IUPUI housing rates increase, effective August 1

fey P a s t l in BaU furnished apartments are to bs IUPUI housing ratss have baao increased from HM to *91 a year increased from 9119 a month to 91B; increased, as approved by the Indiana Double rooms rose from 9*1 to *94, and the only om-beckoom furnished University Board of Trustees. The and a grot? sf B others rose from a apartment will change from 9157 per new rates become effective August 1 ran ge o f I I * M l to a r a f t o f 9 * M * month t o 9 l * for the 1177-71 academ ic year. for ooe year. Furnished efficiencies in Warthin The increases are approximately Union Building single rooms (there Apartments will increase from 9191 to five per coot for single rooms, and are only two) are slated to increase 91* a month, one-bedroom furnished from 14 to 91 per coot for from 9*0 to 9*0 per year; double apartments from 9157 to 91C9; an rooms from *M to *90 Efficiency unfurnished one-bedrooms changed from 9 1 * to 9141. Warthin's apartments with den- study and two bathrooms will now Student rates increase range from 91* to 9X15 per mooth Twenty-six other Warthin apartments for health insurance now rent from 9199 to 9159 per month fe y P a a ll The health service is open Ifoodey through Friday from • : * am to t pm; Yearly rates for student health Fridays It Is open from 1:90 am to 5 Artist s concept tf a small (* meter) space heteaiag system parabolic Insurance have risen, reports pm. Students requiring treatment on Congressional antenna (drawing ceartney ef NAM). IUPUI's Workmans’ Compensation weekends or after hours should report "Coordinator Virginia Stratton. to Wiahard Memorial Hospital Orbiting antenna best Nothing has chained in the policy it­ Insights self, and maternity baoeflts remain Since the studnt health eevice does the sam e ( 9 l « ) . for space listening not provide hospitalisetion coverage, Linflirti grin itnngtti Coverage for the student only policy students art urged to enroll in the in h u m C m m itt* The beat and most tcooom kal way those now used for deep space com­ rose to * 4 ; student and spoui Student Health Insurance Plan age was uppsd to 1110. The la hates for extraterrestrial intolli- munications and radar probing of the (SHIP), as It previdm inpatient Things could become tougher for spouss and all children policy root to fence is via a hemispheric antenna, welfare recipients and easier for land­ 9177; and student and a ll children some two miles in diameter, which —Antennas placed in craters on the Designed specifically for IUPUI lords because of the House Ways and c o v e ra g e w as upped to 9111. orbits the earth opposite the moon, far side of the moon, which could students, the insurance plan offers Means approved amendments to the according to a recent study conducted sweep the entire sphere of the Located in Coleman Hospital, the treatment by physicians or nurses in Aid for Famihes with Dependent by the Stanford Rmaarch Institute for heavens, while shielded from man­ health service offers medical atten­ the Health Service; specialty consul Children program (AFDC). The the N ASA/Am es R esearch Center. made radio interference. ^ tion to full-time students, whether tents; referral to any of the specialty amendment increases the number ef The judgment was made after —The debiting antenna (recom­ graduate, undergraduate or profes­ clinics at the Medical Center ; labora­ people who get checks earmarked for assessment of three different mended by the study) which would sional; and to part-time students tory procedures and x-rays; and rent or utilities. strategies: also have a full view of the sky, but under special arrangement. Informa­ emergency room care at the Wiahard Under the Committee's bill, fewer -A n earth-based "orchard” dotted would have to be shielded from the tion on qualifying for coverage may Memorial Hospital or recipients would have the right to with parabolic radio antennas like earth's radio emteeione be obtained by ca llin g 9144514. fa c ilitie s spend AFDC money as they see fit although they could withheld rent or utility checks if landlordi failed to provide service. i Shively ends student trustee term Local officials convinced commit­ tee members that the present system fey J e E lk a M eyers Sharp ground. It is difficult to maintain rwU(« and ioin tlv share the ram n m with how students felt on a given allows too many landlordi to get Les Shively has just completed a quality when everything is getting leadership which is available," said issue. "Especially those issues chested; hence fewer of them are two-year term as Indiana more expensive and there are no S h ively. directly affecting students. willing to rent to welfare recipients University's first student member of funds forthcoming. We were con­ As s member of the board, Shively "W e should have gotten an earlier Unless payments were guaranteed, the Board of Trustees and is looking cerned about funding our eight said he was concerned about the open- start on the student life study. And 1 the officials argued, housing for the forward to beginning his new job with rsmpines adequately so that I.U. ness of the meetings. "W e all know we was also interested in revamping the poor might suffer. Opponents of the the School of Business, IUPUI, as a could tru ly be s statew id e s y s te m ." are good guys but the world doesn’t. If committee system of the university. change argued it would subject recipi­ counselor in its career integrated Shively believes the board made some of our actions had been aired in Many of the committees in ents to even more bureaucratic program far MBA students. The fol­ great strides while he was s member. public meetings rather than executive could benefit from student input. The m*nipnUtinn lowing is his reflection on the past two "N ot because 1 was a member neces­ (doted) sessions, we would have input could make the committees years. sarily, but the university has made a saved ourself slot of ridicule" »« ------«-* ------— ------a y M . more effective. m s ” 1 filed for the position of student concerted effort to reach out to the Shively believes the board's "M y tenure as trustee has not bean MSMittfy rtuftmtin trustee primarily at the encourage­ community. An example is our com­ primary concerns are students, tax­ all fun and gam es," said Shively,"but tact Bpptsfflon ment of then I U.-Bloomington's Stu­ mitment to Wiahard Memorial payers and alumni. "W e have an obli­ I enjoyed it. I waa glad for the oppor­ dent Association President, Jay Hospital in Indianapolis. Tbs arrange­ gation to these three groups to see tunity to serve.” I legislation to halt forced retire­ King," said Shively. ment with the Marion County Health that regardless of where roooey ment faces deep-rooted prejudice. "I was a senior and had not made and Hospital Corporation appears to comes from, we get the best use out of According to Rep. Paul Findley (R- any definite plans about graduate be working satisfactorily. The board it. 111 ), stereotypes about the elderly school. When I was still being con­ just recently agreed to renew the uni­ "I don't really have any regrets. I have had a profound influence on sidered for the position as ooe of the versity's csntfLt with MCHHC suppose I should have defended fees attempts to make mandatory final 10,1 decided I should be makizw because people an both sides have for student life programs a little retirement Illegal. up my mind. It was than I decided to been pleased with the success of the earlier. I suppose I am most Findley's bill (HR « ) makes it a go to graduate school in Indianapolis, past few y e a n . concerned about the outside — the crime to discriminate against beysuM* of the MBA and "One of the problems we had and people. We need to explain and make emioyees in either the public or law degree program ." said Shively. continue to face is convincing dear to the general public everything p riv a te sector an the basis o f a ge While senring on the board, Shively Indianspolis of the university's com­ we do. By doing that, you save More than half the work force in the said the tnntees were concerned mitment to it. I believe the board and yourself a lot of questions," said private sector faces mandatory about maintaining the quality of I.U .’a the university should make every S h ively. retirem en t a t * . schools. "The problem with funding effort to assure coordinating abilities As a student trustee, Shively Printed with permission ef made us feel as if we were losing between Bloomington and Indians- believed it important to stay in tune Les Shively Congressionsl Quarterly, Inc. 2 Sagamore July 6,1977 IUPUI News

Student leaders pledge support to IUPUI Student leaders pledged their sup­ In his prepared statement, meet with the students and said such port and willingness to work with Komakech said, "It is around the stu­ meetings would continue on a regular administration for the betterment of dents that the Institution is built. Thus basis. IUPUI when they met recently with we feel that (he students should be Twenty student officers and Dr. Glenn W. Irwin Jr., I.U. Vice adequately represented in the discus­ senators attended. Irwin asked President for Indianapolis. sions and if possible in the policy­ The meeting was one of several held making of the university. Komakech to continue the Student Association's survey to measure pos­ throughout the year between adminis­ "The student government has sible usage of bus service between the tration and students to discuss started organizing its activities 38th Street Campus and West problems and concerns. earlier this year so we can have a Michigan Street. IUPUI Student Association Presi­ united front in dealing with concerns dent Bruno Komakech addressed the of the university and students." Komakech said he hoped to have the gathering after introducing the newly In responding to Komakech's state­ survey done before the start of th v elected student officers and senators. ments, Irwin said he was pleased to Fall semester.

