Session 6 TRADOC Capability Manager Tactical Radios and TRADOC Capability Manager Networks & Services

Session Name: Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS) and Warfighter Information Network – Tactical (WIN-T) Update Briefers: COL Wren, LTC Powers UNCLASSIFIED


JTRS Purpose: • Provide a program update on the recent changes and capability trades being discussed for the different domains of JTRS • Discuss how JTRS capabilities will enable the Squad as a Strategic Formation and include JTRS Network Management and manning implications

WIN-T Purpose: • Provide a basic understanding of WIN-T capabilities, associated timelines, and operational value to commander’s and their staffs • Inform user community of who we are and what we do • Engage in dialog to address related concerns/issues

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• TCM TR/N&S Charters/Responsibilities

• Program Update for the Joint Tactical Radio System (JTRS)

• JTRS Closing the Gap “Enabling the Squad as a Strategic Formation”

• TCM N&S Managed Programs & Capabilities/Requirements Identification

• Network Capability Strategy Vision

• Warfighter Information Network- Tactical (WIN-T)

• WIN-T Future Improvements

• WIN-T Key Events/Way Ahead

• Challenges

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TCM-TR / TCM-NS Charters

• Assumes responsibility and authority from CG, TRADOC through Signal Center, CG for managed capabilities & systems • Coordinates all user activities associated with the development, synchronization, and integration requirements for the tactical radio capability area for brigade and below (TCM-TR) and the tactical tier of LandWarNet network transport & services (TCM-N&S) • Ensures materiel systems have sufficient capability to implement the overarching and supporting concepts • Develop Joint Capability Integration Development System (JCIDS) Requirement Documents (CDD, CPD) for needed Warfighting capabilities • Doctrine, Organization, Training, Materiel, Leadership, Personnel & Facilities (DOTMLPF) integration

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Joint Tactical Radio System Portfolio

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JTRS Programs & Products

Handheld Manpack & Small Form Fit (HMS) Ground Mobile Radio (GMR) Description: Description: • Scalable and modular Software • WNW, SRW, SINCGARS, UHF SATCOM, EPLRS, HF Architecture (SCA) compliant, enable net-centric • Simultaneous 4 channel operations operations, operate multi-band and multi-mode, and • 4 channel multiple independent levels of security deliver reliable, secure tactical communications • Internal route and retransmit functionality • AN/PRC-154 Rifleman Radio (RR) (1 Channel Type 2): SRW • Extension of voice & Battle Command information • AN/PRC-155 Manpack (MP) (2 Channel Type 1): SRW, SINCGARS, EPLRS, HF, UHF SATCOM, MUOS , Bowman • Small Form Fit (SFF): SRW and various legacy WF GMR AN/VRC-107

Airborne, Maritime, Fixed Station (AMF)

With MOUS Description: Appliqué • WNW, SRW, MUOS, Link-16, VHF/UHF LOS, • HaveQuick II, SINCGARS • Simultaneous 2 (SA) or 4 (M/F) channel operations • Half or full duplex capability Manpack AN/PRC-155 • 2 or 4 channel multiple independent levels of security • Internal route and retransmit functionality Rifleman Radio Small Airborne AN/PRC- 154 SFF A AN/ZRC-2 SFF B Maritime/ Fixed Station AN/URC-147 2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 6 UNCLASSIFIED

JTRS Concept

Lower Tier Gaps: Networking at the Tactical Edge • Voice and Data Extension • Common operating picture for situational awareness • Warfighter ability to access/use mission command information during dismounted operations in restrictive terrain • Transport layer capable of providing timely information and services to commanders and leaders on-the-move/dismounted

Network Enables: • Access and use of mission command information through the lower tier extension • LOS/BLOS transport using networking waveforms (i.e., SRW and WNW and MUOS) to extend battlefield access Extending the Network to the tactical edge is critical to the execution of Mission Command and the achievement of operational adaptability and strategic aims/objectives

2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 7 UNCLASSIFIED Enabling The Squad as a Strategic Formation

Why the squad is strategic… • The contemporary operating environment (COE) forces us to fight as dismounted squads. • The squad is the centerpiece of the tactical fight and will remain so in the future. • Squads operate under mission command but decentralized from higher HQ.

