JULY 19, 1962 THE TORRANCE HERALD 47 Little League All—Stars Open Tournament Tournament play begins to­ todav at the same time on the [Warring at the North Torrance day for California District 27 North Torrance East field. ! East field. Little League all-star teams. Tomorrow at 5:30 p.m.. Tor-' Pacific Coast and Domingucz At 5:30 p.m. today. Torranco ranee American and North Lit ,|c u,aj,U(,s ,| rcw |)yt,s tnc I Central and Harbor City teams Torrance West will battle on , firs, , will meet e the Torrance Ithe !» Tn**fTorrance net.m r'nnff'llftnUlCentral field Central field At the same time. Lomita DISTRICT U7 North Torrance East and'. _ ... .. , ,.,in ,, ALL-STAR ROSTKR Freway Little League will meet I and Torrance Natlonal wlU be American Little league Roy Ricks. Robert Weber. Clarence S n y d e r. Richard Red Devils Whip Koulk. (!ary Beniis. Stove Lingo, Alien Caspar. Steve j Schrader, Thomas Gammon. WITH YOU! Danny Pace. George Hager- i DON'T MISS THESE BUYS - BRING ENTIRE AD Loop Champions man, Mike Maxcenti, Tim Tric- These are sensational buys you won't believe un­ do JKRRY Mcl.KAN and Steve kel, Greg Singer. . Too late in the season to Mcl Win­ til you see them. Some are even our FREE GIFT Red Water got only one apiece, Harry Lingo: Coach. any good, tbe Torrance to you! Merc are just a few ways you when developed into a but both were home runs. Me- ter. Devils have you SHOP AT TRY-IT! powerhouse. Lean's four-bagger came with Central Little League Culver City already has the P*1' °» baso- Randy Carter, Tom Conroy. Coupons Good Only on Carcy Hubert and .lohn Cam- Randall. Mark South Bay Connie Mack cliam-' , Bob Floyd. Mike Dates Printed Thereon pionship sewn up, but lost its ; bon shared m o u n d woes i Hornbcck. Bart Johnson, Don undefeated record to the Red ayainst San Pedro. Tbe visitors Lucarclli, Stove McCrcady. Devils on Saturday. proved to be poor guests and Gary Meyer. Danny Miller, Behind a 16 strike-out effort | took a 10-9 decision from the .lames Smoot. Jimmy Thorn- We Welcome of Erv Palica, the local nine | home-town team, ton, Steve Turner. Manager, 23027-33 S. Avalon Blvd. Your Account chalked up a 4-0 win. Palica al- ... Bill Floyd; Coach. Joe Carter. BANKAMERICARD AND INTERNATIONAL ACCOUNTS WELCOME belted a home SUNDAYS 'TIL 6 lowed but four hits in shutting RICK HOOD Freeway Little League Jona­ OPEN DAILY 9 TO 8 FRIDAYS 'TIL 9 out the .defending national '. slammed three hits and Martin the loss. than Clark, Lynn Cralg. champs. drove in four runs in Gonzales. Mi­ Los Angeles Dodger Ericson, Orlando The chael Hammond. Craig Hcaly, Rookies fared worse than the John Patchctt, VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE COUPON Red Phillip Lozano. San Pedro nine, as the Palmer Jr.. Richard Pfau Whiffs them to a 12-12 Robert Devils limited Perez, Stewart Schoficld, Roger WITH THIS COUPON ONLY WITH THIS COUPON ONLY tie. Scott, Delbort Shotwell, Paul Manager, ^yilliam 18 Batters L a r r y Tucker. DON COIL AND Porcz; Coach Kenneth Mitcholl. TOYA Thomas worked on the hill for 3-PIECE (ANNISTER SETS Torrance as Hubert banged Pacific Coast Little League In No-Hitter CAPS By Lawion. Baked enamel flniih, copper lidi 1 five safeties to pace the local's William Atxeisson, Brent Coupon good Robert with matching plaitic knobt. Ken Pfau twirled a master- j hitting attack, Barron. Jerry Bray, of July 25. Caspo, Daniel Coot comfort for tummer. Variety hrough Wednetday, ful no-hitter in Pacific Ameri- \ Hubert blasted a Brooks. Tedmon men't litei. Limit one Peter Jclinski. John colort in most can Little League action, whip- 1 as did McLean. Doty. (1) per adult cuitomer. third strike past 18 j Ram.|,o i,osts t|le Red Devils Kowite, Robert Une. Paul ping a Mi­ Reg. men as the Red Sox rolled ! on Saturday in a 3:30 p.m. en- Padrnos. William Puckett, Daniel Wil­ Good Only over the Tigers. 7-0. counter at La Cienega Park. chael Ramirez Jr.. Coupon 4.75 aided his own cause by On Sunday. Hawthorne bcck- liams. David Wilson. Manager. Pfau Vie Giard- Fri. & Sot., July 20-21 glamming a home run. It was ons for an'0ther 3:30 p.m. tus- Cecil Larson; Coach. the league's second no-hitter s)c inelli. 