Don Watkins, | 258 pages | 17 Oct 2016 | St Martin's Press | 9781250084446 | English | New York, iSách – Equal Is Unfair: America′s Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality EPUB/PDF/PRC miễn phí

The real problem is not free markets but arbitrary government power. An impressive achievement. Available March 29 from St. Martin's Press, Equal Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality Unfair systematically dismantles every major claim made by the inequality alarmists, while unmasking the truth that their campaign to fight inequality is really a thinly veiled crusade designed to expand the power of government. Equal Is Unfair shows that this unprecedented power grab can only be accomplished by shackling the innovators and entrepreneurs who drive Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality progress, and throttling the ambitious poor who inequality alarmists purport to want to help most. Not only does this ideology produce economic devastation, but as Watkins and Brook argue, it is unfairunjust, and immoral. As Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality and Brook write, "Our future will be determined by whether we recommit ourselves to the ideal of opportunity -- or whether we abandon that ideal in the name of waging war on economic inequality. A fellow at the Institute and a former Forbes. He is the host of the podcast The Debt Dialogues. For more information on 's unique point of view, go to ARI's website. Tesla reported third-quarter earnings results after market close on Wednesday. Cramer believes if Biden wins the election, the Democrats will be eager to throw money at the solar industry. Two solar stocks he likes: First Solar, Inc. Infrastructure is another industry Cramer believes will be a winner if Biden wins. If there is a democratic sweep, we could see an infrastructure package. Cramer likes these two infrastructure stocks: Caterpillar Inc. He believes if Biden wins, there will be no more trade war with China. Benzinga does not provide investment advice. All rights reserved. A former waitress for a North Carolina-based restaurant chain is suing the company after enduring months of alleged sexual assault and harassment including one instance when she received an anonymous threat after reporting that her private sex tape had been circulated amongst coworkers. In it, he stated: "Tesla should really be thought of as roughly a dozen technology startups, many of which have little to no correlation with traditional automotive companies. Markets have shown two themes in recent weeks, a combination of uncertainty and an upward trend. Looking ahead, all we know is that current events will reinforce the uncertainty. Earnings season has started. Q1 was a disaster, the second quarter was better than expected; while Q3 is also expected to beat the expectations, no one will be surprised if it belly flops. So far, our first hint was the September jobs report, which fell short of the forecast but nevertheless showed somenew jobs last month. The big wild card, of course, is the national election, now just weeks away. President Trump is fighting for his political life and the Democrat opposition is fighting to regain control of the levers of government. Late this past summer, Hoegh announced a new CEO, part of a normal transition of leadership in the company. The remarkable aspect was that the transition occurred during the COVID outbreak — and that the company showed positive revenues and earnings during that time, avoiding the heavy losses that have plagued some of its competitors. Steady earnings usually mean a steady dividend, and HMLP delivers. The company has a 6-year history of dividend reliability, and the payment, of 44 cents per common share, has been held stable through Liam Burke, of B. Riley FBR, counts himself as a fan. Hess provides infrastructure services for gathering, processing, storing, and transporting both crude oil and natural gas products in the Bakken formation of North Dakota. Production companies have kept the product flowing despite the coronavirus, which is one reason for the low prices in the oil markets — but it has also kept the midstreamers in demand. Hess has benefited from the continuing need for its technical knowledge of pipeline network, and the result has been that, while much of the oil industry had to retrench recently, Hess saw only modest losses in revenues while earnings remained in-line with their 2-year recent history. The last payment, sent in August, was 44 cents per common share. This gave a yield of 9. Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this article are solely those of the featured analysts. The content is intended to be used for informational purposes only. It is very important to do your own analysis before Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality any investment. With the report that Tesla had already beaten Wall Street's expectations for deliveries earlier this month, the question for today's earnings call was how much efficiency and by extension, profit the electric car and battery company was able to wring out of its manufacturing processes. Tesla Inc. There-is-no-alternative, or TINA, has been a pretty solid investment strategy for those who are riding the stock-market wave. But to Deutsche Bank's international private bank chief investment office, it Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality its limits. Quibi confirmed the plan to wind down operations and seek to sell its assets. Biotech companies utilize cutting-edge science to create medicines and treatments for a plethora of diseases, making them unique investment opportunities for investors looking to cash in on a cure. Smart investors will look for biotech stocks that have drug pipelines full of good prospects, as well as balance sheets Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality enough to withstand any unforeseen problems. Here are seven biotech stocks to buy that fit the bill. The Pfizer Thesis: Pfizer-BioNTech's vaccine candidate BNTb2 will likely report interim efficacy results within the next few weeks and then advance to an emergency use filing, Porges said in a note. BNTb2 has a high likelihood of achieving its efficacy and safety outcomes and advancing to at least initial emergency approval in November, the analyst said. Porges expects two initial