Strategic and Enabled Through the Existing Network: Networking the Required Capabilities of a • Extends the network to the soldier Strategic Squad… • Links ground to ground and ground to air • Networking capability enhances Mobility, • Links Squad to Higher Echelons Protection, Lethality, Power Generation, Training • Squads have the same mobile comms, voice, & Leader Dev. text, data, SA capabilities

2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 8 UNCLASSIFIED JTRS HMS Rifleman Radio Closes Capability Gaps

IBCT/HBCT/SBCT Identified Capability Gaps: x • Gap 1: Lack of affordable protected intra-squad (C2) voice communications

• Gap 2: Lack of situational awareness of dismounted forces II • Gap 3: Ineffective intra-squad radio communications in CP complex terrain

Voice: The JTRS Rifleman Radio (AN/PRC-154) All Platforms is designed specifically to provide individual CO soldiers within a squad secure multi-hop voice communications for fire and maneuver. PLT Position Location Information: The JTRS • Voice and Rifleman Radio (AN/PRC-154) provides SQD Data from beaconing of Position Location Information Team Leader (PLI) used for limited non-critical applications to enhance individual situational awareness. TM • Voice and PLI from Soldier Soldier JTRS HMS gained a Milestone C decision on May 18, 2011 for Low Rate Initial Production of 6,250 JTRS HMS Rifleman Radios and 100 JTRS Manpack Voice and Data (Type 1 & 2 capable) Radios. Voice and Position Location Info (Type 2)

2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 9 UNCLASSIFIED JTRS HMS Rifleman Radio Squad – Nett Warrior

IBCT/HBCT/SBCT • Nett Warrior with embedded Soldier Radio x Waveform (SRW) capable radio • SFF-B(V1) is a Secret and Below (SAB) capable radio in development to support (CS13-14) mission command applications and products (i.e, Nett Warrior and/or Joint Battle Command-Platform, II End-User Devices) CP JTRS The JTRS 2-Channel Small Form Fit B (SFF-B) Manpack embedded in Nett Warrior – Secret and CUI (In lieu of the All Platforms current SFF-B an Engineering Change Proposal was CO submitted to address SWaP concerns. A SAB capable radio is currently being developed to support mission command applications and capabilities. Work on a virtual 2-Channel will begin in FY-12 to support Nett PLT Warrior requirements.) • Voice and SQD Data from Team JTRS Rifleman Radio – Type 2 – Controlled Leader Unclassified Information TM • Voice and PLI from SA/SU (Expanded Network) – SA/SU Friendly Information, SA/SU Soldier Soldier threat information, send and receive secure data, voice and streaming video, Link and Connect to Mission Command Network, Long Range Communications (5k) is supported using Voice and Data (Type 1 & 2 capable) the multihop capability of SRW; Squad Area of Operation (AO) as Voice and Position Location Info (Type 2) defined in GSS CDD is a radius of 1km. 2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 10 UNCLASSIFIED

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Units Demand JTRS’ Capability

• “The Army will focus on the Squad as the basic building block of our Army by examining training, leader development, and materiel factors necessary for the Squad to overmatch any opponent. Materiel options will address, as a minimum, lethality, Situational Awareness, mobility, Soldier load, and power and energy enhancements.” – GEN Martin Dempsey, Chief of , U.S. Army • “The HMS Rifleman radios performed in a remarkable fashion, allowing Soldiers within the platoon to exchange both voice and data information.” – Commander, 82nd Airborne Division, 03 Mar 11 • “Reliability, while not perfect, far exceeds operational requirements/expectations. A testing program that seeks to provide 100% reliability will be counter-productive if doing so delays the fielding of a system that, as tested, meets our requirements.” – Cdr, 82nd Airborne Division • “These systems offer the needed capabilities required from the brigade to the team level; lightweight, networked, advanced, wideband waveforms.” – 82nd Airborne Operational Needs Statement (ONS) • “Would you please steer me in the right direction for coordinating an earlier fielding of JTRS to the USASOC.” – USASOC G-8 to HQDA G-3/5/7, 05 May 11

