What Is New and Hot in Genetics of Human Atopic Dermatitis: Shifting Paradigms in the Landscape of Allergic Skin Diseases

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What Is New and Hot in Genetics of Human Atopic Dermatitis: Shifting Paradigms in the Landscape of Allergic Skin Diseases Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2014;22(4):313-315 LETTER TO THE EDITOR What is New and Hot in Genetics of Human Atopic Dermatitis: Shifting Paradigms in the Landscape of Allergic Skin Diseases The immunologic abnormalities in patients with of the most prominent genes responsible for barrier allergic skin diseases occur as a consequence of pri- defect. FLG has been identified as a major locus caus- mary defects residing within the epidermis, suggest- ing skin barrier deficiency; however, not all patients ing an association between skin barrier dysfunction with AD have this mutation, so AD cannot be ex- and immune abnormalities (1). The skin barrier is plained by FLG mutation (3,4). Support for barrier de- located in the uppermost layers of the epidermis, ficiency initiating AD came from flaky tail mice, which the stratum corneum, with important elements: in- have frameshift mutation in FLG and also carry an tracellular keratin filaments, intercellular lipids, and unknown gene, the Matt gene, causing a matted hair a cornified cell envelope. It plays a vital role in all ter- phenotype (1,4,5). This phenotype in flaky tail mice is restrial forms of life, due to prevention of fluid loss due to a mutation in the Tmem79/Matt gene, with no and protection from microbial and allergen invasion. expression of the encoded protein mattrin in the skin Functional lack of epidermal enzymes and structural of mutant mice. Sasaki et al. and Saunders et al. re- skin proteins compromises skin barrier integrity and port successful delineation of the genetic basis of the function. These deficiencies can even induce local flaky tail mouse phenotype (1,4,5). Flaky tail mice dis- changes in the expression of various inflammatory play a matted hair phenotype and have spontaneous mediators, suggesting the direct immunologic role dermatitis under pathogen-free conditions; and have of the epidermis in the pathogenesis of allergic skin been used over the years as a model for AD (1). These diseases (1). Primary isolated epidermal defects can mice arose spontaneously as the result of crosses result in allergy. Filaggrin (FLG), involucrin, and lo- between mice carrying a recessive mutation named ricrin are among the most important structural pro- matted (ma), and have been since maintained as teins. Also, lipids play very important role, as well as double mutants (maft) (1). It has recently been found some enzymes, such as serine proteases. Netherton that flaky tail mice carry a deletion in the mouse FLG syndrome is classic example of autosomal recessive gene, suggesting that FLG deficiency might explain disorder due to loss-of-function mutations in SPINK5, their propensity to have dermatitis, analogous with the gene encoding the SP inhibitor lymphoepithelial the situation in some human patients with AD (not Kazal-type trypsin inhibitor (LEKTI) (2). Most impor- all patients with AD have FLG mutation). Genetically tantly, mutations of filaggrin (FLG) gene, an essential engineered FLG-deficient mice display impaired bar- component of the skin barrier, are associated with rier function, but lack the propensity of spontane- ichthyosis vulgaris and atopic dermatitis (AD). AD is ous skin inflammation of flaky tail mice. Matted mice inflammatory skin disease caused by inherited skin spontaneously develop dermatitis and atopy caused barrier deficiency, with mutations in FLG predispos- by a defective skin barrier, with mutant mice having ing to development of AD. AD has highly heritable systemic sensitization after cutaneous challenge with complex trait; however, environmental influences house dust mite allergens. The matted phenotype also play a role in triggering the atopic diathesis (3,4). was found to be due to a loss-of-function mutation Genome-wide association studies in AD have identi- in Tmem79 (4,5). Unexpectedly, the Tmem79 muta- fied several susceptibility loci; however, the major and tion, rather than the deletion in FLG, was found to only functionally characterized genetic factor is FLG, be associated with the development of dermatitis in which encodes skin barrier protein FLG (4). FLG is one mice (1). Moreover, exogenous Tmem79 expression ACTA DERMATOVENEROLOGICA CROATICA 313 Letter to the editor Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2014;22(4):313-315 was able to rescue both the hair and the dermatitis OR10A3-NLRP10, GLB1, CCDC80, CARD11, ZNF365, phenotype in flaky tail mice (1). These studies have and CYP24A1-PFDN4) (15). However, the causal vari- elucidated the relative contributions of the FLG and ants at all loci except FLG are unknown (6). Matt mutations in DM mice (1). These data indicate In conclusion, we can state that FLG has been, and that the DM mouse is not a true model of FLG defi- still remains the major susceptibility gene in patients ciency-associated AD-like skin (3). Tmem79 is mainly