Sociological aspects of poverty is one of 27 new courses offered atIUPUl this Fall. See page 8. 2 M arch M, 1177 PIP IS YOUR PRINTER YOUR PRINTER IS PIP Letter/ Besmirching I.U. , Purdue To the editor: If you wish to forfeit the readers to think everything is Your recent decision to refer prestige associated with the to every school at this campus, the IUPUI------, when in names of I.U. and Purdue, if fact your nomenclature is regardless of the school’s of­ you are for independence, or if ficial title, as the IUPU1 School simply wrong. you want an official name Your persisting in this error is of ------, is very disap­ change, I encourage your unethical. It is regrettable that pointing. freedom to campaign for your you who desire good things for Anything associated with cause. IUPUI actually cheapen her either Indiana University or However, what I disapprove (sic) image, at least in the eyes Purdue University should strive of is your insidious design that of anyone who knows both the for excellence, and as of now effectively turns every inac­ facts and honest journalism, by this campus is so associated. curate mention of one of our such an ill-considered policy. I Your editorial policy besmir­ schools into an editorial, hope you will reconsider. ches the name and reputation without giving your readers fair Sincerely, for excellence of both univer­ notice, in every Ifcue, of your David Muller sities and hurts any in­ most unprofessional jour­ Indiana Univeristy (IUPUI) dependent prestige this campus nalistic approach. School of Law-Indianapolis ha% by being an irresponsible By referring to everything at and inaccurate approach to this campus as the IUPUI — both the facts and to jour­ ------, you lead uninformed nalism. ,

An amazing face lift The Sagamore welcomes letters to the editor. Letters Dear Ed: myself, I was glad to see the should be short, to the point professionalism beginning to and include the name and An amazing facelift has oc­ seep onto it’s pages. phone number of the writer. curred, and I would like to A special round of applause to congratulate the doctor(s) for a your music man, K.C., for his Only the name will be successful operation. fine taste and style in his published with the letter. There was a time I wouldn't reviews of Gentle Giant and The editors reserve the pick up the Sagamore for fear it Jethro Tull Enough of this right to edit all letters and would only increase my slobbering, keep it up. to reject those letters they boredom. Having been a co-ed Cheers, feel are objectionable. All A reader letters should be typed.

If the State Legislature approves the funding, there just might be a bicycle path running from Broad Ripple to the downtown (Michigan St.) campus. Funding will be A Q .m . gratis of Uncle Sam. It’s really not much, but did anyone notice the map in the March 27 issue of the Star

And hence one master- passion in the breast, Like Aaron's serpent, swallows up the rest. SAVE 60* Inside Class Alexander Pope Hey, you little bunnies, SAVE 30* from An Essay on Man there’s going to to be an Easter J 0 9 IUPUI News...... Page 3 Egg Hunt April 2, at 11 am, at Our View...... Paget the Brookside Community IUPUI News...... Page 5 Center, which just happens to REG. r 99* Comix...... Page6 be located at 3500 Brookside REG. 1" Zodlcal Zingers...... Page 7 Parkway-S. Drive (that’s CRICKET New Courses...... Page 8 where its ‘at’). FASHION ROSE MILK Although there is no charge SKIN CARE History of Sound...... Page • to participate, you better l ig h t e r Midwest Arts make sure your I D. shows you LOTION Gazette...... Page 11 Disposable Buiane are between the ages of 3 to 8. 8 oz. Regular or Classifieds...... Page 14 Find out more by calling 638- Lighter. 6311. Unscented. Answer of Today .... Page 15 March 31,1977 Sagamore 3 OO-EE-POO-EE News $109,000 requested by student organizations by DaaCartis A new organisation, the Approved by the committee Graduate and Professional was the immediate expenditure Student organisational Student Advisory Board, of funds remaining from 1976-77 budgets totaling over 1109,000 established to represent the student activity allocations. The were received by the Student specific needs of graduate and Sagamore received 81,900 for Affairs Advisory Committee professional students outlined the purchase of new distribution Friday, March 18 according to major expenditures for an racks and miscellaneous Student Activities Director, unspecified number of speakers equipment and the Circle City Mike Wagoner and workshops Of special in­ Circuit Committee was Representatives af five terest to graduate students, the awarded approximately 88,300 student organisations officially programs will attempt to be of for festivities planned-for this presented funding requests to Interest to undergraduates as April. the committee in the first of at well. Committee chairperson, least three planned meetings. Gerald Preusz, noted that only Buegetary requests of toe The Sagamore requested funds for the purchase of a about 860,000 will be made groups making presentations available to all student Daacen tad cboru m rn b rn of the II PI I itadeal production of Girl ' were: photo mechanical transfer camera and darkroom requests. C rtiy' gather around the piano with Dr J Edgar Webb, professor of theater aria aad stage director of the production, dortag rehearsal. < Photo courtesy Student Activity Board facilities. Ed. note The committee's allocation marked the first time IUPUI News Barton) (SAB), 114,163.55 The History Society, formed the Sagamore had received any Graduate and Professional less than two months ago, direct financial support from Student Advisory Board, requested funding support for the university. ‘' plays April 1,2, 3 814,589.20 four historical films while the The History Society, 11,000.00 International Student IUPUI students will present Choreography is by Melanie Association cited four field trips their first musical production. Hamilton and Bob Sherry, who International Student for major allocations. Association, $2,021.00 Girl Craty as a dinner theater will also dance in the show The Student Affairs Advisory Sagamore, $5,580.00 Ed. note - the committee's April 1-2, and as a matinee April IUPUI faculty in charge of Committee will hear presen­ 3. production are stage director tations from at least seven more allocation marked the first time Six all campus dances, a film the Sagamore had received any The western musical by Dr J Edgar Webb, professor of series, seven coffee houses and campus-wide student groups George and , theater arts; musical director which have previously made direct financial support from four canoe trips highlighted the the university. adapted from the book by Guy Charles Manning, lecturer in SAB funding request. budgetary requests. Bolton and Jack McGowan, music, and Dr Dorothy Webb, takes place during the 1930’s in set designer and professor of Qjsterville, Am It is noted for theater arts The IUPUI Lee Covenant Players perform March 31 such well-known Gershwin tures and Convocations Com­ songs such as "Embraceable The Convenant Players, an squirming at seeing a “bit of props and no scenery ; instead, mittee and the Department of international repatory drama themselves” on stage. through their ability, transport You," "Bidin’ My Time," “I Speech and Theater are co­ Got Rhythm,” and "But Not group from Reseda, Ca., will "With a vast repertoire of an audience from a street sponsors perform March 31, 4 pm, in one-act plays and shorter corner to the science fiction For Me " Ticket reservations should be Room 100, Lecture Hail. vignettes especially written for setting of a spaceship." The musical will be presented made with Mary Heffner in the The group, active since 1963, their use,” said McBride, "the at the Union Building cafeteria Union Building public events has performed in more than Covenant Players speak on The dinner begins at 6:30 pm office at 634-2400 Tickets are 83 15,000 churches around the Friday and Saturday, and in­ for IUPUI students and 84 for issues in a manner that forces The Repertory Players draw cludes barbecued steak, hot the general public world, said Suggn McBride, one to see the ultimate truth of from all aspects of history, said * Baptist campus minister. their own personal behavior cobbler and sasparillo in The April 3 matinee per­ McBride said the group's unique patterns.” McBride, using both comedy keeping with the western formance will be at 2:30 pm. and drama to present a theme format is one that has left According to McBride, "the Tickets tor this performance program that will communicate An instrumental trio with Joe (no food) are 82 for IUPUI audiences both laughing and group uses a minimal amount of to all ages. Traynor on bass, Kathy Black students and 82 50 for the on percussion and Charles general public. Tickets will be Black awareness goal of Afro-American Manning on piano will ac­ sold at the door. company the show. conference An African panel discussion ‘The purpose of this year's The Dean Garrett Award was will be held at 5 pm. Saturday, Afro-American Conference is to established last year in memory April 16, in Room 101, Lecture foster a continuing black of the outstanding service of the Hall. Several topics concerning awareness of progress on the late Dean William T. Garrett, Africa will be discussed At 7 local and national levels," who was associate dean of pm, Flo Kennedy, female according to George Simpson, Student Services. The award is lecturer and activist, will speak president of the Black Student presented each year to the on the pathology of oppression Union (BSU). The conference, faculty or staff member who Saturday's activities will sponsored by the BSU, will has shown outstanding service finish with a dance to be held at begin with an awards presen­ in working with black students. the Union Building from 9 pm to tation and opening ceremony at An honorary degree will also be midnight. presented. Recipients of the 7 pm, Friday, April 15 in Room Sunday, April 17, a political 101, Lecture Hall. awards have not yet been an­ panel discussion will be held in Newly established awards to nounced. Room 101, Lecture Hall at noon, be presented this year include An educational workshop and followed by a meeting of the an award for the outstanding a Swahili workshop will be held African International Com­ administrator of the year, an from 9 am to 1 pm in Rooms 101 mittee at 4 pm. advisor emeritus award to be and 104, Lecture Hall, on A student talent ‘Variety presented to the faculty-staff Saturday, April 16. The Hour’ will be held Sunday at member who has worked with educational workshop will be 5:30 pm in Room 101, Lecture students as an advisor in an continued on Sunday at 10 am Hall. The variety show will exceptional manner, and a and the Swahili workshop at 1 consist of music, poetry special recognition award for pm in the Lecture Hall, Rooms readings of original student distinguished service to IUPUI 101 and 104 respectively. work, skits and several other to be awarded to a member of Speakers at the Swahili types of talent presentations. the community. workshop include Dr. Robert The Variety Hour' will be The Dean Garrett Student Port, assistant professor of followed at 7 pm by the keynote Linquistics at IU-Bloomington, Service Award, presented last speaker, Dr. Alvin Poussiant. year to Jerry Senter, Student and Bruno Komakech, Ugandan M.D., psychiatrist, lecturer and Services, will also be awarded. student at IUPUI. activist. 4 Sagam ore M arch 30,1977