It s 3 vehicles in one! Economy car. station wagon, Med center searches for identical twins motorhome It s the most versatile vehicle you'll ever Identical twins have an opportunity School of Medicine, IUPUI, one out of "W e have found persons suffering own And since it s mounted on a Toyota chassis the to receive several hundred dollars' every 200 or 300 births turns out to be operating costs will be a fraction of what you from diseases that we could treat," worth of medical advice, examina­ identical twins. Christian says there observes Christian, "and it is possible might expect1 tions and laboratory tests at the Medi­ should be approximately 3,000 pairs of that we may discover some treatable cal Center, IUPUI, if both are twins in the Indianapolis area. latent condition, and through preven­ married and each have at least one Researchers at the Med Center tive medicine avert a serious illness." payments. CHINOOK* child. want to follow the progress of the Five year bank They also have a chance to become various family members for several Identical twins with families who financing available part of a team that may help solve the years. Those used will receive a large mysteries of biological inheritance amount of medical information about will participate should contact Debbi 26 Highway, 18 City. Average: 21 mpg and genetic diseases. themselves at no cost, with the results Hunter, Department of Medical According to Dr. Joe C. Christian, being made available to their private Genetics, School of Medicine, IUPUI. Exclusively at: professor of medical genetics at the iihysicians. The telephone number is 264-2241. Butler Welch Toyota 4500 N. Keystone Ave • 545^7651 Our 0 now parts and sendee departments are rtmSy to serve you. Law admissions still hinge on LSAT (CPS) - Aspiring legal eagles may poor SAT scores that were followed by How the Law School, IUPUI, fits la: find their futures hanging on the outstanding college GPA'a. G. Kent Frandsen of the Office of Coming to the results of the Law School Admission A spokesman at Boalt Hall, the law Admissions, Law School, IUPUI, says Tests (LS A Ts) that all American law school at the University of California “ There are not unlimited resources, Indiana University schools require for admission. at Berkeley campus, adds that while and so there h u to be some method to Auditorium Bloomington Before the Civil War, lawyers were an LSAT score over 700 (out of a pos­ determine who will be eligible.'' typically culled from graduating high sible 800) and high GPA's are an To determine legal aptitude the school classes. Three-year, post­ applicant's 4fcoet desirable creden­ Law School uses the LSAT, u ld NEW YORK CITY ELALLET graduate law schools were considered tials, some candidates may be Frandsen, u it is the accepted stand­ "ONE OF THE BEST DANCE FILMS EVER" extraneous by many, and the national selected on the basis of their "goals." ardized test from the American Bar CLIVE BARNES N.Y. TIMES infatuation with Jacksonian Their goals, he continues, should association, the official accrediting egalitarianism downplayed under­ indicate that they are “ committed to agency forallU.S. law schools. graduate training for lawyers. ’ the law.” This - the LSAT - plus the stu­ Present-day standards suggest that Less enthused about the computer­ dents' undergraduate performance some law students may be more equal ized tests. New York University and other criteria combine in the final than others, and, in turn, that some Director of Admissions Joyce R. decision for filling the limited spaces law school applicants may be more Curll, says that "to some extent, we available, said Frandsen. "W e accept desirable than the rest. And the LSAT, pay attention to LSAT's." She students from a variety of back­ by now a 28-year-old institution, has believes, however, that they have lost grounds including the military — and become, along with the under­ some of their importance due to the housewives," he continued. graduate grade point average (G PA), generally high scores registered by Questioned on the school's position the common denominator for evalu­ most NYU applicants for Equal Opportunity, Frandsen ating the 100,000 prospects who apply Low scorers are chosen she adds, responded, “ We have no quotas and to schools of law each year. Mean­ for “ as many reasons as there are have been giving women equal oppor­ J^S\liJsummetc> bfi^/ti)scD m tv while, the number of openings people" tunity long before ER A." remains almost static and the number Admissions officers at the Univer­ So, at IUPUI, a student must first h !<*• in Mite, coeriui* o> SUEUM F A M lll • lOMARO VILllllA • AMHUI* eiTCHtll •JACOUIS # A*»0!SI •ALltCSA of applicants continues to rise. sity of Wisconsin Law School in Madi­ score well on the LSAT, then meet MW . MIAICIAMcUlOl • A0LAA0 VAJOUIt • 11*1 Mill • WCH0LAJ MAG ALIASES • June Thompson, Assistant Director son give even more precedence to other criteria to be among the select i macaco MACioa. cioau covaia • dichaao aai* • i* m u 01 iw * tm m MM Oma urn mm ton enr Bu ll CiMnma m aoaaai iav»H fm am of Admissions at Harvard Law LSAT’s when candidates from pass- group who gain admission to the Law Indiana Premiere School, the oldest such institution in fail system schools are under con­ School. SUNDAY. JU LY 10. 3 and 8 p.m. the U.S., feels that the tests are neces­ sideration. Beaides giving preference sary for dealing with the legions of to Wisconsin residents, the school also MONDAY, JULY 11.8 p.m. $250 grant to RHIM applicants. While LSAT results and selects candidates on the basis of pu t General admisston: $2.50 GPA's have been “ excellent predic­ employment, majors and “ outside Bob Chapman, President of the Tickets at the door or by mal tors” of success in the past, experience." Indianapolis branch of the Interna­ from IU Auditorium, Bloomington Thompson claims that Harvard "W e favor political science and tional Food Service Executive's Asso­ admissions officers also consider the history majors," a spokeswoman for ciation, has announced that a $250 candidates' letters of recommenda­ the admissions office says, although scholarship grant will be given this tion that have been provided by deans students “ with every imaginable type fall to a student in the Department of Let your and professors. Harvard also looks for of major" have been admitted. Restaurant, Hotel and Institutional p u t academic awardi and glowing "Sometimes, the low LSAT-scorers Management at the School of Engi­ wedding live extracurricular achievements. have gone on to the top of the cla u ," neering and Technology, IUPUI. & Boston University Director of she continues. "O n occasion, the This is the third year that the local Admissions Helen Carey agrees. LSAT completely fails.” organization has given scholarship forever. "The LSAT and the GPA are by far However, those who have bungled help to students at IUPUI. the most important factors in admis­ their LSATs may take counsel from a This 1977-78 grant was made pos­ sions," the observes. Applicants who spokesman for the Georgetown sible by Saul Hochman, who is the 35 mm color slides of your wedding, try to counter disappointing LSAT admissions office in Washington, D.C. owner of the Caves Restaurant and CW Poole Studios free slide viewer included. scores by stating they are chronically “ If they have scored below 675, they Lounge In Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. Prior 4844 N. College You don't have to spend a fortune poor test-takers must be able to sub­ better have a strong GPA, a bunch of to moving to Florida, Mr. Hochman 283-2951 to keep your memories alive. stantiate their claims by reaching strong recommendation letters and a waa associated with 'he Caves 'N back into their past and producing strong prayer.” Cavern in Indianapolis. July », i m Sagamore 3 Insights/Outsights Life better, attitudes worse says author The toilet won’t flush. The car radi­ much mooey as they used to, with a riding bicycles, you will find that their gets, the worse people perceive it to “ The basic trouble is that we ator leaks, and ao does the roof. A new lifestyle to match, can be found accident rate is a lot higher than that be. Having lots of people feel that haven't worked out any good modeb shoestring just broke, and the puppy grumbling about how terrible the of cars.” things are terrible really does not to use that would reconcile our ate his plastic leash. world is. It does not seem to matter what the matter much until the government economic needs without ethical “ Work is terrible, divorce rates are facts are, said Farmer - it is enough begins to believe them and to act as if pastures," he said. Most people think things are getting up and our interpersonal relationships to know that nothing works anymore this terrible mess were true "The real irony of this is that we are worse every minute, said Richard N. are deteriorating even faster then we And because we know, the world is “Then we get inlo trouble by cor­ the envy of the world," commented Fanner, I.U.-Bhwmington professor thought,” said Farmer, who is profes­ full of doom, gloom and despair recting ills that are not even there, or Farmer " If you think it is bad here, and author of a new book. Why sor of international business in the Farmer believes that the one thing that might not be all that important," take a look elsewhere. Our own Nothing Seems U Work Anymore I.U.-Bloomington School of Business. that really doesn’t work well anymore said Farmer fumbling solutions to universal (Henry Regnery C o). “ The unemployed are either starving is our own sense of optimism about Fanner said that right now people problems seem, in the view of most The more affluent and highly placed or going down to TOPS to lose a few the future. are at a point of "discontinuity," foreigners, to be better than anyone the person, said Farmer, the worse it pounds. Cars are unsafe and getting If you don't like this world. Fanner where no ooe really knows what to do. etee's. gets. People making five-Himes as more so, and if you try to escape by urges you to read some history, and "America seems very tired and "The apparent bungling and inept find out what a really crummy time unsure of herself, not really desirous public agencies trial seemingly cannot our ancestors had of it — even 35 of getting into what used to be seen as find Uffeir way out of their own paper Majority favors years ago. a glorious future. We built a pretty bags are studied carefully abroad." "G o back a hundred years and you good world and found it wanting, and observed Farmer, "because they are pot decriminalization will find some real disasters. It is when we try to tinker with it to get it to so excellent compared to their interesting that the better the world work better, it works worse. counterparts in other countries. ” Pollster George Gallup has found Although the number of people that a majority of Americans now favoring legalization of marijuana [ support marijuana decriminaliza­ has more than doubled since 1969. the tion, according to the National margin against legalized grass still remains wide, says NORML. The CIRCLE CHEVROLET IS YOUR Organisation for the Reform of Mari­ latest Galfig) Poll indicates 66 per cent 0 NEW CARS juana Law* (NO RML) of the public opposed to legalization 0 NEW TRUCKS Results of a nationwide survey with 26 per cent in favor. The 1969 SAVINGS released in May indicated that S3 per figures were St opposed to U per cent. 0 USED CARS Gallup also found that marijuana cent of this country's adults felt the 0 USED TRUCKS use is growing, with ooe adult in four CENTER FOR . . . possession of a small amount of mari­ having tried it at least once. juana should not be a criminal According to the poll, overall usage offense. Forty-one per cent wanted to (24 per cent) ia double what it was in " YOU'RE ONLY MINUTES AWAY FROM CIRCLE CHEVROLET' retain criminal penalties while six pqr 1973, and six times the four per cent cent were undecided about the issue. figure reported in 1969. WE HAVE WHAT WE ADVERT1SE-NO GIMMICKS-NO HIDDEN PRICES The poll found majority support for The survey showed that usage by decriminalization cuts across all non-whites has risen from 13 to 36 per OK PRE-OWNED CARS major population groups with the cent since 1973; the increase among 77 MONTE CARLO exception of Southerners, those over whites went from 12 to 22 per cent. *74 OLDS NOW ” SO years old and people whose educa­ F ift fiix percent of those undea. 10 ssv.isis.rr *3495 ‘5231 tions did not go beyond grade school have smoked marijuana, says level. In the under-30 and college- NORML, with usage among men (31 73 Mont* Carlo educated groups, nearly seven in 10 per cent) nearly double that of women o u u sr ~ - *2695 favored more lenient marijuana laws. (17 per cent) .^“ ‘^4244 — *1895 TJ MALIBU CLAS. $ Pornography hard to define NOW 4556 7 * 1 2 . *2795 3 IN STOCK " I can't define it, but I know when I Material must be perceived to be see i t " This kind of response to por­ obscene by a representative body, *73 PONT. 77 CAMARO l.T. $ nography (or obscenity as it is legally such as a jury, Baude said. It cannot a^r?jwsL^*1795 >imo ® mnwi From 4698 known) may not seem tike a reasoned be defined by legislation The defini­ approach but no one has really come tion, under Supreme Court guidelines, *74 TRANS AM up with a definitive description of may vary from ooe community to ^M m -*r**5395 m £ S E * 77 NOVA CONCOURS $ 4 C O O obscenity. another arid from ooe state to another. £*»«.«.»***» NOW H 3 7 7 I.U.-Bloomington constitutional law Although obscenity is hard to 68 CAPftICf expert Patrick Baude points out that define, and hard to prove, a com­ *.»)»•*»■ *Q99 even the United States Supreme Court munity, by letting its views be known, __ -

