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Suffolk Argus Summer 2016 SuffolkThe Argus The Newsletter of the Suffolk Branch of Butterfly Conservation photo: Kevin Ling Green Hairstreak pair. Kiln Meadow, Ipswich Kiln Meadow, Green Hairstreak pair. Summer 2016 Volume 66 1 The Suffolk Argus $VHOHFWLRQIURPWKHVHULHVRI%XWWHUÀ\'LVWULEXWLRQ0DSV± ZKLFKDUHDYDLODEOHRQWKH%UDQFKZHEVLWH &RQWLQXHGLQVLGHWKHEDFNFRYHU *UHHQ+DLUVWUHDN Recorded in 139 of 1025 Tetrads (13.5%) 3XUSOH+DLUVWUHDN Recorded in 209 of 1025 Tetrads (20.3%) :KLWHOHWWHU+DLUVWUHDN Recorded in 83 of 1025 Tetrads (8%) 2 Summer 2016 Editorial Peter Maddison I imagine that most of us became members for practical conservation work, and our Branch RI %& EHFDXVH ZH KDYH D ORYH RI EXWWHUÀLHV experience shows that we have an enthusiastic and moths. We want to watch them, we want and ever growing group of volunteers whose them to prosper and we are pleased to devote ZRUN DW 3XUGLV +HDWK KDV EHQH¿WWHG WKH RXU DQQXDO VXEVFULSWLRQ WR µ6DYLQJ EXWWHUÀLHV heathland environment and the Silver-studded moths and our environment’, as the wording on Blue in particular. If you would like to be the BC logo states. involved contact Helen Saunders whose email address is [email protected] Can we do more than that? Yes! is the answer, and many of our members do. A 2015 survey It might be that you have the hankering of members interests showed that a good inclination and a certain amount of time that number of us rate our involvement in recording you could devote to the running of the Branch. DQG PRQLWRULQJ RI EXWWHUÀLHV DV SDUWLFXODUO\ Sue Sidle has been our Membership Secretary important. for the past 10 years and would like to hand over this role by the autumn of this year. Sue County Recorder Bill Stone has produced the has developed a slick method for contacting %XWWHUÀ\ 5HSRUW ZKLFK LV EDVHG RQ WKH PHPEHUVDQGOLDLVLQJZLWK%&KHDGRI¿FH,I 33,000 records that he received. You can read \RXZRXOGOLNHWR¿QGRXWZKDWLVLQYROYHGLQWKLV the report in the following pages. role contact Sue whose email is susansidle361@ 7KHUHDUHVHYHUDOZD\VLQZKLFK\RXUEXWWHUÀ\ sightings can be recorded in 2016 and if you We attend a number of events where we set up haven’t taken part in the past why not give it a a stall and meet the public. The Plant Heritage go this summer. Garden records are valuable as event at Helmingham Hall is an example, where are casual records from visits around the county. LW LV JRRG WR WDON WR SHRSOH DERXW EXWWHUÀLHV Records can be sent in on paper or preferably moths, pollinators, plants and more. We can online, or through the iRecord phone app. RQO\ DWWHQG WKHVH HYHQWV LI ZH KDYH VXI¿FLHQW Surveying a 1km square for the Wider personnel to man the stand for the day. A couple &RXQWU\VLGH%XWWHUÀ\6XUYH\RQDYLVLWGXULQJ of hours chatting with like-minded helpers on July and again in August might be possible. one side of the table and an interested public 7KHUH LV WKH *DUGHQ %XWWHUÀ\ 6XUYH\ DQG WKH on the other might be a way in which you are DQQXDO%LJ%XWWHUÀ\&RXQWZKLFKZLOOUXQIURP prepared to help the Branch. Let me know if 15th July to 7th August. you would like to be involved prmaddison@ The BC website and our own Branch website have details