"Wmud Ikndb Storm Endangers 7 Ships^ Rages Along Europe Coast
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V _ • r r i f z . ^ -,-*.5- r .- * :IBanrl;r«t«r Cttrning If^rolb FRIDAY. DECEMBER 28. 1951 Averafe Deity Net Preee Rm Far Ik* Wfwk BMIeg n Your 3 ^ 10,470 H r *f Ik* AndH Ikndb of arenletlMM Choice of Mtmche$Ur^A City of ViUago Charm VOL. LXXI, NO. 78 (ClaakMad Adveitlakig mi Pago •) MANCHESTER, CONN., SATURDAY, DECEMBER 29, 1951 S l/W; (TEN PAGER) PRICE nvE ccyi# 3 Styles JT Ex'Maid Convicted in Allies Drop Point y!s7 BARBIZON To Hasten Truce Storm Endangers 7 Ships^ _ Munaan, Korea-, Dec. 29— (4*)— The United Nations nego SLIPS tia to r made their “ moat important conceaaion” today in a move to break the long Korean truce talka deadlock. And the Communiata agreed to divulge the f#te of aome 50,000 un accounted for war priaonera. f ----- -------------------------------- - Rages Along Europe Coast Colors include white, The UN negotiators said they ■ a m V would abandon their demand for blush, navy and black. aerial reconnaissance and nego V \ , A "wm ud Buffer Zone tiate the question of troop rota 1-*/ Sires 9 to 44. tion if the Reds would accept with Accusation in a Ho8|iilal (Aiurlroom out change a new rompromlae plan Asks $533 One Vessel for policing a truce. Set Up On Brig. Gen. William P. Nuckola, official UN spokesman, said the A fter Life T Y PE 130 decision to withdraw the demand Ashore, All for aerial observation during an Suez Road '■\ Cannon Fine Muslin armistiee waa made "with the \i * greateat reluctance.” . Cairo, Egypt, Dec. 29—{IP) Was Saved Radio SOS "ThIa ia by far the most impor — BritiBh and Egyptian com Mrs. Evyleen Cronin, former E«ek tant ronceaslon the UN command maid of Tallulah Bankhead, SHEETS and CASES baa made,” he said. manders have agreed on a San Francisco, Dec. 29— breaks Into tears In anteroom of London, D pt. 29— (IP)— six-mile-wide no-man's-Iand (/P)— An angry director of Win Hnpply Facta New Yorfc’a Court of Oeneral Ses- Howling hurric*ne winda Rear Adm. R. E. Libby said the between ‘ their respective alons yesterday after being eon- public health is asking this 72x108 Reg. $ 2 .9 8 .................Sale wa.alipd mountainnu8 neaa $2.49 Communlsta "grudgingly" agreed troops along the Cairo-Suez «1 cted of larceny for hiking the city's legal department to de over sinking ship« along to supply Information on all UN road, it was announced to actress’ checks. Mrs. Cronin’s termine how far the health and South Korean aoldlera they attorney, 8tate Senator Fred G. Kuroiio'a Atlantic coast today have captured. In return, the UN day. Morlri, was riled for rontempi by department can go in saving Gen. Saad el Din Sabour, Egyp a life without being sued. and set off a series of frantic 81x108 Reg. $ 3 .2 9 ................ Sale allies will give the Reds further Judge Harold A. Stevens, for con distress calls. *2.69 data on the list of Red prisoners tian army liaison officer, said the ducting the case "loudly and bel- Dr, .1. C. Geiger, the health di given the Communists Dec. 18. arrangement waa made to pre llgerrntl.v.” rector, made the request as a re At least seven threatemMl The Communists Indicated Sat vent possible clashes between the sult of a *533.70 claim Thursday vessels, including two Amer 42x36 Reg. 69c .....................Sale urday that many of th«4 50,000 two forces. hv Mrs, Theresa K, Butler, 60- ican freighters, radioed SOS 55c prisoners the UN says the Reds The new buffer eone start., ycar-old widow, pronounced dead signals. One ship was driven St the morgue and revived after Famous Cannon quality that will wear for years. reported rapturing but failed to along a north-south line a little Largest Navy list on their official prisoner roster more than 37 miles from Cairo. an ambulance driver noticed aground.-Otherp were taking were released at the front and Behind this, the Egyptians have signs of life. water rapidly and in serious Regular $7.95 their names were not recorded. .strong forces guarding the ap Destroyer To She contends she was burned In danger. Most of the 50,000 were South proaches to Cairo. ! several placca from unregulated The 6.711-lhn U. 8. freighter Koreans. On the other aide, the nearest I heat while at Harbor Emergency Flying Enterprise, carrying 40 Bales Heavy Cross Stripe Homespun T Y PE 132 Libby said the UN is not too British army checkpoint ia some Be Launched Hospital. crewmen and 10 passengers out of M«m IWf l(iH« Mi« lo^ hopeful the Reds will supply much 56 miles east of Cairo. Case for f'oroner Hamburg said she was listing 45 