stoh all served with the U. S ., SAM Y U LY E S fl50,000 received fgor the $30,000 bonus. The younger Bruck­ Peter Massollni with the coopera­ tive .Mahon (D-Tex), said it ex­ armed forces during the war. SAVE TIRES NOW! Southern MeUiodiSt over Rice nell. Furman, over Presbyterian, Ted WUliama hit a puny .091, 1946-47-48-49-50 Ameriqan made Interestefi to Trades cSSto radio broadcasting righto. That er caught during the past season Advertisemoitt tion of Richard E. Booth, principal pects the arms-aid program to Stachel, Potach and Williamson j To relieve mlieriee 701 M.\IN STREET AU-Ameridan Doak Walker gives San FYanclsco over San Jose. Birdie Tebbetto batted .000, ' Al cars . . . Bill Schindler is enjoying “There positively will be no sale continue for four or five years, .-.EMU the advantage. money goes into the Baseball Zarilla .083. John Pesky .000, Jom for the Macks* Martinsville CVa.). SPEEDWAY of the school. are foreign-bom. j srtthout dqeing, rub onV ljrJS X Sntnrdayt a big season behind the wheel of of players for cash, but we’re in­ Avon—^Rento 171 The Fire Department is also but at a lower cost. W HEELS B.4LANCED Brown over Princeton: Despite Players' Penalon Fund. DlapoalUon DiMagglo .176, Vern Stephens .200, terest^ in the right kind o< farm club. SEE PAGE FOURTEEN Warning Glvon Jurors | East — Pennsylvania over Co­ of the television righto receipts big ear. Bill was national midget sponsoring a sales drive on CO-2 Its loaaea by graduation Brown has Billy Goodman .167. You must trades.”- Ml', Mrs. Augusta Ander­ have the effect of Intimidating the Dayton over Toledo, Denison over will atakt work Mbnday aa fac­ and outfielders Mary Ranktoy, Lula up to the .majors. SUN., OCT. 23 tery and light novel classifications Play stalls at 7. Olmo and Mike McCormick. ^ Aotonobiles Fm i!^le 4 son. Mrs. Dora Butman, Mrs. Anna bar of America.'* Wooster, Bradley over Washington tory repreaentaUVe of the Acme' Mack said the firing of two of E. Brown, Mrs. Ellen Starkweath­ Join Sacher In Protest A Jafferson, Western Michigan Chemical Company of Milwaukee. ix i ht Nigh I *8 Fights Another red-hot rumor haa De­ hia right hand men was done by ST O C K C A R He will aerVe Suffolk County In Don Hemingway wllji again serve troit and the C3ilcago »Whlte Sox, 2 :3 0 p . m . 1936 OLDSMOEILE sedan, 1937 er, Mrs. May Titeker, Mra. Mary Battling to the last, other de­ i k C ovtr Washington, the board and not by him. Plymouth se- an, 1938 Plymouth Toumaud. THIS INCLUDES c W i A Maaaochuaetto including Boston. as general chairman of the annual Involved In a deal that may tend fense lawyers joined Sacher in pror Southwest and Far Welt—Stan­ Army and Navy Club sponsored By The Associated Press ."They (Simmons and Brucker) sbdan, 1939 Plymouth two-dqor. testing the contempt sentences. LINING AND ' ^ /RACING ford ovar Washington. Taxas ovar Lea will move, to Newton, Mail. outfielder Dick Wakefield, pitcher Priced low. Guaranteed. Small Obituary There will be a meeting of the Dennis branded the trial itself Arkansas, UCLA over Santa Clara, Minneapolis—Jackie Oravea, 128 Dizzy 'itout and four other players payments. Cole Motors, 4164. Permanent Armistice Day commit­ as an “Infamous persecution” and i If yo li’re LABOR Taxaa Chriatian over Texas A A M, Austin^ Minn., outpointed Glen to cnicago in exchange l o t Uuee tee tonight at 8 at the Army and said it would "alert and arouse j JAMBOREE Oregon over Colorado, Oregon Flanagan, 12844, St. Paul. 10. men of waom second Duaeman casa DODGE 1940 Tudor sedan. Black, Memorial Masa Navy club. All committee mem­ our people.” | w oH ing for State oyer Montana, Baylor over Philadelphia — Percy Bassett, ducnaela is the k^y tuure.. radio and heater, good Urea. New A first anniversary mass will be bers have been urged to be present He asserted that prosecution of YOUR DOLLARS HAVEMORE CENTS AT Sof., Oct. IS ih Taxas Tech, Washington - State Slight Decrease Noted 180, Philadelphia, stopped Bernie Tiger General staii^er Billy motor recenUy installed, $495: celebrated for the repose of the as plans for the obseiwance of himself and the other party lead- "^Tlio tim e over Idaho, Collaga of Pacific over Paters, ISO, Philadelphia, 7. Evans IS mum on toe reporteu Sollmene A Flagg, Inc., 634 Cen­ soul of Fiavo Paganl tomorrow Armistice Day are to be made. e'n was an "evil and illegitimate Portland, Tampe (Aria) Stats New York'(Sunnyalde Garden) trade negoUaUons, but W niie &ox ter street. morning at 8:30 a. m. at St. conspiracy of men who want to to boUd' Afteraoon 2 :3 0 p. in. over Brigham X, Young, Wyoming Roy Carter 152, New York, out­ Manager Jock Unslow said: "kes, Men! Y6ur Only routine business is so far SERVICE over Utah Stato, Utah over Den­ In Baseball Attendance we;vs talked over aeveraf deals.” 1942 CTIEVROLET club coupe. James’s church. destroy the bill of rights.” .Jalopy Racing pointed Billy Brojs’n, 160)», Hart­ Included in the agenda of the ’• Isserman urged postponement ver, Colorado A A M over Colorado ford, 8. Plttkburgh hot already pu^naseU .New paint job. Good on oil. Call Board of Directors scheduled to | W l. . . * e Mm «e bqiM is MW. 1 rs no VAN'S STATION Mines, Nevada oVer Wlchila, 20-year-olu inflelder Uaniiy U Con­ 2-1888. of sentence "until such time as with Cleveland dropping 386,756 Providence, R. I. —Sammy Wal Last Chance Saturday Hospital Motes meet at the Municipal building any appeal which is necessary be ' foe yemtmonej, m i yem pirn all dbe security, Evening 8 :3 0 p. m.