aynrand.org/impact Volume 18, Number 7, July 2012 The Institute Responds to the Obamacare Verdict

n the day the Supreme Court ruled on the of action to earn and keep property and enter O constitutionality of President Obama’s sig- A sad day for opponents of only into those contracts you so choose. Properly nature legislation, ARI writers and speakers com- Obamacare. understood, these rights mean that you should be mented—in writing, on radio, on video—on the But the Supreme Court’s free economically to purchase or not purchase implications of the ruling for the future of health ruling on the individual man- health insurance from willing sellers. Period. care and, broadly, for the future of freedom date should not be surprising. And this I think is where the battle for Ameri- in America. The government, through the ca’s heart and mind must be fought. We must fight The following is a reprint of a post from ARI’s tax code, already seeks to for our right to produce and trade free from gov- blog Laissez-Faire: The Uncompromised Case for control in countless ways what ernment dictates. Gone should be a tax code that , in which ARI writers offered their first we buy and don’t buy. The uses carrots and sticks to try to control our behav- reactions to the Court’s decision. The blog can be deduction on mortgage interest is the government ior; gone should be all the subsidies to individuals viewed at laissezfaireblog.com. “encouraging” you to buy a home. Sin taxes on and corporations; gone should be all the regula- cigarettes and alcohol are the government penal- tions that tell companies what they can produce izing you for smoking and drinking. Apparently, and how they must produce it and that tell us what Government has been tighten- the individual mandate is being placed in a similar we are permitted to buy and not buy. ing its grip on the economy category: the government is penalizing you for not In the short term, this might mean working for more than a century. purchasing health insurance. to repeal Obamacare. In the longer term, it means Obamacare is one major step What about the distinction between activity proudly asserting that among what the Declaration down that road. and inactivity, the idea that now the government promises to all Americans is our full right to eco- This is an unhappy has the effrontery to penalize us for not doing nomic freedom. We must settle for nothing less. moment for freedom’s sup- something? porters. Obamacare will con- Leaving aside the legal intricacies of inter- tinue the government’s long preting the commerce clause (and the tax code), As disappointed as I am by and ugly track record of regulating American the argument that the government can legiti- the Court’s decision, I am not health care. In the short term, the results will be mately control all forms of economic action but surprised. Although many in higher costs, less competition, less innovation, must not touch inaction, was never plausible America still pay lip service to more bureaucracy, decreased quality. In the long philosophically. This is the argument, as law pro- limited government and eco- run, the result will be the complete destruction of fessor John Yoo put it, that in America the “court nomic freedom, it’s been clear American health care, as the system’s problems has never upheld a federal law that punishes for a long time that nothing are inevitably blamed on our “private” health Americans for exercising their God-given right to the government wants to con- care system and a fully socialized “single payer” do absolutely nothing.” trol, regulate, tax or interfere with is off limits. medicine is offered up as the only cure. But the “God-given right to do absolutely How did we get to this point? Through a But supporters of bigger government should nothing” (and so to wither away and die) is not series of small and not so small compromises and think twice before celebrating. For those of us what America is about. The Declaration of Inde- concessions. Instead of standing on principle for who believe that the Founding Fathers would have pendence does not mention this among our rights: limited government, we said that the government never stood for bringing medicine under the thumb it lists the rights to life, and the pursuit of can redistribute wealth and regulate industries like of bureaucrats, the fight to limit government con- happiness. There are rights to take action—free health care “just a little”—and then a little more, tinues. Today will serve only to reenergize us. from the coercive control of government. Prop- and then a little more. If ever there was an illustra- erly understood, these rights include the freedom continued on page 2

ARI Responds to Attacks New Book Alert: Against Private Equity The Financial Crisis and the Free Market Cure

