Loyola Alumnus Montreal Fall 1968 Vol
Loyola alumnus montreal fall 1968 vol. 12. no. 2 COMING ALUMNI EVENTS Monday, September 16th, 1968. 1 :15 p.m. at Royal Montreal Golf Club -lie Bizard Annual Golf Tournament Chairman - Brian Gallery Guest Speaker - "Jake" Dun lap Former Star Ottawa Rough Riders. Saturday, October 19th, 1968 10:15 a.m. Homecoming Mass in the College Chapel A Concelebrated Folk-Mass Families Most Welcome Chairman - Reverend J.G . Mathieu , S.J . Saturday, October 19th, 1968. 11 :30 a.m. Hall of Fame Reception and Luncheon Honouring Norm Smith '27, Ed Meagher '46, Connie Broden '52, Joe Poirier '57 Chairman -Dr. R.J . "Bob" Brodrick. Saturday, October 19th, 1968 8:30 p .m. Homecoming Dinner Dance Featuring Noel Talarico's Orchestra at the Chateau Champlain Place du Canada Chairman - Larry Doherty Tickets - Kev Reynolds and Brian O 'Neill. Monday, November 11th, 1968. 1 :00 p .m. Memorial Mass for Deceased Members of the Staff and Students in the College Chapel. Friday, December 6th, 1968 8:00 p.m. Oyster Party in Gymnasium of Athletic Complex Co-Chairmen - Joe O'Sullivan and Dick Vaillancourt. Loyola alumnus Member of the American Alumni Council. Features ... Canadian Politics THE ASSOCIATION and the 15th Prime Minister JOHN J . PEPPER, '49 President The Modern Student ARTHUR E. LAPRES, '42 The Evening Division 1st Vice-President Golf Tournament ROBERT G. BEAUREGARD, '60 2nd Vice-President Blue Bonnets BRIAN O'N. GALLERY, '57 3rd Vice-President Loyola Moves into Big Time in Athletics RONALD J. HORE, '61 Honorary Secretary ROSS N. BRADY, '64 Honorary Treasurer DR . JOHN F. McMULLAN, '53 Councillor Departments J.
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