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THE GAZETTE, NOVEMBER 27, 1891. 64'fl fl-umber of persons present and voting on the Mayor of the City of London, and the •seventh" day of November one thousand eight Lord Mayor of the said city for the time hundred ninety and one. being; Sir William j Lawrence, Knt., Sir . This Statute if approved will be inserted, in James Clarke Lawrence, Bart., Sir Andrew Lusk, Statute 13 (c) immediately after 13 (6). Bart, William James Richmond. Cotton, Esq., 13 (c). The seniority of Felltiws shall be deter- Sir Francis Wyatt Truscott, Knt., Sir John inined according to .tlie order of their admission Whittaker Ellis, Bart., Sir Henry Edmund :& fuU fellows. Knight, Knt., Colonel Sir Reginald Hanson, Provided that where a person is appointed Bart., Sir Polydore De Keyser, Knt., and Sir To-appointed or elected to an Official Fellowship James Whitehead, Bart., Aldermen of the city of who has been a Fellow within a year before such London ; Sir Thomas Chambers; Knt., Recorder Appointment re-appointment . or election his of the city of London, and the Recorder of the .seniority shall be reckoned from the date of his said city for the time being; David Evans, -.first admission. Esq., Lieutenant-Colonel Phineas Cowan, .Stuart Knill, Esq., George Robert Tyler, Esq., Joseph Renals, Esq.,. Colonel. Walter Henry Wilkin, George Faudel Phillips, Esq., Edward Hart, Esq., Lieutenant-Colonel Horatio David Dav-tes, John Voce Moore, Esq., Alfred James. Newton, Esq., Frank Green, Esq., Joseph Cockfield Dimsdale, Esq., Marcus Samuel, Esq., Privy Council Office, 2-k/S November^ 1891: and James Thompson Ritchie, Esq., Alder- OTICE is hereby given,.that a Petition has men of the city of London, and the Ald<srr „N been addressed to Her Majesty" in Council men of the said city for the time being; iby certain Inhabitant Householders within the Benjamin Scott, Esq., Chamberlain of the city "Local Government Districts 'of Br-ighouse and of London, and the Chamberlain of the said Jtsstrick, and the District of Hove Edge (part of city for the time being; Sir John Braddick 'the Hipperholme Rural Sanitary District), in the Monckton, Knt., Town Clerk of the city of West Riding of the county of York, praying that London, and the Town Clerk of the said city a MtNiciPAL CHAB.TEK, OF INCOKPOKATION may for the time being ; .Sir William Thomas Charley, ife granted to the town of Brighouse, comprising Knt., Common Serjeant of the city of London, the said Districts ; and notice is hereby further and the Common Serjeant of the said city for ;given, that the said Petition will be taken into the time being; Samuel Elliot Atkins, Esq., •Consideration by a Committee of the Lords of George Walter,. Esq., John King Farlow, Esq., Her Majesty's Most Honourable Privy Council John Young, Esq., George Fisher, Esq., George 'On the 14th day of January, one thousand eight Pepler, Esq., James Edmeston, Esq., Henry hundred and ninety-two. • Lawrence Hammack, Esq., Frederick Cox, Esq., John Thomas Bedford, Esq., Edward .Ey>e Ashby, Esq., John Edward Walford, Esq., James Street, Kovember,25, 1891. Harvey, Esq., James Norris Pimm, Esq., Wliin- Queen has been pleased to appoint Sir field Hora, Esq., Janies Wallinger Gpodinge, Frederick Matthew Darley, Knt., Chief Justice Esq., James Sheppard Scott, Esq., Richard •of New South Wales, to be Lieutenant-Governor Clarence Halse, Esq., John Hughes, Esq., James •of that Colony and its Dependencies. George White, Esq., Frederick Dadswell, Esq., William Thornburgh Brown, Esq., Joseph Snow.- den, Esq., George Harris Hay wood, Esq., William Whitehall; November 6,. 1891. Creasey,, Esq., Geoi'ge Rose Innes, Esq., Robert Hargreaves Rogers, Esq., Robert Parker Taylor, THE Queen has been pleased to grant unto Esq., William Sutton Gover, Esq., and Andrew .Paul Julius Reuter, Esquire, Her royal licence Bo wring, Esq., Deputies of the city of London, and authority that he and the heirs male of his and the Deputies of the said city for the time Ttody (being respectively natural born subjects being; Sir Sydney Hedley Waterlow, Bart., of this realm), upon whom the dignity of Baron James Ebenezer Saunders, Esq., Sir Henry von Renter shall devolve in virtue of the limita- Aaron Isaacs, Knt., and Edward James Gray, tions contained in the letters patent or diploma Esq., formerly Aldermen of the city of London ; of that title granted by His Royal Highness William George Barnes, Esq., Sir John Bennett, Ernest II, Reigning. Duke of Saxe Coburg and 'Knt., William Cave Fowler, Esq., Arthur •Gotha, unto the said Paul Julius Reuter, and Edmund Taylor, Esq., George Sims, Esq., •bearing date at Gotha on the seventh day of Robert William Sc'bbell, Esq., Thomas Beard, September, one thousand eiizht hundred and Esq., Joseph Gosling Arnold, Esq., and Thomas .seventy-one, may avail himself and themselves of Webber, Esq., formerly Deputies of the city of •the said honour, and that he and they .may London ; James Pattison Currie, Esq., Benjamin respectively assume and use the said title in this Buck Greene, Esq., Henry Riversdale Grenfell, "Country: • . Esq., Henry Hucks Gibbs, Esq., John Saunders And to command .that the said Royal con- Gilliat, Esq., Charles Hermann Gos'chen, Esq., cession and declaration, together-with the.said Thomson Hankey, Esq., Henry Lancelot Holland, Royal letters patent or diploma, be registered in Esq.; Edward Howley Palmer, Esq., Alfred Her Majesty's College of Arms. Charles de Rothschild, Esq., Clifford Wigram, Esq., Henry Wollaston Blake, Esq., Sir Mark, Wilks C6llett, Bart., the Right Honourable War Office, November.7,,1891. .. } George Joachim Goschen, Charles Frederick THE Queen has been pleased to; issue, '& new Huth,Esq.:, Albert George Saudeman, Esq., Hugh •Commission of Lieutenancy for the City of London, ColinfSmith, Esq., John William Birch, Esq.,t the •constituting and appointing • the several persbns Right Honourable William Lidderdale; David ^undermentioned to be Her Majesty's Lieu- Powell, ]£sq., Herbert Brooks, Esq., Edward -te'nanta- within the said Gity", viz. :-^-The' Right Charles, Lord Revelstoke ; Everard Alexander Botiourable Sir Joseph Savory, Bart.,-. Lord Ha'rabro, Esq.,' Samuel Steuart Gladstone, Esq.,.