Summer 2002 Kelseya

Volume 15 No. 4

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n Kelseya





n Newsletter of the Native Society





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Frederick Pursh and the Lewis and Clark Expedition Part 2 By H. Wayne Phillips who was willing to share his exten- sive American botanical collections, son, the source document for known and A. B. Lambert, a benefactor will- plant species, and sometimes com- ing to finance Pursh in writing a flora ments and notes on the uses of of North America. The work, titled . For example, Pursh included Flora Americae Septentrionalis, was a long narrative describing the Native completed and presented to the Lin- American method of preparation and naean Society at its meeting in De- storage for Indian bread-root cember of 1813. Officially published (Psoralea esculenta Pursh), in part in 1814, the manual includes 3,076 from information supplied by Meri- American plant species, or almost wether Lewis. The book has three twice the number in Michaux’s 1803 indices, a Latin and English index, an manual. Pursh’s manual sold in Lon- English and Latin index, and a don for one pound, 16 shillings if un- and synonym index (Index Generum colored, and two pounds, 12 shillings Et Synonymorum). The English if colored. Today’s exchange rate is names are common names, like bear- about one pound equals $1.50 (U.S.). berry. The plant species are arranged in Pursh also indicated in his flora the Pursh’s flora according to the Lin- source of each of his plant descrip- naean Sexual System based on the tions with the abbreviations v.s. for number of pistils and stamens that vidi siccam (I have seen in a dried the plants bear. The entry for each state), and v.v. for vidi vivam (I have Clarkia pulchella, drawn and engraved by plant includes the Latin binomial sci- seen in a living state). Thus, he Frederick Pursh and published in 1814 in entific name by genus and species, a credited the plant descriptions from Flora Americae Septentrionalis. plant description in Latin, habitat the Lewis and Clark herbarium with requirements, geographic distribu- “M. Lewis v.s. in Herb. Lewis,” tion, a Linnaean symbol indicating meaning “I have seen the plant in a I n London in 1811, Pursh became the habit and life span (i.e. peren- dried state in the Herbarium of Meri- acquainted with Sir Joseph Banks, nial, annual, woody), blooming sea- (Continued on page 7)

great diversity of penstemons makes them a great group WHAT GOOD IS A STERILE for gardening, but it also allows us to study how flowers evolve without having to go too far from home. STAMEN? Beardtongue is the common name applied to many By Peter Lesica members of the genus Penstemon. It refers to the fact that all penstemons have a sterile stamen called a “staminode” that is hairy to some extent in the majority P enstemons are one of our favorite and most familiar of species. Penstemon flowers are pretty simple, so the groups of native plants. That’s understandable because staminode is easy to see. Just peel open the corolla. there are lots of them and most have colorful, showy There are six slender, whitish stalks inside. Four have flowers. In fact, Penstemon is the largest genus of plants elongate sacs at their tips; these are the fertile stamens, among those found only in North America. Of the 250 and the sacs contain pollen. One of the two remaining species, the majority occur in the western U.S. The (Continued on page 5) Kelseya President’s Platform Betty Kuropat

One Man's Weed is Another We all respond differently to there is another way, like “use it” weeds as well. Some of us are in instead of “kill it”. Maybe not. Man's Wildflower denial. We let our noxious weeds go The pretty plant that Neal and I "Would you like to swing on a star? to seed, increasing the problems for love to hate is Purple Loosestrife. Carry moonbeams home in a jar? our neighbors. Some of us are dili- There is no other way. Eradication And be better off than you are? gent pullers and use organic methods rules. Loosestrife out-competes the

Or would you rather be a weed? to rid areas of weeds. Then there native vegetation in wetlands. A

A weed is a plant that nobody likes. are those who nuke the heck out of Cattail marsh becomes a purple You always see them on your hikes. the land with herbicides, creating monoculture with no wildlife. We They're big and ugly with lots of more serious problems than inva- have been pulling Loosestrife with seed, sives. Personally, I tolerate the Flathead Audubon and Flathead MNPS Grow on dirt that native plants Hawkweed, weed-eat the Thistle, for 12 years now at two ponds in mow the Dandelion and pull the Ninepipe National Wildlife Refuge need. Knapweed. I like the Yarrow and and by golly, the Loosestrife is in If that's the kind of life you'd like to love when it out-competes the Or- recession. While it is a lofty dream lead, chard-grass. I don't like the Tansy to aspire to eradication, we know we Maybe you'd rather be a weed." and Burdock, yet I know they are can never pull it all. There is an in-

The mention of WEEDS inspires medicinals and I wish someone would tegrated program in place that also wrath and aggression in most people come to my house and harvest them. has success with spraying and biologi- who care about plants. Basically, In an old How To Identify Plant book, cal control using beetles. But we they are plants someone doesn't like, I found a great definition of WEED, "A love to PULL and feel very proud of either native or non-native. I have troublesome or aggressive plant that our success. heard Yarrow and Goldenrod called intrudes where not wanted, espe- Your Chance to Help! weeds. I have seen Knapweed in a cially a plant that vigorously colo- Join the Flathead Chapter on Sat- bouquet. Audubon had a picture of nizes disturbed areas. To the range- urday, August 10 for a Purple Loose- Purple Loosestrife one year in their man a weed is a herbacious non-grass strife pull. See the calendar listing wildflower calendar. Some weeds -like plant on the range." Whatever on page 9 for the delicious details! are excellent medicinals; some are your subjective position is on weeds, Pattie Brown edibles. Dandelions make a fine understand your prejudice and learn MNPS Vice-president wine or tea. This is WEED season. more about what you hate. Maybe

Betty can be reached at 2688 Witty Ln. Columbia Falls, MT 59912 406-892-0129 e-mail: [email protected]

TURNING GREEN? NOMENCLATURAL NONSENSE? I read with great interest James R. Habeck's article about Montana Blue Violets in the Spring Kelseya and There are those who fondly embrace the nomenclatu- found it very interesting and informative. It was well ral changes going on in botany today (sick puppies). And, written and provided a great deal of information about there are those of us who find the rearrangement of fa- violets I had not known before. A question arose while I miliar names disagreeable, even though we understand was reading. James states that though violet flowers are what is driving the changes (healthy puppies). So, here edible and palatable, the leaves should not be con- is some good news and some bad news. The bad news is, sumed. I have long been under the impression that the according to the latest authorities, there are no longer leaves of Viola orbiculata are edible and I have often any members of the genus in Montana (see Big Sky stooped down on the trail and grabbed a leaf here and Sketches on page 8). The Asters have been moved into there and stuck it in my mouth. To me they have good approximately 11 genera, some familiar like Solidago and flavor and texture and I delight in eating them. I don't Townsendia, and some new to Montana like Oreostemma. pick lots of these violet leaves for my green salads, but I So Aster engelmannii is now ; do partake of them from time to time, without any side Aster conspicuus is now Eurybia conspicua; and our much effects. Perhaps it is because I only eat a few now and beloved Aster occidentalis is now Symphyotrichum then that I have no stomach distress, but if greater quan- spathulatum. Sad but true! The good news is that re- tities of Viola orbiculata are consumed, will I be the one gardless of the name, they can still be enjoyed in an area turning green rather than my salad? near you. Dennis Nicholls Drake Barton If you have a letter-to-the-editor, send it to Kelseya at the address listed on page 12.

