Sample File Table of Contents Introduction 3 Main (Creature Name) Index 8
Sample file Table of Contents Introduction 3 Main (Creature Name) Index 8 Animals: Mundane, Extinct and Giant 11 Conjurations: Magical and Other planar 22 Humanoids: Tribal and Solitary 32 Lowlife: Plants, Bugs, Worms and Goos 49 Monsters: and Other Fantastical Creatures 59 Undead Mindless and Malignant 82 Creature ‘Type’ Index 90 Habitat Index 92 Compiled by Graeme Morris, Phil Gallagher & Jim Bambra Monsters created by Dave Alexander, Jim Bambra, Mike Brunton, William Carlson, Zeb Cook, Michael Gray, Phil Gallagber, Jeff Grubb, Gary Gygax, Bruce Heard, Tom Kirby, AM Gray McCready, Michael Malone, FDnk Menm, Tom Moldvay, Graeme Morris, Bruce Nesmitb, Doug Niles, Merle Rasmussen, Gamy Spiegle, Jean Wells & Skip Williams. Art by Jeff Anderson, Helen Bedfod, Gary Harrcd, Tim Sell, Brian Williams, GeoffSample Wingate & Petefile Young. Many thanks to Mike Brunton, Dawn Buton, Harold Johnson, Frank Menm, Carole Morris & Sarah peck. Dimbuted to the book mde in the United S!ates by Random Housc Inc. and in Canada by Random House of Canada, Lld. Dislribuled to the toy and hobby mde by regional distributors. Distributed in the United Kingdom by TSR UK Lfd. 0 Copyright 1986 TSR Inr All rights nm DUNGEONS &DRAGONS, DBD, ADVANCED DUNGEONS & DRAGONS. AD&D, PRODUCTS OF YOUR IMAGINATION, and the TSR logo are trad-rlrs of TSR, he. This book is pmectd under the copyright laws of the United stltes of America. Any reprcduction or unauthorised use of the material or anwnlr contained hereia is prohiited Without the express written pemksion Of TSR, he. Printed in the Uniied Staicp of America. TSR Inc. POB 756 Lake Geneva WI.
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