‘ Hariiln-Simmona over New Mexico. Three Per Cent Drop ker, 160, Springfield, Mass., stop­ nell from the Brooklyn-owned ssL next Tuesday night at 8. 427 HARtFORD ROAD TEL. 3866 Sunday: from its all-time record Of a. year 1937 CHEVROLET business coupe. disposed of." •onfoR aoid sarisfactkxi cWF having your own home N O W . ago. T h f decrease was 262,994 in ped Jackie Loyatt 153, Providenee, Paul club for a report*** *6u.tHH), Motor -Very good, new radiator, j Crockett declared his own con­ Stock Car Racing St. Bonavientura over Canisius, In Major Loops for 4. ■ while handing outright release#

MANCHESTER EVENING HERALD, MANCHESTER, CONN, FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1949 - AnoNialBg Deflaltiene BY FDNTAINB FOX Wife—You needn’t bo so hfitaF* - m W lK E K ItlUMtHk ILLK FULiUt AUmoay: A man’a cash;' surrend-- tpUy! I wasn’t anxious to. s u m . er value. you. You know you asked znraK'-' H for Sala 72 Hooflco for Solo 71 Help Wanted— Feasls Diaaionda— Watclii H iholi Goods 81 Sense and Nonsense All Expense Tour: th e perfect times. RmilBMt Sc it Ic m Off*r#d 19 MiDtnery-~Dte«eBMliiin 19 No VACANT UOT IS QOITC SO VACANT APTCR YOU example o f truth In advertising. Husband—Tea, then my tuck tan Jawalry 48 SAVE BY Buying good used fur­ OPEN FOR INSPECTION COLONIAL—6 large rootns, lava­ Toda/a, girl la taller, haftier Saprome SaerlfiM VIENNESB UlUiner. recently of WANTED—Wonuui to chare ay^ tory and bath, built 8 years ago 4 o OVER THERt TO PRACTICE A FEW SHORT SHOTS and mpre muscular, affirms a A parent’a one who’ll amaeh Amateur Carpenter: A carpetr- out. ^IJ. APPLlAWacs *>rWc«d and home and be a companion to LEONARD W.. YOST. Jeweler fto- niture.' Stoves, chests, bedroom S U I^ A Y 2 TO 4 P. M. ter who reaembiee lightning. Ha LAndon and Parla, will renrodal set, miseellaneoua Items. Try to owner’s epectfleatlons, master atetiatlelan. Not to apeak of more thumb. bufTitrSt r^frt^wfttors, elderly woman. Reaeonable wacea. palra and adjusts watches sxpert- 895 CENTER STREET evident.—Sauly Daily Star.' Or cut it off or burn it. never strikes twice in the seme Little Betty was crying hUtorly. wMh#f», €^c., AU worti or create incUvldual etyles. Phone the Woodahed, 11 Main atreet. bedroom can be converted Into 2 Hartford 40-0618. Madame Max}- Write Box T. Herald. , ly at reasonable prices. Open Four lovely rooms and room for rooms. Fireplace, baaemeat laun­ —:r— And though enduring martyrdom, place. Her mother asked her what was ciwnmtMd.. Metro Servlc* Go. ‘Thursday evenings. 189 Spryoe North End. two additional -on second floor. Wife-~John, the house It on fire. iw ill merely, yelp: "Oh, dern it!’’ Beauty: The one thing a woman 1 the matter: T*t IlMicherter 2-«888. ane. HOUSEWIFE. Four refined ladles dry, recessed radiation, copper street Phone 2-4881. GAS RANGE, good condition. Re­ Basement recreation room, hot plumbing, fuUy Insulated, brsese- Husband (eleepily)—Weil, go --G all 8. Raod. may lose and never know It's gone. |I Betty > Boo hpo! My new ahoes CUSTOM MADE Cloth'ea to St in- wanted for full or part-time water heat, storm sash, Venetian shut off the furnace. There's no & rgain Sale: A sale at which a I hurt me! CLASSIrtSD AOVT. a n t iq u e s Reflntabed. Repkirins work. Call Olastonbury 8-2896. cently converted for bottled gaa. way, garage, ameslU driveway, dona OB any furniture. Tlemann, , dividual. Will -rork from printed Phone 2-2508. Minds, wsll landscapsd. 4% long combination gcreen and storm use wasting coal. Friend—Your son is making -woman ruins a $25 street dress to , Mother—Well, no wonder. You 49A term mortgage. Low monthly pay. have them on the w n n g fML HOURS: ^ 1S9 South MbUi etreeUv Phone pattern or wlU originate. Dresaes. Fuel and Feed good progreea with bis vioUn. He get' a house dress for 9 8 cents, 1 mente. doors, Riisco screen and storm n . I Betty (continuing to cry) — Z • :!• R. M. t» 4:49 P. M. sees. euita. coate, gowns and play- Help Wanted— Mala OARWOO.D, Mor Sun elr condi­ windows. More than usual num­ Gab sad Grab is beginning to play quite well. Blotter--A porous substance you ! clothes. Phone 2-2909. SEAlSONED Hardwood for fire­ tioning heating ayeiema, furnaces, speml your time looking fW while , haven't any other feet. Or Fenala 97 place, furnace and range. Imme­ ARTHtJR A. KNOFLA ber of closets, ample supply of A Utile gift of grab may cause Host—Do you reaUy think to? oil bumera. Completely tnatalled A lot talk concerning lawa. We were afraid that we merely the ink is drying. BATH ROOMS and kttebena tiled. SPEXNALIZINO In hand-tailored diate^ delivery. B. J. Begin, Glas­ REALTOR kitchen cablnete. Lot nicely land­ to Business Economy! A reduction HAIR DRESSERS, "llale and fe- or make your own Instanatlon. scaped. Excellent residential lo­ Rae Croea. had gotten used to IL . Gentleman- Take your hand out .Prlcee reaeonable. Phone 2-2950, bridal gowns; attendant dresses tonbury 8-2988. Dubln HsaUng. Hartford 7-1195. 