THE GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 27, 1891. 64'fl fl-umber of persons present and voting on the Mayor of the City of London, and the •seventh" day of November one thousand eight Lord Mayor of the said city for the time hundred ninety and one. being; Sir William j Lawrence, Knt., Sir . This Statute if approved will be inserted, in James Clarke Lawrence, Bart., Sir Andrew Lusk, Statute 13 (c) immediately after 13 (6). Bart, William James Richmond. Cotton, Esq., 13 (c). The seniority of Felltiws shall be deter- Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott, Knt., Sir John inined according to .tlie order of their admission Whittaker Ellis, Bart., Sir Henry Edmund :& fuU fellows. Knight, Knt., Colonel Sir Reginald Hanson, Provided that where a person is appointed Bart., Sir Polydore De Keyser, Knt., and Sir To-appointed or elected to an Official Fellowship James Whitehead, Bart., Aldermen of the city of who has been a Fellow within a year before such London ; Sir Thomas Chambers; Knt., Recorder Appointment re-appointment . or election his of the city of London, and the Recorder of the .seniority shall be reckoned from the date of his said city for the time being; David Evans, -.first admission. Esq., Lieutenant-Colonel Phineas Cowan, .Stuart Knill, Esq., George Robert Tyler, Esq., Joseph Renals, Esq.,. Colonel. Walter Henry Wilkin, George Faudel Phillips, Esq., Edward Hart, Esq., Lieutenant-Colonel Horatio David Dav-tes, John Voce Moore, Esq., Alfred James. Newton, Esq., Frank Green, Esq., Joseph Cockfield Dimsdale, Esq., Marcus Samuel, Esq., Privy Council Office, 2-k/S
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