UTOPIAN VISIONS: REVISING COMMUNITY, FAMILY, GENDER ROLES Rosabeth Kanter, Commitment and Community: and in Sociological Perspective (1972) John V. Chamberlain, “The Spiritual Impetus to Community,” in Gairdner B. Moment and Otto F. Kraushaar, Utopias: the American (1980), 126-139 Carol Weisbrod, “Communal Groups and the Larger Society: Legal Dilemmas,” Communal Societies 12 (1992), 1-19 Lucy Jayne Kamau, “The Anthropology of Space in Harmonist and Owenite New Harmony,” Communal Societies 12 (1992), 68-89

Deirdre Hughes, “The World of Poor Eve: Re-defining Women’s Roles in Nineteenth Century Utopian Communities,” Communal Societies 21 (2001), 95-103 Beverly Gordon, “Dress in American Communal Societies,” Communal Societies 5 (1985), 122- 136 Gayle V. Fischer, “Dressing to Please God: Pants-Wearing Women in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Religious Communities,” Communal Societies 15 (1995), 55-74

CHRONOLOGY OF UTOPIAN AND INTENTIONAL COMMUNITIES Otohiko Okugawa, “Intercommunal Relationships among Nineteenth-century Communal Societies in America,” Communal Societies 3 (1983), 68-82 James Latimore, “Natural Limits on the Size and Duration of Utopian Communities” Communal Societies 11 (1991), 34-61 James A. Kitts, “Analyzing Communal Life-Spans: A Dynamic Structural Approach,” Communal Societies 20 (2000), 13-25 Michael Barkun, “Communal Societies as Cyclical Phenomena,” Communal Societies 4 (1984), 35-48

Early Ventures EARLY UTOPIAN VISIONS AND EXPERIMENTS: and Moravians W. Mainwaring, “Communal Ideals, Worldly Concerns, and the Moravians of North Carolina, 1753-1772,” Communal Societies 6 (1986), 138-162 Ernest J. Green, “The Labadists of Colonial Maryland (1683-1722),” Communal Societies 8 (1988), 104-121

Utopian Ventures in the Early Republic MILLENNIALISTS AND RADICAL GERMAN PIETISTS: The Rappites of Harmony and the Separatists of Zoar Charles Nordhoff, “The Aurora and Bethel Communes,” American Utopias, 305-330

THE COMMUNITY OF TRUE INSPIRATION AT AMANA Herbert A. Wisbey, Jr., “Research Note: Rufus Rockwell Wilson’s Tour of Five Utopian Communities in 1888,” Communal Societies 3 (1983), 140-146 Jonathan G. Andelson, “The Gift to be Single: Celibacy and Religious Enthusiasm in the Community of True Inspiration,” Communal Societies 5 (1985), 1-32 Metin M. Cosgel, “Market Integration and Agricultural Efficiency in Communal Amana,” Communal Societies 14 (1994), 36-48 Henry Schiff, “Before and After 1932: A Memoir,” Communal Societies 4 (1984), 161-164 [on reserve with Cosgel]

MOTHER ANN LEE AND THE EVOLUTION OF SHAKER BELIEFS AND Stephen Stein, “Shaker Gift and Shaker Order: A Study of Religious Tension in Nineteenth- Century America,” Communal Societies 10 (1990), 102-113

SHAKERS: REVISING COMMUNITY, FAMILY AND GENDER ROLES Flo Morse, “In the Nineteenth Century: Some Literary Visitors” [Dickens, Emerson, Hawthorne, Melville, Artemus Ward], in Flo Morse, The Shakers and the World’s People (1987), 184- 209. (e-reserve) F.W. Evans, "Autobiography of a Shaker, Part I," Atlantic Monthly 23.138 (April, 1869), 415-425, and Part II, Atlantic Monthly 23.139 (May, 1869), 593-605.

Elizabeth A. De Wolfe, “‘So Much They have Got For Their Folly’: Shaker Apostates and the Tale of Woe,” Communal Societies 18 (1998), 21-35 Jean M. Humez, “‘Weary of Petticoat Government’: The Specter of Female Rule in Early Nineteenth-Century Shaker Politics,” Communal Societies 11 (1991), 1-17 Glendyne R. Wergland, “Lust, ‘A Snare of Satan to Beguile the Soul’: New Light on Shaker Celibacy,” Communal Societies 15 (1995), 1-23

Seeking a Perfect Society: Nineteenth Century America SECULAR COMMUNITIES: AND NEW HARMONY Robert Owen, “Address delivered April 27, 1825,” New Harmony Gazette, in David Brion Davis, Antebellum American Culture (1979), 445-447 [on reserve: Nineteenth-century Founders] Lucy Jayne Kamau, “The Anthropology of Space in Harmonist and Owenite New Harmony,” Communal Societies 12 (1992), 68-89 Lucy Jayne Botscharow, “Disharmony in : Social Categories in Robert Owen’s New Harmony,” Communal Societies 9 (1989), 76-90 Carol Kolmerten, “Voices from New Harmony: The Letters of Hannah Fisher Price and Helen Gregoroffsky Fisher,” Communal Societies 12 (1992), 113-128