2 Kelseya Summer 2002 Conservation

Limiting seed dispersal into COAL BED PROTECTING OUR “protected” areas is a large compo- HERITAGE nent of preventing establishment and METHANE ultimately conserving Montana’s heri- By Kim Goodwin and Roger Sheley, tage. However, it is not possible to The Montana Native Plant Society MSU, Bozeman entirely prevent weed seeds from recently commented on the Draft Montana Statewide Draft Oil and Gas Noxious weeds affect healthy eco- reaching these “protected” areas. Environmental Impact Statement systems by displacing native plants. By far, the most critical component (DEIS) prepared by the U.S. Bureau of This reduces Montana’s local biodi- in protecting these landscapes is fre- Land Management and Montana De- versity, threatens rare species, alters quent, systematic monitoring efforts partment of Environmental Quality. nutrient and water cycling, decreases to detect new weeds early for quick MNPS believes the DEIS is inadequate wildlife habitat, and increases soil eradication prior to vegetative for four reasons: (1) The DEIS does erosion and stream sedimentation spread or seed production and dis- not consider the effects of dewater- which directly affects water quality. persal. ing aquifers on hardwood draw vege- The best, most effective, and least A monitoring plan should include tation. (2) The DEIS does not give costly defense against the conse- the following schedule, with concen- enough emphasis to monitoring weed quences of native plant displacement trated effort along roadways, rail- invasions. (3) The DEIS does not give is to prevent weed establishment in ways, and waterways, where new enough importance to protecting na- weed-free or relatively weed-free weeds often begin establish- tive grassland vegetation. (4) The areas. These high quality, valued ment:Spring/early summer. Me- DEIS fails to recognize the impor- areas have a high percentage of na- thodically examine the “protected” tance of the rate of implementation tive vegetation and should be identi- area when young weeds could be and how this contributes to the cu- fied and “protected” from weed in- hand-pulled, dug-up (ensure the en- mulative effects of development. We vasion and establishment. tire root crown is removed, espe- hope that BLM and Montana DEQ will Protecting high quality or valued cially with rhizomatous weeds) with do some additional research and re- areas includes limiting weed seed a shovel, or carefully spot treated vise the current DEIS to include a dispersal into these sites. To accom- with an appropriate herbicide. more thorough analysis of the effects plish this, the following strategies Summer. Examine the area again on native vegetation and appropriate could be implemented: during the early bud stage to eradi- cate any overlooked weeds. mitigation measures for all alterna- Use only certified noxious weed- * Early fall. Examine the area again to tives. At this time Alternative A, free gravel, forage when packing clip, bag, and burn any developed allowing little or no new develop- livestock and feed, seed mixes when seed heads. Otherwise, entire weeds ment, is the only acceptable alterna- reseeding is necessary, and mulch could be removed through hand pull- tive because development should not when mulching newly seeded areas. ing/digging, or regrowth could be proceed without adequate analysis of * Thoroughly clean the undercarriage carefully treated with an appropriate the potential effects. and tires of vehicles prior to entering herbicide. Peter Lesica the “protected” area. Vehicle travel According to most experts, noxious should be limited to established weeds currently infest between 9 and roads. 10 percent of Montana. Current in- WELCOME NEW MEMBERS! * Avoid adjacent weed patches and festations should be managed by pre- Sharon & Dan Browder, Richard infestations during the seeding pe- venting spread and reestablishing Casteel, Bryce Christiaens, Barbara riod—weed seeds can be transported healthy plant communities. To con- & Keith Cooksey, Steve & Sue Cum- attached to boots, clothing, and ani- serve Montana’s heritage, private mings, Nell Delao, Leslie Eddington, mals. Nearby patches should be and public land managers should ag- Scott & Anita Fisher, George Furniss, eradicated through hand pulling or gressively “protect” these remaining Dan Goehring, Clare Hafferman, Lau- herbicide spot treatments, carefully areas from native plant displace- lette Hansen, Phil Johnson, Juliann applied only to the target weeds, ment. This could be successfully ac- Jones, Beth Judy, Sandy King, Bill & with judicious follow-up management complished in a cost-effective man- Ellen Klenn, Carol Lee-Roark, Susan to ensure reproduction is stopped ner by actively limiting weed seed Lenard, S. Inez Love, Anne Mason, completely. Any nearby infestations dispersal into these areas through Rhona Meislik, Bob Merrow, Heidi should be controlled (entire popula- simple prevention techniques. Fur- Muench, Rich’s Landscape Care, Syl- tion is managed) or contained ther, and most importantly, the key via Robert, Ross Rodgers, Gloria (population perimeter is managed to to protecting these remaining and Ross, Carol Rowland, Paul Sawyer, limit spread). Consider revegetation valued areas is frequent, systematic Kathleen Stachowski, Swan Ecosys- with competitive plants when desired monitoring efforts to detect and tem Center, and Ted & Yvonne vegetation is less than 20 percent eradicate new weeds early, well be- Weaver. within the infestation. fore reproduction. Visit:

