International Boundaries Research Unit BOUNDARY & TERRITORY BRIEFING Volume 3 Number 3 War and Peace on the Danube: The Evolution of the Croatia-Serbia Boundary Mladen Klemenčić and Clive Schofield Boundary and Territory Briefing Volume 3 Number 3 ISBN 1-897643-41-1 2001 War and Peace on the Danube: The Evolution of the Croatia-Serbia Boundary by Mladen Klemenčić and Clive Schofield With a contribution from Miroslav Reba International Boundaries Research Unit Department of Geography University of Durham South Road Durham DH1 3LE UK Tel: UK + 44 (0) 191 334 1961 Fax: UK +44 (0) 191 334 1962 E-mail:
[email protected] www: The Authors Mladen Klemenčić is a Croatian political geographer working with the Lexicographic Institute in Zagreb. He is a former Fellow with the International Boundaries Research Unit and is regional editor for former Yugoslavia for IBRU’s Boundary and Security Bulletin. Dr Clive Schofield is Deputy Director of the International Boundaries Research Unit at the University of Durham, England. IBRU works to enhance the resources available for the peaceful resolution of problems associated with international boundaries on land and at sea around the world. Acknowledgements The authors would like to warmly thank Miro Reba for his assistance. Much of the material on cadastral limits and claims related to the ‘Danube dispute’ between Croatia and Serbia included in this Briefing is based on Miro’s dissertation on that topic for his M.A. in International Boundaries at the University of Durham (1999). Thanks are also due to David Hume, Steven Allan and Chris Orton of Durham University’s Design and Imaging Unit who are responsible for most of the maps accompanying the text.