Civitas Nostra Cracoviensis. a Sketch of the Townpolitics of Kazimierz
STUDIA HISTORYCZNE R. LVI, 2013, Z. 1 (221) PL ISSN 0025-1429 ARTYKUŁY I ROZPRAWY Marcin Starzyński CIVITAS NOSTRA CRACOVIENSIS. A SKETCH OF THE TOWN POLITICS OF KAZIMIERZ WIELKI (PART II) Abstract The article sums up our knowledge about the attitude of king Kazimierz Wielki towards the city of Krakow, as the biggest and most important municipal center in the Kingdom of Poland. Słowa kluczowe: Kazimierz Wielki, Kraków, mieszczaństwo. Key Words: Kazimierz Wielki (Casimir the Great), Krakow, burghers. The fi rst information about elections to the Kraków city council carried out during the reign of Kazimierz Wielki dates from 1343.1 Obviously, it does not mention that elections to this body had not taken place since 1330,2 the last time the names of people named to the council were listed in the city records. However, surviving sources allow for the reconstruction, albeit fragmentary, of the makeup of the council from before 1343.3 One of the restrictions levied against Kraków by Władysław Łokietek following the suppression of vogt Albert’s rebellion was the effective changing of the earlier procedures of choosing new councillors, who presumably had been 1 Liber actorum, resignationum nec non ordinationum civitatis Cracoviae 1300–1375, ed. F. Piekosiński, [in:] Najstarsze księgi rachunki miasta Krakowa od r. 1300 do 1400, pt. 1, eds. F. Piekosiński, J. Szujski, Kraków 1878 (henceforth: NajstKs.), p. 167. 2 Ibidem, p. 103. 3 M. Starzyń s k i, Krakowska rada miejska w średniowieczu, “Maiestas – Potestas – Com- munitas”, 3, Kraków 2010, pp. 227–229. 4 appointed each year by the outgoing councillors until 1312.4 It is also not out of the question that this action was undertaken in consultation with the hereditary vogt.
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