Kelseya Summer 2002 3 Preventing Exotic Plant Invasions Sphaeralcea coccinea; and American as a member of the Task Force on vetch, Vicia americana. The annual Wild Medicinal Plants that was as- The Montana Native Plant Society collection bulletin will be in field sembled by Governor Racicot after believes that preventing the estab- offices by June 2002, and will con- passage of Senate Bill 197 in April of lishment of new weeds is essential tain an attachment outlining the 2001. Karen and Rod are not your for protecting native plants and plant areas of each state that still need typical orchid collectors or growers. communities. We will never gain species representation. Also in- Rather, they are conservationists ground on the problem of invasive cluded with the bulletin will be a who are concerned about propagat- exotic plants if we only react to detailed description of each species ing native species from seed, so that them after they have become well to aid in identification, potential collection of plants from the wild will established. There are several initia- site location, bloom period, and ap- be “unnecessary” for those who tives that will help prevent new proximate time of seed maturity. would have them for their garden. weed invasions, both here in Montana Seed is subsequently planted in We applaud the hard work of Karen and nationwide. Several federal evaluation studies to test perform- and Rod and wish them success in agencies have united to develop an ance and utility for solving conserva- their business! Check them out at early warning-rapid response proto- tion problems outlined in the Long- col for new invasive plants. If imple- Range Plans for Montana and Wyo- mented, this initiative will help new ming. For more information call invasive exotics from becoming well Larry Holzworth, Plant Materials Spe- established and will also aid local cialist, USDA NRCS Montana State weed managers by providing informa- Office, Federal Bldg., Rm 443, 10 tion, including a comprehensive East Babcock Street, Bozeman, MT weed database. Representatives of 59715-4704, Phone: 406-587-6838. federal agencies, private nurseries, garden clubs, botanical gardens, ar- FLATHEAD CHAPTER boreta and universities met at the Missouri Botanical Gardens in Decem- REPORT ber to discuss the problem of inva- On June 1st a small group of us sive exotics introduced through the visited Karen and Rod May’s Native nursery trade. They developed draft Orchid Nursery, where they special- voluntary codes of conduct for 5 ize in propagating and growing na-

groups: botanical gardens, nurseries, tive lady’s-slipper orchids Drake Barton government, landscape architects, (Cypripedium). We toured through and the gardening public. They are Karen and Rod’s house, where it now in the process of finalizing these seems every room has been trans- codes. In Montana, the Conservation formed into some part of the busi- and Landscape committees of MNPS ness. An upstairs bedroom is the Cypripedium montanum and the Montana Nursery and Land- “lab” where seeds are planted and scape Association are in the process transplanted in petrie dishes and Bryophyte Workshop of developing voluntary guidelines jars filled with sterile agar sub- Scheduled...plan now! for selecting plant material for Mon- strates. The kitchen table is cov- tana. We hope to have a final draft ered with potted seedlings. An of- A bryophyte workshop is scheduled to present to MNLA for approval this fice has live specimens of the most for September 17, 18, 19, 2002 at winter. beautiful and rare Cypripediums, the Lubrecht Experimental Forest, 40 Peter Lesica between computer hardware where miles NE of Missoula, Montana. Cab- they manage their business, “Rocky ins and lodge rooms are available at Mountain Orchids”. Other whole the Lubrecht Experimental Forest. Native Seed Collection List rooms are dedicated to preparing The tuition cost is nominal, with the for 2002 potted plants for the transition to majority of the tuition at this time the outdoor raised beds where the being picked up by the Region One The Plant Materials Program is re- plants live for another two or more Botany Program of the US Forest Ser- questing seed collections of four spe- years until they reach flowering size. vice. An introduction to mosses will cies in Montana and . NRCS It was obvious, after spending a few be followed by extensive field trips Field Office personnel, and other hours there, that Karen has dedi- to look at mosses common to this interested collectors, are being cated her life to propagating and area. Contact Susan Rinehart (406- called upon to participate in the col- growing these beautiful and rare 329-3669) or Darlene Lavelle (406- lection of fuzzytongue penstemon, species. Indeed, she is the first to 329-3800) for registration. There is a Penstemon eriantherus ssp. erian- have discovered how to germinate limit to the number of attendees that therus; silverleaf phacelia, Phacelia Cypripedium montanum in the lab! can be accommodated, so please hastata; scarlet globemallow, Some of you may remember Karen reserve your spot early.

4 Kelseya Summer 2002 ...Sterile (Continued from page 1) have seniority, and, of course, a stalks comes from the top of the mustache is rakish and debonair. ovary; this is the style that carries There has been a good deal of pollen tubes to the young seeds. The speculation about the function of other sacless stalk is the staminode. penstemon’s staminode. Some re- Evolutionary biologists believe that searchers considered it useless, while the pollen-bearing function of the others felt it prevented nectar rob- staminode was lost during the evolu- bing or otherwise facilitated pollina- tion of penstemon’s two-sided, two- tion. Recently two biologists from lipped flower from more primitive, Calgary sought evidence for stami- radially symmetrical tube flowers. node function in two hummingbird Flowers of these less advanced and two bee-pollinated penstemons. groups have five functional stamens. Lawrence Harder and his student But five doesn’t divide evenly into Jennifer Walker-Larsen removed the

the two halves of the bilaterally sym- staminode in some flowers through a e


n metrical penstemon flower, so ap- small slit they cut at the base of the a

e parently the function of one of the corolla. In red, bird-pollinated pen- J five stamens was lost as flowers stemons there was no difference in evolved toward being two-lipped. pollination between flowers with and Penstemon eriantherus Organs that no longer serve their without a staminode. However, the primary function are called vestigial. bee-pollinated species were a differ- Vestigial organs eventually meet one ent story. In the narrowly tubular of two fates: they cease to be pro- flowers of Penstemon ellipticus, a duced (like the tail in humans), or common species in northwest Mon- they evolve to serve a new function. tana, the staminode impeded visiting An example of a novel function for a bees. They spent more time in the vestigial character is facial hair in flower and consequently went away humans. Facial hair undoubtedly with more pollen on their bodies. serves a protective function in most Walker-Larsen and Harder also mammals, but it is not needed for looked at P. palmeri, a species with this in humans. It has been lost in a pouch-shaped corolla, very similar females but served a signaling func- to our common fuzzy-tongue, P. eri- and even within a single genus, evo- tion in males—white-bearded males antherus. In these species the stami- lution of the staminode has gone in node acts like a lever, causing the different directions depending on the style to be pressed against the back shape and color of the flowers. of the bees when they land in the spacious flower. The long hairs help Additional reading: ensure contact, and the bees deposit Walker-Larsen, J. And L. D. Harder. more pollen on the stigma than in 2001. Vestigial organs as opportuni- flowers with the staminode removed. ties for functional innovation: the The results of Walker-Larsen and example of the Penstemon stami- Harder’s study suggest that the evo- node. Evolution 55: 477-487. lution of the staminode is taking sev- eral different directions within the genus Penstemon. All red, humming- bird-pollinated flowers in the Inter- Bank Stabilization Debbie McNiel mountain Flora (6 species) have gla- Fact Sheet brous staminodes. It appears they serve no function in pollination, so One of the key ways people impact we might expect them to be reduced floodplains is through bank stabiliza- or lost in the future. On the other tion projects that prevent rivers hand, the staminode in bee- from meandering and change the pollinated flowers has evolved to way rivers function. Montana Audu- enhance pollination, and it is hairy to bon has produced a brochure that Penstemon ellipticus some extent in most of these spe- introduces people to the effects of cies. Staminodes of narrowly tubular bank stabilization structures. If you flowers act as a barrier, while those would like a copy write to Montana of pouch-like flowers have evolved to Audubon at P.O. Box 595, Helena, be levers. The vestigial staminode MT 59624 or e-mail Janet Ellis at: has taken on a secondary function, [email protected]

