Preface to the Morningside Preface The Course of American : A Synoptic View p. 1 Religions Commnnitarians p. 16 The Shakers Calvin Green and Seth Y. Wells: A Summary View of the Millenial Church or United Societyp. 31 of Believers (1848) "Four Months Among the Shakers" (1842-1843) p. 46 The Perfectionists John Humphrey Noyes: Bible (1848) p. 54 The Secular Communitarians p. 63 Owenites Cornelius C. Blatchly: An Essay on Common Wealth (1822) p. 85 : First Discourse on a New System of Society (1825) p. 94 Frances Wright: Statement on Nashoba (1826) p. 112 Langdon Byllesby: Observations on the Sources and Effects of Unequal Wealth (1827) p. 117

Thomas Skidmore: The Rights of Man to Property! (1829) p. 124 The Associationists : A Concise Exposition of The Doctrine of Associationism (1843) p. 133 versus Henry J. Raymond: Association Discussed (1847) p. 149 The Harbinger (, 1845) p. 161 A. J. Macdonald: "Vist to the North American Phalanx" (1851) p. 166 The Etienne Cabet: The History of the Colony or Republic of Icaria in the of p. 170 America (1855) The Germans p. 178 American Confederation of the International Workingmen's Association, Declaration p. 196 of Principles and Platform (1872) Friedrich A. Sorge: Socialism and the Worker (1876) p. 198 Manifesto of the International Working People's Association (1883) p. 208 : The Beast of Property (1884) p. 213 Speeches at the Anarchist Trial (1886) p. 221 Speech by p. 221 Speech by Michael Schwab p. 224 Speech by Albert R. Parsons p. 226 Alexander Jonas: Socialism and (1886) p. 230 versus Serge Schevitch, Single Tax versus Socialism (1887) p. 234 Mr. Schevitch's Argument p. 234 Henry George's Reply p. 238 Mr. Schevitch's Rejoinder p. 241 Henry George Concludes the Debate p. 242 Daniel DeLeon: Reform or (1896) p. 244 The New Apostles p. 256 Laurence Gronlund: The Commonwealth (1884) p. 273 : Equality (1897) p. 289 Edward Bellamy: "Looking Forward" (1889) p. 320 William Dean Howells: A Traveler from Altruria (1894) p. 324 Christian Socialists p. 335 Declaration of Principles of the Christian Socialist Movement (1889) p. 348 W. D. P. Bliss: "What To Do Now" (1890) p. 350 "The Christian Commonwealth" (1898) p. 355 George Herron: The New Redemption (1893) p. 362 George Herron: "Why I am a Socialist" (1900) p. 370 The Socialist Party of America p. 377 Socialist Party Platform of 1912 p. 391 Eugene V. Debs: Speech at Indianapolis (1904) p. 398 William James Ghent: "The Next Step: A Benevolent Feudalism" (1902) p. 405 Jack : "What Life Means to Me" (1906) p. 413 : The Industrial Republic (1907) p. 422 : Socialism in Theory and Practice (1909) p. 430 William English Walling: The Larger Aspect of Socialism (1913) p. 441 Socialism and the Workers p. 446 Manifesto on Organizing the Industrial Workers of the World (1905) p. 457 Eugene V. Debs: "Revolutionary Unionism" (1905) p. 462 Hillquit versus Gompers: Double Edge of Labor's Sword (1914) p. 471 William D. Haywood: "Socialism, the Hope of the Working Class" (1912) p. 496 War and Revolution p. 504 St. Louis Manifesto of the Socialist Party (1917) p. 521 Eugene V. Debs: Speech to the Count (1918) p. 527 Louis C. Fraina: (1918) p. 530 Manifesto of the Left Wing Section of Greater (1910) p. 539 Morris Hillquit: "Socialist Task and Outlook" (1919) p. 550 Bibliography p. 558 Index p. 563 Table of Contents provided by Blackwell's Book Services and R.R. Bowker. Used with permission.