additional information ‘‘but at Sahour said the no-man‘s-land degrees and "taking water." She M «l t-11 uwn% Haleys Own Brand Sturdywear Camden, N. .T. Dec. 29 '/Ti "rhe ired director aald he waa least we got our foot in the door." w’as established after a British pa "fed up with people trying to aue was wallowing off the southwee’ FAMOUS BRAND The Isrge.st destroyer ever built tip of Englan(i. BEDSPREADS Nuckols told correspondents the trol approached within a mile of this department." A roam In the General Hoapltal at New BrtUIn, became a courtronm, Her. 27, as Frank U’njmilewlcs UN command decided to take a an Egyptian outpost. by any navy wa.s in final shape "As a matter of fact," he aaid. (oa stretcher), S3, was arraigned on charges of killing a poUceman and a d lsplai^ person In the hold Help waa standing by the Fly SHEETS and CASES "calculated risk" that ground in- The Egyptians were shout to for rhristening today. “thia case should he directed up of a packing plant Inst Nov. 5. Pointing a finger at WoJriilcwIcE. who Is paralysed below the ing Enterprise and was at hand or The 5,.V)0 ton Norfolk ia the against the coroner’s office, not waist from bullet wounds received during the hnklup. ta Hlanlev Ijiblenlec, fnremaa at the pUInl. on the way to other threatened SHEETS AND shins. Green Stamps Given With Cash Sales $5.95 (Continued on Page Six) (Continued on Page Htx). first of a new line of destroyer the health department. If the Judge Harry GInshurg nils at a desk In front of the window. Unjculewlcr.’s attorney, Thomas F. Mc leaders. Built 'by the New York coroner’s men are going to pick Donough. In seated at left. H’njculewIcs, an ex-con vicl, wna hound over for IMincrinr Court. (A P Winds as high as 89 miles an 72x108 Reg. $ 2 .9 8 ....................Sale $2.49 Shipbuilding. Corp., she i.s sched H'lrephoto). hour whipped up the worst Eaat- Wonderful for boy*' or men's rooms. Use them for drapes too. up live people, they ought to treat eni Allaotle storm In many years. Green, red and rust stripes on tan homespun STound. PILLOW CASES uled to join the fleet by next Au them." gust. He said he did Jiot know.if the Ports and airports closed In U. S. Diplomatic Break When the Norfolk waa ordered blisters noted on Mrs. Butler dur many places. Coastal towns from t h J W H A U c o M '81x108 Reg. $ 3 .2 9 ....................Sale $2.69 late in 194S. she was clas.sified as ing an examination were caused Spain to Denmark were battered. TYPE 140 a light cruiser, with the word GI Shot 50 Defense Spending Top <)Ueeii Mary Ijile MAMCNMTIA C0NM» ' liy heat Rppliesftion. "They may Heavy Quality LADY PEPPERELL SUPERFINE MUSLIN "killer " added. Although the of have come from the enormous Hundreds of smsll boats were WitK Hungary Not Seen ficial listing was changed during overdose of barbituates she took. sunk at anchor on the French and 90x108 Reg. $ 3 .6 9 ................. Sale $2.98 construction, the Norfolk will Dr. Geiger added. "Mrs. Butler Reds, Wins Problem for Truman EnglUh masts. Tidal floods hit carry every submarine detecting was in excellent eonditlon when river mouths all along the shore. MATTRESS COVERS 72x108 Reg. $ 3 .5 9 ................... Sale *2.98 Washington, Dec. 29— (/P)— Contacts between the United and destroying device known to she left San Francisco hospital on Moat trsnaatlantlc air traval American naval science. Nov 13. five dsy» after she tried halted after the Shannon River States and Hungary were down to a bare minimum today but Her dlsplarement is only a few U.S. Honors Wa.HhinKlon, Doc. 29— (/P)— rrcaidont Truman, back from 42x36 Reg. 6 .c .....................Sale a complete diplomatic break was ruled out, at least by this to kill herself," washed over low-lying Shannon 55c tona leas than nine ships the U. S. B-Christma.s visit to liis Missouri homo, jugKli^d a heavy load International Airport. Authorities Rag. $4.29 with Rubber Buttons country. U. S. retaliation for treatment accorded four U. S. Navy classifies as light anti-air Giles Expenaes $3.69 81x108 Reg. $ 3 .7 9 ...................Sale Kxtra threads tor much longer wear. An exceptional value! Made He said Mrs. Butler still has not Wa»hington, Dec. 29 -(4^ - A of top-priority problems today, one reportedly concerning said the field would be' unusable HALE’S JANUARY $3.29 gtrmen by the Communist'aatellite ■ craft eruiaera. Her 540-foot length until tomorrow or Monday. especially for us. nation came swiftly. The four makes her as long as these been billed for the city care -but soldier who killed half a hundred next year’s mlUMry budget.