PrayerJuly–December Diary 2013 An Image of Revival

he hand of the Lord came upon me and brought me out in the Spirit of the Lord, and set me down in the midst of the valley; and it was full of bones. Then He caused me to pass by them all around, and behold, there were very many in the open valley; and indeed they were very dry. And He said to me, “Son of man, can these bones live?” TSo I answered, “O Lord God, You know.” Again He said to me, “Prophesy to these bones, and say to them, ‘O dry bones, hear the word of the Lord! Thus says the Lord God to these bones: “Surely I will cause breath to enter into you, and you shall live. I will put sinews on you and bring flesh upon you, cover you with skin and put breath in you; and you shall live. Then you shall know that I am the Lord.”’” So I prophesied as I was commanded; and as I prophesied, there was a noise, and suddenly a rattling; and the bones came together, bone to bone. Indeed, as I looked, the sinews and the flesh came upon them, and the skin covered them over; but there was no breath in them. Also He said to me, “Prophesy to the breath, prophesy, son of man, and say to the breath, ‘Thus says the Lord God: “Come from the four winds, O breath, and breathe on these slain, that they may live.”’” So I prophesied as He commanded me, and breath came into them, and they lived, and stood upon their feet, AN EXCEEDINGLY GREAT ARMY. Ezekiel 37: 1–10 (New King James) Praying Revival

Dear Friends, With this diary we enter into a new season and a great opportunity to PRAY. Praying for one another as we focus upon individuals, programmes and places throughout the territory and beyond. The theme for this diary (July–December) is very close to my heart because it is close to the Heart of God … this theme is: “PRAYING REVIVAL”. The essence of “REVIVAL” is seen as an AWAKENING – A REVITALIZATION; a return to former glory. The Church, the Bride of Christ in REVIVAL shakes off its slumber and once again is reanimated, ALERT to these days of GOD OPPORTUNITIES. As you PRAY, meditate on Romans 13:11–12. “But make sure that you don’t get so absorbed and exhausted in taking care of all your day by day obligations that you lose track of the time and doze off, oblivious to God. The night is about over, dawn is about to break. Be up and AWAKE to what God is doing! God is putting the finishing touches on the salvation work He began when we first believed.” The Message//Remix (capitals added for emphasis) Our praying will, I believe, bring refreshing REVIVAL, certainly to ourselves and indeed to our nation. Thank you for your faithfulness and passion for PRAYER … Please Keep Praying for REVIVAL! Yours in His Service in Grace and Truth, Marney Turner (Major) TERRITORIAL SPIRITUAL LIFE DEVELOPMENT SECRETARY Evangelism & 24/7 Prayer Territorial Mission Resources Department


When praying for corps Pray for the officers, local officers, soldiers, adherents and friends; the programmes; and community outreach. We want our corps to be relevant to the communities they serve, to meet the needs of their congregations, to help transform the communities they are serving and to bring about revival in their part of the Kingdom of God. When praying for social centres Pray for the managers, chaplains, staff and clients/residents. Change happens rapidly and often in these days, particularly in regard to government legislation, so we need to remember our friends as they negotiate these changes for themselves and for others. Many of those who use our centres are vulnerable and feel like their whole world is falling apart, and they may find it hard to trust others. Their needs are complex and often take time to resolve. So, as you bring these places and people before God, try to imagine what it would be like for you, then bring these feelings and longings before God. When praying for departments Pray for the head of department, staff, and officers, and that their business operations and ministry will be effective for the Kingdom. When praying for Salvationists serving in other territories Pray that they will know God’s love, peace and protection as He leads them in their ministry. When praying for other territories and regions Pray for those who live in other parts of our Army world. A world that is often impoverished and where persecution and oppression is part of daily life. Pray that their needs may be met and God will be their sufficiency at all times.

Every effort has been made to ensure correct details of personnel at the time of printing.

2 Praying Revival

3 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday July 7 Northcote (Melbourne Central) – Major Denise Milkins Praise Points: • Committed corps folk with a vision for reaching out into the community. • A growing ‘Mainly Music’ ministry. • The ministry of ‘the Shed,’ which brings many people into our facility each week. Prayer Points: • Opportunities to build relationships with ‘the Shed’ customers. • Development of family ministry. • More volunteers to help with ‘the Shed.’ • For increased outreach and relationship building with local people. • A time of stability for the corps leadership. Seaforth Gardens Aged Care Facility (Western ) – Hannah Anderson, Major Patricia Willhelme & Team Aged Care facility with independent living, hostel care and nursing care – 61 beds in total. Lentara “Dawning of the Day” Hostel (Western Australia) Lentara Men’s Hostel is a short-term crisis/transitional supported accommodation service for single men aged 18 and over, who are homeless or at imminent risk of homelessness. The hostel has been in operation since June 1978, is situated in East Perth and is close to all services. The hostel’s aim is to: • Assist residents to achieve the maximum possible degree of self-reliance and independence through the • Development of life and social skills, which will • Prepare the residents to live in independent living within the wider community. Communications & Fundraising Department (Territorial & Divisional Headquarters – Major Neil Venables, Bruce Redman & Teams Overseas and Exchange Personnel Japan – Captains Daniel & Melissa Templeman Twells

4 Week Commencing Sunday July 7 High Council The Chief of the Staff, Commissioner André Cox, has summoned members of the High Council to meet on 29 July 2013 for the purpose of electing the 20th General of . All leaders who are commissioners on active service or who are territorial commanders or territorial presidents of women’s ministries of whatever rank qualify for membership of the High Council. This High Council will be the largest in the history of The Salvation Army. There will be 118 members – 64 women and 54 men – with an average age of 59. Fifty-four will be attending a High Council for the first time. Twenty- six have appointments in the Americas and Caribbean Zone and 24 in the Africa Zone. The South Pacific and East Asia Zone supplies 21 members, Europe 18 and South Asia 15. Fourteen commissioners from International Headquarters complete the total of 118 members. In the three weeks leading up to the High Council please pray for wisdom and discernment in all aspects of the election of our new General and for those preparing to attend this High Council. Dates to Note: July 7 Divisional/Interstate netball/basketball carnivals Melbourne Central Division, Tasmania Division

Scripture Meditation Then if my people who are called by my name will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sins and restore their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14

5 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday July 14 Oakden (South Australia) – Captain Joel Clifford Prayer Points: • That our church will be able to reach out into our community and share the gospel. • To continue to connect people from our playgroups into our worshipping faith community on Sundays. • That we will follow where God is leading us. Asylum Seekers Support Service (Melbourne Central) – Majors Karen (manager) & Colin Elkington (chaplain) & Team The Salvation Army Asylum Seeker Support Services opens three days a week to help asylum seekers from across Victoria who are struggling to survive. We help with basics such as food, supermarket vouchers, clothing and other donated goods. Our centre relies totally on donations to help approximately 100 people per month. Unfortunately, there are many we cannot help. In April we turned away 313 and in May we couldn’t see 403 needy asylum seekers. It’s difficult saying “I’m sorry, but we are booked out and cannot see you…” to people who we know are living on less than a Centrelink benefit. Some have no income whatsoever and we know many are sleeping on the floor and others are hungry. To help you in praying for this difficult situation justSalvos has a number of resources available. They can also be found online at http://www.sarmy. Eastcare Network (Eastern Victoria) – Maz French & Teams The Salvation Army EastCare provides a broad range of services to marginalised and disadvantaged clients located within the Eastern Metropolitan Region. EastCare has been operating since 1995 and has built up strong relationships across the welfare field, a high level of credibility in the community and an extensive skill base and knowledge in dealing with individuals and families with multiple and complex needs. EastCare has a multi-disciplinary team with staff who have a range of expertise including Housing and Homelessness, Case Management, Psychiatric Nursing, Family Therapy, Psychology, Youth Residential Care, Educational and Recreational, Case Management and Social Work.

