Dear Friends and Partners in Prayer,

We enter into a new year counting it a privilege once again to be partners in the Gospel of our Lord Jesus (Philippians 1:3–5), and enriched by your partnership in prayer. We continue to experience with you the power of prayer for this territory and our lives. It is evident as we travel across the territory that God continues to do new things in and through this great movement – .

As we enter into this new year, we enter with a renewed strategic vision. “Still Fighting” – rooted in the words of ’s great “I’ll Fight” speech yet applied to the world in which we live – 150 years since The Salvation Army began in the East End of London. While there remains one dark soul without the Light of God – we will fight.

We are an Army – an Army still fighting – and we recognise that our strength is in our lived experience of prayer. In his letter to the Ephesians, Paul speaks of the need to put on the whole armour of God. He then goes on to write: “And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the Lord’s people.” (Ephesians 6:18 NIV).

Always keep on praying! Let us use this prayer guide to mobilise us to pray without ceasing. The prayer requests and focused areas provide a launch pad to pray for a fresh moving of God across our territory and around the world.

Let us be an Army that is constantly and consistently committed to prayer. Let 24/7 prayer be a normal part of our life and culture as we move into this new year and latter half of the first decade of the 21st century. What will you do to enable The Salvation Army to respond to God’s call to “always keep on praying”? I am excited to watch how we engage together in prayer and widen that circle of prayer warriors in these coming weeks.

We are grateful for the provision of this prayer diary and pray as we unite our hearts in prayer across this territory – praying without ceasing, God will do in and through us “more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us” (Ephesians 3:20 NIV).

Floyd and Tracey Tidd (Commissioners) Territorial Commander & Territorial President of Women’s Ministries Southern Territory 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION

When praying for corps Pray for the officers, local officers, soldiers, adherents and friends; the programmes; and community outreach. We want our corps to be relevant to the communities they serve, to meet the needs of their congregations, to help transform the communities they are serving and to bring about revival in their part of the Kingdom of God.

When praying for social centres Pray for the managers, chaplains, staff and clients/residents. Change happens rapidly and often in these days, particularly in regard to government legislation, so we need to remember our friends as they negotiate these changes for themselves and for others. Many of those who use our centres are vulnerable and feel like their whole world is falling apart, and they may find it hard to trust others. Their needs are complex and often take time to resolve. So, as you bring these places and people before God, try to imagine what it would be like for you, then bring these feelings and longings before God.

When praying for departments Pray for the head of department, staff, and officers, and that their business operations and ministry will be effective for the Kingdom.

When praying for Salvationists serving in other territories Pray that they will know God’s love, peace and protection as He leads them in their ministry.

When praying for other territories and regions Pray for those who live in other parts of our Army world—a world that is often impoverished and where persecution and oppression are part of daily life. Pray that their needs may be met and God will be their sufficiency at all times.

Please Note: Unless otherwise noted, Scripture taken from the Holy Bible, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

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Dear Friends,

I am fully believing that this Territorial Prayer Diary will remind you of the power of 24-7 prayer.

One of the greatest emphasis 24-7 prayer plays in our spiritual communities, as well as our communities of dwelling, is that it reminds us how vital the priority of prayer is. In short, it is talking to God and listening to His response and guidance. The 24-7 concept reminds each one of us that the Heavenly Father is available to respond 24 hours, 7 days of every week of every year.

The goal in 24-7 prayer is to continue in prayer to reach every available person, at every available place, by every available ‘Spirit-led’ means at every available time. This relentless style of prayer is simple, profound, and extremely effective when it comes to responding to the requests and needs of colleagues, family, friends, the communities we live in and global issues.

Once again I am extremely grateful to Major Donna Bryan for her patience in compiling this diary, and would ask that you join with me in expressing gratitude to her for supporting this vital ministry throughout the territory. Donna has received a new opportunity in ministry commencing in January, 2016.

I leave with you a relevant Scripture from 1 Thessalonians 5:17 “Be UNCEASING in prayer [praying perseveringly]” (Amplified Version). (Capitals added for emphasis.)

Yours in Jesus’ Grace and Truth, Marney Turner (Major) Territorial Spiritual Life Development Secretary Evangelism and 24/7 Prayer Territorial Mission Resources Department

3 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday January 3 Brimbank City Community Church, The Salvation Army (Central Victoria) – Major Simon Damen & Lieutenant Kimberley Ashmore Praise Points: • Praising God in seeing many new families connect with our congregation from ministries and outreach at schools and band visits to Bunnings. • Praising God for our Mainly Music families who have connected into our Sunday worship and extended family at Brimbank. including First Steps/ Cradle Roll Enrolments. • Praising God that we are needing the messages translated into Chinese to assist and reach out to a wider and growing area of our community. Prayer Points: • Prayers for our Corps Leadership Teams and Ministry Team Leaders, soldiers and adherents as they continue to seek God and stand in the gap for our community, and strengthen the Kingdom of God.

York (Western Australia) – Major Denise Ashby Barrington Lodge Aged Care (Tasmania) – Lieut Brynley Haycock Praise Points: • That new residents are settling in quickly, and making friends and feeling secure. • God for His provision in this centre. • To Father, Son and Holy Spirit for the witness carried by the faith-filled residents and staff. Prayer Points: • That new residents will feel the Vision, Mission and Values of The Salvation Army in action. • That staff will have a sense of purpose in what they do – not just see it as a job. • That programmes under the new corps officer will have significant spiritual impact upon the participants.

Overseas and Exchange Personnel Japan Territory – Captains Daniel & Melissa Templeman-Twells Daniel – Training Officer, Training College Melissa – Corps Officer Koto Corps, Tokyo, & Territorial Youth Dept.

General Change Please pray for officers and their families who are preparing to move to new appointments and new challenges.

4 Week Commencing Sunday January 3 USA Southern Territory – Commissioners Donald & Debora Bell Prayer Points: • Pray please that our officers recognize the incredible capacity of God our Father to deal with the issues we face, including provision of money, material and manpower needed to accomplish our mission. • Pray for victory! We want to see souls won. We want significant numbers of soldiers sanctified and serving. We want to see lives transformed in the communities where we are engaged. We want to be comfortable and confident that the weapons we have been given are effective against the enemy – including doubt and discouragement.

St Kilda Crisis Services Network (State Social Command – Victoria) – Jenny Plant (General Manager), Major Lynda van Gaalen-Prentice (Chaplain) & Team Praise Points: • Upton Rd – edible gardens programme – utilising fresh produce from our gardens in our daily meals programme. • Education outcomes – our young people re-engaging and achieving success in education. • Our vibrant and diverse community of staff and clients across all CSN programmes. Prayer Points: • Guidance for our CSN staff to work professionally and compassionately to meet the needs of our service users. • Alleviation of the fear and anxiety experienced by our service users in relation to violence, poverty, health and homelessness. • That our young clients be kept safe and physically well. • That our CSN programmes promote hope and resilience, and assist our clients to overcome exclusion.

Dates to Note: January 5–9 Summer Carnival (Territorial Youth Camp)

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus. 1 Thessalonians 5:16–18

5 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday January 10 Noarlunga Corps & Aldinga Mission Centre (South Australia) – Majors Glenda & Grattan Savage Praise Points: • Witnessing children enrolled as SAGALA members, all of whom are from families new to the Army. • The 42 people who attended the evening service on the night of our first SAGALA church parade at Aldinga, held as part of International Day of Children’s Prayer. Many who attended had had no previous contact with the Army. • Mainly Music programme is going well. The Connectivity programme continues to grow and become successful. Prayer Points: • Pray for our ageing congregation – prayer for new families, youth and children of all ages to join us. • Pray for continued growth of the SAGALA, Mainly Music, Connectivity and Café Life programmes, as well as extra leaders to help with the increases. • Pray for the children in the hope they will make commitments to love & follow Jesus. • Pray for the communities of Noarlunga and Aldinga, and for more people to attend our worship services. • Development of leaders to assist with ministry in all areas, especially with leading children. • Ongoing discipleship of our children and youth in order to keep them in the Army. • The volunteers and their families who support us in all areas of our corps and ministry – for them to join us, to know and love Jesus and become part of the Army.