“I had a 100% confidence the radios (Rifleman Radio) were going to work when I needed it and I didn't notice that it was there.” – 1LT Brian Hotchkiss, Platoon Leader (Spec Ops), RR VCD “We need to get this radio (Rifleman Radio) into the hands of the soldiers as soon as possible - it is a good basic product - the soldiers will figure it out.” – FORSCOM G-6

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Warfighter Information Network – Tactical (WIN-T) Update

2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 13 UNCLASSIFIED TCM N&S Managed Programs & Capabilities

• Tactical Transport & Information Systems – Warfighter Information Network-Tactical (WIN-T) – Tactical Message System (TMS) – Tactical Digital Media Emerging • Network Operations Systems/Capabilities (NETOPS) – Joint Network Management System (JNMS) – Army Key Management System (AKMS) – Tactical Services Manager (TSM) – Tactical NetOps Management System (TNMS) Emerging – Network BC Initialization Capability (NBC-IC) • SATCOM & TROPO – Satellite Constellations: AEHF, WGS – GBS, Phoenix, SMART-T, TSC-85/93s, – Transportable Tactical Command Communications (T2C2) – Tropospheric Scatter (TRC-170s)

2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 14 UNCLASSIFIED TCM-N&S Requirements Identification Process (Tactical LandWarNet)

User Input • Direct Unit Inquiries Requirement • TCM unit visits Evaluation Requirement • Post Deployment AARs • DOTMLPF-C Documentation • Operational Need Assessment • Update Signal Doctrine Statements • Capability • Update Soldier Improved • OIF/OEF WIN-T Development for Training Materials TELECON & Unit visits Rapid Transition Warfighter (CDRT) assessment • Capability Capability • AFCEA Conference Development • Engineering Change • Tactical C4I Conference Document (CDD) • Proposal Board • PM feedback • Capability Production • TRADOC ARCIC Document (CPD) • SIGCOE student prioritization feedback • Signal FAA Develop User Capability Requirements

Current/Emerging capabilities influencing future development/priorities

New Capability

SNAP RF 7800 HNR Radio JC4ISR Radio TS Tunneling Packages 3G SWARM Terminals LOS Radio Company CP Aerial Layer TS Points of Presence Applications to the Edge ESB-E

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Projected ESB-E Capabilities

DOSE-L (Deployable Operations Scalable Enclaves) DOSE-M (Deployable Operations Scalable Enclaves) (Baseband 900-1000 Users) (Baseband 200-250 Users) • Modular, scalable, Interoperable and • Modular, Interoperable and swappable 15 personnel manned swappable 8-personnel manned command post system that can support command scalable post system a 900 to 1000 personnel (JTF level that can support a 200 to 250 CP) requirement. personnel (Bde level CP) • Supports 4 enclaves with voice, data, requirement. and VTC. • Support 4 enclaves with voice, • Supports four FDMA links and one data, and VTC. TDMA network, objectively • Support two FDMA links and MFTDMA. one TDMA and MFTDMA • No more then 2 Pallets (234 cubic feet) network. • All within one pallet 117.7 cubic feet. * Colorless core (4) Enclave NIPR, SIPR, CXI, TS * Colorless core (4) Enclave NIPR, SIPR, CXI, TS