6 Week Commencing Sunday July 14 Denmark Territory – Colonels Knud David & Lisbeth Welander We would like to suggest that the prayer topic could be Greenland.. The Denmark Territory celebrated their 125th anniversary in 2012 and as part of that celebration they also opened the work in Greenland on 8 August 2012. Greenland is an autonomous country within the Kingdom of Denmark. The Army’s work in Greenland is thus under the supervision of the Denmark Territory. Lieutenants Petura and Magnus Haraldsen arrived in Nuuk in August, 2012, and have since worked on establishing the Army in this huge country. During the weekend 9-10 February, the first public meetings were held as the opening was officially recognised by Commissioners Robert and Janet Street (International Secretaries for Europe). The number of families attending Baby Song is increasing and the lieutenants are working hard to grow a Night Café in their new premises. Australia Southern THQ Executive Office – Commissioners Floyd & Tracey Tidd, Colonels Peter & Jennifer Walker, Lieut-Colonel Ian Callander, Major Kaylene Fyfe, Captain Kerryn Roberts, Evanne Keast, Narelle Woods & Andrea Nagy

Scripture Meditation The instructions of the Lord are perfect, reviving the soul. The decrees of the Lord are trustworthy, making wise the simple. Psalm 19:7

7 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday July 21 The Salvation Army Mitcham (Eastern Victoria) – Katie & Richard Parker (Lieutenants) Praise Points: • New people wanting to become part of our community. • New opportunities for social enterprise in conjunction with Gateway LLEN (Local Learning and Employment Network). • Flourishing children’s and young adult ministries. Prayer Points: • Continue to strengthen relationships within the community of Mitcham Salvos and the community of Mitcham. • Opportunities to share God’s love with others. Family Support Services across the Territory The Salvation Army provides many services that support and strengthen families, and responds when families are unable to cope. Over 30,000 families are assisted each year. The Salvation Army views the family as the cornerstone of community life and fundamental to our well-being as individuals. It seeks to promote the importance of family values as part of its evangelical and social contribution to the Australian community. Through its social service and church work, The Salvation Army is acutely conscious that not all families experience quality family life. Many Australian families now live in poverty and the gap between the rich and the poor has been expanding in recent years. In the past, much of the response by The Salvation Army to families was short term, such as help with food and energy bills. In recent years, it has become clear that many people who seek the assistance of The Salvation Army are in need of personal support. Often this is due to the long term impact of issues such as unemployment. Clearly modern life places pressures on personal relationships within the family which is causing more people to seek assistance. Melbourne Central Division Social Programme Network – Captain Jason Davies-Kildea & Teams

8 Week Commencing Sunday July 21 Brazil Territory – Commissioners Oscar & Ana Rosa Sanchez Our prayer focus: • Fruit from our Evangelism Campaign to celebrate 90 years • To strengthen our officers´ spiritual life • New openings • Financial sustainability Crossroads Youth & Family Services (Melbourne Central) – Noelle De Clifford & Teams Crossroads Mission: supports individuals and families; upholding their dignity, working to increase their social inclusion and economic opportunities, and advocating for initiatives that create a just community. The Salvation Army Crossroads is a network of services working with youth and families in the Melbourne Central Division. We provide an integrated response to the needs of young people and families, as well as to women and children experiencing family violence, homelessness, and other forms of structural disadvantage or dislocation. In addition, we offer a suite of counselling services including financial counselling, gamblers help, sexual assault and generalist counselling. A wide range of programs are provided across the service including: • Early intervention/prevention; • Outreach; • Crisis and transitional case management, support and advocacy; • Counselling; Crisis, transitional and longer term housing. Dates to Note: July 23–26 Salvos Stores Territorial Conference 26–27 Eastern Victoria Division: Mission Event with Chick Yuill

Scripture Meditation The whole earth will acknowledge the Lord and return to him. All the families of the nations will bow down before him. Psalm 22:27

9 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday July 28 Seymour (Northern Victoria) – Captains Graham & Kathleen Stanley Praise Points: • For the opportunity to work closer together with Pathways. • For the connections into the community through our thrift shop ministry, Mainly Music ministry and weekly community lunch (Pathways Programme). • For our dedicated group of volunteers. Prayer Points: • For Spiritual renewal and a deepening reliance upon God in the life of our corps folk. • That God will show us a clear vision for the future of our corps. • Continued passion for the lost. • For the people who attend our corps programmes to seek and know Christ. Harry Hunter Rehabilitation Centre (Western Australia) – Major Colin Medling & Captain Paul Beardsley A structured 13 week residential rehabilitation programme based in Gosnells, Perth, operates from this site. The programme is designed to help people break free from alcohol and other drug dependency with the support of The Salvation Army’s caring and experienced staff. Children’s Ministries across the Territory – Captain Tracey Davies & Teams We are passionate about making a positive and lasting impact on the spiritual journey of children, including partnering with parents and engaging faith communities and other significant adults to be integral parts of this God-given opportunity. ‘So love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, and strength. Memorize his laws and tell them to your children over and over again. Talk about them all the time, whether you’re at home or walking along the road or going to bed at night, or getting up in the morning. Write down copies and tie them to your wrists and foreheads to help you obey them. Write these laws on the door frames of your homes and on your town gates.’ (Deuteronomy 6:5–9)

10 Week Commencing Sunday July 28 Congo (Brazzaville) Territory – Colonels Joseph & Angelique Lukau Healthlink (South Australia) – Sally-Ann Greet & Team Aged Care Day Therapy Centre in Adelaide Services – Community Services for the Older Person. Finance Department (THQ) – Gregory Stowe & Team Melbourne Staff Songsters – Songster Leader Brian Hogg, Executive Officer Major Pam Marshall & Songsters ‘Communicating the love of God and inviting listeners to respond to the gospel’. Dates to Note: July 28 International Day of Prayer for Children 29 High Council

Scripture Meditation Create in me a clean heart, O God. Renew a loyal spirit within me. Psalm 51:10

11 Praying Revival


I believe it is because our prayers can bring REVIVAL. They can bring HEALING. We can change a nation. Strongholds can come down WHEN and BECAUSE WE PRAY.’ Dutch Sheets Intercessory Prayer, Regal Books, 1996

What is your response to this statement about prayer?

12 Praying Revival


‘Each time before you intercede, be still … WORSHIP GOD IN ALL HIS GLORY. Think of what He can do, and how He delights to hear the prayers of His redeemed people.

‘Think of your place and privilege in CHRIST and EXPECT GREAT THINGS.’ ANDREW MURRAY (1828-1917), South African Dutch Reformed Leader

When you reflect upon this statement and read EPHESIANS 3:20–21, what does this do for your FAITH and PRAYER LIFE?

13 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday August 4 Warragul (Eastern Victoria) – Captains Christine & Jeff Waller Praise Points: • Praise God for the successful launch of our Junior Youth Group this year, and for the growing numbers it is experiencing each fortnight. Praising God for links being made with young people in our community. • Praise God for the increase of numbers in our Junior Soldiers and that young people are growing in their faith and being discipled through this exciting programme. • We praise God for our many faithful leaders who have a heart for God and a heart for the lost. Prayer Points: Please pray that Jesus may be seen in our lives, in our corps, and in our community. “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” Colossians 3:17 Please pray that our Corps will have a heart to continue to save the lost at whatever cost. “The Church that is not saving the lost is lost itself.” Reinhard Bonnke. SAGALA – Territorial SAGALA Organiser – Major Mim Adams The Salvation Army Guarding And Legion Activities ministry is a life skills, award based programme. It is a programme for young people aged between 5–16 years that builds integrity, provides community service experience, leadership development and an opportunity to respond to the good news of Jesus Christ, which is foundational to the programme. This year from 3–10 August, The Salvation Army is celebrating 100 years of Salvation Army Scouting with a world centenary jamboree at the Gilwell Park Scout Activity Centre in Chingford, London. Representatives from SAGALA Australia Southern Territory will be attending this historic event. Please pray that every member of this group will be kept safe and that they will have a rich and blessed encounter with Jesus as they experience this new adventure in their faith journey. Overseas and Exchange Personnel – Captains Cathy & Darren Elkington, Whangarei Corps New Zealand

14 Week Commencing Sunday August 4 India Northern Territory – Commissioners Kashinath & Kusum Lahase Prayer Points: • Construction of the new Red Shield Guest House in Kolkata • Training of cadets • Corps ministry • Active and retired officers who are sick • Outreach work – opening The Salvation Army’s work in new places. Eastern Victoria Division – Majors Winsome & Kelvin Merrett & Team Adult Services – Melbourne Central Division Compassion, dignity, community. Adult Services is a network of 17 programmes and services that provide support and other assistance to homeless and/or disadvantaged adults in Melbourne’s central, northern and western metropolitan areas. Our services include residential (crisis, transitional/short-term and long- term), community outreach, drug and alcohol, intensive support, disability employment, community and residential aged care. The network is committed to providing high quality, innovative and flexible service responses with an open access policy. We recognise the diversity of individuals’ needs and address these needs in ways that are culturally responsive and within a holistic framework. Dates to Note: August 2–4 Men’s Retreat Western Victoria Division 3–10 ‘Ignite’ – SAGALA World Centenary Jamboree 6–15 Officers Brengle 9–11 Women’s Camp Eastern Victoria Division 10 Women’s Retreat, Alice Springs, Northern Territory Division

Scripture Meditation Turn us again to yourself, O Lord God of Heaven’s Armies. Make your face shine down upon us. Only then will we be saved. Psalm 80:19