Shepparton (Central Victoria) – Lieutenants Andrew & Kirsty Stringer Inala Chapel (Eastern Victoria) – Major Mim Adams Prayer Point: Please pray for the smooth transition of the new corps officer of Inala Chapel.

Public Relations Dept (Territorial & Divisional) – Major Paul Hateley & Team

6 Week Commencing Sunday January 10 USA Eastern Territory – Commissioners Barry & Sue Swanson Prayer Points: • The territorial emphasis is on four Strikepoints: • YOUTH – Greater evangelistic effectiveness with an emphasis on youth under the age of 30. • LEADERSHIP – Enhanced leadership development emphasizing candidate recruitment. • MISSION – Expansion of urban ministries emphasizing integrated mission. • DISCIPLESHIP – Deeper discipleship through Bible study and prayer. • Spiritual growth in the camp children, and corps contact with the entire family of those children. • Launch of an online spiritual formation program for young adults. • Adults saying “yes” to God’s call for full-time ministry as officers. • Territorial Holiness Institute for Soldiers. • Christmas fundraising efforts. • Lifelong commitment to Bible reading and prayer.

Welcome Meetings & Installation of Officers Please pray for these sacred times of dedication and endorsement of officers to their ministry appointments.

Cadets entering the Training College Please pray for the new 2016–2018 session of cadets, the ‘Messengers of the Gospel’, and their families as they take this next step in faith in their call to officership.

Pray too for the cadets and their families entering their second year of training – the ‘Joyful Intercessors’.

Dates to Note: January 11–15 Eastern Vic: Summer Camp – statewide ‘Disadvantaged Kids’ Camp 13 General Change

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation But when you pray, go into your room, close the door and pray to your Father, who is unseen. Then your Father, who sees what is done in secret, will reward you. Matthew 6:6

7 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday January 17 Rockingham (West Australia) – Lieutenant Darrell & Envoy Chelsea Wilson Wonthaggi (Eastern Victoria) – Praise Points: • For the Wonthaggi Corps Thrift Shop, managers and volunteers for their efforts. The shop is vital for the corps’ finances, but it is also an important link with the community as for many people it is the face of the Salvos locally. • For the support provided and links made with community members during the Wednesday evening meal, which is principally for residents of a local caravan park, but held at the corps hall. The corps is building relationships with people through the meal night, and some people have begun to attend the corps. • For the consolidation of attendance of the Sunday night meeting over the last year or so, and that people are seeking salvation. • For the recent start of a Bible study group for new Christians and people interested in exploring Christianity. Prayer Points: • For the spiritual ministries of the corps – worship meetings, pastoral care, Home League, Women’s Fellowship, Men’s breakfast, prayer meeting and Bible study. • For the Emergency Relief work conducted by the corps. Please pray for our ER volunteers, our part-time Doorways case-worker, and our thrift shop managers as they help community members seeking support. • For our free music tuition ministry – that we can develop ways to connect the young people who come along on a Thursday evening to the corps, and for them to learn about God’s love for them. • For the new corps officer and the corps leadership team as they guide the corps in its various ministries under the guidance of the Holy Spirit.

Boronia (Eastern Victoria) – Majors Allan & Glenda Morrison Eastern Victoria Division – Major Winsome Merrett & Team Finance Department (THQ) – Gregory Stowe & Team

8 Week Commencing Sunday January 17 USA Central Territory – Commissioners Paul & Carol Seiler Prayer Points: • For REVIVAL in the Central Territory of heart, mind and soul in officers and soldiers. • That officers will desire and hunger for personal holiness in their lives that will inspire their flock to discipline their spiritual lives and walk in the way of holiness. • For conviction of officers and soldiers to reach out to young people and teenagers through innovative programming and the building of relationships. • For young adults to respond in a positive way to the call to serve as officers in The Salvation Army and begin the candidates process. • That families become established through the Pathway of Hope social service ministry, and that they will desire a life change through the love and redemption of Jesus Christ. • That financial resources will continue to be raised for the support of Self Denial World Services Fund and other projects worldwide.

Mary Anderson Family Violence Service – Karen Hagen (Manager) & Team Prayer Points: • Pray for an end to family violence as it affects the lives of so many people in our community. • Pray that women and children escaping violence are safe and able to get the help they need to make changes to their situation. • Pray for the frontline staff in the Crossroads family violence team as they go about their work assisting vulnerable women and their children who are experiencing family violence. Praise Points: • We give praise to the brave women who have taken/ are taking steps to move away from violence in their lives. • We praise the women, men and children who have taken a stance against violence.

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you. John 15:7

9 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday January 24 Tea Tree Gully with Community Services (South Australia) – Major Howard & Captain Elaine Trendell Praise Points: • The commencement of Junior Youth Group. • New Children’s Ministry space. • Young people joining the music team. • New counsellors starting in Community Support Services. Prayer Points: • New Children’s/Youth Ministry worker (our previous worker Jodie Jones has entered the Training College). • A volunteer chaplain for the Oasis Café.

Waverley Temple (Eastern Victoria) – Majors Brad & Katrina Potter Praise Points: • We praise God for our Ministry Team, including our Youth Pastor and our Children’s and Families Ministry Assistant, as they continue to build relationships with families from our local community and disciple leaders, youth and children. • The growing work of our Community Support Services volunteers as they continue to provide meals through our weekly Community Lunch and High School Breakfast programme, and help meet the material and social needs of people in The City of Monash. Prayer Points: • Growing involvement in our Small Groups ministries and for the mission opportunities that our small groups undertake. • The continuing building of friendships with those who attend our weekly activities to gain a deeper sense of connection and help introduce people to Jesus.

Swan Hill (Western Victoria) – Captain Judy Brown Northern Territory Region – Majors Darryl & Kaylene Robinson, & Team Overseas and Exchange Personnel Eastern Europe Territory – Romania – Majors Andrew & Leanne Ruthven Andrew – Regional Leader & Projects Manager Leanne – Regional Commander & Regional Director for Women’s Ministries

10 Week Commencing Sunday January 24 USA Western Territory – Commissioners James & Carolyn Knaggs Salvos Stores – Frank Staebe (Chief Operating Officer) & Team Dates to Note: January 24 Eastern Vic Divisional Celebration 26 Australia Day 27 Cabinet Retreat 29–31 Preaching Boot Camp

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Look to the LORD and his strength; seek his face always. 1 Chronicles 16:11

11 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday January 31 Morwell Corps (Eastern Victoria) – Lieutenant Ashley Proctor Praise Points: • We thank God for the new connections made through MESSY CHURCH. It has been great to see how God has used our team of volunteers to share His Word in a new way. • Last year saw Morwell celebrate 60 years of service. We are now looking forward, trusting in Jesus that He has ‘Greater Things’ in store for this corps for the next 60 years. • A big thanks to all the people who volunteer their time and gifts to make the Morwell Corps what it is, serving in His name. Prayer Points: • The corps is venturing on a renovation project to bring the Emergency Relief back under one roof. May God bless us with a smooth build and sufficient finances. • As Messy Church grows, we pray for more leaders to come and join our team. • We pray that as we serve our community in various ways that Jesus will be evident in our lives and we will impact people through Him. • We ask for guidance in the challenges ahead and direction as we partner with Jesus.

Horsham with Community Support Services (Western Victoria) – Majors Carolyn Wright & Diane Romari George Town/Scottsdale (Tasmania) – George Town Praise Point: • For the enrolment in 2015 of a member of the corps who has been involved in local corps leadership for many years. Prayer Points: • For outreach opportunities into the community. • For the corps to be ministered to by the Holy Spirit. Scottsdale Praise Point: • For the enrolment of three soldiers in 2015. Prayer Points: • That the Holy Spirit would bring a freedom in worship. • That ‘spiritual seeds’ planted at the Thrift Shop will see spiritual growth in the town.