doses Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality priming immunization, and then a single booster every two years. The job cuts are part of a plan unveiled this spring to redesign how Exxon works and to increase competitiveness, CEO Darren Woods said in an email to its nearly 75,person workforce. Bloomberg -- Traders may want to think about taking out some insurance, just in case the polls are wrong again. The word cheap is key. While there is a possibility that Trump will win, the most likely outcome -- at least based on polls -- is that he will lose, and investors may therefore be reluctant to pay too much of a premium to guard against a so-called tail risk. With that in mind, Jankovic and his colleagues recommend option bets that stand to benefit from gains in the U. A Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality by Biden is seen by many observers as being more negative for the dollar, fueled in part by expectations that he would deliver a bigger fiscal stimulus package and that the resulting debt may weigh on the currency. It could also help boost investor risk sentiment and sap appetite for havens like the dollar. An upset win by Trump, on the other hand, could help buoy the greenback. This time around, they say that using options to bet that the dollar will climb against its Australian counterpart looks the best, while similar wagers on a declining offshore yuan are also worth considering. The rupee is not expected to react as much around the election event. The options strategy carries a two-month tenor to capture the risk into and after the election. Click the button at the top to subscribe. For more articles like this, please visit us at bloomberg. GM appeared to reaffirm its partnership agreement with electric truck maker Nikola while talks to finalize terms drag on. Biden would have to win the presidency and his Democratic Party would have to gain control of the Senate and keep control of the House of Representatives in the Nov. The Biden campaign did not immediately respond to a request for comment. Dow Jones futures fell as the U. Tesla stock rose late on earnings, while two leaders signaled breakouts. Investors who bought the dip during the sell-off early in the year have been rewarded with a fast market recovery. Like other U. Unfortunately for Wells Fargo investors, the company has been plagued with a series of scandals, including a scandal involving employees creating fraudulent accounts on behalf of customers. The stock has since stalled thanks in large part to a Federal Reserve cap on the bank's assets as part of the regulatory fallout from the account scandal. Despite the difficult decade, brave investors who bought at the financial crisis bottom have been rewarded. Looking ahead, analysts expect additional upside for Wells Fargo in the next 12 months. Photo via Wikimedia. Bloomberg -- Alibaba Group Holding Ltd. In addition, the financial services giant plans to issue about 1. Dow Futures 27, Nasdaq Futures 11, Russell Futures Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality, Crude Oil Gold 1, Silver Vix CMC Crypto FTSE 5, Nikkei 23, Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality full article. March 29,PM. Story continues. Latest Stories. Yahoo Finance. Fox Business. Investor's Business Daily. Equal is Unfair: America’s Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality

Every day we hear from our political leaders and the media that the American Dream is vanishing, and that the cause is rising income inequality. The rich are getting richer by rigging the system in their favor, leaving the rest of us to struggle just to keep our heads above water. But what if that narrative is Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality The critics of income inequality are right about one thing: the American Dream is under attack. But instead of fighting to make America a place where anyone can achieve success, they are fighting to tear down the successful. The key to making America a freer, fairer, more prosperous nation is to protect and celebrate the pursuit of success—not denounce success because it is unequal. Register Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality in Shopping cart 4 Wishlist 7. Advanced Search. Hardcover, pages Publication date: March 29, Qty :. Related products. Defending MP3 download. Microsoft and Antitrust MP3 download. Objectivism is Radical MP3 download. Panel on Terrorism and War MP3 download. Panel titled "Entrepreneurship and Objectivism" MP3 download. The Battle of Midway MP3 download. The Corporation MP3 download. The Inequality Debate MP3 download. The Morality of War MP3 download. The Neoconservatives - Friends or Foes? MP3 download. Powered by nopCommerce. All rights reserved. Material may not be reproduced in any way whatsoever without the express permission of the publisher. Equal Is Unfair: America's Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality by Don Watkins

Goodreads helps you keep track of books you want to read. Want to Read saving…. Want to Read Currently Reading Read. Other editions. Enlarge cover. Error rating book. Refresh and try again. Open Preview See a Problem? Details if other :. Thanks for telling us about the problem. Return to Book Page. Yaron Brook. The rich are getting richer by rigging the system in their favor, leaving the rest of us to struggle just to keep our heads above water. But what if that narrative is wrong? The critics of inequality are right about one thing: the American Dream is under attack. But instead of fighting to make America a place where anyone can achieve success, they are fighting to tear down those who already have. The real key to making America a freer, fairer, more prosperous nation is to protect and celebrate the pursuit of success—not pull down the high fliers in the name of equality. Get A Copy. Hardcoverpages. More Details Other Editions 7. Friend Reviews. To see what your friends thought of this book, please sign up. To ask other readers questions about Equal Is Unfairplease sign up. So in other words, this book seems to be about being a sociopath. Anyone disagree? Rinstinkt What a great way to embarrass yourself Ken Barclay Oops! Should've read the book See 2 questions about Equal Is Unfair…. Lists with This Book. Community Reviews. Showing Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality Average rating 4. Rating details. More filters. Sort order. Nov 28, Amora rated it it was amazing Shelves: gemseconomics. Is income inequality really something the United States should focus on? Are income inequality alarmists and progressives like Joseph Stiglitz, Thomas Piketty, Emmanuel Saez, Elizabeth Warren, and Bernie Sanders really correct that their proposals: high taxes, free healthcare, redistribution will help the poor and close the wealth gap between the rich and the poor? The answer is no. In this book by professor Yaron Brook and Don Watkins, Brooks and Watkins put to rest the myth that inco Is income inequality really something the United States should focus on? In this book by economics professor Yaron Brook and Don Watkins, Brooks and Watkins put to rest the myth that income inequality is hurting the poor or holding back growth. I am far from an objectivist but this arguments presented here were quite solid. May 09, D. As I read Equal Is UnfairI tried to approach it from two angles: first, as the Ayn Rand fan that I am, and second, as someone unsure about the inequality debate but leaning toward "equality," looking for information to challenge their gut instinct. As a Rand fan, there's nothing new here. In their previous collaboration, Free Market RevolutionBrook and Watkins did a good job of taking Rand's ideas, placing them in historical and cultural context, and then exploring how these ideas Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality impro As I read Equal Is UnfairI tried to approach it from two angles: first, as the Ayn Rand fan that I am, and second, as someone unsure about the inequality debate but leaning toward "equality," looking for information to challenge their gut instinct. In their previous collaboration, Free Market RevolutionBrook and Watkins did a good job of Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality Rand's ideas, placing them in historical and cultural context, and then exploring how these ideas would improve the country and the worldrather than hurting it. Here, they're on the defensive. They want to argue against "economic equality," as defined by inequality advocates, using a combination of Objectivist principles and Austrian school economic theory. It's all fine as far as it goes, but there is a lot of repetition and a definite "preaching to the choir" problem throughout. That led me to wonder: who is the audience for this book? Equal Is Unfair is littered with quotes from "liberal" economists like Joseph Stiglitz and Paul Krugman; amazingly, the ones I spot-checked were in context amazing not so much that Brook and Watkins would intentionally mislead, but because these economists can come to the exact same conclusions as the Austrian school, and yet largely go on to say, "But it doesn't matter if this is true--it doesn't feel like it should be". In addition to quoting leftists who agree with their economic points while disagreeing about what to do with the data, Brook and Watkins heighten their areas of agreement with "the left," among other things expressing a genuine sympathy for the working poor and the opportunity so-called "equality" measures destroy and a genuine hatred for corporate welfare. This makes me think the book is actually designed to make the case to "liberals" rather than "conservatives" or Rand acolytes. If that's the case, it's a much-needed intellectual contribution to an increasingly divided and divisive political world. Unfortunately, it's hamstrung by a title that could never appeal to someone on the left--even a fence-sitter unsure about ideas of economic equality--and the concluding chapters, which shift drastically into what amounts to intellectual name-calling as the authors build to their fever-pitch conclusion. As a Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality leftist who embraced Rand's ideas of meaning, true freedom and equality for all, not freedom and equality for some at the expense others; meaning, I'm still a liberal at heart, but one of the classical variety now that I see the destructive principles of far too many "liberals"I feel the concluding chapters would be far too insulting to a "liberal" even if they agree with the preceding arguments. Which, then, returns me to the question: who is this book for? If it wants to reach out to "liberals" to demonstrate why this policy of economic equality will actually impede liberty, then why does it end with a barrage of insults toward an admittedly flawed Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality, to most of its advocates, deeply held worldview? Overall, the book makes a few very strong arguments, but in the end it does little more than preach to a choir that's heard the same sermon every Sunday for 60 years. View 1 comment. Apr 29, Sean Mckeown rated it liked it. As an Objectivist who has been participating in the inequality debate in one form or another since Occupy Wall Street occurred, I must say that an entrance into the debate by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins is most welcome. That said, I've given the book three stars out of five because it only began to participate in the discussion, and because as well-written as the book is I can't give a book that is so offhandedly dismissive of huge swathes of discourse on the subject a higher review than that. My As an Objectivist who has been participating in the inequality debate in one form or another since Occupy Wall Street occurred, I must say that an entrance Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality the debate by Yaron Brook and Don Watkins is most welcome. My greatest concern prior to getting the book is that from its very title, "Equal Is Unfair," it is poised to make a straw-man argument - that all critics of inequality believe that to mean perfect equality is the only fair outcome. In that vein, Brook and Watkins are poised to argue against collectivism as would be expected by fellows of the , but it is not great positioning for participating in the discussion. This is not made easier by their insistence on referring to their argument's opponents as "inequality alarmists," following in the same linguistical vein that has been used in recent years to dismiss all discussion of global Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality as simply being due to "alarmists" making false