about these recording opportunities. One sunny week at the start of May brought RXW WKH VSULQJ EXWWHUÀLHV KHUH LQ WKH HDVW DQG Keep an eye on the Suffolk Branch website Orange-tip and Holly Blue seem to have done Sightings page too. Here up-to-date information particularly well. But then persistent grey skies is shown of sightings in the county. Why not DQGFRROQRUWKZLQGVKREEOHGWKHÀLJKWRIWKH add your own sightings and photos to this page? EXWWHUÀLHVDQGEHIRUHZHNQHZLWZHZHUHLQWR June and looking for the emergence of the early The second way in which members indicated summer species. I hope we see them! Have a that they want to help BC was in volunteering good summer. 3 The Suffolk Argus Suffolk Branch Contacts President Transect Co-ordinator and WCBS Co-ordinator Howard Mendel Twm Wade c/o The Natural History Museum, Cromwell email: twm.wade@ Rd, London SW7 5BD Tel: 0207 938 8782 &RQVHUYDWLRQ2΀FHU %XWWHUÁLHV Rob Parker Chairman and Newsletter Editor &RUQÀHOG5G Peter Maddison Bury St Edmunds IP33 3BN Barnmead, Fishpond Rd, Tel: 01284 705476 :DOGULQJÀHOG email: [email protected] Woodbridge IP12 4QX Tel: 01473 736607 &RQVHUYDWLRQ2΀FHU 0RWKV email: [email protected] Tony Prichard 3, Powling Rd., Ipswich IP3 9JR Membership Secretary Tel: 01473 270047 Susan Sidle email: [email protected] Five Gables, The Ling, Wortham, Diss, Norfolk IP22 1ST %XWWHUÁ\+DELWDW&RQVHUYDWLRQ2΀FHU Tel: 01379 643665 Matt Berry email: [email protected] Tel: 07599 243026 email: [email protected] Treasurer Dominic Hill Committee Members Tel: 01359 269855 Helen Saunders email: [email protected] email: [email protected] David Basham Secretary David Dowding Julian Dowding Kevin Ling 84, Clapgate Lane, Adrian Richards Ipswich IP3 0RE Tel: 01473 436096 Website email: [email protected] Richard Perryman email: [email protected] &RXQW\%XWWHUÁ\5HFRUGHU Bill Stone 5HJLRQDO2΀FHU(DVWHUQ(QJODQG 26, Thomas Crescent, Kesgrave, Sharon Hearle Ipswich IP5 2HN, Tel: 01473 570204 Tel: 01638 484145 HPDLOEXWWHUÁLHV#VQVRUJXN HPDLOVKHDUOH#EXWWHUÁ\FRQVHUYDWLRQRUJ 7KH 6XͿRON $UJXV LV SXEOLVKHG E\ WKH 6XͿRON %UDQFK RI %XWWHUÁ\ &RQVHUYDWLRQ 7KH RSLQLRQV H[SUHVVHG LQ WKLV QHZVOHWWHUDUHQRWQHFHVVDULO\WKRVHRI%XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQRUWKH%UDQFK$OOULJKWVUHVHUYHG)RUPRUH LQIRUPDWLRQVHHZZZVXͿRONEXWWHUÁLHVRUJXN %XWWHUÁ\&RQVHUYDWLRQ &RPSDQ\ OLPLWHG E\ JXDUDQWHH UHJLVWHUHG LQ (QJODQG 5HJLVWHUHG 2΀FH 0DQRU <DUG (DVW /XOZRUWK Wareham, Dorset, BH20 5QP Charity registered in England & Wales (254937) and in Scotland (SCO39268) 4 Summer 2016 Contents Editorial 3 Plant a Pot for Pollinators! 22 Branch Contacts 4 Why I Volunteer 23 New Members 5 Green Hairstreak 24 AGM & Events 6 Theberton Wood site guide 25 6XIIRON%XWWHUÀ\5HSRUW 7 Book review 27 *DUGHQLQJIRU%XWWHUÀLHV 20 Events & Visit reports 28 $XWXPQ%XWWHUÀ\1HFWDU6RXUFHV 21 Holly Blue 32 New Members The following new members are warmly welcomed to the Suffolk Branch. We hope you ¿QG\RXUPHPEHUVKLSLQWHUHVWLQJDQGHQMR\DEOHDQGWKDW\RXZLOOEHDEOHWRWDNHSDUWLQ some of our events and work parties. Mrs J Bastow & Mr D Sewell, Halesworth Mr E D Jackson & Dr S K Bullion, Brantham Miss T Berry, Lowestoft Mr M Jones, Stradishall Mrs L Blake, Boxford Mr A & Mrs S Leigh, Bury