Insecticides - Development of Safer and More Effective Technologies

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Insecticides - Development of Safer and More Effective Technologies INSECTICIDES - DEVELOPMENT OF SAFER AND MORE EFFECTIVE TECHNOLOGIES Edited by Stanislav Trdan Insecticides - Development of Safer and More Effective Technologies Edited by Stanislav Trdan Contributors Mahdi Banaee, Philip Koehler, Alexa Alexander, Francisco Sánchez-Bayo, Juliana Cristina Dos Santos, Ronald Zanetti Bonetti Filho, Denilson Ferrreira De Oliveira, Giovanna Gajo, Dejane Santos Alves, Stuart Reitz, Yulin Gao, Zhongren Lei, Christopher Fettig, Donald Grosman, A. Steven Munson, Nabil El-Wakeil, Nawal Gaafar, Ahmed Ahmed Sallam, Shehata E. M. Shalaby, Gehan Abdou, Andreia Almeida, Francisco Amaral Villela, João Carlos Nunes, Geri Eduardo Meneghello, Adilson Jauer, Moacir Rossi Forim, Bruno Perlatti, Patrícia Luísa Bergo, Maria Fátima Da Silva, João Fernandes, Christian Nansen, Solange Maria De França, Mariana Breda, César Badji, José Vargas Oliveira, Gleberson Guillen Piccinin, Alan Augusto Donel, Alessandro Braccini, Gabriel Loli Bazo, Keila Regina Hossa Regina Hossa, Fernanda Brunetta Godinho Brunetta Godinho, Lilian Gomes De Moraes Dan, Maria Lourdes Aldana Madrid, Maria Isabel Silveira, Fabiola-Gabriela Zuno-Floriano, Guillermo Rodríguez-Olibarría, Patrick Kareru, Zachaeus Kipkorir Rotich, Esther Wamaitha Maina, Taema Imo Published by InTech Janeza Trdine 9, 51000 Rijeka, Croatia Copyright © 2013 InTech All chapters are Open Access distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 license, which allows users to download, copy and build upon published articles even for commercial purposes, as long as the author and publisher are properly credited, which ensures maximum dissemination and a wider impact of our publications. After this work has been published by InTech, authors have the right to republish it, in whole or part, in any publication of which they are the author, and to make other personal use of the work. Any republication, referencing or personal use of the work must explicitly identify the original source. Notice Statements and opinions expressed in the chapters are these of the individual contributors and not necessarily those of the editors or publisher. No responsibility is accepted for the accuracy of information contained in the published chapters. The publisher assumes no responsibility for any damage or injury to persons or property arising out of the use of any materials, instructions, methods or ideas contained in the book. Publishing Process Manager Danijela Duric Technical Editor InTech DTP team Cover InTech Design team First published February, 2013 Printed in Croatia A free online edition of this book is available at Additional hard copies can be obtained from Insecticides - Development of Safer and More Effective Technologies, Edited by Stanislav Trdan p. cm. ISBN 978-953-51-0958-7 free online editions of InTech Books and Journals can be found at Contents Preface IX Section 1 Non-Target Effects of Insecticides 1 Chapter 1 Side Effects of Insecticides on Natural Enemies and Possibility of Their Integration in Plant Protection Strategies 3 Nabil El-Wakeil, Nawal Gaafar, Ahmed Sallam and Christa Volkmar Chapter 2 Pesticide-Residue Relationship and Its Adverse Effects on Occupational Workers 57 Nabil El-Wakeil, Shehata Shalaby, Gehan Abdou and Ahmed Sallam Chapter 3 Predicting the Effects of Insecticide Mixtures on Non-Target Aquatic Communities 83 Alexa C. Alexander and Joseph M. Culp Chapter 4 Physiological Dysfunction in Fish After Insecticides Exposure 103 Mahdi Banaee Section 2 Integrated Methods for Pest Control 143 Chapter 5 Research on Seasonal Dynamics of 14 Different Insects Pests in Slovenia Using Pheromone Traps 145 Chapter 6 The Use of Behavioral Manipulation Techniques On Synthetic Insecticides Optimization 175 Chapter 7 The Performance of Insecticides – A Critical Review 195 VI Contents Chapter 8 Insecticide Use and the Ecology of Invasive Liriomyza Leafminer Management 233 Stuart R. Reitz, Yulin Gao and Zhongren Lei Section 3 Non-Chemical Alternatives to Insecticides 255 Chapter 9 Plant–Derived Products for Leaf–Cutting Ants Control 257 Juliana Cristina dos Santos, Ronald Zanetti, Denilson Ferreira de Oliveira, Giovanna Cardoso Gajo and Dejane Santos Alves Chapter 10 Use of Botanicals and Safer Insecticides Designed in Controlling Insects: The African Case 295 Patrick Kareru, Zacchaeus Kipkorir Rotich and Esther Wamaitha Maina Section 4 Insecticides and Human Health 309 Chapter 11 Insecticide Residuality of Mexican Populations Occupationally Exposed 311 María-Lourdes Aldana-Madrid, María-Isabel Silveira-Gramont, Fabiola-Gabriela Zuno-Floriano and Guillermo Rodríguez-Olibarría Chapter 12 DDT as Anti-Malaria Tool: The Bull in the China Shop