SECULAR COMMUNITIES: SOCIALIST AND ANARCHIST COMMUNITIES Roger Wunderlich, “The Three Phases of Modern Times: Communitarian, Reform, and Long Island,” Communal Societies 6 (1986), 50-60 Spurlock, “Anarchy and Community at Modern Times, 1851-1863,” Communal Societies 3 (1983), 29-47

NEW ENGLAND: TRANSCENDENTALISTS AT BROOK FARM AND FRUITLANDS BROOK FARM: “Constitution of the Brook-Farm Association” (1841), in The Annals of America, Vol. 7, 26-28. (e-reserve) Joel Myerson, “Memoranda and Documents: James Burrill Curtis and Brook Farm” [1842-43], Quarterly LI.3 (1978), 396-423. (JSTOR) George Willis Cooke, ed., Early Letters of George Wm. Curtis to John S. Dwight: Brook Farm and Concord (New York: 1898). , "My First Visit to Brook Farm," Overland Monthly, 5.1 (July 1870), 1-11; "Before I Went to Brook Farm," Old and New, 3.2 (February 1871), 175-185; "Reminiscences of Brook Farm," Old and New, 3.4 (April 1871), 425-538; "Reminiscences of Brook Farm," Old and New, 4.3 (September 1871), 347-358; "Reminiscences of Brook Farm," Old and New, 5.5 (May 1872), 517-531. (ProQuest: American Periodical Series Online). Georgiana Bruce Kirby, Years of Experience: An Autobiographical Narrative (New York, 1887)

2 Amelia Russell, “Home Life of the Brook Farm Association” [Nov.1842-1846], The Atlantic Monthly 42.252-253 (Oct.—Nov. 1878), Part I, 458-466, Part II, 556-563. George P. Bradford, “Reminiscences of Brook Farm,” The Century Magazine 45.1 (November 1892), 141-148. John Thomas Codman, Brook Farm: Historic and Personal Memoirs (, 1894) Arthur Sumner, “A Boy’s Recollections of Brook Farm,” New England Magazine 16.3, (May 1894), 309-313. Joel Myerson, ed., “Rebecca Codman Butterfield’s Reminiscences of Brook Farm” [1843-47; written c. 1890s], New England Quarterly 65.4 (1992), 603-630. (JSTOR) C.R. Edson, “. Brook Farm Community—,” The Manufacturer and Builder 25.9-11 (Sept.-Nov.1893), 210-212, 232, 258-259. The Last Remaining Brook Farmer (But One), “A Girl’s Recollections of Brook Farm School,” Overland Monthly LXXII.3 (September 1918), 233-240

FRUITLANDS: Louisa May Alcott, “Transcendental Wild Oats” (from Silver Pitchers, 1876), reprinted in Arlen Westbrook, The Writing Women of New England, 176-194, or in American Web, Virginia Commonwealth University

TRANSCENDENTALISTS AND SPIRITUALISTS Adin Ballou, “The Hopedale Community” (1851), from John Humphrey Noyes, History of American Socialisms (1870), in The Annals of America, vol. 8, 131-134. (e-reserve) Bret E. Carroll, “Spiritualism and Community in Antebellum America: The Mountain Cove Episode,” Communal Societies 12 (1992), 20-39

ONEIDA: THEORY, PRACTICE AND EXPERIENCE Constance Noyes Robertson, Oneida Community: An Autobiography, 1851-1876 (1970), Ch. 9-10, 265-310 Gayle V. Fischer, “Dressing to Please God: Pants-Wearing Women in Mid-Nineteenth-Century Religious Communities,” Communal Societies 15 (1995), 55-74

JOSEPH SMITH AND THE BOOK OF MORMON William M. Kephart, “The Mormons,” in Extraordinary Groups: The Sociology of Unconventional Life-Styles, 2nd ed. (1982), 233-253.

MORMONS: DOCTRINE AND EXPERIENCE , “Two Hours with Brigham Young,” from An Overland Journey from New York to San Francisco in the Summer of 1859 (1860), in The Annals of America, vol. 9, 132-135

LIBRARY TOUR Matthew Cooper, “Cyber-Utopias: Notes on How Historic American Communal Groups are represented on the World Wide Web,” Communal Societies 22 (2002), 127-136 Lyman Tower Sargent, “Index to Communal Societies, Volumes 1-15 (1981-1995),” Communal Societies 16 (1996), 85-104

LATER EUROPEAN UTOPIANS IN AMERICA: , Bishop Hill, and Hutterites Robert P. Sutton, “An American Elysium: The Icarian Communities,” in Pitzer, America’s Communal Utopias, 279-296. Jon Wagner, “Eric Jansson and the Bishop Hill Colony,” in Pitzer, America’s Communal Utopias, 297-318 Gertrude E. Huntington, “Living in the Ark: Four Centuries of Hutterite and Community,” in Pitzer, America’s Communal Utopias, 319-351 [skim]