Our view Sag shuts down

/ C ) r t - ^

[ Breakdowns on the production end of a newspaper n^vir hap­ pen, or at least rarely. Perhaps, during the course of perusing a recent lift of the Sagamore, readers came across an Our View which was chock-full of expostulatory excuses as to why the Sagamore looked slightly awry. Awww. ( In our opinion, when a machine breaks down, the fault lies en­ tirely with whichever company sold us the equipment. After all, Humus we rarely use it, if ever. Therefore, the company, whether it be il} T (&' Tlx*e brave enough to try the EliLilly (who blatantly sent us an order of downer^ and not u ^ ‘ver de terre’ say the flavor is As of yet, the Natrona County similar to shredded wheat, and Sheriff’s Department has nary pers), or another ^ r ty e r and lesser known affair is at fault. are delicious on rice, salads, in a nibble of an idea, nor a feather of a clue as to who or what is (Now this editorial probably doesn't make any sense to anyone, scrambled eggs or baked in oatmeal cookies. guilty of this nightm arish crime, though it has received and odds are that it doesn’t either,^bqUhe point to be made When asked about their famous snacks, local girl scouts many Kojackian suggestions. The local citizenry, in an is that due to mechanical failures, the Sagamore will not be admit they don't know what all goes into their cookies, but attempt to assist the law en­ forcement agency, has publishing anymore on Tuesdays, Thureday^jS^Yidays. insist, “there are no worms!” Further east, in Casper, suggested several possible Wyo., 11 million worms solutions to the mysterious by Carl Perkinsonskivitchmann wiggled, were wiled, or crime, ranging from a theory of wrangled away from a mutated, 500-pound sparrows, ‘ Centralia, Wash -Ronald to rainbow trout in a nearby *-U- warehouse at the Natrona Gaddie has received over 500 County International Airport, lake. entries in the Gaddie’s North home of a wholesale worm American Bait Farms- ranch. sponsored national worm recipe On January 17, under the Thus far, no clues have been contest. Last year's winning cover of night, $50,000 in found, no ransom notes entry was for earthworm ap­ longitudinal loot was lifted from received, and no phone calls plesauce surprise cake. its containers as it rose to the from the Mulchers Biological Gaddie is attempting to in­ surface in a teeming mass to Liberation Army threatening to troduce earthworms as another feed in the dark. There, while segment the Oligochaeta, one food source for humans, and to munching on raw fecal by one. /q go m o r e do this, he and his company are material, as peaceful as sheep sponsoring the annual contest. chewing on grass in a pasture, The American Worm Growers Association of Denver The Sagamore is published by Entertainment He claims that worms contain some dastardly demon, possibly students of Indiana University- M William Lutholtz, Ed. 72 per cent protein and less than a bird in grub's clothing, has offered a $500 reward for Purdue University at Indianapolis Rex Davenport one per cent fat. He did not plucked the squirming victims any information leading to the arrest and conviction of the Views expressed are those of the Christine Kopitzke account for the remaining 27 from their feeding ground. editorial staff or of the individual Office Staff per cent of the worm. anglers, wranglers or bakers. whose name appears in the byline Jan Beres. Mgr. Those views do not necessarily Maria T. Johnson reflect those of the student body, Photographers Com m ent administration or faculty of IUPUI Clarence Brooks The Sagamore is a bi weekly Production Once many years ago, in a far off land there lived a little Then much to his amazement, people from near and far newsmagazine published at 925 W Chris Carter, Mgr boy. And as he grew he learned and absorbed ideas. He began to complain about his journeys. How strange, he Michigan. Indianapolis. Indiana Laurel Bums heard such thoughts as: "March to your own drummer," thought These people were not his followers. He concluded 46202 Phone 264-W08 Lana Cook "Do your own thing," and "Each person decides for himself that they just didn't understand that his values were dif­ Larry Johnson what is right and wrong." ferent And to make matters more difficult, these weird Editor in-Chlef Chip Purcell As the little boy became a man these ideas took shape. people insisted that he stop his journeys. Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp Sales One day he finally decided to dream his own self-styled How sad, he thought. How deprived they are not to under­ Managing Editor Contributors Ann Barnett dreams. He now agreed with the others - their values were stand that each person decides for himself what is right for Paul Miner Nancy Boyer Paul A. Ragan not to be put upon him. It would limit his choices and per- him to do. Advertising Manager Kevin C Endsley Elizabeth Teng sonhood potential. Don't they know that each individual molds his own right Don Curtis Harry Goodyear Sports With his rationale now justified he set forth. He would and wrong? How quaint they are. How can they say it is Business Manager Dennis Mills J. Bruce Parker, Ed. make his dream a reality. Along the way he convinced wrong for me to travel? I am my own standard of good and Roy Yates J.C. Starker J. Aiken others of his plan. Then he and his followers journeyed to evil. There is no other. Why do they now speak of absolute Artists Fred Tucker Bobby Rodgers the land of the Poles where he did his thing. values and say I’ve violated them ' Oh well, my Gestapo Liz Mannix Gary Webb Next he rolled into France to further exercise his dream can explain it to them. Tom McCam J.N Williamson He was well on the way toward completion of his original Joe Pfeiffer goal. by Fred Ken- During his excursions, six million others were in alien Reprinted with permission from The Branch dance while this man marched to his own drummer. He had successfully avoided having others put their values on him. submitted by Larry Lee M arch 30,1977 Sagam ore 5 OO-EE-POO-EE News

IUPUI orators score two firsts Seven IUPUI ora tore com­ sophomore, Speech major, tied peted in the finals of the IUPUI for third place. Oratoricals March 23. Winning first place in the local division April 4, IUPUI will be of the Interstate Oratorical was represented in the two state David Bowman, sophomore oratoricals at Valparaiso SPEA major. Placing first in College by Shake and Nikou in the Peace Oratorical was the Interstate, and Johnson in Bonita Johnson, sophomore, the Peace Oratorical. Science major. Wrede and Paul Britner, freshman, University Division; Winning second in the In­ will compete in the Peace terstate contest was Extemporaneous Speaking Keith Shake, freshman, Liberal Contests, each having one hour Arts. Kathy Nikou, junior, to prepare speeches dealing Liberal Arts; and Becky Wrede, with world problem areas.

