The biggest problem I’ve had after the COVID-19 In this report, I will be analysing students’ outbreak was keeping myself motivated. motivations before and after the outbreak and My sleep schedule had all been crushed and I fell the impact of COVID-19 on their studies through behind with my studies because I get very research triangulation and data analysis, in hopes unproductive everyday. to find a solution to increase discipline and help My goal of this project is to find out how other achieve their goals during this pandemic. students are feeling about this pandemic and handling their studies during the quarantine. CONTENTS 1 DESIGN PROBLEM 2 RESEARCH APPROACH 3 KEY INSIGHTS 4 CONCLUSION 5 APPENDIX DESIGN PROBLEM

Coronaviruses are viruses that cause respiratory infections. COVID-19 is the disease caused by a new coronavirus. It was first reported in December 2019 in Wuhan City in China. As the disease became viral and quickly spread around the world, schools and universities have been closed, abruptly offering online courses instead. Many students have been struggling to adapt to the new change leading them to procrastinate more often and not attending online classes. My aim of this research project is to look into the problem in depth and find out how we can change this to help students to increase their discipline and achieve their goals during the pandemic. RESEARCH APPROACH

For my research methods, INTERVIEWS I’ve used:

Research triangulation method - Contextual observation - Questionnaires - Interviews

OBSERVATION QUESTIONNAIRES CONTEXTUAL OBSERVATION What I’ve observed from students when they are studying

Despite not being able to meet up with anyone I also found out that students talk a lot more to study due to the pandemic, I’ve had multiple about irrelevant topics during their studies, group calls to have study sessions together. whereas before quarantine, we would stay difference I’ve noticed from studying silent most of the time to focus on work. online and studying in real life is that students I believe this is because we are not used to the procrastinate more easily as there are more new environment, studying while video calling. distractions in their room. 25 QUESTIONNAIRE Respondents DEMOGRAPHICS

Foundation 20-21 1 participant 1 participant 16-17 2 participants Secondary student 1 participants

1st year student 18-19 23 participants 22 participants 5 DESIGN COMPUTING STUDENTS 22 out of 25 students had their sleep schedule changed due to the outbreak 25 out of 25 students felt that the pandemic has affected their study 4 ENGINEERING STUDENTS motivations in a negative way Students described their study motivations as “getting frustrated” “more procrastination” 2 COMPUTER SCIENCE “hard to study online” “school feels optional” STUDENTS “less motivation”

Only 1 out of 25 students do their studies at the beginning of the day 2 COMMERCE STUDENTS 5 out of 25 students procrastinate when they get stuck in a challenge during their studies 1 LAW STUDENT Only 6 out of 25 students prefer to work individually 14 out of 25 students do not enjoy 1 MEDICINE STUDENT reading in their spare time Emma WANG Meet Our Fear of missing out with friends • My friends voice call late at night. Interviewed • I get distracted easily. Students • I prefer to work at home. Liam SMITH Asian parents are why I study • I get motivated from my parents harassing me. • Been playing games until 6AM. • Home isn’t a good environment to study. Noah JOHNSON Most unaffected person from COVID-19 • I never do work unless it’s due tomorrow **THESE NAMES & PROFILES ARE NOT REAL** • Pass/Fail makes me less concern about Uni Meet Our Lucas BROWN Interviewed Person who burns midnight oil • I spend my night time catching up with work. Students • I procrastinate most of my day watching videos

Tom LI Hibernate and then study combo • I study every couple of days • I study for 6 hours straight • Getting started with studying is the hardest thing to do

**THESE NAMES & PROFILES ARE NOT REAL** Emma WANG 1st year Business Administration / 18

Sleep schedule: Main procrastination: Motivation: 2 hour delay during Games / Friends Friends / Family Fear of missing out with friends pandemic • Emma’s friends are on discord calls late at night and she • I prefer to work alone at home because visual changes or doesn’t want to feel like missing out. even slight noises distracts me. • My biggest motivation is seeing my parents. Friends also • I like to take a break when I feel stuck during a challenge so I keep me motivated. get a fresh mind to look at things. • When I don’t feel like doing work, I try to clear my mind by • Emma procrastinates very often. She has a habit of leaving going for a walk and clean my desk. assessments last minute. • I feel less motivated now because when you have a routine • I feel like I need to adapt to this current situation and take and somewhere that you physically have to be at, its easy to more measures to spend more time on studying in order to get yourself in a mindset for it. revert to original work ethic. Tori, S; Dan, K. Data show that IU has dominated Korean pop for a decade. (2019). Retrieved from Liam SMITH 1st year Pharmacy / 18

Sleep schedule: Main procrastination: Motivation: Sleeps at 6 AM Games Deadlines / Parents Asian parents are why I study

• I am more behind in Uni work because there is no • I feel like I need to play less games and stop calling friends motivation. The home environment is different to to revert my original study motivation back but if I do, it’ll university environment. only be a temporary short term effect, and later on I will • Sleep schedule has gotten worse because there is no probably be finding myself procrastinating in different ways. need to go to morning classes anymore • I think the best way to keep students motivated is to get • Deadlines are the only reason for me to study which your parents to discipline you more and also have study gives me motivation. goals and be more organised. • Liam is behind in studies because he play games more often during quarantine.

