iRUB$DATs ISs EXGRTEEW ^ttjrlfrBtrr Eoiming YpaKi A v e n g e Dsl^ Nat Prsss Ran Ths W«atlMir : . ■ , / f> e tha Noirth at Sapiamber. 1S48 hgr ths elsstod. tsprsaisitotivas an nndar S m lanBiHhln at- SCre. that ara axpaotad to slaw tha am- St. Mary’s Clhiirch the 84 parishes ooastttutlng tha W. H. Paahody a sop- Helen Davldson.Lodge, No. 98. hlblta at tha Arm ory tor thraa Hartford Archdeaconry. PM to tha ont-of-town dM gy and Ab AssocUite Product Show daya baginnlAg Monday. 9,676 Daughters of Scotia, will m ^ t • Meeting Toiiig^ Tha Mrvlos win taka tha form Magataa. About Town tomorrpvuvening at 7:46 in tte tt might ha waU to rapaat that o f Kvanlng Prayer, conductod by' Lay dalagatoa froni St KafTa mat Urn AaiH Masonll^Temple. Election of offi­ tha proCaada o f thla Ana affort will tha Rav. A lM d L. WUUama, rec­ alaetod at tha pariah'a annual Opens Monday go into tha charity fund of tha I at OIw ulatloaa cers wlU take place, and Chief The fall maatlng of tha Hartford tor o f the local pariah. Xt wlU ba meeting, ara Btowart R. Kannady Manehe$ter~~-A City o f VUIage Charm Loyal Circla of Kings Daughters Daughter ‘ Mrs. Violet Neddow Sbcchanga . C3ub of Manchaatar, wlU hava a rummags sals In the Archdaaconry will ba bald In tha eoncludad by tha Vaflarabto Henry and ^ -M. PaahodK Altamato. would like a good attendance. A which la sponaorihg tha affair. lobby o f Center Church house, parish house of Bt. Mary's Eplsco- daWoU da Mauriac, Archdeacon dMagataa,- Oaorga Torrance, Br,, social time with refreshments win L o c a l Manufactureitb Tha Ehcchanga Club and ito afforta Tues<lay, October 18, at 9:30, and psl church this svsntng. of Hartford. Tha giiaat preacher and David MoCouum. (ClaaalSad AdverMalag oa. Page 14) MANCHESTER, CONN., FRIDAY, OCTOBER 14, 1949 (SIXTEEN PAGES) follow. , in bahalf of a batter Mancheater at thla aervlca wlU ba' tha Venar- VOL. LXqLy^ NO. 11 PRICE FOUR CENTS members snd friends are urged to Merchants, Distribu- naads no introduction to tbia town. Ths public portion o f ths gatt' ■'reserve artlclM for the sate. Mrs. srlng Is ths ssr^oa at 6:60 p. to., able Francla J. Smith, tha Arch- ............... pid Lewis E. Ames, Seaman Ap- Thla group of lihai* have been ac- daaeoh o ( New Hamn. David Muldoon. 60 Russell street, . toihi to Hold Exhibit ttva In civic aflalrt alnce tha tncep- In tha church, which w ill prsoada prenUce, USN, o f 18 Cumberland the dinner and mastlnc altondsd A commlttoa o f 8 ^ Maiy*a wom­ Read, Herald Adva. and Mrs. Harold Belcher of Walk* . -------- ■ tlon o f tha club several yaars ago. ar street head th* ecommilttee and street. Manchester, recenOy visit­ ed the French Riviera on a ten- With Just three dsya remaining will see ttot articles are called foi day leave when the destroyer before the opening of the Man­ If It Is Inconvenient to leave them USS Hank, of-which he is a crew chester Producta Show next Mon­ ' at the church. Members of the member, put Into Golfe Ouan, day, Ekiward Krasenlca, Products . committee will be at tbe church France. Leave parties to Paris Show Chairman, reports plans Federal Jury Convicts 11 Top Gom ifiunists Monday evening to receive articles and other points' of Interest In practically completed for the for the sale. grand opening. Manufacturers, France havef'- been arranged for distributors and merchants Iff town the crew. \ The Challoner au b will hold Its are b u ^ putting the flniahing touches on their dUplsys snd will X. first bowling session this evening The Mary Cushman group of at ^ h t o'idock at Murphy's al- begin moving them Into the spa­ the .Second Congregational Wom­ cious Armory drill shed Saturday. leya Ticket returns on the raffle en’s League will meet tomorrow may be made at this meeting. From then untU opening time, evening with the leader, Mrs. Rus­ 8 o’clock on Monday, everything sell Taylor of 162 Green road. will be hustle and bustle. Decora­ tors will turn, the inside snd froAt The American Legion Unit, un­ of the Armory Into a veritable F ro m Hale's Self Serve der the chairmanship of Mrs. fairyland, booth divisions will ap­ INSURE Emile Levesque, will conduct a Barry L. Day, M. D. pear snd exhibitors will move In rummage sale tomorrow morning and arrange their displays so that W itt Harry Luther Day, M. D., has Mn. AmericR snd Family MeRINNBV BROTHERS at nine o'clock in the Legion hall folks In this vicinity may see what a n d Health Market News Tidt)its on Leonard street. ' beSn token into sssodsUon by Manchester has to offer. Iteat Estate and Insurance / House Committee Remanded to Jail Amos