St Edmunds Ms J Blunt & Mr T Marchant & Family, Felixstowe Mrs J Mayes, Eye Mr E Boyle, Harlston Mr I & Mrs C Merch-Chammon, Clare Ms A Chapman & Mr S Wiggin, Stowmarket Mr R Moulson & Miss L Howel, Hadleigh Mr C Cheeseman, Little Bealings Mr C Mudd, Bury St Edmunds Mr K & Mrs S Cooper, Chelmondiston Miss R Pawsey & Mr S Backhouse & Family, Mr P Curtis, Kesgrave Newmarket Ms S Darling, Ipswich Mr S Petrie, Holton Mrs L Earley, Holbrook Ms J Poole, Honington 0V&)LVKHU:DOGULQJ¿HOG 0UV63UHQGHUJDVW/D[¿HOG Mr A Foreman, Lidgate Mr I Pulford, Capel St. Mary Mrs R Forrest, Ipswich Mr N Rozier, Stowmarket Mr J French, Lakenheath Mrs T Rush, Glemsford Dr P & Mrs C Fretwell & Family, Moulton Mrs Z Sedlackova, Wickham Market Mr H Gandy, Lowestoft Mr D & Mrs J Sheppard, Saxmundham Mrs R J Gibbs & Family, Freckenham Mr P Smith, Ipswich 0UV-*ODQ¿HOG1HHGKDP0DUNHW Dr E & Mrs J Steel, Yoxford Mr P Hacon, Lowestoft Mrs J Sweeting, Hadleigh Mrs V Hall, Bramford Mrs H Walker, Lowestoft Mrs L & Mr N Hall & Family, Ipswich Ms J Walshaw, Holbrook Mrs M & Mr E Harris, Bury St Edmunds Mr G Woodard, Hacheston Mr G & Mrs C Hooker, Eye Miss J Wright, Stowmarket Mr H Hurst, Chelmondiston Mrs B Young, Ingham 5 The Suffolk Argus Annual General Meeting & Members’ Afternoon Members are warmly invited to attend the meeting which will be held on 6DWXUGD\WK2FWREHU at :DOGULQJ¿HOG9LOODJH+DOO at SP OS Grid Ref: TM277444 Post Code: IP12 4QP Speakers will include Liz Cutting - Photography. /L]ZDVWKHZLQQHURIRXU8.EXWWHUÀ\SKRWRFRPSHWLWLRQ 6KDURQ+HDUOH7KH,SVZLFK+HDWKV¶3URMHFWWKHSDVW¿YH\HDUVDQGWKHIXWXUH DQGRWKHUUHJLRQDOSURMHFWV 6KDURQLVWKH%&5HJLRQDO2I¿FHUIRU(DVWHUQ(QJODQG It would be helpful if members who wish to make a presentation inform the Secretary, Julian Dowding, at least one week before the meeting. ******* The Photographic Competition will be held for the three classes: 1. Still photo taken in the UK 2. Still photo taken outside the UK 3. A video or digital slide show Full details of the competition can be found on the Home page of the Branch website KWWSZZZVXIIRONEXWWHUÀLHVRUJXNLQGH[KWPO Events this summer QG-XO\+RO\ZHOOV3DUN,SVZLFKIRULGHQWL¿FDWLRQDQGUHFRUGLQJ WK-XO\/DQGVHHU3DUN,SVZLFKIRUJUDVVODQGZRRGODQGDQGKHDWKEXWWHUÀLHV WK-XO\5HG/RGJH+HDWK666,IRUEXWWHUÀLHVDQGGD\À\LQJPRWKV WK-XO\%RQQ\:RRGIRU3XUSOH(PSHURUDQGRWKHUZRRGODQGEXWWHUÀLHV WK-XO\.HQWRQ+LOOVDQG6L]HZHOOIRUKLJKVXPPHUEXWWHUÀLHV 27th July Wildlife Day at Holywells Park, Family Day and BBC Event 31st July Wildlife Garden Open Day, Prior’s Oak, Aldeburgh WK$XJXVW5HQGOHVKDP)RUHVWIRU*UD\OLQJDQGODWHVXPPHUEXWWHUÀLHV 6 Summer 2016 2015 Suffolk Butterfly Report BIll Stone ,QWURGXFWLRQ the deterioration of suitable habitats due to DJULFXOWXUDO LQWHQVL¿FDWLRQ DQG FKDQJLQJ The year will not be remembered as a great ZRRGODQG PDQDJHPHQW DUH VHHQ DV PDMRU 6XIIRON EXWWHUÀ\ \HDU LQ UHVSHFW RI UDULWLHV causes. For our wider-countryside species QXPEHUV RI EXWWHUÀLHV HQFRXQWHUHG RU then the reasons are less understood but migrations. However, 2015 was important climate change and the use of pesticides may IRU EXWWHUÀLHV IROORZLQJ WKH SXEOLVKLQJ RI be the answer. WZR VLJQL¿FDQW UHSRUWV EDVHG RQ ORQJWHUP EXWWHUÀ\
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