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Through Car Service to Great Falls terfstinu object for astronomical ob¬ servation. It is moving into the conate - lation of Vulpeoula and will soon paa* MISSOUK LAUD WARRANTSAREISSUED Into Oyitnus and become involved in tho milky way. It has been seen with th« Must Vacate This naked eve and is an easy object for bi¬ /We Store\ noculars. "SHOWr STATE FOR MANANDWOMAN M. Tellier, the inventor of the cold stor- aire system, is dead at the age of et«ht> - six years. Born at Amiens in France, ' he devoted himself to scientific research, Sing Praises of Authori¬ and his experiments found practical out¬ Missouri's; Montgomery County come In 1S7W when the first experiments! Abbot Gasquet Tells of Work cargo of frosen meat left France for Sons at State ties Ask Arrest of Mrs. Hut- Fuenos Aires in I*e FVigorlflque. which DRUG Society's had STOCK been CLOSING OUT built under his directions with of Commission $40,000 Appointed cold storage departments. It is said he ton First Meeting of Season. and Alleged Assailant. died in a state of destitution At the Busy Drug Store, 904 G Street N.W. by Pope Pius X. Representative Joseph J. Russell of Warrants charging assault with intent Manhall L. Smith Dead. Missouri, in addressing the Missouri So- to murder were yesterday afternoon Is¬ Marshall L<. Smith, for many years a PRESENT BIBLE TEXT ciety of Washington, at its first meeting sued for the arrest of Thomas J. Garrett resident of Washington, and for to and Mrs. a re- Your Reap Big Savings During This Sale of the season at Rausoher's last night, Saidee C. Hutton. alleged par¬ twenty-five years wholesale and Opportunity of in a Mrs. Hut- tall xrocer, died last CONTAINS MANY ERRORS spoke the organization as the strong¬ ticipants revolver duel in Wednesday. | est of its character ton's home at coun¬ Funeral services were held and ever before on Toilet Articles and Store in the city, and touch¬ JJnden. Montgomery Friday Prices lovverthan Quality Drugs, High-grade Drug ed also on the Missotirians holding gov- ty. Md. Thursday night. Mrs. Hutton. Interment was at Holy Rood cem*ter>. we ernment positions in Washington. was taken from th« sanatorium at Forest Georgetown. He was a member of H. Articles. Never before since we have been in the business have sold standard goods Revision of Speak- 1*. O. Klk* drug Interest to Entire Chris¬ er Champ Clark and a number of Glen yesterday afternoon and brought to l.odge. No. 15. and of tli*- promi- Knights, of Columbus. He is survive*! This stock is a one.but with these it won't last nent men were referred to in Represent¬ Homeopathic Hospital in this city, and at such low prices. large extraordinary prices tian World, Says Eminent Bene¬ last by his wife. Mrs. Mary A. Smith, six store at low ative Russell's address. night, it is stated, the Montgomery ¦ons^m^onejdauglitet^^^^^^^^^^^^ here Monday and get your drug needs thes£ astoundingly prices. dictine Scholar. Representative .lames T. Moyd of Mis¬ county officials were told it waa not ad¬ hurry souri and visable for them to disturb her. Gar- a stock to choose from. Third Assistant Postmaster DIED. while have complete General Alexander M. Dockery. who was rett is a patient at Garfleld Hospital. you BOUS. AI Publication of the revision of the Latin formerly Governor of Missouri, also spoke Sheriff Cllfard Howard called upon the hi* horn*. Jacksonville. Flu., Fri¬ police of the second and day. November 7. lJ»i:t. at 2:80 p.m.. .V Vulgate, upon which a commission ap¬ along the same lines. Miss M. Hazel tenth precincts UUORGE. Iirlorod hualtand of Sadl< Hon I. yesterday afternoon and advised them ¦ ml brother of Roiiert M. Boul* nnd Annie K. pointed by Pope Pius X is now Chisholm contributed a piano solo and that engaged, Miss Lulu warrants had been Issued for Mrs. Adams of Washington. Mrs. M. K. Hopper may be begun within the next three Adams recited. Miss Sue Iless Hutton and Garrett. The warrants were of Ocorgla ami William R. Routs of Tc*ss & sang, accompanied by Mrs Gertrude B Interment for left Kin. Tremendous years, declared Rt. Rev. with the police and the latter were Jacksonville. Monday, Tuesday Wednesday Abbot Dom Perkins. Price-Cutting to requested a watch Gasquet chairman of the commission, in keep on the pa¬ CKKDIC. Entered into rest on Friday. Notcui- tients. bcr 10c Toilet 75f Rum.ll 25c Witch Hand. 25c Castile Soap II *1 Syrup Hypo¬ the course of a lecture on the wbrk de¬ Plans for Season. 