875 Main Street in some other emplpye'* salary. of my pocket! and formals. For Information or male for Manchester’s most mod Phone 5446 Or 5938 cation. . For appointment tele­ f a n PAGE TWELVE em beauty salon. For interview Set an example for others to fol­ I Dentlht: A man who runs a flll- Pickpocket—Excuse me! I’m‘IV r a d io — Electrical Appliance appointment call Mrs. Maxine L SEASONED Hardwood for stove, EsUblUhed 1921 phone 2-3688 after 6. / ; ing stationA collector of old mag-^ apply beginning Monday, Octo­ furnace and fireplace. Manches­ low and you -will find it more ef- sent minded, t used have a pair Service, repairs picked up and Blake. 5843. Machinery and TOola 52 Home Llatlngt Wanted I azines. of troiiseri exaetiy like yours. AvlNMbilMPte 8 a te 4 delivered promptly OT years’ ber lOtb. Marlow’s. ter 8676. OCCUPANCY on sale. ExceUent feotlva than all your fault-finding BOLTON—Attractive .lew 4-room experience. John Maloney. Phone CEMENT Mixers, bale wire, power six room single, steam heat, .oil or moralixlng. to ~ USED CAR VALUES SEASONBbD Hardwood selected to Cape Cod, hot air heat, oil burn­ burner, fireplace, screens and Stranger (to merchant)—Do you 2-1046. i Walnut street MoTliif—Trucklnf— lift box, harrowa $170; new, used Wife—My husband has no bad Our Ouarantee With Sltoations Wanted— meet your requiremente, eatlefse- er, automatic hot water heater, stonn doors. Insulated. For ap­ ' find that married ni«n or single tractors, equipment. See our o Mrs. Wiggins—My, but tbs price habits 'Whatsoever. He never Storsff* SO 194S PACKARD SEDAN COUPE r a d io CUnlo protects your in­ Mala 99 tlon guaranteed, fol* furnace and large picture window. Large lot, pointment caU 3-1107. Howard R. - of food Is going opi'I wonder what j men make the best Clerks T I drinks and he spends all hit e w und heatef. You can save selection. Dublin ’Tractor Oo., I. Merchant .(whispering)— M'ar- vestment Our low overhead eaves | fireplace, $18 per cord ' load. trees. Close to tran ^ rtstlon . Hastings, Real Estate SpeelallBt, we can d o f I nings at home. Why he doesn^t. IL lot on thlf ono. ___ ASHES, Rubbish removed. Cel­ Phone 7088. Leonard ^Ql$Uo, Bol­ North Windham Road, WiUiman- immediate occupancy, $7,950, only HDRISHIHO OUlOOUS i'ried men. They are not in such an you money. Call today U your lars, yards and attics cleaned. Odd Fellows building {At the Mr. Wiggins—This would )>e a even belong to a .club. 1047 O LD S MO BILE SEDAN POSITION AS Uerk-typlst Ad- Uc. . $1,250 down. Low monthly pay- good time, to go and make a 'visit awful rush to get out of the place radio or electrical appliances need Dump truck for hire. Sand, loam, ton. Center). Friend — Does he smoke ?, . OOUPD^RaSio and iieatet. New repairs. 110 Spruce street Phone] dress Box WA, Herald. menu. Wm. Goodchlld, Sr., real­ 'With your folks. ' and get home. Wife — Only In moderation. Ha - white tires. A real clean ear. gravel. flU and stone. James SEASONED Hardwood for furn­ NEIW'4 ROOM house, one . room 5070. Minleal Instrnmenta 69 tor. Office 15 Forest street. 7925 likes a cigar after he has had a 1046 CHRYSLER O-DR. SEDAN— Macrt. Phone 4528. ace of fireplace. H. B. Pomeroy. or $ 8 9 1 . ______unfinished, l 1-3 acts. PHoe $5,- K The world isn’t ■vlcioue—Just In- A bit of cynicism does to con­ i good dinner, but I don't silppou Ramo and heater. A one owner Dogn— Birdih->Pets 41 f l o o r Problems solved with ] MANCHESTER Package DeUvery. Tel. 8671, PIANO, IN good condition. Rea­ 200. Teripa. Phone Stafford diffebent. versation what garlic does to salad. ' he smokes two dgara a month. linoleum, asphalt tile counter. sonable. Phone 5992 after 3 SIX ROOM house, extra lot. Ex- Springs 754Jl. iS S ' CHRYSLER 4-DR. SEDAN Local light trucking and package REOIS’TERED English Setters, Ebepert workmanship, free esti­ delivery. Refrigerators, washers p. m, ceUent condition, $9,500. CaU MICKKY FINN LANK l.hUNAKU —4 cyt Radio and heater. Has bred to hunt. 8 weeks old. Priced Garden— F arm— Dairy agent 7792 or 3593. MANCHESTER Green. 6-room mates. Open evenliiga. Jones’ and stove moving a specialty. right. D. N. Stowell, off Silver hsid good one owner car. - Furniture. Oak street Phone | Prodocta SO ■Ingle, 3-3 plue laundry room and YEAH/AND I T U IM GOING TOWAIT 1041 FORD CONVERTIBLE CLUB Phone 2-0752. street. North Coventry. Phone 5 AND 5 FLAT. Good income. NICe dreeelng room, oil hot water heat. W B l, THAT LICKS WHENHECOMK 2-1041. USED CONN trumpet reasonably •E SOME RATTLE POimSTAIRS.YOUlL UNTIL MICHAEL COUPE—Radio and heater. New UGHT TRUCKINO. Half-ton 8604. ______“ MeINTOSH, Delicious, Greenings, priced. Kemp’s,. Inc. Large sunny rooms, Call 8009. H. New oil burner. Recently redecor­ US, HOULIHAN/ black top. New bright blue paint. DE-LONG’S Refrigerator service. CbKlsnd end Baldwin, $1.25 a B. Grady. ated and newly painted. Ct^pet 1 GUESS W EU JUST NOW.' rrs A JUST HAVE TO Ta L IS HERE, FLOSSIE' pick-up truck. No ashes, no t r o p i c a l FISH, plente, Unke INO PLYMOUTH 2-DR. SEDAN Repairs on all makes, commer- rubbish. Phone 2-1275 or 8298. bushel, field run, at J. Novell! plumbing, two-car garage. Priced HAVE TO LET MICKEY SHAME, /. HIM THAT YOU WONT THANK GOODNESS —Heater. Motor Just overhauled. and accessorlee. Kelley’s Aquar­ farm, Mountain Road, Glaston­ USED VEGA C melody saxophone. CAPE COD. 4 down, 2 unfinished clal and domestic Emergency 24- ium, 29 Sunset-street. Phone 5705 to sell at $14,500. Elva Tyler, AND HIS MOTHER OANCY-JUST SEa.MRS.FINN/ THE HOUSE IS IN 1942 CHEV. 2-DR. DELUXE SE­ hour service. Phone 2^797. RUBBISH and aahea removed. In bury. Reasonably priced. Kemp’s, Inc. up, garage, hot water, oil heat, Agent. Phone 2-4469. 