[ 1948-49 ] Part 1 Chapter 2 Functions and Organization of the United Nations

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[ 1948-49 ] Part 1 Chapter 2 Functions and Organization of the United Nations II. Functions and Organization of the United Nations A. THE GENERAL ASSEMBLY The General Assembly is the only one of the ciples of co-operation in the maintenance of six principal organs of the United Nations which international peace and security, including the consists of all the Members of the United Nations. principles governing disarmament and the regula- It is essentially a deliberative, supervisory and tion of armaments, and may make recommenda- reviewing organ.1 tions with regard to such principles to the Members In broad terms, the Charter states that the Gen- of the United Nations or to the Security Council, eral Assembly may discuss any questions or any or to both. matters within the scope of the Charter or relating The General Assembly may discuss any questions to the powers and functions of any organs of the relating to the maintenance of international peace United Nations, and it may make recommenda- and security brought before it by any Member tions to the Members of the United Nations or of the United Nations or by the Security Council, to the Security Council, or to both, on any such or by a State which is not a Member of the United questions or matters. The only exception to this Nations and which is a party to a dispute, if that is that, under Article 12, paragraph 1, the Assembly State accepts in advance the obligations of pacific may not make recommendations on disputes or settlement provided in the Charter, and may make situations that are being dealt with by the Security recommendations to the State or States concerned Council unless the Security Council requests it or to the Security Council on such questions, sub- to do so. The Assembly receives and considers ject to the provisions of Article 12(1) (see annual and special reports from the Security Coun- above). Any such question on which action is cil, including an account of the measures that the necessary is to be referred to the Security Council Council has decided upon, or taken, to maintain by the General Assembly either before or after international peace and security. The Assembly discussion. also receives and considers reports from other Subject also to Article 12, paragraph 1, the organs of the United Nations. General Assembly may recommend measures for the peaceful adjustment of any situation, regardless of origin, which it deems likely to impair the 1. Functions and Powers general welfare or friendly relations among nations, including situations resulting from violations of The functions and powers of the General As- the Purposes and Principles of the United Nations. sembly fall into the following main categories: The General Assembly may call the attention maintenance of international peace and security; of the Security Council to situations which are promotion of international political, economic and likely to endanger international peace and security. social co-operation; operation of the International The Secretary-General, with the consent of the Trusteeship System; organizational, administrative Security Council, notifies the General Assembly and budgetary functions. at each session of any matters relative to the main- tenance of international peace and security which a. MAINTENANCE OF INTERNATIONAL PEACE are being dealt with by the Security Council, and AND SECURITY similarly notifies the General Assembly, or the Although the Security Council is entrusted with The Charter provisions with respect to the General the primary responsibility for the maintenance Assembly are contained in Chapter IV, Articles 9 to 22, of international peace and security, including the and Articles 1, 2, 4 to 7, 23, 24, 35, 60 to 64, 66, 85 formulation of plans for the establishment of a to 88, 93, 96 to 98, 101, 105, 108 and 109. Articles 4, 7 to 12, 32, 33, and 69 of the Statute of the International system for the regulation of armaments, the Court of Justice also contain provisions relating to the General Assembly may consider the general prin- Assembly. 12 Yearbook of the United Nations Members of the United Nations if the General the Economic and Social Council, and such mem- Assembly is not in session, immediately the bers of the Trusteeship Council as may be necessary Security Council ceases to deal with such matters. to ensure that the total number of members of the Trusteeship Council is equally divided between b. PROMOTION OF INTERNATIONAL POLITI- those Members of the United Nations which CAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL CO-OPERATION administer Trust Territories, and those which do not. The General Assembly and the Security The General Assembly initiates studies and Council, voting independently, elect the members makes recommendations for the purpose of: of the International Court of Justice. (1) Promoting international co-operation in Upon the recommendation of the Security Coun- the political field and encouraging the