15 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday August 11 Baldivis Church and Community Centre (Western Australia) – Major Cheryl & Captain Marty Lees Praise Point: We give praise to God for good opportunities opening up within this new, growing community. Prayer Point: Social isolation for many young families in our community is a big issue. We pray that our corps will make the most of the opportunities God presents to minister to these families. We pray too for lives to be changed and transformed through the power of Christ. International Social Justice Commission (ISJC) – Lt-Colonel Geanette Seymour and team Seeking Justice Together The International Social Justice Commission is The Salvation Army’s strategic voice to advocate for human dignity and social justice with the world’s poor and oppressed. Believing that everyone is created in the image of God but that global economic and political inequity perpetuates human injustice, the ISJC exercises leadership in determining the Army’s policies and practices in the international social arena. Lamenting the abusive and unethical behaviour imposed on vulnerable people in today’s world, the Commission assists territories and engages with like-minded organizations and other world forums to advance the cause of global justice. Mandated by the General as a permanent body under the leadership of the Director (Lt-Colonel Geanette Seymour), the ISJC’s initiatives and responsibilities will include the following: • Advise the General of global matters of social justice and poverty; • Consult with territories on present social justice practices and programmes; • Develop expertise on selected global issues and key concerns; • Represent the Army at the United Nations (New York, Vienna, Geneva); • Maintain a commitment to current priorities e.g. human trafficking; • Coordinate the development of ethical and moral positional statements; • Produce justice related biblical and theological resources; • Propose policy and positioning strategy to address critical concerns.

16 Week Commencing Sunday August 11 Australia Eastern Territory – Commissioners James & Jan Condon • Wisdom for soldiers, officers etc. who are required to respond to the current same sex marriage issue in their local communities. • For guidance in the preparation of a ministry blueprint for the territory, determining what are the areas of ministry that we can best meet and what are the areas we need to allow other services to address. • The ongoing Welcome Home project; wisdom to determine the best way ahead to prepare our people to welcome those who return, and also our corps and centres in preparing the way for this reconnection. • Youth and Children’s Ministry; that God will help us to see how to best connect in our culture with the children and youth in our society. • The increased awareness of our people to the call to full time service and the raising up of new applicants for training. Kardinia Network – Western Victoria Division The Salvation Army Kardinia Network provides homeless assistance, crisis counselling, drug treatment, women’s support, and many other valuable community services in the Geelong region. Northern Territory Region – Majors Gordon & Dianne Main & Team Dates to Note: August 16–18 Victorian Men’s Camp Women’s Ministries Retreat Tasmania Division 2Love Youth Leaders Weekend

Scripture Meditation Won’t you revive us again, so your people can rejoice in you? Psalm 85:6

17 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday August 18 Hobsons Bay (Melbourne Central) – Lieutenants Fiona & Matt Kean Praise Points: • We have seen incredible growth both in attendance and in the depth of spirituality throughout the corps. • New commitments of faith in Jesus Christ and new conversion experiences are happening on a regular basis. • In response to the Holy Spirit’s gentle urging, our congregation’s giving of tithes and offerings has increased. • We are seeing new fruit being yielded by every corps ministry. Prayer Points: • A continued deepening of individual relationships with the Lord Jesus Christ, producing a greater love for Him, for prayer, and the Word. • For new vision and zeal in efforts of evangelism throughout the corps generally. • For the experience of Christ’s sanctifying power to be truly embraced by every soldier. • A clear outpouring of heaven’s provision in matters of resources and finances. The Bridge Centre, St Kilda (Melbourne Central) ‘The Bridge’ is a distinctive programme for the treatment of persons with alcohol, drug, and/or other dependencies, and it is based on a holistic approach to recovery. A combination of individual, group and/or family counselling sessions; spiritual awareness; life skills training; and staff role modelling are used to encourage the client to make significant life changing decisions. A Harm Minimisation approach is used by the programme, while recognising that for some clients the programme is directed towards total abstinence. The Salvation Army operates a number of services under this programme. • For the dependent (alcohol and other drugs). • Family/friend of the dependent (by referral to appropriate services). • Regardless of race, religion or creed. • Individual assessment. • Case Management Plan based on individual/family needs. • Individual counselling. • Group work. • Assistance with accessing other community resources.

18 Week Commencing Sunday August 18 Angola Command – Lieut-Colonels Celestin-Pepe & Veronica Pululu School Chaplains Across the Territory School chaplains provide a Christian presence in, and service to, schools through education and pastoral care programmes. Chaplains are available to all members of the school community - students, staff, parents - and offer confidential pastoral care and counselling. They also give support and encouragement to Christian school-based groups, promote prayer support for schools, and provide a tangible link between the school, local churches and the wider community. Pray these chaplains will have wisdom, discretion and integrity; and pray for the positive spiritual impact and social influence that they can have upon young people and their families. Western Victoria Divisional Headquarters – Majors Bruce & Debra Stevens & Team Dates to Note: August 18–23 Territorial Communications and Fundraising Conference 23 REV Youth event South Australia Division 23–25 Divisional Creative Ministries Weekend Tasmania

Scripture Meditation For your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom. You rule throughout all generations. The Lord always keeps his promises; he is gracious in all he does. Psalm 145:13

19 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday August 25 Footscray Outreach (Melbourne Central) – Linda Fuller, Ashley Carr, Ashley Ellis, and Nick Wight Praise Points: • God’s faithfulness and sustaining Spirit over the last 10 years of mission. • The emerging hope we’ve witnessed in the lives of the many we’ve become friends with in the local community. • For the new children born into our community. Prayer Points: • For our ongoing ‘year of experimentation’ in living out our team covenant. • For the homeless and socially isolated in our neighbourhood. • That we’d have the courage and conviction to stand in solidarity with those who experience marginalisation. • For our resident asylum seeker family facing an uncertain future. Muggy’s Accommodation & Youth Hostel Service (South Australia) – Alan Steven (Director), & Team A significant proportion of young people who are homeless have also been wards of the state. Many of these young people have never in their lives experienced a ‘normal’ home life. These young people were removed from their families for their own safety, but many continued to suffer due to the instability of being moved about through different foster placements. The Salvation Army Ingle Farm Corps in South Australia runs a range of programmes for homeless youth and families, including ‘Muggy’s’ – a residential care and outreach programme specifically designed to care for those children under the guardianship of the Minister (or wards of the state) – and who have been unsuccessful in other placements. Muggy’s offers a range of support including living skills, budgeting, and helping with education, as well as offering deeper emotional support. Please pray for the staff at ‘Muggy’s’ and the invaluable investments that are being made in the lives of the young people who use this service. Dates to Note: August 25 Women’s Ministries Divisional Training Day, Melbourne Central 28–30 Mentoring Conference 30–31 Dwelling in the Spirit Conference

20 Week Commencing Sunday August 25 Canada & Bermuda Territory – Commissioners Brian & Rosalie Peddle Prayer Points: ONE ARMY Spiritual Renewal – Pray for the strengthening of our commitment to Spiritual Life Development as a confirmed position and intentionally provide focus and resources at all levels of ministry. Leadership Development – Pray that we will identify and invest in leaders at all levels with a goal to creating clear growth and development plans. ONE MISSION Social Justice – Pray that we will acknowledge sound theological foundations for Social Justice as recorded in Scripture. That we will accept the Biblical mandate given and implement at all levels of ministry. Children and Youth – Pray that we will develop and continue to make available appropriate program tools through which our engagement with children and youth will reap Kingdom outcomes. Integrated Mission and Ministry – Pray for commitment to a concerted effort to encourage Integrated Mission and Ministry at the THQ level and through our Corps Ministry and Social Services Departments. ONE MESSAGE Declare the Gospel of Transformation – Pray that we will affirm a fresh emphasis on transformation in our teaching and preaching ministry across the Territory and do so unashamedly. Focus on Discipleship and Engage Salvationists in Mission – Pray that we will provide training in discipleship, prepare soldiers for engagement in mission and seek ways to capitalize on existing opportunities through our service delivery. Counting it a privilege to be “partners in the Gospel” (Phil 1:3–5).

Scripture Meditation Zion will be restored by justice; those who repent will be revived by righteousness. Isaiah 1:27

21 Praying Revival

PRAYING REVIVAL INTO YOUR CIRCLES OF INFLUENCE: Personal Prayers: What does God continually seem to be revealing? What areas of your personal life need Spiritual Revival?

Prayers For Family: Is all of your family in relationship with the true Lord Jesus?

Pray for your spouse renewal. Pray for your children. Pray for your parents/grandparents. Pray for your siblings. Pray for your nieces and nephews. Pray for your cousins.