mid the recent smears against private equity firms, ARI offered commentary mpact is thrilled to alert you to a new book, The Finan- A in moral support of that little-understood industry. I cial Crisis and the Free Market Cure: Why Pure Capital- In USA Today, the newspaper with the largest print circulation in the United ism Is the World Economy’s Only Hope, by John A. Allison. States, ARI executive director Yaron Brook and ARI fellow Don Watkins wrote Mr. Allison is the retired chairman and CEO of BB&T Cor- the “opposing view” to the newspaper’s editorial on the subject. They argued, in poration and an ARI board member. His book will be pub- part: “Anyone who’s sincerely interested in jobs for Americans needs to under- lished by McGraw-Hill on September 12, 2012. stand that the only source of jobs is profitable enterprises. Private equity firms are In the book, Mr. Allison argues against current financial in the business of creating such enterprises—sometimes by rescuing salvageable regulations and proposes the cure to the economy’s ills. companies, sometimes by closing down dying businesses and shifting the remain- Mr. Allison shows how any policy that reduces economic MHP1102 Allison postcard.indd 1 6/14/12 4:08 PM ing capital to profitable firms.” The article, published May 28, appeared under the or political freedom is destructive to the overall health of the headline “Celebrate Private Equity” and can be read at bit.ly/privequity. l e o n a r d p e i k o f f economy, and he argues for liberating the American economy. In Investor’s Business Daily, ARI analyst Doug Altner responded to two com- the The month of September will see the release of two mon attacks against private equity firms: that they eliminate good jobs and pursue DIM other books about which ARI is extremely excited. One profits at the expense of the viability of the companies they acquire. Responding hypothesis why the lights of the west is The DIM Hypothesis: Why the Lights of the West Are to the charge that private equity firms destroy good jobs, Dr. Altner wrote: “Well, are going out Going Out, written by , a close associate good for whom? Retaining workers is not good for a company if it can drastically of Ayn Rand’s and her legal heir. Dr. Peikoff’s book will improve earnings by shrinking to a more manageable size, which may include be released on September 4. The other is ARI executive closing unprofitable facilities and laying off hundreds. . . . To stay competitive director Yaron Brook and ARI fellow Don Watkins’s Free in today’s dynamically evolving economy, companies must be able to constantly Market Revolution: How Ayn Rand’s Ideas Can End Big adapt, and this may require substantial reorganization and downsizing.” Government, which will hit stores on September 18. Addressing the issue of whether private equity firms are focused on their own Dr. Peikoff’s book is available for pre-order on Amazon. To pre-order the continued on page 4 other two books, please visit freemarketbook.com. The Responds to the Obamacare Verdict, continued from page 1

tion of Ayn Rand’s point that compromising on capitalism is the road to statism, Obamacare is it. The next step for anyone who values Ameri- can freedom is to draw a line in the sand: fight any government action, policy or proposal that violates individual rights. Call for a repeal of Obamacare, yes. But don’t just hold up a stop sign. Get to work fighting for a positive agenda: a fully free market the intentions of any given official, a system that The Founding Fathers’ in health care. leaves no opportunity, no legal loophole for the development of tyranny.” (“The Nature of Govern- Achievement ment,” The of Selfishness) I grew up in the U.K. where At root, Rand explains, the Founding Fathers In this section, Impact highlights writings from I became intimately familiar built a political system on the premise of “man’s Ayn Rand’s corpus for fans who wish to learn with what happens when right to his own life, to his own liberty, to the pursuit more about her , . government controls health of his own happiness—which means: man’s right to care, as it does under the exist for his own sake, neither sacrificing himself to National Health Service. s America celebrates its birthday this July, others nor sacrificing others to himself.” (“For the Many well-meaning doctors Ayn Rand’s writings on the Founding Fathers New Intellectual,” ) A and nurses work in the NHS; and the system of government they established “[E]verything that America achieved,” wrote many valiantly strive to do what’s right by their serve as an important reminder of what exactly we Rand elsewhere, “everything she became, every- patients; the system itself, though, inexorably are celebrating. thing ‘noble and just,’ and heroic, and great, and devalues human lives. “The Founding Fathers,” wrote Rand, “. . . unprecedented in human history—was the logical Because of inevitable shortages, rationing were a phenomenon unprecedented in history: they consequence of fidelity to that one principle [of and regulatory control, the stories abound of were thinkers who were also men of action. They individual rights].” (“A Preview,” The Ayn Rand patients left to wither, sometimes