Dark streets, Letters shadows here Here's looking at you Letter to the Editor: cumstance: Out of all the lights in Or very few, anyway. With the may­ parking lot SO, and along the two hem committed upon persons In the I am a student at IUPUI whose IUPUI parking M s bring what it is, Enough has been said about human rights by now to justify going off on a skew streets edging it, less than half of classes run until 10:45 pm this Sum­ one would think all streetlights would plane in a slightly different direction That direction is the supposed human them were in working order! mer Session. Last night, I left at the be kept in working order. I hope this rights of those radical, middle-of-the-road individuals who haven’t enough time appropriate lime, half way fearing At 10:45 pm on a cloudy evening, it situation is soon rectified. to discuss equality or what-have-you as they are too caught up in the daily grind the block walk to my car. My fears is quite dark anyway. But with no Sincerely, of making ends meet. They count, too. streetlights. Jo Ellen Blythe No one can really blame them for the way they are when they rant and rave were heightened by a frightening cir- about losing a job because a quota of a certain poltical, racial, ethnic or sexual minority must have that job first Human rights, true, but for whom? We all have equal rights, we're told. Well, que pasa? Looking in a mirror will tell anyone who's number one, and with everyone feeling he/she is number one, there are bound to be disputes about who deserves human rights more - and first. It's really quite simple and the subject defies logical discussion for non-religious types. a.m. Putting the entire potpourri of mankind on this mirror, and observing the resulting effect when each points to number one leaves a readily discernible decision that human rights is something each person desires for himself or An IUPUI slow-pitch softball herself in this crowded world And crowded as they all would be on this mirror, it tournament is scheduled for Sunday. is also readily seen that they'd all be pointing at each other - P M July 31, at Riverside Park. Two divisions, open and co-ed, will be available to all student teams. Participants should bring their own mitts. Bats and balls will be provided by the intramural department Entry deadline for the tournament is Wednesday, July 27. Applications / o g o m o r e are available at the School of Physical Education, 1010 W. 64th S t , Room 322. Artists Cavanaugh Hall; Room M201, Union Tom McCain Building; and Room 60, Krannert Joe Pfeiffer Building I V entry fee is 115 Wdl, we've received several The Sagamore is published by Bosh Stadium will be the she of Gary Varvel For more information, interested guesses as to what our last students of Indiana University- a softball game August 31 EoltrU lament persons may contact Jeff Vessriy, mystery photo was, and Purdue University at Indianapolis between the faculty and students. M William LutholU, Ed 264-3766. responses were highly diversi­ Views expressed are those of the The game will be played prior to fied One student guessed It was a editorial staff or of the individual Rex Davenport the regularly scheduled Indians- flea. That was wrong. Another whose name appears in the byline Christine Kopitzke E vans ville game. guessed It was a potato. That was Those views do not necessarily Office Staff Anyone interested in playing also wrong, and we do not wish to reflect those of the student body, Deborah L McDaniel. Mgr should contact Jeff Vesaely, V invited to his bouse for dinner administration or faculty of IUPUI beta K Freeman Inside 264-3764, before 5 pm, July 13. Three responses correctly The Sagamore is a bi-weekly Charles Poole IUPUI News...... page 2 identified t V photo, and Roger (weekly during the summer) Photographers Insights/Outsights.... page 3 Collins in t V Registrar's Office newsmagazine published at 92S W Clarence Fred Tucker Our View...... paged was t V first to say it was a crab Michigan. Indianapolis, Indiana Production Zodiacal Zingers...... page 5 louse. Come into t V office, 4002 Phone 264-4006 Types: There were two errors Chris Carter, Mgr. Roger, and w ell get t V neces­ Kelly & Duke...... page 5 in the Metro's story (Sagamore, Nancy Boyer sary arrangements out of t V Editor-In-Chief Midwest Arts June 31). T V sport dropped from Laurel Bums way. Jo Ellen Meyers Sharp Contributors Gazette...... pages 64 7 NCAA listing was women's Lana Cook As to t V louse, its picture was Managing Editor Kevin C Endsley volleyball. It is still an inter­ Mark Finch Mother Nature’s taken with an electron micro­ collegiate sport. Paul Miner Harry Goodyear Susan Land Garden...... page 8 scope Lice infestations of all T V other error was a typo T V Advertising Manager Marilyn Phillips Dan Motto TV Review...... page 8 types have reached epidemic pro­ Don Curtis Gale Schreiber cash deficit at t V end of May, portions in many areas of t V Chip Ecology Log...... paget Paul A. Ragan. Aaat. Gary Webb 1977, was 943,000, not 913.000. U.S . according to a leading lice Sports But to rti Manager J.N. Williamson Classifieds...... page 11 cure marketer. J.Aikin, Ed. Roy Yates Bobby Rodgers July M m Sagamore s Zodiacal Zinger/ iio n d help

by J.N. ttlllU m ux

By most standards of measurement. being drafted into the Army is regarded by young men as a definitely unlucky event Never before analyzed previously so far as I know, was the infamous Draf^ Lottery of December 1, I W The question I asked was. “ Does astrology show that those under major adverse influences were those who were first chosen to be drafted’ U astrology borne out?" Going back to that date, let's establish first that the most unfortunate adverse influence comes from the Saturn, and - on that date - Saturn was trans iting Taurus Any amateur astrologer would expect that Taurus plus the signs opposing and squaring Taurus, namely Scorpio, Leo and Aquarius, should be the four signs first chosen in the draft

We had 366 birthdatea from which five cosp dales were discarded, leaving 3*1 dates Young men born on those dates were those selected to be participants in the Viet Nam thing The first third of the birthdatea were to be the initial men to be called Fifteen of them had Scorpio birthdatea and 13 had Leo birthdatea Indeed. 48 of the 122 birthdates came from Taurus. Scorpio. Leo or Aquarius

Since Jupiter, the great benefic. was then in Libra, astrology says that III. natives of the air signs - Libra. Gemini and Aquarius - should be spared, and (2), natives of Libra should scarcely be drafted at all The facta: Only B air sign natives were chosen; only five Li bran* Hence, astrology was fully vindicated

Does the Moon have an effect on the “ luck of the draw?” On that date in December eight years ago. the Moon was in Virgo, which holds an authoritative “ upper square" to Sagittarius — and 13 suddenly luckless Sagittarians were selected from the undesired top third.

As to the bottom third of the natives, once more astrologers would anticipate Jupiter to protect the air signs - Gemini. Aquarius and Libra - due to its transit of the Utter sign Gemini led all SH birthdates with only IS days chosen to go. the least-high number Libra itself, doing well, did not excel because the planet of the Unexpected. Uranus, was then in Libra But it U a safe bet that the handful of Ljbrans who were then drafted escaped serious injury during their enlistment

b there more evidence? Yep, a lot more, more than we have space for To cite a few examples, try these: By the close of February in 1970. Saturn moved past the first four degrees of Taurus - in other words, natives born in TatfBis, Scorpio, Leo or Aquarius during the First four days or so of their respective zodiacal periods would, by astrological principles, be spared by the first of , 1970

Well, looking at the lucky bottom third of the list, by that date the only Taurus dates excluded were April 25-28; the only Scorpio dates were October 26 and 27; the only Leo dates were July 26, 77, 29 and 30; and the only Aquarius dates excluded were January 27 and 29

Young men born on these birthdates who were not drafted by March t. 1970, were no longer afflicted by Saturn in Taurus and would not have to go At that point, the overwhelming number of fixed sign people (those just cited i remaining were born much later, mostly in May, August, November and February - or those still to be afflicted by Saturn.

Does astrology work? You bet your btppy, bottom dollar or aardvark it does! It is a far more exact science than, for example, psychology or psychiatry - and meets the scientific test of being repetitive and consistent b there a lot of work AM BEEN THINKiN' TO BE a police dog AM LL GET MAH to be done before astrology can be verified to the satisfaction of science’ A vast ABOUT BECOMING) TOO HAVE TO BE YOU D HAVE PAROLE OFFICER TO amount; and so much depends upon the individual skills of the astrologers being A POLICE DOG ho nest a n d TO HAVE VOUCH FOR ME / trustworthy A GOOD tested. Does It always work? Yes - but only if the astrologer is 100 per cent "on character top of his game,” performing at maximum efficiency Regrettably, few of ua REFERENCE ever sustain that peak performance for long I f Q X l CP Vi / |^| H i -1—