22 Praying Revival

Pray for people who are FAMILY to you.

Release any and every grudge or bitterness you may have within your family.

That would really bring REVIVAL to your life and release to OTHERS.

23 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday September 1 Noble Park Mission Centre (Eastern Victoria) – Envoy Caleigh & Graham Kennedy Praise Points: • Praise God for His Spirit moving and drawing people from Muslim backgrounds to our church community and mission centre. • Praise God for growth in His Kingdom reflected in all our activities, the new Christians and new soldiers. • Praise God for the privilege of sharing in the transformation in people’s lives. Prayer Points: • Prayer for the greater community of Noble Park. • Prayer for the new lives and culture differences for asylum seekers and refugees. • Prayer for more funding for our mission centre to keep up with the demands upon resources. Red Shield Men’s Hostel, Alice Springs (Northern Territory) – Jenny Black & Team This service exists to provide accommodation for homeless men, without discrimination. In the provision of this service we aim to build supportive relationships with our clients in a positive environment in accordance with Christian faith and practice. We aim to empower clients to make lifestyle choices that will enhance their quality of life and assist them to live independently. Services provided: • Accommodation, meals and support to homeless men. • Counselling. • Referrals to appropriate services for assistance. • Support to clients living in the community. We have 21 beds for young men aged over 18, catering in particular for those with mental health issues. The accommodation is meant to be short- term so we endeavour to help them to find more stable accommodation if they wish to remain in Alice Springs. We provide 3 meals a day and provide support through referrals to employment agencies, medical treatment, counselling and the Positive Lifestyle course where it is appropriate. Please pray for the staff of the hostel as they minister to their clients in the name of Jesus.

24 Week Commencing Sunday September 1 Middle East Region – Majors Stewart and Heather Grinstead Many aspects of our service here are familiar to us. The development of soldiery and corps structure, training and deployment of local officers, worship, timbrels, music, youth programs etc. Our prayer is here to so genuinely present Christ, that we indeed become like Him in thought, word and deed, between ourselves, as well as our expat and indigenous neighbours. There are a number of challenges that have to be addressed quite differently due to local mandates and conditions. One major prayer concern is that we earn the right to be heard because we have developed a reputation for integrity and moral character … It is not enough that we have done good work elsewhere. As we continue to search for a service area that the Islamic governments wouldn’t mind granting to a Christ-centred organization, we will need nothing less than God’s direct intervention. We would also pray for the critical transition taking place here as IHQ carries the lion’s share of the burden for succession of leadership. This is often a challenge, but especially the “first time”. Overseas and Exchange Personnel Pakistan Territory – Major Winsome Mason, Secretary for Programme Dates to Note: September 1 Father’s Day 6–7 Executive Women’s Ministries Conference 7–11 Territorial Executive Council 6–8 Youth Councils Melbourne Central Division

Scripture Meditation The high and lofty one who lives in eternity, the Holy One, says this: “I live in the high and holy place with those whose spirits are contrite and humble. I restore the crushed spirit of the humble and revive the courage of those with repentant hearts.” Isaiah 57:15

25 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday September 8 Swan View (Western Australia) – Captain Rosemary Massey & Meta Smith Praise Points: • There has been considerable growth with new members attending the corps. • The finances are slowly starting to improve. • There is great leadership from the Leadership Team in supporting the corps. • The Jumble is providing a wonderful opportunity to meet the needs of low income families with affordable second-hand clothing and items within our local community. Prayer Points: • The corps finances, although improving still require prayer. • We pray for the different groups using the community hall that they may see a reflection of Christ through interaction with members of the church. • We pray for our community and for opportunities to minister to the people with love and compassion. • We pray for our Emergency Relief staff as they endeavour to meet the needs and support those seeking help from us. Territorial Heritage Centre – Lindsay Cox & Supporters At the Heritage Centre treasured items are stored and displayed for future generations to appreciate the work of The Salvation Army. Please pray for Lindsay and his dedication and commitment to gathering and maintaining a history that witnesses to the power of God in raising up The Salvation Army to serve His purposes for the lost. Drop-In Centres Across the Territory A safe place where people can share in a community that provides practical, spiritual and social support. Pray for the success of these centres in meeting the needs of their communities and the opportunities they have to introduce people to Jesus.

26 Week Commencing Sunday September 8 Indonesia Territory – Colonels Michael & Joan Parker Thank you for your ongoing prayers for the Indonesian Territory. We would be grateful for your prayers for the following subjects: Continuing physical and psychological healing for the survivors of the earthquake in the Lindu Sub-District and surrounding areas. The ongoing recovery of the farming land and infrastructure, and rebuilding of homes and church/corps destroyed during the earthquake. Colonels Mike and Joan Parker as they lead the territory. Pray that God will constantly guide them and give them great wisdom. The Territorial Vision – 40,000 soldiers by 2014. Pray that the good news of the gospel will continue to spread in Indonesia. We give God the glory for His continued provision for His people. We Praise God for all that is past and trust Him for all that is to come. Tasmania Division – Majors Gail & Ritchie Watson & Team Dates to Note: September 13–15 Kids’ Brengle

Scripture Meditation Oh, that you would burst from the heavens and come down! How the mountains would quake in your presence! As fire causes wood to burn and water to boil, your coming would make the nations tremble. Then your enemies would learn the reason for your fame! Isaiah 64:1-3

27 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday September 15 Eaglehawk (Northern Victoria) – Lieutenant Simon & Envoy Alexis Mapleback Praise Points: Our new Congregations: • Hope Fellowship fortnightly on Sunday afternoons. Hope Fellowship is for those who don’t attend regular Sunday worship structures, but feel more at home with our cafe, and relaxed activities-based worship. It has started well and has brought in a new demographic from our surrounding community. • Phoenix Youth. It has started off slowly but has developed a steady and loyal group of high school aged youth. Prayer Points: • For more families (parents with their children) to join our worshipping corps ‘family’. • For our Hope Fellowship congregation that we can continue to grow and continue connecting our community to us. • Also for our Phoenix Youth group to connect with other high school aged youth in our area of influence to give them a place to be on Friday nights and to give them hope, meaning and direction that continues long into their futures. • We could use a cornet player to complete our brass band. Our band enhances our Sunday morning worship, but a cornet part would put the ‘icing on the cake’, so to speak. • More and stronger community connections. Eaglehawk can be a very tight community, but we would love some reinforcements on the prayer front to break into a few of those tighter corners. • To break through the spirit of complacency over our town and to make a way for the Holy Spirit instead! For a hunger for the true and living God. Western Australia Division – Major Wayne Pittaway & Team Emergency Services Chaplains Across the Territory Pray that they will be equipped to minister in any situation, and that they will have the physical, mental and spiritual endurance required of them in times of emergency and disaster.

28 Week Commencing Sunday September 15 Kenya East Territory – Commissioner Vinece Chigariro Court & Prison Services Across the Territory Advocating The Salvation Army Court and Prison Services provide counsel, support, representation, rehabilitation and programmes for people accessing court, prison and post-referral services. A Salvation Army court chaplain whose role is to provide pastoral care, spiritual care and support, is attached to most courts. Some of our target groups include: • Defendants • Informants • Legal services • Magistrates • Office of Corrections • Police • Prosecutors • Victims • Witnesses • Court services and support We act as the friend, available to help a client in the court process: • Listening to the client’s concerns. • Explaining the court process. • Providing support and referral. Dates to Note: September 15–19 Revolution Youth Councils Camp, South Australia Division

Scripture Meditation This is what the Lord says: “Stop at the crossroads and look around. Ask for the old, godly way, and walk in it. Travel its path, and you will find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16a

29 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday September 22 Rochester (Northern Victoria) – Lieutenants Annita & David Allman, & Lorraine Harris Praise Points: • For the amazing team of volunteers who give up their time to help in our thrift shop, and the new ones who continue to volunteer for us. • For the new contacts made with members of the community at our first Easter Sunday Family Fun-day. • For the commitment made by one of our Mainly Music mums to join the team. • For the re-establishment of a daytime women’s Bible study that is growing each week and building up our beautiful women of faith through strengthening their Bible knowledge and fellowship with each other. • For the six teenagers who came to our very first youth group. Prayer Points: • That God will raise up leaders to assist with opportunities in children’s and youth ministry that are being opened up to our corps through the local primary and secondary schools. • That the people who are connected to the corps through our thrift shop, home league, craft, Mainly Music and youth group will be drawn closer to God, and continue to ask questions of faith through the relationships they build with members of our congregation. • For the continued spiritual growth of our corps members and opportunities for them to share their faith with people in our community. • For discernment regarding the way forward to grow our corps. South Australia Division – Lieut-Colonels Robyn & Ronald Clinch & Team