E. Friend, M. D., In the In explaining the Products Show GREEN STAMPS GIVEN WITH CASB SALES Called From (fF). Wires 505 Main St. Tel. «0«0 idea Mr. Krasenlca said: Few practice of Eye. Ear, Nose and peopl^reslize the variety and ex­ Throat, In Manchester, ConnectW tent of manufacturing that U done Supports Truiptin French government formally re­ BAKED HAM cut Dr. Day is a j^d u ato of In Manchester. This show will jects Russia’s recent protest give the public an opportunity to Brown University and of the Yale HEALTH MARKET against establishment o f westorn Await Sentencing become better acquainted with the Sunlight 1 MOfh DINNER University School of Medicine. Gold Medal, Pills- Germaa state at Bona... Contin­ fUELMl many Important product! that are ued rise In industrial 'employment After two years of internship at produced here and'sold all over the bupy’s or Ceresota On Arms Aid Sui Thurs., Oct. 20, 5 to 7 P. M. the City Hospital, Worcester, A well stocked meat store like'ours is tAtcays In Maasachusetto, with textiles world. Too, whfle many people again In the lead , Is reported by Masonic Banquet Hail Maasachusetto, apd a year of are better Informed on the mer­ general practice, Dr. Day became B u tte r the housewife** helper^ offering a better varU Massachusetts state Division ..of cantile situation they still will be Spurred hy Employment Security ... Albania Next Friday Morning MENU: Ham, baked beana, aoat- a member of the staff o f the Mayo surprised to team the kind o f mer­ Always Fresh I etyy greater price range and outstanding vaU V*®J^** Faint Climmer accuses Yugoslavia of “ profound loped poiatoee. eole Slaw, home Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, for chandise that la available In town, F lo u r partment Assertion hostUity” In formal note protest­ made rolls, plee with cheese, three years. He then received to say nothing of the excellent ues. This week** supply includes ■ mwiNin coffee. ■ two and a half years of Specialty service that goes with It. A ll this Russia No Longer Can ing arrests of Albanian nationals Post-graduate training at Har­ and more wiU greet the thousands Of Hope Seen In Yugoslavia.. .Leonard Clark, Face Sentences Up to Adolta 81-66 \ l b ’ Be Trusty; Bill Sched* American explorer, arrives In Civilian Board Found Dead Fill That Tank! vard and -Tale. Dr. Day served Boneless Tenderised 10 Years in Prison and for 44 months and achieved the / Hong Kong from Canton, where OUMresi to U , 76e • 7 * nled for Action by In Steel Row Chinese authorities bad ^ Id him Pstting off that fuel order rank.of Major In Worid War n, $10;000 Fine Each; aa a Flight Surgeon with" the Air on double manslaughter charges. Urged to Act Biay mean that yoa’U be TRUSSES - BELTS BEEF SMALL Whole House Today Corps end ss Chief of the Eye, Census bureau predicts U. 8 . Judge Medina Finds caught with an empty tank Ear, Nose and Throat Services of Elastic Stockiiigs GaL $ 2 s 1 9 | Talks With Bethlehem population will go above 150,000,- In R sodden cold spelt MAZOLA OIL Washington, Oct. 14.—(ff) 000 "some time this month.’*,.. On Argument Five Defense Lawyers two overseas General Army hoa- ROLL HAMS Give Government Me­ pltols In England and France. He Expert Fittcril Whole ar Shank H alf —Spurred by s State depart­ TVo police raids by Chicago police Guilty of Criminal WE HANDLE has been a resident of New Haven ment aaaertion that Russia on big Mngo giunes in tost wee2 pt. 3 7 diators ^Better Under­ make newspaper headlines and win for 16 years snd bait a wife and Arthur Drug Stores W E550N0IL« c 1 no longer can bie trusted, the Two Key Congressmen Contempt and Gives ATLANTIC EVERGREENS three daughters. standing^ of Position official commendation for police le lb. House Appropriations com­ » M--T captain who led them .. .Physi- Propose^ Truman .Ap­ Them Varying Terms • ;'.X n d * _ mittee today vot^ 51,814,- clana of many lands speak against Furnace Oil Pittsburgh, Oct. 14 — HP>- point Group to Settle 5ARDINE5 Special 3 c « » 2 5 c j 010,000. for foreign arms aid socialized medicine schemes be­ New York, Oct. 14.—(4V— LANDSCAPING falnt glimmer of hope appeared In fore World Medical convention in Armed l^qrces Row Ghrysanthemums BED W ING and 5167,000,000 for new London, but nearly all agree that A Federal jury convicted II LOCAL the deadlocked steel strike picture CALL militaxv construction.' some form of subsidized mefflcal top-ranking American Com­ The bUl carries-8814,010,000 in today. Washington, Oct. 14 -f/T)—Two L T.
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