9..\5 a.m.-Burton. of Banner Street, PRESENTS 5.00 p.m.-Junior Jamboree. NICOLAI GEDDA -" Tenor 5.45 p.m.-Golden Time, THE DAILY NEWS IVln.lIl.l\ 7.15 p.m.-Dr. Poul, Charles' Hutton &Sons Vol. 62. No. 282 ST, JOHN'S, NEWFOUNDLAND, THURSDAY, DECEMBER 15, 1955 (Price .$ cents) ,- Stage Surp·rise MOVe·!MotherRisks Death Reds , To Rescue Tat Held U. N. Plan By Mental p'atients Endorse Canada's Held Butcher KnJ,fe At Throat AgeeToAd~t~~~~~~~~~~~ Of Three-¥ear-Old . WHITBY, Ont.-CP-A young mother rflked 4.th Wednesday, exchanging herself for her three-year-old ; I. son who was being held hostage by two ~gitivet from 16 New Members a mental institution. lin. Sam Barry walked Into her FUR . ~ UCT'rON born. at nearby Ajax after the two .I.l ~I .. , .... :." -.: \'['IO;\S. N.Y.: cgales were Writing .0[( th~ Cana­ , . ./,.. ". .. dian proposal as a tallure. co·spun· men said they would let the ehild --.......------- .., _ \':.":1.1::, plan f01, sored by 28 otbel' countries, Can· go if she went in and eooked them B-d He .' : ',' \l1Cl1lbc\'~hip n~a's plan was contnincli in i. a meal. The pair escaped from I S It r· : -.:. " .tt b\' S(l\'- resolution which reecil'ed over the Ontario Hospital at Whitby <" .. , : ... cll/~ ~. whelming appro\,111 in the Gcneral Tuesday night . .:: ;.:". ;' .. : ,'I1~h~l Chlllesc i As,embly's pol~t1e~1 commil~~e. Police who ringed the bou .. with 2 Me,,- . T ' .• : . \ ret ul'l1cd in. In the Securlt) council. New Zr.R· rifie. Ind tear·gas guns were help· I 10'n .' ,', :.. ".. 1: ~. d I land and Brazil Introduced a slm· les. II one of the fugiUve. held ; ":'." :'::!l .. L\lnc~da~ an ilar rcsolution. But wben Nrtlona:· three-year-old Lynn Davis In his .. ,.: :.::' .::'Ii lhe Secllrity I~L China vetoed Outer Mongolia, a1'll\5 It the window with a butcher knife at the child's throat. For M.enk '~~".:' .' ~\ :: :lP~1t ()ppo~ition. one ~f five Communist c~ndldate~, I ,._... ..','. '. ':n 'allll1~ '.lr Ru;sla retalia.ted by vetomg all 13 Adter the child was releued \ ...... '. ..I,,;!' C co. Western candldatef. police sergeant Itarted an ar· ~ ,~ ... ".: ,I. ~ollntrlc~,~ S(l\'iet delegate Arkady A. Sob· gument with the t\VO men at. VANCOUVER -cP-''Up ! •. ::; .i:,,>: "n.l L om~u~I:,t: ole\' said at the openlnll of the window Ind Ml'II. Barry ,lipped out up" shouted the auctioneer'~ (:.: ~.: ". .. \;"'11 the onglO"l: me~llllg that bCCa\ISe the assem· the back door. c·;·:."- :,' ;' -:.:-113,. ailopted Sj bly', will had been "obstruete I' ~o1ic. said they then opened up s~otters. And up went the ·, . ~.' ., .... : .. " :,~,Il'nllom. ..' bv one man-he blamed Natlonal,·t with tear gas and the pair stag· bids to a total of nearly $2- · :' •. " ... '.' ~.' 1 ..-\,>~mbly \\'1" Chin delegate T.F. Tsiang-n~w gered out of the house and were in the first . ' ...... II rrln~,da\" nl"ht a 000 000 of tw'o ,': ., .... {" .....".I W~)'s must be found to end t~e captured after a struggle. ' •. ,- '. i :",. (',lIlne!1 s recon'" d d'l •. SEIZED CHILD Vancouver mink thl• . '.. I - .' en oc •. .ales -:~':": I', dH .'r,~mrnt \\ JS: Then S:bolcv offered. til \\,hh· The two men went to the Bar.'Y' season, The sale was the :" :':t: ri~:'.n .: draw his negative vote against all home about 11:30 a.m .•~d asked richest ever h Id he d l!':"~ '1: ... ,:"" 1','111 ,~lar~ln ol! tbe Western candIdates exee!'t to use the telephone, police said. • e re an .:.,.!. I':'" ,,;,\('hcli Tn SIlence I Japan. "hearing In mind thlt Once inside, they lei zed the child. one of the biggest in west­ II : .. ,.,' " ',:. ,,,rIlPlllolI.ly.plan.: Republle (Outer :llongolla' will be . Mrs. Barry managed to get out ern Canada ., ,.', ".: ., ".'.! ,1,.\' n tn "ppar~~: postponed for consideration at tll~ of the house and eall police. Wheil Wesler Ca~.d It :::'J. I.' )'Ii':!:>nl at \\edne .• · nest session of the assembl~·." t~cy arr~vcd she w~s. standing Ollt· tion Sale: Ltd. off!re:~~~r 7:~~ II, \ :: .' ';:. ,~", Sobolcv submlttcd a resoluti'/R sl~e While the fuglllv~s held ~er pelts raised on BriU b C0 1 'b' .j nOli\: '1 \\.UI.\TE recommndlng that the a~semt>:)' I ch!ld at ~ shatle~ed WIndow pOlDt ranches to buyers ~om ~~ri'l ·\ ~.: :.