DOSE-S (Deployable Operations Scalable Enclaves) Area Support NETOPS/IA Suite Expeditionary NETOPS (Baseband 10-40 Pax CP) • Planning of SATCOM, Data, Voice • Planning of SATCOM, Data, Voice • Modular, small, scalable package architectures architectures operated by 4-pax command post • WAN Management Server (N/S/C) • WAN Management Server (N/S/C) team that can support a 10 to 40 • VOIP Monitoring and Analysis Server • IA component Management Server personnel (Bn/Co level CP). (N/S/C) Configuration Manager Server (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition) • IA component Management Server • Firewall/IPS Manager Server • Support 3 enclaves with voice, data, (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition) (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition) VOIP, and VTC. • Firewall/IPS Manager Server • Anti-Virus server (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition) • ½ pallet load of 62 cubic feet. (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition) • Anti-Virus server (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition) • Vulnerability Scanner (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition) • Vulnerability Scanner (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition) • Patch Management Server (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition) • Patch Management Server • Computer Network Defense (CND) (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition) (Security Manger Server/Security Threat • Computer Network Defense (CND) (Security mitigation) (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition) Manger Server/Security Threat mitigation) * Colorless core and (3) Enclave NIPR, SIPR, CXI (NIPR/SIPR/Coalition)

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Projected ESB-E Capabilities Cont.

Transportable TRIBAND SATCOM Transportable TRIBAND SATCOM Downsized SATCOM Aperture (Med) (TTS) (Small) (TTS) • Provide a Tri-Band BLOS SATCOM utilizing and/or commercial bands (X, Ku, Ka) TDMA and must be interoperable with STEP, Teleports, RHNs. • Provides a Tri-Band SATCOM • Provides a Tri-Band SATCOM • 2-8 Mbps(Threshold) utilizing military and/or utilizing military and/or commercial bands (X, Ku, Ka) commercial bands (X, Ku, Ka) TDMA, MFTDMA and FDMA and TDMA & MFTDMA and must be must be interoperable with interoperable with STEP, STEP, Teleports, RHNs. Teleports, RHNs. • 18-35 Mbps (Threshold) • 8-20 Mbps (Threshold) Small Medium

TDMA Mesh Push Package STEP/Teleport Inter operability Kit Line of Sight (LOS) Beyond Line of Sight (TDMA-PP) (BLOS) /TROPO 15m

• Provide a additional TDMA mesh • Provide a small case to transition link to a TRIBAND SATCOM the Tier 2 network to the Tier 1 • Provide a transit case Line of Site (LOS) utilizing military and/or network at the Steps and transmission capability utilizing Commercial and Military Bands commercial bands (X, Ku, Ka) Teleports with the correct • Provide a C/Ku Band transportable supporting an ATH meshed networkable TDMA FDMA cryptographic and firewall/IPS BLOS tropospheric transmission radio system solutions. capability which can operate in • Any cases must be 2 person lift • 15 meter mast tactical environments’ • Desire to be one small reduced • 2 man lift • 20-30 Mbps; range min 50-100 size case • Interoperable with WIN-T INC 1 and 2 miles • 1RU space UPS integrated into • Transmit up to 35-40 kilometers • 8-20 Mbps; range 100-150 miles the cases • Throughput of 30-34 Mbps 2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 17 UNCLASSIFIED

Network Capabilities Strategy Vision

09-10 11-12 13-14 15-16 17-18

Capability Set Capability Set Capability Set Capability Set Capability Set

On-the-Move, Leader- Static, Terrestrial, Staff At the Quick Halt, Joint Space/Airborne Comms, Commander-Centric, Centric, Non Linear, Data Centric, Limited Joint w/Bridges Based Architecture Joint & Coalition-enabled Fully Network Enabled CURRENT FUTURE

 Multiple Networks - Fixed Based  Single Network with Global Connectivity— Connectivity Always On via Network Service Centers (NSC)  Server-based Information for Disparate  Information Services Tailored for Unified Battle Command Applications Battle Command Applications by Integrated NetOps  Face-to-Face Collaboration at Static Command Post  Decisive, Real-time collaboration between Commanders, leaders, and Staff On-the-Move  Fixed Based, Home Station Training Embedded Training—Home Station, Training  Service specific COP development Shared  with Joint Forces Centers, or Deployed. Live and Virtual A Joint Common Operational Picture Tailored  Staff Centric, sequential planning  to Force and Situation  Commander Centric, Networked Enhanced Force Lethality, Survivability, Agility, Versatility and Sustainability