0 DAN—Radio and heater. Com­ clnerators cleanec. Send, gravel Open ’U1 9. fireplace. Desirable location.. In­ RATTLE IT OUT WHPIVE THOUGHT pletely overtJauled. l in o l e u m — Asphalt Ule, waU and clndere. Van service and 12 b a g s of rye for sale. 872 Park­ quire 171 St. John atreet. ATTENTION G. 1. Prewar 6-room WITH HIM / WE HAP HIM i m CHRYSLER 4-DR. ROYAL covering. Done by reliable, well- er street. I^one 7026 at 12:15, Wealing Apparel— Para 67 Cape Cod, two partly finished. local moving. Phone H. M, Jones. NORTH Main street. Lovely old CONVINCED! —Radio and heater. A real nice trained men. AU Jobs guaranteed. 2-1362.' 2-3072. ______GOATS or evenings after 5:30. Fully Insulated, oil hot ^water HaU Lnoleum Co., 32 Oak street MAN’S WINTER overcoat, slee five-room single, large rooms. r CHICKEN Manure for sale. Ideal heat, tile bath. Nicely landscap­ l2^CHEVROLET PANEL THE AUSTIN A. Chembere Co., 38, 41 in. long, $15. Practically Completely modernized. Porch, ed enclosed yard, cement drive­ Phone 2-4022, evenings 6166. for lawns and gardens. 50c a TRUCK—Exceptional value. local and long distance moving, Capriland Teggenburg herd new man’s raincoat, sise 38, $5; workshop, geurage. Approximate­ way, gaa stove Included. Asking 10S4 CHEVROLET 4-DR. SEDAN RANGE BURNERS cleaned, eerv- packing, crating and storage. start Best blood lines. Young buaheU delivered. Phone 2-1237. man’s brown and white sport ly 3 acres land.. Price reduced for $10,500. Elva- Tylrt-, Agent 2- Iced end repaired. 15 years’ ex­ buck, two does, one bred. Bred quick sale. Excellent condition. <2 > -i.r tb» s«B sreetisi. im ) SO Blssen Street Phone 7191 Reasonable fates, no charge for ■tates. Assured return load, Ing. Bath, furnace, recreation scaped, large lot, near Prlpceton mileage. Call 8 p. m. Thompson- rates. United. 122 West etreet. SIMMONS—COVENTRY TWO WINTER Costa, size 12. room, lot 75 x 100. Sale price street‘ school. 30-day occupancy, HI BY BBKSUBFRGBK BUGS BUNNY uuors AND HER BUDDIES Knowa His W ay BY EDGAR MARTIN vUle 7775. Phone 6375. 61 Reasonable. Call 2-1853 evenings. $7,000. Alice Clampet. Phone 4693 priced for quick sale. Charles -X - s|MaA Hoaschold Goods ‘t w k w J 10S5 FORD sedan, rebuilt engine, Phone 8616 or 2-0880 or Mr. Mitten 6930. Lesperance. Telephone 3620. X'U- FIX THAT 1 VMWOKW VOMKW VMtW $100. Telephone 2-0596. FREE TRANSPORTA’nON MOOCHIN' WABBrr 9 0 DKVL ? YA. V9AQ 4tiA>FOWkO F 0 6 1 PK\2t HonachoM Serrlees Painting—Paperinc 21 BROWN Beaver fur coat, sise 38. NEW CAPE COD home. 4 large EXCEPTIONAL BUY — 7-room C K M l TWL IM l PLYMOUTH 2-door sedan, TO AND FROM OUR STORE HC STOPS BOKROWIH' TO SMOVO KAMOVA . Offered 19A Call 4986. rooms first floor; 2 unfinished home with extra lo t Convenient POOP FROM ME good condition, price $450. Phone DOG FOODS, auppUea and acces­ NO OBLIGA’nON >VOOW AGO*. OUTSIDE, INSIDE Painting and BIO FURNITURE BARGAINS! ' rooms on 2nd floor. Modern bath to bus, stores- and echoola. CaU sories. Hand plucking, bathing, BLACK FORSTMAN wool coat i-1562. EDCPERIENCED. Curtains laund­ paperhanging. Pree. eSUmatee BUY NOW FOR XMAS with shower. Convenient kitchen. 8009. H. B. Grady. n ered, straight 85c, ruffled $1.25. Prompt eervica. Reasonable dipping and clipping of dogs. FREE STORAGE UNTH, XMAS with fur trim, brand new. CaU Insulated. Hot water heat with 1048 CHEVROfiBT FLEETLINE Called for and delivered. Phone Kennel Supply Shop, 995 Main 7103. oil burner. Immediate oeoupi^cy. NEAR PARKER Street, 5 rooms SEDAN COUPE prices. Phone 7630. D. Frechette. $6$3$5$5$5$5$5$5 2-2411. street. Telephone 2-4273. $9,500. Or with 2 additional com­ completed, 1 imfinlshed, fireplace, Immaculate condition. Workman's compensation, pubUc That’s all—Reserves a Beautiful BOYS Camel hair coat, corduroy UablUty :arried. pleted rooms on second floor, HO,- oil hot water heat, full Ineula- 1042 PONTIAC 8 SEDAN COUPE CALL ROY and Qordon. Experts NICE BOXER pup six months dinette set or a "unlveraal” Wash­ Jacket, age 14-16, girl’s coat, ing Machine. 600. Terms. W, Harry England. tion, combination screen and • Radio, heater, very clean. for rug and upholstery shampoo­ INTERIOR AND Bbtterior palnt- old, Boston Terrier ready to go. skirts, age 7-9. Call 2-2138. Telephone 2-0244. ing. Com.iiete home and office One nice male Collie. Zimmer­ $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 $10 storm windows, garage large lot, 1041 PONTIAC CONV. COUPE .Jng- Average room papered, $12, That’s all—Reserves a "Weatlng- 30-day occurancy, $11,350. A n a l sporty ear. cleaning Ail kinds of odd Jobe. Including paper. Cellinge rcfinleb- man Kennels, Lake street. 