12 Week Commencing Sunday January 31 Denmark & Greenland Territory – Colonel Hannelise Tvedt Prayer Points:

Norway, Iceland & The Faeroes Territory – Commissioners Dick & Vibeke Krommenhoek Australia Southern THQ Executive Office – Commissioners Floyd & Tracey Tidd, Colonels Graeme & Karyn Rigley Lieut-Colonel Ian Callander, Major Barry Casey, Major Kaylene Fyfe, Major Heather Ellis, Evanne Keast, Narelle Woods & Andrea Nagy

Dates to Note: January 31 South Australia Divisional Celebration February 3 South Australia DHQ Fun Day

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation In the same way, the Spirit helps us in our weakness. We do not know what we ought to pray for, but the Spirit himself intercedes for us through wordless groans. Romans 8:26

13 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday February 7 Bairnsdale (Eastern Victoria) – Lieutenants Claire & David Jones Praise Points: • We give thanks to God for the impact our ministries are having in the local community and for the lives that are being transformed as a result! • We give thanks for the privilege we have of participating with God in His mission to the people of East Gippsland. Prayer Points: • We pray that our ministries will have an even greater impact in our local community, especially with young people and those needing assistance. • We pray for more leaders and workers for the mission, and that we will see an incredible harvest of souls for the Kingdom of God!

Karratha (Western Australia) – Major Michelle & Captain Niall Gibson Semaphore (South Australia) – Major Peter Demopoulos Stawell (Western Victoria) – Major Christine Agnew Praise Point: • Bible Study is increasing in strength. Prayer Points: • Here at Stawell we are asking God to lead us and show us His plans for our corps. • Pray that the families who come to Playgroup continue to ask questions about who is God, and in turn they will accept Him as their Saviour and friend. • Our community lunch people will also keep asking and that we will have the right words and answers.

Office of the Secretary for Business Administration – Lieut-Colonel Bruce Stevens, Major Gordon Main, Kate Oberg & Team

14 Week Commencing Sunday February 7 Canada & Bermuda Territory – Commissioner Susan McMillan

Dates to Note: February 7 Cadets Welcome National Day of Prayer & Fasting 8–10 Territorial Executive Council 10–March 20 Jesus: 40 Days of Prayer & Fasting 12–14 Disability Inclusion Conference: ‘Fearfully & Wonderfully Made’

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation One of those days Jesus went out to a mountainside to pray, and spent the night praying to God. Luke 6:12

15 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday February 14 Warrnambool (Western Victoria) – Majors Karina & Peter Wood Praise Points: • Youth Group has recommenced and is growing under new leadership. • Prayer is a growing priority in the life of the corps. • Chaplaincy outreach to Thrift Shop volunteers is providing a strong link between volunteers and the corps. Prayer Points: • That the corps will have a greater outward focus toward serving our community. • That God will guide the way forward for the corps building project. • That we will be bold in proclaiming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. • That we will be a witness to the grace and love of God in the community.

Nepean Hub–Frankston (Eastern Victoria) – Captains Colin Lane, Cate Shanks & Genevieve Peterson Praise Points: • The ongoing work in the Frankston North area which continues to see young lives transformed. • The team of young adults who have willingly moved into the area to practice incarnational mission. • Our chaplains operating in 5 local schools. • The way God has opened opportunities for a new plant in Frankston CBD. Prayer Points: • That the new mission would grow and thrive. • The new Thrift Shop. • Our chaplains in Bayside Shopping Centre.

Craigieburn (Central Victoria) – Captains Jo & Pete Brookshaw Property Department (THQ) – David Sinden & Team Tasmania Division – Majors John & Wendy Freind, & Team Overseas and Exchange Personnel Papua New Guinea Territory – Brother Peter & Sister Rhonda Lewis Peter – Lae Primary School Administrator Rhonda – Lae Primary School Assistant Administrator

16 Week Commencing Sunday February 14 Sweden & Latvia Territory – Commissioner Marie Willermark, & Lieutenants Peter & Rut Baronowsky (Regional Leaders – Latvia) ‘Positive Lifestyle Program’ (PLP) – Major Christine Pickens (Learning & Development Consultant Catherine Booth College) Prayer Points: • That God would continue to use this program to transform lives and build His Kingdom. • That trained facilitators will continue to seize opportunities in their ministries to journey with people as they learn about themselves. • For the development of PLP in Korean through the work of Major Jae-sung Lee.

Dates to Note: February 14 Launch of Self Denial Appeal 15–March 23 Administrative Leadership Training Course 20 Eastern Vic Women’s City Brunch

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Then Jesus told his disciples a parable to show them that they should always pray and not give up. Luke 18:1

17 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday February 21 Bentley (Western Australia) – Major Sharon Watson & Captain Dianne Gibbons Praise Points: • Good position and relationships with local community. • Well attended Mainly Music. Prayer Points: • New and fresh direction for corps. • Discipleship opportunities for further spiritual growth.

Rowville (Eastern Victoria) – Captain Rosemary Massey Busselton (West Australia) – Major Sharon & Captain Jason Dannock Praise Points: • Praise God that Busselton Corps is working together with other churches on Reconciliation. We are building relationships with Indigenous Australians and refugees through community groups that meet at our hall. • Praise God that He has healed people of significant injury and illness in the past year. He has also been leading us to greater wholeness as we worked corporately through the ‘Emotionally Healthy Spirituality’ course. • Praise God for the beginning of a new small group. Prayer Points: • Please pray for our Junior Soldiers, some of whom are entering their teenage years. Pray that they will keep growing in Christ and have the courage to follow Jesus instead of the crowd. Pray for opportunities to share the Good News with their friends. • Pray for new leaders for the Good News Club; a lunchtime programme led by an ecumenical team. • Pray that God will send more workers into His harvest field, growing the Kingdom and the corps. • Pray that our Thrift Shop staff and volunteers will become followers of Jesus and unite with the corps in mission. Pray that finances will increase this year.

Audit Department – Cameron Duck (Territorial Auditor) & Team

18 Week Commencing Sunday February 21 Finland & Estonia Territory – Colonels Johnny & Eva Kleman Finland: Praise Point: • Thank God for vision and commitment of the officers, soldiers and volunteers. Prayer Points: • Ask God to continue to guide us so that an increasing number of people will be saved and willingly and happily commit to soldiership/discipleship in the Army serving out our mission. • Corps and institutions will start working with the new Territorial Vision 1-2- 5. Please pray that corps can find their service models connected with the territorial vision and develop them successfully for the best of the corps. Ask God’s guidance for the planning. • One of our mission priorities is local social outreach. Please pray that we can find new functional models of serving people with their social as well as their spiritual needs at corps level. • Pray for both young people and more mature people to come through to officership. We now have cadets in training and candidates awaiting training. Please pray for them that God will strengthen them with the Holy Spirit and that many more can hear God’s calling. Estonia: Prayer Points: • Pray for Regional Commanders Majors Cedric and Lyn Hills and their staff. • Pray for new recycling programme which has started, as well as recently opened iCare second hand shop and the recycling staff. • Pray for the renovation project of Narva corps – that it will give more possibilities to serve people in that area near the Russian border. • Pray for the Hope House rehabilitation centre in Tallinn – that its activities meet people’s needs.

Dates to Note: February 22–24 Divisional Youth and Children’s Secretaries Conference 24 Territorial Candidates Council 27 Eastern Vic Women’s Gippsland Brunch 27–28 South Australia Youth Hub

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Answer me when I call to you, my righteous God. Give me relief from my stress; have mercy on me and hear my prayer. Psalm 4:1

19 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday February 28 Alice Springs (Northern Territory) – Major Geneen Wright & Captain Isobel Thomas Praise Points: • The staff of all the programmes, both church and social. • The Christ-focused integration between the church and social programme communities. • Consistency of people coming to church, especially our aboriginal brothers and sisters. Prayer Points: • Transformation of the lives of those who are seeking Christ. • Safety of the children who live in the town camps. • Growth of the youth and children’s ministries.