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WIN-T and the Network

The requirements of the Army Tactical Enterprise: Operational (NeMC) ‒ Prioritize Battle Command information ‒ Connect air and ground forces ‒ Support JIIM operations ‒ Self-healing and adaptable ‒ Support OTM and ATH operations ‒ Leverage local infrastructure when available ‒ Support degraded mode operations ‒ Dynamically tailorable ‒ Execute Tactical Network Operations Technical (CIO/G6) ‒ Converged Transport Network (EoIP) ‒ Support Voice, Video and Data ‒ 3-Tiered: Aerial, Terrestrial, Space ‒ Transmission means agnostic (LOS/BLOS) ‒ Bandwidth efficient ‒ Multiple data classification levels ‒ Use commercial solutions and standards

WIN-T provides the expeditionary extension of the LandWarNet and is the foundation of the Army‟s Tactical Enterprise and Modernization Effort

Footnotes: • Strategy for „End State” Army Network Architecture – Tactical, CIO/G6, 6 Apr 10 • Initial Capabilities Document for Net-enabled Mission Command (NeMC), Draft Version 3 Jun 10

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What WIN-T will do

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WIN-T Operational Advantages

WIN-T Capabilities Network enabled Army Units Cdrs can synchronize forces quicker that are more lethal, more  Advanced OTM/ATH BCT-CO levels survivable and achieve operational objectives faster because….  Network Extension (BCT Co) Warfighters can tailor the “network transport” by adjusting  Advanced LOS (HNW) critical network resources to support CIR/CCIR based on and BLOS (NCW) radios scheme of maneuver & type of operations.  3-Tier Mesh Network (Space, Aeial, Terrestrial)  Extending situational awareness, C2, and battle command access to BN/BDE commanders, their command posts, and  Integrated NetOps functionality Policy- companies based NW Mgt  Enables commanders to direct the fight in dynamic . Policy-based NW Mgt environments from wherever they need to be (Mobility) . NW planning tools . Spectrum Mgt tools  Allows maneuver units to maintain better momentum & synchronization and complete the mission sooner (Tempo)

Bring more networking capability to the force sooner!!

2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 21 UNCLASSIFIED

WIN-T Update

WIN-T Increment 1 WIN-T Increment 2 Future Capability Improvements FY 10-13 FY 12-17 FY 18- 25 . At-the-Halt CP Support . At-the-Halt . At-the-Halt . Full On-the-Move (JNN) . Initial On-the-Move (Key . Unified NetOps . Extend Network . SATCOM Upgrades Leaders) with Lower TI Transport to Co CP . Bridging Network Mgt . Network Extension (BCT . Aerial Layer . Initial Migration of Capability Co Levels) . Increases Info services . Improved Network . Advanced High-Bandwidth Transport to TS Security LOS Radios Users . Expanded Net Mgt & Spectrum Mgt Functionality Focus Fielded to 58% Army • Prioritized capability that aligns with Milestone C Decision received Army Capability Sets • 83% Active Component Feb 10 • Spirally fielding mature technologies • 48% Reserve Component IOTE scheduled 2/3 QTR FY12 early WIN-T Increments Fielding thru 1QTR FY13 First Unit Equipped – 2/1 AD (Aerial Layer, Co CP, TS Tunneling, NetOps) • Reduce Equipment size for light units

JNN TCN v1 TCN Lite 2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 22 UNCLASSIFIED Operational Overview of WIN-T Increment 1a/b

Capabilities Regional Hub Ku/Ka Or… • ATH beyond line-of-site and line-of- site Wide Area Network for voice, data, video DIV Hub • Rapid SATCOM network set-up • NIPR, SIPR, and DSN services from DIV to BN • Supports Transformation & Modularity MVR BN CP LOS • Supports Army's ability to be JTF HQ • Everything over IP • Joint interoperability provided at CPN STT STT Regional HUB, Div Tac HUB and JNN MVR BDE • INC 1b adds NCW modem & colorless JNN STT JNN DIV Main TOC security upgrades for direct interoperability with future WIN-T LOS increments


