Red Bank Register Volume Lxi, No
AIX the SEWS of BED PA N E SECflg and Surrounding Town* - Told Fearlessly and Without Bis* RED BANK REGISTER VOLUME LXI, NO. 42, RED BANK, N. J., THURSDAY, APRIL 13,1939. PAGES 1 Eatontown Order Thursday Morning Engineer Makes Miss Edwa Herndon Plan Inauguration of Elects Officers To Wed C. E. Wilhelm Dance To Raise Fu Mt&s' Hilde Ha&geri and Clarence Choral Concert To Report To Council Lieutenant Commander and Mrs. Rank were elected as worthy Matron Preston Herndon, Sr., of New Or- Annual "Y" Campaign and worthy patron,' respectively, Be HeldApril 21 On Drainage Plan leans, Loulsanti, announeo the en- Tuesday night at the annual election gagement of their daughter. Miss For High School Ba of officers of Eatontown chapter, Edwa Herndon of Old Bridge, to Eastern Star. They succeed Mrs. William Hain, Tenor, to Lancaster Explains Pro- Chester E. Wilhelm, a member of John B. Allen And Theodore J. Labrecque Alice Hill'and Milton Smith. the Red Bank Junior high school Others elected were Mrs, Agnes Be Guest Artist—Sekt- gress of Project to Fair faculty. Mr.. Wilhelm is the son of Middletown Township HigK School , - VanBrunt associate matron, Mrs. Mr, and Mrs. Jacob C. Wilhelm of Chairmen Of Field Organization Selma Schultz secretary, Mrs. Emma berg to Conduct Body Summit avenue, Phllllpsburg. Rank treasurer, Mrs. Ruth Crawford Students To Represent County at Fair I Plans are rapidly being completes conductress and Mrs, WUma Wllklns associate conductress. The installa- Plans are being completed for the Lionel W. Lancaster, borough en- for the inauguration of the W39 an- annual spring concert of the Thurs- gineer of Fair Haven, reported to The Mlddfotown Township ;,_ nual maintenance drive of the Red tion of officers will take place Tues- Teacher association will hold a d day night, April 25, when Miss day morning choral to be held Fri- the mayor and council of that place Junior Service Bank T.
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