Kelseya Summer 2002 5 Some edging was installed to keep the whole thing LANDSCAPING with NATIVES from wandering onto the sidewalk and this was donated ...Education Clark Fork Chapter Style by Home Depot. All in all, the principals, about a dozen parents and In spring of 2001 I got a call from Trish Kenney and half as many students, spent a month of weekends apply- Jennifer Notman, teachers at Rattlesnake Middle School ing themselves to the project. For $75.00 and a lot of in Missoula. They wanted a consultation regarding a sec- hard work and coordination the school now has a land- tion of school property they wanted to transform into a scape that could easily have cost $10,000.00. I’d say this native landscape. was a great project to cut our teeth on. I went to consult with Trish and Jennifer in April. The landscape is being maintained by an after-school Their idea was to rid the front of the school of an eye summer program called The Flagship. I understand they sore; a 100 x 15 foot dandelion-infested lawn area. They could use some guidance, and maybe next summer we hoped to make it a native plant showcase. I learned that can continue our relationship by providing some on-site the school had absolutely no money for this project. All maintenance demonstrations. these gals had was gumption! This winter our Education Sub-committee met once a It just so happened that at the time, the Clark Fork month. Our current goals are to solidify connections to Chapter of MNPS was solidifying a concept we’d all come other related educational programs in our community so to realize filled a necessary niche in our (and any) com- we can share resources. We are also working to create munity: an Education Sub-committee. We have so many an education ‘trunk’. In the trunk we hope to have fly- talented professionals in our chapter and we even have a ers, books and other information one would need in or- little money to pay them for demonstrating, teaching der to start a native garden. There will be a list of plant and providing other services. resources and people in our area that you can hire to do Our chapter wondered just how we should break into it for you. this field. I suggested we start with the Rattlesnake I guess gardeners never do sleep, even when the snow School project, as they would value our connections, is deep or the rain is pouring! were working on minimal funding, and as a school, would Lori Parr Campbell owns and operates Kinship Gardens, a naturally be a community project. maintenance and consulting service based in Missoula. The chapter paid me to consult with the school, which went over well with both parties! The consultation con- CLARK FORK CHAPTER REPORT sisted of advice and an extensive list of resources that We all admire a well-kept lawn of perfectly trimmed I’d had previous experience with. They also got a list of grass without dandelions. However, a lawn suffering be- plants I was fairly confident they could find locally. I nign neglect can be a repository of biological diversity as drew them a map to scale on simple graph paper. I did a few Plant Society members discovered on a cool day not expect this would be followed to a ‘T’, but just this past May. This small but elite crew of ace botanists wanted to give them something to work from. cataloged 34 species of naturalized plants growing in a One of the provided resources was Rainmaker Sprinkler matrix of Kentucky bluegrass and smooth brome in Peter Supply. Even native plants appreciate a good drink peri- Lesica’s 50 X 150 feet yard. There were two species of odically, but especially during the first year to help them dandelion, Taraxacum officinale and T. laevigatum. establish. My friend Annie Baker is the office manager at Some, such as creeping Charlie (Glecoma hederacea) and Rainmaker and makes the whole thing go like clock work. tall bellflower (Campanula rapunculoides) are common Her son Mike is a student at Rattlesnake School. So An- lawn weeds, while others, like spotted knapweed nie became a pilot volunteer, bless her heart! She also (Centaurea maculosa) and sulfur cinquefoil (Potentilla provided a lot of the material for this article. She laid recta) are notorious wildland invaders. The crew found out a nice drip system attached to a battery operated 12 species of annuals, including two Veronicas and mad- timer, all of which were donated to the cause. wort (Asperugo procumbens). Six species were native, Brian Lohans of Lohans Landscape was one of the first with two herbaceous perennials (Lomatium dissectum, volunteers on the scene. He donated half a day’s labor Erigeron divergens) and one tree (Douglas-fir). After the removing sod with his Bobcat and hauling the composta- exhausting inventory work, the crew retired to the ble debris to the piles at the Northside Community Gar- kitchen to sample pie and chocolate cheesecake (Kelly den. Valley Landscape donated hauling and distributing had two pieces). of eight or so yards of EKO compost. Peter Lesica One third of the project was completed in the spring. The other two thirds was covered in black plastic to so- KELSEY CHAPTER REPORT larize the disturbed, yet unplanted, soil until fall. It is possible to visit Crown Butte on a nice day! After Linda Wilsey was the star parent volunteer for the fall several years of cancelled trips due to rain and mucky work and rounded up most of the plants for that round. roads, the Kelsey Chapter and MWA ascended The Nature Plants were donated from so many sources that I hope I Conservancy Preserve at Crown Butte. What a view! The don’t neglect anybody. Big thanks go to Marchies Nurs- real joy of Crown Butte is the intact native grasslands on ery, Bitterroot Restoration, and Clark Fork Chapter MNPS the top of the Butte, largely comprised of rough fescue for plant sale leftovers. I contributed some extras I had (Continued on page 7) left from over-buying, as usual!