Cont. Studies offers Intro, to Law School To help potential law students student into the skills needed over the first big hurdle, The from the first day of law school. IUPUI Division of Continuing The course is designed for Studies is starting a new non- students already admitted to credit course “Introduction to law school, but anyone in­ Law School" to be given at the terested in law may attend. 38th St. campus. Coordinator Nancy Greene Two sections are scheduled, a warned that students should not six-week class beginning April expeet the course to help them 4, and a four-week class gain admittance to law school, beginning June 7. Cost of the but would help them understand course is $54. the new terminology and legal Taught by legal educator reasoning once they start. Further information about Jane Kelso, J.D., the course will Tony Najem. freshman, Engineering, rates Barbra Churchill, Niki Georgopulos and be based on a programmed the course is available from workbook which leads the Continuity .Studies, 264-4501. high on a scale of 1 to 10 according to Jennifer Hensley. 6 Getting to know your car Whether you do your own maintenance or have it done by a competent mechanic, information in this series can be helpful This column will tell vou how to replace spark plugs, oil and filter, windshield wipers, drive belts, transmission oil and filter, air and PCV filters. You will learn how to service your cooling system and how to perform many other services on your own car. As a first step in caring for your car, especially if you patronize the new "self service" gas stations, be sure to make these periodic checks or have it done for you: Weekly: Oil Power Steering Fluid Windshield Washer Fluid Tires Lights Monthly: Antifreeze-Coolant Transmission Fluid Brake Fluid Battery' Fluid and Cables Windshield Wiper Blades Drive Belts and Hoses This column will be getting into the details of mo6t of these checks in subsequent columns. Meanwhile, here are a few tips worth remembering: 1) Carry a clean cloth in the trunk for checking engine and trans­ mission dip sticks. 21 Do NOT remove your radiator pressure cap when the engine is hot. it is dangerous 31 Don't wait until a heavy rain to check condition of your wiper blades If yours are the type that are hidden beneath the cowl, move them into position by turning on the ignition and the wiper switch. Then turn the ignition off when the wipers are accessible. 4) Carry a good tire gauge They cost only a few dollars and it’s the best investment you can make to extend tire life. More next week. Purdue Vet. School has open house West Lafayette, Ind. - The neth Gloyeske of Lafayette, Uth annual Open House of the Open House chairman. Purdue University School of Gloyeske commented that the Veterinary Medicine will take theme for the program, “The place from 9 am to 4 pm April 2 Making of a Veterinarian," is at the Charles J. Lynn Hall of carried out with exhibits, Veterinary Medicine. discussions and demonstrations "Everyone interested in of the major areas of study at animals, whether farm, zoo or the Purdue veterinary school, pets at home, will find many Indiana's only veterinary areas of interest," said third- school, and one . of 21 in thaw year veterinary student Ken- United States. Unlform fitting times A company has designed pantsuit the Nursing Building, Room 24S on the uniforms for IUPUI associate and above dates baccalaureate nursing students and Prices, which include Indiana sales will be on campus April 4, 5, and 6 tax are: pant uniform, $31.20; extra from 9 am to 1:30 pm for fittings. pants. $11.98. (Pantsuits arc optional Currently enrolled students can or­ because female nursing students are der pantsuits for August delivery in required to have at least one dress ) Summer filmmaking course offered in Berkeley The fifth annual summer workshop sive series of film projects, including in 16 mm filmmaking is being offered a sync-sound dramatic short and a by the Berkeley Film Institute, public service television advertise­ Berkeley, California The workshop ment for a non-profit organization. will meet eight hours each day. six No prior knowledge of film or photo­ days each week for five weeks from graphy is needed, and there are no June 20 through July 23 age or background requirements. All Practical instruction will be given equipment and materials are in all aspects of the filmmaker's craft, provided. including production, cinemato­ graphy. sound, lighting, editing and For further information, please phototechnology write or call: Berkeley Film Institute. The course is highly structured, 2741 8th Street. Berkeley. California with students completing a progres- 94710 Public health to dispense immunizations The Division of Public Health Parents are advised to bring will be giving childhood im­ immunization records they munizations to Marion County have for their children. Pre­ ■residents March 30 and 31 at the school children are welcome, following sites: March 30 - and there is no charge for the Howe High School, 4900 Julian immunizations. Avenue, from 4 to 7 pm March 31 • Broad Ripple High School. 1115 Broad Ripple Ave, from 4 For additional information, to 7 pm. call 633-3765. March 30, 1177 Sagamore 7 East named recipient of Jefferson award programs are good, and solidly by JaEllea Meyers Sharp academic East is extremely proud of the ^Capturing the essence of a success of Weekend College by J.N. Williamson man is a hard thing to do with Established in Fall. 1976, words oo a piece of paper It Weekend College enrolled would be easier to write this approximately 456 students, article as a news story but there mostly minorities and women is more to Dr. James East than Thisto Spring, 1,075 students Although our customary calendar starts with January 1. the real just words are enrolled in a total of SS year begins with the Aries period and runs from approximately East was named as one of 10 credit courses East expects March 21 through April 20. Like most infant beginnings, Arles is recipients of the Thomas Jef­ enrollment (or Fall 1977 to be brash, forever-youthful (even immature), given to a lot of flashy ferson Award for contributions over 2,000 words, totally lacking in patience, cockity ambitious and sure to the community by the In­ East describes himself as one enough of himself to challenge any expert In *ny field. who is consistent in his dealings And so are the natives, the people, of Aries. Always ‘V et behind He came from a poor with anyone. He strives to the ears," noisesome and generally arrogant, you characters background, not significant in create an environment of trust. are able to “ram ” your way to victory-and away from the precipice itself, but through the help of East tries to follow the of a self-inflicted near-defeat-over and over by dint of a certain good people and his own self description of wisdom from the D r.Jai childlike candor, which makes you trustworthy, and a certainty that Greeks, "wisdom comes from determination, moved into the ‘The university is not an goes beyond confidence to something that is tparly self-fulfilling. field of higher education and is failure " East does not believe This is what makes you the “pioneer" that most astrologers call failure in itself is an excuse for industry, where people wort now associate dean in the from nine to five," said East you, giving the unique sureness that admits to no permanent defeat, IUPU1 School of Liberal Arts. not going on. He failed one and often sending you into territories that nobody has explored semester in the sixth grade 'The university is a place He was brought to what was where learning can take place before in quite the same way. Your enthusiasm is contagious. then Indiana Universisty at primarily because he refused to Those who like subdued, modest, forbearing, ever-courteous attend classes at any time." Indianapolis to create bac­ East hopes the Weekend people don't as a rule like Aries-since the sign laks these qualities calaureate degree programs in Active in the Boys’ Club since totally. Often, however, Arians acquire followers by the very dint of his youth, East is president of College offers more than liberal arts, business and miscellaneous courses He sees persuasion implied by confide nee-or even by sheer volumn. Only education. He also had to ready the Indianapolis Boys' Clubs Sagittarius can out-talk Aries; only Leo can out-shout or out-boast Alumni Association and he is full-scale, selected two-year these programs for ac­ degrees and certificates, Aries; only Scorpio can out-fight Aries; and only Capricorn can out­ creditation by the North Central active in its scholarship work (and out-arrogant) Aries. program which alows boys to bachelor and master Association, that esteemed programs This is the most dramatic of zodical signs, the one that contributes body of persons which says the attend colleges of their choice the largest number of famous actors and actresses. Most of them are trend-setters and innovators. Most of them succeed because they have the imagination to make themselves almost become the role that is played. For much the same reason, Aries often succeeds as a salesperson; because of his arrogance and love of authority, he U i i i i > CIRCLE CHEVROLET'S A l l P (or she) is often drawn to the military; because Aries is truly original and recognizes almost nothing that is traditionally GREAT RACE TO PARIS SALE o treasured, its natives sometimes become successful in the creative TO CLOSI-OUT A EACTORY CONTEST. CIRCLE MUST Sill 75 CAM A TIOCKS arts. IT WI OO, CHEVROLET WIU UNO OUR MANAMRS TO PARIS, TRANCE. But there is so much that Aries has to learn! Possibly the native SO YOU CAN i n OUR MANKOERS Will tl LOOKINO AT IVtRY OTTER can do without patience-but without really learning his chosen CIOMIT. THIS SAIE Will SAVE YOU MONEY ... UP TO 51400 00______field? PerhapsTie can manage without others liking him -butcan he ASK TOR ONI OT OUR COURTEOUS SALISMIN CHIS ERIMAAD TRIO WRIOHT BAN JOHNSON N.C. MOA succeed unless he learns to complete the projects into which he has TOM PAYNARD STIVE SCMIltl RAY CARR U.C. MAR. entered so enthusiastically? nMTESNEY SOiltTEMR LARRY HOLIER RUE MM. It is no accident that two signs make up most of the people in BAVI WEUEMTI ••Who’* Who?"-Aries and Taurus. But Taurus usually succeeds in dying of old age, and Aries may get himself of herself shot by somebody on the razor edge of desperate anger. You see, Arians like ’ 7 7 IMPALA raaV A . 