even to die, in had rejected the soul-body dichotomy, with its two Letter) the waiting rooms—or on long waiting lists for corollaries: the impotence of man’s mind and the The two most important consequences of the necessary surgery, lists so long that people who damnation of this earth; they had rejected the doc- Founding Fathers’ adherence to that principle were would stand a chance of survival if they were trine of suffering as man’s metaphysical fate, they “the principle of political freedom, i.e., an individ- treated, simply don’t have the four extra months proclaimed man’s right to the pursuit of happiness ual’s freedom from physical compulsion, coercion it would take to get into the O.R. Growing up, and were determined to establish on earth the con- or interference by the government,” followed by I recall a number of high-profile cases—splashed ditions required for man’s proper existence, by the “the economic implementation of political free- across the newspapers and television—of ‘unaided’ power of their intellect.” (“For the New dom: the system of capitalism.” (“A Preview,” The acutely sick children who couldn’t get the Intellectual,” For the New Intellectual) Ayn Rand Letter). needed care under the NHS, but thanks to The task the Founding Fathers set out to That system, devised from the Founding charity and their parents’ initiative, were accomplish was extraordinary. “In mankind’s Fathers on the premise of individual rights, meant flown to—where else?—the history, the understanding of the government’s that for the first time in history, “The individual to receive immediate, life-saving care. proper function is a very recent achievement: it is was not left at the mercy of his neighbors or his That is what is at stake for the future of only two hundred years old and it dates from the leaders: the Constitutional system of checks and health care in America. Obamacare is a major Founding Fathers of the American Revolution. Not balances was scientifically devised to protect him step toward ever greater government control only did they identify the nature and the needs of from both.” (“Theory and Practice,” Capitalism: over health care. That end game may well be a free society, but they devised the means to trans- The Unknown Ideal) some form of single-payer system—a euphe- late it into practice. A free society—like any other “[A]lthough certain contradictions in the Con- mism, really, for something truly abhorrent. human product—cannot be achieved by random stitution did leave a loophole for the growth of Now that Obamacare has been essentially means, by mere wishing or by the leaders’ ‘good statism,” writes Rand, the Founding Fathers’ dis- upheld, we must redouble the fight for a free intentions.’ A complex legal system, based on covery of “the concept of a constitution as a means market in health care. objectively valid principles, is required to make a of limiting and restricting the power of the govern- society free and to keep it free—a system that does ment” was an “incomparable achievement.” (“The Debi Ghate not depend on the motives, the moral character or Nature of Government,” Virtue of Selfishness) The Anti-dog-eat-dog Rule. The Equalization of Oppor- tunity Bill. Obamacare. ARC Congressional Briefings—Reaching Decision-Makers The first two items are with Ayn Rand’s Ideas fictional laws in Ayn Rand’s that are A Message from ARI Executive Director Yaron Brook Clemson University briefed these staffers on the crafted by lobbyists, power- impact of regulation on business. lusting politicians and Dear Impact Reader: Attendance has exceeded our expectations, with immoral businessmen. These laws were aimed nearly two hundred people attending the five brief- at robbing successful businessmen and indus- As you know, we established ings we have held to date. tries of their earned wealth in the name of forc- the Ayn Rand Center for Indi- In the remainder of 2012, our plans include ing them to satisfy an arbitrary and increasing vidual Rights (ARC) in the fall briefings on health care, the environment, regu- list of demands in the name of the “public of 2008—at the height of the lations, education, Don Watkins’s and my forth- interest.” What happened in this fictional global financial crisis and in coming book, Free Market Revolution, among world? The United States collapsed as one by the heat of the 2008 presiden- others. We plan to conclude the 2012 series with one those of ability and integrity refused to tial campaign. ARC’s purpose a post-election briefing in December. continue subjecting themselves to the unearned was to build upon the successes ARI has achieved The series is titled The Morality of Capi- guilt being loaded on them. Without the pro- in the educational sphere over the past twenty-five talism, and the briefings which comprise the ducers, there is nothing to loot. years—and to apply Ayn Rand’s philosophy in a series are unique. Obamacare, of course, is all too real. Its focused, on-the-ground effort to impact