6287. WE OFFER FOR SALE Phone 2-9087 or Mancbeeter 2- houae or ’’Phllco” Electric Refrig­ Wanted— To Buy 68 Charles Lesperance. Telephone 1040BXnCK SPECIAL * DOOR ed. Excellent workmanship. Ray­ erator. or a "Bengal" or "Colum­ 4840. BEAGLE HOUND, female, spayed 4 room Cape Cod, hot water 3620. _ SEDAN mond Flake. 2-9237. 3 years old, trained, goodTb^ter. bia” Combination Range BUYING Used furniture and heat, oil burner. A clean famUy car. I^LAT FINISH. Holland window Call Manchester 8393.______\ $15 $15 $15 $15 $15 115 $15 household goods, any quantity. OBSERVE Thanksgrivlng in y^ur INTERIOR AND Bxteriot paint­ The Woodshed, 11 Main street. Pricei—$9,500 own home. Near Manchester 1060 BUICK CLUB COUPE ■hades made to measure. AU ing, paperU-rnging, ceillnga, re- That’s all—Reserves a 3 Room Out­ .> Special at $495. metal Venetian blinds at a new LOTS OF Hiding plants for your fit of Brand New Furniture. Can 3-3154. 6 Room Colonial House. Hot Country Club, 8-room, 2«car ga­ flnlehed. Fully Insured. Expert baby tropical fish. Also suitable rage, oil burner, cabinet kitchen, JUSTONi) a l l e y UUP He’s A Game Gay BY V.T. BAULIN low price. Keys mads while you j work New 1949 walipajper oooks. Phone Hartford 6-0358 or write or water, oil, fireplace, 3 down, 3 BALCH-PONTIAC, Inc. waiL Marlow’s for goldfish. Kelly's Aquarium, come in personally for more Infor­ up. Full 2V a story. Green sec­ 4 acres. Immediate occupancy. MOtIM. o r Edward R Price. Phone 2-lOUS. Rnnimi Without Board 59 THING} 186- Center Street 29 Sunset atreet. mation and details. Several other select listings to CURTAINS, BlankeU, spreads, A“ Ir—B ' E—R-“ T“ S tion. choose from. E3.. F. Von Ekiker, Phone 2-4545 INTERIOR AND exterior paint­ Price— $13,000 drapes, fine linens, done by hand. I ing. paperhanging. Free estim­ . Hartford Store— 43 Allyn St. Agent. Phone ^3376. A. K. C. COLLIES, housebroken, PLEASANT Room for gentlemen. l i t T " INTERNATIONAL dump Called for and delivered. Phone] ates. Ben Magowan. Tel. 2-2596. Branch of "Connecticut’s Largest 91 Foster street. t t ^ 1%'ton. fair condiUon, Oar 2-1925. 3 months old. Call 3376. , Furniture Store” SEVEN R (^ M single, fireplace, STUART J, WASLEY steam h M , oil burner, large w ood body. Differential recently COMPLETE Painting arid decor­ Open Thursdays Till 9 P. M. ATTRACTIVELY Furnished room Realtor WEAVING of brims, moth holes ating ■ service. Floor sanding and for couple. Complete with light front porch. Nice residential sec­ Of^findiauled. New battery. If in and tom clothing, noalery runs, Poultry ahd Suppliea BENDDC Is the buy! Several new 755 Main Street twrsated call-Manchester 2-1806, reflnlshlng. Estimates free. C. F. housekeeping faculties available. tion. I»cellent condition. Immedi- handbags repaired, zipper re­ 1949 discontinued models of fam- Tel. 6648 Or 7146 ate/dccupancy, $11,000 terms, Charbonneau. Phone 2-9575 FRB3HLY Killed Turkeys from ouB Bendlx Automatic washers at Central. Mrs *erome, 14 Arch 1M6 .,- f o r d convertible sedan, placement. umbreliaa repaired, ra. Goodchlld, Sr., Realtor, Of- 2-2805. 15 to 30 lbs. Fresh frozen, ready savings up to $100. See us before atreet. first floor. Good throughout Best offer. men’s shirt coUarr reversed and anytime. Schaub’s Turkey-Farm, ce 15 Forest street,'7925 or 8891 replaced. Marlow’s Little Mending you buy any washer. 'Terms - 14 Acres. 5 room cottage. Phone 6917. 188 Hlllstown Road. kji Shop. Repairing 2.1 Trades. Benson's Furnirore A LARGE ROOM for gentleman. Near school, Coventrj’ THREIE Year old 6-room, 2 un­ Appliancee. 713 Main street. Tele­ BROILERS, Roasters, fowl. Orders CaU 8957 week days after 5. Price—$5,700 finished, single. Outside newly “ For weeks I oouldn't find out where my huebtnd spent phone 3535. painted. Rusco screen and storm Bufidins—i'ontpaettng 14 FURNITURE Repaired, reflnleh- accepted through -Friday for cur­ IV2 Acre Place, 3 rom, his evenings until one night I went hom eland there DEMONSTRATOR ed. Chairs reseated B. C. Nash, rent week. Tel. 6971. ROOM For gentleman, near bath, windows, fireplace, Venetians, oil continuous hot water, private en­ tage. Tunnel road. / hot water heat. Owner leaving he was!” BELOW LIST CARPENTER work of all kinds. Box 88. ''IS North Main street. ROSE Chippendale divan. Reason­ [L Building contractors Attics fin­ FRYERS and roasters. 314 trance, in quiet house. Phone 2- Price— $5,0>p0 town, $i0,500. Inquire 44 Victoria CARNIVAL BY DICK t u r n e r 4 PIANO Tuning, repairing. Prompt 514. lbs., 45c per pound dressed. able offer accepted. Call 6319. 9696. Road. SIDE GLANCES KY GALBRAI’ra Job Goes With It BY N K R M IX G. ■ U M B til ished, cabinet work, alterations. BIGELOW Street^ectlon: Some­ FRECKLES AND HIS P R iE N j» _ 1,949 KAISER TRAVELER Darling and Davis. Phone 2-0294 service Make' appointment, now 24 Strong street. Phone 4426. CUSTOM Made chromium break- before holiday rush. Phone Hart­ PLEIASANT. very clean room for thing different in a 6-room Gape S o l wonY have or 2-3469. 'ast sets and parlor furniture, Gar >DUR PR0VO8O.WW V^Rk F Fully equipped, like new ford 8-0486. YOUNG Roosters 2*4 to 3H lbs. rent on bus line. Gentleman pre­ Cod home. Custom-built in 1938 Ixits for Sale 78 LIOUrBEaNie WOOkEO A BUCK BAY . oeuveR A m v t o ui dressed and delivered, Fridays If ^olce selection of pIXstIc cover- ferred. North Ehid. Call 3702. by Allen H ^es. First floor has OUT, LARD, *NO MAYBE' 1» ^ BUCKBOAROfi UlO. BMteeLS POR FQR YOUR new onstructlon, re-1 !