Brad; 3kole5. Know Your Meme – . (2013).Retrieved 18 April 2020, from Noah JOHNSON 1st year Science & Computer Science / 17

Sleep schedule: Main procrastination: Motivation: Sleep at same time but Games None-existent / Deadlines Most unaffected person from COVID sleep in a little more • I was behind in work before the pandemic, but after the • I never did work I never do work, the pandemic has had quarantine I feel like I’m behind even more very little impact on me • I sleep at the same times I used to but I sleep in more • I don’t really get distracted but I always don’t feel often. I wake up at later times because not having to go to motivated and don’t feel like doing work. I only feel like I uni. need to do work when theres a deadline and theres a • Having to pass a degree keeps me motivated pressure. • I do not discipline myself to study. Nothing keeps me • The uni course is now pass/fail and it matters less now. I motivated, I always do my work the day before started to care less about uni assessments Omar, A. (2019). #Showbiz: Big Bang losing steam amid possible G-Dragon departure? | New Straits Times. Retrieved 18 April 2020, from Lucas BROWN 1st year Law & Psychology / 18

Sleep schedule: Main procrastination: Motivation: Sleeps at 4 AM Videos Setting a study routine Person who burns midnight oil • I feel less motivated during this quarantine because I can’t • I procrastinate during the day, and at night I force myself to really study at home. It’s not really a work environment. catch up on the time that I wasted. • I prefer to work at a library and prefer to work as a group • When I procrastinate, I tend to do it for hours. It’s very easy • Lucas sets 20 min timer for each study sessions and then for me to procrastinate when I feel stuck on a challenge. takes a 10 min break. But he usually takes a longer break. • I feel like the best way to be organised is to set my own • The main reason why I feel unmotivated is because of the deadlines so I get it done beforehand. outbreak, I fell behind instantly and I feel scared about how • Lucas feels that studying at the beginning of the day will much work I have to catch up on. help but he was never able to. • Lucas used to sleep from 10PM to 7AM. He sleeps from 4am• To-do-list helps Lucas refocus back to work when he is to 1 pm during the quarantine. distracted. However, it does not keep him focused. Beansss. Zico announces strict legal action against spread of false rumors and malicious comments. (2019). Retrieved 18 April 2020, from Tom LI 1st year International Studies / 18

Sleep schedule: Main procrastination: Motivation: 2 hour delays Videos Non-existent / Deadlines Hibernate and then study combo • Not wanting to fail keeps me motivated. • Netflix is the biggest distraction for me. • Tom feels less motivated when he’s not at uni. • It’s very easy to not watch lectures now that it’s online. • Tom studies very rarely, every couple days, but he takes • Even if I stopped watching Netflix, I would find other ways to really long study sessions, e.g. 6 hours straight. procrastinate. • When Tom doesn’t feel like doing work, he either goes for a • If Tom gets into a stricter routine, he believes that he could walk or he gets one of his organised friends to harass him find motivation again. about it so he gets motivation. • Tom finds getting work started is the most difficult thing. • I am behind at work because of quarantine. • He rarely gets distracted.

Top 10 Most Handsome Korean Actors According To Kpopmap Readers (May 2019) | Kpopmap. (2019). Retrieved 18 April 2020, from Even if I stopped watching Netflix, I would find other ways to procrastinate.

Tom LI KEY INSIGHTS Through the bottom up analysis of affinity diagram, research results showed these key findings:

Users would be more Users would be able to Limiting hobbies would only Users feel less motivated productive if they had a focus back to work if they help users perform better in because they don’t have to stricter daily routine. went for a walk when they short term. physically be somewhere are feeling unmotivated. such as Uni. CONCLUSION In conclusion, the research project carried out successfully as the data collected showed that most students seem to be struggling with their studies due to the change in the university class systems where they don’t have to attend university physically anymore. This has allowed students to sleep in and hence ruin their sleep schedule and study routines. As a result of this, focusing on changing the sleep schedule will help students to be motivated at the beginning of the day. The triangulation method of analysis was fairly successful as the questionnaires and the interviews provided useful information. However, the only downside was that there were limitations in contextual observations as students were not been able to examined closely due to the quarantine situations. My next plans will be proposing a design to help students resolve this design problem. APPENDIX 1 Research Plan 2 Affinity Diagram 3 Questionnaires 4 Interview Transcripts 5 References RESEARCH PLAN

In this research, I have used a triangulation method to analyse the data for this project. There are three compartments in triangulation method. The questionnaires, interviews, and contextual observations. The first step was contextual observation in order to get a general idea of the design problem before gathering quantitative data. Secondly, questionnaires were used in order to study the data of trends and habits by the students. At last, Interviews were used to further enhance our understanding of the data through in-depth analysis of users. AFFINITY DIAGRAM QUESTIONNAIRES


REFERENCES Top 10 Most Handsome Korean Actors According To Kpopmap Readers (May 2019) | Kpopmap. (2019). Retrieved 18 April 2020, from according-to-kpopmap-readers-may-2019/ Beansss. Zico announces strict legal action against spread of false rumors and malicious comments. (2019). Retrieved 18 April 2020, from action-against-spread-of-false-rumors-and-malicious-comments Omar, A. #Showbiz: Big Bang losing steam amid possible G-Dragon departure? | New Straits Times. (2019). Retrieved 18 April 2020, from bang-losing-steam-amid-possible-g-dragon-departure Brad; 3kole5. Know Your Meme – Psy. (2013).Retrieved 18 April 2020, from Tori, S; Dan, K. Data show that IU has dominated Korean pop for a decade. (2019). Retrieved from korean-pop-charts-for-a-decade/ THANKS!