99? of the season. j ' ______National Little League In another superb mound ef-' Duane Graham. Mike Bran- fort, Lowell Mondrago spun a , !) t oost stetter. Keith Olson. J o h n three-hitter as the Indians 1 11 cllt Cook. J. D. Mosier. James Fox. glided by the loop-champ Ath­ Kenny M c M u 11 c n. C h u c k VALUABLE COUPON VALUABLE QOUPON letics, 5-1. Tordena Lead O'Brian. Mo Kraig. Timmy Vcnable. Randy Jolls, Mike WITH THIS COUPON ONLY WITH THIS COUPON ONLY BOB GREEN hurled no-hit Van Krolingcn. Charlie Curnut. ball for the first six frames, On Two Wins ' Billy Bradshavv. Manager. Jim errors by his GENUINE PYREX but walks and lead, thc O'Toolc; Coach, Andy Antler- teammates contributed to the Maintaining ---- a wide CASTING REELS loss. John Brogdon. Indian Pirates won a pair of Tordena son. PFLUEGER CREAMER catcher, broke up the perfecto ' Colt League contests to boost North Torrance (West) Little Pllutgtr Skilkatt rttl with Uvtl wind, micro their record to 17-1. Jr.. adiuitable, mechanical (number, o( pollihid with a dean in the final League Gabriel Lcnsing Diimolilt. Coupon good through Wedneiday, Genuine Pyre* Creamer trimmed with band of col­ In a game at Gardena Hoc- Royle Still- frarne Gary Ostcrhues. July 2S. per adult cuttomer. Coupon good Seemingly destined for the rcation Park, the Pirates nosed man. Richard Sehwartz. Sloven or. Limit one (1) cellar, thc 'Orioles put on a out the second-place Dodgers, Marks. Stanley Townsend. ONLY on dayi indicated herein. strong team showing to win 4-3 in an extra-inning encoun- James Bachis. Eric Pierson. Reg. their last four games and tie tor. Earlier, thc Pirates had I Richard Mansker. John Baucr, 99 Coupon Good Only whacked the Dodgers 10-8. 16.95 for sixth place. Tyrone Pruett, Dennis Flops, 21-24 Other action saw the Dodgers Philip Cadenhead. Lynn Pear- Sot. Thru Tuej., July THE STRONG play by Sid whip the Tigers. 4-3 and then sey. Manager. Ken Schwarz; and trounce thc Angels, 12-8. 3 Orr. Chuck Hrchor. Phil Coach. John Motta. Thc Angels came back to Steve Hertzog and Jim Potter North Torrance (East) Little contributed to thc team's nip the Senators. 3-2. Thc again, falling League Richard Brewer, comeback. | Tigers tripped Sinclair, the Braves. 7-4. Stove Wilson, John In thc only other game on , before John Billingsly. VALUABLE COUPON the STANDINGS Loon Smith. VALUABLE COUPON tap, thc Braves whipped Carlson. Kon Phillips, Klugman \V L TIE Steve Yankees, 15-10. Marc Ralph Mooro, Ken Rookor. Tim ONLY WITH THIS COUPON ONLY swatted his second homer of Pirates ...... 17 1 WITH THIS COUPON Dodgers ...... 12 6 1 Dillard. Jorry Ryan. Danny the year for the Yanks, tying Burgum. Richard Delivonori, WESTCLOX Red Sox star Ix>igh McArthur Braves ...... 10 7 1 ARTIFICIAL 6 12 1 Joo Sptnuzzu. Manager. Harald for the league lead. Taylor Angels ...... Grif- WRIST WATCHES Tigers ...... 4 12 2 Brewer: Coach. Howard ROSE Wood also homered in thc los­ Genuine Wetlclox writ! watch (men'i only) automatic , Senators 1153 i fin. ing cause. Beautiful, lilt-Ilk* long-tlimm«d artificial wind, thockproof, waterproof, tweep tacond hand. rot*. Our gilt to Ih* ladlti. Coupon good Coupon good through Wedneiday, July IS. only on dayt Indicated. Limit on* (1) per adult cuilomtr. 77 GREENLAND Coupon Good Only REG. 19.95 NURSERY Thurs. & Fri., July 19-20 7 22500 SOUTH AVALON BLVD. 0/- AND MORE VALUABLE COUPON SELF SERVICE- SAVE 30 ON GARDEN NEEDS VALUABLE COUPON WITH THIS COUPON ONLY WITH THIS COUPON ONLY REG. 3.95 ONE (1) PACKAGE CURVED CERAMIC FREE GIFT WRAP ASHTRAY FLAX LIMIT mod*rn curved detign. 3 PER Package containing 3 theett ef "Chic Heavy <*ramic ath tray In FAMILY Gill Wrap appropriate for any occatlon Choico ol taveral colon. Our gift to Ih* ladl*i. Lim­ GREEN OR BRONZE GAL CAN. Variety of colon and deiignt. Limit on* it on* (I) p«r adult cuitomer. (I) package per adult cuitomer, Coupon Good Only Coupon Good Only 23, 24 FUCHSIAS Thurs. Thru Wed, July 19-25 Sun., Mon., Tuts., July 22, BLOOMING MANY COLORS BASKET OR UPRIGHT Eveready or Ray-o-Vac from TRY-IT CAMERA DEPT. TE 4-8061 JUST ARRIVED QUANTITIES ARE LIMITED! BLACK PINE Hew YASHICA-UMATIC-G PASSION VINE Hashligh]1 Batteries 8MM MOVIE CAMERA EVERGREEN BLOOMING VINE WITH THE-.S Ei'.ciTiuo FEATURES: Your choic* of *ith*r Eveready or Ray-0-Vac "0" I'/j-volt M.J Reflex Zoom balteriii, Exl.-a on«t alwayi handy < ' «l vacation trip for lent, fully automat­ tafe.y't »«!<*. ic electric eye, bat­ GAL. tery drive. ASA 10 GAL. to 40, complete with CAN CAN REGULAR grip. Now reduced r n : SIZE to ...... 19-Hr. Process Service Plus Low Discount Prices COMPLETE LANDSCAPING SERVICE to create We hove one of the finest landscape engineers* with over 37 years experience a beautiful selling for you. CALL US FOR FREE ESTIMATE ALSO SPRINKLERS INSTALLED TE 52010