(f«.,chairs. Large assortment of MATTRESSES, Your old mat­ ordered by Thursday night. A. living roonrf 15’ 3" x 11’ 6” with FOR SAI.B cr exchange Building WC CAW DO fiUSIN^- modeling hr lepair work see Wm.| pariqr tables, lamps and ' rugs. ROOM FOR Rent, couple or single. lots at the Green. Wm. Kanehl, MEANWHILE, ilX-SnCK, Wefr fMeeeo [ »§» TOWN MOTORS, Inc. Kanehl, general building con­ tress sterilized and remade like E. Fish, 284 Lake street. Phone connecting sunparlor; large, light THE cituMPer l < aouS” new. Call Jones Furniture and Quality furniture at warehouse With or without kitchen privi­ Builder, 519 Oetiter. street. Phone tractor. Estimates given free. | 2-2961. kltchewwith dining alcove; two \ Huri WHOOMaS’ ■■ 46 West Center Street Floor Covering. 86 Oak. TeL 2- prices: Chambers’ Warebduse leges. call 8418. 7778. ' ' , Phone 7773. otheir good-sized rooms, bath. BUT MB? Comer Cooper Street 1041. Sales, Manchester Green 5187. Wanted— Pets-^PouUry— Open daily-evenings p. m. ‘to A’ERY Attractive room with Second floor haa two bedrooms 1 ALTERA’nONS and addlUons, 8:30 p. m. housekeeping and laundry privi­ ch large enough to accommo­ Sahurban for Sale - 75 complete Kitchen remodellng._ Ga| Btock 44 date twin beds. Ample .closet lllzed. like new. We call for and leges. On bus liiie, 5 minutes rages with giaranteed overhead] WANTED—Cows, calves and beef MAHOGANY Pining table and walk to Cheney’s. Continuous h^ space. Basement 30’ x 30’, high SOUTH COVENTRY, $5,300 ask- . CHEVROLET 1937 four-door, doora. Burton A. Rice. Phone 2-| deliver anywhere. Frank Falk, 421 South Main street. Colchester, cattle, also uorset. We psy the p$d8 and 6 chairs, china cabinet. water, oil heat. Phone 2-4442. celling. Oil burning furnace, ing price for winterized furnish- sedan. Very clean, $350. Sollmene 2576. steam; domestic hot water con­ A Flagg. Ino,. 684 Center street | Conn. Phone Colchester 460. top dollar. Pleta Bros 364 Bid- Phone 2-9891. -ed four-room cottage, flush toilet, well street. Phone 7405. LARGE ROOM with heat.Vtwln nections. Laundry, brass plumb­ lavatory, full concrete basement, CARPENTER Work of all kinds. | bed for one gentleman. Near bus. ing. $12,600 This home is In ex­ F O ^ 1941 two-door sedan; Very Roofs sldlngt, addltiona and al- well water, electric pump, septic g i ^ condition. . Private owner. Private Instructions 28 KITCHEN Heater with hot water Five minutes to D e p ^ Square. cellent condition. Shaded lawn. tank. Lot 50’ x 100’, high ground, fwnwi teratlona. Also new construction. Articles for Sale' 46 coil. Phone 2-9891. 116 North School sm et. Phone Garage. ExcloslVe with Walton •-V CAMW 4679. Sleftert Phone 2-0253 trees. Improved road. 100’ from BALLARD’S Driving School, take 6398. / W. Grant, Realtor, Hartford 2* Route 31 and bus service. Owner Ajas CHEVROLET 1946 town eedan. advantage of our experience and A-l BLACK Loam. 4 yards. $13. WE BUY and eel! good used furni­ 7584. After hours, residence, Mim GENERAL CARPENTRY. Altera ture. Oombinstloc ranges, gas transferred. Opportunity for PRISCILLA'S PUP DrlDing Expe^me BY AL VERMEBN Vary clean. $1,045. Sollmene A| tlons, additions and new construc­ fine reputation. A.A A. certified Quarry wall stone, I yards, $20. LARGE, C om f^able room in Chester 3^60 or F, L Pinney, 2- handy man to finish minor details Ylanr, Inc., 634. !i Center street Instructor, dual controlled cars { . Flat field stone, 4 yards, $16. ranges and aestera Jone> Ehirni- Hollywood section. Garage avail­ READ IX MOMI tion. Dormers, porches and ga­ ture Store. 86 Oak Phone 2-1041 3620. and save rent while doing so. " A safe place to buy used cara” | rages at reasonable prices Work­ license included. Phone 2-3245. Also Bolton building stone and able. Phone 7a97. Furnishings Include Frigldaire, ^juTCHeu. * flagstone. Bolton fWteh Quarry manship guaranteed. Free eiitl- WANTED—BRIC-A-BRAC, furni­ FOUR-FAMILY centrally local electric range, Florence heater Phone 2-06H. Stanley Patnode. USED CAR SALE mates R. M. Alexander. Tel. ture, antiques. Old Mill Trading rtments. Flats, ed. One apartment vacant. Should and other necessary furniture. 3716. Musical— Dramatic 29 Post. 17 Maple street. Phone be all right for 0.1. loan. T. J. Evenings Manchester 3160 or 2r IMS BUICK BEDAN^ CHESTNUT POLES, solid. In good Tenemrnts 63 Crockett, Broker. Phone .8416, I PIANO TUNING, repairs, recon­ condition, 8 foot. 20c each, $18 2-1089. 3629. IMS OLDSMOBILE COACH ^ ditioning, etc. John Oockerham, per 100. Also heavy wire. CaU FOfi! REHTT—Four rooms. For In- Florists— Nurseries 15 OLD RED TIN Barn, 706 North COUNTRY Club section. 