claims. At the book's conclusion, on pageit's explained why this is not a straw man argument - "Achievement is unequal, and so equal is unfair. They regard economic inequality as inherently unfair [ Likewise, all it takes is one word to dissolve huge swathes of opposing argumentation rather than discuss it, as was done by adding "supposedly" when discussing the basic model of 'how economics works' without presenting an alternative model or theory. The bulk of the book discusses how wealth is created and the epistemology of Ayn Rand's , and does so quite well in an accessible fashion to a reader who is not already knowledgeable about the subject. That said, there is more to discussing income inequality than discussing the root of economic activity and the requirement for a positive work ethic. Even someone who agrees with the authors on much of the material discussed in their book can find fault - because of what the book does not contain rather than what it does. By dismissing all participants in the argument over income inequality as proto-communist leftists advocating for collectivism in their moral philosophy, a real exploration of our current economic failings is not undertaken Economic inequality based on racial breakdown is part of the inequality argument, it can't simply be dismissed. This is also a key missing piece to the "crab-pot phenomenon" that is discussed frequently, beginning on page "When people are taught that they cannot succeed through their own efforts, those who accept that notion will naturally come to resent those who try to succeed through their own efforts, Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality the crab-pot phenomenon that drags so many people down. Given our history of Jim Crow laws and unequal treatment under the law up to and including lynchings, some communities have developed a very rational response to individual members trying hard to succeed because, within living memory, those members were lynched rather than rewarded with broad vistas of opportunity for having escaped their dire circumstances. By bypassing the actual inequality discussions being had, the authors fail to participate in the racial and gender inequality debates that do not fit their model of individualistic positive opportunity. While it is fair to dismiss both Hillary Clinton's and President Omaba's repetition of Senator Warren's speech as vacuous and heavy-handed, by simply describing her Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality the broad brush of a collectivist authoritarian they miss the line of her argumentation: that some things are provided to the community as a whole Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality the community is all the richer for it and the free market would not provide it, such as police and fire departments, necessitating taxes as part of a social compact. Warren makes a specific argument, something in the line of how to account for true costs that were paid for previously by the community and are beneficial to the firm, but her argument is dismissed as collectivistic without addressing it further. Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality Objectivist view of Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality would have been fruitful to include here, but instead a point is hammered home about the ideology of income inequality "alarmists" that doesn't actually fit. The discussion of CEO pay is incomplete, in that their argumentative framework does not notice a phenomenon described in the seminal work "The Modern Corporation And Private Property," that ownership of shares of stock does not necessarily include an effective property right to exert control over the firm - control can be difficult to define, may not require much in the way of an ownership stake via a variety of laddered structures, and existing incumbents control most of the tools used to frame any possible discussions of making changes. The phenomena of CEOs appointing boards who then vote for pay for top earners is real, but largely undiscussed here - as is the fact that the size of the largest corporations may be larger than the size of some nation-states, which is creating real tensions on our path towards globalization. And that is where I think "Equal Is Unfair" does not go far enough; having mastered a positive vision for individual economic behavior, it never steps back to consider the macroeconomics of income inequality, having essentially dismissed them early on with a single "supposedly. This prevents the authors from exploring the Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality of whether it would be rational for an individual to willingly cede a portion Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality their earnings while they are working in order to put into place larger market structures that would pursue economic stimulus when necessary to prevent economic contraction, and how such could be built on a voluntary basis out of market structures without Equal is Unfair: Americas Misguided Fight Against Income Inequality the government and taxation. There is much still to be explored, and it is my sincere hope that the authors continue to probe the questions of income inequality in a future work. Unfortunately, I am not convinced that they are familiar with the arguments made by their opponents or that any argument their opponents might make might convince them to explore further. Epistemology and moral philosophy have been powerful tools in presenting their positive vision for how to remove shackles in order to unbind our economy, but they are not actually economics - further participation in the income inequality debate would prove revelatory to them, as it did to me, opening a whole host of new questions that are not so easily answered. View all 4 comments. Apr 16, Henry rated it it was amazing Shelves: One sign of the deterioration of a culture is the corruption of language. Historically political equality meant that we are all equal before the law. Today, that political meaning has been packaged with a number of other meanings, which are in contradiction with that original meaning. What about the concept of equality of opportunity? Is this concept compati One sign of the deterioration of a culture is the corruption of language. Is this concept compatible with the original meaning?