30 Week Commencing Sunday September 22 USA Western Territory – Commissioners James & Carolyn Knaggs We would ask that you pray for: • The cadets and their families at the College for Officer Training. • The seven Kroc Centres* located throughout the territory – several are in their first year of operation. • The Territorial Initiatives that are being developed and are underway. • Health of active officers – there are many struggling with serious health issues. * In 1998, Joan Kroc, widow of McDonald’s CEO Ray Kroc, donated $90 million to The Salvation Army to build a comprehensive community centre in San Diego, California. Her wish was to create a centre, supported in part by the community, where children and families would be exposed to different people, activities and arts that would otherwise be beyond their reach. When Joan Kroc died in October 2003, she left much of her estate to The Salvation Army to fund the establishment of further Kroc Centres. Dates to Note: September 23–25 Youth and Children’s Mission Project Melbourne Central Division 23–26 Divisional Children’s Camp Northern Victoria 24–27 Tri-Territorial School for Officer Training Conference 27–29 Youth and Adult Retreat Melbourne Central Division 28–1 October SUPA North Kids’ Camp Tasmania Division

Scripture Meditation Then he said to me, “Speak a prophetic message to these bones and say, ‘Dry bones, listen to the word of the Lord! This is what the Sovereign Lord says: Look! I am going to put breath into you and make you live again!” Ezekiel 37:4-5

31 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday September 29 Broadford (Northern Victoria) – Majors Carolyn & Geoffrey Ledger Seniors Ministries Across the Territory – Major Jennifer Cloke & Divisional Teams Seniors Ministries consists of Companion Clubs and focus groups that are open to all men and women fifty years of age and over who wish to: • Gain more enriching fellowship; • Have an opportunity to be involved in the community through mission and service; • Expand their knowledge and broaden their horizons; • And nurture their spiritual and inner being. Seniors Ministries groups cover roughly three generations from fifty year olds to centenarians. The needs and aims of these groups are different and diverse–from small groups of just a few, to larger gatherings of up to eighty or more. Pray that the huge potential that exists for this ministry will continue to be recognised, and leadership and resources will be developed and committed to ‘bringing in this bountiful harvest’, and that those who attend these groups will feel welcome and warm to the Gospel of Jesus. Northern Victoria Division – Majors John & Wendy Freind & Team World Mission Fellowship (WMF) Praise Point: Praise God for the safekeeping of our Overseas Personnel and their well- being. Prayer Points: Please continue to pray for the needs of our Overseas Personnel; the continued availability of our meeting place; that every corps in our territory will have representative membership in the WMF; for an increase in funds to allow us to support continuing needs; and that God will be honoured and glorified in all that we do.

32 Week Commencing Sunday September 29 & Territory – Colonels Massimo & Jane Paone Prayer Points: The important work of ‘building bridges’ between field and social work: we have launched a project in training officers and soldiers for chaplaincy work (pastoral and spiritual care) especially in our social centres which are many. A formal agreement has been signed to offer more pastoral/ chaplaincy services to the many residents (over 6000 people are helped each day) in our social centres (both in France and Belgium). Please pray that the Lord will raise up more volunteers for this chaplaincy work. For the outgoing of our newly commissioned officers (four couples) of the ‘Proclaimers of the Resurrection’ session who were commissioned on 7 July 2013 in Paris with the Chief of the Staff Commissioner André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox presiding. These new officers have given a new lease of life to the territory as it has been a number of years since we commissioned new officers. Dates to Note: September 30–2 October Junior Creative Arts Camp 30–3 October BOOST Kids’ Camp South Australia Division October 1–5 Creative Arts Camp Tasmania Division 4–6 Divisional Family Camp Melbourne Central SAGALA–Territorial Sunbeam and Adventurer Camp

Scripture Meditation I have heard all about you, Lord. I am filled with awe by your amazing works. In this time of our deep need, help us again as you did in years gone by. And in your anger, remember your mercy. Habakkuk 3:2

33 Praying Revival

Prayers For our Nation: Praying REVIVAL into our Governmental processes … that indeed JESUS may indeed be LORD of Australia.

Name members of Parliament – their respective portfolios and their families.

Prayers of Revival for the media, which has a huge influence over our thinking and perceptions:

Pray for all television networks, radio stations, newspaper editorials, the Internet, and any other forms of media or organisations that influence what we see and hear and read.

34 Praying Revival

Prayers of Revival in our centres of learning: schools, universities, kindergartens, childcare centres etc.

Name some of these places and pray that all who come under these strong influences on a daily basis will be encouraged in their pursuit of FAITH IN JESUS.

35 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday October 6 Wangaratta (Northern Victoria) – Lieutenants Darren & Susan Lamotte Pathways Programme (Northern Victoria) home.hope.heart Pathway Programmes provide quality service and support to families and individuals experiencing homelessness, or risk of homelessness and immediate crisis, and encourage self-reliance support. Pathways has developed programmes based on addressing the immediate presenting needs of the person(s) and then works in a case management framework to address and sustain ongoing life improvements. Pathways run various programmes across the region, some of these include: • Accommodation and Support • Community Support Service • Outreach Connections • Bush Fire Relief Programmes • Bush Fire Youth Music Project • Youth Alcohol and Other Drugs Outreach Programme • Supporting Families at Risk • Intensive Case Management Initiative • No Interest Loan Scheme Pathways has a demonstrated ability to engage and deliver quality services across the Hume Region to those who are homeless, at the risk of homelessness, in financial crisis, disadvantaged, and those with multiple and complex needs. The Salvation Army as an organisation has established core values in relation to human dignity, justice, hope, compassion and community. These values are embedded into Pathways’ programme design and practice. Pathways has the experience, knowledge, infrastructure and expertise to deliver programmes and services on behalf of Government Agencies and community and grant funding. For many years we have been a strong advocate for the needs of the homeless and disadvantaged across the Hume Region and in particular those in the targeted areas of Shepparton and surrounding areas. Additionally, we have always sought to respond in a holistic manner, at an individual level, a presenting family unit context and in a preventative community development framework.

36 Week Commencing Sunday October 6 New Zealand, Fiji & Tonga Territory – Commissioners Donald & Debbie Bell Overseas and Exchange Personnel USA Central Territory – Captain Brendon Robertson, Administrator in Training, Adult Rehabilitation Centres Command Melbourne Central Division – Majors Annette & Mike Coleman & Team Dates to Note: October 10 General Change Notification 11–13 Women’s Retreat Top End, Northern Territory Region Divisional Women’s Camp Northern Victoria

Scripture Meditation Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need. Matthew 6:33

37 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday October 13 Norwood (South Australia) – Majors Jennifer & Peter Anderson Early Childhood Ministries Across The Territory Early Childhood Ministries in The Salvation Army is our ministry to families of 0–5 year old children. Women’s Ministries work in partnership with Children’s Ministries to provide resources and training for this vital area of ministry. Our major event is the biennial Early Childhood Ministries Conference. This year the Conference will be held 18–20 October. The theme is: ‘Thought you’d like to know’. Playgroup and Mainly Music Programmes Across the Territory At these groups 0–4 year olds gather with their parents/carers to play together and interact in song and dance in a safe environment that offers a variety of activities. Pray for the parents, grandparents and carers who attend these groups with their children. Pray for the opportunities to reach these families with the Gospel, and that the harvest will be plentiful for the Kingdom. Pray too for the volunteer leaders and helpers, and that they will be Spirit-led in their ministry. Crossroads West Youth Services (Western Australia) – Yvonne Hunt (Director) & Team ‘Serving Adolescent Youth and their Families’. Services: • Therapeutic group living programme. • Residential group living programme. • Information and referral service for young people leaving wardship of the SAAP sector. • Independent units in the community providing externally supported accommodation. • Crisis support service. Pray for the staff as they assist their young clients and their families during difficult times, and pray that the love and power of the Holy Spirit will be evident to those being assisted, so they will be influenced to desire to know more about Jesus and how He can help them through their situations. Ghana Territory – Colonels Charles & Denise Swansbury