7-room SOUTH COVENTRY — 4 room, \ 2M7 MERCURY CLUB COUPE 28 Bigelow street. Phone 4319. yfort'brmation oall 2-4195 between 4 3-9658. Main'street, buys and eells good single. Living room 14x17; fire­ combination aluminum storm I CHRYSANTHEMUM planU and ' and 6 p. m. place. den, 3 large bedrooms up­ IMS PONTIAC TWO-DOOR bouquets. Corner. Summer and LAY AWAY plan for Christmas. used furniture . and antiquei windows.and screens, electric hot Help. Wanted— Fefpiale 36 Frank Denette; Tel. 2-3376. stairs, "open attic, oil steam heat, water heater, large garage, tar IMS BtnCK CONV] COUPE McKee streets. Phone 6971. A good supply of Thayer doll car­ oak floors. Ehtcellent condition. riages and children's rockers. Business l^ications road. 8 minutes w Ik to new 1943 BUICK SEDAN , USED EASY Washer, w h i^ In Venetlsn blinds. Well worth see­ 1 PERMANENT Position with a re- Kemp's, Inc. For Rent 64 school, beach privileges. TeL MANY OTHERS Kooflng— SidiniJ 16 llable, well established bueinese perfect running condlUonyXemp’s, ing. Price $11,800, Elva Tyler, Wlllmantlc 1638-W-2. for a capable lady in a small but gpRAYINB Lacquers for wood, Inc. MODEIRN OFFICE suite, or com Agent. Phone 2-4469. ______Low Down Payments WE SPECHALIZE In roofing and COVENTRY Lake. Four-room Good Trades congenial office, for bookkeeping Assorted colors. Platform hand bined i^mrtment and office. siding. Highest quality materials, and general office work, 5\4 day] trucks, wood working machinery, Available November. 117 East S e LMONT street — Beautiful, house with two-car garage, com­ workmanship guaranteed. A. A. TWO BURNER heater for nearly new home. Four large fin­ pletely winterized. Oil heat. Lot 'GORMAN MOTOR SALES week, company paid hospltaliza-J sacrifice. Kage Co.. 130 Hartford Center atreet Call 6614.' W+T, SKEjflUUBfl Dion, Inc.. 2Pfl' Aiitumn street. | tlon. This pleasant position offers ]' yto^d. kitchen or cotl e. Phone 7397. ished rooms, space for tvso up­ 100 X 100. T. Crockett, Brok­ Jj^ 285 Main St. Tel. 4880. stairs. Fireplace, vestibule, dorm­ . IMt BY MA iMVlM. IM. T. M. NCO. U. B. PAT. OPT. Buck Wakes Up BY MICHAEL O’MALLEY AND RALPH LANN an opportunity for permanent ad­ SET OF 6ix ^ a n t eeat Hitchcock er. Phone A416. ' VIC FLINT vancement and remuneration COLLAPSIBLE Baby carriaga, Business Locations ers, open staircase, hot water 1986. PLYMOUTH coupe. Good pillow bac)r chairs. Small tavern GLASTONBURY—3-famlly. Good' "Posaibly you gontlaman of tha talas departmant hava numlng condition. Call 2-98011 commensurate to abiUty. Please never used, $5. Sunbeam Shave- For Rent 64 heat, oil burner. Venetian blinds, Roofing—Repairing 16 A maeter electric razor, 1M9 modeL table, 199 South . Main corner screens. Large lot. trees. Imme­ location, $8,000. Cali agent 7792 ‘Don’t ask your ffther-r-Jie’e bean out of aohool for ao baooma confusad^it’a our breakfast food that’s aup« after 5:80. reply etating your complete Sprini long you can’t oxpeet him to know anything!" FEATURING. Guaranteed roofel ' qualifications including educa­ Ehccellent condition,- $10. Phone diate occupancy, $11,600; terms. or 3593. p'osad to 'go down wHh a •mils.' not tha businaaa!" OFFICE Space available in ’ the ?; 1M7’ BUICK S'lper four-door, and expert repairs as well tion. age} experience and expect­ 2-0524. F L ^ R Coverings, printed llno- Wm. Goodchlld. Sr.. Realtoh. Of­ Orford Building. Apply Marlow’e. equipped, very clean, $1,675. Can gutter and conductor work. Try ed salary. Write Box A, Herald. leam, yard or rag else. Inlaid fice 15 Forest etreet. 7925 or UHntfd— Real Batate 77 UU t LILK »VAT in J U WILLIAMS UUH 8UAKUING HUt^E wilh MAJOR HOUPLE be seen at 77 Hawthorne after 5. your “Local Roofer.” CaU Cdugb-I Inoleum. Floor tiles, plastic 8891. / SOT. LADY. UMCLK Amos, MV r UMP - KAFF - HAfW V1/HV, Un 7707. WANTED—^A housekeeper who ] EIGHT Storm windows, 20 x 64, wall tides. Your best buy in price 68 FOR QUICK Reeulte In selling SAID IF VOU MBI4T THftOOfirt , a h - n r , c e r ta in l y it is .' H-TON Dodge trock, $12b. SoU- would lUce a good home in prefer- $20. Phone 2-1461 Wanted to Rent MAKE US AN offer. Prewar 6- , ITS A MILE and workmanship. Open evenings fyour property call Ed Kraeenics, > UP TO THE OXFORD OMlVfiR'SlTV VOU -^ Y O O TELL THAT PeDANTiC zoene A Flagg, Inc., 634 Center ROOFING — SpeclaUzuig Is re-] ence to high wages CaU 7267 for ] room eingle. (V partly finished). STEPHENS 410 shotgun, two^ets Personalized Floors, 393 Main Recreation room, baaement laun­ Suburban Realty Co.. Realtors, 49 taEARROOMf AlUSTA SEEN IH ATDURlBT PeDAGOeUE THAT----- HO, '•trept- pairing roofs of ail Iwds, also] information. WANTED 4, 6 or 8 room rent,by of Lionel electric trains./ CaU Phone 2-9358. dry, storm sash, screens. Conven­ Perkins street. Tel. 8216. . I*. THAT PARTY— you TOUO M* NEVER MIND new roofs Gutter work. Chim-I , family o f four. Phone 2-0926. > VERY neye cleaaed and repaired. 26 HOUSEWIVES. We can aseure 8130. USED MOTOROLA Telerielon set. ient location. R. Johnston, Agent. 1H4Cr "SHALLOOM* vVAS A I’LL SEE FATT . 'ON CONSIDERING SELLING iMPORTAWrr L0M6- LE66BO tr o p ic a l MotorcjreleA—Bicycies 11 years' experience. Free estimates you of a good steady income If Cbnsolette model in beautiful ENGINEER and wife need email 6858. '’ YOUR PROPEKTY 7 H6K-“ A « fOtit- you can work two to four hours ROYAL Corona p o rta e . Smith Gir o -— SHALLOOhi IS — ONE T>AY MOTORCYCLE 1948 model fc. L CaU Howley. Mancheetef '5361. Corona 'standard typvwrtters and mahogany cabinet $199.60. Orig­ furnished apartment or faceimile. Without obligation to you, we a day. Write Manchester .Herald, Manchester vlcti.lty. Good refer T w il l Cl o t h o s e d iaa Hailey-Da'ridson, red. Loaded adding machlnes./4Jaed machlnea inal cost $349.50. See It! Benson's TWO-FAMILY House on Main will appraise or make you a eaeb GUTTERS' Repaired, chimneys re­ Rox C. Furniture IA Appliances, 713 Mala ences.' Not over $60 monthly. Call offer for property. See^ua before COAT LIMIMI^G.