JEWISH AGRICULTURAL COMMUNES AND COOPERATIVE FARMING Violet and Orlando J. Goering, “The Agricultural Communes of the Am Olam,” Communal Societies 4 (1984), 74-86 Francis Shor, “The Utopian Project in a Communal Experiment of the 1930’s: The Sunrise Colony in Historical and Comparative Perspective,” Communal Societies 7 (1987), 82-94

UTOPIAN VISIONS IN FICTION Howard P. Segal, “From Utopian Communities to Utopian Writings: A Change in Form and Purpose,” Communal Societies 3 (1983), 93-100

THEOSOPHY, SOCIALISTS, AND SECULAR ALTERNATIVES James E. Landing, “Cyrus Reed Teed and the Koreshan Unity,” in Pitzer, America’s Communal Utopias, 375-395 Timothy Miller, “Artists’ Colonies as Communal Societies in the Arts and Crafts Era,” Communal Societies 16 (1996), 43-70

Contemporary Utopias (1960S) AND INTENTIONAL COMMUNITIES (1970S) Timothy Miller, The 60s Communes: and Beyond (Syracuse University Press, 1999). Daniel A. Foss and Ralph W. Larkin, “Worshipping the Absurd: The Negation of Social Causality among the Followers of Guru Maharaj Ji,” Sociological Analysis 39.2 (1978), 157-164 Anson D. Shupe and David G. Bromley, “The Moonies and the Anti-cultists: Movement and Counter-Movement in Conflict,” Sociological Analysis 40.4 (1979), 325-334 William L. Smith, “Families in Contemporary Intentional Communities: Diversity and Purpose,” Communal Societies 21 (2001), 79-93 Deborah Altus, “Student Housing Cooperatives: Communitarianism among American Youth,” Communal Societies 17 (1997), 1-13 Lewis E. Durham, “The Urban Middle Class Communal Movement,” Communal Societies 6 (1986), 31-39 William L. Smith, “The Use of Structural Arrangements and Organizational Strategies by Urban Communes,” Communal Societies 6 (1986), 118-137 Clifford J. Green, “Ambiguities of Community: A Koinonia Experience,” in Gairdner B. Moment and Otto F. Kraushaar, Utopias: the American experience (1980), 179-193 Leroy J. Day, “Koinonia Partners: An ,” Communal Societies 10, (1990), 114-123 Mary Isabelle Kilchenstein, “Extremes of the Contemporary Communal Frontier” [The Farm, in Summertown, Tennessee, and the Philadelphia Life Center], in Moment and Kraushaar, Utopias: the American experience (1980), 153-178 Louis J. Kern, “Pronatalism, Midwifery, and Synergistic Marriage: Spiritual Enlightenment and Sexual Ideology on The Farm (Tennessee),” in Chmielewski, Kern, and Klee-Hartzell, eds., Women in Spiritual and Communitarian Societies in the United States (1993), 201-220 Sheri F. Crawford, “Arcosanti [Arizona]: An American Community Looking toward the Millennium,” Communal Societies 14 (1994), 49-66 Charles Redenius, “Lindisfarne [Southampton, Long Island]: Change and Development in a Utopian Community,” Communal Societies 9 (1989), 62-75 Karol H. Borowsky, “From the Tree House to the 2001 Center: The Renaissance Movement in the United States,” [counterculture] Communal Societies 4 (1984), 121-130 David T. Stewart, “A Survey of Shiloh Arts” [The Jesus Movement] Communal Societies 12 (1992), 40-67 [Jesus Movement]

4 Arthur S. Parsons, “Redemptory Intimacy: The Family Culture of the Unification ,” Communal Societies 5 (1985), 137-175 Rachel E. Wright-Summerton, “Survey of Letters to Padanaram Settlement, 1967-1991-2,” Communal Societies 15 (1995), 121-130

VISIONARY COMMUNITIES: 1980s Louis C. Androes, “The Rajneesh Experience, A Report,” Communal Societies 6 (1986), 101-117

FROM UTOPIA TO DYSTOPIA: People’s Temple [Jonestown, Guyana, November 1978]; Branch Davidians [Waco, Texas, April 1993]; Heaven’s Gate [San Diego, California, March 1997] Doyle Paul Johnson, “Dilemmas of Charismatic Leadership: The Case of the People’s Temple,” Sociological Analysis 40.4 (1979), 315-323

UTOPIA IN MAINE Bradford Peck, The World a Department Store: A Story of Life under a Cooperative System (Lewiston, ME 1900), Ch. 1-3, 20-21, pp. ix-42, 292-311 Frank Sandford, Seven Years with God (1900), pp.1-16, 33-57, 78-93

CONCLUSION, OR HOW TO DESIGN A UTOPIAN COMMUNITY Heather Sullivan-Catlin, “‘A Good Borderland’: Communities and Social Change,” Communal Societies 24 (2004), 119-135. Jon Wagner, “Success in Intentional Communities: The Problem of Evaluation,” Communal Societies 5 (1985), 89-100.