38 Week Commencing Sunday October 13 Karinya Centre (Western Victoria Division) – Janet White & Team KARINYA MISSION: Karinya provides a range of services to support people to achieve their immediate and ongoing needs and goals. KARINYA VISION: As an organisation we believe in the right of all people to live life with dignity. We do this through encouragement, education and by supporting the development of self-confidence and stability. KARINYA VALUES: • Social Justice: We treat all people in a fair and equitable manner, especially those who are marginalised and disadvantaged. • Social Inclusion: We support people to be embraced by their community in housing, employment, education and leisure by encouraging participation. • Compassion: We offer unconditional positive regard in all our interactions. • Community: We value and promote all aspects of community life. • Professionalism: We respect the education and work ethos of our employees, offering autonomy so they may find the best outcomes for their clients. Programme MaC provides medium term accommodation for young women aged 16 to 25, who have children, or are in their last trimester of pregnancy. Programme MEA provides emergency accommodation for up to eight weeks for women with children who are homeless or at risk of homelessness. Dates to Note: October 14–16 Growing Healthy Corps Conference 15– 17 Men’s Camp Tasmania Division 16–1 November Israel Study Tour 18–20 Early Childhood Conference

Scripture Meditation And the Good News about the Kingdom will be preached throughout the whole world, so that all nations will hear it; and then the end will come. Matthew 24:14

39 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday October 20 South Barwon (Western Victoria) – Captains David & Kylie Collinson Sunrise Centre, Darwin (Northern Territory) – Drug and Alcohol Services & Homeless Men’s Programme The Sunrise Centre operates a number of programmes to address the issues of homelessness, alcoholism and drug addiction. The Sunrise Homeless Men’s Hostel accommodates 30 single homeless men year round. Each person gets their own room with a bed, wardrobe, chair and desk, and adjoining bathroom. The typical length of stay is three months during which each person receives intensive assistance from a professional case worker. The goal of each case worker is to fully understand the reasons for each person’s homelessness and develop a strategy for rehabilitation so they can begin a new life with a permanent roof over their head. The workers at Sunrise help people re-connect with their community through introducing them to friendship and activity groups, they help them find long term accommodation, organise government income entitlements and identify a local medical practice they can rely on, among many other things. All of this is vital to a person’s rehabilitation and re-introduction to their community. Being on the street or ‘couch surfing’ for an extended period of time makes people feel very isolated, so it’s important that they have all the knowledge and tools they need to stand on their own, when they leave the hostel. Another impressive aspect of Sunrise is that anyone can seek their assistance. They do not have to be referred to Sunrise by government or welfare agencies. This eliminates the need for the homeless men to first approach a ‘middle man’ before then being passed on to another party who can then help with temporary accommodation. If the process of finding accommodation is lengthy and involves many people, homeless people can feel embarrassed at having to tell their ‘story’ over and over again, or get fed up with waiting for long periods of time.

40 Week Commencing Sunday October 20 Italy & Greece Command – Lieut-Colonels Daniel & Eliane Naud Christian Religious Education (CRE) Teachers Many Salvationists volunteer to be trained to teach Christian education in schools because they recognise this is another opportunity for mission outreach in the wider community, particularly to children who may not know about the Gospel of Jesus. ‘CRE gives students the opportunity to explore Christian beliefs and values, which will provide strong foundations for life.’ Please pray for our volunteers who are participating in this special area of service, and for the children they serve. Dates to Note: October 21–25 Women’s Ministries Camp South Australia Division 25–26 Women’s Ministries Retreat Western Australia Division 25–27 Thought Matters Conference Composers’ Symposium

Scripture Meditation “For God loved the world so much that he gave his one and only Son, so that everyone who believes in him will not perish but have eternal life. God sent his Son into the world not to judge the world, but to save the world through him.” John 3:16-17

41 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday October 27 Springvale Chinese (Eastern Victoria) – Captains Joseph & Mary Liu Territorial Candidates & Lieutenants Please pray for candidates and lieutenants as they offer themselves for service and prepare themselves for ministry. Pray too for their families, that they can accept and enter into this calling as well. James Barker House, Residential Aged Care Facility – Melbourne Central In a newly built facility with capacity expanded to 120 beds, offering 70 high and 50 low care beds and ageing in place, The Salvation Army James Barker House has been providing quality aged care for over 10 years. We cater for all, and specialise in care for marginalised, financially and socially disadvantaged men and women. Qualified staff, including an on-site chaplain, care professionally for each resident in a friendly and dignified manner. Staff work closely as a team and with external health care providers and case managers to provide seamless and supportive care. We aim to provide a safe, secure and as homelike a residence as possible for residents. It is our intention to provide a safe and harmonious environment for all residents and staff. Pray for the staff at James Barker House as they work closely with other health care providers and case managers to provide seamless and relevant care for their residents. Pray for the residents as they adjust to the changes in their health and lifestyle. Dates to Note: October 28–31 Youth Ministers’ Conference 30–8 November World Council of Churches 10th General Assembly, Busan, Korea. Theme: ‘God of Life, Lead us to Justice and Peace’. November 1–3 Men’s Bible Retreat Western Australia Division

42 Week Commencing Sunday October 27 Taiwan Region – Lieut-Colonel Jennifer Groves • Pray for our strategic plan. Please pray that God will speak to each of us in whatever way is needed for his will and purpose to be achieved. • Training of cadets – the session commenced training on 1 August. This is creating great interest in the region as these are the first cadets to train in this country for several years. We believe this will lead to further candidates in the near future. Please pray that this will be so. • Youth ministry – there is currently no regional focus in this area and that is of concern. Please pray that the officers will be stirred by the urgency of this situation and ongoing discussion will open the way for this to be addressed. • Community Relations Department – this is a new department and very much in development. Please pray for wisdom as we mentor and develop those involved in this. • Taipei Homeless Care Centre – the potential for this centre is significant but a new location is needed. Please pray that the right location will be secured soon to enable the expansion of this much needed ministry. • Transition – as you will appreciate, there has been a time of significant transition for the region. Please pray for sensitivity, wisdom, peace and courage for all officers and employees as adjustments continue to take place.

Scripture Meditation On the day of Pentecost all the believers were meeting together in one place. Suddenly, there was a sound from heaven like the roaring of a mighty windstorm, and it filled the house where they were sitting. Then, what looked like flames or tongues of fire appeared and settled on each of them. And everyone present was filled with the Holy Spirit and began speaking in other languages, as the Holy Spirit gave them this ability. Acts 2:1-4

43 Praying Revival

Some questions re: PRAYING REVIVAL!

1) What is the Holy Spirit’s role in revival?

2) What is my role as I PRAY?

3) Who has been an example to you throughout your life of a wholly REVIVED person / leader / colleague? What was it within them that brought you closer to God?

4) How can you become that person that sets other lives aflame with Holy Spirit Love, Mission and Vision?

44 Praying Revival

5) When you read this statement … Who springs to mind? ‘THERE ARE MULTITUDES WAITING ON THE OTHER SIDE OF OUR OBEDIENCE TO GOD .’

6) What is excess baggage when it comes to this matter of PRAYING REVIVAL in your own life?

7) What doors need to be shut emotionally, spiritually, physically in order that the DOOR OF REVIVAL can be swung wide open?

45 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday November 3 Wyndham City–Werribee (Melbourne Central) – Captain Lance Jeffrey, Envoy Keitha Marsh & Envoy Jodie Sutcliffe Salvation Army Representatives to Non-Government Organisations Please continue to pray for wisdom, discernment and integrity for these representatives, and the influence they have for the Kingdom in religious and social justice issues. Office of the Secretary for Personnel (THQ) – Lieut-Colonel Vivien Callander, Lieut-Colonel Jenny Barnard & Team Overseas and Exchange Personnel IHQ – Major Barry Casey, Under Secretary for South Pacific & East Asia Zone UK Territory – Major Rosslyn Casey, Divisional Director for Personnel – Officer, Central South Division Dates to Note: November 9–10 Spring Celebration Western Victoria Division

46 Week Commencing Sunday November 3 Malawi Territory – Colonels Moses & Sarah Wandulu Thank you so much for your frequent prayer support. May the Lord bless you as you endeavour to serve Him. Prayer Points: • Pray for an end to the long-standing border dispute between Tanzania and Malawi over Lake Malawi. We as brothers and sisters need the dispute to be solved amicably and this can happen only if God intervenes. • Pray for the Army’s growth spiritually and numerically. • Pray also for the area of giving which seems to be a problem. • We need to see a Spirit-filled Army moving forward by bringing many souls to Christ and enabling its soldiers to own their Army as their own church.