with AD, but genetic pathways in atopic patients are expressed in the granular layers of the epidermis, complex and influenced by the environment, includ- where its absence correlates with abnormal function ing multiple genes involved in skin barrier, as well of lamellar granules (1,5). Those lamellar granules are as proteins, lipids, and enyzmes interacting with im- Golgi-derived specialized organelles, responsible for mune system. Therefore, we have many future lessons transferring lipids and proteases to the upper part of to learn from the genetics of atopic diseases. the epidermis (5). Therefore, Mattrin could be a link between protein and lipid interaction in etiopatholo- References gy of AD. Meta-analysis of 4.245 AD cases and 10.558 1. Sprecher E, Leung DY. Atopic dermatitis: Scrat- population-matched control patients showed that a ching through the complexity of barrier dysfunc- missense SNP, rs6694514, in the human Matt gene tion. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2013;132:1130-1. has a small but significant association with AD (3). Expression quantitative trait locus analysis showed 2. PM Elias. Skin barrier function. Curr Allergy Asth- that Matt is in a network of proteins expressed late in ma Rep 2008;8:299-305. epidermal differentiation, with an expression quanti- 3. Palmer CN, Irvine AD, Terron-Kwiatkowski A, Zhao tative trait locus profile closely matching that of Rhbg Y, Liao H, Lee SP, et al. Common loss-of-function (transporter protein) and Rab25 (membrane traffick- variants of the epidermal barrier protein filaggrin ing) (4). Mattrin shows distant sequence homology are a major predisposing factor for atopic derma- to the membrane- associated proteins in eicosanoid titis. Nat Genet 2006;38:441-6. and glutathione metabolism (MAPEG) protein family 4. Saunders SP, Goh CS, Brown SJ, Palmer CN, Por- (4). Matt mutation results in defective expression of ter RM, Cole C, et al. Tmem79/Matt is the matted the transmembrane protein mattrin, which is highly mouse gene and is a predisposing gene for atopic expressed in the upper granular layer of epidermal dermatitis in human subjects. J Allergy Clin Im- keratinocytes, with a predicted role in lipid homeo- munol 2013;132:1121-9. stasis. It is interesting to mention that authors noted 5. Sasaki T, Shiohama A, Kubo A, Kawasaki H, Ishida- that FLG mutation has a neonatal influence, whereas Yamamoto A, et al. A homozygous nonsense mu- Matt mutation shows progressive influence with age. tation in the gene for Tmem79, a component for This indicates the polygenic nature of the DM mouse the lamellar granule secretory system, produces as an AD model and indicates the differential influ- spontaneous eczema in an experimental mo- ence of both the FLG and Matt mutations (4). del of atopic dermatitis. J Allergy Clin Immunol Recently, four new susceptibility loci for AD were 2013;132:1111-20. identified and previous associations were replicated, 6. Ellinghaus D, Baurecht H, Esparza-Gordillo J, Rod- which brings the number of AD-risk loci reported in ríguez E, Matanovic A, Marenholz I, et al. High- individuals of European ancestry to 11 (7). It is esti- density genotyping study identifies four new mated that together, these susceptibility loci account susceptibility loci for atopic dermatitis. Nat Genet for 14.4% of the heritability for AD (7). Genome-wide 2013;45:808-12. association studies (GWAS) have shown remarkable overlap across immune-mediated diseases (7). Two 7. Zhernakova, A., van Diemen, C.C. & Wijmenga, C. Detecting shared pathogenesis from the shared European GWAS on AD established four susceptibil- genetics of immune-related diseases. Nat Rev Ge- ity loci (C11orf30, OVOL1, ACTL9 and RAD50-IL13- net 2009;10:43-55. KIF3A) in addition to FLG (4-6). At C11orf30, the same allele also confers risk to asthma and Crohn’s disease 8. Esparza-Gordillo J, Weidinger S, Fölster-Holst (5,9-11). For RAD50-IL13, locus agonistic effects were R, Bauerfeind A, Ruschendorf F, Patone G, et al. observed for asthma, and locus antagonistic effects A common variant on chromosome 11q13 is were observed for psoriasis (6,12,13). Two further loci associated with atopic dermatitis. Nat Genet were reported in a Chinese GWAS (TNFRSF6B-ZGPAT 2009;41:596-601. and TMEM232-SLC25A46) (14). All loci were confirmed 9. Paternoster L, Standl M, Chen CM, Ramasamy in a recent Japanese GWAS, which additionally re- A, Bønnelykke K, Duijts L, et al. Meta-analysis of ported eight new loci (IL1RL1-IL18R1-IL18RAP, MHC, genome-wide association studies identifies th- 314 ACTA DERMATOVENEROLOGICA CROATICA Letter to the editor Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 2014;22(4):313-315 ree new risk loci for atopic dermatitis. Nat Genet 15. Hirota T, Takahashi A, Kubo M, Tsunoda T, Tomita 2012;44:187-92. K, Sakashita M, et al. Genome-wide association 10. Marenholz I, Bauerfeind A, Esparza-Gordillo J, study identifies eight new susceptibility loci for Kerscher T, Granell R, Nickel R, et al. The eczema atopic dermatitis in the Japanese population. Nat risk variant on chromosome 11q13 (rs7927894) Genet 2012;44:1222-6.
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