^ with aeceesoriee. A -l throughput paired ahd riean^d. ROofa buUt aold or rehted/Repairs on all street. Phone 2-2643. street. Windsor 6-2181, collect: you sell. * Fheed very low to move quickly, i and rppaireil Phone 3335. A SIGNED INVITATION to call, makes MarIo^‘ BOLTON — Six-room Cape Ood 'Phone 7728 Or 6278 Any demP^tratlon. Morlarty j is the key to this dignified and ROPER GAS etove, 2 -years old, ISN’T THEIRE eome understand Bros.,. Oentw and Broad streets. profitable sales career in fine MEN’S R e ^ lt and relaeted shoes. with garage and chicken coop, 3 BRAE-BURN REALTY WA.sH lUltItS H«t>py Paj^ BY LESLIE rUKNEN ■I I...... —■ .1 . (3ood e i^ g h for dress or work. Uke iieW, Staggered burnere, ing landlord .with a 4-6 room Heating—Plumbing 17 sliver. Many successful women reasonable rent that a middle acres of land. T. J. Crockett, ReaaoMtole pricee. Sam Yuiyes, $80.96. Telephone 2-0740. Broker. Pbone 5416. IF YOU Have a single or 3-famtIy PLUMBING, heating. Repairs on are now enjoying good earnings aged couple living on retirement B|m Ib«m SwTiw Offered 13 under our Uberal percentagre plan. 701 ^aln street * MAPLE KlTCaHEN Set porcelain houee to eell call Hastings, Rea! oldVand new systems, oil burner, income may have. Call 2-9826. FLATS—5 and 5. Immediate oc­ EsUte Speciallet, Odd Fellowi V W n AW BLINDB. AU types water pump terries Prompt at­ If you like people, have a car smd Stfl^BERT Perambulator; play pen, top. table. Excellent condition. cupancy, one apartment. Made­ need an above average income, Phone 2-0710 after 7. YOUNG MIARRIED business cou­ Building, at the Center. (Ready mede to order, also „tsronditlon- tention. John H .C a r ls o n . Tet /bathlnette. rocking horse. Oil line Smith, Realtor, 2-1642 - buyers with cash,, waiting.) Viallty. ffladeli Uanu- you may be among the three, hot wafer heater, thermostat and ple, no. children, would like 3, 4 or 7325. NINE-PIECE dining room eet 5 rooms unfumiabed, rent 4679. Phone 3-1107.- Meturing O□d„ ,435 Middle Turn- women we must eriect for controls. Phone 7685. STEAM. Hot water and boC air area. Sales experience not. Washing macMne, Florence par­ apartment. Call 7910. MANCHESTER—Corner Hollister pfks HMt. d$n 4M5. lor stove, 0 X 12 Mohawk rug, REAL ESTATE Problems? See oi heating. Van Oamp Bros Phone ed—we will train you. WHlte to-j SHED. Fair condition, with 3 and Summit streets, Cape Cod call us today. We buy, sell, or liel SAWS FUod, lw )s made, mowara 6244. day for friendly Interyle^ to G. ] .cords of wood.-Sold separately or bure'aue and cheste of drawers, .MIDDLE-AGED couple desire or 5 room . unfurnished flat rooms and three unfinished oh your property, No cost to you abarpanad, outboards and air Crevey,‘ 1090 Farmingtpn, West| whole. Beet offer takes It. Phone beds, knick knacks at .106 West 2nd floor, oil hot water heat, street. Rockville. Phone Rockville duplex. Tel. 3-3281.' unieea we produce. Alice ClampeL aopM angtaaa rapalrad. cSapltol I and beating, special- Hartford, Conn. 2-9639. fireplacee, and only $10,900. Open •The Agency of Good WiU", 843 MalaatraM. -izing------In repaira. remodeling,------cop­ 107SJ2. for Inepectlon Saturday and' Sun­ Main street per water piping, new condtruo-] YO'UNG LADY 'wpnted for table] WANTEH)—Room '«ritb ' board Manchestei', Phone Building' Msteriala 47^ 30-OALLON Coleman automatic kitchenette within walking dls day, 1 to 4 p. m. Aeiwciate Real­ 4093 m W. FANTALUK atectrleal j tlon, eetlmatee g lv ^ time pay-j and fountain secrice, experienced, I ty ,'1010 Main etreet,' Elaat Hart­ ' gaa water heater, magnesium tance to Cheney Mills. Write Box 'iUNVWAy,m Btrseter, — Intenanra mad mente arranged. Edward John-] good hours, gtiod pay,' no Sun-j ford. 8-4618. WANTE3D—Three, bedroom eingle $ flar Mglff sad .powar.- 40 Fop-1 son. Phone 6979 or 7983. | days A p p ly ^ person. Peter’s j 8,000 FEET bone dry native pine. rod. 5:-year g^mrantee, $84.05. D, HehUd. . " UR KNEW Random width and length. Need Watkins Brothers, Inc. bouse in good condition. 30 day* IF ChocolateyShop, 691 Main street] WANTED-x\partm«nt or flat for PINE ACRES, 14 , Carol Drive, octupancy, by prii^^te party. Pre­ A naaSiNIdi THOLMsKT IT WASNT EFFICIENT Rlumblni and heat- ■pace. Win eswrlflce for a very kAM U k HP A CAP#,' KAirOB Buroata dbaaed and aarv- [PPEAEING girl over 21 low price. Muet be moved at gentleman and daughter, a oot moving out of Early occu­ fer older house In good (tonditlon. . I tag. Plugged drains machine ] NEIAT pancy. 6 rooms. A 6nlebed. Ga­ \ . tead bgr anpariancad buniar man. cleaned. Oarl J, Nygren. Phone | for tdi counter work. Apply .In] once, kage Co., 130 Hartford Read Herald Advs; lege graduate. References furn- State price and loeatlon. P, O. iabed. Bmc R, Herald. rage, outeide fireplace. Call 7ioi Box 294, Hanefaeeter.*^ ‘ -r, M. M M ai^ TITS. 6497, 'Bheridan Reeta’irknt Rood. ' \

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