Riverland (South Australia) – Lieuts Adam & Catherine Mackenroth Port Lincoln with Community Support Services (South Australia) – Lieutenants Adrian & Lydia Hamond Praise Points: • The continual spiritual renewal of corps members. • The transformation of our youth and young adults, and their increasing hunger for the things of God. • The resumption of Home League and its mission. • The increased number of healings and miracles each week. Prayer Points: • The holiness of each and every member– totally yielded/surrendered to God. • Boldness and power in the sharing of the Good News. • Development of relationships and networks into the local Aboriginal community. • Devoted and on fire leaders (of worship, small groups and other ministries).

Office of the Secretary for Programme (THQ) – Lieut-Colonel Kelvin Merrett & Robyn Harris Overseas and Exchange Personnel Pakistan Territory – Major Winsome Mason, Secretary for Programme

20 Week Commencing Sunday February 28 Eastern Europe Territory – Colonels Rodney & Wendy Walters Prayer Point: The ongoing troubled political situation between Russia and Ukraine.

Dates to Note: March 1 Central Vic Seniors Roadshow 4 World Day of Prayer

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. Philippians 4:6

21 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday March 6 Pakenham (Eastern Victoria) – Lieutenants Belinda & Dale Saunders

Richmond (Central Victoria) – Lieutenants Cherry Ip & Erin Mains Praise Points: • Building stronger connection with community people through families of kids in our Kaboom and Reading groups. • Getting more opportunities for community engagement through local area partnership network and involvement in community projects. • Having new resources for developing ministries (esp. English speaking group and meeting) as new corps officer coming in. Prayer Points: • Discipleship and spiritual growth of members of the leadership team, the main congregation, kids and youth groups. • Smooth transition in the change of corps officer, esp. Chinese congregation who are mostly elderly people cared for by Helen (outgoing officer) for many years. • Good development of English speaking ministries – pathway of CSS clients to church, Bible study group and Sunday meeting, and kids and youth groups. • Introducing community people to the Christian faith, the gospel and church ministries.

Burnie (Tasmania) – Captains Belinda & Mark Smith Praise Points: • Praise God for continued growth within Burnie Salvation Army. • Praise God for the awesome team of leaders, volunteers and staff that all work together towards fulfilling God’s mission in the Burnie Community. Prayer Points: • Prayer for the commencement of our 4pm Worship service – that families will continue to connect with the Burnie Salvation Army. • Prayer for all the volunteers and staff of Burnie Salvation Army and the continual integration of corps and social programmes.

Information Technology Services – Craig Tucker (Chief Information Officer) & Team

22 Week Commencing Sunday March 6 Italy & Greece Command – Lieut-Colonels Massimo & Anne-Florence Tursi

Uganda Territory – Colonels Benjamin & Grace Mnyampi Prayer Points: • Church growth: We have been busy strengthening Prayers, Bible study, Recruit classes, Sunday schools, Discipleship, Stewardship etc. Materials have been distributed to each corps, and some training done. Some corps are showing encouraging signs. Pray that each corps will embrace these initiatives; the foundation of the church will be strengthened this way. • Moving towards self reliance: We have taken this on board and desire to do more in this area. Pray that many more of our people will understand the importance of changing our thinking and making a contribution to the building of this vital spirit in Uganda.

Western Victoria Divisional Headquarters – Majors Geoff & Kalie Webb, & Team Dates to Note: March 8 International Women’s Day Eastern Vic Seniors Roadshow 8–10 Seniors Ministries/Salvos Caring Conference 11–13 ‘EXPLORATION Weekend’ sponsored by Candidates Dept

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation If you, then, though you are evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your Father in heaven give good gifts to those who ask him! Matthew 7:11

23 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday March 13 Red Cliffs (Western Victoria) – Majors Graham & Kathleen Stanley Praise Points: • Families that now attend Sunday meetings through our ministry to children. • Growth in our children’s ministry. • The spiritual growth of the corps. • For our women’s Bible study group that has come out of our Women’s Hula Hub (dance and craft) group. Prayer Points: • For new leaders to commence Kids’ Church. • For the plans of our new Thrift Shop. • For the salvation of our people and those we minister to in our community. • That we would glorify God in all that we do in His name.

Campbelltown with Community Support Services (South Australia) – Captains Rob & Roslyn Casburn

Echuca Moama with Community Support Services (Western Vic) – Auxiliary Lieutenant Sonia Edwards Praise Points: • Praise God for spiritual growth – a new senior soldier and others wanting to learn more about being an adherent. • Praise God for new people attending worship. • Praise God for the commencement of a morning fellowship group. • Praise God for giving us opportunities to do Community Outreach. • Praise God for answers to prayer, especially the much needed furniture van for the Thrift Shop and donations from the community. Prayer Points: • Please pray for our Emergency Relief programme – for wisdom, guidance and strength to keep building and delivering the best service for the needy in our community and showing them the Hope that we find in God. • That God will grant us wisdom and grace in the implementation of our leadership structure. • Pray that our church family will embrace the vision that God has put before us: building the church up on a foundation of prayer. • Pray that our church community would live out Christ’s mission with Christ- like lives to whoever God brings to us.

Human Resources (Territorial & Divisional) – Stephen Webb & Team

24 Week Commencing Sunday March 13 Tanzania Territory – Colonels Edward & Deborah Horwood Prayer Points: • That the impact of the Boundless Congress would bear practical fruit in the lives and ministries of those in attendance from this territory • That the ministry by the cadets on their campaigns would deepen their understanding of their call to be officers, and that the corps and communities involved in the campaigns all over the territory would be blessed and the power of God would be seen.

Linsell Lodge Aged Care Facility (South Australia) – Tina De-Zen (Director of Care), Majors Graham & Karen Hill (Chaplains) & Team Linsell Lodge has provided a caring, warm environment where the holistic needs of people have been met. It specialises in meeting the needs of the aged as well as younger persons requiring care. Our focus is on marginalised and homeless persons, and people who are at risk of becoming homeless.

The Director of Care has asked for prayer for the residents and staff of this centre.

Dates to Note: March 15–16 Divisional Mission Resources Secretaries Workshop 17–18 Eastern Vic Quarterly Prayer & Fasting 18–20 Surrender Conference (Surrender is raising up the next generation of Christians to live the radical call of Jesus amongst the margins.) 18–20 Music and Creative Arts Conference

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Devote yourselves to prayer, being watchful and thankful. Colossians 4:2

25 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday March 20 Maryborough (Western Victoria) – Lieuts David & Annita Allman, & Elizabeth Conway Praise Points: • We praise God for those who have become followers of Jesus in the last 12 months. • We praise God for our 7 new Junior Soldiers and pray for their continued development. Prayer Points: • We pray for the continued growth of the corps during a time of transition. • We pray for mission opportunities to open up in the outposts of St Arnaud and Avoca. • We pray for the continued spiritual and numerical growth of our young people.

Portland (Western Victoria) – Captain David Boughton Bunbury (Western Australia) – Lieutenant Harriet Farquhar Praise Points: • Thank God for the provision of the many enthusiastic volunteers who help out with our various programmes – Doorways, Jumble Sale, Boom-Chicka-Boom, MakeIt Mondays, and the Emergency Trailer. • Give thanks for the people who have faithfully soldiered at the corps for many years. • Give thanks for the various groups who hire our premises during the week. We pray that the people who attend may consider the role of God in their life. Prayer Points: • We appreciate prayer support for the families in crisis who stay in our two onsite accommodation units. May they experience the light of God whilst they stay with us. • We would love you to pray this week for the over three hundred people who access our buildings each month through the various programmes, jumble sale, emergency relief programme, and hall hire. May God continue to inspire us to reach out to these people in a meaningful way.