6 Kelseya Summer 2002 ...Pursh (Continued from page 1) enemy: drunk morning, noon and night” [Ewan]. In 1838 wether Lewis.” In writing his flora Pursh used 55 sources Nutttall wrote, “Pursh ‘the Cossack’…he altered the of plant specimens to supplement his own extensive col- names, or published my specimens…that I intended to lections. Some of the collections used were from famous publish…” [Ewan]. botanists of the day, including John and William Bartram, Pursh later collected plants in Canada and was working John Bradbury, Aloysius Enslen, Archibald Menzies, Andre on a Canadian flora when his collections were destroyed Michaux, Henry E. Muhlenberg and Thomas Nuttall. in a fire in Montreal. He died there in 1820, penniless, Of the 132 plant species in Pursh’s manual that were at the age of 46. described from plants in the Lewis and Clark herbarium, Despite his limitations, Pursh was a man with excep- 94 were new species proposed by Pursh, and 40 have tional powers of observation, organization, patience and been retained as the accepted scientific name for the endurance. By describing the plants of the Lewis and species today (Reveal, Moulton, and Schuyler). Pursh also Clark Expedition in his Flora of North America, he com- named three new genera, which are still recognized: pleted the task that Dr. Barton failed to do, and that Lewisia (in honor of Meriwether Lewis), Clarkia (in honor Lewis was unable to do, because of his untimely death. of William Clark), and Calochortus (Greek for beautiful William Darlington praised Pursh in 1827 when he ex- grass). Other new species Pursh named in Lewis’s honor claimed, “the light which has been thrown upon the were Linum lewisii, Lewis’s blue flax; Philadelphus plants of this country by that valuable work, and the lewisii, mockorange or syringa (state flower of ); spirit of botanical research which it has excited amongst and Mimulus lewisii, Lewis’s red monkeyflower. Thirteen us, will forever entitle the Author to our greatest re- of the 24 plates illustrating plants in Pursh’s book are membrance” [Ewan]. In 1857 Dr. Francis wrote, “we plants from the Lewis and Clark herbarium; 7 were drawn want the pen to describe the labors of Pursh…His adven- by Pursh himself, probably under contract with Meri- turous spirit, his hazardous daring, and his indomitable wether Lewis. energy….[we have] great regard for the benefits Pursh However, Pursh failed to recognize the opportunity to had conferred on American botany” [Ewan]. name several additional new genera from the Lewis and Clark herbarium, including Balsamorhiza, Camassia, Lo- Literature cited: matium, and Purshia. In 1816, P. A. Poiret named Pur- Cutright, Paul Russell. 1969. Lewis and Clark: Pioneer- shia in Frederick Pursh’s honor. Also, an additional 66 ing Naturalists. University of Nebraska Press, Lincoln plant species in the Lewis and Clark Herbarium today do and London. not appear in Pursh’s flora. Ewan, Joseph, editor. 1979 reprint. Flora Americae Sep- Not everyone was happy about this new floral manual. tentrionalis by Frederick Pursh. J. Cramer, Braun- In 1818 John Torrey exclaimed, “I have detected more schweig, Germany. than fifty [errors] merely in the course of looking up a Moulton, Gary E., Editor. 1999. Herbarium of the Lewis few plants of the neighborhood” [Ewan]. and Clark Expedition, The Journals of the Lewis & Clark Pursh had his problems, namely alcoholism and perhaps Expedition, Volume 12. University of Nebraska Press, a dishonest streak born of ambition. Dr. Barton warned Lincoln and London. his brother in 1806, “drinking is his greatest failing (and Reveal, James L., Gary E. Moulton, and Alfred E. God knows it is a big one), but the poor fellow, who has Schuyler. 1999. The Lewis and Clark Collections of Vas- been well educated, has merit…” [Ewan]. In 1816 Dr. cular Plants: Names, Types, and Comments. Proceedings John W. Francis wrote, “…perhaps Pursh is his own worst of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia 149: 1-64.

ARTEMISIA CHAPTER yon and parked in the rustic BLM ...Crown (Continued from page 6) campground. There Kelseya had (Festuca scabrella), bluebunch REPORTS flowered, as evidenced by the tan wheatgrass (Agropyron spicatum) and Our field trip in early June to seedstalks. This is a birdwatcher's Idaho fescue (Festuca idahoensis), Meteetse Spires with the Montana paradise, with almost constant music and the fact that very few weeds Wilderness Association was led by Hal from wrens, redeyed vireos and other inhabit the Conservancy property. Vosen, as Dr. McCracken is recover- LBJs. juniper dominated as we How nice to hike through native ing from a hiking accident in Weath- entered Bear Canyon, but it changed grasses and to have to search to spot erman Draw. The anemones were to narrowleaf cottonwood and then a dandelion! Thanks to The Nature blooming, as were violets, vetch, into Douglas-fir and limber pine. A Conservancy for preserving Crown phlox, flax and grape. The rare find was Corydalis aurea along Butte. Helen Fee for MWA and Drake Kelseya did not look like it had the good trail up the canyon. Barton for MNPS did a great job fill- bloomed this year. The rain held Threatening clouds, rain and wind let ing us in on the natives and some of until we got back to the Ranger Sta- up once we had parked and had our the other features. In addition to tion at Red Lodge. Assisting on the raingear on. Assisting on the trip native grasses, Bessey’s crazyweed trip was Ed Jacobson of Billings. were Bill Roney, Susan Winslow, Lilo (Oxytropis besseyi) was in bloom and The Pryor Mountains trip in June Klaehn of Cody, and Sue Crispin of golden eagles were flying around the was affected by bad roads to the Helena. Butte. All in all, a great day. north side, so we went to Bear Can- Hal Vosen Kathy Lloyd

Kelseya Summer 2002 7 generally grow taller and have leafy branched stems carrying several flower heads per stem. The leafy bracts just below fleabane ray flow- ers tend to be rather equal in length and occur in one or two rows. In as- ketches ters these bracts occur in several rows of differing lengths that overlap By Roberta Walsh like shingles. The result looks like a very small artichoke just below the Montana Asters—the stars of summer ray flowers. Townsendias look very much like Asters are the “stars” of summer, few to many flower heads which asters and fleabanes, but have one and fall in Montana meadows, open open from late summer to early fall. unusually large flower head at the forests, and gardens. Aster actually Leaves are two to seven inches long, top of each short, unbranched stem. means star in Latin, and is both the and are rough to the touch. In Mon- One or several flowering stems grow scientific and the common name of tana, showy aster occurs at eleva- from a basal tuft of leaves. The the group. Asters belong to the daisy tions from 3,000 to 7,100 feet. It is townsendias bloom in late spring or family, and are such prominent mem- found in open forests and along for- early summer in high prairies and bers that the family has been offi- est margins from valleys into moun- valleys up to timberline. Parry’s cially named . tains, and is most common at mid townsendia occurs in western and There are between 250 and 500 elevations. Showy aster central Montana. It species of asters worldwide, depend- makes a spectacular display has large, showy ing on who is naming them. Most are with mass flowering in the flower heads two to native to North America, but a few first and second years after a three inches in di- have arisen in South America, Eura- fire. Black bears, grizzly ameter at the top of sia, and Africa. About 35 aster spe- bears, deer, elk, cattle, and stems that are up to cies occur in the Rocky Mountains domestic sheep use showy 10 inches in height. (see page 2); they vary from small aster as forage. The ray flowers are annuals a few inches tall to perenni- Great white aster (Aster violet to purplish- als five feet and more in height. engelmannii) also occurs in blue. The disk flow- Native aster species in west-central western Montana. It can be ers are bright yellow. Montana are perennial herbs. Most found from open spruce or S ever al N orth are tall, but we do have a few low Douglas-fir forests up to dry American aster spe-

growing, tufted asters at higher ele- subalpine meadows, and l cies have been hy- e

i vations. In our species, each flower flowers in late summer. Each N bridized to produce c

