East of Ipswich Plan Area Housing Market Area Maps

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East of Ipswich Plan Area Housing Market Area Maps East of Ipswich Plan Area Housing Market Area Maps O - 5608 - 2446 - Grundisburgh - None 5608 Object East of Ipswich Plan Area Housing Market Area Grundisburgh Respondent: Grundisburgh & Culpho Parish Council (Mr John Agent: N/A Ager) [2446] Full Text: Grundisburgh and Culpho Parish Council response to Site Allocation and Area Specific Policies Development Plan Document. On 15th Sept 2014 Parish Councillor Ann Willetts and District Councillor Anthony Fryatt met with two planning officers to discuss the Site Allocation and Area Specific Policies Development Plan Document as it affects Grundisburgh. They seemed to agree that as the housing allocation for Grundisburgh in the Local Plan 2010-2027 is NIL and total completions since 2010 is 21 with 24 outstanding then it would seem reasonable to retain the existing Physical Limits boundary. The Parish Council were surprised and disappointed that in the document received from District Council for consultation it is still suggested that the village Physical Limits be extended. Grundisburgh and Culpho Parish Council objects to the proposed Physical Limits changes for the following reasons. In Table 2 Indicative Housing Provision Eastern Ipswich Housing Market Sub-Area 2010-2027 (please see attached document) Grundisburgh has a nil housing allocation 2010 - 2027. 21 properties have already been built or have been granted planning permission since 2010 with another 24 awaiting a legal agreement S106. This suggests that Grundisburgh has already exceeded the number of new properties/people that can be assimilated into the village. The Parish Council therefore, considers it unreasonable to extend the existing physical limits boundary of the village. The area known as Ablitts Meadow was built as an exception site so it is understandable that that should be included but not the extended garden areas along Stoney Road. 2 sites listed in the SHLAA table, 514, 22-24 Stoney Road have a status 'not suitable' as Anglian Water advise of the waste water treatment works capacity, and highways advise of insufficient width of access and 515, 26 Stoney Road has always been considered unsuitable by the Parish Council because of access. An opinion upheld by an inspector at a previous Local Plan appeal. The strip of land fronting Ipswich Road and Park Road adjacent to the playing field has been included in the proposed physical limits boundary. This would consolidate the ribbon development along this narrow road. It is the open aspect and number of trees in this area that makes such gentle buffer between the countryside and the built up area of the village. As planning applications received within the Physical Limits carry a presumption in favour of approval and as Grundisburgh has already exceeded the allocation contained in these documents Grundisburgh Parish Council considers it unreasonable to extend the physical limits other than to include Ablitts Meadow. Summary: The Parish Council were surprised and disappointed that in the document received from District Council for consultation it is still suggested that the village Physical Limits be extended. Grundisburgh has a nil housing allocation 2010 - 2027. 21 properties have already been built or have been granted planning permission since 2010 with another 24 awaiting a legal agreement S106. This suggests that Grundisburgh has already exceeded the number of new properties/people that can be assimilated into the village. The Parish Council therefore, considers it unreasonable to extend the existing physical limits boundary of the village. Change to Plan Appear at exam? Legal? Sound? Duty to Cooperate? Soundness Tests Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified Not Specified None Attachments: Site specific SCDC.docx Note: The composite reference number in the box at the top of the page is made up of the following information:Object/Support - Representation Number - Respondent Number - Plan Reference - Soundness Tests (if applicable). East of Ipswich Plan Area Housing Market Area Maps S - 5987 - 2762 - Kesgrave - None 5987 Support East of Ipswich Plan Area Housing Market Area Kesgrave Respondent: Mr Neil Ward [2762] Agent: N/A Full Text: INTRODUCTION Ipswich Speedway Ltd is freehold owner of 46 ha of land, shown edged black on the attached plan, situated between the built-up areas of Kesgrave and Rushmere St Andrew to the north, Bixley Farm to the west, Bell Lane to the east and Foxhall Road to the south. The site is occupied by Foxhall Stadium, a venue for motor sports and other events, which is operated by Speedworth International Ltd under Planning Permission P/E711 granted on 27th June 1949. Activities at the stadium have been controlled by an Operating Formula which is an informal agreement between the site operators and Suffolk Coastal District Council which has been in place for many years. Under the 2001 Local Plan First Alteration the southern and western parts of the site are designated as a Special Landscape Area under Policy AP13; the whole of the site is indicated as woodlands under Policy