Scripture Meditation The church then had peace throughout Judea, Galilee, and Samaria, and it became stronger as the believers lived in the fear of the Lord. And with the encouragement of the Holy Spirit, it also grew in numbers. Acts 9:31

47 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday November 10 Gawler (South Australia) – Captain Darren Cox Community Care Ministries Across the Territory – Major Jennifer Cloke & Divisional Teams The Community Care Ministries exist to express the love of Jesus in a practical way, by reaching out to the lonely and hurting in our communities. Pray for all the dedicated leaders and volunteers of this ministry and that they may be given even more compassionate hearts for the people to whom they minister. Thrift Shops Across the Territory Thrift shops not only serve the local community, they also provide an excellent opportunity for the staff to represent Jesus to their customers. Pray for the many volunteers who work tirelessly to man our thrift shops, ensure there are goods to be sold, and who provide a listening ear and caring attitude for their customers. Geelong Conference Centre – Adrian Connan (General Manager) & Team The Geelong Conference Centre provides a tranquil and distraction-free environment that is conducive to hosting successful mid-week or weekend residential training, conferences, day meetings or weekend getaways. The centre also offers unique hotel and suite accommodation and a relaxing cafe all within easy reach of Waterfront Geelong, Victoria. Facilities at this centre range from small meeting and break-out rooms to state-of-the-art conference rooms. Pray for the opportunities that The Salvation Army has to provide a Christian venue for meetings and conferences. Please pray for the staff as they serve diverse groups gathering for a wide range of meetings and having many different requirements. Office of the Secretary for Business Administration – Lieut-Colonel Rodney Barnard, Major Sandra Maunder, Captain Malcolm Roberts, Trevor Walker and Marilyn Laws

48 Week Commencing Sunday November 10 with the Republic of Ireland Territory – Commissioners Clive & Marianne Adams Please pray for the ongoing work of the ‘Fit for Mission’ project, the aim of which is to make the territory more effective in our mission of Saving Souls, Growing Saints and Serving Suffering Humanity. Dates to Note: November 15 Community Care Luncheon South Australia Division REV Youth Event South Australia Division 16–17 Women’s Retreat Eastern Victoria Division

Scripture Meditation For the light makes everything visible. This is why it is said, “Awake, O sleeper, rise up from the dead, and Christ will give you light.” Ephesians 5:14

49 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday November 17 Kwinana (Western Australia) Family Tracing Services Across the Territory – Major Sophia Gibb & Team Reuniting The Salvation Army Family Tracing Service endeavours to locate family members whose current whereabouts are unknown and who are being sought for the purpose of re-uniting the family. Not knowing what has happened to someone you love, where they are and whether they are safe is like living in darkness. This is how it feels for the many families and friends who are left behind when someone disappears. This service involves: • Finding the relative • Reconciling any past differences and reuniting the family Please pray for those involved in this very difficult task of reuniting families and the associated problems of reconciliation. May their portion of wisdom and discernment be great and may the love of Jesus be always shown to their clients. Melbourne Counselling Service – Melbourne Central Division • General Counselling • Specialist Problem Gambling Counselling (Gambler’s Help) • Financial Counselling (general and problem gambling) Problem gambling occurs when a person is dominated by a persistent strong urge to gamble. This is often coupled with a belief that continued gambling will solve their financial problems. Gambling excessively causes havoc to a person’s life socially, emotionally and financially. It may lead to the loss of relationships, home, health and career, and may cause depression and stress in a person’s life. Anyone can become a problem gambler, and problems can develop quite quickly. This is not a problem that discriminates based on age, income, education, or ethnic background. Please pray for those affected by gambling, either directly or indirectly, and that this service will help to alleviate much of the distress caused by gambling.

50 Week Commencing Sunday November 17 Mali Region – Majors Kapela & Rose-Nicole Ntoya The Salvation Army in Mali is setting up programmes to assist people affected by ongoing conflicts. Following a coup in 2012, rebel groups effectively took control of the northern provinces of the country, driving many people to the south and to neighbouring countries. In January 2013, France and some African nations deployed troops in an attempt to liberate the northern provinces from rebel control. While this has been successful there are still some rebels in the area. As a result of the conflict and ongoing fears for safety, approximately 475,000 people were displaced from their homes with many living as refugees in neighbouring countries including Burkina Faso and Senegal. Prayer Points: • Peace to prevail within the country. May the new leader of this country be a man after God’s heart. • That the country recovers its territorial integrity and all remaining rebels be peacefully disarmed. • That the country be united. • The advancement of The Salvation Army’s mission in every area: evangelism, community work, and outreach through the media. • Young people to avail themselves for God’s work. • Work among the war-displaced be successful. • Ongoing success of the projects implemented by the International Emergencies Service Team who came to the region in May 2013. Property Department (THQ) – David Sinden & Team Dates to Note: November 23 Youth Rally and Social Event Melbourne City Division

Scripture Meditation For the Lord himself will come down from heaven with a commanding shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trumpet call of God. First, the Christians who have died will rise from their graves. Then, together with them, we who are still alive and remain on the earth will be caught up in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. Then we will be with the Lord forever. 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17

51 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday November 24 Victor Harbor (South Australia) – Lieutenant Amanda Hart Balga Community Support, Balga Corps – Western Australia Division Family Support The service sees 150 clients per week providing food and emergency relief. Low intensity case management and advocacy are key to the service. The service distributes around 750 hampers at Christmas time. The programme is part of an integral holistic service with all other community programmes and specialist programmes are run for clients in general life skills, i.e. cooking, personal hygiene, etc. Family Support is a participant of the No Interest Loans Scheme, WA. Financial Counselling The service case manages around 15 people at a time, who have found themselves facing financial hardship. The service teaches life skills in budgeting and provides paralegal support to clients requiring this service. Advocacy is a key function of this service. The Financial Counsellor works closely with Family Support Services and the Family Accommodation Programme. Family Housing The service manages 10 houses. Eight of the houses have head lease arrangements with The Department of Housing and Works and two houses sublet through local Real Estate agencies. The service provides housing to families who are either homeless or facing immediate risk of homelessness. Para legal support, advocacy and life skills training are key features of this service. The service also provides support in obtaining white goods and furniture for clients entering the programme who have none. Early Learning Centre Offers 50 long-day child care placements for children 0–6 years. The service has a 3 year accreditation and is supported by qualified and non-qualified staff. The service does offer respite care when required. The service is the cheapest in the country and the only one run by The Salvation Army in the Southern Territory. Income is derived solely from parent fees, donations and fundraising. Please pray for the great opportunities this community support programme has to meet the needs of its community and introduce them to Jesus.

52 Week Commencing Sunday November 24 Tanzania Territory – Colonels Lindsay & Lynette Rowe The Salvation Army Officer Training College & Commissioning Weekend – Major Geoff Webb, College Officers, Cadets and families, and College Employees Audit Department – Cameron Duck & Team Dates to Note: November 25 White Ribbon Day – Australia’s campaign to stop violence against women 29–1 December Commissioning Weekend 30 ‘Our Christmas Gift’ hosted by Melbourne Staff Band

Scripture Meditation This is why I remind you to fan into flames the spiritual gift God gave you when I laid my hands on you. 2 timothy 1:6

53 Praying Revival

Take time to read and reflect upon EZEKIEL 37:1–14.

What is the Holy Spirit saying to you in this passage regarding REVIVAL?

Reflect again on your notes and pray about the things that are brought to your mind.

54 Praying Revival

Take time to reflect upon Matthew chapter 6:5–14.

Take note that JESUS is saying: “When you PRAY …” not if.

According to Jesus then, it would appear that He is saying that apart from PRAYER there will never be revived hearts, lives, families, churches, corps, headquarters, nations …

JESUS is assuming that WE WILL PRAY … WILL FAST … WILL GIVE … WILL FORGIVE. How does this speak to you in your worshipping community?

55 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday December 1 Ulverstone (Tasmania) – Lieutenant Fleur Hodge Overseas and Exchange Personnel Sweden & Latvia Territory – Lieutenant Kathleen Johansson Employment Plus Across the Territory The Salvation Army Employment Plus (TSAEP) was established to ‘help pierce the darkness of unemployment to let the light shine through’. TSAEP is a focused extension of The Salvation Army’s 130 year history of helping people find work which supports their well-being and the well- being of those around them. Our guiding values – integrity, respect, justice, compassion and commitment. Our mission – to provide quality employment services to those most affected by unemployment. We partner with individuals, businesses, industry groups, governments and community organisations to bring benefit to each of them and to the community as a whole. Please pray for this vital service in reforming society and transforming lives. Office of the Secretary for Programme (THQ) – Lieut-Colonel Graeme Rigley, Major Brad Halse & Robyn Harris Flying Padre & Outback Services – Major David & Captain Jennifer Shrimpton The Salvation Army’s Flying Padre provides spiritual, emotional and pastoral support to people living on cattle stations in remote areas bordered by the NT/Queensland border, Tennant Creek (NT) and Broome (WA). The Flying Padre can assist with emergency relief and transportation, confidential pastoral support and other personal needs as identified.