4388 ’ T7 T-TOP M .C. H S a *5988 *77 VAN •ASM •7995 4 to talk down to others. They want, expect, and usually get cen- B—A a ■» terstage. Well, that’s not so bad. But they are ridiculous hams, *77 CAPRICE *5388 *77 IMPALA s r a *4288 *77 P.U. H it* *6495 $ egotistical blowhards, never know when to stop, and-although |V »IM h capable of becoming good losers-are the worst winners in the *77MonMCirio^r*5386 *77 NOVA « ! S W S *4587 *77 P.U. •411SV ‘ 4495 | zodiac. They’ll rub it in for months. •5 VL— Aries can be called that "fresh kid down the block," or that •4 Mb M *1 mdrnm 71 NUN t 7111 *77 CAPRICE *5622 *17 M l . •as or "sm art alec who always gets A’s without working for them; ' or the guy who "just got promoted because he talked the boss into it, not on > n CONCOURS '5688 MWktEMfkP* merit alone." The natives’ downfall comes, among other ways, from 7IM HH433E7M I *77 P/U •ASfci* *5395 failing to finish the task, losing interest halfway through, picking up rypqito a new toy of the mind to experiment with, or demanding an aa- 7 1 M U M >4212 'n WABON J S s L '358! *77 P.U. In * •*•»• *3495 — U Oi >l Ik vantage which he finds out later that he cannot handle. MM.BR W* Often, the "Peter Principle" applies more to Aries than anyone. *77 VEGA •3894 *77 MALIBU J S r s t *3686 ‘ 77 M l . wo MI *6295 4 To his credit, once you get his interest he'll do everything possible to UUPT.ll.'Oo maintain the position despite his inadequacies. Of course, to get *77 NOVA ■ ***« * *3377 *77 CH EVETTE *3088 *77 P.U. •Alt* *5395 § Aries' attention means hitting him squarely between the eyes with a -W- two-by-four! 7 1 U . MONZA ■"'s- '3189 71CUUROLT.WM t TST •Alton *4395 4 Everyone knows that Aries can go far. Usually either too far, or LwlifLUpaT--- not far enoogh-like, what’s wrong with Borneo or Uganda? Of T 7 W 8 I , *5888 *77 M onti Carlo ’ 3S F *4436 *77 VAN wonn *7895 j * course, once he or she gets there, the natives had better shape-up and stand guard or Aries will assume control. It’s as natural for *77 LANDAU *5358 71 MILIEU “s i1 m *77 LUV *35)6 Aries to do, to lead, to achieve at all costs, as it is for Pisces to dream s t s h t ^ t or Scorpio to save money. And I should know what I'm talking about *77 Marti Carlo “ r *4912 *77 CH EVETTE ‘S X - *3399 ’ T 7 C + C r u t iB i w *8896 this month-check the .list of names below. *77 Cap. W i f O f l *8899 *77 VEG A 6.T. j s & i *3993 *77 LUV CELEBRITIE8 BORN UNDER ARIES: J. N. Williamson (he even puts himself first!).....Adolf Hitler. .. Bach ...William Shatner .Werner von Braun .Jack Ruby....Louis LOW DOWN PAYMENT ON THE SPOT BANK FINANCING [ J* XVII....Warren Beatty ...Pearl Bailey. Van Gogh. ..Herb Alpert ... LonChaney Sr...... MEK1DIAN at 1 ltfc J Jefferson... Charlemagne ...Zola....Casanova....Boss Tweed 1-65 Bette Da vis...W alter Winchell... Jim Garner... C i r c l e C n e v R O u e r NEW CAR •A ....Lenin... K hruschev....W.C. Fields...... Leonard “ ” 635-4511 632-245* 635-6514 7 Nimoy.. Leonardo... Julie Christie...... Wilbur Wright...... Clarence Darrow....Ryan O'Neal. c: i;p;c :l;ezc: i;r:c 8 Sagamore March 30,1177 New courses for Fall outlined Introduction to involved in the delivery of Geography of Europe teaches this course which looks Sociology the Cultures o( Africa medical care and those who This course covers the at the effects of federal, state of Sexuality This course will survey sub- wish to get an overview of the geographical analysis of the and local government laws on economics of health care. workers, unions and labor This course, taught by Colin Saharan African tribal cultures physical features of the Williams, Reseach Associate at General areas ot culture studied The physician, medical aides European environment and the management relations. and hospitals are studied in A look at how unions can work the Kinsey Insitute for Sex will include religion, family and spatial patterns and in­ Reseach, is a survey of all kinship structures, political and term s of their efficiency and terrelationships of the cultural, with community groups for costs. common goals, lobbying, aspects of human sexuality. legal systems, folklore, crafts, economic, and political land­ Among topics to be covered technologies and art. Alternative forms of medical scapes. legislation and. selection of delivery systems are examined candidates will be discussed. are existing data on patterns Some representative in­ Emphasis is placed on the and influences of sexual dividual tribes will be selected such as privately insured impress of man on the en­ Collection and Use medical coverage, public clinic identities and behavior on for in-depth study. African vironment through long-term of Economic Data patterns of social life, problems geography, prehistory and systems and nationalization of occupancy. Location, interpretation and medical delivery in other in doing research on sexuality modernization will also be presentation of economic and and sexual deviance briefly considered countries as well as the United Basic German other data used by labor States Anthropology A104 and A304 This is the first part of a three organizations and their Progress or Decay and junior standing or per­ The Economics semester course for students representatives will be covered Japan and Change mission of the instructor are of Energy who have experienced difficulty in this course by D. W. Murphy, Brian Vargas, Chairperson of prerequisites with foreign languages or who Director of Labor Studies, I.U.- This „ course examines the Sociology and a former desire to study German at a Bloomington origins and extent of the current Fulbright-Hays scholar to pace slower that G101-G1Q2. The course will cover the energy ‘crisis’ in the United Japan, will examine the G097-G098-G099 fulfills the 10- States and leads to an analysis areas of industry and oc­ processes of industrialization hour language requirement. cupational wage data, economic of current public policy to solve and post-industrual develop­ Credit is given only for the ‘crisis.' trends and indicators, union ment. Japan is used as a case sequence. Estim ates of the current and organization and election study given its unique culture patterns, attitude and future supply of energy sources German for Heading and history Comparisons will are studied as well as estimates preference measurement. drawn with the U.S. Proficiency Old Testament of the future demand for This course is open to any Alienation and Mass Society energy The economic student, but it is designed for This course studies the feasibility of future sources the science, technology and develooment of Old Testament This is a survey course such as solar, thermal and professional student who beliefs, pratices and institutions reviewing the concept of atomic are analyzed in terms of desires reading proficiency from the Patriarchs to the alienation as it relates to This course will use a com­ their efficiency and co6ts. Restoration Period. Prof. modern life. Relevant classical parative focus in the analysis of which will enable the student to work with German materials in Bowes, instructor for the thinkers will be discussed and pre historic and tribal societies. course, will give an introduction contemporary case studies Mythology, conceptions of the his-her field Although this course does not to the biblical literature and examined with a goal of supernatural, religious prac- other ancient Near East evaluating the validity of the tioners, ritual and nativistic fulfill the foreign language requirement, it does stress documents. argument that modern man is movements are among the Contemporary alienated and desperate. topics that will be explored mastery of a passive vocabulary and recognition of Interpretations of Love using data drawn from a large Sociological Aspects grammatical forms needed for Dr. Tony Sherril teaches this number of cultures. Economic Development of Poverty reading skill. course, which is an in­ The instructor is Dr. Barbara of the Third World John Liell, former executive Jackson, who has done research The problems of developing terdisciplinary exploration of contemporary ways ot un director of the Indianapolis War on religion and other aspects of and underdeveloped countries derstanding the dimensions of on Poverty, will consider the culture in Mexico, and among are examined in this course human lovingjvith background general sococ and pattern of North American Indians and with the view of determining studies of the cultural and 'poverty in the U.S. and its effect ethnic minorities. proper strategies for economic religious traditions of the idea on social rons'dernhie Busings Career development. material will be drawn from Particular countries will be of love. Planning and Placement Indianapolis as a case study. studied to determine what Headings in scriptures, theology, psychology, Hay Hawkins, IUPUI problems and public policies P- Beginning Spanish philosophy, cultural history and Placement Center, is teaching may be common to all coun­ Consent of the department is this class which was a required tries. imaginative literature will be included. a prerequisite of this course. course for business majors. The This is the same course as S101 course is now open to second- Historical Asian Religious Ethics Labor Law and S1Q2 but is taught at a semester juniors and seniors of Preservations Buddhist Taught by Fred Towe, staff slower pace. Designed for any school. Dr. Warren French is Dr. James Smurl will students who have not had any The course is not oriented to teaching this new course for the counsel for the Indiana Con­ systematically investigate the ference ot Teamsters, this is a training in a foreign language business as much as it is English department in con­ major literatures, thinkers and survey course covering the law study or students who have designed to assist any student junction with the Weekend dilemmas in the historical governing labor-management experienced difficulty with looking for a job. Emphasis is College development of Buddhist ethics. language study. placed on writing resumes, relations in the profit sector. This is an investigation of the Religious Ethics and interviewing, career planning, origins of the current en­ Topics include legal Telecommunications Social Issues Medical Ethics organizing employment thusiasm for preserving, framework of collective Production Directing campaigns, job-application restoring and reconstructing bargaining, administration and Smurl will also look at select methods and a look at desired enforcement of agreements, problems areas in medical This course will cover the old' buildings and communities, theory and application of behavior the first few days on rights of individuals employees, ethics which includes abortion, the reasons behind this principles techniques, and the job. movement and the opposition to equal employment opportunity, experimentation, genetics, constraints on internal union allowing death, providing ac­ responsibilities in producing Mandarin Chinese it with special em phasis on activity around Indianapolis. affairs. cess to health care, all seen This course is offered through Class meetings will consist Actual case law is not studied from the perspectives of the Consortium for Urban principally of field trips to see but rather applications of case western religious ethics, Education (CUE) at Indiana what is being done or could be decisions. principally Christian. Central College. It is an in­ done. Participants will work out Union Leadership Religious Diversity troduction to the sound system, reading programs in the con­ in America sentence structures and pat­ This course focuses on the siderable literature of the decision-making process The variety and complexity of terns of Chinese through movement as the basis for a Romanized texts through roles and games. that part of American religion final report on their own which has existed outside the Students are introduced to the This course focuses on the possible involvement. mainstream of U.S. church life written language after they decision making process by will be taught by Dr. J. Shipps. become familiar with a modest using role playing and games. It Political Geography Also included will be em­ speaking vocabulary and is a study of the roles played by This course examines spatial phasis on the origin, sentence structu e. This is the the employee representative, organizations of political organizational history, beliefs, first of three courses in M an­ interpersonal, group and systems and the interaction of and devotional practices of the darin Chinese to be offered at organizational influence, geographical areas and leadership situations and styles. Quakers, Shakers, Millerites ICU. political processes and other millenarian sects, The Economics Geographical characteristics Labor and the Mormons, Christian Scientists, of Medical Care of states and the geographical Political System Pentecostals and groups whose This course is designed for the dimensions of international John Bennet, lecturer in the orientation is primarily eastern non-economics major, those relations will be emphasized. Division of Labor Studies rather that western. March M, 1*77 # 100 years of sound commemorated world-wide