or the Elephant in the Room? 331 Mauro Prato, Manuela Polimeni and Giuliana Giribaldi Section 5 Insecticides and Environment 363 Chapter 13 Impact of Systemic Insecticides on Organisms and Ecosystems 365 Francisco Sánchez-Bayo, Henk A. Tennekes and Koichi Goka Chapter 14 Thiamethoxam: An Inseticide that Improve Seed Rice Germination at Low Temperature 415 Andréia da Silva Almeida, Francisco Amaral Villela, João Carlos Nunes, Geri Eduardo Meneghello and Adilson Jauer Chapter 15 Spatial and Monthly Behaviour of Selective Organochlorine Pesticides in Subtropical Estuarine Ecosystems 425 T.S. Imo, T. Oomori, M.A. Sheikh, T. Miyagi and F. Tamaki Contents VII Section 6 Insecticides Against Pests of Urban Area, Forests and Farm Animals 443 Chapter 16 Bait Evaluation Methods for Urban Pest Management 445 Bennett W. Jordan, Barbara E. Bayer, Philip G. Koehler and Roberto M. Pereira Chapter 17 Advances in Insecticide Tools and Tactics for Protecting Conifers from Bark Beetle Attack in the Western United States 471 Christopher J. Fettig, Donald M. Grosman and A. Steven Munson Chapter 18 The Use of Deltamethrin on Farm Animals 493 Papadopoulos Elias Section 7 Biotechnology and Other Advances in Pest Control 503 Chapter 19 Use of Biotechnology in the Control of Insects-Prague 505 Gleberson Guillen Piccinin, Alan Augusto Donel, Alessandro de Lucca e Braccini, Lilian Gomes de Morais Dan, Keila Regina Hossa, Gabriel Loli Bazo and Fernanda Brunetta Godinho Chapter 20 Polymeric Nanoparticle-Based Insecticides: A Controlled Release Purpose for Agrochemicals 521 Bruno Perlatti, Patrícia Luísa de Souza Bergo, Maria Fátima das Graças Fernandes da Silva, João Batista Fernandes and Moacir Rossi Forim Preface Insecticides are products that help to minimise the damage to plants, animals and human beings by controlling pest insects. From the point of view of protecting cultivated or wild- growing plants, insects are the most important group of pests because theyrepresent the most abundant animal group. Of the approximately 1.2 million known insect species, 5,000 to 10,000 are economically noxious,and their influence on reduced quantity and quality of plants depends on numerous abiotic and biotic factors. The most important biotic factor is the role of humans, who with appropriate control measures for pest insects can achieve the desired result – the reduction of individual abundance under the economic threshold of damage. However,with unsuitable control measures,humans can also demolish the natural creased production economy. Until the Second World War, only some insecticides were known. Some inorganic ces (arsenious, leaden, baric) were used to control biting insects;on smaller scales, plant tracts (tobacco, rotenone) were used against sucking insects; and carbolines or mineral oils were usedfor thewinter spraying of fruit trees. Close to and after the Second World War, organic insecticides were chemically synthesised, and this method spread worldwide in the fifties.These synthesised insecticides were chlorinate carbon hydrogen (DDT, lindane, drine) and organic phosphor esters, which control biting and sucking insects.The ment ofcarbamates, synthetic pyretroids, neonicotinoids, octadiazyonids, antifeedants, and inhibitors and regulators of insect development followed.The last two groups along with natural and plant insecticides are an important part of integrated plant protection and other forms of environmentally friendly production of food, ornamental plants or forage feed. Their efficacies, when compared to the groups of insecticidesfirst mentioned,areseveral times smaller but they can offer protection measures (usage of pheromone traps, colored sticky boards, natural enemies, usage of resistant plant varieties, plant hygiene, etc.)when combined with other plants to attain better synergy and consequently reduce the abundance of pest insects. Experts and users of insecticides are aware of the great importance of this group of plant protection products in providing sufficient quantities of food for the fast-growing human population and feed for livestock, which isan important food source for the majority of the human population.Still, many negative examples of improper usage of insecticides from the past and present warn us about the great attention necessary when using insecticides. The application of insecticides, especially the improper application, can cause many negative ticides demonstrate a non-targeted influence on other insect species cies. A smaller number of natural enemies can also influence the larger abundance and X Preface noxiousness of other species of insects, which before the usage of nonselective insecticides did not have any important economical meaning in agroecosystems.The second difficulty when unsuitable usage of insecticide
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