AP225 and the stadium itself is subject to a restrictive policy, Policy AP226 which seeks to preclude any disturbance of the adjacent residential areas of Kesgrave and Bixley Farm. Under the SHLAA process (site ref. 1010) the development of part of the site for housing purposes was rejected on the basis that the location was contrary to the adopted Core Strategy Settlement Hierarchy although that conclusion was based on the mistaken belief that the site lies within Foxhall Parish rather than Kesgrave Parish which has Major Centre status. These representations are submitted on the premise that the site represents a major strategic development opportunity relating to brownfield land which, in accordance with the principles set out in the Core Strategy and national guidance, should be given priority. STATUS Foxhall Stadium was originally constructed under the terms of Planning Permission P/E711 and has operated on the basis of that planning permission over the last 65 years. The application site for the approved development was the whole of the land owned by Ipswich Speedway Ltd i.e. 46 ha with no controlling conditions limiting the extent or nature of primary or ancillary activities on the land. Moreover, the approved plans simply indicate that the surrounding area would be utilised for car parking. Consequently, the whole site should be regarded as the curtilage of the Stadium and as such falls within the definition of previously developed (brownfield) land as defined in the National Planning Policy Framework. It is one of the primary objectives of the NPPF (paragraph 17) that priority should be given to the development of previously developed land and this is reflected in Policy SP1 of the Core Strategy. LOCATION The site adjoins the built-up areas of Kesgrave and Rushmere St Andrew on its northern and western boundaries and lies within Kesgrave Parish. Both Kesgrave and Rushmere are identified as being part of the Eastern Ipswich Plan Area which, for the purposes of the Core Strategy Settlements Policy under Policy SP19, constitutes a Major Centre appropriate for large scale housing allocations. Development of the site or part of it for housing purposes therefore complies with the locational requirements of the settlement policy under the Core Strategy. NEED The Consultation Document identifies a residual need for only 65 housing sites within the Kesgrave area having regard to the requirements of the Core Strategy and current commitments. However, the Core Strategy acknowledges that at the time of its inception it was unable to influence the distribution of housing supply but that there would be an opportunity for reviewing the provisions of the Core Strategy in a review to be undertaken in 2015. That review would enable the Council to take account of:- (i) the serious shortfall in the provision of a five year housing supply for the District and the need to address the problems caused by the delay in bringing forward the Adastral Park development; (ii) the desirability of diversifying the provision housing and in providing choice in the eastern Ipswich housing market; (iii) the desirability of pursuing large-scale housing allocations at Felixstowe and the Trimleys when better locations involving brownfield land exist in closer proximity to the major area of housing demand which is Ipswich; (iv) the wider needs of the Ipswich Policy Area over the Plan period; (v) the benefits of large scale housing development at Foxhall Stadium Development of the site would make a positive contribution to addressing these issues. STADIUM OPERATION The Council has proceeded over a number of years to regard the Stadium as a facility which can be restricted so as to minimize activity, particularly activity associated with motor sports, so as to avoid adverse environmental impacts on the nearby residential areas. This is reflected in Local Plan Policy AP226 and the promotion of the Operating Formula as a means of control. That approach, however, is flawed and is based on a misinterpretation of the current planning permission. Proper scrutiny of the planning permission indicates that it has little or no effective control over the nature and extent of activities which have been authorised to take place which, perhaps, is unsurprising given its antiquity. There is no basis in planning or environmental law for imposing the dragonian restrictions on the use of the Stadium which are set out in the current Operating Formula. Consequently, it has to be concluded that the operation of the Stadium has been unreasonably curtailed over the years and given that the Stadium is a commercial concern with the Note: The composite reference number in the box at the top of the page is made up of the following information:Object/Support - Representation Number - Respondent Number - Plan Reference - Soundness Tests (if applicable). East of Ipswich Plan Area Housing Market Area Maps S - 5987 - 2762 - Kesgrave - None 5987 Support East of Ipswich Plan Area Housing Market Area Kesgrave benefit of a planning permission it would be unreasonable to seek to maintain such control in the future, notwithstanding the environmental implications.
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