policymak- Each month we highlight how to talk about basis and effects are similar to those of the ing in the nation’s capital. these issues in proper moral terms, how to think fictional laws I’ve just described. Because Now, almost four years later, we have made about and frame these controversial topics in the Supreme Court has not seen fit to strike it significant strides, culminating most recently in our moral, not economic, terms. These briefings down, we will now have to live with its con- Congressional Briefings program, launched at the promote the reading of Ayn Rand’s nonfiction sequences. Those consequences are to force beginning of this year. and other materials relevant to the public-policy the able to pay for the health insurance of the Through the Congressional Briefings program, domain. They also highlight the work done at disabled, to force all Americans to carry and we are conducting talks and Q&A sessions in per- ARC and encourage those inclined to dig deeper pay for health insurance even if they judge that son with staff members of the U.S. House of Repre- into the philosophy. they don’t need it and to render impossible the sentatives. Thus far, attendees have received copies of task of insurance companies of assessing and Already this year, I gave a briefing on the Atlas Shrugged, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal, pooling actuarial risk. morality of capitalism and Professor Adam The Virtue of Selfishness, Why Businessmen Need Ayn Rand wrote Atlas Shrugged with the Mossoff of George Mason University delivered Philosophy and Objectively Speaking. Going forward hope that it would serve as a warning and a presentation on intellectual property. ARI fellow we plan to add other books, including Philosophy: never come true. The Supreme Court’s deci- Don Watkins gave a presentation on how to change Who Needs It, Return of the Primitive and The Voice sion on Obamacare is a clear indication that the debate about entitlements and the welfare state. of Reason. We also hope to offer Ayn Rand’s other the need for her warning is more urgent now In early May, I spoke again, this time on taxation; novels, including . than ever. and finally just this month, Dr. Eric Daniels of continued on page 4 continued on page 3 2 First Year of New OAC Program Concluded

he Objectivist who don’t fit the OAC’s profile. with those starting the old four-year program. T Academic Center Our overall goal in the OAC is to help train Impact: So does that mean you’re no longer Objectivist Academic Center is ARI’s premier pro- students in key aspects of what’s involved in offering the courses from the four-year program? gram offering courses, embarking on an intellectual career. For example, KL: Not exactly. We’ve started phasing the seminars and career training to future Objec- to be a professional Objectivist intellectual program out. We made a commitment to the stu- tivist intellectuals. Last fall the OAC launched requires a certain level of philosophic acumen, dents who were accepted into the old program its newly designed Core Course, the first year and it requires the communication skills of writ- and we definitely want to honor that commit- of which concluded this spring. Impact had ing and speaking effectively. Academics also ment. So this past year we taught classes in years the chance to sit down with OAC program require strong teaching skills. The OAC—mainly two, three and four. Next year we’ll teach the officer Keith Lockitch to learn about the impe- in the Advanced Education Program—is focused classes in years three and four, and finally, in two tus behind the new course and how the first on helping students develop these skills. years we’ll teach just the fourth year classes, after year went. Dr. Lockitch is a fellow at ARI and Impact: What does the new Core Course, in which the old program will be completely phased teaches in the OAC. particular, consist of? out. But much of this course content, in altered The application deadline for the 2012–2013 KL: As the introductory OAC course, the forms, will make it into the Advanced Education OAC program is July 29. Please direct anybody Core Course is not necessarily aimed at people Program. interested in the program to objectivistacademic who have already committed to an intellectual Impact: This year you also offered, for the center.org, where they can find out more about career. It’s aimed at people who are seriously first time, classes in live video format. How did the program and how to apply. considering the idea and want to explore what that go? kinds of activities go into developing and main- KL: We adopted a video platform for admin- Impact: Hi, Dr. Lockitch. Why did you change taining such a career. istering the classes, which was really cool. The the OAC program and develop the new one-year So our goal in constructing this course was to instructor and all of the students had webcams, Core Course? include elements of the kinds of activities that con- and everybody could see