Baseband Providing Wideband ATH Connectivity to the Warfighter 2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 23 UNCLASSIFIED

Operational View of WIN-T Inc 2 (w/Inc 1b)

Capabilities • Integrated Beyond line-of-sight and line-of-sight OTM comms • Enhanced Quality of Service • High-speed NIPR, SIPR, and DSN services from DIV to CO • Initial integrated Net Management • Initial dynamic reorganization for BCT • Dynamic reuse of spectrum of LOS

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WIN-T INC 2 NetOps - Overview

• NetOps key to enabling mobile BC: – Policy-based planning with mission-oriented resource allocations – Quality of Service planning and management – Map-based Network rehearsal and performance analysis – Extension of the DoD PKI to the tactical environment user authentication • Improving WIN-T NetOps for the G6/S6: – Spectrum planning/management of emitters beyond WIN-T domain – Single Network Common Operating Picture (COP) – Centralized planning, configuration and monitoring optimized for mobile network environment (Network Management System) – WIN-T components and transmission equipment configured and managed over the network from NOSC (Division/Bde) – Radio connectivity, link characteristics, and traffic loading visibility – Over-the-network key distribution

WIN-T NetOps is the foundation for all network transport and applications

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WIN-T Inc2 - NetOps Deployment

Legend • Enroute Planning Laptop – Thick Client with NETOPS Planning SW • WAN Mgt & Planning– NETOPS Functions for WAN config, planning, & management (NOSC-D, NOSC-B) • Node Mgt – NETOPS Functions for Local Node Mgt (TCN) • LAN Mgt – NETOPS Functionality For User LAN Mgt

2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 26 UNCLASSIFIED Future Incremental Improvements to the Network

GiG Capabilities • OTM &ATH beyond line-of- Ku Commercial or WGS site and line-of-site Wide Joint Network Service Center Area Network for voice, - Regional data, video • Aerial Tier provides robust USASOC/JSOTF LOS connectivity, easing SATCOM resource TCN requirements VWP • Increased LOS MVR BN CP throughput Transit-case SATCOM • Fully Integrated/Unified NOSC NETOPS

Po P - C_ FCS Vehicle_LRIP • Co CP Network Extension WNW/SRW NOSC – transit –case LOS & SNE (x4) QT+ TCN SATCOM VWP QT TCN Division Main • Advanced Information & MVR CO CP Network Services (IDM, MVR BDE TOC RBAC, AD, Content TCN Storage, Metadata) VWP NOSC POP • Network Transport to TS MVR BN CP Users VWP BDE CDR WIN-T LOS (HNW) WIN-T FDMA SATCOM QT TCN Division TAC TCN WNW/SRW SNE (x4) WIN-T NCW SATCOM MVR BDE TAC

VWP Provides Full OTM Connectivity to the Warfighter 2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 27 UNCLASSIFIED Future Incremental Capability Prioritization

Priority Priority Priority Attributes Background/Rationale JROC WIN-T CDD 1 2 3

Aerial Tier X Completion of the 3rd tier of the Network Brigade Opns X Early capability based on COTS radio/waveform Div/Corps Opns X * PM aligns JC4ISR with Aerial Capability NetOps Mgmt -Lower Tactical Nets X Combine management of WAN (WIN-T, JTRS) & LAN TCN Light X Needed by IBCT and other Army Light units NOSC Light X Needed by IBCT and other Army Light units BCIS Migration to Network (Directory BCCS to be installed onto Network Configuration X & Information Services) Items MCN - Top Secret (TS Tunneling Provides additional TS-SCI points of presence X Package) Interoperability – 3G/4G Cellular/Aerial X Transit Cased - BLOS/LOS X OIF/OEF company capability – Infantry Center? ESB PLT Comms OTM X Provides Comms OTM to Inc 1 Organic HQs Provide Full OTM to more Brigades Provide OTM networking to additional BCTs, Fires, X Avn Enroute Mission Planning Current technology does not meet the requirement; X 82nd Div ONS pending validation NetOps – IDM integration of RBAC, Requires approximately a 5 year RDT&E effort X Mediation, QoS/SoS Handheld Capability (Cellular like or Network extension to tactical Commanders in and X SATCOM) around Command Posts 2011IA- 08– -Security25 1100-1230 Architecture // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) UpdateX Multi-LevelSession: Security 6, Track: on single JTRS & Comms WIN-T pathUNCLASSIFIED 28 UNCLASSIFIED