Edison's original caused a stylus to cut grooves phonograph patented in 1877. into the bn fail The first sound consisted of a piece of bn foil recording made was Edison wrapped around a rotating reciting Mary Had a Little cylinder The vibration of his Lamb" Credit Edison voice as he spoke into a National Histone Site recording horn (not shown*

One hundred years ago. Thomas A Edison recited ‘Mary Had a Little Lamb*' into a horn, the vibrations of hts voice causing a stylus to cut grooves into a piece of bn foil wrapped around a rotating cylinder That was the first sound recording ever made, the centennial of which is being commemorated worldwide during 1977 The c lei bra tion of 100 Years of Recorded Sound will cite the evolution of sound recordings and. The Berliner gramophone the early disc phonographs on to a speed al about 7

A view of one of the machines were the forerunners phonograph parlors which of the home phonograph and of p i p * mimi and their six were provided to amplify sound by one of the early cylinder helped popularize recordings the jukebox Credit Library of daughters using earplugs that sample a recording reproduced record players during the 1890 s. These Congress Referendum to be held April 4-7 during Student Association Elections Proposed Amended Student Association Constitution

Because the I'nivertity has a responsibility to serve the interest oI students who requirements of the Student Body and to assure students a voice in influencing compose the vital and essential part of any tniversity, it is. therefore Imperative policy at IUPUI. Therefore the Student Association will serve as the representative that a representative student government be established to voice the needs and of the Student Body to assure that each student has a voice In University affairs.