THQ Wills and Bequests – John Williamson (PR Associate Fundraising Director) & Team South Australia Division – Lieut-Colonels Robyn & Ronald Clinch, & Team

26 Week Commencing Sunday March 20 Mozambique Territory – Lieut-Colonels Daniel & Arschette Moukoko

Overseas and Exchange Personnel Pakistan Territory – Major Sandra Maunder, Secretary for Business Administration

Dates to Note: March 20 Palm Sunday Self Denial Appeal Altar Service 21 Harmony Day (An Australian Government programme that coincides with the UN Day for the Elimination of Racial Discrimination.) 25 Good Friday

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation The LORD is near to all who call on him, to all who call on him in truth. Psalm 145:18

27 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday March 27 Moonah Corps & Community Centre (Tasmania) – Lieut Amy Jones Praise Points: • People are walking off the streets and joining us in worship. They are not only joining us in worship but very quickly feel called to make Moonah Salvation Army their spiritual home. • We have started a monthly family movie night to build further relationships with our Messy Church families. It has been great to see so many families join us for a movie and a meal afterwards. It has been exciting to see new families come along to the movie night. • God is answering our prayers to see people from the 20s-40s generation connect with Moonah Corps. We are seeing this generation connect through Sunday worship and our Messy Church/movie night outreach. • Earlier in the year we applied for funding to renovate our Doorways and corps office spaces. As of mid-September it is just about done and looks amazing. It will allow us to much better serve our community and be a nicer space to welcome people to our church. Prayer Points: • We need leaders! There are so many opportunities for mission, but we need leaders who are passionate and capable of running the various ministry opportunities. • We want souls! Pray that people not only connect with us as a church family at Moonah, but also that they will connect with Jesus Christ as the Saviour of their souls. • We need more ways to connect with our community! Moonah and the greater Glenorchy City Council area have many broken people with so many needs. Pray that wisdom and clarity can be given about the BEST way for Moonah Corps to connect with and serve this amazing community.

Bellarine Peninsula (Western Victoria) – Captains Di & Pete Hobbs Playford with Community Support Services (South Aust) – Majors Glenda Daddow & Cindy Shellenberger Praise Points: • God’s continual provision of funds to meet the expenses. • Mainly Music doing so well this year. • Soldiers and members who love the Lord. Prayer Points: • As the corps gets ready for a new building project. • For the corps area with great needs and so few resources. • New people to support the changes ahead.

28 Week Commencing Sunday March 27 Malawi Territory – Colonels Moses & Sarah Wandulu

‘Hope for Life’ Programme – Hennie Lanting (Territorial Hope for Life Liaison Officer) Prayer Points: • We are asking for all Salvationists to see the necessity of attending workshops, ours or others, in relation to all aspects of suicide prevention and bereavement. • Pray for our political leaders, that they continue to see a need to fund programmes responding to this need. • Please pray for the small team we have working between the two Australian territories. • Please pray for the many thousands of people bereaved by suicide. • Please pray for those contemplating life being too difficult to live, that they may choose help and be able to find it.

Social Programme Department – Netty Horton (Territorial Social Programme Director), Major Andrew Craib (Assistant Territorial Social Programme Secretary), & Territorial & Divisional Teams Dates to Note: March 27 Easter Sunday 30 Territorial Candidates Council 31–3 Kids Camp, Eastern Vic Division April 1–3 Kid’s Brengle – South Aust Red Shield Business Launch

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Watch and pray so that you will not fall into temptation. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak. Matthew 26:41

29 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday April 3 Perth Fortress (Western Australia) – Majors Angela & Brad Watson, & Lieutenant Benjamin Hollis Praise Points: • Continued growth in our youth and children’s programmes including extra leaders and 7 new junior soldiers enrolled in late 2015. • Continued development of our relationship with the various stages of the Bridge Programme. • Continued development of our own Doorways, Street Outreach and other social programmes. Prayer Points: • For the redevelopment of our facilities in the city – for financing, planning, and momentum. • For the continued emphasis that our corps is about transforming lives in the City of Perth. • For the continued care for our city that will see people saved and growing in their love for Christ.

Clarence City Corps & Community Centre (Tasmania) – Captain Michelle Myles Whyalla (South Australia) – Lieutenants Gail & Peter Sweeney Praise Point: • Many volunteers are becoming a part of our community outreach in our Thrift Shop and our Cafe Salvo. Hence there has been an increase in the number of people from the community entering our corps. Both of these influxes have increased our need to share the Gospel. Prayer Points: • Passion for our corps outreach. • Discipleship.

Pastoral Care Centre – Major Graeme Faragher (Director) & Team Overseas and Exchange Personnel USA Central Territory – Major Brendon Robertson, Administrator, Fort Wayne Adult Rehabilitation Center, Indiana

30 Week Commencing Sunday April 3 Zambia Territory – Colonel Margaret Siamoya Prayer Points: • Newly retired officers. • Territorial leaders. • Cadets. • Economy of our country is a very big worry.

The Graceville Centre (Western Australia) – Captain Naava Brooks (Manager), Captain Margaret Colls (Chaplain), & Team This centre has accommodation and a range of services to support women facing family and domestic violence. Praise Points: • Thank you Lord for the commitment of selected year 11 students who have been mentoring our resident children and helping them with their homework. • Thank you Lord for the support of Path of Hope who have fundraised to renovate our children’s learning centre. Prayer Points: • Please Lord, continue to provide opportunities of funding to support this service. • Please Lord, continue to give staff grace and discernment as they work with many clients with complex needs.

Dates to Note: April 8–10 South Aust: ‘Create SA’

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

31 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday April 10 Parafield Gardens (South Australia) – Captains Colin & Kylie Palstra Praise Points: • Praise to God for continuing to renew and refresh, and bring people closer to Him. • Praise to God for His faithfulness. • Praise to God for His servants in our church and community. • Praise for growth in both of our congregations. Prayer Points: • that our connections with the community will be meaningful and focused towards bringing people closer to Jesus. • Prayer for leaders to be developed for our existing programmes. • Prayer for new directions in 2016. • Pray that people currently in our two congregations would continue to develop their relationship with God and become closer to Him.

Unley (South Australia) – Majors Reno & Ros Elms Albany (Western Australia) – Majors Katie & Paul Beardsley Praise Points: • Thank God for our volunteers who work diligently to maintain our financial viability. • We give thanks for the close fellowship and spirit of acceptance that is in the corps. • We thank God for the personal health and recovery that we see in people’s lives in the corps. Prayer Points: • We pray that our numbers will increase for all our activities. • We pray that those who are already attending corps programmes will be inspired by God’s great love to be more involved. • We pray God will inspire our youth to a deeper relationship with Him and to be involved in Church activities. • We pray that we will follow God’s will with all our future plans.

Melbourne Staff Band – Bandmaster Ken Waterworth, Lieut-Colonel Bruce Stevens (Executive Officer) & Band members

32 Week Commencing Sunday April 10 Zimbabwe Territory – Commissioners Henry & Catherine Nyagah Prayer Points: • Sick Officers. • Economic Hardships – the deteriorating economy is affecting the territory and even the armed forces. Many companies are closing down leading to people losing their jobs. • Pray for our recently commissioned officers as they get into the ministry. • Plans for our 125 years celebrations to be held in 2016.

Dates to Note: April 12 Future Leaders Dinner

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. 1 John 1:9

33 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday April 17 Dandenong Corps (Eastern Victoria) – Capts Nari & Stuart McGifford, & Lieutenant Simon Mapleback Praise Points: • For continued connections within the community, for people’s lives being transformed, for people being drawn into a passionate and dynamic relationship with Christ. Prayer Points: • For leadership development, for people’s discipleship growth and for continued connections with people from the community, particularly with those who are new to Australia.

Gosnells (Western Australia) – Major Mike Kemp Mildura with Family Support Services (Western Victoria) – Captains Graham & Julie Moyle, & Leanne Johnston Praise Points: • For the growth in our kids’ ministry (SAGALA, Mainly Music, Junior Soldiers and Kids’ Church). • That our building is paid in full giving us extra money for mission. • For people wanting to be members of our corps. Prayer Points: • For our SalvoCare staff and volunteers, that they will continue to be effective in meeting the needs of our clients. • For the building of a Thrift Shop on our corps property. • For the outreach planned in Robinvale and Ouyen townships.