~: ,:.,1(':I":IC nil m~Dlber'l admit Albania. Jordan. Irela~~, in~ a knife at hIS throat. New York Los An el t ~, H ". ;. ':'km in just 13 mill Portugal, HlIngary. ltalv. Austria, SCENE at the C.L,B. Armoury 1051 nl?ht as Canon Slirlin~ Inspected the neW recl'ui:s. This newest Ii,t Is the largest number of recruits Police said one of the men called and Montr~al Abouf ~s, Seat ,! : , .:, I"" Romania. Bul::arl". Finland, Cc~.' in the history of the C.L.B.-(Daily News Photo). ou.~ to .Mrs. Bar~y: were sold.' per ceot ;'>:r"i;';'·: mcclin; lI"a,. called/Ion. Nepal. Libya, Cambodia, La's . If ~ ~u come In we will let the Top price was $70 • sldll for a ',.'.:' .'.~ I!'.:.':"n request as del· and Spain. -- ~- ------ 'uI" DI·onnes In' Ho' sp1etall PZ ::~~~~~ut hesitation, Mrs. Barry ~~~.I~~e!:~::a~f°'H!~~;!o;n~~ Fo "I d ' h h HIghest pnce ever paid In CaD- ,I .I I ane on I care IV at . apJlf'n~ .0 ada for standard d k Its III Britain: ' I · I 1 me a~ long .as my boy IS okay." the $44.50 skin at pc WU '~ eT I I Police saId the woman walked A eerul I • : . ~ T P , w0 urses St ell into the ho~se a~d started coo.kill6 as sapPbi~:n b~~g'~U~rlY bown I wo atlents N a meal untIl police set up a dIver· Theo Pappas 'd • !IIONTREAL (CP)-Two of tht Dr. Cousineau said there Is ~o: "some excitement nat u rail y' I . sion outside to allow ber to ,et auclion firm ~1:r;:1 dent dOf ~e It flEeT GAITSKELL 21·year.old Dionne quintuplets are evidence Annette and !IIarie al'c: among the quints as a result I, cuI,. second sale {vill be heid n~eCaY22 ' il .•, In a Montreal hospital restin,l suffering from any Illness rcselT/·: the landslide which occurred whil, About 1.500 chIldren In thr~e " "It will be the lar, t U .' t Lt. 0 ~ after medical cheek·ups, a hospitdl bllng Emilie's.'. IAnnette was at Nicolet. OS' schools w~re kept in their cla~, . ever made in Canada ,~s h :~I~'1 NEW LABOR .LEADER official disclosed Wednesday, but Annette was at Nicolet, Qu~, He said that becau!e they a!'~ i rooms during the lunch hour UD\;j QUIET AUcrlONS ' e, e ;'j, he .sald examinations dlsdosed studying art In a convent when the: "wlso girls," Marie and Annellt! . ' the men wefte cRPtured. Some 80 000 ' . Will He Prime itlinistcr If-LllboJ' nothing seriously wrong \V1t~ thelll. town was shaken by a tremendou~1 decided to have medical examina ED~lONTON (CP)-Two north.' fered at 'an ~~!~a are to be ot· L~ I Dr. G. Cousineau, medl~al dl lan~sllde last Nov. 12. with dama~e Uons and these showed nothln" i ern aIr searches have had hapI'Y j' Recovers From about $2 500 000 ge value 01 UetufllS To Poilic,' rector of Notre Dame de 1 Esper' estJmated at $1,000,000. seriously wrong. "I endings but a third plane still :< The 5~le' • anec Hospital" said quints Manc When other students were scnt They are t bed patient d i missing and little hope is held for U II F &aIm unkn:w aret eonduc~d in a :1 I ~ .. \",.,. R H h G 'tsk 11 4~ . ht 'ng and Annette Dlonn.e entered '.Ile to their homes, Annette came 10: no . 5 a~ I the survival of its two occupants. sua V atal of u Ii n. most 0 er type • . \). l.JV.'- cutcrs- ug a1 e, J, l'Ig -WI hospital last month largcly bt the Montreal hospital to join hr.ri mo~~ frlede~Yatbout dt1dledhodsPltal.'b~llel Pilot Gordon Pettit of Weslloc:' I I 'Th °b' d' .; .. ,:. \\'ed1\c~da~' night was elected the new leader cause their two surviving sistel's sisters. I me lc.a Irc~ or a ~. '.. escr! III:!, Alta., was found safe and a a;: I' H wn0 ,,~ uyer~ on t IIY anr· !' :::, B:i'.;,l\ LlbOi' party. He will become prime mini. Yvonne Dnd Cecile, arc student The thrce quints were join~d ~h~ ,~lOnnc sisters as \elY charm jently uninjured Wednesday b~~ic!e eart Isease "~~:!, .~Ir. ~ppas said. ..~V• . T . t . nurses there. No\,. 26 bv ~(arie who h,ld he~:l' 10". his single.ennine Faircpild aircra! I tho gh \~ en ey are blddLDI !(." .: u.I~O:· returns 0 pow~r. The fifth qUint, Emilie. died In training as. a pos.tulan~ at Mo~nt· Dr. Cousineau said Marie and' down in deep snolV in the McMur. MO~TnEAL (CP)-A lour·yea·"j an~he~ t:U~hm:t scratch his. nose, :,.. ',: :'''. C'II\\ ning a rapid'. August, 195t, at a hostel at Stc. Tha~or clOister m Qlcbec C!l~'.: Annette while they rest havc tile! ra,: area of norlhern Alberta, 100: old .glrl brought to a MontrCJ', otber look u sd ear, and still In '-:. :'(i :,1 .mhaj'p\' en:1 to the mons. ThIS carries B salary of Agathe, sorpe 60 miles north 01 lIIarle.
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