Article I of a quorum The remaining offices of the Executive Section 10-Procedure for Executive im Branch shall be nominated and elected based on their peachment Impeachment hearings will be presided Section I—All legislative powers herein granted experience by a simple majority of the elected over by the Justices, with the Chief Justice acting as shall be vested in the Student Association Assembly, Assembly, from the student body or from the elected presiding officer The Assembly will act as jury which shall consist of 30 representatives. 15 assembly If these elections shall result in less than 30 Charges must be presented and the officer is entitled representatives elected by the student body at large Representatives, then the elected assembly shall fill to defend him or herself or retain legal counsel and li Divisional representatives. the vacancy in the manner prescribed in Article 1 of Removal from office requires a two-thirds majority this document vote of the total number of Representatives Any Section 2 To be qualified to hold a seat in the student currently enrolled for credit at IUPUI may IIP I'I SA Assembly a representative must be a bring charges against an officer Charges must be student currently enrolled for credit at 1UPUI. Section 4-The President shall act as the filed with the Chief Justice spokesperson for and external leader of the Student Section 3-The assembly seats will be filled during Association and shall attempt to attend all regular an elec tion by a majority of the voters from the student meetings of the Assembly and act as s non voting Article III t»od\ of IUPUI In case of a tie vole, the winner of the member. The President shall preside over all election will be decided by the current assembly by meetings of the Executive Branch unless unable to Section l-The Judicial Branch shall consist of 5 simple majority vote The election will be held during attend; in which case the Vice-President shall preside the spring semester at a time to be prescribed bv the persons, one of whcch shall be known as the Chief The President will call these meetings ss needed but Justice. assembly at least six w eeks prior to the election, but no only when four of the five members can be present more than fifty weeks prior to the election Assembly Section 2-All Justices will be nominated by the The President shall be in charge of hiring and firing President and approved by a simple majority of the tepresentatives shall lake office on May 15th. and shall Student Association employees, subject to the serve in that office until the following May 14th All Assembly and serve until the term of the Assembly provisions and conditions of the work-study contract, if ends. Justices must be enrolled for credit at IUPUI candidates must hie a valid declaration of candidacy the employee is on work-study. The President will also Aiih a student activities officer at a time specified by and must not be currently running for any Student have the power to veto a vote of the Assembly but this Association office outside the Justice Branch. the current student court No members of the veto may be overridden by a two-thirds vote of a a assembly may hold an office in the Executive Branch quorum of the Assembly in favor of the proposal w e p t speaker Pro-Tempore) or become a justice on Section 3-The Justices shall have the power to interpret this document and settle any disputes over the >tudent court without resigning his hers office as Section 5-The Vice President shall act as the representative the eligibility of anyone for an office Decisions will be presiding officer of the Assembly and internal leader made by a simple majority vote of the Justices Any of the Student Association and is required to call and to ‘ection 4-The assembly shall be the legislative Justice who has a conflict of interest shall abstain attempt to attend all meetings of the Assembly. When from voting Decisions shall be publicised only by the IjraiK'h in the Student Association A quorum shall be he or she is unable to attend, the Speaker Pro-Tempore •lelmed herein as a simple majority of the total Chief Justice. The Justices shall appoint a com­ shall preside These meetings shall not be less than mittee empowered to establish election regulations nunitier of representatives Meetings shall be run in once a month in number and shall be preceeded by at accordance w ith Parlimentarv Procedure Legislation and to staff the polls for elections. The regulations least one week notice to all Representatives and of­ must comply with the regulations set forth in this - ha 11 lx' passed by a simple majority of quorum The ficers and notice published in the school newspaper, vice president has the tie breaking vote All matters document The Justices shall have the power to decide when possible In case of permanent leave of the on the constitutionality of the legislation passed by the ivrlaining to the Student Association not included in President, the Vice President shall take over the office Assembly and the actions of the Executive Branch tht> constitution shall be settled by the assembly's of President •ec.slatixe action or amendment to this constitution Meetings of these Justices shall be called by the Chief Justice when needed or when petitioned by 2 of the Section 6-The Speaker Pro-tempore shall be Justices > cction .>!( a seat becomes vacant in the Assembly elected from the Assembly, by the Assembly and then the remaining representatives shall nominate retain his or her representative seat until such time as persons to fill those seats and after close of Section 4-The Justices shall submit a budgetary he or she takes over the office of Vice-President In the request to the Assembly in the amount they deem nominations they will be secretly voted on by the absence of the Vice-President at an Assembly assembly necessary for Student Association elections which will meeting, the Speaker Pro-tempore shall preside and be subject Assembly approval only vote in the case of a lie by the Assembly When Section 6*A representative may be removed from presiding, the Speaker Pro-tempore will not be his assembly seat for Section 5-A justice may be impeached if he or she counted as a part of the quorum The Speaker Pro- has missed two consecutive court meetings without a Violation of this constitution, tempore shall serve as the Vice President, in the case h Missing 3 consecutive assembly meetings, sufficient reason or for violation of this document of his or her absence, and in the case of a vacancy in These proceedings will be held by the Assembly in the c Dismissal from the University the office of the Vice President, the Speaker Pro- following manner, with the Vice President presiding Impeachment proceedings are held by the assembly tempore shall assume the office When the Speaker as Judge and the Assembly serving as jury. Two-thirds with the vice-president acting as presiding judge The Pro-tempore assumes the office of the Vice President, of the Assembly must be present for these proceedings representative up for removal is entitled to denfend a new Speaker Pro-tempore will be elected from the to take place himself or retain legal counsel Removal from office Assembly Impeachment shall require: requires a two-thirds majority vote of the total number a A petition signed by 3 justices and 5 o! representatives Section " The Secretary shall act as the assistant members of the Assembly Article II spokesperson, keeping accurate and complete record b This impeachment petition will be voted on of all offical business and correspondence for the to determine whether or not a hearing will be held A Section 1 The Executive Branch shall consist of Assembly and the Executive Branch and shall be majority of the Assembly is required for a hearing. the President. Vice President. Speaker Pro-Tempore. repsonsible for distributing the minutes of all meetings Secretary and Treasurer c. A hearing will be held in which the Justice in of the Assembly and see that the minutes are taken question and the opposition will present their cases and be questioned by the Assembly Each is allowed to Section 2-For a person to occupy one of the retain legal cjbunsel executive seats the person must be currently enrolled Section 8-The Treasurer shall keep an accurate d. A1 two-thirds majority vote by the for credit at IUPUI. and for the office of President and record of all financial transactions for the Student Asssembly is required to remove a Justice. Vice President the person must have completed, Association and keep a running balance of the Student Association funds which are held on account before the student elections 30 hours of University recognized credit, with a minimum of 18 hours com­ by the University This record and balance shall be pleted at IUPUI at or above a 2.0 Grade Point submitted to the Assembly each month in written form Article IV within a month after the month for which the record Average was kept Section 3-The President and Vice President shall Section l This document will take precedence over be elected by and from the Student Body to fill these any other document by the IUPUI Student Association positions only after submitting a valid declararion of Section 8-A member of the Executive Branch may dealing with the governing of the Student Body, in­ candidacy to a student activities officer. This election be impeached for: cluding any proposals or bills. shall tajie place in concurrence with the Represen­ a Not complying with this document, tatives election and their terms shall be for one year, b. Not operating in compliance with passed Section 2-Amendments to this document can only starting and terminating at the same time as that of legislation. be made after passage by the Assembly and ac­ the Representatives. In case of a tie. the current c Missing 3 consecutive Assembly meetings, ceptance by a majority of those voting at an election as Assembly shall decide the winner by a simple majority d. Dismissal from the University. mentioned in Article 1, Section 3 of this document. March M. 1*77 Sagamore II

I do not like getting up on the soapbox two weeks in a row but the from The Original Soundtrack; and now this one Except the others Indiana Theatre has to be an exceptional case are all in the bargain bins already Not exactly a nice thing to do to The theatre is being methodically destroyed from the inside out Midwest one of the best British bands in a good while Maybe this one Not with the awkward grace of the wrecking ball but with the slow, whenever they finally release it-wiU fare better painful leeching of vandals After I wrote my piece for last week's paper. I went to the Indiana A rts Theatre to get some photographs of the theatre organ being moved out The pix made it but a short piece ‘A Tour Of The Indiana Latest edition to the “Is Paul Dead7 genre of Beatlemama Theatre didn't get in because of space limits So here's the word in a Klaatu' In case you've been living underground far the psst few Gazette the word in a mitshell weeks, the great rumor is that a new previously-unheard^f and still unnamed group. Klaatu. is really the Beatles reunited and operating A SAGAMORE GUIDE TO The Indiana Theatre M feng turned into a pit The ornament and ENTERTAINMENT IN INDIANAPOLIS*" decoration inside are being stripped clean by rip-off artists of the under a alias cheapest variety You might not see it when you attend a concert Lots of folks are having great laughs identifying classic Me but look around Cartney nffs “which could obviously be played only by someone Broken furniture is stashed in room after room throughout the with a left-handed guitar' " and other such winning analyses At theatre Enormous pieces of pottery have been stolen from the least one local shop has gone to the trouble at mounting a large theatre s lobby, including the too tier of the old fountain at the south Beaties photo-montage around their display at the Klaatu discs with end of the lobby Statuary and columns have been smashed and large question marks all over it broken on the main level of the theatre and elsewhere Is it really the Beatles7 Could be But in the meantime who cares7 A theatre audience doesn't see it, but since it costs money to have It’s selling trash hauled away from a downtown business it's stashed in the basement of the theatre * roomful of garbage in plastic bags Theatre seats have been ripped up one at the decorations curtains along a side isle has been set on fire

Theatre seats have been npped up One of the decorative curtains along a side isle has been set on fire And derelicts are using some of the old upstairs rooms as regular crash pads So far no structural damage has marred the building and a t i l l a g e # relatively low sum would put the building in some sem blance of order Question is, would it do any good7 Would fixing up the old theatre suddenly bring movie audinces back downtown7 After all, it wasn t cLe^thersmith in such bad shape when they stopped visiting the Indiana in the first place Why should things be anv different now 7 9 25 WESTFIELD BLVD BROAD RIPPLE VILLAGE (31 7) 257 2784 Sooner or later in the theatre business you have to face facts Fact Number One moviegoers are hooked on the suburban chain theatres and it would take an awfully good movie with an exclusive playing schedule at the Indiana to coax most of them downtown after the sun goes down Fact Number Two Indianapolis simply isn't as hard up for en entertainment halls as mast other cities In many places where theatre resortation has been successful, it has been simply a matter that there were no other existing concert halls This simply isn’t the case in Indianapolis Fact Number Three the restoration of the Indiana is going to take a very long term commitment from whoever is willing to shoulder the responsibility That isn’t to say that the job ts impossible and that profits can’t be made merely that such a commitment is going to be a major undertaking On the plus side of things is the uniqueness of the theatre If ever a building deserved to be saved, the Indian is one of our best Of course the Mannenchoir, the Claypool, the Lyric, and the old City Office Building were among scores of others that also deserve to be saved Now you can pay fifty cents to a buck-fifty to park your car atop their remains One of the best observations on the theatre was made by a less thammparbal spectator. “It won't be enough to set a goal of “saving" the theatre You have to not only ‘save’* it to make a success of it, you have to make it better than it ever was before Anything less will never get it off the ground ’ And that's the truth