AH'M TFMN' TO GET MOM GAVE ME TWENTY GUST TELL MOM MCXJ UP TH' COURAGE TO d o llar s TO GO TO LOST TWENTY DOLLARS THROW MAHSELF OFF The sto re a n d X THAT'S AND M t k L THROW TH' ROOF l o s t it NO YOU OFF THE ROOF / f V PROBLEM J. Lee’s Styling Salon t ft a s w h y V 3976B Georgetown Road Indianapolis, Indiana 46254 & M 299-3750 l i I lf A special group o l professionals dedicated to beauty and hair care E L < ; \ ______Sagamore J r i y « . l W 7 J a ly 5, 1*77 Sagamore 1 Boz goes from Scaggs to riches The Irvfde Line h yK C . journeymen, midwestern and When Boa broke into t V "Lido crowd Perhaps s full year on t V road One of t V best concert lineups to southern audiences in particular were Shuffle" near t V end of his act. t V and their second appearance in lows blitz t V Circle City in some time given a very limited exposure to his in two months combined to lessen the "T^'W Bam H vfc^- ™ ^^^"ou^bSTiroriUh^am ^ar their crowd that had been fairly reserved The Sagamore's Guide occurred last week, with E tivi impact of their performance, but Death N * k e From T V F i m h afternoon flick ia Attack OfThe Masb- music In fact. t V first time many in and easily controlled by security Presley, Chicago and Boa Scaggs all To Entertainment N«rtb-Mde Retard War: T V short- >m *m People (1 M ; Japanese) which these parts beard of him was with t V forces went bananas and stormed the drummer Ken (Popeye) PentifaOo appearing In a four day span Presley release of t V two Duane Allman felt that I V crowd was just not with midwest Arts Gazette lived “ new" Stone Balloon Record aisles, danciiM and s iig iig . ,iwt in t V and Chicago were gone and forgotten Anthology discs, which included cuts them Shop (formerly 4-Bees Pizza on West- first in a week of BAD sd-fl fUcks process injured two off-duty police­ when Bos took I V Convention Center that Duane backed Boa on shortly "People in Indianapolis just don't field) has dosed its doors and moved men who had underestimated the stage last Tuesday for one of this before hit death in 1871. rock and roll like in other places,” V out t V stock. T V shop opened In t V Like t V Christmas in July type extent of the onslaught and V d tried year's finest shows. lamented At that potnt I V d to agree spring of this year when t V “ old" celebrations? I.U.-Bkxxntngton will to block it but shortly thereafter Boz hit the Stone Balloon became T V Record V presenting a Christmas In July Scaggs is a 33-year-old New Yorker Buikling a steady following since stage and opened with "Lowdown," Company and left t V Wholesale Madrigal Dinner in the Tudor Room who has spent over V l f of his life that time, and receiving maaaive After Boz had left t V large, well-lit Pazuzu’s back in 'Exorcist,’ of the Indiana Memorial Union. It's critical acclaim for the album Slew stage, t V crowd howled t V ir delight injecting an adrenalin which pro Records distributorship "fam ily." playing musk professionally, having duced one of t V moat marked audi­ T V "n ew " Stone Balloon was Whole­ part of a special "how-to-do-your- played with Steve Miller, among Dancer, Boz has finally reached the Boz obliged them with three encores, sale's unsuccessful bid to stay own-madrigal-dinner" workshop July others, in his tender teens in the early top of t V heap. His release of late last noting after the second one that V ence changes I've seen competitive In tV Broad Ripple area 7-9. This special production, V w ever, '80s. His jazzy approach to the blues is year, Silk Degrees, has produced was "quite surprised" by the audi T V future of both of these acU ‘Sorcerer’ seems now to V unlimited While provides only crumbs ence's reaction Indeed, the security by pushing lower prices than the other is open to t V public at 98 75 per ticket. a refined rendition of t V jazz-blues three consecutive smash singles, by Christine Kopltikr Richard Burton steps into the reli­ ence will interpret t V first half hour sized gun into his mouth, men set on shops. Financial matters finally If you're down there, you might want fusion style which John Mayatl used "Lowdown." "What Can I Say" and guards and the performers were t V Aafaury Jukes are being touted as What The Sorcerer and Exorcisl II: gious cloth again, ever determined to or hour of a sloppily edited and con­ fire when an oil well explodes, etc. caught up with t V situation and it all to stick around t V next day for a con­ to prove that white people could play t V current hit, "Lido Shuffle " All expecting an. audience of cadavers, t V V a t new white boy blues band In The Heretic have in common is that libel t V image of Episcopalian and fusing sequence of scenes as mysteri­ Such scenes are perfunctory tributes ended up in t V dumper. cert by t V I.ll. School of Music's with hit legendary Biuetbreakers three have an Irresistible V a t which especially after the opening act, t V Van Morrison mold, we may soon both are examples of the currently Catholic priests as V has so effec­ ous or Intellectually complex. to t V blood and mutilated tissue Competition was tough from the Festival Symphony. Guest conductor almost makes you feel uncomfortable Southside Johnny and t V Aibury hear of bands like this being com familiar Hollywood feelers which tively done previously in Night of the T V problem these directors have is freaks Hollywood assumes account slartwtth t V Immediate expansiosf of Leonard SUtkin will V directing Despite the fact that Boz has been to V sitting down when you hear Jukes, were unable to pull a well pared with Boz Scaggs as a favorable worm their way into mid-size cities Iguana and Becket. Burton's part that they cannot make a distinction for a large percentage of adult audi­ T V 'R e c o rd Company which nearly Tchaikovsky's Fifth Symphony, 8 pm one of t V industry's hardest working them deserved encore from the comatose influence, his style is worth copying like Indianapolis in order to ascertain here is to convince Fletcher that the between withholding particular ences; but for those of us more doubled its inventory and t V opening at t V Musical Arts Center. audience reactions and box office soul exists and is more important to details for dramatic effect, and eao- affected by subtler shades of human of t V new Keystone Karma, now t V receipts. T V speculators can decide preserve than body or mind. A nice terkism achieved simply by destruction, such scenes are at best largest sotmd shop in t V stole. Lean RedVwe Fans Beware! For ‘Sword of Shannara’ weakly cuts of pastiche whether or not to invest in future spin­ enough ideological debate, except randomly scotch-taping together an irritation, at worst an intellectual T V Stone Balloon continues with its to n e of you who've discoveredAhat by M. WUllam Latbsiti He readily admits that V was directly print and loo-generous margins that historian, Brooks is merely a offs or similar films in the same that it is dooe on so nqierficial a level whatever scenes happened to have insult. remaining stores, but for the time tin-can-and-gravel voice of Leon Imitation is the sincerest form of under the influence of Tolkien when "pad" t V book out to it* 73frpage novelist genre, more carefully made as to become virtually meaningless, been filmed during the picture's first being. Wholesale Records appears to Redbooe, you should V notified that flattery. But don't ever try to lay that V eat down to create his own fantasy rise Normal type, paper and m argin Least I seem to severe with poor Exorcist II merely resurrects if not undetectable. month or so of shooting Perhaps T V Sorcerer provides only the V out of t V p k tire on Naptowne's there is now a female counterpart who line on a girl when you've just given world would render a book of barely 300 Mr Brooks, let me hasten to add that locust-demon Pazuzu and a slightly Pazuzu is out to torment Blair again director Fnedkin was under deadline crumbs of political-philosophical food northslde And with T V Record is equally strange. T V name is Cathy her cut glaas for a diamond ring. And After laborious rough Ideas and pages at beat there Is a definite place for his story plumper, more altruistic Linda Blair and Burton and Fletcher must try to or economic pleasures, but there is for thought. Likewise, Exorcist II pro­ Company and Karma both buying Chamberlain and the album is Rag 'a' don't try it on a dyed-in-the-wool writing. V took t V thousand-plus But size is t V least of t V problems Tolkien was writing a fantasy for Blair flails about being em pathetic to save her. Expect the Hollywood melo­ little question that the film is an vides no more supernatural horrors albums from t V same distributor­ Reft Revue. Boy! Talk about Garik Tolkien fan when you hand him a copy pages of his etory to publishers Lester Breaks V s basically done little more adults and penned It with an adult other emotionally disturbed children dramatic!, cheap settings and absent-minded endeavor at least as than a segment of "Twilight Zone.” ship. it seems highly unlikely that the and OU Lace I Her rendition of “ Mack of Terry Brooks' "epic fantasy,” T V and Judy Del Rey for their expert than re-word Tolkien Entire scenes vocabulary In mind. Brooks rarefy who come to the same psychiatric bromidic dialogue of the typical far as t V editing and performances One would become richer both finan­ latest Installment of T V Record War T V K nife" would send Kurt Weill Sward Of flkaaaara. opinions and advice Encouraging and from Tolkien reappear in Brooks: strays far beyond sixth or seventh clinic (designed like a carnival house movie-made-for-television, because are concerned cially and spiritually by spending t V will continue much beyond some running for a chamber pot or a revol­ Ever since t V late'80i when Hobbit assisting his efforts, the Del Rays got Frodo's flight from the Shire, the grade vocabulary and thus writes a of mirrors) as she Periodic comfort that's t V best you’ll find in this 93.50 T V Sorcerer has its mandatory evening reading the novels of Jean backroom ut—dngtcai grumblings. ver. Produced by Joel Dorn (or Power reached its height with t V t V book through the final stages and death and return of Gandalf, the con fantasy that is easily accessible for and an occasional Freudian aphorism horror. minimum of violent scenes: t V after- Paul Sartre or the tales of Edgar C'est la vie. Cast la guene Redbooe fame) t V album is dis­ soaring popularity of J.R.R. Tolkien's it was released this spring simul frontration on Mount Doom. They're Junior audiences that still shrink from are soft-spokenly delivered by Ostensibly a film about existential math of someone shoving a magnum- Allen . • • • • • gustingly pleasing and should not V trilogy The Lard Of The Blags, the toneously in trade paperback and all here with alterations, name attempting Tolkin in t V original psychiatrist Louise Fletcher aspects of politics. The Sorcerer, Found myself munching popcorn in given to your mother-in-law or pet publishing world has been desper­ hardhufft by Baliantlnc And Random changes, differences in detail, but Alao it is perhaps better for adults Apparently more meaty roles like her based on H G Clouet's " T V Wages a local northslde movie theatre the shark. • • • • • ately seeking for a worthy sequel House. here nonetheieaa To t V seasoned who really aren’t interested in brilliantly portrayed frigid Nurse of F ear," is churned out similar to other day and watching WUllam Tolkien's death in 1975 complicated T V results are leas than satisfying. Tolkien-follower, t V book is little Tolkien; they can surely finish off Ratchett of One Flew Over the cinematic swindles like T V Ox Bsw Friedkin's new flick Sorcerer. It's a Finally saw Woody Allen's Annie matters with only the prospects of Some might protest that It la hardly more thaa weak p astk V . Brooks far sooner than Tolkien's Cuckoo's Nest were not available, and Incident and Arabesque. great movie but a lousy title (Sorcerer Hall over t V weekend. It's belt* some posthumous collections to V (air to measure t V young author's Brooks is not cut out with the sense trilogy staying in the public eye was worth Directors of such rip-offs have the refers to the name of a truck in the called his beat effort but I'm still sold assembled later (and released this first attempt directly against of "fantasy-writer-as-historian” fla­ A last reflection on t V matter being in this movie to her. misguided notion that the entire audi- film ). Moot people will do a name- on Bananas and Ptay It Again. Sam. year). Tolkien's work, but the publishers not vor that made Tolkien so palatable. should call attention to the George association thing between this movie It's also being called his most Intro­ But what about new, fresh only Invite but demand t V compari­ Leas than SO pages into Tolkien, the Lucas film Star Wars which is, again, and T V Exorcist (Friedkin's last spective film and I'U give them no material? Where would there V son with their back-of-the-book blurb: reader is willing to suspend belief and another reworking of the Tolkien biggie) and sit