
Koala Crossword UnderstandingComplete a crossword koalas using to a learncrossword about puzzle koalas

Objective Grades 3 - 4

 Students will learn about koalas by completing a crossword puzzle.

Key Words  koala Background information   The small, gray, -like koala is one of ’s best-loved . According to Australian folklore, the spirits of lost children live in koalas.  Koalas spend their lives high in branches of eucalyptus, or gum trees. Their strong claws help them Standard hold onto branches.

 SCI.4.3.2  With their bright eyes, fuzzy ears, shiny nose, thick , and stump of a tail, koalas look like they are related to . However, they are not bears. They belong to the group of called , or pouched mammals.  Female koalas carry their young in a . The newborn remains there for several months. Young koalas are helpless during their first of life, because they are not able to gather their own food.


 Have students used the attached crossword puzzle.

Recommended assessment

 Check to be certain students filled in the blanks correctly.

Extensions  Have students research the different types of pouches that marsupials have, then construct three- dimensional models to illustrate each type of pouch. Students will learn that pouches are not "pockets"

as they are often portrayed in storybooks.

Answer Key ACROSS: DOWN: 5. Australia 1.gray 6. months 2. claws

8. folklore 3. marsupials 10. bear 4. thick

11. eucalyptus. 7. pouches 9. helplesslives

Koala Crossword Use the clues to fill in the blanks with the koala’s described characteristic.