Additional Attribute – TCN Light

• Must provide a smaller, highly-deployable version of the Tactical Communications Node (TCN) that meets the deployability parameters of Army Light Forces.

►TCN Light replaces planned TCNs for Army light forces with minimal operational impact to overall performance. No increase to the total number of TCNs expected.

Mission Command Essential Capabilities: Robust Network and Execute Tactical NetOps

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Additional Attribute – BCCS on TCN

• Must Host Mission Command/Battle Command Information Services operated ATH; Host, plan, configure, monitor and manage Division, Brigade Combat Team and below Information Services ATH and OTM.

Battle Command Common ► Battle Command Services (Enterprise Services) Common Services • COOP (BCCS) hosted on the • Email TCN and managed by • File Sharing the G6/S6 staff provides • Web Conferencing the initial integration of • Troubleshooting tactical Battle Command • Chat Services and Network information • Application Management Battle Command Common Services services reducing • Virtualization Management (Core Services) duplication, complexity, • GIG Collaboration •Data Services and SWaP requirements • Hardware Diagnostics •Security Services • Etc. within each Division, •Initialization BCT, and BN formation. •Interoperability

Mission Command Essential Capabilities: Execute Tactical NetOps, Display and Share Relevant Information, Enable Collaboration, JIIM

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Additional Attribute – Host 3G/4G Cellular

• Initially, shall host and provide interoperability with cellular-based networks. If funded future systems will provide the infrastructure and transmission interoperability with cellular-based networks provided by Army approved COTS/TPE/ONS/QRC/PORs fieldings. ► Hosting existing cellular technology and TCN interfacing with WIN-T to TCN support the commander’s JIIM interoperability during phase III and Phase IV operations. 3G/4G/?G

Wireless Access TCN WIN-T Backbone Wireless Access

Mission Command Essential Capabilities: Robust Network, Execute Tactical NetOps, JIIM

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WIN-T Key Events – Way Ahead

• INC 1a - Continued fielding (through FY13) – Primarily National Guard Units – Equipment refresh for Active units in Re-set – Establish NSC-T & RHNs (3 Operational, Guam & Cp Roberts- In process) • INC 1a/2 Interoperability Demonstration – NIE 12.1 (1QFY12) • INC 2 Force Development Test & Eval/Logistics Demo (2QFY12) • INC 2 NET (2QFY12) • INC 1b/2 IOT&E & First Unit Equipped – NIE 12.2 (3QFY12)

2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 32 UNCLASSIFIED

WIN-T Challenges

• Signal Manpower – Validate INC 2 reduced manpower options prior to IOT&E (FDT&E) – Increase of greater networking capabilities company CP • Develop smaller, lighter TCN for select units • Accelerate Aerial layer verses HNW radio development schedule • Develop portable LOS/BLOS systems (transit-cased) • Build WIN-T IDM Capabilities that: – Prevent duplication of network services with BC – Provide information to warfighter based on IDM policies and priorities • Improve/Consolidate NetOps of separate networks

2011-08-25 1100-1230 // WIN-T and the Joint Tactical Radios System (JTRS) Update Session: 6, Track: JTRS & WIN-T UNCLASSIFIED 33 Session 6 TRADOC Capability Manager Tactical Radios and TRADOC Capability Manager Networks & Services