around waiting for the arguments there; sort of a public someone to step Into the shoes of quiet "F o r all those who have been seeking accept as fact the myths, languages, esque stones but with a greater flair appearance of a jungle witch doctor. analysis and catharsis soul-baring Pile of discs: Oxford don and creator of that marve­ something to read since they finished songs and history of Middle Earth for creativity and innovation It's No witch doctor, but it’s a dandy session A bit too painful for some but lous Middle Earth ’ T V Lard Of The Rings " Try as V might, the reader will have unfortunate that Brooks could not adventure flick in the spirit of some very solid Allen-esque material. T V same question must've passed For starters, the book Is hardly an a tough time accepting Brooks' world have dooe his own work in the spmt Humphrey Bogart; a real edge-of-the- Note: If you don't have the scratch for some good, some sick through Jgrry Brook’s mind when V epic. Although It is large in appear In I V end. the difference comes down Lucas, using Tolkien as xpnngboard •eat special H ie movie, you can always pick up a finished reading ( V Tolkien novels. a nee. this is due mainly to oversize to t V fact that Tolkien wrote as a rather than foundation An additional note for you trivia copy of Without Feathers at your local by M. WUllam Latboltz (commercial boredom) to Josh Rifkin buffs: t V film is a remake of a 1956 bookstore - the hardback copies have Been listening to a small pile of (scholastic boredom) But I think it French film that starred Yves been remaindered at 91.50. albums that have been gradually col­ can V reasonably said that you really Montand, Charles Vanel, Peter Van Supertramp: Sophisto-rock of ’70s lecting in front of my turntable for the haven't heard until you've Eyck and Vera Cloumt. T V French Sherlscklan Reprise: Seems I past few weeks Nothing much in the heard Jimmy Levine. displayed more sense tV n Fnedkin in wrote my story on the Sherlock h yK C . whine which is somehow pleasantly here in late 74. but sold only margi­ Their music is V r d for a purist to way of what I'd call earth-smashing After all his recent heavy-weight at least one matter - they kept t V Holmes revival jv»t in time. Since the Six years ago. Rodger Hodgson and compelling. nally until FM airplay of a bizarrely label as either pop, rock or jazz, aa but some at least worth noting Here work with . t V Met and other author's original title: T V Wagey Of article appeared last month, two new Rick Davies were munching popcorn Scotsman Dougie Thompson, whose fascinating tune. “ Bloody Well any given tong could fit all three goes sundry chores. Joplin's settings Fear. books have been added to t V list: I. sipping beer and pondering t V fate of brother pounds skins for Thin Lizzy, Right," bolstered their reputation in labels, but never just one Their sound The Beatles: liv e ! at the Star Club must've been a musical haven for Sherlock Holmes, by Michael their musical careers; ready, per adds his unique bass lines, and Ameri­ time for IV release of tVir master­ can only correctly V described as in Hamburg, Germany; IN I (Lings- Levine T V results are performances Kudos and cheers for the Indiana Harrison (Sherlock's autobiogra­ V pa, to pursue another course and can-born Bob Ben berg provides per­ piece. Crists, What Crisis* in t V fall “ supertramp." or as Heiliwell puts it. song): T V big temptation to pick up which defy both Hamlisch’s Neander- State Fair I Have you seen their enter­ phy), and Exit Sherlock Holmes, by disband their collective brainchild, a cussion in a simple, no-nonsense of 1875 “ sophisto-rock this disc is the blurb on the cover that thalian-Hollywood arrangements and tainment lineup for this year? After Robert L. Hail. I alao was pointed curiously-named aggregation known manner. says "Includes 15 never before Rifkin's dry-wood academics. Levine several years of blaiae-and-boring, towards a SVrlocklan cookbook (one to very few aa Supertramp. T V two Perhaps the most fortunate addition released tracks." A word to the wise, is spontaneous and professional. Even they’ve finally gotten a first-class of several extant) titled Dining With albums they bad released, to t V band is John HeUiwell. When Find where you’re going in ‘Passages’ however, should note that this disc is if you’ve already got everybody rise’s (never released on album) and drew To borrow a line from Monty Uneup (in comparison to moot state Sherlock Holmes (Bobbs-Merrill; Saperlramp and ladeUMy Stamped - Dave Winthrop left the band, the Idea meant for t V ardent, never-say-die Joplin, this is still a worthwhile addi­ attention away from Moore. Python's description of Fine Austral­ fa in ). 913.95) and it Is absolutely t V latter of which is now six years old of replacing him waa not discussed by Harry Goodyear Sheehy uses case study examples la Beatlemaniac and no one else. T V tion to t V shelf. On his third disc, things are looking ian Table Wines, this is one for those Hodgson and Davies soon realized, explain tV "passages" >11 of us f t T V Beach Boys lead off the ticket fascinating. Redpies are drawn up and selling better than ever - were Gail Sheehy's Passages (E.P. recording sounds like the masters Easy Street’s Under The Glass up. If you like Andrew Gold's “ Lonely of you who are rather keen on however, that t V sound which distin­ through when we find out "Sunday August 18, followed by Marilya McCee based on t V dishes mentioned in t V not selling well enough at the time to Dutton, New York) incorporates into were made on somebody's very old (Capricorn; CP0184): I really like this Bioy" type of hit, you’ll go for Tim regurgitation. guished Supertramp was nonexistent ethics don't work Monday through and Billy Davis Jr. August 30. T V Holmes stories - full of calories and a pay their bills, many of which were in­ iU easy reading style both textbook and very haltered reel-to-reel "Roll group's first self-titled album. As an Moore. Along with Gary Wright and with wind instruments, and Heiliwell Friday," to when we reach age 40 and T V Giants: Petersen k Pass A Captain k TeaaUle are booked for 1st of fun. curred by tV band's determined precision and abundant analytical Over Beethovem" is recognizable example of modern collegiate rock, I the other commercial rockers, Moore was their choice. Brews (Pablo; 1310-799): T V giants August 31, with rock group Kansas on desire for their own sound equipment. perception. want to turn beachcomber; or, as la only by the guitar intro and the drum­ still like it though some friends try to isn't making any waves or "new "W e V d to hit t V road to pay off all His assorted woodwinds, horns, commercialized, walk the woods a ad of t V title are, of course, Oscar August 33. Daily Parian will pick up a Csucerta ft Cultch Dept. The DssMe Meeting death in Northern Ireland beat. Words are lost entirely. hide their obvious embarrassment directions." but provides a bask occasional mellotron and trill backing streams with a Kodiac bear and a era Peterson, Joe Pass and Ray Brown, cross-over audience of country and Brothers (must V a Freudian Typo­ those fines,” Davies quipped at V (a boy a V was talking to caught a About t V only thing I got out of t V whenever I mention the band. easy-listening rock for those who munched popcorn and sipped beer vocals have proven as vital to tV ir of Hamms. with some dandy arrangements of old rock fans with her shows August 33-38. graphical slip; I always type "Boobie bullet in the face), she found herself album was the definite impression T V second album, however, is can't stomach the real thing and those sound as Davies' and Hodgson's com­ On sexual cycles Sheehy writes. standards and originals, recorded in T V Bay City Rafters will make their Brothers") and T V Little River Band He reflected on t V times that musi­ floating precariously and dangerously " that, t V Star Club in Hamburg. indefensibly bad. Hard to put an exact who frequently need a break from posing. Helliwell's personality “ Males and females are most alike 1974. T V “ R iff Blues" and "E yes Of teeny-bopper debut in Naptowne will V at Market Square Arena July cians that have survived t V process in the non-acceptsrice of her own mor­ Germany must have the acoustic finger on what's wrong with it. Sloppy listening to Iggy Pop. onstage has made him the group's before they are born, at 18 and over Love” are great textbook examples of August 38. Tony Orlando and Dnwa U .. .Don’t forget the Black Expo affectionately referred to as “ paying tality S V wanted to know why T V charm of a corrugated steel Quonset production is partly responsible; the T V Dictators' Manifest Destiny unofficial spokesman, and his droll, 60 between IB and 80 they move these men together, worth time and are M-O-R attractions August 37, and Entertainment lineup for this dues” result of her investigation la hut Friends, there are better ways to whole thing is a rush job. coming out (Asylum; 7E-U09): That's right, Linda Rsnstedl closes out t V fair’s Rather than disband, they set out to off-the-cuff British humor adds a toward opposite poire that reach aa money for every “traditionalist" jazz weekend at t V Convention Center Passages. spend your hard-earned money. within six months of their first album. Dicky Manitoba and T V "Fabulous” entertainer list with her shows August July 9 and at Market Square Arena find a new combination that coukl xwniral dimension to their shows, extreme at about 40 " tan. “Passages" is SVehy's word for Here's one of them: I could V wrong, but I'd say look for Dictators are back with another taste­ a. July 10 — two nights of t V best soul transfer their dreams into musical which warm the audience to their SVehy's perception is kern, her development stages humans go James Levine Plays Scott Joplin this one in t V cut-out bins in t V next less album. Let your mind (and Dennis Coffey's Back Home (West­ Considering t V t t V fair has to and boogie in t V country! And then realities on vinyl. Personnel checked happy, sometimes bizarre style of analysis correct and her case studies through Unlike ones w e've read (RCA Records; ARL1-3243) - It's no six months or sooner. stomach) reel to such profound lyrics bound; WB 300): Not traditional jazz, reach such a wide audience and such it's down to Cincinnati's Riverfront in and out (aster than couples at t V musk provide valuable comparative data to about (pre-teen and teen), these wonder that with the re-release of The Tim Moore's White Shadows as thi. sampler from "Yotmg, Fast, but awfully good disco-funk jazz varying degrees of tastes, this year's Stadium July 33 and 33 for t V Keel N otoll Motel. By 1874, however, I V By this time the group was well- t V reader interested in his owa stages begin in late teens and continue Sting, somebody would try a shoddy (Asylum; 7E-1088): Very much in the Scientific:" "Short hairs, give me pieces. Coffey's arangeroents wax lineup is easily t V classiest in ages. Ohio VaBey Jazz Festival. present band had survived this known in t V British Isles Their stages of development after the teen­ throughout ( V rest of our life attempt to cash in on poor old Scott tradition of "commercial rock,” Tim long stares/ cause I eat right and tedious only ooce on the disc ( “ High Congratulations, guys! Ed Ames is doing Shenandoah at weeding-out process, and a stable, smash success, Crime ef t V Oratory, age era Joplin's overworked rag-time piano. Moore keeps getting overlooked by smoke dynamite/ Did s V say that s V On Love” ), but are generally a bit like Starlight Musicals this permanent entity was established and t V hit 45, "D ream ers," estab­ Another name for a "passage" is If you are m your teens or older and t V big time. His first good shot. Maybe so. but this album Is neither had to be home by three/ Did s V say Eric Gale’s similar pieces - though T V Good News/Bad News Dept. week ...Kathryn Crosby Is doing The Hodgson worked vocals, guitars and lished them as capable enough musi­ "crisis," and on identity crisis Sheehy want to know where you are going, "Secood Avenue," got buried a few shoddy nor overworked s V never made it with a Hebrew boy/ not as imaginative as Gale. For t V Woody Allen's near-classic Weeper is Latest Mrs. Adams up at t V Beef n some keyboards, and helped Davies cians to V imported to t V States by writes. "A crisis appears to V neces where you are or where you've been, years back when Art Garfunke! I've heard Joplin's music played by Rock-and-roll made a man out of me/ most part, a very solid and wdl-put- t V ABC Tuesday Night Movie July II. Boards. T V Mousetrap is fare of with composing. Davies plays various AftM Records sary before identity can V fully read Passages. It will V Ip you find recorded a cover version single everybody from Marvin Hamlisch Took a while for I V world to see. . . " together album That’s great, but Channel 13 will bring t V week at t V Black Curtain keyboards and sings with a nasal Crime ef toe Century was released achieved." out July*, 1*77