everybody else—a Keith Lockitch: The stitute an intellectual career. For example, in the kind of Brady Bunch effect where you see all the OAC is now entirely aimed philosophical component of the course, Dr. Onkar heads up on the screen (that’s a bit of a dated ref- at people who are thinking Ghate taught a series of sessions on philosophy in erence, but that’s what it looks like). of becoming professional which he contrasted some of Ayn Rand’s ideas in So when someone was delivering their oral intellectuals, whether as a ethics to those of John Stewart Mill, since a career presentation, you could actually see them. It professor in academia or as an Objectivist intellectual requires not just an used to be that we would have classes on oral as a policy intellectual in, understanding of Rand’s philosophy but of philo- communication conducted by telephone, so say, a think tank. The OAC sophical ideas as such. you’d be trying to evaluate someone’s talk and includes the Core Course and The communication component of the all they were was a voice on the phone. People our Advanced Education Program, to which stu- course included two aspects: writing and speak- still got targeted feedback on the content of dents who complete the Core Course are eligible ing. A lot of the material that used to be in their talks, but it’s just so much better when you to apply. our former Introduction to Writing course was can comment on the whole package. The video Last year marked the tenth anniversary of incorporated into the new Core Course. Students streaming wasn’t always flawless due to band- the OAC. In reviewing how the program fared learned how to communicate to a general audi- width issues, but overall it was a positive addi- over that period and ARI’s current resources, ence using Objectivism as their philosophical tion to the program. we began to question whether it made sense to frame of reference. Impact: What were your takeaways from require a four-year commitment on the part of In the speaking section, students prepared offering the first year of this new program? both the students and ARI. and delivered oral presentations and then KL: This was the first year that we imple- We decided it would make more sense to received feedback from other students and the mented the new Core Course, and so this was a ask for and offer a one-year commitment. It’d instructors. transitional year. As an initial offering, we met give students the chance to get to know the OAC In both the writing and speaking classes, our basic goal of offering a course that explores and ARI and to evaluate whether they wanted to there was a focus on important policy-related top- the different aspects of an intellectual career. But pursue a career as a professional intellectual. And ics. For example, there was a group of students as we do every year in the OAC, we’ve already it’d give us a chance to get to know them and who wrote on income inequality. Some people talked about things we are going to modify and their goals to see whether the OAC is the right explored the topic of green energy. changes we are going to make to improve the program for them. Moreover, ARI will be offer- Overall, we spent much more time with these course. I think it was a successful first year and ing other types of online education for students first-year students than we had been spending next year will be even better!

The Ayn Rand Institute Responds to the Obamacare Verdict, continued from page 2

Doug Altner Another devastating consequence of Obamacare is that it imposes significant new obstacles to running a business, especially in the service industry. Andrew Puzder, the CEO of CKE Restaurants, which employs 21,000 people in Hardee’s and Carl’s Jr. restaurants, estimates that his company’s health care costs will skyrocket by $18 million per year—a 150 percent increase on top of the $12 million they normally spend. The additional burden from Obamacare cuts into the savings that corpora- tions need to grow. Puzder expects that his company will need to reduce new res- taurant construction, and will likely have to lower their standards for the upkeep of existing locations. White Castle expects to lose 55 percent of its revenue to new health care costs, which will stunt their growth in a similar fashion. And less business growth means fewer jobs. Other companies may be too small to bear the additional burden. Grady Payne, the CEO of ARI senior fellow Onkar Ghate interviewed on the implications of the Obamacare Conner Industries, a supplier of wood products, estimates that the new health care law will cost ruling for ARI’s Laissez-Faire blog his company at least $1 million per year. But this is more than his company makes. What will they have to cut to survive? To stay alive, businesses need their revenue to exceed their costs. Obamacare substantially increases the cost of labor for many businesses. This will cripple businesses operating on razor-thin profit margins who cannot afford to offer lavish employee benefits.