Central Victoria Division – Majors Christine & Michael Wright, & Team Hospital Chaplains across the Territory

34 Week Commencing Sunday April 17 Southern Africa Territory – Commissioners Keith & Yvonne Conrad

Overseas and Exchange Personnel Hong Kong & Macau Command – Major Dieu Quang On, General Secretary

The Basin Centre, SalvoCare (Eastern Victoria) – Cheryl Campbell (Manager Bridge Programme), Stephen Hill (Chaplain) & Team Residential Recovery Programme for Alcohol and Drug Addiction. A combination of individual case management and support, group work, life skills, self-awareness, spiritual awareness and staff role modelling are used to encourage participants to make significant life changes. Whilst participating in the program, abstinence is required. The possibility of a transformed life is fundamental to our philosophy. Please pray for the clients and staff of this centre as they work together to overcome addictive behaviour and transform lives.

Dates to Note: April 19–20 Wider Cabinet

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation The LORD is far from the wicked, but he hears the prayer of the righteous. Proverbs 15:29

35 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday April 24 Northside Community Centre (Western Vic) – Major Gloria Eldridge

Sunshine (Central Victoria) – Lieutenants Colin & Phuong Reynolds Praise Points: • For the continuing healthy and productive relationship Sunshine Corps has with the greater community of Sunshine, including local council, businesses and fellow community groups. • For the amazing diversity of our corps. We praise God that Sunshine Corps resembles the multi-ethnic community it serves and we thank Him for the wonderful inter-cultural faith community we are. Prayer Points: • For the beginning of a Just Brass programme in the Sunshine area. Pray for the local primary school we are working with and that the students will continue to embrace and have fun with the music they are learning. • For the community outreach meal Sunshine Corps holds every Friday evening. Pray for the well-being of volunteers and the regular attendees who benefit from this programme.

Manningham (Eastern Victoria) – Captains Anne & Railton Hill, & Mary Liu

Perth Chinese Corps (Western Australia) – Paul & Esther Ong (Congregational Leaders) Praise Points: • Praise God for bringing in Paul and Esther Ong to lead the congregation after interim leadership. • Praise God for the commitment and faithfulness of soldiers and congregation members who remained faithful during the interim period. • Praise God for the excellent location of the corps, which attracts new visitors almost every week. Prayer Points: • Pray for corps members to have a passion for souls and be discipled to disciple others. • Pray for holy living among members. • Pray for outreach to the Chinese community in Perth in ways that are relevant and effective. • Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit in the corps to revive and rekindle passion for Jesus.

36 Week Commencing Sunday April 24 Angola Command – Lieut-Colonels Celestin-Pepe & Veronica Pululu

Child Sponsorship – Carolyn Hallett (Director) & Team Praise Points: • For all of our supporters who continue to faithfully provide financial and prayerful support to the children on our programme. • For his love and watchful eye over the child sponsorship team, the children and overseas secretaries. Prayer Points: • More sponsors to sign up and help support The Salvation Army’s mission in the developing world. • Volunteers to help us promote and support our programme. • Good health and protection for overseas secretaries and area co-ordinators who are our hands and feet, and live in some of the most challenging places in the world.

Dates to Note: April 25 Anzac Day 27 Red Shield Appeal Launch – Melbourne Territorial Candidates Council

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Therefore I want the men everywhere to pray, lifting up holy hands without anger or disputing. 1 Timothy 2:8

37 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday May 1 Marion Corps with Community Support Services (South Australia) – Captains Cherie & Chris Clarke, & Deb Strapp Praise Points: • For the life changes and growth evident in the lives of our congregation; may this be contagious. • For our children and teens and their growing relationship with God; may this be the foundation for their lives. Prayer Points • For the spirit of Joy to be evident in everyone and everything we do, and may this humbly radiate from us. • For unity in the body of Christ, and unity in purpose and vision. • That every person, from the youngest to the oldest will arm themselves with Spiritual Armour, and cover themselves and our church in prayer. • That each individual will understand God has so much more for their lives, and will be hungry enough to seek it out.

Northam (Western Australia) – Majors Raymond & Kaye Reeves Kyabram (Central Victoria) – Captains Gail & John Roberts Bayside (Eastern Victoria) – Lieutenants Daniel & Shella Smith Praise Points: • Continuing to make and build connections with the families that attend our Playgroups. • Our strong partnership with Highett Neighbourhood Community House. • The integrated work we are engaged in as part of the chaplaincy team at Moorabbin Justice Centre. Prayer Points • That people would feel a part of the family at our faith gathering. • That our community of faith would continue to live out our missional habits and that through this our community would be transformed. • That we continue to find people of peace in our community and through this our ministry would continue to grow.

Overseas and Exchange Personnel IHQ – Major Brad Halse, IHQ Communications Secretary

38 Week Commencing Sunday May 1 Democratic Republic of Congo Territory – Commissioner Madeleine Ngwanga Congo Brazzaville Territory – Commissioners Onal & Edmane Castor Dates to Note: May 4 Eastern Vic Silver Star Luncheon Red Shield Appeal Launch – Perth 5 Red Shield Appeal Launch – Darwin

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures. James 4:3

39 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday May 8 Mount Gambier (South Aust) – Majors Cameron & Trudy Horsburgh

Hobart Citadel (Tasmania) – Captains Paul & Robyn Lorimer Praise Points: • The growth and excitement in our children’s ministry. • The depth of faith and spiritual wisdom within our leadership and staff teams. • The corps’ acceptance and openness towards the marginalised. Prayer Points: • For more first-time faith commitments. • A spiritual impact through our Sunday night Worship & Movie events. • For more ‘Connection’ groups starting up throughout the corps.

Kingston Gardens (Eastern Vic) – Majors Charlie & Narelle Jacobsen Territorial Candidates – Lieut-Colonel Debra Stevens (Territorial Candidates Secretary) & Team Praise Points: • Praise God that there are those who have responded to His call and are now training to be Salvation Army officers in the ‘Messengers of the Gospel’ session. • Praise God that the new Auxiliary Lieutenant system is in place and that at the time of writing 10 Auxiliary Lieutenants have been accepted, with others going through the application process. • Praise God for the many people who have been involved over the past year in encouraging and supporting the application for officership process, and promotion and identification of future leaders within The Salvation Army. Prayer Points: • Please pray that those who have been called by God to be Salvation Army officers will be obedient to that call and not allow any obstacle to get in their way. • Please pray that people will be prompted by the Holy Spirit to discern those that God is calling and to then be used by God to confirm that calling on people’s lives. • Please pray for revival! We need to see people saved and serving God, so that others may be saved and serving. There are leaders in the harvest!

40 Week Commencing Sunday May 8 Nigeria Territory – Colonels Victor & Rose-Marie Leslie

Bridgehaven Addiction Assistance Service (State Social Command – Victoria) – Gaewynne Old (Manager), Envoy Keitha Marsh (Chaplain), & Team Praise Points: • Residents engaging in Recovery Church at Moonee Valley and attending Preston Corps. • A Bible study about to commence at the request of residents. • Women completing the Bridgehaven programme having set goals for their future in recovery. Prayer Points: • For staff and management through a time of transition. • For new residents as they settle into the programme.

Western Australia Division – Majors Lisa & Neil Venables, & Team Dates to Note: May 8 Mother’s Day 13 Eastern Vic Division: Volunteer Awards

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Therefore I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24

41 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday May 15 Ferntree Gully Corps (Eastern Victoria) – Lieutenants Angela Locke & Sharnna Ainsworth Praise Points: • Our new assistant officer – Lieutenant Sharnna Ainsworth. • The commencement of Messy Church, an added expression of God’s love and our presence in the community. • The faithfulness of our congregation. Prayer Points: • Lieutenant Sharnna Ainsworth and her ministry at our corps. • Messy Church monthly events – that God will bring young families to hear His story of love and forgiveness.