TV Review Planning your organic garden Victor A wards tie V- The first step in planning a garden to five feet wide, If your garden is not within 10 with drunken relative is to turn off the tube and have an old- depending on your reach, raised about minutes of your house or somewhere fashiooed family meeting as to what three inches and with 18 inches you go often, lots of little things doo’t by J.N. Williamsoa personalities strove to be entertaining everyone would like to eat from the between them for walking and get dooe and a lot o f enjoym ent w ill be A week without an award show, instead of leaving it up to the viewer garden working lost. especially in the spring and summer, to decide whether he wanted to see Also, find what they would abso­ In the bed, plants are spaced so that Finally, sources for organic is a rare week in TV land . These hours Broadway talent honored or not lutely refuse to touch at maturity the leaves touch; alter­ materials to be worked in must be of glory (there is no way anything so In the case of both Victor and Tony, nate rows or plants being a arranged and means of transporting it long can be called a "moment” of it is all too obvious that the networks From this list, weed out those things com panion plant worked out. Many times a few car glory) often serve to break the routine don't believe that middle America that won’t grow in your climate Occasionally add a repellent plant trunkloads of well-rotted leaves are of reruns I'll defend them on that cares enough about either athletes or (according to your trusty seed cats like marigold, nasturtium or onion to enough for a small garden. basis and on the fact that a great New York stars to watch them for two log> and plants that are far too much coatee the bup and add a dash of Otherwise, some sort of barter with many talented people have a right to hours without more familiar faces work to grow in your soil or produce c d t o r a friend and his truck helps a lot. Now be toasted for their putting in an appearance They are too little to consider growing Tall plants can be interplanted with is the time to decide whether to turn accomplishments wrong on both scores: Weekend Bananas may be your favorite shade-loving plants like lettuce and the garden by foot (with a spade), till But I ’ll have to go along with my viewing of sports is high, a glorious fruit, but one bunch of bananas from a cabbages, and rapidly maturing it, or have it tilled or not to till it. fellow critics - a rarity indeed — that success for all three networks And huge plant that takes 18 months to plants like bibb lettuce and radishes Mulch can be spread to a depth of most of these programs are so inanely just try to drop into Manhattan and bear and must be protected from the interplanted with slowly developing four to six inches, depending on the produced as to make their presents get a decent seat on the aisle for a cold is just too much even for a crops, use space efficien tly density of the material, and seeds can lion a continuing challenge to the Broadway show — it'll be much easier banana devotee. A section of bed with early vegies be planted in soil that is placed on and patience of a viewer The recent seeing a live TV program being taped can then be planted to late crops when through the mulch Potatoes, rubarb. It's past time for TV to accept With this list figure rough amounts Victor Awards given to athletes in the of produce that your group (or self) the early one is nearing maturity and asparagus and many other roots and Lincoln’s maxim about the impos­ can provide shade and moisture for worthwhile name of the City of Hope could consume, put up or sell tubers can be artistically arranged on served to crystallize my under­ sibility of pleasing all the people all the young seedlings. the grass, weeds, dirt, whatever, and standing of why such shows are. for the time. The networks' egregious This will give you a good handle on Now with all this on paper, you can covered with six inches of loose mulch the most part, as boring as a drunken hunger for ratings reaches absurd the numbers of plants needed to pro­ work out what and how many seeds lik e straw o f spoiled hay. relative who shows up on your day off proportions when they set out to pay duce that much food Even my radish and plants you need to acquire, and Harvesting potatoes then consists of tribute to a Broadway musical star fanatic friend balked at the bushel of The reason this program was such a what special soil treatments you need carefully lifting the mulch and and drag in a tired TV entertainer; or radishes I tried to pawn off on him one drag was difficult to perceive but For small quantities of standard picking just the potatoes you want honor Joe Louis by surrounding him year. clear enough once it occurred to me: vegies, flowers and herbs, plants are without harm to the plant with a black female and a second-rate Nobody really put on the Victors to Now check some references for a great bargain when you consider the So if you are weak or laiy to pick up sportscaster. If the viewer truly cares honor athletes but to fill 90 minutes of companion plants to complement time, energy and trouble involved in a shovel, or just hate chopping about New York theatre, interna­ time There is no other reason for those on your list. Pair up those plants growing them at home worms, you can still have a garden tional sports, movie stars, TV enter­ celebrities of high-grade and low to be that are good companions and plan to Otherwise, seeds, cuttings and that is the envy of all those who "don’t tainers. animal stars or what-have- involved in their presentation plant these together, and consider bulbs are moat economical, and ha ve tim e to put one in."' you, he will watch the program. If he Digging deeper, it can only be getting some of the companions for according to some, the best way to Some of the best soil I have ever is then bored out of his skull by out-of­ assumed that presenters with no the lonely vegies start plants (transplanting shock •sea was never touched by a plow, place celebrities making the length of talent in singing, dancing or comedy slows down plants) Mother N’s earth movers, the worms, the show intolerable, he won’t keep Planting in beds has been shown to (t), are used to boost their stock, and Sand can be worked into the area of did the job and enjoyed doing it. coming back every year. give maximum yields in small areas. (2), are no more interesting to watch carrots and lime for the beans and With just a bit of planning, a garden I won't try to vote for all my exchanging ill-written gags than the extra compost for the tomatoes and can almost take care of itself, readers, but I’ll cast my own vote for aaperague tomeio bueh athletes themselves. Frankly, I'd com. to improve yields. requiring only about as much main­ Oscar shows with movie people. pereley muit iwecfcM rather watch a star second baseman With this beautiful detailed plan in tenance as mowing grass and being Victor show’s with athletes. Broadway Ntenr cabbage radrnh hand you now have a clear idea of how struggle with a juke - since amateur considerably more pleasurable shows with Broadway stars, and so green ontone n MtuMKjm much of your back yard or front yard The simpler the system the more delivery of lines can be funny — than forth. One can consider how much an average series dramatic actor, or both you are going to convert to complicated is man’s intesaetion with more in-depth the latest Victor pro­ m/rnn. garden. it. You can ea sily d iv e rs ify the system who reads the words correctly and gram sould have gone in interviewing with no better timing than someone bueh bean pole been* Eddie Albert, an organic (your garden) by companion its winners Cosell-style, or showing enthusiast, started with a little patch planting, mulching, letting a few picked up in the halls of IUPU1. bM S tweet com choice film about them ABC-style in his yard and the fellow who did the weeds grow, stocking or attracting cucumber •ummer iquuh Complaints have reached my ears What we are stuck with is a sickening tilling for him jokingly said that some­ beneficial insects, building a toad concerning the Broadway Tony commentary on network abandon­ day he would have the whole yard home and planting repellent plants Awards program on which various TV ment of responsibility to the viewer. mmm plowed up. The next year he did! Such a garden will be very stable pepper pot eioe If you’re not going to use all of your and require little attention In this marigold carrota ■w m i t»ul yard, then the question of location way, you become a caretaker of a bulb bean enters the picture. An area that gets piece o f nature instead o f a m ere tille r toe! lettuce Any Meal, Any Time of Day Swiae chard full sun, is well drained, doesn’t have of the soil and reap the benefits that competition from tree roots, and is go along with this higher position. •Breakfast •Lunch Sample garden layout convenient to get to is ideal. Copyright Boa Whitehurst. 1877 •Dinner Our service is fast and friendly so join your ‘Silly Sisters’ meld into dynamic disc friends in our dining room. Or call ahead and by M. William tath oltx cert tour together Now their album The songs themselves make an in­ teresting mix, ranging from a modem use our carry-out service for any item on our Silly Sisters (Chrysalis; CHH 1101) has finally gotten an American may well be the best Steeleye Span release. (1988) sailor's song to what must rank new expanded menu at the West 16th Street album to date even though it isn't It probably won't fare much better as two of the earliest feminist songs Waffle House; where quality and convenience re a lly S teeleye Span here, there being not much of a de­ oo record. The first, "M y Husband's come together Maddy Prior is the female vocalist mand in America for songs from the Got No Courage In Him" is a maid­ for the group that made its name in time of Bonnie Prince Charlie. Bat en’s lament over the fact that after England by performing old ballads popularity be damned, it's a very fine seven years of marriage, she's still a 2621 West 16th Street from the British Isles when everyone album and one of the moot listenable maiden. The second, "The Game Of else was still keyed to Mick Jagger o f its kind. Cards," is a young rover's tale of a Carry Out Orders: 631-5922 Steeleye Span isn’t what you'd call a girl oo the highway whom he engages The girls have wisely relegated the very commercial band—rather Eng­ in a game of “AB Fours" and who Senior Citizen's Day - Tuesday 3 pm -11 pm H ai p e meo-folk to the back-up instrumental land’s equivalent of A lio Guthrie and soundly beats him at his own section and have used their own judg­ P e te S e e g e r game—make of it what you wiB. m ment on selection and arrangement of In terms of “hit singles" the band Compared to these two numbers, Hel­ the songs. The result is a reduction in has fared disastrously with only one en Reddy comes out sounding tame. "instrumental overflow" and empha­ song, "A ll Around My Hat’’ from the As usual, they’ve done right by their STUDENT DISCOUNT sis on the voice. For the people album of the same name, making the songs, matching them with competent who’ve been complaining about the charts. SUB, they keep plugging away musicians Where the original tune KERSEY AUTOMOTIVE singers being (frowned out by the wandering around the British Isles was either loot or simply forgotten, a muaidans in recent Steeiyeye Span giving concerts and collecting more new tune has been written as dose to SUPPLIES, INC. albums, the problem is here resolved. obscure ballads from the countryside. the spirit of the lines and the historic Having Trouble Finding Parts For Your New, Last summer, things hit a bonafide Maddy and June’s voices meld nice­ background of the piece. Nothing lull in the band’s activities so Maddy ly, at times having the sound of a sing­ seems out of place or mishandled Older, Antique Auto? went off with another traditional bal­ le voice. If you must have an Ameri­ It's a first-rate album in every way ♦ lad enthusiast, June Tabor, and the can comparison, match Judy Collins and if you've yet to be introduced to 2452 West 10th Street 637-2417 two recorded S fly Sisters for British with Joan Baez and you’ve an idea of this brand of muric, there's no better release and went on a rambling coo- the aom d texture. place to start. Jaly *, itn I I Ambulance work not all blood and guts for lllk Both will transport to any A suspect was apprehended within I talked with Jim Day and Mike crack-the whip circles Max and Bart The vail of an ambulance is an hospital in the d ty minutes Around middle age. V Curtis m t V Communications Canter used a plastic air bag splint to ksa| often heard. ueuaUy disturbing sound At 1 M pm we received a Code S seemed totally out of it I questioned “ We kept track anct and found we had the victim a arm rigid We were goat la Imhanapolu - mainly since It (in jvy on street or public place) to one older man at t V scene “ I live taken from MO-MO calls in one day.'' by • 21 pm serves as (he herald of anything from Bethel Avenue This n a long nm right next door," V said *T heard they said Persons may contact t V When we returned to Wiahard. 