Rituparna Basu The health insurance industry is one of the most controlled industries in America. Even before the passage of Obamacare, the government had its tentacles in every aspect of the business—from licensing who can sell insurance and where, to dic- tating how they price their policies, to demanding to whom they must sell their services, to mandating what benefits they must include in policies, to restricting how they market their services. Obamacare just fastens one more chain around the neck of an industry that is already in a regulatory chokehold. But government is not the remedy to our health insurance problems—it is the disease that has plagued this country’s health care woes and Obamacare will only exacerbate them. The cure is to liberate health insurance companies to offer their products and services on an unre- ARI analyst Doug Altner describes the impact of Obamacare on businesses for ARI’s stricted market and free Americans to purchase the coverage that works best for them. Laissez-Faire blog 3 ARC Congressional Briefings—Reaching Decision-Makers with Ayn Rand’s Ideas, continued from page 2 Finally, we have been able to arrange one-on- significant input into the legislative process, but as Senate—your support is essential. one meetings with members of Congress and senior you know, a significant number of these (usually Our Congressional Briefings program rep- aides in conjunction with these monthly events. We young) people go on to pursue careers in politics resents a new initiative to reach decision-makers plan to continue these efforts. And next year we and become policy-makers. directly with Ayn Rand’s ideas. It is the culmina- hope to expand the briefings program to include This is a major step forward in ARC’s efforts tion of years of work on the part of the Institute members of the U.S. Senate and their staffs, and to to directly impact the policy debate in our nation’s and ARC to increase our profile inside the beltway include additional educational outreach projects. capital. Never have policy-makers more des- through media and grassroots activism. It is unique Through this new program, we have an out- perately needed the right kind of ideas, and we in that, in contrast to ARI’s long-standing efforts standing opportunity to network and develop are very encouraged by the reception we have to move the culture in the right direction through relationships that will enable staffers who become received thus far. education, this program seeks to have direct impact interested in Ayn Rand’s ideas the chance to explore To expand this program—to provide more now on the critical public-policy debates that will those ideas in greater depth and detail. information and intellectual support for legislators determine our country’s near-term prospects. This is, in short, an effort to influence the and their staffs; to hold more briefings in the years Education has been and continues to be the influencers; not only do congressional staffers have to come; to expand the briefings to include the U.S. method by which ARI strives to bring about a ratio- nal culture in the long term. In the short term, we aim to change political thinking through our discus- sions with congressional staffers. ARI Responds to Attacks Against Private Equity, continued from page 1 Your contribution to the Ayn Rand Center will allow us to take the next steps forward in this very director. “We anticipate that this issue will likely exciting new phase of ARC’s activism. resurface over and over again during the election We greatly appreciate your support—thank you! season,” he continued, “and ARI will continue to provide arguments that take the moral high ground in defense of capitalism.” Impact is published monthly by the Ayn Rand® Institute (ARI) and is complimentary to current donors who contribute $35 or more per year. For information on how you can support ARI and to learn about our projects, please visit our website: aynrand.org. Atlantis Legacy®, the ARI speakers also gave media interviews Institute’s planned giving program, and related