Hamilton Hill (Western Australia) – Lieutenants Amy & Ron Stobie Ingle Farm (South Australia) – Captains David & Kylie Collinson, & Auxiliary Lieutenants Claire & Dale Merrett Praise Points: • New 5pm congregation. • Seeing community connections starting to occur. • Many young people from disadvantaged backgrounds are hearing the good news of Jesus and we are seeing Him at work in their lives. • For the incredible team of 90 plus staff that are committed to making a difference across Adelaide through our programmes. • For the 45 kids involved in Just Brass and the positive relationships that we are building with their families. Prayer Points: • Continuing the integration of all the corps and social programmes at The Salvation Army Ingle Farm. • Keep listening to Jesus about how to grow and develop the 5pm congregation including the development of missional communities. • More opportunities for young people in our community to find work, education programmes that lead to employment, and affordable housing. • For our new cafe and relationships with our immediate community including North Ingle Primary School.

Growing Healthy Corps Network – Major Graham Roberts (Territorial Director) & Territorial Consultants

42 Week Commencing Sunday May 15 Ghana Territory – Colonels Joseph & Angélique Lukau

Dates to Note: May 15 Pentecost Sunday

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation The righteous cry out, and the LORD hears them; he delivers them from all their troubles. Psalms 34:17

43 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday May 22 Whittlesea City (Central Victoria) – Captain Aaron & Lieutenant Lauren Stobie, & Major June Purdy Kalgoorlie-Boulder Corps and Mission Centre (Western Australia) – Lieutenants Mark & Zoe Schatz Praise Points: • For souls saved, and the hope our corps’ mission gives to those in need. • The many volunteers who invest in and contribute to our church community. • The new recruits becoming soldiers and adherents. • The New 6430 YOUTH Group and its dedicated youth leaders. Prayer Points: • That we continue to share the love of Christ with those in our community with the hope of seeing souls saved. • That we continue to provide a first class service to the homeless in our community. • That the leadership team continues to have a strong vision to help the lost, last and least, and draw them to Christ. • For the children as they are the next generation of our community! • That we have strong Christian child-focused leaders to join the mission and ministry here. • That families continue to connect to the corps and mission centre. • That our Thrift Shops continue to generate funds that are used to transform lives, care for people, make disciples and reform society.

Bendigo (Western Victoria) – Majors Andrew & Kelly Walker, & Major Kaye Viney Greenwith (South Australia) – Major Quentin Castle

44 Week Commencing Sunday May 22 Liberia Command – Colonels Gabriel & Monica Kathuri Pray for the work of The Salvation Army in helping to rebuild communities that were Ebola infected.

Mali Region – Majors Kapela & Rose-Nicole Ntoya Doorways: Community Support and Emergency Relief Services – Pamela Hanney (Territorial Doorways Coordinator) & representatives across the Australia Southern Territory Praise Points: • For the caring and committed staff and volunteers working in Doorways Community Support Services sites across the territory. • For the warmth and support that our staff and volunteers offer as they ‘walk alongside’ clients on their pathway to increased resilience and self-worth. • For the willingness to adopt and embrace the Doorways Philosophy to guide our service delivery and engagement with clients. Prayer Points: • That our Doorways staff and volunteers will be well supported (and support each other) to expand and deepen the reach of the critical work they do. • That our Doorways teams are successful in building partnership networks with other providers to enrich the referral supports we can offer our clients. • That we are blessed with seeing the impact of our work with clients who have gained the confidence to take steps towards more engaged lives.

Dates to Note: May 25 Territorial Candidates Council Red Shield Appeal Donut Day 28–29 Red Shield Neighbourhood Appeal Doorknock Week 28 National Day of Thanksgiving

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation And when you pray, do not keep on babbling like pagans, for they think they will be heard because of their many words. Matthew 6:7

45 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday May 29 Morley Corps and Community Centre (Western Australia) – Majors Kirsten & Warren Elliott Torquay (Western Victoria) – Majors Christine & Vic Pitman-Jones Praise Points: • Our new vision: ‘A Caring Church Connecting with Community’. • The newly commenced meal for the homeless at SalvoConnect Belmont catered by Surf Coast Secondary College Students. • Connections into the local community that are growing. Prayer Points: • Healing and restoration for many who are linked to the corps. • That the corps will continue to focus on the local community and the need to ‘get out there’. • That continued connections will grow between the corps and the Surf Coast Secondary College through the school chaplain. • That opportunities would open for Vic to be chaplain to the local shire council and employees. • That God would guide us as to the best use, for outreach and connections, of our South Beach Road property. • That we will be able to reach into the community through the local markets that take place. • That Torquay Salvos will be known across the community as a safe place to come. • That doors will open so we can partner with SalvoConnect and provide services from our hall.

St Kilda Chapel (Central Victoria) – Major Janette Shepherd International Headquarters (IHQ), London – General André Cox, Commissioner Silvia Cox & Team Please pray for General André Cox and Commissioner Silvia Cox as they lead The Salvation Army into a new era of mission after the Boundless Congress. Pray for the Holy Spirit to lead and direct our leaders into all that God has prepared for them in the days ahead. Pray for the staff, employees and volunteers at IHQ who support The General as he leads us in the worldwide mission to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ and meet human needs in His name without discrimination.

46 Week Commencing Sunday May 29 Portugal & Spain Command – Lieut-Colonels Gordon & Susan Daly

Switzerland, Austria & Hungary Territory – Commissioners Massimo & Jane Paone

Overseas and Exchange Personnel Eastern Europe Territory – Majors Judith & Mark Soeters, Territorial Education Secretary & Territorial Property Secretary

Dates to Note: June 1 Cabinet Retreat

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation So I say to you: ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. Luke 11:9

47 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday June 5 Mooroolbark (Eastern Victoria) – Majors Chris & Steve Black

Collingwood (Project 25:40) (Central Victoria) – Lieutenant Meg Dale Praise Point: • Praise for the many deep and lasting friendships that have been established across each and all of the participating groups throughout the Collingwood Corps community. Prayer Points: • Pray for the Neighbourhood Justice Centre and its integrated urban mission in Collingwood. • Pray that we may see Jesus in the eyes of each and every person we encounter and that those we minister to may catch a glimpse of Jesus in us.

Balga (Western Australia) – Captains Darren & Megan Aitken Praise Points: • For new people coming to the corps on a regular basis. • For God’s blessing on our many ministries. • For our Cafe Ministry and the many opportunities God gives us to minister to people who come into the cafe (many who are homeless). Prayer Points: • For God’s continued blessing and anointing on our officers Darren and Megan and for wisdom, knowledge and understanding for our officers and senior leadership. • That God would grant us a passion for prayer. • For more committed volunteers for our many ministries. • For breakthrough in our needy community and for Salvation for the many people who come to the corps through our Quilters Group, Mainly Music, Early Learning Centre, Thrift Shop, Welfare, Financial Counseling and Housing Ministries.

Territorial Professional Standards Unit – Trevor Walker (Professional Standards Director) & Team The Territorial Professional Standards Unit exists to ensure that The Salvation Army policy, procedure, and behaviour in ministry and service provision provide the maximum protection for those we serve from all forms of abuse. Please pray for this team as they work to ensure all facets of worship, programmes and activities are safe environments for all people, especially the young and vulnerable.

48 Week Commencing Sunday June 5 , Lithuania & Poland Territory – Colonels Patrick & Anne- Dore Naud Praise Points: • Development of ministry in Poland. • Strengthening of the ranks through soldier enrolments in Germany and Poland. • Officers, corps leaders, soldiers and adherents who, with few resources, accomplish much. Prayer Points: • Equip us with personnel and practical resources to fulfil His vision for this territory. • Guide and strengthen the territory in soul-winning and disciple-making. • Give clear direction in ministry to refugees. • Give us bold faith to take risks in His name. • Increase donations in 2016.

Overseas and Exchange Personnel Sweden & Latvia Territory – Lieutenant Kathleen Johansson, Corps Officer Lulea Corps – Sweden

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation I urge, then, first of all, that petitions, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for all people – for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 1 Timothy 2:1–2

49 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday June 12 Leongatha (Eastern Victoria) – Lieutenants Glenn & Kerry Smith Praise Points: • The appreciated work of our employees and volunteers who make an impact in people’s lives everyday through our Doorways Centre. • The volunteers who run our Thrift Shop and help raise the money for the mission of our corps. • The leaders and teams that minister to our community every week through SAGALA and Mainly Music. Prayer Points: • We pray for the raising up of Godly leaders. • As change happens in corps leadership this year that this will be smooth and that Jesus will be first in the life of this corps.

