6th Annual 2018 AARP Livable Communities National Conference Westin Charlotte November 12-14 601 S. College Street, Charlotte, North Carolina w: AARP.org/Livable2018 e:
[email protected] t: @AARPLivable f: /AARPLivableCommunities With generous support from the Dear 2018 AARP Livable Communities National Conference participant, Dear 2018 AARP Livable Communities National Conference participant, WelcomeWelcome ttoo CharlotteCharlotte!! We We are are s oso g ladglad that that you you (and (and 500 more of y ourthan fellow 500 of practit yourioners) fellow arpractitioners)e arejoining joining us to us learn, to learn, network network and randeaff irmreaffirm our collective our collective commitment commitment to creat toing creating communities communities thatthat areare greatgreat pplaceslaces toto liv livee for for people people o fof a llall ages ages.. ThisThis is a sspecialpecial yyearear for for AAR AARP,P, as as w wee c elebratcelebratee 60 60 years years w orkingworking on onbehalf behalf of o oflder older Ame Americans.ricans. TogetherTogether wwithith partners llikeike yyouou fromfrom across across the the c ountry,country, w wee ha haveve m madeade a taremendous tremendous amou amountnt ofof progress.progress. BBut,ut, therethere is is m moreore w workork t oto d doo to to ensure ensure that that A merica’sAmerica’s 50+ 50-plus and the andir families their families have havethe support the support and resources and resources they ne theyed to need live ttoheir live be theirst lives. best lives. ThatThat isis the tthinkinghinking behibehindnd this this y ear’syear’s c onferenceconference theme: theme: Sustaining Sustaining the the M omentum:Momentum: Engaging Engaging People,People, Partners and Policy Makers.Makers.