Time to take a trip to the local cut-out bins at your favorite local record shop Friends, there are deals lobe had' Among albums that are now either cut-outs or reduce priced are Steely Dan’s Count­ down To Ecstasy and Pretsel logic two of the mast under rated A stap in tha right direction with a fashion look for spring 1 Canvas albums of the seventies Check the ex Fairport Convent]oners stripe Espadri $30 2 Elegant tweie leather $40 3 Rope stripe fabric Richard and Linda Thompson whose Pour Down Like Silver and $25 Hokey Pokey are bargain pneed all around town Every Sparks , wth the exception of their latest Big Bent, is now in the Did you know . . . We have Bocl Carlton Shoes A Stuff bargain bin Saw a couple of The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Martrii OsvakJo Funstriders Boutique Marco Rockports Jacque discs in cut-out. mostly Tomorrow Belongs To Me. if you want to Cohen. Otof Daughter Dahli Campione Frye San Remo Fantasia hear the oldest English punk rocker in the trade Lots of jazz is available practically everything Eddie Hams has done in the last eight years is cut-out, likewise much of the Creed Taylor Produc lions is turning up in the bargain lines I saw some oddball labels on Art Tatum. Charlie Mingus. Enc Doiphy. Dizzy Gillespie, and other masters of the art And practically all of Billy Cobham, except Spectrum is now on the list (but don't waste your dollars there) These are all available in the below S3 bracket and many are lower than that depending on where you shop Good hunting' Speaking at cut-outs, have you noticed how the folks with lice are trying to avoid the bargain basement blitz by getting every second advance airplay possible for 'The Things We Do For Love" before a $35—Severe knen leather by Boutique Marco b $30—Grandpru Get they release the album7 Almost a month on the charts and still no album ' There bottom by Famoiare c $34—Lucy wood bottom rope leather by At this rate, they seem to be getting solid hits with every other Bare Traps d —Dong crepe Hurachi by Shoes & Stuff album Rubber Bullets from the first one. “I’m Not In Love" 12 Sagam ore M arch 30,1977 'Main Squeeze' is proof in the pudding

by M. William LutholU chestral jazz pieces surroun­ basics of what we're talking (you may remember him for Hall live concert a couple of There are those who like ding his own flugelhorn solos. about. those beautiful riffs on Billy years ago). Also note former Chuck Mangione's brand of jazz And for those who don’t know On Main Squeeze, Mangione Cobham’s first disc, Spec- Blood, Sweat & Tears trum­ and there are those who do not about flugelhoms (I understand has brought in some well-noted peter Lew Sol off, who has For those who do, his latest some people still think they are and worthy session men Steve A closer look into the fine gradually been coming back disc, Main Squeeie (SP 4612) just inside names for French Gadd is back on drums this time print on the back of the disc onto the scene after his long will simply mean more good horns), imagine an over-sized around, bringing with him reveals John Faddis on retreat into academia following things mellow trumpet. Then put fellow Stuff side man Richard trumpet, one of the best and the the B.SAT break-up. Mangione. for those who Mangione behind Tee to handle organ parts. He brightest session trumpeters to The list goes on like that until aren't familiar with his work, it and back him up with an also has John Tropea playing come along in years (c i. you've fairly well complied a specializes in writing big or­ orchestra, and you've got the electric and acoustic guitar Charile Mingus’ 2-Ip Carnegie Who's Who of session men. Question is, how good is the album? Some folk say that Chuck Mangione is the Johnny Mann and Ray Coniff of jazz: so tush, so orchestrated that it's just spacy mood music wolfing it up in jazz clothes. Fact is, though, r that most of the same folk are the one’s who won't listen to > 0 jazz if it’s mare than trio or quartet size. To them, everything else is wasted effort. And others think that borns- including flugelhoms-aren’t any good if they aren't blasting Grand-C’s through the ceiling. Leave jazz to these types and the jazz industry would be full of nothing but high-pitched 1 quartets, and the unem- ioyment lines would be full of with busted chops. Take Mangione as he is, no questions asked, and what he does is exciting in its own right. Admittedly, he isn’t out n r breaking new ground and f blazing new trails, but be Is With Main Squeeze, you can start to hear some of the in­ fluence that Gadd and Tee have brought with them from hanging out with Eric Gale and Stuff. You can also hear what IT ALL COMES TOGETHER ON Faddis has been picking up from Randy Brecker. The result is a pleasing tight riff sound that contrasts and enhances Mangiotone's usually laid-back sound. BLACK And you can hear how Mangione is finally getting the orchestra business under control. He's mastering the art SUNDAY of making an entire orchestra function as one great in­ strument to back him up rather than lead him off the track. It Compare Mala Squeeze with the old 2-lp set Friends and Love could and you’ll see what I mean. Let his detractors say what they will, but I still maintain be . that there is little else mare tomorrow! pleasing than to give Chuck Mangione a simple, beautiful 16-bar melody and let him play around with it. Main Squeeze is Paramount Pictures Presents a Robert Evans production a John Frankenheimer film proof in the pudding. staning Robert Shaw, Bruce Dem, Marthe Keller "Black Sunday" co-staning Fntz Weaver and B e t a Fehmru, Music Scored by John Williams, Director of Photography John A Alonzo, AS.C.,Executive Producer Robert L Rosen, Based on the Novel by Thomas Harris, Screenplay by Ernest Lehman, Kenneth Ross and Ivan MoffatProdoced by Robert Evans, Directed by John Frankenheimer, Services by Connaught Productions, In Cola 1 g u m - |Rad Bn Bantam papatadj Panavision'A Paramount Picture Starts Friday April 1 at the following theatres

C ircle G reenw ood Lafayette 8q. 1 L ow es Tw in 1 C3644SS 1 ABB-7224 r o - e s # 253-12*1 | Greenwood Center | Shopping C enter | | 73rd k N. Keystone M arch 30,1977 Sagam ore Iggy Pop:the epitome of punk rockdom by M. William Luthoili Pop hung around with David got his audience suckered Let’s Bowie and drifted in and out of face it, there are bucks to be Iggy Pop is back, and he's as the musical world. He was still made in the beat-your-friends- much a paradox as ever before hanging out with Bowie when with-chains business, and I He is at once some of the best they came up with the concept there’s always a crowd hanging that rock and roll has to offer, far his latest album. The Idiot. on the fringe, ready to go for the as well as undoubtedly its The music is classic heavy latest answer to swallowing I worst. metal with ponderous guitar goldfish Many people have nearly chord patterns that represent The promotional schlock for forgotten him since his last perhaps the epitome of punk the album reads "Iggy's danse album. Raw Power, back in rockdom. Tasteless? Perhaps macabre on wax is broken by a 1973. They’ve almost lost the But uniquely Iggy Pop. And as handful of truly personal tracks name of the performer who rock goes, you’ll have to look that have the warm flavor of made his name by vomiting, hard to find an equal. emotional authenticity ' rolling across a stage covered The lyrics are that fascinating Perhaps, but only for a person with broken glass and pouring brand of pseudo-intelligent who hasn't tasted that warm hot wax on himself. garbage that usually tricks the flavor in a long, long while If audience into believing there is ’’China'Girl" and ’Baby" are. | Iggy Pop forgotten? Never! some sort of mystical link say the cultists, and it seems as I suspect, the tracks those between themselves and the remarks refer to, they reveal all they may be right. He s cer­ great mind of Iggy Pop. Like, tainly not out to be forgotten. the emotional authenticity of a wow, how decadent, you know clam. Nice try, guys. He followed in the tracks of man? ILou Reed, delving into the then- Admittedly, Iggy still plays Beneath that seemingly cold new realms of sado-masochistic some nice elitist guitar But exterior of Iggy Pop there lurks why waste your time when the rock. He formed his own band, a heart of ice. Either that or the that reveled in lyrics about rest of the product simply warm glow of a professional doesn't pay off? frustration, boredom, pain, and huckster who knows when he's the like.