indicia are registered on the controversy over private equity firms. trademarks. The Ayn Rand Center for Individual Rights (ARC) is the public policy and outreach division of the Ayn Rand Institute. Objectivist For example, Dr. Brook spoke on the Conferences (OCON) and the Ayn Rand Bookstore are owned and Mike Slater Show and on Butler on Business, operated by the Ayn Rand Institute. The Ayn Rand Institute does not necessarily endorse the content of the lectures and courses offered. Elan Journo discussing private equity firms on PJTV’s Front Page program explaining what private equity firms do, the All photos of Ayn Rand are used by permission of Leonard Peikoff. value they provide and how we should view Purchases from the Ayn Rand Bookstore and OCON do not qualify as profits at the expense of the long-term survivability the industry as productive and admirable. tax-deductible contributions to the Ayn Rand Institute. of the companies they acquire, Dr. Altner wrote: In interviews, Mr. Watkins and ARI fellow Editor: Rituparna Basu “To the contrary, they have every incentive to focus Editorial Advisers: Yaron Brook, Mark Chapman, Julie Ferguson, Elan Journo addressed the issue on IRN USA Debi Ghate, Elan Journo, Anu Seppala, Lin Zinser on their acquisition’s survivability because they News and PJTV’s Front Page, respectively. Designer: Simon Federman want to resell it at a profit. It’s much easier to sell a Printing: David Antonacci Copy Editor: Donna Montrezza Dr. Brook recorded a “Yaron Answers” company that is in position to profit for many years Headquarters: 2121 Alton Parkway, Suite 250 video clip on private equity firms for ARI’s than one that is likely to fail in a few months.” The Irvine, CA 92606-4926 Phone: 949-222-6550 Fax: 949-222-6558 blog Laissez-Faire: The Uncompromised article, published in IBD on June 5, appeared under © The Ayn Rand Institute 2012. All rights reserved. Not to be reproduced Case for Capitalism. In it, he discussed at without permission. ARI is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. Contributions the headline “Private Equity Firms Want Their length why private equity firms are under to ARI in the United States are tax-exempt to the extent provided by law. Acquisitions to Profit, Not Fold” and can be read at attack. bit.ly/privatequity. ARI’s media interviews can be heard at “These attacks are aimed not only against Bain ARC-TV.com. The blog can be viewed at Capital and the private equity industry, but against laissezfaireblog.com. the profit motive and the free market system more broadly,” explained Yaron Brook, ARI’s executive

Recent PJTV and Other Media Appearances

very week ARC intellectuals appear on the PJTV.com news show Front Page with EAllen Barton. Visit ARC-TV.com regularly to keep up with these and other ARC media appearances. Here is a selection.

• June 29: Yaron Brook on KFMB’s The Mike Slater Show (San Diego) (“Obamacare Strangles Freedom, the Supreme Court Yawns”) • June 28: Don Watkins on The Mike Siegel Show (Business Talk Radio Network) (“The Supreme Court Decision on Obamacare”) • June 28: Rituparna Basu on WINA’s The Schilling Show (Charlottesville) (“The Supreme Court’s Ruling on Obamacare”) • June 22: Don Watkins on KFMB’s The Mike Slater Show (San Diego) (“The Supreme Court and Free Speech”) • June 15: Doug Altner on KFMB’s The Mike Slater Show (San Diego) (“Sanction of the Victim”) • June 13: Elan Journo on Front Page (“Green on Blue Attacks Rise: Time to Raise White Flag in Afghanistan and Iraq?”) • June 9: Yaron Brook on Front Page (“Diabetes Jumps Among Teens, But Is Banning Soda the Solution?”) • June 8: Don Watkins on KFMB’s The Mike Slater Show (San Diego) (“America’s Persecuted Minority: Big Business”)

of the enclosed envelope or email your request to Impact by Email [email protected]. In place of the print edition, ARI donors may opt to receive Impact by email each month. The email edition saves ARI $30 annually per donor on printing and mailing costs. To start receiving Impact by email, please see instructions in the lower-right-hand corner