Geelong (Western Victoria) – Captains David & Patricia Day Kingborough-Huon (Tasmania Division) – Major Linda Miller Praise Points: • Praising God for ‘Call To Arms’ classes where people are considering soldiership/or becoming an adherent. • Praising God for the Drop In Centres at Kingborough and Huonville, and opportunity to engage with those in need in our communities. • Praising God for our dedicated volunteers who serve Him and their communities. • Praising God for the sense of joy and belonging that exists in the corps and the commissioning of a corps sergeant major and Youth Group leader. Prayer Points: • Continued good health of corps officers. • A vision for Children’s Ministry - what will it look like, how will it happen, who will run with it? • That growth will come through the Drop In Centres at Huonville and Kingborough (spiritually, emotionally and numerically). • A continued passion for the lost, the last, the least.

Spiritual Life Development Ministries • Major Marney Turner (Territorial Spiritual Life Development Secretary, Evangelism & 24/7 Prayer) • Major Cathy Elkington (Territorial Spiritual Life Development Secretary, Discipleship)

50 Week Commencing Sunday June 12 Netherlands & Czech Republic & Slovakia Territory – Commissioners Hans & Marja van Vliet

Westcare Child & Adolescent Services (State Social Command – Vic) – Peter Mulholland (General Manager), Lieutenant Robert Champion (chaplain) & Team Praise Points: • The establishment of the outreach team ‘Roast’ as they interact with our most vulnerable young people on the streets of Melbourne. • ‘Creating Dreams Project’. The Creating Dreams project is a Westcare initiative designed to acknowledge the achievements and dreams of young people within our community with the support of the people who strive to make a difference in their lives.The ‘Creating Dreams Project’ is funded by staff at Westcare and a variety of fundraising activities. Many young people have been rewarded for their achievements through this programme. • The Sunshine Community Garden. Westcare has been working in partnership with Salvation Army Social Housing & Support Network (SASHS), Sunshine Youth Housing, Red Shield Housing, Employment Plus, Salvos Stores and Salvation Army corps. Corporate and community support for the Garden has grown providing expertise and new equipment. Prayer Points: • That all young people who journey through Westcare services feel safe, secure and loved and that they grow into happy, healthy and productive members of society. We hope that young people see themselves as extraordinary individuals capable of achieving great things whilst in our care and beyond, despite their circumstances. • For wisdom and guidance to keep building and delivering the best service delivery for young people in our care. • Foster care crisis. The sector is struggling with a shortage of foster carers and more carers are needed urgently. The service at Melton needs at least 10 new foster carers.

Dates to Note: June 14 Territorial Executive Council 15–17 Divisional Leaders Consultation

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Call to me and I will answer you and tell you great and unsearchable things you do not know. Jeremiah 33:3

51 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday June 19 Port Augusta (South Aust) – Captains Elizabeth & Michael Johnson

Delacombe (Western Victoria) – Major Debbie & Captain Rod Serojales, & Major Lyn Ballantyne Praise Points: • For ‘Beans’ our Primary School Kids Club that connects into three local schools. Families from this programme are now connecting into other areas of our Church community. • Decisions and commitments to God being made from members of the new Youth Group. • Monthly Community Meal that has seen families from our Outreach activities and community members attend. • For committed and supportive leadership team, staff, and volunteers at our corps and Thrift Shop. Prayer Points: • Opportunities to minister and work alongside the Ballarat Mobile Library that currently runs from our Church building. • Future building project. • For finding greater opportunities for cultivating friendships in our community.

Glenroy (Central Victoria) – Lieutenant Allan Cooper Mission Resources Department (Territorial & Divisional) – Major Graham Roberts (Territorial Mission Resources Secretary), Major Len Turner (Assistant Territorial Mission Resources Secretary) & Teams Salvation Army Housing/Salvation Army Housing Victoria (SAH/ SAHV) – Mark Dall (CEO) & Major David Eldridge AM (Board Chair) SAH is the overall body that manages the territory’s social housing properties, and SAHV has a legal, contractul arrangement with Victoria’s Dept of Health & Housing. SAH across the territory and SAHV can develop innovative and targeted opportunities that will help to change lives for the better. ‘We want to see lives transformed for the better.’

Please pray for those who are in need of accommodation and are unable to find suitable housing, and that the SAH/SAHV will be able to meet their obligations and pursue their mission to assist the many who are in need of their services.

52 Week Commencing Sunday June 19 & Territory – Colonels Daniel & Eliane Naud Prayer Points: • Our new cadet Pierre-Alain César who is attending the William Booth College, London, in the “Joyful Intercessors” session. • Our accepted candidates Mathilde Alaux, Stéphane Gratas and Etienne Olivier as they begin their journey into ministry as corps assistants. • Our retired officers. • Territorial leadership. • For the ministry of our corps officers and their respective corps. • For the ministry of our chaplaincy service as they visit our centres, as well as prisons and hospitals. • For the work of our social centres in reaching out to the downtrodden.

Dates to Note: June 21 Junior Soldier Renewal Day 23–24 Eastern Vic: Quarterly Prayer & Fasting 24–26 South Aust Youth Hub 25–28 Eastern Vic: REV Youth Camp

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective. James 5:16

53 24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION Week Commencing Sunday June 26 Healesville/The Lounge (Eastern Victoria) – Lieut Sarah Eldridge

Castlemaine (Western Victoria) – Lieutenant Judy Shaw Praise Points: • For the exciting growth of our Playgroup and the connections being made with the families attending. • Increased prayer in specific areas and seeing God answer these prayers. • Significant connections being made with new people who are coming to the corps. • People from the community who are keen to engage in mission with us. Prayer Points: • That we would continue to see God’s hand at work in the Playgroup, Community Lunch, Thrift Shop and Emergency Relief so that we would see strong relationships and Kingdom outcomes. • We continue to pray to the Lord of the Harvest that He would equip us to reach those He is calling us to minister to. • That through the connections we have with people in the community who partner with us, that we would see God move and people catch the vision to build God’s Kingdom in our community. • That we would continue to trust and wait on God as we move forward trusting in Him.

Armadale (Western Australia) – Envoys Nicole & Paul Hetherington Office of the Secretary for Personnel (THQ) – Lieut-Colonel Vivien Callander, Major Brian Pratt & Team Towards Independence – Top End (Northern Territory) – Janet Seden (Manager) & Team Confidential, transitional housing and outreach support programme that provides family accommodation, case management, and life and skills workshops. Please pray for the staff as they minister to those experiencing accommodation problems and other difficulties.

54 Week Commencing Sunday June 26 Territory with the Republic of Ireland (UKI) – Commissioners Clive & Marianne Adams Overseas and Exchange Personnel Indonesia Territory – Commissioners Peter & Jennifer Walker Peter – Territorial Commander Jennifer – Territorial President of Women’s Ministries

Dates to Note: June 29 Territorial Candidates Council July 3 Founders Day 3-8 Territorial Creative Arts Camp

‘24-7 PRAYER REVOLUTION’ Weekly Scripture Meditation Therefore, since we have a great high priest who has ascended into heaven, Jesus the Son of God, let us hold firmly to the faith we profess. Hebrews 4:14






Donations Sincere thanks to those who have sent in donations to cover the costs of printing and postage of the Prayer Diary.

Changing Your Address? Please let us know if you are changing address: [email protected]

All Correspondence to: Major Marney Turner The Salvation Army Territorial Mission Resources Department PO Box 479 BLACKBURN VIC 3130 email address: [email protected] webpage: http://www.sarmy.org.au/en/Ministry/Spiritual-Life-Development/Prayer- Diary/

Every effort has been made to ensure correct details of personnel at the time of printing.