progressive cil, the General Assembly appoints the Secretary- development of international law and its codifi- General of the United Nations. The Secretary- cation; General acts in that capacity in all meetings of the (2) Promoting international co-operation in the General Assembly, and makes an annual report to economic, social, cultural, educational and health the General Assembly on the work of the United fields, and assisting in the realization of human Nations. He appoints the staff of the Secretariat rights and fundamental freedoms for all, without in accordance with regulations established by the distinction as to race, sex, language or religion. General Assembly. The functions and powers of the United Nations The General Assembly considers and approves with respect to international economic and social co-operation are vested in the General Assembly the budget of the United Nations. The expenses and, under the authority of the General Assembly, of the United Nations are borne by the Members in the Economic and Social Council.2 as apportioned by the General Assembly. The General Assembly considers and approves any c. OPERATION OF THE INTERNATIONAL financial and budgetary arrangements with special- TRUSTEESHIP SYSTEM ized agencies and examines the administrative budgets of such agencies with a view to making The functions and powers of the United Nations recommendations. with regard to territories not designated as stra- Upon the recommendation of the Security Coun- 3 tegic that are placed under the International cil, the General Assembly may admit any State Trusteeship System, including the approval of the to membership in the United Nations; suspend terms of Trusteeship Agreements and of their the exercise of the rights and privileges of mem- alteration or amendment, are exercised by the bership by any Member against which preventive General Assembly; the Trusteeship Council, oper- or enforcement action has been taken by the ating under the authority of the General Assembly, Security Council; and expel from the United assists the General Assembly in carrying out these Nations any Member which has persistently functions.4 violated the Principles of the Charter. d. INFORMATION ON NON-SELF-GOVERNING The General Assembly, upon the recommenda- TERRITORIES tion of the Security Council, determines the condi- tions on which a State which is not a Member Members of the United Nations which are of the United Nations may become a party to the responsible for the administration of Non-Self- Statute of the International Court of Justice. The Governing Territories not placed under the Inter- General Assembly may request the International national Trusteeship System have undertaken, Court of Justice to give an advisory opinion on under Article 73 e of the Charter, to transmit to any legal question, and it may authorize the other the Secretary-General statistical and other technical organs of the United Nations, as well as the spe- information relating to economic, social and edu- cialized agencies, to request advisory opinions of cational conditions in these Territories. The the Court on legal questions arising within the General Assembly considers the Secretary-Gen- scope of their activities. eral's summaries and analyses of this information, The General Assembly may make recommenda- and is assisted in this consideration by a special 5 tions concerning, or propose conventions on, the committee established by it for the purpose. privileges and immunities of the United Nations, e. ORGANIZATIONAL, ADMINISTRATIVE AND 2 See pp. 88-96. 3 The functions of the United Nations relating to BUDGETARY FUNCTIONS strategic area Trust Territories are exercised by the Se- The General Assembly elects the non-permanent curity Council, see p. 78. 4 See p. 137. members of the Security Council, the members of 5 See pp. 133-34. Functions and Organization of the United Nations 13 of representatives of Members of the United as it deems necessary for the performance of itsits Nations and of officials of the United Nations, to functions. the Member Governments of the United Nations. Any amendment to the Charter comes into 3. Structure force when it is adopted by a two-thirds vote of The rules of procedure6 adopted by the General the General Assembly or of a General Conference Assembly define its organizational structure, which called to amend the Charter, and is ratified by two can be outlined as follows. thirds of the Members of the United Nations, At each session, the General Assembly elects a including all the permanent members of the President and seven Vice-Presidents, who hold Security Council. office until the close of the session at which they are elected. If the President finds it necessary to be absent during a meeting or any part thereof, he 2. Voting and Procedure appoints one of the Vice-Presidents to take his place. If the President is unable to perform his The voting and procedure of the General As- functions, a new President is elected for the sembly are defined in the Charter as follows: unexpired term.
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