COAL KE BROTHERS Rtteirrirovg”
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/■ ■• V-‘^ - . / r .■- :P. ^ . iy ' ' V- . ?'■ .(■; ■'■. i.-j(-*S: T-’i.'>. - ." • j 'f i . } 1^/, .'„ ■ ■ , > , .; ■. : •. -. f'*" .- ■^ * .*« -<1. -c, t .. 1, . , .. - 'i.j'X' - - ■ -1^ . -r I ■■- . ._ t jf I , , / • : '-*• e aspen .4 ^ 1 XX- . TUESDAY, MARCfH 9. 1984 X- t ' •-A PS ^^lyp^PriiFRifiK: ^ • e k Ended T-^ Unne Lodge, No. '72, KnighU of Eaierfeney Doctors / Pythias, will hold Its regular meet- Q r g a D i z i n g injg tomorrow at 8 p. hi. In Orange / 11,145 Hell. ^ Hany-*Keeney Wedding Member o f the Audit Physlelsns of the Menchee- Em bliw Cliil^Here a » aoiwrt«qB F T A lBiU hold Ito HavwJTou An Event Bureau of Clriialations ter Medical Aaaodlation who The weeKly .meeting of the nM ttng id tho •ehool will respond to emergency calls Floretta Kseney^ M a n c h 0 »ter— A City of yillgge Charm ai-t^RBorrow at I p m. Recreation Dept.’s Model Airplane daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Plans for orgaamng an Emblem tomorrow afternoon and ere- Club will, be held Wednesday st Club, the w o m to ^ group associ Scheduled That A ttW the bwalnesa eeaelon h eliort ning are Dr. William Stroud, Keeney, 158 Keeney St„ became fdi^ entitled “Scattered Showera" the West Side Recreation Center bride of Rudolph Walter llany, ated with the tfiks, nvMsncheater y0L.^;XXIILN0.135 (Claeslfled Advertfstag ea Page 12) tei: MT 9-4708 and Dr. Robert instead of Thursday, beginning^at were formulsteo at a rto«ut meet MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, IdARCH 10.1954 e i^ be peeeented. The cast In* ButUrfield, tel. M I 9-4342. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hany, 'or Food? PRICE P l V l l ^ i ^ tiwiee Mrs. Burton Praaler, Mn. 7 p. m."'- .'c' .. — ■ 55 Dayia Ave., RpcKville, Saturday, ing of women Interested^ organ- Ungard and J d V M W in-theu8iputh Methodtet Church. tsliig such a club: ■"I........ ' ilnr-iflia Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thich. 10 The Ottubie-ring cereUony awe The preliminary worK Invdlyto. » w H df^, fi tono IfiMuMm. Ait parents are cordUll^ The Wap in Indochina Grows W arm IntHtad to attend, ftefreatamenta St. Francis Xavier Mothers’ Elm Ter., had as weekend guests performed wt 2 p.m. .by the minis- i In organising an Emblem Club herq. together w a socie^todge or some friendly group. will be aerved with Mra. Bari Circle will meet tomorrow night et Mrs. Matilda Matsico -and son. ter, the jSsiV^Dr. Fined 'll, Edgar.! was undertaken at this meettiqc, Bmlth acthig aa hoateaa. 8 o'clocK at the home of Mrs, Jo- Richard, of Norwood. R. I., and Mr. Organist He;-; e il A France played' and the next meeting was schto- WE ARE FRe Ka RED TO SERVE YOU eeidi MureweKl, 256 Autumn St., ; and Mrs. Julius MacKowtts and the bridal muslcNuid accompanied ! uled for April 7 at 8 p. m:, in X TO YO|ill COKiPLETE SATISFACTION Temple Chaptef, No. 6S, OBS ton, Stephen, of Craraton, R. I. the soloist, Mrs. ^ Iw e Teomene TinKer Hall. All Elks' wives whq wriu hold ita annual meeting with The Italian-Ameiicen Auxidary ParK, whoae numbeoiwere “Be-! are interested in becomins mem 0 ^'^teriitg service is wt up to be flexible enough to M D t UnACK . The ' Connecticut HdrUcuItursl reporta and election of officers to will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at cauee,’’ "I Love You T^ly" and bers are cordially invited to attend accomYaMfite nhy fiiie g«t^hering. Why not'call us and PMTPOtT OP SENHOl the 'clubhouse on Bldridge Street. Society will meet on March -18 at the Lord's Prayer. - , this meeting. HANOI morrow at S plm. After the meet 8 p.m. st the Bugbee School, West tallt/fiiQK the details? V . .. ' ‘ w at^w hi'^ ing movlea will be shown and re- Bridal attendants vrerSx Mias I Application blanks for member-;^ AUNTED trtll lM>:—rwed hv the Mise Vlralnle Macsuley, a*«mt- Hartford. Dr, Clement Bowers will Barbara Jackie as maid oi ship are available from Mrs. Helen ant p'roCwor of education st New speak ig r '''Asaleas and-RKododen Miss Evelyn Grimn. of Hebron, W s T T lW AuVuron S r “ ------------- -NiriiAMri men of the chaptesr JKiUt Herbert drons.” __ ECatfaf: ; Gobalt as chairman. Britain Teachers College, will Miss Florence 'HfUs' of Andov^, speak on "The Modem gnemen- cousins r f the bride, wei^ brides rtteirrirovG” FllENCH-.