/■ ■• V-‘^ - . / r .■- :P. ^ . iy ' ' V- . ?'■ .(■; ■'■. i.-j(-*S: T-’i.'>. - ." • j 'f i . } 1^/, .'„ ■ ■ , > , .; ■. : •. -. f'*" .- ■^ * .*« -<1. -c, t .. 1, . , .. - 'i.j'X' - - ■ -1^ . -r I ■■- . ._ t jf I , , / • : '-*• e aspen .4 ^ 1 XX- . TUESDAY, MARCfH 9. 1984 X- t ' •-A PS ^^lyp^PriiFRifiK: ^ • e k Ended T-^ Unne Lodge, No. '72, KnighU of Eaierfeney Doctors / Pythias, will hold Its regular meet- Q r g a D i z i n g injg tomorrow at 8 p. hi. In Orange / 11,145 Hell. ^ Hany-*Keeney Wedding Member o f the Audit Physlelsns of the Menchee- Em bliw Cliil^Here a » aoiwrt«qB F T A lBiU hold Ito HavwJTou An Event Bureau of Clriialations ter Medical Aaaodlation who The weeKly .meeting of the nM ttng id tho •ehool will respond to emergency calls Floretta Kseney^ M a n c h 0 »ter— A City of yillgge Charm ai-t^RBorrow at I p m. Recreation Dept.’s Model Airplane daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Plans for orgaamng an Emblem tomorrow afternoon and ere- Club will, be held Wednesday st Club, the w o m to ^ group associ­ Scheduled That A ttW the bwalnesa eeaelon h eliort ning are Dr. William Stroud, Keeney, 158 Keeney St„ became fdi^ entitled “Scattered Showera" the West Side Recreation Center bride of Rudolph Walter llany, ated with the tfiks, nvMsncheater y0L.^;XXIILN0.135 (Claeslfled Advertfstag ea Page 12) tei: MT 9-4708 and Dr. Robert instead of Thursday, beginning^at were formulsteo at a rto«ut meet­ MANCHESTER, CONN., WEDNESDAY, IdARCH 10.1954 e i^ be peeeented. The cast In* ButUrfield, tel. M I 9-4342. ' Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hany, 'or Food? PRICE P l V l l ^ i ^ tiwiee Mrs. Burton Praaler, Mn. 7 p. m."'- .'c' .. — ■ 55 Dayia Ave., RpcKville, Saturday, ing of women Interested^ organ- Ungard and J d V M W in-theu8iputh Methodtet Church. tsliig such a club: ■"I........ ' ilnr-iflia Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Thich. 10 The Ottubie-ring cereUony awe The preliminary worK Invdlyto. » w H df^, fi tono IfiMuMm. Ait parents are cordUll^ The Wap in Indochina Grows W arm IntHtad to attend, ftefreatamenta St. Francis Xavier Mothers’ Elm Ter., had as weekend guests performed wt 2 p.m. .by the minis- i In organising an Emblem Club herq. together w a socie^todge or some friendly group. will be aerved with Mra. Bari Circle will meet tomorrow night et Mrs. Matilda Matsico -and son. ter, the jSsiV^Dr. Fined 'll, Edgar.! was undertaken at this meettiqc, Bmlth acthig aa hoateaa. 8 o'clocK at the home of Mrs, Jo- Richard, of Norwood. R. I., and Mr. Organist He;-; e il A France played' and the next meeting was schto- WE ARE FRe Ka RED TO SERVE YOU eeidi MureweKl, 256 Autumn St., ; and Mrs. Julius MacKowtts and the bridal muslcNuid accompanied ! uled for April 7 at 8 p. m:, in X TO YO|ill COKiPLETE SATISFACTION Temple Chaptef, No. 6S, OBS ton, Stephen, of Craraton, R. I. the soloist, Mrs. ^ Iw e Teomene TinKer Hall. All Elks' wives whq wriu hold ita annual meeting with The Italian-Ameiicen Auxidary ParK, whoae numbeoiwere “Be-! are interested in becomins mem­ 0 ^'^teriitg service is wt up to be flexible enough to M D t UnACK . The ' Connecticut HdrUcuItursl reporta and election of officers to­ will meet tonight at 8 o'clock at cauee,’’ "I Love You T^ly" and bers are cordially invited to attend accomYaMfite nhy fiiie g«t^hering. Why not'call us and PMTPOtT OP SENHOl the 'clubhouse on Bldridge Street. Society will meet on March -18 at the Lord's Prayer. - , this meeting. HANOI morrow at S plm. After the meet­ 8 p.m. st the Bugbee School, West tallt/fiiQK the details? V . .. ' ‘ w at^w hi'^ ing movlea will be shown and re- Bridal attendants vrerSx Mias I Application blanks for member-;^ AUNTED trtll lM>:—rwed hv the Mise Vlralnle Macsuley, a*«mt- Hartford. Dr, Clement Bowers will Barbara Jackie as maid oi ship are available from Mrs. Helen ant p'roCwor of education st New speak ig r '''Asaleas and-RKododen Miss Evelyn Grimn. of Hebron, W s T T lW AuVuron S r “ ------------- -NiriiAMri men of the chaptesr JKiUt Herbert drons.” __ ECatfaf: ; Gobalt as chairman. Britain Teachers College, will Miss Florence 'HfUs' of Andov^, speak on "The Modem gnemen- cousins r f the bride, wei^ brides­ rtteirrirovG” FllENCH-.