M head contains two types of flowers: flower head usually has 13 to valuable garden




small, tightly clustered disk flowers 19 white (or sometimes pink b plants. However, if

e in the center, and larger ray flowers or bronzed) rays, each ray up D you would like to try around the edge. The ray flowers to one inch long. Flower growing our native can be purple, blue, white, or occa- heads cluster rather tightly at species you can col- sionally pink, but never yellow. The the top of the stems. The lect seeds by bagging disk is yellow or reddish-purple. Our plant grows to as much as a few flowers after asters bloom from midsummer into four feet tall, and the leaves Aster engelmannii they have bloomed autumn, giving a great deal of pleas- are nearly smooth. and faded, but be- ure after spring and early summer The asters are easily confused with fore the seeds have fallen. A section flowers have finished their show for two other groups of “daisies,” the of nylon stocking, wrapped and tied the year. The leaves, stems, and fleabanes (Erigeron) and the town- at both ends to enclose the flower, flowers are eaten by many of our big sendias (Townsendia). However, a works well. Let the seeds ripen on game animals, and the flowers are few characters can help sort them the plant until after first frost, and used by adult butterflies. out. then collect them. Note the condi- Showy aster (Aster conspicuus) is Fleabanes flower in the spring, tions in which you find the plant one of our most noticeable native while asters are summer and fall growing, and reproduce them as species, with bright blue to lavender bloomers. The fleabanes generally closely as you can. You can also use rays and yellow to brownish disk have more numerous (often more pieces of root crown if you find your flowers. Each flower head is about than 50) and narrower rays on a aster of choice on land on which a one inch wide, with 12 to 35 ray flower head than do the asters. road or building is going to be con- flowers. The flowering stem is usu- Fleabanes are usually low plants with structed. ally one to three feet tall, branched, leafless, unbranched stems that carry Enjoy our asters wherever you find somewhat flat-topped, and carries a single flower head, whereas asters them!

8 Kelseya Summer 2002 CALENDAR

Artemisia chapter Horne Rest Area on HWY 35, at the Penstemons and several other wild- south end of Big Fork at 10:30 a.m. flower guide books will give us a tour Saturday, July 6, 8:30 a.m. Contact Anne Morley, 886-2242 or of his Penstemon Garden near Colum- “Beartooth Pass Ski Area”, led by Kelly Chadwick, 258-5439. Pack a bia Falls. We will also tour a few Jerry Moore. Meet at the Red Lodge lunch! other gardens in the area. On the Ranger Station at 8:30 a.m. Bring October 4 -6 way to Columbia Falls, the Missoula water, lunch, sunscreen, camera, Mushroom Foray. The Western Mon- group will stop at Rocky Mountain rain/windbreaker and sturdy shoes tana Mycological Association and Orchids, propagators of native or- for walking on rock. Contact Jerry MNPS will have a combined Fall chids in Big Fork. Missoula people Moore at [email protected] or Foray. Frank Dugan, research plant will meet at 8:30 a.m. at the NW 628-7367. pathologist with USDA, and Plant So- corner of the Providence Center Saturday, July 27 ciety member, will be one of the ex- parking lot near the Orange St. exit William Clark Day at Pompey's Pillar. pert mushroom guides. The foray and should pack a lunch. People Five plant tour guides are needed in will be held at Sacagawea Lodge, from the Kalispell area will meet at the morning. Contact Hal Vosen at Lost Trail Hot Springs Resort. Guests Dee's house (192 Larch Lane) at 1:00. [email protected] or 232-2608 or staying overnight at the lodge on Sat- Contact Dee at 862-5038 or Kelly at his new number, 234-8160. Hal will urday will be charged $20.00 and 258-2974 for more information. have a plant list available. there will be a potluck dinner. Sat- Saturday, August 10 Mid-August, date to be decided urday, there will be an 8 hour hike Purple Loosestrife Pull at Ninepipe. The Artemisia Chapter hopes to visit starting at 8:00 a.m., a 5-6 hour hike Join the Flathead & Mission Mountain the north side of the Pryors in Au- led by Frank Dugan at 9:00 a.m., and Audubon for our 12th annual effort to gust, probably on the second week- a 4 hour hike at 10:00 a.m. To re- control the wetland invasive weed, end. Contact Hal Vosen or Jerry quest registration information, write Purple Loosestrife. This fieldtrip Moore, 628-7367, for details. PO Box 7306, Missoula, MT 59807. requires shoes that can get wet, For more details, log onto http:// gloves, lunch, water, and the desire Calypso chapter to make a difference. Meet at 8:00 Thursday, October 10, 7:30 p.m. a.m. at Ninepipes Lodge (six miles nd July, 2 week, exact date pending Elaine Sheff of Meadowsweet Herbs south of Ronan on U.S. Highway 93) Gravelly Range Wildflower Tour. in Missoula will talk about the many for a shorebird field trip to the Nine- This is coordinated with the Forest uses of “The Medicinal Herbs of the pipe wetland complex. Purple Loose- Service. The Ranger Station in Ennis Rocky Mountains”. Rm L09 Gallagher strife pull will begin at 10:00 a.m. will be the starting place. Exact Business Bldg, UM Campus. with lunch at noon featuring time and date depend on weather Thursday, November 14, 7:30 p.m. (tradition demands) gourmet des- and road suitability. Contact Kevin Plant Society member and former serts! Contact Neal or Pattie Brown Suzuki at 682-4253. Flathead Chapter president Mary at 837-5018 for more information. Mid-July to August Sloan will give us an insider’s view on Self guided trip to the Gravelly Moun- “The Ecology of the Three Forks of Kelsey chapter tains. This area south of Ennis has the Flathead River”. Rm L09 Galla- several loops to access the subalpine gher Business Bldg, UM Campus. Kelsey Chapter programs will begin in meadows. Fields of Polygonum bis- the fall. Members will be notified by tortoides, Hymenoxys grandiflora Eastern Montana e-mail or telephone and by a notice and Wyethia are abundant. Rare Jennifer Walker 538-9054 in The Independent Record. For in- pink Agoseris lackschewitzii and formation call Kathy at 449-6586. Thalictrum alpinum can be found. Flathead chapter To obtain a map, plant lists and more Tuesday, July 2, 6:30 p.m. All Flathead Chapter meetings are at info contact Kevin Suzuki, Madison Join the Kelsey Chapter for a tour of the Montana Logging Association Ranger District Office at 682-4253 or the facilities and the native plants at Building, 2224 Highway 35, east of e-mail: [email protected] Tizer Lake Gardens, near Jefferson Kalispell, across and just east of City. Bring a picnic dinner and the Hooper’s Nursery. The conference Clark Fork Chapter family. Call Belva at 933-8789 for room door is at the back of the build- details and directions. Saturday, August 24 ing. Everyone is invited to the 5:30