-^ ^ 'SSreaKis: A son was bom at the St. L a n Our Lady o! Victory Mothers taiy School'’ at the meeUng of the maids. Normsn H a«y was best ARI^LD PAGAN!. Prop. I .Mvi/wnimINDO-CHINA Nathan Hale P T A at 8 o'clock to cia Hospital in Hartford, Sunday man i for his and Francis We Save You Mpuey/ Cltvle will meet tomorrow at to Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neil, 54 PHONES: MI-3-7364 ^ MI-3-8847 S , r v w i; p.m. ht the home of Mrs.. Ida night in the achool au^toriuiu LaForge and Harry Friedrich, both ( Marshall Rd,. Low Cost 2nd M o^fige fsliMe .^ H e H s li: Ltndberg, S« West Middle Tum- of RocKvilie, uehered. Sgt. Elton C: Beebe, aon o f Mr. Presented ih inariiege by her piKa The Queen of Peace Mothers Cir and Mra.'Harold C. Beebe, 55 Biro father, the bride wore a ballerina Mrs. KiMlolpa W alter Hany LGAI '{ksbes# cle will meet with Mrs. Eileen Mar NO BROKER E>|IXE8— St., and husband of Mrs. Nancy gown o f imported white lace. Her P ’ *WiUi R Huff and R P u ff. ______ \ Andereon Shea Auxiliary, No. tin. 113 Bretton Rd., tomorrow st We Offei Saving 912 Million 1 a046, VFW, will meet toi^ht at Beebe of Durham. N. C„ has re 8 p. m. veil o f French illusion Was of fin the home of the K.lride's aister, Mrs. 7:80 at the Poet Home. Nomina ceded hie discharge trim the S2nd gertip length and attached to a Walter E. W »ir, 284 Oak St.. Wtilch CHARI HERSHMAN Serosnetlierij tion and election-of.^ officers wlU Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, crown of seed pearls. Stie carried was decorated with -white stream- NEDI AUEMILE taKe place at this meeting. ^ N. Ci. He ser\'ed thi*ee and a half a of split camatlone with era and wedding bells. RTGAGE CO. l-X:, POKPOttltlE Excise Cut years ■with the airborne, of which an orcxiid center. ! '' For a trto to Florida the bride >N| C H ^ M 3 T H A I U N b , b w o ^ N t -SAe-. Omdr. Helen M. Beebe an^ Sr Id months were spent as a maditne M a n c h e s t e r . The honor attendant wore a is wearing, a tan Milt with brpwii (^AMK' ^ IDRI^ *L _____ _ Vice Cradr. Martha MiUerattended giuiBer 'With the 45th Division in atr^Iess ballerina gown of aqua acceasorien bn their return they »r ' J — „5P ♦pj H<i|mrf»rumt WMmtlng nf ttorSa. Upon returning to marine nylon, 'with -ifiat^Ui^' p4pe will make their horns with tl — f - J D a t e B o o k the DAV Aludhary in Meriden on country he v>as. asoignM to the and her cascade bouquet was of bride's parents and receive th^ir rnchiubtin; Bundaj^^ 714th' T^tnK Battalion Reconnais- ' yellow carnations. The goWns of friends after March 22. Washington, March 10 (/P) sanca Platoon aa aectlcn leader of the bridesmaids were Identicel to The bride was graduated from CdMfOMd Washington, March 10 (/P)— Prefiident Eisenhower said to- Toalght ' —^President 'Eisenhower an The H^lQister PTA will meet to a acout section. that o f . the maid of honor, but of Manchester High Schopi; Class of day Sen. Flanders (R-Vt.) did a service by pointing up th®. Study group on U.N., Commu pink.nylon a;>d their cascades were 1951, - and has beeiymnploycd in H A L E ' S ^ nounced today he will go on night at o'clocK in the school nity T, 8 p. m. >718H«CN OUTNITS great danger of party-splitting strife^n his Senate speech of pink carnations. the research department of United television and radio prqbably andltoriuiil. The program will taKe St. Margaret-Mary:Mothers Cir ' Saturday, March IS ^rNENBTHCNCnirNENOTHCNEO critical of Sen. McCarthy (R -W is ).^ e “ the form of a seventh grade con- cle will meet tomorrowtensprre at 8 p.m. The mother tit the bride wore an Aircraft. The brid^room attended Headquarters next week to discuss infor President said h« Tall Cedars Ladies'Night, State aqua print dress, enb the bride wanted to make It clear he was not lerenei. Refrertunents will be at Uie home of M n. John Danlele, Armory. Roclrville" H irir School, telned the groom a mother, grey crepe. Both FOR mally the philosophy behind Issulng snyiblsnKet endorsement of : ■erred at the goes of the meeting. 200 Woodland St ^________■ Wwlfiailay. MercK n Air Nationbl^uerd and fa present-, rl m i M 8 A 6 9»A 6 • AM * a ivoi-e coreagee of yellow carnations iy— emplp^d'Hsy'' “Ow Flandera'. speech, but also told a ; Military whist, sponabred by , -----, .JommuBisr torees news conference: The Ladles Aid Society of the and sssistpd st a large reception et GuanlAt Bradley Field. ma<to • Mdden stfscK on the outppto ef genhe. Juet Mx miles soutb- President, making 'Die Rev. Paul G. l^ K o p y . of Cornerstone Club, basement of St.