-^ ^ 'SSreaKis: A son was bom at the St. L a n ­ Our Lady o! Victory Mothers taiy School'’ at the meeUng of the maids. Normsn H a«y was best ARI^LD PAGAN!. Prop. I .Mvi/wnimINDO-CHINA Nathan Hale P T A at 8 o'clock to­ cia Hospital in Hartford, Sunday man i for his broti.er and Francis We Save You Mpuey/ Cltvle will meet tomorrow at to Mr. and Mrs. John O'Neil, 54 PHONES: MI-3-7364 ^ MI-3-8847 S , r v w i; p.m. ht the home of Mrs.. Ida night in the achool au^toriuiu LaForge and Harry Friedrich, both ( Marshall Rd,. Low Cost 2nd M o^fige fsliMe .^ H e H s li: Ltndberg, S« West Middle Tum- of RocKvilie, uehered. Sgt. Elton C: Beebe, aon o f Mr. Presented ih inariiege by her piKa The Queen of Peace Mothers Cir and Mra.'Harold C. Beebe, 55 Biro father, the bride wore a ballerina Mrs. KiMlolpa W alter Hany LGAI '{ksbes# cle will meet with Mrs. Eileen Mar­ NO BROKER E>|IXE8— St., and husband of Mrs. Nancy gown o f imported white lace. Her P ’ *WiUi R Huff and R P u ff. ______ \ Andereon Shea Auxiliary, No. tin. 113 Bretton Rd., tomorrow st We Offei Saving 912 Million 1 a046, VFW, will meet toi^ht at Beebe of Durham. N. C„ has re­ 8 p. m. veil o f French illusion Was of fin­ the home of the K.lride's aister, Mrs. 7:80 at the Poet Home. Nomina­ ceded hie discharge trim the S2nd gertip length and attached to a Walter E. W »ir, 284 Oak St.. Wtilch CHARI HERSHMAN Serosnetlierij tion and election-of.^ officers wlU Airborne Division at Fort Bragg, crown of seed pearls. Stie carried was decorated with -white stream- NEDI AUEMILE taKe place at this meeting. ^ N. Ci. He ser\'ed thi*ee and a half a Casct.de of split camatlone with era and wedding bells. RTGAGE CO. l-X:, POKPOttltlE Excise Cut years ■with the airborne, of which an orcxiid center. ! '' For a trto to Florida the bride >N| C H ^ M 3 T H A I U N b , b w o ^ N t -SAe-. Omdr. Helen M. Beebe an^ Sr Id months were spent as a maditne M a n c h e s t e r . The honor attendant wore a is wearing, a tan Milt with brpwii (^AMK' ^ IDRI^ *L _____ _ Vice Cradr. Martha MiUerattended giuiBer 'With the 45th Division in atr^Iess ballerina gown of aqua­ acceasorien bn their return they »r ' J — „5P ♦pj H<i|mrf»rumt WMmtlng nf ttorSa. Upon returning to marine nylon, 'with -ifiat^Ui^' p4pe will make their horns with tl — f - J D a t e B o o k the DAV Aludhary in Meriden on country he v>as. asoignM to the and her cascade bouquet was of bride's parents and receive th^ir rnchiubtin; Bundaj^^ 714th' T^tnK Battalion Reconnais- ' yellow carnations. The goWns of friends after March 22. Washington, March 10 (/P) sanca Platoon aa aectlcn leader of the bridesmaids were Identicel to The bride was graduated from CdMfOMd Washington, March 10 (/P)— Prefiident Eisenhower said to- Toalght ' —^President 'Eisenhower an­ The H^lQister PTA will meet to­ a acout section. that o f . the maid of honor, but of Manchester High Schopi; Class of day Sen. Flanders (R-Vt.) did a service by pointing up th®. Study group on U.N., Commu­ pink.nylon a;>d their cascades were 1951, - and has beeiymnploycd in H A L E ' S ^ nounced today he will go on night at o'clocK in the school nity T, 8 p. m. >718H«CN OUTNITS great danger of party-splitting strife^n his Senate speech of pink carnations. the research department of United television and radio prqbably andltoriuiil. The program will taKe St. Margaret-Mary:Mothers Cir­ ' Saturday, March IS ^rNENBTHCNCnirNENOTHCNEO critical of Sen. McCarthy (R -W is ).^ e “ the form of a seventh grade con- cle will meet tomorrowtensprre at 8 p.m. The mother tit the bride wore an Aircraft. The brid^room attended Headquarters next week to discuss infor­ President said h« Tall Cedars Ladies'Night, State aqua print dress, enb the bride­ wanted to make It clear he was not lerenei. Refrertunents will be at Uie home of M n. John Danlele, Armory. Roclrville" H irir School, telned the groom a mother, grey crepe. Both FOR mally the philosophy behind Issulng snyiblsnKet endorsement of : ■erred at the goes of the meeting. 200 Woodland St ^________■ Wwlfiailay. MercK n Air Nationbl^uerd and fa present-, rl m i M 8 A 6 9»A 6 • AM * a ivoi-e coreagee of yellow carnations iy— emplp^d'Hsy'' “Ow Flandera'. speech, but also told a ; Military whist, sponabred by , -----, .JommuBisr torees news conference: The Ladles Aid Society of the and sssistpd st a large reception et GuanlAt Bradley Field. ma<to • Mdden stfscK on the outppto ef genhe. Juet Mx miles soutb- President, making 'Die Rev. Paul G. l^ K o p y . of Cornerstone Club, basement of St.
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