Native Plant Society Annual Canoe general meeting. Programs start at Trip sponsored by the Clark Fork 7:00. Call Rachel Potter (892-2446) Maka flora chapter Chapter. EASY float for canoes or for more information. kayaks. The trip will be held in the Saturday, July 13, 1:00 p.m. Late July, date to be set Flathead Valley. Meet at the Harry Dee Strickler, author of Northwest (Continued on page 10)

Kelseya Summer 2002 9 ...Calendar (Continued from page 9) provided, as well as identification of colorful flowers found in Glacier's the plants we're after. Call Jan lush, alpine meadows, along its Becky Kallevig will be coordinating a Nixon at 406-585-9959 evenings if stream banks, and on its glaciated Yellowstone River canoe trip during you have questions. rockscapes. Call 406-755-1211 to late July. Contact her at 488-5455 if Saturday, July 27, 10:00 a.m. register. you want to be included in the plans. “Valley of Flowers Fire Recovery Saturday, July 13, 8:00 a.m. Saturday, July 20 Sites”, established by the chapter “The Turrets of Government Moun- CCC Campground near Theodore Roo- with permanent photo points at a tain.” Join Pete Lesica for a moder- sevelt National Park, North Unit. location on Grayling Creek in Yellow- ately easy hike along the rocky crest The Maka Flora Chapter will be join- stone National Park, to track recov- of Government Mountain near Noxon. ing a Forest Service plant walk led by ery from the 1988 fires. Meet at 10 Meet at 8:00 a.m. in front of the a range specialist. Meet at 10:00 CT a.m. at the pair of pullouts just north Noxon Cafe. Following the hike will (9:00 MT) at the CCC campground. of the 16-mile marker on Hwy 191 be a potluck at Jill Davies'. For info (At North Unit entrance, continue south of Bozeman. Bring lunch, wa- contact Dennis Nicholls at 406-847- south on Highway 85 and cross the ter, bug/sun stuff, and dress for the 2040 or e-mail: [email protected] Little Missouri River. Take the first weather. Call Jan Nixon at 585-9959 Saturday, July 27, 8:00 a.m. right just after crossing the bridge evenings, for questions or car-pool “Dad Peak - Wilderness Ecology Hike” and drive in about one mile to the possibilities. led by Peter Landres and Dennis CCC Campground.) Walk will end Sunday, August 18, 9:00 a.m. Nicholls. This day hike into the Cabi- back at the campground for a picnic Meet at the Agbioscience parking lot net Mountains Wilderness will focus lunch. Bring your own lunch, drinks, in Bozeman at 9 a.m. for a midseason on the ecological management of and guidebooks. Contact Libby Knots field trip to the Bridger Mountains. Wilderness with Peter Landres, Re- for more information: 774-3778. We will walk and talk in the flowers. search Ecologist for the Aldo Leopold Saturday, August 3 Call leader Matt Lavin at 994-2032 Wilderness Research Institute in Mis- Missouri River Canoe Trip. Canoe the for details. soula. The trail begins in Devil's Club short (8-10 mile), mellow stretch Thursday, August 29, 6:00 p.m. Creek and is 10-12 miles round trip. from Fish Camp to the Culbertson A planning potluck for the fall and Meet at 8:00 a.m. at Bull River Coun- Bridge and explore the river flood- winter meeting season. Bring a dish try Store at the junction of Hwy 200 plain and islands. Usually an easy to share and lots of ideas to 1402 and Hwy 56. For info contact Dennis half-day float. Contact Doug Smith if Cherry Drive. For more information at 847-2040 or e-mail: you have a canoe to loan, need a call Sharon Eversman at 586-6788. [email protected] canoe, or need a paddling partner. Monday, September 9, 7:00 p.m. August 2-4, 8:00 a.m. Meet at 9 a.m. at the Culbertson First fall meeting in Room 108 of the “Scotchman Peak #2.” A joint MWA Bridge where shuttles will be ar- Agbioscience building on South 11th and MNPS overnight hike led by Den- ranged. As the road to Fish Camp is Avenue. Carol Asleson, a successful nis Nicholls. The hike covers 20-25 impassable when wet, rain date will native plant grower, will be there to miles, beginning at Spar Lake and be Saturday, August 10. share her secrets. Call Joanne ending at Ross Creek Cedars This Jennings, 586-9585, for information. strenuous backpacking trip is geared Valley of flowers for experienced hikers who want to Western Montana explore the rugged backcountry of Valley of Flowers Chapter meets the Sal Culotta 837-4298 the West Cabinets on the Montana/ second Monday of each month. Pro- Idaho border. Meet at 8:00 a.m. at grams will begin at 7:00 p.m. in Thursday, July 11 Bull River Country Store at the junc- Room 108 (on the first floor using the “Noxious Weeds: The Bandits in Our tion of Hwy 200 and Hwy 56. Reser- door at the bend of the "L") of the Woods” sponsored by the Glacier In- vations required and group size lim- Agbioscience Building on South 11th. stitute and supported with a grant ited. For info call Dennis Nicholls at Parking is available in the lot to the from MNPS. FREE. To register call 847-2040 or e-mail: north of the building (they do not 406-755-1211. [email protected] require a permit at night). For info Thursday, Friday, July 11-12 Saturday, Sunday, September 28-29 call Joanne Jennings at 586-9585. “Native Plants and the Blackfeet “Fall Mushroom Foray” with Larry Monday, July 8, 6:00 p.m. People” with Wayne Phillips & Alex Evans, sponsored by the Glacier Insti- Kirk Hill Knapweed Pull in Bozeman. Gladstone, sponsored by the Glacier tute. The cost is $125. Fungi play a Join Jan Nixon for the annual assault Institute. The cost is $140 (includes critical role in the ecosystem, many on knapweed and other invasive lodging.) Call 406-755-1211 to regis- of them growing in mutually benefi- weeds at the Kirk Hill/Foothills Na- ter. cial partnerships with specific trees ture Area, 6 miles south of Main Saturday, July 13 and plants. Learn about these fasci- Street in Bozeman on South 19th “Wildflower Wanderings” with Janet nating ecological relationships while Ave. Bring water, gloves, bug repel- Paul Bones, sponsored by the Glacier you gain important and practical lent, and a digging tool (a long-shank Institute. The cost is $45. There is identification skills. Call 406-755- screwdriver works well). Bags will be no sight more breathtaking than the 1211 to register.