1 • cut finger to a tern, mangled body Usually they're not this 1ong said them arguing for several minutes Communication* Canter either by a learned the gay had bled internally » Many lMftanapoits residents have Barb By my watch, we arrived in 10 before it happened I will move out if direct call. tV 911 service, calling the the stomach also He had beai perhaps watched the reecue opera it happens anymore is ic )." police fire department or t V sheriff scheduled for surgery O ir call was a young, black male A Code I (Sick person' at 5 26 pm Now it seemed we d catch a break Done of one of several ambulance T V victim was taken to Methodist systems in the cKy, yet few have ever who had s tfe re d a seizure and had summoned ua to t V Detoxification Max. Barb and the paramedics hW Hospital where I was allowed into the actually ridden one and witnessed fallen an • rock His eye was injured (enter, located at 127 W Georgia St outside Wiahard by the ambulances emergency room (called the shock first-hand the every-day life of the life and he complained he couldn’t see Max was (hiving now Our call was a chatting and waiting for their neM room) His blood vessels flesh and and death routine those mobile from it tfUg going into DT's Before we call Minutes went by and it seemed - muscles were exposed as doctors ’ medics perform Accordingly 1 He resented the policeman standing arrived, we received a disregard and at least to me - that the rughi was probed t V wound Jerry said it was arranged to nde one of the Wieherd barely seven fart away, and he we headed back over We had answered nine runs si about t V worst cut he'd ever seen ambulances. M l pm shift refused to be transported to the We stopped for a sandwich at a deli far which was about average I »a » 1 was assigned to nde with Kroer hospital We were on the road again in Another Code 4 summoned ua at cateaser on Market Street Just aa we told Barb said 16 was about tie genry Medical Technicians ( EMT ») about six minutes after his eye was 4 42 pm to East Pleasant Street A finished around 6 06 pm we record for one ambulance althoug) Barb Huberty and Mas Wertung bandaged and he had signed a child had fallen and his head wound received a call to East Market - a t V figure could have been higher (Max was held up so KMT Jerry release Max. it seemed was involved required stitches Aa we transported seizure It was a young boy and his A Code 7 i seizure ■ came through a Kapp filled in until Max was free) in a suit in which a woman he had him to Methodist I asked myself why parents had no car Aa we left 4he 10 12 pm to tV Detoxification Centa been transporting had signed a I wasn't feeling squeamish I couldn't again The man did not wish to go I* I talked with Barb about KM T work house I noticed a cab parked in front waiver release, and had then sued arrive at an answer t V hospital Checking him out tin “ Yesterday, we had four runs, she of the house We transported him to At 4 It pm. we received a Code 4 EM T * found that V seemed to br said, “ a alow day Just before we reached Methodist. I W iahard by • M pm call (injury in home) to North Dels While there I saw the man who it going through alcoholic withdrawal Our dtttnct for the night was saw t V neck slash victim a girl friend ware Street Arriving in three was surmised had wielded the screw He stared glaasil) District 11 It covered an area aa far walking away from the hospital She minuaea I could see a sizeable crowd driver earlier that afternoon He was Another man had cut his eye aflei south as Washington Street, aa far looked up and I saw a trace of gathered around a police car falling out of bed He was extremely east aa Keystone, as far west aa h recognition still out of It Fumbling with the door latch. I finally intoxicated Both EM T s said it was MOO west and aa far north aa 22nd “ A lot of people think we owe it to A ( ode 4 called ua to North Penn*y I extricated myself and was confronted extremely irritating for the arnbo Street them to take them to the hospital varna at 6 60 pm It seemed that a gay by a young black male with a cut lances to be called out for cases af said Barb referring to the stitch case faced with his boyfriend leaving him “ We find that moat people are not running acrooa his throat His aaaail drunkenness T V nurse in charge That waan t ever our area and t V had subbed himself three times in tV a*ck, said Barb They have missed ant had used a screwdriver, he said said no one else would come She saM child could have been transported by chest and stomach with a bent steak appointments or are not hurt sen T V man a composure startled me they pay Wishard $17 000 per year far car knife He was transported back to oualy enough to need emergency He was calm, his hands steady Blood Wiahard ui a Medic ambulance In the this emergency transfer transportation covered his chest and soaked his trou "We rate patients on a scale of one shock room a cheat tube was inserted As we left I glanced into a sitting We go in to many houses where sen aa it spurted from the wound I to five.’ she explained “One means room and saw a guy I knew He recog in his side to help drain fluid Internal people say. I ’ve had a cold for six found myself assisting by holdup the they don't need to go to t V hospital bleeding had collapsed his lung mzed me as our eyes met but not a weeks Can you take me to the iactalad ringer t injection < takes the Two means they need to go but ui a word was spoken I had worked with We received a Code • ' unconscious hospital* she s^id T V c o m to run a place of blood) while tV EMT i and car Three calls for red lights and him three years prior and I had never dispatch at I 27 pm to Weat Kth District ambulance is $66 Medic paramedics worked to atop the siren Four means a cardiac arrest known him to be sober Street It was a young man who had ambulances i carrying two bleeding and insert FV’a into both and Five means they (he We were We took one of the men to Wishard. coUapaed Recently recovered from paramedics and an KMT driver > run arms back to Wiahard by 5 15 pm one to the Veter.in* Hospital and by pneumonia V was obviously suf that time it was 10 63 pm seven fenng from exhaustion We took him minutes to go to Methodist Just before we separated Max told As we drove hack to Wiahard Barb me that Wiahard is legally responsible laid me she had been with t V service for the entire county We are net for one and a half years. Max had bucking for all the business but we re been doing it for five set up aa an emergency service and We were called to North Penmyl we d like to do that.'' he said We Tracking Pennant's Cat: an ecology log varna an a Code 4 around 9 12 pm to would like to perform what we do Holier land Our call was a guy who well It really irritate* Barb and me T V earth u /oat becom ing on un/lf home ita nobleel for had fallen and injured his arm while when people use us for escort inhabitant skating T V place was crowded kids service " Georg* Perkins Marsh were underfoot and everybody was on And so my eight-hour shift with by Harry Geedyeer Alaska, that's where Pennant s Cat is going Alaska the rollers spinning and whizzing in District 11 was over T V trail of Pennant i Cat leads off toward the northwest fiftieth state, and tV largest Alaska, finally uncorked now Not i d t V meandering fashion of an animal nosing finally giving up. if not to technology than to salesmanship around its environment, but in a bee line, like a new home Pennant a Cat is headed northwest, across the WOO miles was in the offing a migratory sense directing it of natural amfUrbea wilderness To discover a new home a ADULT STUDENT HOUSING. INC. hiding place tq ^ p ra i area, peace silence, easy life what There is a new land up there to the northwest some call it ever the reason the cat tracks on I follow Past the birch Serving IUPUI students faculty^spouses and chddren thereof t V last frontier " A place where moose your and fir beyond the bald mountain and anow-covered peak exlusrvety shrubs in the winter and neighbors in your municipality across tV rushing rivers and quirt lakes, past the sleeping include wild dall sheep mountain goats and bears Ekgtrtty Under Grads 9 credit hours or more Grad students 5 bear and rompu^ goat and native villages with drying credit hours or more It's a place where rainfall vanes from 200 inches to leas nets I follow the fisher than 10 annually where summer temperatures may reach Pennant s Cat chased by urban sprawl and population Offers Apts and family townhouses the »0b and in winter fall to minus 70 where gold mines sell boom tV fisher gone because of none pollution — sonic STU0ENT RATES FROM *137** UTILITIES INC LUG 0 far $6>C to bOU and gold pans from 16 up where salmon booms unfit water and dying fish, toxic air and spoiled fishermen fear giant ocean going tankers and oil is being land walked n o miles across t V tundra and permafrost and What will tV cat find* A virgin land to be taken* PARK LAFAYETTE HOMES, LTD. wVre environmental preservation meant a pipeline Harmony with Nature* Technology still playing its losing Offers excellent rental 3 & 4 bedroom homes from S226 casting over 7 billion dollars instead of one billion game of chewing up non renewable resources* Will V find monthly Each rental home includes fu« amenities Garages or Car T V contrasts of the land are abundant and offer chal John Muir a glacial paradise or Hemmlngway I Valhalla or ports Clubhouse Pool Ptay Areas Private Patios A Lawn Care tenging passageways to those daring enough to proceed just another com er of the earth to be raped by man Names like Skagway Sitka Ketchikan Hoonah and I don't know But I will follow Pennant 's Cat and see And Metis kalis dot a map of the area, but t V lines of roads are when writing about it I will recall Thoreau s words “ A ASH. MC A PARK LAFAYETTE LTD rarely seen writer, a man writing is the scribe of all Nature 2300 N TIBBS 635 7923 INOIANAPOUS IND 46222 Space suits lighter, more maneuverable Space Mdt life support systems for T V need exists since shuttle crews aluminum life support backpacks apace shuttle travelers will be quite will spend a great deal of time in permanently attached to the upper different froi.i those used by the apace outfits conducting experiments torso adjustable, off-the-rack sixes X-ceptional Apollo astronauts, according to deploying and repairing satellites, rather than the coather custom made 1 & 2 bedroom apartments FA88T Track* the Forum for the adjusting instruments and Apollo versions, a quick change Advancement of Students in Science assembling structures outside the design - five minutes compared to starting at $185 Clubhouse and Technology protection of the apace craft one hour which the okftr versions required and which also required & pool available Gas. heat Shuttle suits will not only protect Currently an advanced apace suit another person to assist in changing, and water included, plus tV astronauts in the air leas weight has been created by engineers at and gloves made of a thin, tough ieaa space, but w ill allow the/ to per United Technologies' Hamilton fabric that allow apace craws to appliances Call Linda form teaks with much leas, physical Standard division for NASA T V suit handle small took and pick up articles 293-5270 exertion features a two-psece construction with as tiny and thin as a dime Jmlyt, 1‘j.