Faith Band, Claus Ogerman counter-culture idols

by Rex Davenport Faith Band. With their new dear friends, is very tight And Some of the tunes are a bit too impress the chicks. I would The fine art of cruising the album, Excuse Me...I Just Cut with the exception of Tim formulated to please me. but recommend Gate of Dreams by bars is perhaps Indianapolis' An Album (Village Records), Moore’s “ (I Think I Wanna) that is the nature of a band who the Claus Ogerman Orchestra favorite sport. Whether dressed Faith stands alone as the best Possess You," all the tunes are must try to please more than a on Warner Brothers The Ip in double-knits or denim, the hope for rock in Naptown. originals penned by the band. small cult following. The originated in 1972 as a score for participants in this sport have a In general, the Faith Band opening song. ‘‘Keep On a ballet performed by the New counterculture all their own. Excuse Me is an excellent practices the fine art of one- Lovin’” is very similar to the York State Theatre at Lincoln They also have their own collection of tunes that rivals night stands To be liked in Doobie Brothers, especially in Center matinee idols; most notable of the best American rock en­ many different locations by the rhythm section ’’Power them are Bill Wilson, J. sembles. Faith is as tight in the many different people .to even Play" is at leasj^as good as It is a very haunting collec­ Michael Henderson and the studio as on stage...and that, survive in that atmosphere, you anything KEO has ever done tion which at times seems to have to be good. and was, in fact, produced by

Clo/zlfied/ (88)to8aremce large two! root ta arts 17 For Sale COTA Fulltime BaauUM » atom train hi ft caUart Has ad diitonal room lor tape diet and rwwd tlarag* Americana Health Care I1M Powerful 7* v»lt LI CO lim e outfit la Spatials cludta amp. praamp aad FM tM Univenily ill apaakart ta cabined !M Call Jim Center The m u M ll-Aypwaato ctom w ill sta rt A p ril 8 Brack—n * p .B * t» iMW8i______Call *4*181 tar Tvo new AA num af uniforms m e 10 (stall » 2 0 1 0 N. Capitol. Call boa- MaSaoffar M i m iMW»i______Karen Morris 92 4*582 1 The Chilron’s House ungraded school (agm *14) f from 9 am to 4 pm. 1W-4) wil hoM M r.A p n lK at4 (M W 36) mto <■ l). Fall i lA p n ll

81-4771 (A not tor-profit corpora by Andrew Valentine Jr. factor in the Ip obtaining gold record sUtus. "Me And My Estimator Harmony (n)...l. A com ­ Music,” which is the lead-off Part-time tHnitp leatfier bination of parti into a cut, is comparable to "Rub- proportionate or orderly whole. berband Man” in inspiring one Take offs, dirt, storm- 5. In music, a) the pleasing to get up and boogie. sanitary sewers, streets. Sc combination of two or more Following their 21-year Salary—open. George tones in a chord ; b) structure in tradition, the Spinners' Wilber Jttoelrp terms of the arrangement, repetoire revolves around the Ellis Exc. 7 8 7 -6 3 2 6 , 8-5 procession, etc., of chords; c) songs, "I Found Love (When I pm. (M W 34) Piccadilly Square in the the study of this structure. Found You),” "You’re The Jobs/etc. This definition of harmony is Love of My Life,” "Honey I’m Greenwood Mai an accurate description of the in Love With You,” and "Just to Caaha Prep, duhwaahan. bua boya, etc Pull or pari County Line A 31 Spinners' new release, Be With You” exemplifies their time Yesterday, Today and harmonic salute. This success- The Jumping Beanery Tomorrow Spinners, which may bound lp, like all other Spinners’ 7U» Northwestern Ave 81*141* very well be the last occasion Ips on the Atlantic label was ______>MW8l Law student or recent that Philiipe Soul Wynn can be arranged, conducted and heard as their catalytic lead produced by Thom Bell. Eve » Huron A Haaleu Service grad to do research. WOODLAND THEATRES i tpi-nind* lor Irmak A m*k evuri v and modeh singer. There are only a few in ra d iv e mature, personable Very in Must be knowledge­ The hit single “You’re statements you can make about tm'linA rvulmp respectable pari lime work 116th St. & Keystone Throwing Away a Good Love” a Spinners album, and the only t>ir 846-2425 is destined to be another gold one that comes to mind about having tun Aung it Indy s only established ters. Helen Cole record success in its own right, this one is "Try it, you’ll like priMevsinrul escort service Also lull service Apollo and will surely be an added it.” modeling agency A rnlerlammenl bureau 926*3095. (MW34) Logan'8Run Openings m entertainer work lor girta inieresled in pcirfessional dancing fall *ZJ~l7l1ar *24 J7S? Bijou T ACROSS 27. Cushion 51. Alphabet II AM midnight 4l 13. — on*’* a ship 3. M akes Center 1*75 Mustang Ghia - stiver with maroon to S braina, trio to 37. Raligious requsst Sell Subscript ions 4. Remainder For ««ekly newspaper, part Ume. evenings. S3 torto, 8,m*milm; 0,000 Ml-*8*afte» 8pm remember group per hour plus ommaaion Cal Mrs Wltoaa. SK 68 N. Gale IMW8)______S 14. Doe* a pre­ 39. Some 5. Not enough IM*i between tarn 4 pm t iMWK)______1*71 serving job 40. My Way," 6. Blink CaB 8*778 after! pm IMWS4) 15. Soldier 7. Curvy letter WaBraaaca Part-time opening 4 pm to 0 or Crosby movie Eicellent money for attractive, intelligent, 187 Ford ptchH* with camper shell. KM Call W 16. Fuss 42. Cow »ound 8. Cool — e aggressive young women Full or part-time Mus 9 pm M-F for warehouseman 1 tMWB) 17 Expreu grat­ cucumber itude to 43. Compass bell Rate: $6/hr. Also interviewing O point: abbr. 9. Scampt The Jumping Beanery 19. Vehicle 10. Haul TUB Northwestern Are for part-time warehouse 20. Rubies, opal*, 44. Cain and Abel, 81148 openings available in April. etc. to Eve 11. Hair-raising ______1MW8) R 45. Ornament 12. Haaardoua Hours flexible Pay: $5.75 per 22. Scrap of food 23. Work period 47. Remove: II. Grasp Wanted lor summer job Photography model- hour. Contact Mrs Chappelle. Some paper work-Irregular hours through D 24. In fact 2 wda. 19. Wager Labor Day *47418 >MW8 i ______637-3413. ext. 241 (MW34) 26. ' Fall guy": 49 Memo* 21. Foolish: slang slang 23 Weekly pay Wort lor Dm Indiana Loves World team Iran S 50. Idle* chiae taka positions open Apply M41 Production 25. Put down, aa Dnre. Suits m . Fridays after I pm Pizza Inn ternal stress America's favorite pui *' 31. Full of wilts 32. Palm off 6210 E 82nd St.. Castteton 33 Distant 849-7472 (MW34) □□□a LiUdtdkJ 34. Tailits 36. G ift of some­ □□□□□ uauLiuuu thing extra □□□□LI □□□□ UU 38. Oodles □□□ □□!!□□ ULJQ 40. Make a mis­ □□□□ □□□ UUUg take: slant □□□□□□ □□□□□ Roomies 41. Our —, kids' □ □ □ □ □ □ comedy group F n u le Uw student is tooting for roommato to 44. Block or Red □□□□a □□□□□□ short opt tl Brmdoaway (N il Coll Katfu - 46. Bambi’s i e j e j o □□□ aouti M7-S87 (MW8>______mother □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ Fern student wanted to share double I* min 48. Boxing term : n n n n n h o b o d from 1UPU1 Coil 01-4*8 before 1 8 ______1975 Deli Publishing Co Inc All rights reserved I

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