Blue Mountains Historical Society Sir Frederick Matthew Darley Was Born 18Th September
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HOBBY'S REACH MUSEUM ! BLUE MOUNTAINS BLAXLAND ROAD WENTWORTH FALLS i HISTORICAL SOCIET) I -·- """'"f· VOLUME 2 NUMBER l .JV""tE,.,..,q, OFFICE BEARERS 1991-1992 President: J. Ke\~n Bennett 822971 Secretaty : Brian Ctaven 57 34 3 3 · Vice President: C. Slade 8:21648·etH ours Officer: Geoff Sadler 821402 Vice President: Prof. J. Still 881041 Curator: Bill Graharn 573436 Res em h Ortic er: G\11en Silvey 8 2 12 9 2 librarian : Valerie Ct-aven 573433 Pu blic:it":-" Ortic er: Bruce Mc W'hirt er 8 23 O3 3 Editor Pat Bm·g e 571840 New Member Applicalions , •The pereone, 'vthose nemes appear in the list. belo·v1, have applied tormember:::hip ot i ; the Society. Their Membership Fees have been pald and their applications been I cotrectlynominat.ed and seconded . I •under the terms ot Section 5 of the Societys' Rules ot A.ssoclation, any objecti on to an I application formembership must be lodged, in ~,..nting, ·vAth the Secretery·within 14 days ot the ! applicants n&rn e being circulated to members. · I •it no such objection t.o any of the tollo'wing applications is received by 14th M~.y 1991 1 I the persons concerned 'will be deemed to have been accepted as members of the Society. Mr Nigel Irving & Mrs Jackie Irving. 26 Blaxland Road. Wentworth Falls. 2780. GEORGES RIVER CRUISE A cruise on the Georges River has been organised for TUESDAY 18TH JUNE 1991. Our last cruise in this area journeyed down river from Milperra but this one will travel up river into the Chipping Norton Lakes. The day trip will also take in the Army Engineer Museum at Casula. A light sandwich lunch will be included in the cruise. A BROCHURE WITH PRICES AND FULL DETAILS WILL BE DISTRIBUTED IN THE NEAR FUTURE. Enquires or bookings - Phone Geoff Sadler 821402. Muse um Roster Volunteers As there is still a shortage of Roster Volunteers - most of us have had to "double up" for the three special week-ends in April (1 Oam to 4pm). Apologies and thank you to those volunteers. Can you offer your help. please? - call Dulcie Toseland 841682 MAY Sal. 4t h C. A'vis &G . Sadler Sat. 25th R. Radnidge Sun. 5th J. &J. Hon ~ en Sun . 26th D. &A. To~e l end : S;:,.t. 11th G. Silvey& S. \A/~ n ·wtight Sun. 12th Vacant - Mothers Day Sat. 18th V & BCraven Sun . 19th K. Edvterds JUNE ::,;;,t., 13t, K 8 tnn ett :;,.., G. :~~ . rj! er '38t22nd P. E~ell &. 8. ForgMrd ·3•m. 2nd 8. Mc ··Nhirt er Sun. 23rd M. ,A,11fa ,~!. L Evetin g hein-1 Sal: . 8th P. Sh8rp e&.N . Pollock Sat.29th A. Ba urn gert en Sun . 9th R. &. f. Dash Sun .30th Vacant Sat. 15th D. T 03 eland & .J. Ross Sun. 16th C. Slade Research Sub-Committee - Coming Erents Sunday, May 12th - Wentworth Fails will be th e venue for the May walk/drive to com me nee ar 1 .30pm fror.1 :he corner of Gr em Western Highway and F al!s Roac; .:·:,,:s·Jr: Park). 'Ne si:a:: ~.:,,::); at :·r1 cff·Y ol d houses and sites (including "Whi::>;Je r 1 ~ g P!nes") . 3nd learr. J.bJ'Jt tne V!llage of Brasfort 1Nh1ch was gazetted in the 1880's for residential use. Tuesday. May 28th - Speaker for th is Research Meeting at Hobby's Reach Museum. Wentworth Falls at 7.30 p m. will be well-known local architect Nigel Bell. His talk entitled "Heritage Streetscape" wi ll include details of many urban areas on the Blue Mountains sti ll intact from the early days. Sunday. June 9th - Our June walk/drive will be in the village of Hazelbrook, where we will meet in the main shopping area (near the "Footsteps in Time" monument) on the northern side of the Highway. Tuesday. June 25th - We are planning something different f.or our June Research Meeting at 7.30pm at Hobby's Reach Museum, Wentworth Falls - a Historical Quiz night. Members ar.e encouraged to each submit a question (and answer! ) on Blue Mountains Hi story to the Research Officer by 1st June for inclusion in the progamme. Interesting and unusual subjects should ensure that everyone participates in the "Prize" of an enjoyable and informative night. 