10 Kelseya Summer 2002 MNPS Chapters & the Areas They Serve:

ARTEMISIA CHAPTER - Yellowstone and Carbon Counties; southeastern/south-central Montana CALYPSO CHAPTER - Beaverhead, Madison, Deer Lodge, Silver Bow Counties; southwestern Montana CLARK FORK CHAPTER - Lake, Mineral, Missoula, Powell, Ravalli Counties FLATHEAD CHAPTER - Flathead and Lake Counties plus Glacier National Park KELSEY CHAPTER - Lewis & Clark and Jefferson Counties MAKA FLORA CHAPTER - Richland, Roosevelt, McCone, Sheridan and Daniels Counties VALLEY OF FLOWERS CHAPTER - Gallatin, Park, Sweet Grass Counties plus Yellowstone National Park

All MNPS chapters welcome members from areas other than those indicated. We’ve listed counties just to give you some idea of what part of the state is served by each chapter. Watch for meeting announcements in your local news- paper. Ten paid members are required for a chapter to be eligible for acceptance in MNPS.

Your mailing label tells you the following:

CLASS OF MEMBERSHIP: See I, II, III, IV below CHAPTER AFFILIATION: ART= Artemisia; CAL=Calypso; CF=Clark Fork; F=Flathead; K=Kelsey; MF= Maka Flora; VOF=Valley of Flowers DATE YOUR MEMBERSHIP EXPIRES: If your label reads “2/99” your membership expired February 28, 1999. Use this form to renew your membership TODAY! Please drop us a note if any information on your label is incorrect. Please notify us promptly of address changes. Membership in Montana Native Plant Society is on a calendar-year basis, March 1 through the end of February of the following year. New-member applications processed before the end of October each year will expire the following February; those processed after November 1 will expire in February of the year after. Membership renewal notices are mailed to each member in January. Please renew your membership before the summer issue of Kelseya so your name is not dropped from our mailing list. Your continued support is crucial to the conservation of native plants in Montana. THANK YOU!



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___ $18 I. Individual ___ $12 I. Individual

___ $22 II. Family ___ $18 II. Family

___ $35 III. Business/Organization ___ $30 III. Business/Organization

___ $300 IV. Lifetime Membership (one- time payment) ___ $300 IV. Lifetime Membership

MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: Montana Native Plant Society Canadian subscribers please add $4.00 to P.O. Box 8783 cover mailing costs. Additional donations Missoula, MT 59807-8783 may be specified for a particular project.

Kelseya Summer 2002 11

Montana Native Plant Society

The Montana Native Plant Society (MNPS) is a 501(c)(3) not-for-profit BOARD OF DIRECTORS corporation chartered for the purpose of preserving, conserving and studying the native plants and plant communities of Montana, and edu- cating the public about the value of our native flora. Contributions to MNPS are tax deductible, and may be designated for a specific project President—Betty Kuropat Col. Falls 892-0129 or chapter, for the Small Grants fund, or the general operating fund. Past President—Wayne Phillips Great Falls 453-0648 Your yearly membership fee includes a subscription to Kelseya, the Vice-president—Pattie Brown Big Fork 837-5018 newsletter of MNPS, published quarterly. We welcome your articles, Secretary—Patrick Plantenberg Townsend 266-5265 clippings, field trip reports, meeting notices, book reviews or anything Treasurer—Madeline Mazurski Missoula 542-0262 that relates to native plants or the Society. Please include a line or two Newsletter Editors—Kathy Lloyd & Clancy 449-6586 of “bio” information with each article. Drawings should be in black ink Drake Barton or a good quality photocopy. If you send clippings, please note the source, volume/issue, and date. All meeting and field trip notices, field Directors At Large trip reports, articles or announcements should be mailed to Kelseya Eastern Montana—Jennifer Walker Lewistown 538-9054 Editors, 314 Travis Creek Rd., Clancy, MT 59634. All items should be Western Montana—Sal Culotta Bigfork 837-4298 typed and if possible put on a 3.5” disk and saved in Microsoft Word or rich text format (rtf.) for a PC. Please include a hard copy with your Chapter Representatives disk. They can also be sent electronically in the same format as above Artemisia Chapter—Hal Vosen Miles City 234-8160 to: [email protected] Calypso Chapter—Annie Greene Dillon 683-6594 Changes of address, inquires about membership and general corre- Clark Fork Chapter—Gertrud Lackschewitz Missoula 543-5009 spondence should be sent to MNPS Membership, P.0. Box 8783, Missoula, Flathead Chapter—Maria Mantas Whitefish 862-3044 MT 59807-8783. Kelsey Chapter—Kathy Lloyd Clancy 449-6586 Advertising space is available in each issue at $5/column inch. Ads Maka Flora Chapter—Al Joyes Westby 385-2579 must be camera-ready and must meet the guidelines set by the Board of Valley of Flowers Chapter—Joanne Jennings Bozeman 586-9585 Directors for suitable subject matter; that is, be related in some way to native plants or the interests of MNPS members. Standing Committees The deadline for each issue is: Autumn— September 10; Conservation—Peter Lesica Missoula 728-8740 Winter— December 10; Spring— March 10; Summer— June 10. Education—Peter Husby, Kim Goodwin Bozeman 587-0490 If you want extra copies of Kelseya for friends or family, call the Landscaping/Revegetation—Linda Iverson Big Timber 932-5840 Newsletter Editors, write to the above address or e-mail: Small Grants—Cathie Jean Clancy 449-7354 [email protected] Membership—Scott Mincemoyer Missoula 251-7099 Visit our website at: or contact our webmaster, Marilyn Marler at: [email protected]

If you move, please notify MNPS Membership, P.O. Box 8783, Missoula, MT 59807-8783

Montana Native Plant Society Kelseya Editors 314 Travis Creek Rd. Clancy, MT 59634


© Copyright 2002 Printed on Montana Native Recycled Plant Society Paper