7. 11)1.1. at 12:4r» a.m., at her residence. Mv Eleaya II .'«. apthall 5c Ivory Soap. 3 Crepe Bay ll <«>m- Garrett 214 1< Kln'i't northwest. EIJZA CONWAf || phosphites livered last night at McMahon Tells of Shooting. mother of Tlbbs lie 4 rolls.21 ell bottle 37cII bottle 14c large cake. Hall. At the close of the CREDIC, Melvlna and iliUf Cream 34c II Soap. 3 cake*.. cake* Paper. 12c|l poUnd 59c Catholic meeting refresh¬ of George C»n««t aiul Leans RoAne. 11<-]| University, before the faculty ments were served. will now State's Attorney Spates yesterday aiter- and students of the Meetings Funeral from 'l'hlrl Rapt'st Church Monday. No¬ university and promi¬ be held on the second Saturday night in noon heard more of Garrett's sld»> of the vember 1«». at 2 o'clock. Relative* and friends 50c Hinds' Honey nent clergymen of this The affair than the latter was Invited to attend. 9* fl Ever - ready city. large each month until the end of the organiza¬ able to tell Manicure Articles Hot=water Bottles and Talcum Powders Almond lecture room was Kaxora.Mtc Cream.31c crowded and many tion s season, in May. For the present Friday. Garrett told the prosecuting at¬ DEAKINS. Hoddenly. ou Friday. November- 7. Safety 15c Oueenall Talcum Powder.*. 9c w ere forced to h( « Manicure Sciwor* 50c Fountain stand. The abbot was In¬ season have been made torney that he has witnesses to prove he IMS. p.m.. WILLIAM mKO|H jjtl.2." Syringes 15c Mennen's Talcum 12c troduced by arrangements DEAKINS. at the residence of his grand at 15c Sosoderma Talcum 9c Father Dougherty, vice rec¬ for the annual banquet, to be held in was not under the influence of liquor daughter. Mr*. N. Fuderwood. 1N17 Relmoni S. Wnm- 15e Blackhead Removers 7c Big Savings 75c Beef. Wine tor of the where services will l>e aer 91 H. TWO-YEAR GUARANTEE WITH 50c Bent Violet Talcnm university. March, a theater party in January and when he went to Mrs. Hutton's house roa«l. held, need pok'n Cod l.lver Tweeitr* 7c Powder, Vb-Ib. box 24c and Iron. bot.. 29c the annual picnic in July. Last night's Thursday night to see her about a shot¬ enty-tlve yeara. seven mouth* and eight day* :»c 15c Steel EACH ONE. Work Is Interment <private* at Rock Cr'>ek cemetery at oil Explained. meeting Inaugurated the fourteenth vear gun he had promised to sell for her. * Boards 3c >2.0(1 Hot-water Bottle* BSc 25c Arbutus Talcum, lb. can. Garrett 2 p.m. Monday. November 10 10c Kmfry 32.50 Hot-water Bottle* 91.110 25c Violet Talcum, lb. can... The stupendous character 01" the work of the organization. stated that he had put on his can 13c 91.50 Bath New members taken into the organiza¬ overcoat and was about to leave the KWAX. In Stress, Italv. on October 11. 1913. f 1.50 fountain Syrlnjjes 79»- 25c Corylopsls Talcum, lb. upon 'which the commission was Mrs It. K. 50«- Writing I'n- K2.50 Kountnln Sprays 89c engaged tion last night Included Charles H. Dovle, house, when he was called back and told EWAN. 24c Syringes 25c & Gallet's Rice Pow¬ was explained in detail the abbot. Ellis Needham. E. L. Otis' J. Tlie Interment will l<c mad" at Washington of per. bo* *U.fl(l Fountain SjrlngeN 9l.OO Rojter by Phillips. that Mrs. Hutton wanted to show him which further notice will l>e Riven. der He pointed out how invaluable the work Rogers, E. C. Saltyman. J. W. Stedman. something. He started the .*iOe Syringe Tubing 29c H. Rob¬ up steps, he 91.50 Fountain would be not only to Catholics, but to F. W. Swacker, R. A. Scott. Van stated, and before reaching the upper GAINES. Departed this life Friday, November W rltins l'n- Soaps Reduced the erts. I. C. Henry. D. W. Wulfert, Dr. R. landing Mrs. Hutton Are him. | 7. lftlS. nt 7:15 o'clock a.m.. l»r. It. L.. be 35e Powder & Paste Syringe* 79c entire Christian world, when it is H. Hovey. Charles G. Hainsworth, R. G. opened upon loved' father of Mary A. Calnes and hue per. bo* l#e l«»c Oriental Corylopsls Soap 31 Shaving Soaps Tooth He said he happened to have his pistol In band of the late V. Gslnes. J 25c Tooth Powder He completed. Noted educators in this coun¬ Halnsworth, James E. Payne, Represent¬ his Mary .... William*' Shaving; 5c pocket because he had shot a cat a Funeral from lOc Oriental Roue Soap? I |Cakes, Soap Tooth Powder 15c try and in Europe, he said, have told ative .T. J. Russell. Harry A. Grove, T. Third Baptist Church at t: I 4"olgate'w Shnvine Soap 5c 25c Lyon'N nlm of the short time before he went to Mrs.
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