56 Week Commencing Sunday December 1 Christmas Outreach Pray that all corps and social centres will embrace this opportunity to speak out and speak up for the Good News of Jesus Christ. Information Technology Services Craig Tucker & Team Dates to Note: December 1 Commissioning

Scripture Meditation For the time is coming when people will not endure sound teaching, but having itching ears they will accumulate for themselves teachers to suit their own passions, and will turn away from listening to the truth and wander off into myths. 2 Timothy 4:3-4

57 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday December 8 Traralgon with Community Programme (Eastern Victoria) – Envoys Graeme & Lauris Bright Towards Independence Network of Services, Adelaide (South Australia Division) – Paul Coulson (Director) & Team ‘One organisation, many services meeting people’s needs at their point and time of need.’ • Reconnecting Homeless People • Breaking the Cycle of Addiction • Walking Alongside People Experiencing Mental Illness • Supporting Their Efforts to Sustain a Healthy, Fulfilling Lifestyle. Our Programmes & Services Sobering up unit: a 24 hour 7 day alcohol and drug immediate recovery service (non-medical). Supported accommodation and recovery services (west). Residential counselling based rehabilitation programme including: • Aboriginal outreach and engage and link initiative. • Indigenous casework services and supported accommodation. Supported accommodation and recovery services (east). Self-contained supported accommodation – counselling based outreach support services. Bridge alcohol and other drug outreach services. Community based counselling, support and referral services. ‘It futures’ initiative. It training and computer based support, ‘connecting homeless people’. Staff development and special projects unit. Training, development and staff support services. Salvation Army Supplies – Karen Newton & Team

58 Week Commencing Sunday December 8 Human Resources (THQ) – Stephen Webb & Team Dates to Note: December 10 Human Rights Day. Human Rights Day presents an opportunity, every year, to celebrate human rights, highlight a specific issue, and advocate for the full enjoyment of all human rights by everyone, everywhere.

Scripture Meditation But he gives more grace. Therefore it says, “God opposes the proud, but gives grace to the humble.” James 4:6

59 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday December 15 Carrum Downs (Eastern Victoria) – Captain Gen & Lieutenant Adam Peterson Fellowship Corps – Major Donna Bryan The Salvation Army Fellowship Corps is a spiritual ministry for Salvationists and friends of The Salvation Army who, because of distance or other circumstances, are generally unable to attend a church or corps and be part of its fellowship. Please pray for the members of this corps who often live in isolated areas, yet still find opportunity to witness to others. Pray for the bimonthly Communiqué magazine which contains a ‘worship meeting on paper’, and that it will provide spiritual encouragement and nurture. SAMIAC – Salvation Army Multicultural and Indigenous Australia Council The Salvation Army’s Multicultural and Indigenous Australia Council (SAMIAC) was established at the beginning of 2004 by bringing together the Cross Cultural Ministries Consultancy and The Salvation Army Aboriginal Ministries Advisory Council (SAAMAC). The agenda behind the amalgamation was not an attempt to assimilate or minimise either indigenous issues or new and emerging ethnic ministries, but rather an acknowledgement that the principles involved in creating culturally and contextually relevant ministry apply to all ministry. In bringing together people who are passionate about ministry to the ethnically marginalised we hope to remind The Salvation Army of its ministry obligations and be innovative in resourcing existing Salvation Army ministries. Without an intentional engagement with all Australians regardless of ethnicity and faith commitment, SAMIAC believes that it will be impossible for The Salvation Army to achieve its stated intention of: • Transforming Lives • Caring for People • Making Disciples • Reforming Society Pray for SAMIAC and its important role in the cross cultural extension of ministry within The Salvation Army.

60 Week Commencing Sunday December 15 Retired Officers Fellowship Pray for this link to other retired and active officers, and the activities and support offered to retired officers. Salvo Internet Cafés Across the Territory This service primarily provides affordable internet access to those in the community unable to access on-line services. Pray for the staff and volunteers who work in these places and minister to their local community. Wills & Bequests – John Williamson & Team

Scripture Meditation Draw near to God, and he will draw near to you. Cleanse your hands, you sinners, and purify your hearts, you double-minded. James 4:8

61 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday December 22 MCD Life Centre (Melbourne Central) – Majors Brendan & Sandra Nottle Melbourne Staff Band – Bandmaster Ken Waterworth, Executive Officer Major Gary Hart & Bandsmen We exist to extend the Kingdom of God and to encourage Christians in their faith and ministry through the pursuit of excellence in music and the spoken word. Our aims are to set standards in the presentation of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Social Programme Department (THQ) – Netty Horton, Major Geneen Polden-Wright & Team Pastoral Care Centre – Major Graeme Faragher & Team Hospital Chaplains across the Territory Dates to Note: December 25 Christmas Day

62 Week Commencing Sunday December 22 Christmas Services Across the Territory Pray that people will hear the Gospel message as The Salvation Army takes this opportunity to proclaim the spiritual truths of the birth of Christ and, more importantly, that people will respond to these truths and recognise their need for Christ. Pray for a huge increase in attendance at Christmas Meetings, and that the close of this year will ring in a determined effort globally for peace and goodwill to be shown to others. Christmas Dinners Across the Territory Pray for all the Christmas dinners organised for the lonely, marginalised and disadvantaged people in our society. Pray that sufficient resources will be available, that both the helpers and the diners will be blessed, that the message of hope will be heard and understood by all participants, and that lives will be transformed as celebrations are held in the name of Jesus.

Scripture Meditation But if we confess our sins to him, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and to cleanse us from all wickedness. 1 John 1:9

63 Praying Revival Week Commencing Sunday December 29 Ringwood (Eastern Victoria) – Majors Gary & Julie Grant Overseas and Exchange Personnel Eastern Europe Territory – Majors Judith & Mark Soeters, Territorial Education Secretary & Territorial Property Secretary Melbourne Veterans’ Band – Bandmaster Noel Jones, Executive Officer Major Howard Davies & Bandsmen The Melbourne Veteran’s Band is a group of dedicated musicians committed to spreading the Gospel message through the medium of sanctified music under the guidance of the Holy Spirit. Child Sponsorship – Carolyn Hallett & Team Praise God for the increasing number of people wishing to sponsor children and the assistance this provides for a disadvantaged child and their family/ carer. Pray God will continue to multiply the resources to sustain these children.

64 Week Commencing Sunday December 29 Officers Changing Appointments Across the Territory Please pray for officers and their families, and all they have to prepare and put into place for a smooth transition to their new appointments.

Scripture Meditation Then another angel came from the Temple and shouted to the one sitting on the cloud, “Swing the sickle, for the time of harvest has come; the crop on earth is ripe.” So the one sitting on the cloud swung his sickle over the earth, and the whole earth was harvested. Revelation 14:15-16

65 Praying Revival

Are we as a territory willing to PRAY THE PRICE OF REVIVAL in our midst?

How many of our strategic plans/visions/missions are given to us AS WE PRAY?

Before God, how much time do you spend in prayer each day?

66 Praying Revival

Reflect on the following: If the prayer life of yourself or your corps ceased and God’s Holy Spirit was removed, how many of our programmed events would continue on uninterrupted?

In LUKE 18:8 Jesus concludes His teaching with the question: ‘However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find FAITH on the earth?’

May The Salvation Army, and this Australia Southern Territory be part of the faith Jesus finds as it seeks to be first and foremost an ARMY PRAYING REVIVAL ON ITS KNEES.

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69 Praying Revival

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71 Praying Revival

Donations Sincere thanks to those who have sent in donations to cover the costs of printing and postage of the Prayer Diary.

Changing Your Address? Please let us know if you are changing address.

All Correspondence to: Major Marney Turner The Salvation Army Mission Resources Department PO Box 479 BLACKBURN VIC 3130 email address: [email protected] webpage:

72 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting 5 March–13 April 2014 Five Point Prayer Plan for REVIVAL of Australia 1. Commit to a deepening and overflowing love for God (1 John 4:16). 2. Make a list of friends you will pray for on each of these 40 days, praying they will be revived from death to new life in Jesus Christ. As God leads, invite your friends to encounter the life of Jesus at your corps/church. 3. Include these 40 Days of prayer in your 2014 calendar and mobilise your corps/church to pray and partner with God in His revival of our nation. 4. Live a sexually pure, holy life by grace and the power of a personal relationship with God and pray for a revival of sexual purity in our nation (1 John 3:3, 2 Cor 6:16–7:1). 5. Pray each day for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit and fire to unite us in prayer and partnership with God in His revival and transformation of Australia (Acts 2:17). 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting 5 March–13 April 2014

Register now for the National Day of Prayer & Fasting Sunday 2 March 2014

“Revive us and we will call on your name… That times of refreshing may come from the Lord” Psalm 80:18 and Acts 3:19