Shorts • • •

Steward exhibit You re not big enough. July 1 6,17

• Catft* Bras Fever," an exhi­ bit by Feminist artist Cynthia You’re not sharp enough Steward, will be shown at The Woman's Touch, 63S2 W 38th St , Saturday. July It, from noon to • pm; and Sunday, July 17, from 1- 5 pm. On exhibit will be batik, You’ll never make it.” drawing, seriography and a group of the artist's figurative batiks Ms Stewart, a former Did you ever want to make them eat their words? Indianapolis artist, now works in Bloomington teaching batik for Now there’s a movie that does it for vou. adults at the I.U -Bloomington Memorial Union Craft Shop. One on One is the story of a kid . Free concert nobody believed in except himself. at Brookside The Indianapolis Department of Parks * Recreation is Discover sponsoring a free concert Friday, July 8 at Brookside Community Center, 3500 Brookside Parkway South Drive from t to 10 pm. Musk will be provided by Group Sceptre For more information, call 83M311 or KB 8338 and ask for Dave Speckman, Director of Brookside Community Center.

ABWA offers scholarships The American Business I he story Women's Association will soon be awarding scholarships for the of aavinner. 1877-78 academic year. For information on applying, contact Barbara Layton at 637-2586 ■ 'i»»>¥»WiliY, Nurses meet July 11

RNBS students will have then- monthly meeting in Room 233, School of Nursing Building, July It. from noon to lpm . Mr. French of the Indiana State Nurses' Association will be on band to discuss membership for RN students in ISNA Participants are asked to bring a sack lunch and join In this dis- cusMon, as well as other topics of Interest.

Him hightights Eckankar meeting MNETnrmu nasmouN i j n ItatatfclMWIMHORNSIDN UMNrXMKON The g '+ s n ta r International Student Society. IUPUI will present the introductory film, Eckaakar - A Way sf LUf, Wednesday, July (, in Room 108, Cavanaqgb Hall The film will begin at 7:30 pm and admission is free. Following the film there will be SHERMAN I Dl a discussion about “ Eckankar CASTLETON SQ. IV WASHINGTON SQ. — The Path of Total Awareness " North Parking Let 849-3471 10302 I. Washington II. 000-4100 2506 N Shtrmon Dr 545-2686 Topics to be d im m ed will include: karma and reincarna­ TIBBS 1 Dl tion, man's existence as soul, LAFAYETTE SQ. I Now Showing expansion of awareness, the In The Moll 213-620(1 480 5 Tibbs Ave 243-3737 Inner and Outer Master and techniques in soul travel. Tuesday, July 12, at the same time and location, the society will •gain fW u M "E c k iflk ir — TV Patbof Total Awareness." Jaly 4, 1977 Sagamfe II Classifieds Five piece SRngertand Drum Set w/20" Use the Sagamore’s bees. w/Skngattond tool pedal, snare drum w'stand two 12" Ruing tom toms, Classified Section one 16" door tom-tom. one 20 Suzte For Rent 5* a word. cym at w/heavy duty etond. one 20" ru­ ng cymbal w/haavy duty stand. 14 Huh In the Avon area. 2 bedroom 264-3456. Hat w/heavy duty etond. el Z*$*n cym- doubles, complete with stove bale. 4 a m cymbal etonde mctuded. one and refrigerator, carpeting and axes High Hat stand included drummers GMAT • GRE • OCAT throne black rotong case lor hardware 4 central air, plus a one-car garage. cymbals el drums include doth cease country atmosphere on extra C U S TO M $450. cal Roy 264 3456 or 264 3457 CPAT • VAT • SAT large lots. Plenty of room for a FRAMING Kxnqutrte* (WF)______large gtvden $235 to $255 per Our broad range of programs provides an umbrella of test­ „ Artist Supplies For sale 1875 Chevrolet Mason wagon ing know how mat enables us to otter the best preparation W 4 speed. 4 cyftoder 264-2333 or month. Contact Ron Marshal at available, no matter which course is tahen Over 38 years 700 MainSt**0 784-0472 (812)372 3613. evenings (W52) 839-8335. Beech Grove. Ind 46107 of experience and success Small classes Voluminous home study materials Courses that are constantly up­ •ring In this ad and receive a ION dis­ 1860 Chevy Deluxe. Iran* lust rebuilt dated ^Permanent centers open days A weekends all year Onyan to school duty $800 887 1802 WASHINGTON TOWER count on aP v l supplier Complete tape facilities for review of class lessons and lor after 3 00 pm (W52)______APARTMENTS use of supplementary materials Make-ups for missed les­ *2 East Washington SL 7 3 VW SupsrtsaRa for sate - $1785 sons at our centers 6*2-7424 AM-FM. custom seals 66.686 actual Th* parted oft campus address 10 Psychological Services CUnic mSsa Cal after 8 pm. 846-6628 (W62) blocks from campus Studio. Efficiency A Is now conducting courses in 1 bedroom furnished apartments Stove, M l Hypnosis refrigerator, carpeting, sir condibonlng, tor SmeAere and Dieters aacuity door ALL UTIUTIES PAD m cal 848-7872 1100.00 to I1S0.00 per month tor Intormaeon end rogletabon OSUt rillfermM) » « H U [ D m t m Q (W86) Temporary 1-3 aka. worker* to diteaaai MSi M S l i M v m M e r com tuning around Jdy 10 Transport* bon provided from pick up point* WRi Vacaacy arrtva by 7:30 am and leave at 4:00 or JeM theeundi Itsartl Furnished Studio Apwtment SI 76.00 at 6:00 pr* Pay I* 3 26/hr tor hard and Our new eftecttve dtot product oin frank per month 1 bedroom *166 00 per depended* worker* Contact Kevto tonm you. Alpha I wfl gfve you e belter monte 6 months lease 283 8607 •a* Image To team about me revoto- Marshal. 630-6074 Wednesday. Thur* twnefy product cal Mr. Stuckey at


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