2. Lucy Osburn - Our first professional Nurse Faulconbrige has a strong association with a famous figure in Australian history He is Sir Henry Parkes who came to this country with his wife and chikten barely able to find the rent for a house and sufficient spare money to buy food. Yet he . rose from near poverty to become Premier of New South Wales between 1872 and 1894. and if often remembered as the Father of Federation. In 1874, a platform was built at Faulconbrige for Sir Henry. and named Faulconbridge after his mother. who had been Miss Martha Faulconbrigde before his marriage. He built a comfortable time home there which he named Stonehurst in memory of his home village. "Stoneleigh" in England. He was later to build a second home at F aulconbridge. and on his death his remains were interred in a gave in the small cemetery adjacent to the ,railway station . where his son. who died at an early age . was also buried. Sir Henry was given a magnificent funeral, but strangely and sadly he was penniless when the died. \.__..-One of the mo st important actions taken by Sir Henr·y was to organi se a grou p of tra 1ned nurses to come to thi s countr·'./. !r: the 1860's he sent an ur·gent e;::>::iea! to Florence Nightingale asking that a grnup ot professional nur·ses come to Sydn ey because the nursing standard in the colony from its first days ha d been unbelieveably bad. Florence Nightingale responded in 1867 by sending a professional nurse. Lucy Osburn, and five nursing probationers who were to work in the Sydney Infirmary (later named Sydney Hospital) and correct its deplorable conditions. In those days the hospitals were rat infested. operations were non sterile. and conditions in the wards left much to be desired. So the Nightingale Wing in Sydney Hospital can claim to be the birth place of nursing in Austraiia. The first new Ward was built in 1869 to provide accommodation for the Nightingale nursin g sent 1n response to the appeal made by Sir Henry Parkes ho was an ardent reformer, The nurses sai led for their three month voyage to "-Australia in the "Dunbar Castle". in the case of Lucy Osburn. a resolute, cultured woman aged 32 years, Governor Macquarie and his wife ha'd been the motivators behind the building of the hospital in 1816. and it was originally orderly and clean. but when she arrived Lucy Osborn could not believe the scene of dirt and desolation which she found. Unwashed patients lay in bµg-infested beds. the wards were so crowded that as one patient was carried from it to the mortuary. another climbed into the bed. having sat on a bedside chair waiting for the body to be removed! So Lucy Osburn set to work, In spite of defiant, disrespectful hospital staff, under her instruction the filthy wards were eventually clean , new helpers were employed and a nursing training school opened, Sadly, four of her five original nurses began to plot against her authority, yet Lucy never gave in. although lonely and over worked. By 1873 she was able to write and advise Florence Nightingale claiming some success and progess in achieving a clean hospital and a more co-operative staff. As a result of a Royal Commission geater do operation began to take place. and sixteen years after her arrival, Lucy Osburn returned home to England, leaving a well-run Sydney Hospital. 3 Today the matron of that hospital may sit in the cedar chair used by Lucy Osburn, happy that the original hospital ward (now known as the Florence Nightingale Ward) created by Lucy Osburn and restored by the Public Works Department for the 1988 Bicentary is a visual tribute to those early nursing days. And Sir Henry Parkes, resting in the peaceful Blue Mountains cemetery at Faulconbridge, which was and tourists may visit. provides a link with some of Sydney's well-known and valuable services to the public. Another exciting "near to home" fact - if members would care to read more about those early days of nursing. in the Society's Library they will find in the reference section, a copy of "The First Fifty Years" by Dorothy Armstrong (RM 70). Frances Pollon March 1991 Progrtss Rtport on Butldtng Projtot 1nd T11r1J14. At a recent Specia1 Meeting of the Executive Committee ( 9 / 4 /91 ) it was d•cided to appoint a Project Committee to prepare briefs for' a conservation report on Tarella and architectural plans for the extensions to Hobby's Reach Museum.The members of this Committee are: Glen Bowditch, Judith Graham, Valerie Craven, Marlene Jones, Jack Still and Brian Crav•n. The Committee has bten asked to report to tht Executive Comm1ttet of th• Society by 4th Junt, 1991, so that the Exeoutiv• oan make th• neoessary deois:ions: . Brian Cr av en, Honorary Secretary . Progn1mmt for Fortboomtng S1turd1y Mttttngs. Saturd~, 4th M.ty, 1991. T.t lk by Theo B.trktr, of Bathurst. "History from th• Newspapers." Saturday , 1st June, 1 991 . Talk by O.or9• Gyford, of Cambridge P.trk. "past and Present Activitits of tht Ntpean Archto logica 1 Society ". Saturday , 6th July , 1991 .